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  1. - Top - End - #1351
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Providence, RI
    Emi smiles at John as she continues to descend the stairs. She stops a few feet in front of him and does a slow twirl so that he can see all of Jefferey’s hard work.

    “I love it,” she says. “And I’m glad you like it too. But if you like this one, I think you like the other one he’s made even better.”
    "Since we’re talking about Jefferey's work,” John replied with a lingering sense of wonder at how more than usually stunning his stunning girlfriend looked, “I’ll accept the possibility. But he really has outdone himself — even if you make it easy for him.”

    “She really is a pleasure to work with,” Jefferey noted respectfully to Mr. Shaw as he reveled in the praise and the full realization of just who he had made an unusually good dress for. “We’ve all heard the horror stories if outrageously demanding high-end clients at RISD — the ones who request changes for the sake of requesting them. Emi’s suggestions were always constructive and reasonable. The dress turned out better because of her input.”

    The detached part of John’s mind that had been waiting for the rest of him to catch up noted the similarities to the one gown he had seen Emi’s mother in — the gala where the two of them had played in the run-up to whatever had happened to her. He suspected the recommendations Emi had made to Jefferey had nudged the design towards that gown — perhaps out of a desire to feel a little closer to her.

    He wondered what it had cost her father to see her descend wearing it — the mingling of love and pride in the daughter he cherished enough to come tonight and the pain and longing he felt at the absence of the wife and mother it echoed.

    Had he glanced at Mr. Shaw when he thought that?

    John wasn’t sure.

    He might have.

    He wasn’t sure.

    He hoped if he had, there was sympathy there — and reassurance about their forthcoming reunion.

    Christmas was coming and they would be together for it for the first time in years.

    Soon, he wanted to reassure him — both of them. Very soon, her mother would see her wearing this.

    He would have to make sure the variation on the waterfall necklace he had commissioned in diamonds, sapphire, and silver would be ready in time — just in case the ladies Shaw wanted to have a side-by-side pictures made in their gowns and jewelry.

    “While most of us could spend an hour admiring you in your new gown and John could spend all day,” Mary teased, “dinner is getting close to ready. Alistair, would you mind lending a hand with the gravy? I want to get your opinion on whether it needs more salt. And the taste of it might help you pair it best with the wine options.”

    “She’s lying,” the entire FPO thought to themselves, with most of the children wondering what her actual reason for asking his opinion might be.

    John suspected he knew — as did his father. She was trying to integrate the Shaws into the flow of events — more than she would have usually done. While Joe was willing to take his hat off to his wife for such a simple move, John glanced into Emi’s eyes, risking their depths for a hint of her approval or if there was a hesitation there at his mother’s maneuverings.

    She was, after all, his mother’s primary target.

    It wasn’t that he minded the help. But in Iron Station, he was more in control of his own destiny — even with his provisional status. Here, he was once again the eldest son and subject to his parents.

    He wondered if Debonair still felt beholden to his mother.

    I’d give you a heads up about her expected plan of campaign but I have no idea where she is going with this, he projected conspiratorially to Emi. Given some of the criminal masterminds he’s faced, I’m not too concerned for your father but I can try to ask her to moderate her approach if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

    I can’t promise she will, of course, and I have to admit to hoping it it is helping. But, as your…your boyfriend, I feel I should at least make the offer.

  2. - Top - End - #1352
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Third Shift
    3 AM

    As 2ouis continues to work on the mountain of paperwork while his twin snores lightly, one of Rondo’s ears flicks toward the still cracked door of the office.
    The unpaid intern glances over his shoulder at Rondo. "What's up? Something spook ya? It's probably nothin'."

    2ouis hears a door close nearby, either the roof or the door to Seraph’s suite. There’s a few moments of silence before Rondo fully turns his head to look at the door.
    2ouis rests Seraph's pen on top of the form in front of him as he rises from his seat. "Okay... maybe you're right." He concedes.

    Spoiler: Notice

    2ouis blinks over to the door and sticks his head through the opening, swiveling his head around to catch a glimpse of anyone passing through the hallway. He pulls his head back into the room and shrugs at the beast. Using a free hand he signals for Rondo to search the hallway while forming a dim flashlight with the other. 2ouis follows the wolf into the hall uncertain as to what exactly he was searching for but compelled by curiosity. Who was up this late aside from Seraph or Raph?

    Take Five

    Spoiler: Text to Raph and Keith
    Bet. We'll leave around 10:45. Meet me at the Monte when you're ready.

    9:15 AM

    Louis traces the path from his room to the kitchen out of habit and proceeds to cook up a pair of sausage patties with a side of scrambled eggs as ingredients for his breakfast sandwich.
    Last edited by PK-Leon; 2024-02-28 at 02:10 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #1353
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Third Shift
    As 2ouis comes out of the office and turns his flashlight up the hallway, he spots Natasha leaned against the cold metal of the wall just outside the door to Seraph’s suite.

    Her arms are wrapped tightly under her chest and mostly silent tears stream down her cheeks as her shoulders shake with the effort of keeping her anguish somewhat contained.

    When she sees someone coming down the hallway, Natasha quickly straightens and wipes her eyes with the neck of her shirt. “I’m sorry,” she manages in a choked whisper. “I… didn’t expect anyone to be out here.”

    “Perhaps you could ask one of the girls?” Mimi suggests. “I am unsure how much experience any of them have, however.”

    Kitchen- 9:20am
    As Louis starts on his scrambled eggs, Drake enters the kitchen. He’s freshly showered and dressed in a dark red v-neck and jeans.

    The South Side Team Lead says a low, “Good morning,” to Louis and makes his way to the fridge, where he pulls out a shaker bottle full of a thick, green smoothie.

    Providence, RI
    Emi turns slightly to smile at Jefferey. “I think it’s best to let people do what they’re good at. Thank you though. I’m glad that you managed to work my suggestions in.”

    “Perhaps it’s best that you worked with Emi rather than Ian, Mr. Novas,” Mr. Shaw says with a hint of a smile. “While I’m not saying that he would ask you to change something just for the sake of it, he has always been much more demanding than Emi.”

    Emi gives her father a playful roll of her eyes. “You know Ian would not even look half as good in this dress as I do,” she jokes before looking at Jefferey. “If you want, I could float the idea to him if you wanted to make something for him. Something a little more on the masculine side, of course. I’ll be sure to tell him to keep his demands to minimum.”

    When Mary asks him to assist in the kitchen, Mr. Shaw gives her a smile. “Of course. I’d be happy to.”

    You don’t need to worry about my father, Emi replies as she heads back up the stairs with Kate and Jefferey. He can take care of himself. I do appreciate your concern though, John. It doesn’t bother me that your mother wants to help us feel more normal.
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2024-02-28 at 06:04 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #1354
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    “Perhaps you could ask one of the girls?” Mimi suggests. “I am unsure how much experience any of them have, however.”
    Keith looks back up with his toothbrush and thinks for a moment. "That'd go way cleaner than what I was thinking." He chuckles a bit. "Thanks, Mimi. Sidney may be the best bet. Especially with...." He looked down again for a moment. "Then again, no idea how this new curse would affect anyone. But I can't just isolate again."

    He finished brushing and then made his way over to the nightstand, grabbing the burner phone in the top drawer. "Mimi, can I ask a favor, please? I know you can work on our regular phones, but are you able to scramble a location from this pre-paid one?"

    He flipped it open. He hadn't had to use it in a long time, but it would still work well enough. "I know they said we have the day off, but I told Harbinger I would try to find out something to help us all out. Maybe even figure out how to get rid of that sigil." His eyes narrowed.

    If things backfired, he could always just toss the phone in the river. Or have Raph crush it, if he were going out too.

  5. - Top - End - #1355
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Third Shift

    As 2ouis comes out of the office and turns his flashlight up the hallway, he spots Natasha leaned against the cold metal of the wall just outside the door to Seraph’s suite.

    Her arms are wrapped tightly under her chest and mostly silent tears stream down her cheeks as her shoulders shake with the effort of keeping her anguish somewhat contained.

    When she sees someone coming down the hallway, Natasha quickly straightens and wipes her eyes with the neck of her shirt. “I’m sorry,” she manages in a choked whisper. “I… didn’t expect anyone to be out here.”
    2ouis is left momentarily speechless, mouth agape as he stands in the dimly lit hallway in search of the right words. "Neither did I to be honest, though you don't exactly strike me as someone with a bed time," He chuckles nervously while trying to recompose himself. "Are- are you okay?" 2ouis asks, stepping forward to offer assistance to Natasha.

    Take Five
    Kitchen- 9:20 AM

    As Louis starts on his scrambled eggs, Drake enters the kitchen. He’s freshly showered and dressed in a dark red v-neck and jeans.

    The South Side Team Lead says a low, “Good morning,” to Louis and makes his way to the fridge, where he pulls out a shaker bottle full of a thick, green smoothie.
    "Mornin'!", Louis replies in high spirits as he casts a glance at Drake. "Liquid breakfast? Bold choice." His commentary is punctuated by pop of two golden waffles emerging from a nearby toaster.

    It was rare that the two team leads were ever together, even moreso outside of missions or meetings. It was something he only now realized. And in all the time West Side had spent partnered with the South Side detachment he'd learned next to nothing about Drake apart from his obvious connections to Yuki and Detective Varga. On top of that things only seemed to go sideways for his counterpart whenever West Side was involved. A pang of guilt sinks it's fangs deep into Louis. While he couldn't undo the damage that had already been done to the relationship between their two teams maybe it was still possible to salvage whatever amount of faith Drake had left in them.

    "So... got anything lined up for today?"

