Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
Vindicator is fine. Get more.
Two Predators? I hope they have Turret Autocannons. Sponsons don't really matter, both choices are good. But I hope you have Turret Autocannons.
Defiler is fine. Get more.

...Five Obliterators is not nine. Just saying. Nine Obliterators make a lot of people very unhappy.

No. Not really. They just have to not look like Berzerkers.
I used Dark Angel veterans and a lot of kit-bashing to make mine. But, I'm like that.

Yes. And Page 81 of your Codex. Yes. Being inside a vehicle is better since the distance is apparently measured from the hull. Some vehicles are rather big. Do with this information what you will.

I know. That's why I said it.
I mean, you've got what you've got. I'm going to at least try and tell you how to make something useful out of it.

Depends exactly how many you have of them. And whether or not you're going first. But, ultimately, it depends on the person you're playing. Yes.

Winterwind did the maths on it once (because he likes Berzerkers). I remember what goes on in this thread. Because I love you. Like Papa Nurgle.
Papa Nurgle: The one kind of lovin' you don't WANT a vaccine for!

And no, I think both Predators had Las-turrets. :/

Is 9 Oblits > 6 Oblits and a Vindicator? Because I can do that one.

I could always use the Grey Knights I keep talking about wanting to convert to be Iron Warriors Tzeentch Marines, on that kind of kit-bashy note.

Why yes, I will do with that information what I will. >_>

I can't help but feel that this particular choice (Sorc+Raptor Combo) is incredibly points-heavy: My rough estimate using Army Builder is 405 points - which is a total of 7 models. Is 400 points represented by 7 models a good choice? O_o Then again, that's 18 attacks on the charge, 5 of which are Force Weapons, 3 are Lightning Claws (with rerolls to wound, and technically rerolls to hit if Warptime is up), and not to mention two Melta shots first if they're in range just to help soften up whatever they're swarming.