Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
1.If that's what your army needs? Then yes. If your army doesn't need Vindicators, then go with Predators or Obliterators instead. The other option is Defilers. Which are like Vinidicators. Just more expensive. For a reason.

2.Yes. And? Like I've said before, the only response I have to "But I don't have model X." is, "Get some?" Well, the other response I have is "Well, then your army will forever be sub-par." But, that doesn't sound nice. I mean, you can make a fairly decent list out of the regular Marines. But, Cult choices are better no matter which way you shake the sauce bottle.

3.Obliterators are Heavy Support. Obliterators are not Havocs. Therefore, Obliterators are good. Especially off Deep Strikes with Melta weapons. Well, your Troops are in Rhinos, right? And in your opponent's DZ with Icons during the second turn, right?

4. Give him a Disc of Tzeentch. Have a legit use for Raptors. Give them the Mark of Tzeentch. Pretend that they're Terminators and run them straight up the middle of the board (well, reasonably, depending on cover/terrain). Its units like this that really put your opponent off-guard. Homebrewers win.

5. In that case, Ordnance is your friend. Take Vindicators, Defilers or Deep Striking Obliterators. Against not-Land Raiders, remember that Obliterators are also a reasonably priced, reasonably durable source of Relentless Lascannons to deal with things from your side of the board on Turn 1. Obliterators can do anything! Use that to your advantage. Find that they work. Take more.

6. Berzerkers are surprisingly good against Terminators. More attacks = More failed armour saves.
Numbered for my convenience.
1. I will say I've got a Vindicator, two Predators (although one of them is pretty well wrecked at the moment thanks to my gaming shelf falling on me), a Defiler (same state as the Predator), and five(?) Obliterators. (I put the ? because I recently acquired some oldschool non-bulky Oblits, but I don't know where I put them, nor how many there are of them. Two or three, to be sure.)

2. Yeah, that's...pretty much that. I never actually went and got too many of the aligned units ("Pfft, why would I EVER play anything other than Iron Warriors? They're NEVER going to go away." -15 Year Old Deth Muncher) until Apocalypse came out, when I OD'd on Berzerkers, since I ran Kharn with that crazy ruleset for having lots of them. I will say that I have a Tzeentch banner for a squad, but that's probably not good enough, right? They need to be full on 1kSons?

3. So, Rhino Rush, then? Supercharge the Rhinos forward so they can actually deploy Turn 2? Also, do Icons work if the unit is in a vehicle for the purposes of Teleport Homing?

4. That could actually be kind of great. Who'da thunk I'd use something like a DoT? I actually have the Raptors for this to work: I got some back when you could take three or four meltas per squad.

5. This brings up a question I've had for a while: Are Obliterators good to have in Reserves, or should they be on the field Turn 1? Or does that just depend on the person I'm playing?

6. This makes remarkable amounts of sense - sheer brute-forcing them to make saves means they've gotta fail eventually. Yay for an entire charging squad of guys rolling an entire brick of dice!