  6. - Top - End - #1356
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Providence, RI
    Emi turns slightly to smile at Jefferey. “I think it’s best to let people do what they’re good at. Thank you though. I’m glad that you managed to work my suggestions in.”

    “Perhaps it’s best that you worked with Emi rather than Ian, Mr. Novas,” Mr. Shaw says with a hint of a smile. “While I’m not saying that he would ask you to change something just for the sake of it, he has always been much more demanding than Emi.”

    Emi gives her father a playful roll of her eyes. “You know Ian would not even look half as good in this dress as I do,” she jokes before looking at Jefferey. “If you want, I could float the idea to him if you wanted to make something for him. Something a little more on the masculine side, of course. I’ll be sure to tell him to keep his demands to minimum.”
    Jefferey’ eyes lit up. “Do you think he would be interested? I have some ideas for an island ensemble, if he is likely to be traveling to a tropical island any time in the near future. It would likely work in Iron Station in the summer as well although what I had in mind was much more swish-party-evening-on-the-beach than the club scene.

    His brow furrowed as he looked at John. “Is there a club scene in Iron Station?”

    John did a small double take and cocked an eyebrow.

    “I withdraw the question,” Jefferey conceded with a roll of the eyes. Manny wasn’t in town long enough to drag you to those kinds of venues.”

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    When Mary asks him to assist in the kitchen, Mr. Shaw gives her a smile. “Of course. I’d be happy to.”

    You don’t need to worry about my father, Emi replies as she heads back up the stairs with Kate and Jefferey. He can take care of himself. I do appreciate your concern though, John. It doesn’t bother me that your mother wants to help us feel more normal.
    “So where did you learn to cook, Alistair,” Mary asked with some interest. “Given your day job, I wouldn’t expect you have a lot of time to sneak off and take cooking classes unnoticed. But the way John described it, your lemon squares are something worth traveling to Iron Station for. Did you learn at home from a grandmother or was it something else?”

    John noted the tone in his mother’s voice as he watched his father add another log to the Franklin Stove. The studied edge had gone out of her tone and she had returned to the normal, casual register she used in the kitchen with friends and family.

    While it was genuine enough, John suspected his mother would turn that over in her head later this evening. While not as mercurial as Raphael, he had tried to gauge her expression each time he came home — especially on those occasions he brought Emi with him.

    “Stephen, can you help me get a couple more logs out of the garage?” his father asked as his youngest son tried to figure out what he should do.

    “Pro tip:” he added in a stage whisper as he and Stephen passed John, “The thinnest side goes down,” he teased as he patted his eldest on the shoulder and led Stephen out the back door.

    John flourished the knife deftly before returning to chopping the vegetables. Unlike his firearm scored, John had done well with knife fighting during his certification process during AEGIS Basic.

    Controlling, he thought as he finished up the cucumbers, had never been quite the right word for the way his mother watched over her brood. She had always given them freedom and had never been a helicopter or lawnmower mother.

    She did, however, have a tendency to try and stack the odds in the four of their favors from time to time.

    He had worried that her tendencies in that direction might make his new role difficult for her. After all, it was one thing to make sure her children had access to an event where they could learn and experience things that might broaden their horizons. It was quite another to have to watch her son reported on as he faced occult forces on both sides of the Atlantic.

    With Emi, however, he thought he had detected something else — as if she were trying to solve some kind of puzzle. It could have been any number of things, of course. Why she had chosen her eldest son came to mind — perhaps because he still could not fathom how he had gotten so lucky. But John kept coming back to the sense that she was wondering why she had accepted Emi so quickly and so completely.

    She might search for a hint to that answer while she and Mr. Shaw spoke but he suspected her motives were more straightforward than that. She had always enjoyed cooking and never seemed to tire of comparing notes. She had made sure he was competent in the kitchen but he had never developed her instinctive flair.

    John took the completed salad to the table, listening to the his mother and Mr. Shaw talk about cooking. He smiled, grateful it was all going well.

    He caught himself glancing out the French doors, watching for the fog and snow.

    Trust in the relationship, he reminded himself.

    It was going well.

    Don’t borrow trouble.

  7. - Top - End - #1357
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Third Shift
    Natasha wipes her eyes again and gives 2ouis a weak smile. “I’ll be okay. I’m just a little… overwhelmed.”

    Her gaze drops to the floor in embarrassment. “I’m sorry that you had to see me like this. But James is finally asleep and I just… I didn’t want to wake him up. He needs to rest.”

    “The curse doesn’t seem to be contagious, if that’s the correct word,” Mimi offers. “So that is one less thing to worry about.”

    She pauses as she considers his other request. “If you give me the phone number, I can try to connect.”

    Once he does, Mimi continues, “Yes, I will be able to scramble your location.”

    Take Five
    Drake glances down at his smoothie before shrugging and taking a drink. “I usually have one after I work out. Helps with hydration and muscle recovery.”

    He leans with his back the counter as he watches Louis go about making his breakfast. “Nothing imminent. I need to catch up on some schoolwork that I’ve missed this week. I might take Yuki out to lunch or something.”

    Providence, RI
    Jefferey’ eyes lit up. “Do you think he would be interested? I have some ideas for an island ensemble, if he is likely to be traveling to a tropical island any time in the near future. It would likely work in Iron Station in the summer as well although what I had in mind was much more swish-party-evening-on-the-beach than the club scene.
    Emi smiles. “I don’t think he has any plans to head to an island anytime soon, but he wouldn’t say no to a little vacation. I’ll ask him when I get back to Iron Station.”

    “So where did you learn to cook, Alistair,” Mary asked with some interest. “Given your day job, I wouldn’t expect you have a lot of time to sneak off and take cooking classes unnoticed. But the way John described it, your lemon squares are something worth traveling to Iron Station for. Did you learn at home from a grandmother or was it something else?”
    “I learned to cook several years before I took up the mantle of Eidolon,” Mr. Shaw replies as he stirs the gravy. “It was my mother, actually. It was something that she enjoyed immensely. We would have dinner parties every few months so that she could cook something large and extravagant to impress the neighbor ladies.”

    The salt container floats over the stove and shakes itself over the gravy before drifting back to its place. “Just as I had Emi use puzzles to train her telekinesis, I used to train by making entire meals with my mind. My mother was the one that suggested it. I think she just wanted to have someone that could act as a whole team of chefs behind her so that she could make something even more impressive for the ladies.”

  8. - Top - End - #1358
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Providence, RI

    Emi smiles. “I don’t think he has any plans to head to an island anytime soon, but he wouldn’t say no to a little vacation. I’ll ask him when I get back to Iron Station.”
    “There should be a little time for you to try on the white dress before dinner,” Jefferey noted as they climbed the stairs, hoping for a quick check of the fit. “Your choice, of course. I wasn’t sure if you would have to leave right after desert and coffee.”

    “Have you had any other thoughts on why Mom might have made sure you knew I was looking into Grayson for her?” Mary asked quietly once they passed the second floor.

    “You could ask Boyfirend, you know,” Jefferey chided her.

    “No,” Kate replied definitively. “Emi and I can figure it out ourselves, can’t we Emi?”

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    “I learned to cook several years before I took up the mantle of Eidolon,” Mr. Shaw replies as he stirs the gravy. “It was my mother, actually. It was something that she enjoyed immensely. We would have dinner parties every few months so that she could cook something large and extravagant to impress the neighbor ladies.”

    The salt container floats over the stove and shakes itself over the gravy before drifting back to its place. “Just as I had Emi use puzzles to train her telekinesis, I used to train by making entire meals with my mind. My mother was the one that suggested it. I think she just wanted to have someone that could act as a whole team of chefs behind her so that she could make something even more impressive for the ladies.”
    “She must have trusted you a good deal,” Mary observed as she approvingly tasted the gravy. “But then your powers must have developed rather than being sprung on her all of a sudden. I’m still getting used to the thought that my son can do the things he can.

    “If you have noticed a strain of needing to be in control of the things around him, I have to confess that he comes by it honestly. Although I suppose I should be grateful, in a way. That need for control does contain some of the excesses caused by his curiosity.”

    She turned and smiled at her son. “It’s strange, in its own way. A young man who developed a high degree of skill with formulas and is driven by intellectual curiosity and has a need for control just so happens to be the one who finds himself in London standing in the British Museum at the right time. Sister Anna Marie might say he was called to the location.”

    “So long as she doesn’t call me a heretic or worse,” John replied respectfully, wondering how many of his secrets his mother had, Mycroft-like, thought through without leaving Providence and how much of it was her leveraging her intuition.

    He could ask the Tribunal but he doubted they would answer him.

    Perhaps Doctor Dee or Sir Edward Kelley might know.

    “You know her better than that, John. Your great aunt may be an imposing and important, but Mother Superior or no she loves you enough to know you would not be involved in those kinds of dark arts.”

    “I hope so,” John replied as, in his mind’s eye, he placed several pieces of a puzzle on the table labeled Mr. Shaw. His mother cooked and taught him how to do so. While it could have been a personal hobby or an accepted idiosyncrasy developed at school, that she was doing the cooking and inviting the neighbors over suggested that he did not grow up with the wealth he now possessed. He could have earned it along the way, of course. It was more likely that his wife — nee Stirling — was the one who brought that level of wealth to the relationship.

    Too many variables to be certain but the pieces seemed to fit.

    If so, he would have grown up more like his family than the way Emi and Ian were raised.


    “My aunt,” Mary explained as she turned back to the food. “She’s a highly respected Mother Superior and reputed to be a mystic. The family is certain she is but the diocese is not about to confirm that one way or the other. If it wasn’t true that even cities our size have people who are able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, it might be more noteworthy.

