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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC


    Walker's shield returns to his waiting grasp mere moments before the Scorcher fires off yet another red-hot jet of flame. John takes his shield and swings it right between him and the fire. "HA! You call that fire? A real villain would have cooked me alive already!"



    Buddy (1d8)[8]
    Arrogant (1d8)[7]
    Enhanced Reflexes (1d8)[7]
    Godlike Durability (1d12)[9]
    Acrobatic Expert (1d8)[3]

    Result: 9+8 = 17, I win!

    After that attack the U.S.Agent, whirls around gaining momentum like a shot putter. After a few turns, he releases the shield on a trajectory squarely aimed for the Scorcher's domed head. After clanging against the helmet, the shield then smacks into one of the abandoned train's half open doors. It ricochets off at just the right angle to careen straight into the Grim Reaper's stomach. The shield then scurries off back into the Super Soldier's waiting hand.


    Attack dealing physical stress

    Buddy (1d8)[1]
    Abandoned Trains (1d8)[7]
    Enhanced Strength (1d10)[1]
    Weapon (1d8)[1]
    Area Attack (1d6)[4]
    Combat Expert (1d8)[1]
    "Broken Arm Complication" (1d8)[7]

    Result: 14
    Effect Die: d6 against Scorcher, d4 against Reaper...

    Total Opportunities: 4

    PP: 0
    Stress: P-d4
    Last edited by Felhammer; 2012-11-18 at 07:28 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC

    Luke Cage

    Luke Gingerly picks himself off the ground and makes his way to one of the flickering street lights. For all appearances he is a broken man, blood running down his hands, barely able to see. Done for.

    Those who know Luke Cage know better.

    He props himself up against the light post and coughs heavily. Meanwhile his mind is spinning. This is what happened to Danny. This maniac put Iron Fist in the hospital. Didn't Colleen say something about electricity?

    One hand steals into Luke's leather jacket pocket. He thumbs his way through his speed dials. The first one was Jess. No help there. Not that he wanted her anywhere near this brewing stupidity.

    Second was Danny, all he would get was a panicky Colleen.

    Third had potential. Misty. He thumbed the number and pointed up at the maniac.

    "What's a'matter you orange punk! I'm too tough for you? You gotta run and pick on sick folks and little kids? I got all night. And I ain't goin' nowhere."

    He glares up at Hobgoblin daring the maniac to do his worst.


    Okay Let's see If I can create a resource. and maybe deal out a little Emotional stress my self.
    Solo (1d6)[6]
    Hero For Hire (1d8)[5]
    Spend 1PP to Buisness Expert to call Misty Knight (1d8)[7]
    Push the dice with another (1d6)[2]
    About time! Total =13 effect is 1d8
    Last edited by Meriss; 2012-11-19 at 10:59 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC

    Luke Cage

    I'm confused. Are you trying to create a business resource with your d8 or inflict emotional stress? Please clarify so I know what to roll as a reaction.

    US agent

    As the shield richochets off Scorcher's armor with a ping, Waler realizes that the fire he hasn't been putting out has spread across his body and doing some serious damage. If not for his superhuman enhancements he would probably be in an urn right now. If he doesn't get rid of the complication soon he will be.

    I presume when you say Grim Reaper you mean Captain Boomerang? Because Grim Reaper is essentially out of this scene because he's fighting Penance.

    Activate opportunities: +1d8, +2d6 that's 3pp for you I believe.

    Now Scorcher's reaction roll: 1d8 buddy+ 1d8 Hot tempered+ 1d8 Enhanced Durability+ 1d8 US agent is on fire (complication)=

    4d8 → [8,4,3,4] = (19)

    Spend a d8 from my doom pool to keep an extra 4. that makes it 16. I also spend a d6 to use my d8 effect die as a reaction-I'm stepping up your "I'm on fire" complication to a d10.

    When the shield comes towards the Australian superhero he actually jumps over the shield, before kicking it with his jet thrusters. This causes the shield to actually fly off and strike one of the trains-which causes it to bounce off and nearly remove Deadpool's head before it returns to your hand.


    First I shutdown captain Boomerang's d10 Deadly accuracy power to gain a d6 for his limit.

