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    Titan in the Playground
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    Jun 2007
    Southwestern Germany

    Default Re: Warhammer 40k Tabletop IX: "Mech is king? I never voted for it."

    Well, in that case, Cheesegear already posted an analysis of Chaos Space Marine choices today, here.

    Applied to Nurgle in particular (spoilered for length):
    If Special Characters are an option, Typhus is undeniably the second-best one this codex has to offer, and pretty strong as far as Special Characters go, period.

    Nurgle Chaos Lords are a bit overpointed - they cost more than an Undivided Lord, yet will perform worse against many things (they will have an advantage at fighting Monstrous Creatures, but why not just shoot those dead instead?).

    Nurgle Daemon Princes are great - they are fast (if you give them wings, and why wouldn't you give them wings?), durable (+1 Toughness cuts damage from S4 weapons in half in their case, and even helps a bit against plasma weapons), and you can give them either Warptime or Wind of Chaos to make them even nastier.

    Nurgle Sorcerers are fine, too - as long as you pick some more powerful ability than Doombolt, it's pretty difficult to make a useless Chaos Sorcerer. Whether you should go with Nurgle's Rot or not is a different question; a lot of the time Warptime or Wind of Chaos will likely prove more useful. Though if you intend to send him into the midst of a horde, Nurgle's Rot can prove quite fun, too.

    Chaos Terminators are fine; the icon of Nurgle may not benefit them quite as much as some other icons (because many AP2 weapons will also have enough Strength for the additional Toughness not to make any difference), but will help them against small-weapons fire (and forcing many saves with small weapons is a popular way of dealing with Terminators, too, after all), and it will ensure that if someone like Typhus or a Sorcerer in Termi-armour joins them, their increased Toughness doesn't go to waste. It will also help them a fair bit in close combat. So, worth it.
    The question being how to use them. It's not unpopular for CSM to deepstrike a bunch of Terminators with combi-meltas to take out some vehicles or such - but if you do that, you likely will not want to attach any characters to them. Too many points not on the table for potentially too long.

    Chosen... well, Chosen serve primarily as a poor man's version of Sternguard - infiltrate them close to the enemy with a bunch of meltaguns, try to kill some tank, and then probably die. The difference being that they have real meltaguns, not combi-meltas, so they stay useful for more than just the first turn... the problem being, they are unlikely to live to see a second turn. And I don't think an Icon of Nurgle is going to change this much - all it will do will be driving up the cost of the unit. By a lot, too. Probably better to stay away.

    Possessed suck, and in my humble opinion an Icon of Khorne is the only way to make them... well, not stop sucking, but suck less. Maybe Slaanesh, too. Nurgle is neither. Hence, pass.

    For troops, no debate. As many Plague Marines as possible. Six troops with 7 Plague Marines each would not be a bad idea.
    Give them all powerfists - you already have bad initiative, so it doesn't matter - and don't be afraid to use a lot of plasmaguns. Plague Marines are the best plasmagun-users in the game - not only do they have their 3+ armour save if a plasmagun should Get Hot, they also have FNP, so you will hardly ever lose them to overheating. And it fits well with the entire "stand and keep shooting bolters" thing Plague Marines have going on anyway, further assisted by them having defensive grenades (so you don't have to worry about the opponent getting the charge because you chose to shoot).
    Plague Marines might well be the best thing in the entire codex. Use them.

    Bikes with the icon of Nurgle are interesting in that they get a whopping T4(6). But, they are so expensive there just is no way to make them cost-effective, in my humble opinion. Fun way to make the opponents panic, though.

    Raptors - well, a small unit of Raptors with meltaguns can be quite useful to take out enemy tanks, and any icon that helps them live for that long can help. Not exactly the most cost-efficient way to go about this, though - a Rhino with a Plague Marine squad with meltaguns will probably prove more efficient most of the time. Not an inviable choice though, in my opinion.

    Nurgle is probably the best-suited icon there is for Havocs, but you usually don't want Havocs anyway. And all other Heavy Support choices have no marks, so it's just what Cheesegear wrote once again - pretty much anything works, the most effectively if taken in triplicate. Three Vindicators with Daemonic Possession, three Defilers or nine Obliterators would be the most brutally effective choices. Of course, depending on your level of play, this might be utter overkill and earn you accusations of gouda...
    Last edited by Winterwind; 2010-12-15 at 11:08 AM.
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