    “Emi hasn’t met her yet, of course. The families is hoping to meet her, of course, but we thought it might be a little much to for John to take her into a family reunion so soon.”

  9. - Top - End - #1359
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    “The curse doesn’t seem to be contagious, if that’s the correct word,” Mimi offers. “So that is one less thing to worry about.”

    She pauses as she considers his other request. “If you give me the phone number, I can try to connect.”

    Once he does, Mimi continues, “Yes, I will be able to scramble your location.”
    Keith sighed in relief as he grabbed a purple V-neck shirt and his usual black jeans. "That's good to know. Really was worried it might be contagious."

    As Mimi considers the request, and responds, Keith gives her the number to the phone. And the one that he's going to call as a backup measure.

    "Guess I won't need to worry about asking Raph to crush something." He grinned. "Thanks a ton, Mimi. Don't know what we'd do without you."

    He finished up getting ready, deciding to be lazy and let his shadow deal with his hair. All the more reason to cut it, lead to too many questions. And seeing Apex's reactions to his answers didn't help either. He'd rather avoid having that conversation with Maeve if it got brought up as well.

    "Guess now I just gotta survive the mall. Anything that you would like, Mimi?"

    As she considers, Keith types up a text on his regular phone to Maeve.

    Spoiler: Text to Maeve

    Well, the phone is finally set up again. How are you doing?

    Oh, I need to check on it for if it's possible, but what would you say to possibly touring Cheyenne Brooks' home or studio?
    Last edited by Roguewolf; 2024-03-02 at 10:35 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #1360
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Third Shift

    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha
    Natasha wipes her eyes again and gives 2ouis a weak smile. “I’ll be okay. I’m just a little… overwhelmed.”
    "Overwhelmed by what exactly? Not that it's any of my business." 2ouis concedes with a shrug, holding his hands up in surrender. The light in his right hand coalesces into a small orb that remains suspended in midair as it emits the faded orange glow of a dim streetlight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha
    Her gaze drops to the floor in embarrassment. “I’m sorry that you had to see me like this. But James is finally asleep and I just… I didn’t want to wake him up. He needs to rest.”
    "No need for apologies, you didn't even do anything." 2ouis insists. "And Mimi mentioned that Seraph hadn't been feeling well so I figured I take over the paperwork while he got some rest." He says thumbing back at the office door. "So is there anything I can do you help you out?"

    Take Five

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake
    Drake glances down at his smoothie before shrugging and taking a drink. “I usually have one after I work out. Helps with hydration and muscle recovery.”
    "Ah, I see. Your day started early." Louis observes as he plates his pair of waffles, drizzling just the right amount of maple syrup over each disk.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake
    He leans with his back the counter as he watches Louis go about making his breakfast. “Nothing imminent. I need to catch up on some schoolwork that I’ve missed this week. I might take Yuki out to lunch or something.”
    Louis pulls the frying pan away from the heat of the stove just as his eggs finish cooking and carries it over to his plate.

    "Okay, hear me out..." The artist starts as he carefully deposits the contents of the pan onto the pair of waffles. "What if you didn't? Lunch with Yuki I mean." He glances at Drake to gauge his reaction. "Both of our teams could use the day off after yesterday's mission so I thought we could take a trip to the mall to get a jump on Christmas shopping. It's just Raph, Keith, and me right now. You want in? You could pick up a gift for Yuki while we're there."

  11. - Top - End - #1361
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Third Shift
    “Thank you for helping him out,” Natasha says with a stronger smile. She glances quickly back toward the door to Seraph’s suite before returning her gaze to Louis. “Can we talk over a cup of tea? I think that might help a little. As long as you don’t mind?”

    Mimi helpfully illuminates the way to the kitchen with small lights inset into the walls near the floor, creating a dim path to make sure Natasha can see her feet well enough to not fall.

    “I started some water for you,” Mimi says quietly. “You just need to take the coffee filter out.”

    Natasha starts slightly as the AI speaks, but says a quick thank you to Mimi. Once in the kitchen, Natasha busies herself with emptying the filter, finding a mug, and the tea. “Would you like any, Louis?” she asks as she fills her mug with hot water after finding an open box of ginger camomile tea.

    She puts the tea bag in to steep and takes a seat at the table, warming her hands around the mug. Natasha looks at 2ouis and starts to say something before reconsidering, trying to find the right words. After another moment, she says, “I’m worried. I’ve been with James for seven years and I’ve never once seen him get sick. He’s never had so much as a cold.”

    Natasha pauses for a second, getting control of her emotions as tears threaten again. “He insists that it’ll pass, but it… it still worries me. I know he’s been pushing himself recently and I know that I was part of the problem. He was using a lot of magic to ward my apartment and Aimee’s townhouse that she rents and it’s drained him.”

    She looks down into her slowly darkening tea. 2ouis can easily sense that she’s not telling him everything that’s bothering her.

    “I have told you before,” Mimi says. “I do not require physical items. Thank you for asking, however.”

    Keith’s phone buzzes in his hand.
    Spoiler: Text from Maeve
    I’m good. Just really really busy. Sorry for not replying recently. Everytime I get a break, Nova will pull us out for drills or Coldfront will send us out on patrol.

    Take Five
    “I get up at five,” Drake says as he watches Louis put together his sandwich.

    Spoiler: Notice TN 8
    Drake’s eyes betray just a hint of longing for such a lavish sandwich as he takes another drink of his smoothie.

    He looks at Louis evenly as he makes his suggestion before he nods. “I think that sounds like a good idea. I hadn’t asked Yuki about lunch yet, so I don’t feel bad about not going. And I didn’t really want to write an essay anyway. When are we leaving?”

    Providence, RI
    Third Floor
    “There should be a little time for you to try on the white dress before dinner,” Jefferey noted as they climbed the stairs, hoping for a quick check of the fit. “Your choice, of course. I wasn’t sure if you would have to leave right after desert and coffee.”

    “Have you had any other thoughts on why Mom might have made sure you knew I was looking into Grayson for her?” Mary asked quietly once they passed the second floor.

    “You could ask Boyfirend, you know,” Jefferey chided her.

    “No,” Kate replied definitively. “Emi and I can figure it out ourselves, can’t we Emi?”
    “I don’t think we’ll have to leave immediately,” Emi says once they’re back on the third floor. “But I would like to try on the white one before we go back down.”

    “I don’t think she has any grand plan,” the psychic replies to Kate. “It was an easy way to get the two of us thinking about something together.”

    She pauses for a moment, her eyes distant, before returning to the present conversation.

    “She must have trusted you a good deal,” Mary observed as she approvingly tasted the gravy. “But then your powers must have developed rather than being sprung on her all of a sudden. I’m still getting used to the thought that my son can do the things he can.
    Spoiler: Mr. Shaw’s Thoughts
    Trusted me? Alistair thinks sadly. She was terrified of me.

    “While that’s true, having a six year old that can levitate small objects with his mind and walk through walls isn’t easy,” Mr. Shaw says. The psychic glances at John. “You’re lucky to already know what kind of man your son is before he received these powers. He seems to me to be an upstanding gentleman, and I doubt that will change even with access to powerful magic.”

    “If you have noticed a strain of needing to be in control of the things around him, I have to confess that he comes by it honestly. Although I suppose I should be grateful, in a way. That need for control does contain some of the excesses caused by his curiosity.”
    “I hadn’t noticed,” Mr. Shaw says jokingly as Mary mentions a need for control. “However, do I understand that need,” he continues in a soft voice. “It’s of utmost importance when an errant thought can end someone’s life.”

    “So long as she doesn’t call me a heretic or worse,” John replied respectfully, wondering how many of his secrets his mother had, Mycroft-like, thought through without leaving Providence and how much of it was her leveraging her intuition.
    It’s fortunate that the good Mother Superior doesn’t know that you’ve spoken to and made deals with a Greater Demon, Mr. Shaw observes to John without looking at him. Or summoned one yourself. Of course, your secret is safe with me, Mr. Kelley.

    “I was blessed in that I also know a Sister Marie. She was my governess for many years before I went out on my own and started doing contracts for Myriad and AEGIS. I don’t know what I would’ve done without her guidance.”

    To be honest, Alistair thought of Sister Marie as more of a mother figure than his own mother ever was. While she was employed by the Shaws, the Sister lived in a small cottage on their property not too far from the main house. Alistair had spent most of his childhood and early teen years in that cottage rather than in the house with his mother.

    The only time he really visited that main house was when his father returned for a few days a month from a business trip abroad. Otherwise, his mother wanted nothing to do with a child that knew her every petty thought.

    While he’d told Mary that it was his mother’s idea to teach him to cook, he knew that Sister Marie was the one that had suggested it to Mrs. Shaw around his tenth birthday. The Sister had hoped to bring them closer after having watched the dynamic between them for years, but even cooking perfect three course meals for ten posh guests wasn’t enough to earn praise from her.

    Without the Sister’s stern guidance, Alistair could only guess what he may have become.

    “Emi hasn’t met her yet, of course. The families is hoping to meet her, of course, but we thought it might be a little much to for John to take her into a family reunion so soon.”
    “It has only been a little over a month,” Mr. Shaw replies with an amused glance at John. “But if she’s comfortable with it, I wouldn’t be opposed.”
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2024-03-05 at 07:55 AM.

  12. - Top - End - #1362
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Meanwhile, in the Garage

    “Need to talk?” Joe asked his youngest son as they entered the garage.

    “I’ll be okay,” Stephen assured him, hoping his casual tone would help settle his own nerves. “I just wasn’t prepared as I thought. I had it in my head I was meeting Emi’s father and then the full force of meeting Eidolon hit me.”