    Reaction roll: 1d4 buddy+ Abandoned trains 1d8+ Enahnced reflexes 2d8 (SFX: What goes around comes around. Double enhanced reflex die on a reaction roll against missile or thrown objects)+ Flight 1d6+ Acrobatic Expert 1d8= 1d4+3d8+1d6+1d8 → [3,5,1,2,6,2] = (19)

    Spend a d6 and a d8 to add the 3 and the 2 to my result of 11 making 16 with an effect die of 8. Then I spend another d6 to inflict that d8 physical stress on Deadpool.

    Doom pool:
    Doom pool is 3d6+1d8+1d10+1d12.

    After Luke Cage tells me what he's doing with that d8, he can decide whether the PCs get to start the next turn or the Watcher characters do.
    Last edited by CoreBrute23; 2012-11-19 at 04:55 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC

    Luke Cage

    He turns to look at you, surprised to see you still standing.

    "You think I would go to the hospital to hurt the little tykes and the malignant? Why Mr Cage," He started chortling once again. "What a marvelous idea! I hadn't even thought of that! I'll be sure to give you due credit. I might even inscribe it on your tomb stone, free of charge!"

    Ok first I'll deal with the emotional stress. However, to be fair, any doom dice I add to to the pool won't count against your business resource roll. Hobgoblin needs to beat your 13 to avoid your d6 effect die.

    Insane d4 (His insanity actually encourages him to go insane) [+1d6], Solo d8, Menace Expert d8= 1d4+1d8+1d8 → [3,5,1] = (9)

    Ok so an 8, with a d4 effect. Your emotional stress die actually goes up to a d8. You've got an opportunity if you want it.

    I'm treating it as 'horrendous glee' but if something scares him for some reason or makes him angry, he won't have another emotional stress die or anything. He's just more vulnerable to mood swings-like other Gobline villains!

    At this point Misty answers your phone, the speaker on loud and clear.

    "Listen Cage I can't talk. I'm almost at the hospital, this better be important-"
    Before being interrupted by the Hobgoblin.

    "Maybe I'll even do you a favor, put your grave next to your partner. Maybe I'll get a discount from the cemetery-two dead heroes for the price of one! Ha Ha Ha!"

    "...Did that Son of a ***** say what I thought he-Cage, tell me where you are so I can pummel this guy."

    Doompool versus business resource roll!

    3d6+1d8+1d10+1d12 → [1,2,3,1,7,2] = (16)

    You lucked out man. A roll of 10 with an effect die of 12. So your business resource comes in, but as a d6 Combat specialty character, because d12 steps down your effect die. Two more opportunities if you want them.

    Current Doompool:

    OOC: I think that starts a new round-which means the Watchers go because Luke never specified BWAHAHAHAHA!

    Luke Cage
    As the gleeful Hobgoblin aims his glider at you once again, he raises a pumpkin bomb as he flies over you-

    "Ow!" He screams, losing his control as he finds himself being shot at, most pinging off his goblin armor, but still eliciting screams of pain. "Watch it, I'm flying here!"

    Turning to your left you see Misty Knight behind you, using her desert eagle to fire at Hobgoblin while still on her motorcycle. She looks haggered and tired from a long harrowing ride to the city.

    "You look like Cr*p Cage. Is this joker seriously giving you problems?" She asks as she drives up next to you. Then she pushes you aside quickly, screaming,
    "Look out!" as pumpkin bombs fall from the sky.

    You have a new specialty character under your control. Congratulations! To celebrate, Hobgoblin is loosening an area attack on you and your new friend.

    I'll roll Misty's reactions (to save time really) but you decide what actions she does and roll her normal actions. Also, you can now use the buddy die for both heroes.

    Solo d8+ Another Goblin Villain d8+ Flight d8+ Goblin Bombs d10+ Area Attack sfx d6+ Combat Expert d8+Cage's Mental stress d12=
    3d8+1d10+1d6+1d8+1d12 → [1,1,6,3,3,8,1] = (23)

    Ok now this is getting silly. 14 with a d10 Physical stress on Cage, 3 with a d4 Physical stress on Misty Knight. 4 Opportunities to activate.

    Misty Knight reaction-combat Rookie d6+Ex-NYPD d8+ Buddy d8 (not sure if Superhuman strength really applies here).

