Khro picks up the loose pages I have feverishly writing on in my sleep. The symbols don't make any sense to her, but reading them feels similar to the teleport she pulled off earlier. Why didn't the others question it? It can't be that common, especially not as a reflex. She sits back on the bed and starts to meditate. These powers make her feel stronger, and she must master them if she is going to control them. She might not be able to run again, but when she is cornered, then her enemies will run in terror as their very shadows work against them.

She feels herself return to her body, but something isn't right. The cabin is too dark, too oppressive. The pages are in front of her, but not as she left them, the symbols are still indecipherable, but there are three times as many sheets. The symbols change from each page to he next, becoming more recognisable, more human, until the last page. Only a single line of text, in common, in small writing:

"I summon you."