    “He’s not the first famous person you’ve met,” Joe reminded him.

    “I know,” Stephen sighed. “But musicians don’t make the news in the way Ei…Mr. Shaw does.

    “And before you say it, I know a Kelley is as good as any man.”

    “I’m glad you haven’t forgotten,” his father replied with a smile as he stacked wood in his tote. “It might also help to remember that he is trying to be Mr. Shaw here tonight.”

    He straightened, stretching his back as his son stacked wood in his own tote. “It’s also worth remembering that your musical gifts set you apart in a way similar to the way his powers set him apart. Remember how you used to feel a little lonely at music camp because of that? He lives that every day of his life.”

    Stephen turned that over in his head. There was a gulf of difference between being a musical prodigy and having his teachers expect more of him and his fellow students marking him as different and being a world famous meta, but the parallel was obvious enough to help.

    “I hope I haven’t made him uncomfortable.”

    “Trust me,” Joe assured Stephen. “Compared to the way some of the supposedly mature experts in Berlin reacted to him, you’re doing great. Just be yourself. Your mother and I are proud of who you are and wouldn’t hesitate to present you to anyone. And I’ve seen you manage small talk at your events so I know you can handle it.”

    He smiled slyly as he picked up the handles of the tote. “Besides: Just think of how impressive it will be for ‘Danger Boy’ to tell Samantha all about it on Monday.”

    Stephen blushed. “Daaaddd,” he protested.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Third Floor

    “I don’t think we’ll have to leave immediately,” Emi says once they’re back on the third floor. “But I would like to try on the white one before we go back down.”

    “I don’t think she has any grand plan,” the psychic replies to Kate. “It was an easy way to get the two of us thinking about something together.”

    She pauses for a moment, her eyes distant, before returning to the present conversation.
    Jefferey turned away from Kate to hide his smile at Emi’s revelation. That Momma Two might be doing something so straightforward would have been something his best friend’s complicated little mind would have easily missed — despite her own penchant for layering simple plans to create something more elaborate.

    Kate, her brows furrowed, noted the move. “Not a word out of you, Jefferey Novas.”

    “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he replied lightly, his smile broadening.

    It made sense — absolute sense — in retrospect. It was a straightforward plan targeted at her and created with a simple if-then logic: If Emi was curious enough to look at her mother’s Hot File, then she would be curious enough to wonder why she would out her daughter. And if Emi were willing to partner with Kate, then she would signal a certain level of commitment to John and acceptance of the family — with its idiosyncrasies and foibles.

    And, as a bonus, if she looked at the Hot File, she would be a good fit for the family’s games — games her father had initiated so long ago to keep them safe while adjacent to the dangerous world he lived in.

    Kate glanced at Emi, smiling ruefully. “I’m glad you pointed that out and not John,” she admitted. “Having to have that pointed out by him would have not only been embarrassing, it would have been a case of him getting me.”

    “You know Boyfriend doesn’t keep track of points like that,” Jefferey reminded her.

    “No,” she conceded. “But I do.”

    Her smile brightened even as she turned her mother’s approach over in her mind. “But we have more important things to do. Let’s go look at the white dress!”

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Spoiler: Mr. Shaw’s Thoughts
    Trusted me? Alistair thinks sadly. She was terrified of me.

    “While that’s true, having a six year old that can levitate small objects with his mind and walk through walls isn’t easy,” Mr. Shaw says. The psychic glances at John. “You’re lucky to already know what kind of man your son is before he received these powers. He seems to me to be an upstanding gentleman, and I doubt that will change even with access to powerful magic.”
    “You’re right, of course,” Mary replied with a hint of pride at Alistair’s tacit compliment on the result of her and Joe’s parenting and on her son’s comportment. “He’s done well for himself to have become what he has and found his way into your company.”

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    “I hadn’t noticed,” Mr. Shaw says jokingly as Mary mentions a need for control. “However, do I understand that need,” he continues in a soft voice. “It’s of utmost importance when an errant thought can end someone’s life.”
    Mary rested a comforting hand briefly on Alistair’s shoulder. “Given your reputation for self control and poise, you’ve clearly done a remarkable job of that over the years,” Mary observed before lifting the pot roast onto the cutting board.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    It’s fortunate that the good Mother Superior doesn’t know that you’ve spoken to and made deals with a Greater Demon, Mr. Shaw observes to John without looking at him. Or summoned one yourself. Of course, your secret is safe with me, Mr. Kelley.
    John caught himself rubbing the top of his left hand. Thank you, Mr. Shaw — although I’m not sure it’s safe with me. Mom noticed the mark of the Kay’al on one of my visits here. Given that Second Sight, as well as a keen sense of observation, has run in my family line for some time, I’m not sure she won’t be able to sense some residual hint of that or know of it some other way.

    I can only hope she understands why I did what I had to do and feel that it was the right decision at the moment, given all of the options I had before me. The Vatican may still be debating where the borders lie on when what I do is right and wrong but I suspect I would, at minimum, get a stern talking to about the grave peril I have put myself in.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    “I was blessed in that I also know a Sister Marie. She was my governess for many years before I went out on my own and started doing contracts for Myriad and AEGIS. I don’t know what I would’ve done without her guidance.”

    To be honest, Alistair thought of Sister Marie as more of a mother figure than his own mother ever was. While she was employed by the Shaws, the Sister lived in a small cottage on their property not too far from the main house. Alistair had spent most of his childhood and early teen years in that cottage rather than in the house with his mother.

    The only time he really visited that main house was when his father returned for a few days a month from a business trip abroad. Otherwise, his mother wanted nothing to do with a child that knew her every petty thought.

    While he’d told Mary that it was his mother’s idea to teach him to cook, he knew that Sister Marie was the one that had suggested it to Mrs. Shaw around his tenth birthday. The Sister had hoped to bring them closer after having watched the dynamic between them for years, but even cooking perfect three course meals for ten posh guests wasn’t enough to earn praise from her.

    Without the Sister’s stern guidance, Alistair could only guess what he may have become.
    “You are a fortunate man to have had Sister Marie watching over you,” Mary observed approvingly as Joe and Stephen returned. “Sister Anna Marie has been an important moral compass for the family for many years — even if some have been observed more closely than others.”

    “It’s to be expected that the suitor of her favorite niece was watched more closely than others,” Joe admitted. “It doesn’t hurt to have someone keeping me a little extra honest.”

    Not entirely honest, he thought, acknowledging the echo of some of his and Mary’s premarital activities. But certainly more honest.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    “It has only been a little over a month,” Mr. Shaw replies with an amused glance at John. “But if she’s comfortable with it, I wouldn’t be opposed.”
    “I’m sure she’s be delighted to meet her — as would the rest of the family,” Mary added with a smile. “The conversation has turned that way on more than one occasion.” Both sides of the family had been abuzz with the news not only that John was a secret Board Chair but, more actively, that he had been dating Emi. Their surprise at how well he had done for himself was more than a little rewarding.

  13. - Top - End - #1363
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Third Shift

    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha
    “Thank you for helping him out,” Natasha says with a stronger smile. She glances quickly back toward the door to Seraph’s suite before returning her gaze to Louis. “Can we talk over a cup of tea? I think that might help a little. As long as you don’t mind?”
    "Sure, I could probably use break right about now." 2ouis says with a soft chuckle, taking a glance back at the office door.

    Mimi helpfully illuminates the way to the kitchen with small lights inset into the walls near the floor, creating a dim path to make sure Natasha can see her feet well enough to not fall.

    “I started some water for you,” Mimi says quietly. “You just need to take the coffee filter out.”

    Natasha starts slightly as the AI speaks, but says a quick thank you to Mimi. Once in the kitchen, Natasha busies herself with emptying the filter, finding a mug, and the tea. “Would you like any, Louis?” she asks as she fills her mug with hot water after finding an open box of ginger chamomile tea.
    "To be honest I've never been much of a tea drinker unless it was sweet but I'm always willing to try new things. I'll have whatever you're having."

    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha
    She puts the tea bag in to steep and takes a seat at the table, warming her hands around the mug. Natasha looks at 2ouis and starts to say something before reconsidering, trying to find the right words. After another moment, she says, “I’m worried. I’ve been with James for seven years and I’ve never once seen him get sick. He’s never had so much as a cold.”

    Natasha pauses for a second, getting control of her emotions as tears threaten again. “He insists that it’ll pass, but it… it still worries me. I know he’s been pushing himself recently and I know that I was part of the problem. He was using a lot of magic to ward my apartment and Aimee’s townhouse that she rents and it’s drained him.”

    She looks down into her slowly darkening tea. 2ouis can easily sense that she’s not telling him everything that’s bothering her.
    "I've got nothin' on seven years but Seraph's been pulling overtime for as long as I've known him. I don't think it's fair for you to blame yourself or Aimee for any of this, you're his family. He'd do anything to protect you two... or any of us really. That's just the kind of man he is. It's in his nature. I'm still not sure what I believe when it comes to the existence of a higher power but even without the wings I'd be hard pressed to doubt that he was sent to watch over us." Louis says smiling softly as he looks into the depths of his cup.

    "We've gone through a lot lately and I think it's all finally catching up to him after he'd been ahead of it for so long. I guess even angels have limits... But Seraph's strong." Louis reconsiders his words for a moment. "Actually that's a bit of an understatement. He's unbelievably strong and I know he'll be over this and back on his feet in no time. I honestly think he'd feel worse about causing you to feel this way than what any sickness could do to him. So I think we've really gotta start taking care of each other, not for ourselves but for him. Be the heroes for one another when he can't ya know? It's what he'd want. So if there's anything you need or you ever find yourself in trouble I hope you know Seraph's not the only one you can call."