    1d6+2d8 → [6,8,8] = (22)

    16 with a d6 effect die, easily gets out of the way of the hit. Probably while doing some sort of handstand.

    OOC: Here is Misty Knight as a combat rookie Specialty character:
    Combat Rookie d6

    Danny No!

    Solo d4
    Buddy d8
    Team d6

    Weapon d6

    Superhuman Strength d8

    US Agent and Deadpool

    Captain Boomerang grins at his own handiwork, before he begins taunting US agent.

    "I think I've done more damage with that shield with a broken arm than you've done your whole career. Why don't you just hand it over to an actual Captain, and you go as someone else this Halloween? I hear they're having a sale on She-Hulk licensed lingerie down the street-maybe that's more your speed? Go on, I'll even spot you the green if your low on cash."

    Emotional Stress with the insult. Does this trigger your limit? I'm leaving it to your judgement.

    Buddy d4+ All Money can Bribe d8+Combat Expert d8 (Mocks your shield skills-he's fought Avengers at some point or other)+ Doom pool spending a d8=

    1d4+1d8+1d8+1d8 → [4,3,7,8] = (22)

    15, with an effect die of 8. I just realized I could have also used your 'I'm on fire complication', but it's too late. Still, not a bad roll. Emotional stress.

    Scorcher scowls at Boomerang.

    "I've had enough of this. This has been going on longer than was scheduled-we're going to be late."
    He raises his gauntlets and blasts fire around himself. The US agent and Deadpool narrowly avoid the fire, before they realize it's not being aimed at them. Then they hear the screams from the train.

    Spending a d10 to change a scene distinction 'Abandoned trains' to 'Penance is trapped' d10 complication. The complication will step up each round-when it gets to d12+...well the good news is Walker won't be on body guard patrol anymore.

    Then flaring his jet boots, Scorcher levitates off the ground, before he begins setting the whole building on fire. Boomerang wipes his forehead with the back of his hand.

    "Getting a bit toasty eh mate? You must have AC in that fishbowl, am I right?"

    "Surprisingly yes."

    Solo d4 (Boomerang's not really helping him here)+ I want out of this business d4 (not the most efficient job, bit of a rush) [Step up a d6 to d8]+ flight d6 (better vantage point to set things on fire, paid for by a d6 from my Doom pool)+ Flame Blast d10+ Science Expert d8= 2d4+1d6+1d10+1d8 → [4,2,5,8,8] = (27)

    13 with an effect die of d10. Usually I would just add it to the Doompool and be done with it, but if either of you can think of a convincing/creative/entertaining way your character could prevent Scorcher from setting the place on fire as a reaction roll, I won't add the d10 to the doompool if you beat 13 as a reaction.

    Doompool: 2d6+1d8+(potentially)1d10+1d12

    OOC: Any PC can act. Remember Luke you control Misty and Luke-but Misty already rolled her reaction, so don't worry about that.

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC


    Walker clenches his fists into tight little balls. His head is bowed slightly as he is berated and humiliated... When the Boomerang finishes, John slowly raises his head to meet his enemy's gaze. Some unknown switch in the U.S.Agent's head just flips. His eyes grow dark as he thrusts his right hand into the air and jams it at Boomerang, "I AM THE U.S.AGENT! I'M BETTER THAN CAPTAIN AMERICA! I AM THE HOPE OF THIS COUNTRY, NOT HIM! I AM GOING TO SNAP YOUR NECK, YOU PIECE OF AUSTRALIAN FILTH! I WILL RIP YOUR LIMBS OFF AND LAUGH AS YOU WRAITH IN AGONY! I WILL LEAVE YOU IN THIS DUMP TO DIE!"

    Walker wheels himself around in a furious circle and launches his shield straight at Captain Boomerang's face. As he does, John screams, "YOU'RE GOING DOWN KOALA-BRAIN!"

    That totally activates my limit. Loved your little rant too, hilarious.

    I will try to defend myself:

    Buddy (1d8)[3]
    Arrogant (1d8)[8]
    In Cap's Shadow (1d4)[4] +1PP -1PP
    Enhanced Strength (1d10)[6]
    Weapon (1d8)[6]
    Combat Expert (1d8)[5]
    Push Die (1d6)[5] -1PP


    Spend 1 PP to use 3 dice as part of my roll.

