Quote Originally Posted by TruorTupnm View Post
Having not expected to meet a homeless person without much interest in getting a job, Farcy frowned. Are they all just lazy bums, or does this one just photosynthesize his food? He squashed the frown and attempted a bit of breeziness, "Well, if you're looking for a hot meal, I live just down the road," He pointed at the apartment building he'd come from. "Apartment 2B. I'm a doctor, so if you or any of your friends ever need any help, I'll be there. Or at my hospital, of course."
Quartz isn't a lazy bum. He just sucks at any and all jobs he has ever done, no matter how simple. And it's not like he's dumb either. He just gets distracted very easily. But he does like food. He smiles.
In fact, he isn't even a bum. He lives very nicely even if he doesn't live in a house. Being an animorphis has made him born with a more animalistic mind so that is just how he lives.