    Take Five

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake
    “I get up at five,” Drake says as he watches Louis put together his sandwich.
    "Five?", Louis mouths to himself in disbelief. No wonder they were like ships in the night.

    Spoiler: Notice
    7 + 2 Perception = 9!

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake
    Drake’s eyes betray just a hint of longing for such a lavish sandwich as he takes another drink of his smoothie.

    He looks at Louis evenly as he makes his suggestion before he nods. “I think that sounds like a good idea. I hadn’t asked Yuki about lunch yet, so I don’t feel bad about not going. And I didn’t really want to write an essay anyway. When are we leaving?”
    Honestly did not expect him to take me up on that. Today's full of surprises I suppose.

    "10:45, we're taking the Monte." Louis says before finally taking the first bite of his masterpiece. He nods to himself with both eyes shut as he savors the taste. This was exactly what he needed after a long night of deskwork.

    "I know my cooking isn't anywhere near the level of Aeryn or Sidney's but I could make one for you if you want? Unless you think that smoothie's gonna hold you over until we get to the mall?" Louis says with a smirk.
    Last edited by PK-Leon; 2024-03-05 at 09:27 PM.

  14. - Top - End - #1364
    Troll in the Playground

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    Jun 2010
    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Midnight Rider:

    "You needed to rest." Raphael observes, eyes locked on the screen, not yet trusting himself to peer into those eyes, scared of the trust and emotion that permeated her scent.

    Something that on a visceral, alien, level he knew should not, could not be broken.

    "I've mostly been stumbling through the dark in this swamp, trying to even identify the Quest-Monster." He said with muted, but genuine irritation.

    "I might be about ready to call it quits for the night, but you look awfully comfy." He glances down at her finally with a smile

    Breather Episodes?:

    9:24 AM

    Raphael, wearing a light gray jacket over a black jersey and dark blue jeans, pads into the room. He mumbles an inarticulate noise that might, upon forensic review, be cast as a morning's greeting.

    He shuffles past Drake to the fridge and pulls out a silver pouch, pops the top, and takes a long sip.

    The transformation is instantaenous as he turns to face his teammate and tenant. He leans against the counter, his body language radiating his normal, casual irreverance.

    "Ja make enough for everybody?" He asks Louis, greedily eyeing his pancakes.

  15. - Top - End - #1365
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Take Five

    Quote Originally Posted by Raphael
    "Ja make enough for everybody?" He asks Louis, greedily eyeing his pancakes.
    "Depends." Louis replies as he side eyes the instigator. "Who all's eatin'?" He asks, looking between the two off-brand X-Men.

  16. - Top - End - #1366
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    “I have told you before,” Mimi says. “I do not require physical items. Thank you for asking, however.”

    Keith’s phone buzzes in his hand.
    Spoiler: Text from Maeve
    I’m good. Just really really busy. Sorry for not replying recently. Everytime I get a break, Nova will pull us out for drills or Coldfront will send us out on patrol.
    Keith nods as Mimi answers. "Is a force of habit, always think about what to get those special to me. Or at least something as thanks. I'll just promise to come back in one piece then. And make sure they all do too." He grins up at the camera for Mimi.

    He checks his phone and the grin falters a bit. She didn't even respond to the other question. Guess that meant it was too soon to think about it. Or maybe she just thought him unreliable. Nothing new there.

    He typed up a quick response.

    Spoiler: Text to Maeve

    No worries, I get it entirely. Redline's been keeping us on rotations lately for drills and patrols. And extra assignments from Seraph and Harbinger.

    Hope you get a nice break soon so you can relax a little.


    Keith walks into the kitchen to see the others in there, and Louis with the crazy sandwich.

    "Alton Brown would be proud of the creativity."
    Last edited by Roguewolf; 2024-03-06 at 06:56 PM.

  17. - Top - End - #1367
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Midnight Oil
    Stella returns his smile. “Tu es assez ŕ l'aise, bouille,” she says sleepily before turning away from the TV. “Vous le trouverez. Je crois…” she starts to say before she trails off, breathing lightly as sleep takes her again.

    Spoiler: Translation
    You are quite comfortable, puddin’.

    You’ll find it. I believe…

    Third Shift
    Quote Originally Posted by 2ouis
    "To be honest I've never been much of a tea drinker unless it was sweet but I'm always willing to try new things. I'll have whatever you're having."
    “If you’re not a tea drinker, I’ll grab you something a little sweeter,” Natasha says as she looks through what’s available. “Oh, s‘mores chai? I’ll have to try that sometime.”

    She offers 2ouis the chai as they sit.

    Quote Originally Posted by 2ouis
    "We've gone through a lot lately and I think it's all finally catching up to him after he'd been ahead of it for so long. I guess even angels have limits... But Seraph's strong." Louis reconsiders his words for a moment. "Actually that's a bit of an understatement. He's unbelievably strong and I know he'll be over this and back on his feet in no time. I honestly think he'd feel worse about causing you to feel this way than what any sickness could do to him. So I think we've really gotta start taking care of each other, not for ourselves but for him. Be the heroes for one another when he can't ya know? It's what he'd want. So if there's anything you need or you ever find yourself in trouble I hope you know Seraph's not the only one you can call."
    As 2ouis speaks, Natasha starts to tear up again. She quickly excuses herself and leaves the table to grab several sheets of paper towels. She blows her nose on one and hastily washes her hands before returning. “Sorry about that. You’re absolutely right. Thank you, Louis.”

    She smiles at the doppelgänger before stirring her tea. “James talks about all of you, you know. He’s especially proud of how far you’ve come since you became Team Lead of West Side. I can see why. The reassurance you just gave me is definitely befitting of a hero.”

    Spoiler: OOC: Label Shift!
    Natasha initiates a Label Shift! Savior up, Danger down. Accept or Reject her Influence.

    Natasha takes a sip of her tea, eyes distant as she tries to find the right words, before her gaze meets the High Octane Hero’s, looking for any truths or lies there. “James trusts you. That means a lot to me, but I’m going to ask you to keep a secret from him. Can you do that?”

    Take Five
    “Five,” Drake reiterates. “How else am I supposed to work out in the morning, shower, meet with Harbinger to do the meeting overview, attend the meeting, and then get to school?”

    He shrugs. “Wish I could be in two places at once. I’d trade being five hundred pounds for that power in a heartbeat,” he jokes with slight smile.

    The Southsider watches as Raphael sucks down his own breakfast from it’s silver pouch. “Maybe I just need one of those in the morning. You always seem to turn from some zombie into a human after one of those, Raph.”

    "Depends." Louis replies as he side eyes the instigator. "Who all's eatin'?" He asks, looking between the two off-brand X-Men.
    “Me,” Ryker asserts as he round the corner into the kitchen. “Whatever it is, I’m eatin’ it. I’m starvin’.”

    Mall Walking
    An hour later, the boys, minus Aeryn and John, have arrived at St. Rhais Mall in the upper East Side.

    It’s packed full of people trying to do their Christmas shopping even as early as it is. Stores are just starting to open their gates to allow customers in.

    Providence, RI
    Third Floor
    “This one is even better than the last one,” Emi says as she looks at herself in the mirror. The white dress had the perfect cut and fit her style. “I have a pair of Louboutins that will go perfectly with this.”

    She looks over to Jefferey. “How much do the opinions of your subjects count for your class? Because I think you should get a 100 plus some extra credit.”

    Don’t touch it, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Shaw projects with some amusement as John rubs his hand. Your mother will notice.

    “Is there anything else I can do to help?” Mr. Shaw asks as Mary begins to cut the roast.
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2024-03-07 at 09:52 AM.

  18. - Top - End - #1368
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Providence, RI
    Third Floor
    “This one is even better than the last one,” Emi says as she looks at herself in the mirror. The white dress had the perfect cut and fit her style. “I have a pair of Louboutins that will go perfectly with this.”

    She looks over to Jefferey. “How much do the opinions of your subjects count for your class? Because I think you should get a 100 plus some extra credit.”
    “Whether it gets averaged into the grade or not,” Jefferey beamed as he felt all a flutter, “it means a lot to me to hear you say it, Emi. I am so glad you like them!”

    “If you can make it up for the presentation, be sure to bring the Lououtins. I would love to see them,” Kate added, thrilled at the way Emi looked and even more thrilled for Jefferey. He had worked so hard on these dresses and it really showed. Yes, Emi was an ideal model but having modeled for him before, Kate knew what he put into each dress and what it meant to him for them to turn out.

    Kate was also aware that this dress — even more than the other — might launch Jefferey’s career. He was still focused enough on the dresses that she suspected he was not thinking of that yet. He had before, in an abstract sort of way, but here it felt more manifest than when they were sketches on paper.

    It was exciting to think that she was getting to see the dress before anyone else.

    She tried to keep herself from starting to bounce with excitement but couldn’t contain it entirely.

    “It’s just so wonderful!” Kate observed — about the dress and everything else.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Don’t touch it, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Shaw projects with some amusement as John rubs his hand. Your mother will notice.

    “Is there anything else I can do to help?” Mr. Shaw asks as Mary begins to cut the roast.
    If John managed not to look towards his mother guiltily, he did not manage to keep his hands from darting behind his back as if he were a six year old.

    “You can select the red and white wines you think would go best with dinner,” Mary said, studiously ignoring John’s movements. “Joe received specific instructions when he picked up the order in Boston as to the temperature they should be chilled to and he and Stephen have been checking to make sure they got it right.”

    “Dad thought it would be good for me to learn a little about it,” Stephen added as he stacked teh wood next to the Franklin Stove while doing his best to treat Eid…Mr. Shaw like any other guest. “It’s not that often you get a chance like this.”