    I will spend 1 PP to use my effect die during a reaction to inflict physical stress.

    Total: 18
    Effect: d10

    Current Emotional Stress: d4 (from the limit).

    Total PP: 4 at the beginning of turn. -3 = 1.

    EDIT: Oh drat! I forgot about his complication! :(
    Last edited by Felhammer; 2012-11-22 at 10:09 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC


    John retrieves his shield and yells, "UNCLE SAM WANTS YOU..." Walker hurls shield once at Captain Boomerang, gunning straight for his gut, "IN PRISON!" The shield flies towards it's mark, slams into Boomerang, bounces off into the ground, ricochets against the abandoned trains a few times before smashing into Scorcher's left leg. Walker hits his comm and yells, "AGENTS! TAKE DOWN THE SCORCHER! NOW!"


    Area Attack.

    Buddy (1d8)[3]
    Arrogant (1d8)[6]
    Enhanced Strength (1d10)[6]
    Weapon (1d8)[8]
    Area Attack (1d6)[5]
    Combat Expert (1d8)[4]
    Boomerang's Broken Arm (1d8)[1]
    Boomerang's Stress (1d10)[5]
    Scorcher's Stress (1d4)[1]

    Notes: Spending a PP to keep an additional die for my roll.

    Result: 20 (8+6+6)
    Effect Dice: d8 Physical Stress to Captain Boomerang, d10 to Scorcher.

    Opportunities: 2

    PP: 0

    Last edited by Felhammer; 2012-11-23 at 02:18 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC


    "Oh wow, I think all the stress has finally driven Cap insane! But, hey, you know the old saying, if you can't beat 'em.."

    Deadpool teleports across the subway station, flying down towards Captain Boomerang with his sword held over his head, "AMERICAAAAAAAAA!"

    Buddy d8, Totally Insane d4, Weapon 2d8 (Unnecessary Sales Boosting Violence), Enhanced Strength d8, Combat Master d8 + d6 (They Can Cut Through A Tank…Honest!) 1d8+1d4+1d8+1d8+1d8+1d8+1d6 → [6,3,5,2,4,6,5] = (31)

    Total: 16
    Effect: d8
    Last edited by AvianMalkavian; 2012-11-23 at 04:54 PM.
    Amazing ponified avatar by Madcrafter!

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  8. - Top - End - #38
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC

    Luke Cage

    Luke smiles through his pain. Say what you would about Misty the girl could get the job done. He was about to try and explain the problems he had been having with this maniac. Namely...

    And more pumpkin bombs exploding around him. Joy.

    Misty did a elegant back flip away from the explosions while Luke was simply content to roll off the lamp post, and try not to pass out. His head was killing him!

    "One Misty, that! And two, him flying, me walking. See my problems? I ain't the webhead."


    Reaction Roll
    Buddy (1d8)[5] (Finally!)
    Street Smart (1d8)[2]
    Super Human Stamina (1d10)[5]
    Combat Expert (1d8)[1]
    Total 10, Effect 1d8, 1 opportunity for the Watcher.

    Luke takes action quickly. "Misty, keep him moving! Watch that armor of his!"

    As Misty Knight opens fire on the flying menace Luke goes in search of another angle. Manhole cover, manhole cover, where are you?


    Forgot, you can't add rolls to an edit. Action roll later.
    Last edited by Meriss; 2012-11-29 at 06:01 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC

    To appologise for my lateness, here is the write up you were all hoping for (Thanks US agent for your assistance/doing most of the work)
    Status of everyone before reactions:

    Deadpool and US agent scene:

    Scene Distinctions: Completely Deserted, Abandoned Trains

    Penance is trapped Scene complication d10-d12

    Deadpool: M-0, P-d8, E-0

    U.S. Agent: M-0, P-d4, E-d4, C-Burning alive d10

    Scorcher: M-0, P-d4, E-0

    Captain Boomerag: M-0, P-d10, E-0, C-Broken Arm

    Luke Cage Scene:

    Scene Distinctions: Tense streets, Car Alarms

    Luke Cage: M-d12, P-d8, E-d8

    Misty Knight: Specialty character Combat Rookie d6

    Hobgoblin: M-0, P-0, E-d8

    Doompool: 2d6+1d8+1d10+1d12

    Luke Cage

    Despite your best attempts, the concussive force of the explosions are damaging you.

