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Thread: Winds of Freedom

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Winds of Freedom

    KSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!!! The rocket of light arc through the air towards the window, filling the hallway with a brief radiance of reds, blues, greens, yellows, and everything in between as the light reflects off the glass. As the collide, the window shows cracks radiating outward from where the collisions occured, before exploding outward, sending colorful glass fragments out into the courtyard, similar to the parades in the Festival of the Hunt that litter the streets with confetti every year. You duck your head and dive through, as a pair of arrows whiz past you, clattering against the floor. You feel the magic bindings forming the disc flicker as it rises over the ridge of the windowsill, and settle back down as it hovers 2 feet above the ground.

    You look behind you, and are surprised to see no figures in the newly created doorway giving pursuit. As the air rushes around you, you begin to discover an even more surprising sound faintly echoing from the direction of the main gate. "...Dawg, I told you, I'm here to see Professor, Ehm... ...Y'know, the one with the beard, and the ears?"

    We aren't strictly in initiative right now, so if you have to move, say 65' over 60', that's fine.

    Last edited by Terraspaz; 2010-12-18 at 12:35 PM.
    --Killin' 'em softly with bard songs