    “It will give you a better chance to be at the front of the house than bar backing like I did,” John added, slowly processing how Mr. Shaw’s comment to him was a little more relaxed than some of their other interactions. He was pretty sure that was a good sign — as was Stephen’s gambit at talking to Mr. Shaw instead of Eidolon.

    He must have gotten one of Dad’s patented ‘A Kelley’s as good as any man’ pep talks in the garage. He had always been good at masking his nerves — a benefit of all that time on stage — but he did appear a little more relaxed.

    “We were thinking of permitting the children to have small glasses of the wine with dinner tonight,” Mary suggested to Alistair. “It will be an opportunity for them to learn a little about wine.”

  19. - Top - End - #1369
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Third Shift

    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha
    “If you’re not a tea drinker, I’ll grab you something a little sweeter,” Natasha says as she looks through what’s available. “Oh, s‘mores chai? I’ll have to try that sometime.”

    She offers 2ouis the chai as they sit.
    2ouis gladly accepts the mug of chai when offered. He blows softly on the tea's surface as he waits for Natasha to share her troubles.

    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha
    As 2ouis speaks, Natasha starts to tear up again. She quickly excuses herself and leaves the table to grab several sheets of paper towels. She blows her nose on one and hastily washes her hands before returning. “Sorry about that. You’re absolutely right. Thank you, Louis.”
    2ouis second guesses his choice of words as Natasha rises from her seat. He was trying to alleviate any guilt she might be bearing, not add to it. It isn't until Natasha returns to the table and affirms his thoughts on the matter that the double allows himself to loose a quiet sigh of relief. "Please, no apologies alright? If anything I should be the one saying sorry. I hope you know I wasn't trying to make you cry or anything?" 2ouis asks. He takes a sip from his mug in hopes that the chai would help stave off the feeling of guilt that was building up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha
    She smiles at the doppelgänger before stirring her tea. “James talks about all of you, you know. He’s especially proud of how far you’ve come since you became Team Lead of West Side. I can see why. The reassurance you just gave me is definitely befitting of a hero.”
    Spoiler: Mechanics: Label Shift
    2ouis accepts Natasha's influence! He shifts Savior up and Danger down.

    "Really?" 2ouis asks, attempting mask any hint of skepticism his voice might betray. "I don't know about all of that but I appreciate the compliment either way." He flashes a smile. "Back when I first signed up with AEGIS there were only two of us on the team. Being a leader was easy when the only person I was responsible for is practically indestructible," the double admits with a shrug. "A lot's changed since then... I've made a lot of mistakes-" Too many. "and while I can't take any of them back I can try be the hero everyone else sees in me."

    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha
    Natasha takes a sip of her tea, eyes distant as she tries to find the right words, before her gaze meets the High Octane Hero’s, looking for any truths or lies there. “James trusts you. That means a lot to me, but I’m going to ask you to keep a secret from him. Can you do that?”
    "I know my way around a secret. Comes with the territory I guess?" The hero says, considering Natasha's question for a moment. "While I don't like the idea of keeping an actual secret from Seraph I did say that you could call on me for anything... So yeah, I can keep a secret if it's for you."

    Take Five

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake
    “Five,” Drake reiterates. “How else am I supposed to work out in the morning, shower, meet with Harbinger to do the meeting overview, attend the meeting, and then get to school?”

    He shrugs. “Wish I could be in two places at once. I’d trade being five hundred pounds for that power in a heartbeat,” he jokes with slight smile.
    "It's actually not hard as you'd think it'd be. I could teach you if you want?" 2ouis offers jokingly. "All we'd need is a working forge."

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryker
    “Me,” Ryker asserts as he round the corner into the kitchen. “Whatever it is, I’m eatin’ it. I’m starvin’.”
    "Didn't realize I was running a Waffle Haus." Louis comments before taking another bite of his morning's work. A flash of light briefly illuminates the kitchen. 2ouis immediately starts prepping four new plates for everyone assembled in the kitchen and readies the stovetop once more. "Four Waffle Kings comin' right up! Now get outta my kitchen, an artist needs space to create a masterpiece."

    Mall Walking

    An hour later, the boys, minus Aeryn and John, have arrived at St. Rhais Mall in the upper East Side.

    It’s packed full of people trying to do their Christmas shopping even as early as it is. Stores are just starting to open their gates to allow customers in.
    "Would ya look at that? Hundreds of people in desperate need of a coupon instead of our help. It's kinda refreshing right?" Louis asks the group as they make their way past the malls main entrance. "So, what's our first stop?"
    Last edited by PK-Leon; 2024-03-08 at 04:28 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #1370
    Troll in the Playground

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    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV


    "Well... That's certainly one way of looking at it." Raphael says back to Drake.

    "I look too good to be dead though." The cheeky youth runs his hand through his pale hair for emphasis.

    Savaged Shirt Saga Sequel:

    "It's a weird feeling, for sure." The vampire offers his compatriot.

    "When's the last time we were out like this? Around this many people, out of costume, I mean?"

    "I need time to think about what to get Stella. We should hit up Blazing Subject first. I might be inspired... more importantly, I need new shirts... a lot of em."

  21. - Top - End - #1371
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Mall Rat Activities

    Keith nods in agreement with Raph's comment. "Feels like it's been...... well forever and a day." He chuckles a bit.

    He felt the flip phone in his pocket and frowned a bit. The place was packed, and he was glad that Mimi would immediately scramble his location. "Shirt shopping seems like a good way to get the creative juices flowin'. Gotta figure out something to possibly get Maeve."

    He shook his head. He knew it was a bad idea, and too soon, but it felt like a good idea to him. "I'm down for where ever to start. Though, Louis, ya mind if I make a call real quick and catch up?"

    After his answer, Keith will find a quiet place to make his call to one of the few numbers on the burner.

    Spoiler: Belonging to Two Worlds

    Keith places a call to an agent who's off duty from infiltrating the Empire.
    Superior: 2d6+1 5
    Keith holds 1 and has an uncomfortable demand made of him.
    Marks Potential for the Miss.

    "Hey, it's me. You free to talk for a moment?"

  22. - Top - End - #1372
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Third Shift
    Natasha nods and takes a sip of her tea, then takes a moment to organize her thoughts. “I haven’t told James yet. The timing just hasn’t been right. And I know that know would just increase how much stress he’s under. But… I’m pregnant. About three months along. That’s why I’ve been so… emotional recently. It’s the other reason I’ve been worried.”

    “Also, I actually have a favor to ask you, Louis,” she continues. “I need someone to get my car and bring it here, so I can go to a prenatal appointment on Tuesday, if you have room in the garage.”

    “If you don’t have time, I understand,” she says sincerely as she takes another sip of tea. “I can figure it out.”

    Mall Walking
    “Yeah, I need to figure out what to get Yuki too,” Drake says as the group makes their way toward Blazing Subject.

    He thinks for a moment. “What about like one of those subscription boxes that has foods from Japan in it?” he asks, looking for feedback.

    An Old Acquaintance
    A low, female voice on the rougher side answers Keith. “I have a few minutes. If I’m honest, I thought you’d lost this number.”

    Providence, RI
    Third Floor
    “I’ll try my best to make it,” Emi replies. “The fact that John can make a portal from Iron Station makes it so much easier.”

    She looks at Jefferey. “Anything else we need to do before we show everyone downstairs?”

    Mr. Shaw goes to check the wine. “If you end up liking it, you could try sommelier training. Though you do have a few years before you can take the courses.”

    He returns a few moments later with his selected red and white wines.

    “If you and Joe are fine with letting your children try some, I have no objections. If we were in Europe, they would be able to drink anyway.”

  23. - Top - End - #1373
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    “Yeah, I need to figure out what to get Yuki too,” Drake says as the group makes their way toward Blazing Subject.

    He thinks for a moment. “What about like one of those subscription boxes that has foods from Japan in it?” he asks, looking for feedback.
    Keith half listens to the guys as Drake asks for feedback. He nods before heading to find his call spot.

    "Think that could be a good idea. Give her a taste of home too." He shrugs.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    An Old Acquaintance
    A low, female voice on the rougher side answers Keith. “I have a few minutes. If I’m honest, I thought you’d lost this number.”
    He sighed in his mind and shook his head. Why wouldn't she be irritated? At this point, he was used to people being irritated at him. After all, irritating those around him is what he does best.

    "Yeah, sorry about that. Myriad kept too close an eye on me to make any kind of call to anyone while I was working with them. And it's only been recently that AEGIS gave me some freedom again"

    This time he sighs out loud. "Wasn't meanin' to bug ya, just thought it would be good to catch up a bit. It's good to hear you are still alive. And you're one of the best occultists I know of as well. Guessin' what's been going on here has made its way back home. Still, find it hard to believe they're all ok with this. You ever come across a sigil that looks kinda like the Illuminati pyramid?"

  24. - Top - End - #1374
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Providence, RI
    Third Floor
    “I’ll try my best to make it,” Emi replies. “The fact that John can make a portal from Iron Station makes it so much easier.”

    She looks at Jefferey. “Anything else we need to do before we show everyone downstairs?”
    “Just let me get my camera ready so I can get a picture of Boyfriend’s face,” Jefferey responded with a grin but not moving to take it out of his pocket. The joke might be worth making but he respected her need for privacy.

    Kate, however, took her’s out of her pocket and readied the video. She respected the need for privacy as well but, with an eye towards posterity, wanted to capture the moment for all of them to relive later.