    Misty Knight dodges the damage, but you just took d10 Physical stress. On the plus side though, you have Second Wind, so if you wanted to, when you make an action you can use it to get better die.

    Buying that opportunity, have a pp while I add a d6 to the Doom pool.

    Doompool: 3d6+1d8+1d10+1d12

    Waiting on you to make an action for yourself and Misty Knight.

    US Agent and Deadpool

    Actually, when you do an area effect attack, you can only use the highest stress. You can't use both stress (at least that's what I understand from the rules). So you only have one opportunity to buy, not the d4 you rolled for Scorcher. Such a shame.

    So I buy that, bumping the Doompool to 3d6+2d8+1d10+1d12.

    Boomerang tries to leap aside from the attack, but he is already so weak from the pummeling he's taken.

    Buddy d4+ Perfect Pitching Arm d4 (Stepping up a d6 to a d8)+Enhanced reflexes d8+ What Goes around Comes around SFX d8+ Enhanced Durability d8+combat Expert d8+ Walker's Emotional stress d4+ Walker's Being burning alive complication d10=
    2d4+4d8+1d4+1d10 → [1,4,2,5,8,1,1,6] = (28)
    3 opportunities for either Deadpool or US agent to buy.

    13 with an effect die of 10. So your physical stress die is stepped up to d10 because of extraordinary success, but is stepped down because my d10 is higher than your original d8. So result?

    Captain Boomerang now has d12 Physical stress.

    Doompool: 2d6+3d8+1d10+1d12.

    Scorcher raises his arms defensively as the shield richochets towards him. "Oh hell." But the shield actually causes a crack on the side of his armor, coincinding with a powerful crunch. None of that looked pleasant for the armor or the man inside.

    Buddy d8+ I want out of this business d4 (+1d6 to doom pool)+ Enhanced Durability d8+ Walker's Emotional stress d4+ Walker's Being burning alive complication d10=
    1d8+1d4+1d8+1d4+1d10 → [5,4,3,2,7] = (21)

    Total of 12 with an effect die of d8. So your d10 physical stress is stepped up to d12.

    And...I won't activate invulnerability. Crazy right? Crazy like a fox!

    Doompool: 3d6+3d8+1d10+1d12.

    Deadpool's attack comes upon a Boomerang who is trying to pick himself off the floor after the last brutal attack.

    "Crikey..." He remarks as he sees you come at him.

    Buddy d4+ Perfect Pitching Arm d4 (Stepping up a d6 to a d8)+Enhanced reflexes d8+ Combat Expert d8+ Deadpool's d8 physical stress=2d4+3d8 → [1,1,5,7,3] = (17)

    Two more opportunities for Walker and Wade to buy.

    Total: 12 with a d8 effect die. Even if I spent a doom die to add the final result to the role, you would still stress him out. So now the trauma begins.

    Doompool: 2d6+4d8+1d10+1d12

    Suddenly a flurry of blades leap deep cuts on the Australian super villain's body. The pain actually causes him to pass out. Scorcher looks at his fallen ally in shock.

    "Wha-no, no this wasn't part of the deal! I'm getting out of here!"

    Meriss has the last action (Knight and Cage) of the round. Then he can declare whether players start the next round or the watcher characters do.

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC

    Luke Cage

    Luke finally locates a manhole cover despite his pounding head and multiple wounds. He hoped this would work. He had to go lie down or something.

    He grabs the edge of the manhole cover and picks up the heavy steel disc.

    "Misty keep him busy! Misty Knight complies and keeps pouring shot after shot from her Desert eagle at the flying maniac.

    Luke Grimaces at the pain and winds up using a stance he "borrowed" from old news footage of Captain America. He lets fly with the manhole cover aiming straight at Hobgoblin's head.


    Buddy (1d10)[1]
    Street Smart (1d8)[3]
    Actvate Second Wind Superhuman Strength moves to (1d12)[2]
    Combat Expert (1d8)[1]
    Push with (1d6)[2]
    PP: 0
    Total 5 effect d12
    Last edited by Meriss; 2012-12-03 at 10:59 AM.

