Quote Originally Posted by Wraith View Post
That's just what I'd expect a manipulative AI to say....
Pshh, that's just the ridiculous kind of thing I would expect a meatbag to say. I hope you realize just how stupid this accusation is, <INSERT NAME HERE>.

Quote Originally Posted by Closet_Skeleton View Post
My vehicle free 1500 point Blangel lists are only 50-55 models and tends to draw eyes for how many power armoured bodies it fields. Razorback spam lists can be only about 30.

Blood Angels vehicles are expensive. They either cost more than standard or are regular dreads or land raiders.
Huh... now I'm scared. My Chaos Space Marine army only has 55-60 models at 2000 points, and all my vehicles are three Rhinos. Am I doing something wrong?

...though I guess CSM do have more expensive troops than Blood Angels...

Quote Originally Posted by lord_khaine View Post
So, seems i got a battle against a nurgle deamon army.

Seing as i have not seen such an army in action, then i thought i would just ask, whats the most dangerous parts of his army, Soulgrinders and greater deamons?
Soulgrinders, definitely. Depending on upgrades, they can either have a fairly nasty template shot, a fairly nasty single target vehicle killing shot, or both, and they are quite well armoured. Greater Daemons, not so much; Great Unclean Ones are more giant tarpits that are nigh unkillable, but aren't all that fast or destructive.

Now, Daemon Princes are a different matter. Those are much faster and can be a lot deadlier. Fortunately, they are Heavy Support choices just like Soulgrinders, so each Soulgrinder/Prince you face is one less of the other you'd have to face.

Beasts of Nurgle look much scarier than they are. They are durable, but not much else. And they are expensive. Basically, just fire magnets meant to tempt you to waste your fire on them instead of better targets.

Plaguebearers, his troops, are quite durable as far as Daemons go. They have poison attacks, so keep your Wraithlords the hell away from them. Matter of fact, just about everything in this army has poison attacks, so you will want to make sure your Wraithlords only engage stuff that has few attacks and stay out of combat otherwise.

And, as onasuma said, if Epidemius is there, he's the primary target. As long as he's there, all kills his Nurgle models make (so, not his Soulgrinders!) are counted, and when certain thresholds are crossed, all his Nurgle models get more powerful. This goes from improving their FNP and making their poison weapons wound on even lower numbers all the way up to making all of his models ignore armour in combat.

Quote Originally Posted by lord_khaine View Post
Also, how much FnP should i be prepared to see?
Yeah, pretty much everything.