    John might not be his usual dignified, if somewhat stiff, self when he looked at Emi, but the wonder and love in his look kept him from looking foolish.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Mr. Shaw goes to check the wine. “If you end up liking it, you could try sommelier training. Though you do have a few years before you can take the courses.”

    He returns a few moments later with his selected red and white wines.

    “If you and Joe are fine with letting your children try some, I have no objections. If we were in Europe, they would be able to drink anyway.”
    “It sometimes seems a little silly that they’ve been having a sip of wine most Sundays since they were seven or eight but can’t have it elsewhere,” Joe observed as he slid a new log into the Franklin Stove to make sure it would not die out before the end of dinner. “They have been getting small glasses on special occasions for a few years now.”

    There was an additional reason to do so, of course. By making it less big of a deal at home, he hoped that it would be less of a big deal when they were out with their friends at a party. They all had good heads on their shoulders, but it was all too easy to succumb to the pressure to be cool.

    “Kate noted how strange it was to switch from being under the drinking age, over it, and then back to under when she went to Cape Verde with Jefferey’s family a year or so ago,” Mary noted.

    “The sommelier courses wouldn’t be a bad idea, Stephen,” John added. “I’d say it will keep you from bar backing like your big brother over the summer but you’ll probably be on stage rather than on the floor.”

    “It can’t hurt to know,” Stephen added with a shrug and risked sharing a smile with Mr. Shaw. “We’ll see how well I like it at dinner. I’d welcome any insights you might have, though. All I’ll know at the start is the differences between the colors.”

  25. - Top - End - #1375
    Troll in the Playground

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    Jun 2010
    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Spoiler: Dormancy:

    In the dark blue depths, a darker shape languidly swam. Streamlined, powerful, it's maw gaped open, the faint rays of light catching on row upon row of jagged teeth. It killed when it wanted, it ate when it wanted, it ate what it wanted. It feared nothing. It was Hunger. It was Appetite. It was a thirst that could not be slaked by oceans, It was a hunger that could not be satiated with all the blood and meat that all life offered. Distantly, something stirred, a challenger to it's omnivorous, rapacious cravings. Somewhere else, something panicked, distressed, 'I am prey. Consume me. Devour me.'

    The predator twitched, hunger warring against thirst.

    Spoiler: Oppression:

    The sweat and the scent and the heat and the life and the blood of the press of bodies crushed him. He was a man drowning of thirst, starving from excess. The tangled web of people's lives, hopes, dreams, wants, fears, greed. The individual strands of life, existence, and souls tangled and knotted together, a brilliant ruby and garnet red tangled mass of glittering sun-bright sparks of individuality, intersection, and separation.

    A cacophonous of heartbeats and a rushing river of blood drowned him and swept him away.

    Sweat beaded on his brow, and a cold drop ran down his back.

    Raphael sauntered into Blazing Topic, just one more teen in the sea of Halberd body spray, overexcited youth, sweat, and the artificial edge the corporate storefront tried to imbue to itself and it's clientele. He ghosted through the press, arriving at a rack of T-shirts. He flicked through the offerings, finding and pulling one with a cartoonish bear trap and a splatter of black and red circles describing a spray of blood from the clenched teeth of the steel jaws.

    Another few rejects, then - a black T-shirt, with a graveyard picked out in plain, stark, white lines. Atop a hill in the image was a jagged face with angled eyes and sharp teeth.

    The vampire hummed tunelessly to himself under his breath, slipping through the sea of shoppers like a corsair after a merchant.

    He arrived at the bright, locked jewellery case, where they kept the trinkets that weren't hollow tin and nickle and glass.

    Spoiler: Do The Dead Dream?

    An oversized, black stone fortress broods atop a dull, matte, rusty red crag. Overhead, the sky is a paler ruby, streaked with purple and black clouds that flash and shimmer with hidden lightning. It is quiet, a faint susurration of wind and equally hushed thunder.

    This castle is a lie. A memory painted over by rage, pain, loss, grief, and unsettled accounts.

    The mountains shake, the sky shatters like a stained glass window. Shards of the sky rain upon the mountains, tearing them asunder, casting their peaks down into the fog. The turrets, bastions, and halls of the castle crumble, shaken to dust and pierced through and through by the shards of the sky. From proud, upthrust peaks to their foundations, the mountains crumble away...

    The rocks fall into the abyss, impacting with wet, thick, sloshing impacts as torrents of mud and brackish water are cast up into the dangling branches of dark trees.

    In the midst of this dank, dark place, a promontory of bleak rock erupts from the mud and churning waters. Sticking forth from the fens like a dagger from an unsuspecting back. A place of solidity and strength surrounded by shifting, stinking mud.

    Carved into, out of, and atop this promontory was a castle. Black rock and red mortar, gore sluiced from outflows, feeding into the mire.

    The bog was alive with the gurgling, drowned cries of tormented souls, it was lit fitfully by crazed flashes of lightning, and drowned out by crackling peals of thunder.

    "Shopping for a friend?" A cheerful, hollow, voice said.

    Raphael blinked, flourescent reality snapping back around him. He shivered. He looked at the speaker. An employee, female, with a metallic green and black dye job on a short faux-hawk, wearing a Jack Scarecrow shirt, and black denim overalls cut short enough to tease just a hint of cheek when the wearer bent at the waist. As she was now, leaned across the counter, looking at him expectantly.

    "A little." Raphael said in a small voice. He shivered, the mask settling back into place. His now-seeing eyes scanned across the cheap trinkets before alighting on one.

    He smiled. The Employee shrank back from the elongated, bloodstained sharp teeth behind his chapped lips.

    Raphael looked at the employee. "Everything okay?" He asked with a pleasant smile and calm eyes. His teeth were even, blunt, and pearlescent. His lips were pale, thin, and healthy.

    The employee, her name tag read 'Gemini' shook herself. "yeah, sorry, Just tired I guess."

    "Makes sense, I'm sure you're being bled dry, dealing with this every day." Raphael gestured at the press around them.

    "I like this one." He said, tapping at the glass, not breaking eye contact with Gemini.

    She looked under his finger and nodded, unlocking the cabinet and pulling the piece out for him. An anatomical heart in cast silver, with little crushed up pieces of ruby and sapphire for veins and arteries on a plain black silk ribbon.

    "Would you set all this aside for me? I need to get some other things while I'm here." Raphael laid his shirts on the display case, winked, and turned from the counter.

  26. - Top - End - #1376
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Third Shift

    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha
    Natasha nods and takes a sip of her tea, then takes a moment to organize her thoughts. “I haven’t told James yet. The timing just hasn’t been right. And I know that know would just increase how much stress he’s under. But… I’m pregnant. About three months along. That’s why I’ve been so… emotional recently. It’s the other reason I’ve been worried.”
    "Oh..." 2ouis manages, slowly nodding his head with a new understanding of Natasha's condition. "That would explain a lot." He takes another sip chai as he lets the notion settle. "While this isn't exactly the best time for a celebration I feel like I should still say 'congrats' or something like that ya know?" The doppelganger observes with a warm smile. "I know you're going through a lot right now but I've got faith that everything will work out, it always does. Until then you're secret's safe with me."

    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha
    “Also, I actually have a favor to ask you, Louis,” she continues. “I need someone to get my car and bring it here, so I can go to a prenatal appointment on Tuesday, if you have room in the garage.”

    “If you don’t have time, I understand,” she says sincerely as she takes another sip of tea. “I can figure it out.”
    "Consider it done. Time's usually not a problem when you can can be in two places at once." 2ouis says with a smug grin. "All I need is a key and I'll have your car ready for you Monday afternoon."

    Mall Walking

    Quote Originally Posted by Raph
    "It's a weird feeling, for sure." The vampire offers his compatriot.

    "When's the last time we were out like this? Around this many people, out of costume, I mean?"
    Louis racks his brain for answer as the group decides what their first destination will be. "Had to be back when Endgame dropped right? I remember the theater was packed that day. Every seat was sold out. Would've been out of luck if we didn't buy our tickets online."

    Quote Originally Posted by Raph
    "I need time to think about what to get Stella. We should hit up Blazing Subject first. I might be inspired... more importantly, I need new shirts... a lot of em."
    "What's the occasion?" Louis asks, curiosity evident in his voice. "For the shirts I mean. I gotta figure out what to get my girl too."

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    "I'm down for wherever to start. Though, Louis, ya mind if I make a call real quick and catch up?"
    "Go for it. You know where to find us. Besides I don't think we're leaving until Raph has a new shirt for every day of the week from the sound of it."

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake
    “Yeah, I need to figure out what to get Yuki too,” Drake says as the group makes their way toward Blazing Subject.

    He thinks for a moment. “What about like one of those subscription boxes that has foods from Japan in it?” he asks, looking for feedback.
    "That's a thing?" Louis asks as he looks up at Drake for an explanation.

    "If she's big on snacks it's not a bad start honestly but I think you should try pairing it with something else, like another gift to compliment it?"

  27. - Top - End - #1377
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Third Shift
    Natasha pats the top of her stomach even though her bump has yet to show. “Thank you. I know it will.” The editor lets out a light laugh. “Honestly, figuring out a name for him that both James and I like will probably be the hardest part, other than the actual delivery, of course.”

    She gives 2ouis a grateful smile. “I’ll give you my keys tomorrow morning. It’s a red Miata. Can I do anything in return for you?”

    An Old Acquaintance
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    "Yeah, sorry about that. Myriad kept too close an eye on me to make any kind of call to anyone while I was working with them. And it's only been recently that AEGIS gave me some freedom again"

    This time he sighs out loud. "Wasn't meanin' to bug ya, just thought it would be good to catch up a bit. It's good to hear you are still alive. And you're one of the best occultists I know of as well. Guessin' what's been going on here has made its way back home. Still, find it hard to believe they're all ok with this. You ever come across a sigil that looks kinda like the Illuminati pyramid?"
    The woman, Claire, lets out a humorless laugh. “You shouldn’t lie. You don’t want to catch up— you just want information.”

