Premise: Write an epic adventure on the fantasy variety, one paragraph at a time. Anyone can write, but no two paragraphs can consecutively be written by the same person.

Some requirements for the story must be met. A tally sheet in quote box will be kept at the bottom of each entry to allow the next player to know what needs and what doesn't need to be addressed.

Each can be struck through once completed. It is not impossible to make a requirement unfulfilled again, say for example if a major protagonist is killed off.

You do NOT have to meet a critera in every paragraph, else this would be an epic short essay.

Three major protagonists

Goals for Protagonists

Major antagonist

Supporting antagonists

Overarching plot

Possible means to achieve goal

Setting established



In the event of two paragraphs being typed at approximately the same time, let the first publish be the canon.

Please give credit if you option this story to Tor Book and get a ten-book writing contract.

- - - Updated - - -


Airn awoke strapped to the table. He knew he should not have drunk the bottle, especially after his master told him not to.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this, Airn, but your apprenticeship just is not working out."

His master--former master now, he supposed--approached the table wearing the usual sacrificial garments. He could not see the face behind the mask, but from the tone of his voice, he wasn't sorry at all.

Moving to the head of the table, Airn could hear his former master drawing the flint dagger used for the ritual.

The joke's on you, he thought, I didn't clean it like you told me.

It was petty, yes, but Airn got small satisfaction knowing the ritual would at least be flawed.

Three major protagonists - 1/3 Airn, mediocre apprentice to evil

Goals for Protagonists - 1/3 (Don't be sacrificed)

Major antagonist

Supporting antagonists

Overarching plot

Possible means to achieve goal

Setting established