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC

    Luke Cage

    The Hobgoblin glanced to the side a moment before the mancover was due to strike him. With a twirl, he ended upside down on his glider. He continued twirling up and down, building up momentum for some insane attack.


    I activate your opportunities, adding a d8 and a d6 to the pool. You gain 2pp. I also gain a d10 to the Doompool from your second wind ability.

    Insane d4 (+step up a d6) + Solo d8+ Flight d8 + Enhanced Durability d8+ Acrobatic expert d8= 1d4+4d8 → [4,2,4,2,8] = (20)

    12 with an effect die of d8. Thanks to Easy Glider* I get a d12 stunt die. Maybe you should have used the d6 as an effect die, if you thought you would fail.

    d12 Stunt "spinning like a mad man".

    Doompool went from: 2d6+4d8+1d10+1d12 to

    Deadpool or US agent is up next, as Luke Cage wills it.

    Hoboblin character sheet:

    Solo d8
    Buddy d4
    Team d6

    Distinctions: Another Goblin Villain, Insane, Scary Looking

    Goblin Glider
    Flight d8
    SFX: Easy Glider. On any successful reaction that includes FLIGHT, convert opponent's effect die into a Goblin Glider Stunt.

    Limit: Fuel system. Shutdown Goblin Glider and step up or add a d6 to the doom pool. Spend d6 from the Doom pool to recover.

    Goblin-Themed Gear
    Goblin Bombs d10, Enhanced Durability d8, Finger Blasts d8

    SFX: Stun Bombs. Spend a d6 from the doom pool to step up effect or double Goblin Bombs to cause Mental stress

    SFX: Area Attack. Target Multiple opponents. Add a d6 and keep and additional effect die for every additional target.

    Limit: Gear. Shutdown Goblin-Themed Gear and step up or add a d6 to the doom pool. Spend d6 from the Doom pool to recover.

    Acrobatic Expert d8, Combat Expert d8, Menace Expert d8

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC


    The Merc with the Mouth turns to Fire Guy who seems to be in something of a panic. Wade's gleeful smile shows even through his mask as he twirls his swords around before charging at the lone villain, swinging his swords wildly at him, "I am altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any further! Get it? Like from the movie?"

    Attempting to attack Fire Guy.

    Buddy d8, The Merc With The Mouth d8, Weapon 2d8 (Unnecessary Sales-Boosting Violence!), Enhanced Strength d8, Combat Master d10
    1d8+1d8+1d8+1d8+1d10 → [7,1,5,4,1] = (18)

    Ouch. Two opportunities. Luckily they only count as d4s for the Doom Pool!

    Total: 16
    Effect: d4
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  13. - Top - End - #43
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC


    Damn. That was hilarious use of Star wars fu. I'm not even mad about the 4th wall sfx. I mean I could simply deprive you of power points by not activating those d6, but I'm not that mean. I activate both, but use them to step up my 2d6 into two d8. That gives you 1 pp.

    Good news though, I can't activate invulnerability without d6 in my pool.

    d4 solo+I want out of this business d4 (step up a d8 to a d10)+ Enhanced Durability d8+ Doompool d8= 2d4+2d8 → [1,1,4,1] = (7)

    Wow. Those swords can cut through tanks. Your d4 is stepped up to d8. He's stressed out! wanted to inflict physical stress right?

    Doompool: 6d8+3d10+1d12

    I think this counts as Deadpool getting 10 xp for stressing out a B-list villain. Also, he has two xp for confronting the b-listers.

    As Scorcher scrambles to get out of there, he is no match for the blinding fast speed of Deadpool's katanas, which neatly skewer through his torso. He collapses onto his knees.

    With the two villains incapacitated, the sudden sound of Penance screaming in pain reminds US agent of his charge's danger.

    US agent is next. Remember the complication 'Penance is trapped in a burning train' is currently at d12. If you don't reduce the complication, both you and Deadpool get 'complicated' out.

    Also, you have three opportunities to stunt with after my disastrous roll with Deadpool just above if you so choose.