    “Tell you what,” she continues with a sigh. “I’ll trade with you. My position is on the edge of being compromised. I need something about the angels that watch over Iron Station. Some real dirt. You give me that info, and I’ll tell you what I know.”

    Mall Walking
    “Yeah,” Drake replies to Louis. “I’ve seen several different ones and a ton of ads recently. They send you a box of different snacks and stuff every month. She likes sweets. I thought it might be fun.”

    He watches as Raph and Ryker head deeper into Blazing Subject to shop. “She already has a ton of jewelry,” he says as the vampire talks to the cashier to pick out the bracelet.

    “I’ve never been good at this kinda thing,” the South Side Team Lead mutters, crossing his arms.

    Providence, RI
    “We have a few minutes before Emi is ready,” Mr. Shaw says to Stephen. “I can give you a quick lesson, if you’re interested.”

    Without the use of a corkscrew, the white wine’s cork pops itself free of its bottle. Two glasses float over and the bottle fills them with a small amount of wine before one settles in Stephen’s hands and the other in Mr. Shaw’s. The wine bottle settles with grace back into the counter.

    The psychic takes a moment to explain how to swirl the wine in the glass and why it’s useful, and how to take a sip. He takes a drink first and tells Stephen a few of the tasting notes he’s picked out before asking the teenager if he tastes anything else in the mix.

    It’s not too long after Mr. Shaw’s lesson that Emi descends the stairs once more, this time in the beautiful white dress Jefferey had labored on.

    Brace yourself, Emi projects teasingly to John before she appears. Your sister wants to catch your expression when you see me. I can make sure her pictures come out blurry, if you want.
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2024-03-16 at 01:47 PM.

  28. - Top - End - #1378
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    An Old Acquaintance

    The woman, Claire, lets out a humorless laugh. “You shouldn’t lie. You don’t want to catch up— you just want information.”

    “Tell you what,” she continues with a sigh. “I’ll trade with you. My position is on the edge of being compromised. I need something about the angels that watch over Iron Station. Some real dirt. You give me that info, and I’ll tell you what I know.”
    Keith lets out a humorless laugh as well. "Two things can be true. But it is an old force of habit from the old days since someone decided to teach me business first. Might explain a lot now that I think about it." He sighs remembering how Don had taught him to stay on track first.

    "How has the past year been? Despite Donald's habits being forced on me, it is good to hear that you're still up and kickin'." He stops for a moment as Claire makes her terms. He figured something uncomfortable would be asked, but not this.

    "How long do you have? If it's the new management, guess she's way more thorough than we heard." He racks his brain to think of what might be the easiest thing to share about Seraph or Harbinger.
    Last edited by Roguewolf; 2024-03-19 at 05:26 PM.

  29. - Top - End - #1379
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Providence, RI
    “We have a few minutes before Emi is ready,” Mr. Shaw says to Stephen. “I can give you a quick lesson, if you’re interested.”

    Without the use of a corkscrew, the white wine’s cork pops itself free of its bottle. Two glasses float over and the bottle fills them with a small amount of wine before one settles in Stephen’s hands and the other in Mr. Shaw’s. The wine bottle settles with grace back into the counter.

    The psychic takes a moment to explain how to swirl the wine in the glass and why it’s useful, and how to take a sip. He takes a drink first and tells Stephen a few of the tasting notes he’s picked out before asking the teenager if he tastes anything else in the mix.
    Stephen struggled to follow Mr. Shaw’s explanation as his mother and father began transferring the pot roast and vegetables to serving plates and John moved the salad tongs to the table. All three had an air of contentment to them that he was struggling to match.

    His parents always harmonized like that when they were home together. Even when she was working contentedly in the kitchen, the times his dad was overseas always felt like he was listening to a stereo recording with one channel missing.

    John was relaxing into home but it was more. He could sense that his brother was pleased that he and Mr. Shaw were talking about the wine but that there was more to it. Everyone had noticed the change in him since London — how his emotional responses seemed slightly alien, like the way Star Wars had produced the cantina music by minimizing the bottom end of the jazz performance. It wasn’t unsettling and he didn’t think his friends had not picked up on it.

    But the FPO had noted the change. His father ascribed it to his new job but the way his mother didn’t respond to that observation meant she had her doubts.

    But he was relaxing in a way that signaled the release of the tension he was wearing when they arrived. It was similar to the nerves he showed when he brought Emi home with him.

    Stephen supposed it was natural that something similar would be only natural when he brought Emi’s father to meet the family.

    Focus, Stephen.

    He could follow the flavors that Mr. Shaw identified — at least most of them. At first, he found himself trying to figure out what straw would taste like before Mr. Shaw’s comments clarified that he was talking about the color and not the taste of the wine. But there was a sense of synesthesia to the lesson. The tastes that Mr. Shaw was identifying corresponded to what he heard as he sipped the wine.

    “It…it kind of reminds me of the opening to ‘The Girl from Ipanema’,” Stephen ventured — although that wasn’t exactly right. There was an underlying serious and sadness to the lightness of that song — one that evoked tropical sunlight in an exotic location where one cannot cross the language barrier. But there was something that leaned towards classical but still accessible.

    One of the movements from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, perhaps?

    “Mom would do a better job with the flavors than I would. I’m going to have to learn a lot more before I have the words I need for what I’m tasting.”

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    It’s not too long after Mr. Shaw’s lesson that Emi descends the stairs once more, this time in the beautiful white dress Jefferey had labored on.

    Brace yourself, Emi projects teasingly to John before she appears. Your sister wants to catch your expression when you see me. I can make sure her pictures come out blurry, if you want.
    Like that warning has ever helped, John replied good humoredly, excited to see how the second dress turned out. It’s okay if she ‘gets me’ with the picture. I wouldn’t want to spoil her fuhuhwahun..

    Because she had warned him that Kate would be capturing the moment, John was vaguely aware of his sister and Jefferey’s wide grinds as Emi sacched into the room. He noted the amused (And triumphant? Even that detached part of his mind was having difficulty processing things.) sparkle in Emi’s eyes as his eyes darted from the slit in the dress to her shoulders and along the form-fitting curves between.

    He felt the gentle touch of her telekinetics help his slackened jaw move back into place.

    He hadn’t even managed to get out his monosyllabic greeting.

    “If the look on John’s face doesn’t make it clear enough for you Jefferey,” Joe observed, “I’d say you’ve outdone yourself.”

    For a moment, Mary’s focus on the immediate work of dinner preparation faltered as she turned and looked at Emi in her white dress (Here and now, Mary Murphy Kelley. Here and now — not to a future you cannot guarantee.) and the state of wonder it had reduced John to. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a glisten in Joe’s eyes as he basked in their happiness. She knew that he lived for such moments and that recognition, and her own hopes for her two children (When had she become so sure that she thought of Emi Shaw as her child?) brought a tear to the edge of her eye.

    She wiped it away before Kate could turn her camera on her.

    She watched John step forward. There was a vulnerability in the movement. She suspected he knew he was being watched — no, studied by both her and Alistair.


    He looked down, smiling at himself.

    “You were right to warn me,” he said quietly before looking up and seeming to fall into her eyes. “I thought the last dress had prepared me for this.”

    His smile broadened.

    “I was wrong,” he all but whispered. “You look stunning.”

    “Oh,” Kate said, wiping her own eye quickly before glancing back at Jefferey and smiling at him proudly.

    Mary watched John attempt to turn and smile at his sister. His face, she noted, turned and the smile was there. But his eyes never left Emi.

    The pot roast could wait, she reminded herself. For this moment, to see her son so happy, it could wait forever for all she cared.

  30. - Top - End - #1380
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    December 5th
    Third Shift

    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha
    Natasha pats the top of her stomach even though her bump has yet to show. “Thank you. I know it will.” The editor lets out a light laugh. “Honestly, figuring out a name for him that both James and I like will probably be the hardest part, other than the actual delivery, of course.”
    2ouis smiles, "Yeah I could see that. Any ideas yet?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Natasha
    She gives 2ouis a grateful smile. “I’ll give you my keys tomorrow morning. It’s a red Miata. Can I do anything in return for you?”
    "Hmmm..." 2ouis ponders as he takes the last sip of chai from his cup. "Nothing I can think of right now," he starts with a shake of his head. "But maybe we could do tea again sometime and I'd have an answer for you by then?" The doppelganger proposes.

    Mall Walking

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake
    “Yeah,” Drake replies to Louis. “I’ve seen several different ones and a ton of ads recently. They send you a box of different snacks and stuff every month. She likes sweets. I thought it might be fun.”
    "The more I hear the more promising it sounds to be honest." Louis nods in approval. "And if you can convince Yuki to share some with you you could spend some time together getting her to teach you about all of the different kinds of snacks she likes. Seems like an absolute win to me."

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake
    He watches as Raph and Ryker head deeper into Blazing Subject to shop. “She already has a ton of jewelry,” he says as the vampire talks to the cashier to pick out the bracelet.

    “I’ve never been good at this kinda thing,” the South Side Team Lead mutters, crossing his arms.
    "Really? I mean most guys aren't so I wouldn't really sweat it. From what I've gathered we just get lucky with a gift every now and they give us points for trying." Louis chuckles. "But seriously, I think the snack box idea is a great start. Let's keep looking. There's no way we don't stumble into something else Yuki would like in a mall this big."

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