    After Walker it's Hobgoblin, before a new round starts. Yay!
    Last edited by CoreBrute23; 2012-12-06 at 04:55 PM.

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC

    The U.S.Agent

    John watches as Deadpool takes care of the enemies before them. Smiling slightly he comments, "Took you long enough." Walker then casts his gaze towards the burning building. "We have to save Penance!" John hits his comm and yells at his SHIELD Agents, "Where the hell are you!? We need firefighters here immediately, there's a burning building." Looking over at Deadpool, Walker continues, "Penance is inside, we need to save him." With that said, The U.S.Agent lunges for the nearest fire hydrant, uses his shield to lob off the nozzle. John braces himself as a torrent of water begins to spray out of the hydrant. The U.S.Agent takes his shield and slams it between himself and the oncoming flood. Using every ounce of his super soldier strength he redirects the cascading water off of his shield and straight at the building where Penance lay trapped.

    Using 1 PP to activate the
    Buddy: (1d8)[4]
    Penance is Trapped: (1d8)[4]
    Enhanced Strength: (1d10)[1]
    Godlike Durability (Shield): (1d12)[5]
    Combat Expert: (1d8)[5]
    Opportunity derived Stunt (1d10)[1] (Is a d10, not a d8 (OM11)).

    Goal: Reduce the Complication.

    Roll: 10
    Effect Die: d8

    PP: 0

    Notes: Apparently redirecting water out of a hydrant is really hard...

    Last edited by Felhammer; 2012-12-06 at 10:14 PM.

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC

    Deadpool and US Agent

    OOC: I activate all the opportunities to add 3d6 to the doompool. So 3pp to you.

    Doompool+ Penance burnt alive complication d12=6d8+3d10+2d12 → [3,4,2,1,2,3,3,9,7,4,2] = (40)
    16 with an effect die of d12.

    As the fire hydrant releases it's store of water, the fire seems to recede briefly. However, before you congratulate yourself you hear the sound of gas being emitted. Suddenly the abandoned train Penance was in, explodes in a ball of fire enveloping both supers...
    To be continued...

    both heroes have been complicated out. When Luke Cage finishes his combat, we will enter a transition scene and I'll continue where this left off.

    Doompool: 3d6+ 6d8+3d10+1d12

    Luke Cage

    Hobgoblin cackles loudly at both the Heroes for Hire, but before it moves in to attack, it suddenly grabs at the side of his hood.

    "What? You got three of them? Oh my that's magnificent! Give me a few minutes and I'll have another pair to put on the wall Bwahaha-what? Regroup! but I'm so close-ugh! Fine!"
    He snarled loudly, before he flew over your heads, and moved to retreat. Misty turns to you, fist at hand.

    "We can't let him get away, not after what he did to Danny!"

    Hobgoblin is attempting to create a 'And the Hobogblin got away' complication. If you can't stress/complicate him out, before he complicates you out (If it gets to d12+) he runs away successfully.

    Solo d8+ Insane d4 (add d6, not happy about running away)+ Flight d8+Glider Stunt d12+ Acrobatic Expert d8= 1d8+1d4+1d8+1d12+1d8 → [5,1,3,10,2] = (21)
    15 with an effect die of d8. 1 Opportunity to activate.

    Remember, you control both Luke Cage and Misty Knight. Don't be afraid to use Misty Knight to set up an asset like 'covering fire' or 'Fast ball special ammo' or something like that.

    Doompool: Doompool: 4d6+ 6d8+3d10+1d12

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: MHR-Fury's Secret War IC

    Luke Cage

    Luke grimaces through the pain. Frankly he was hoping Hobgoblin would go away. If only so He could get some of ties pain under control.

    But Misty was going to be Misty no matter what.

    "Try and force him lower, if we can get rid of or get him off that stinkin' glider we'll be okay"

    Luke painfully chases after the flying fiend as Misty reloads her Eagle with flashbang ammo and starts shooting at the Hobgoblin again.


    Hopefully I haven't killed this
    Buddy (1d10)[10]
    Street Smart (1d8)[4]
    Versatile SFX (3d6)[17]
    Combat Expert (1d8)[8]
    Nice! Total is 18, effect is one of the d6
    Last edited by Meriss; 2012-12-15 at 11:03 AM.

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