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  1. - Top - End - #241
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Jan 2009

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Deep Desert

    In the wake of the death or disappearance of Riven, the Mteule, held together so long by his strength and his character, began to fall and break. Holds and camps turned selfish. The Speakers split along a clear line, those with flashy, dangerous magic, and those without. Those with became the focus of many of the newer generation, who called upon them for defense, in turn revering them. The Mteule strayed from their path, and for a while, it was good. The Speakers who were so gifted could blast a Jagter away with a sandwind, could call a storm to keep a roc away, could call a shield of stone against the onslaught of a sand dragon. Theirs was a powerful gift, and one that was, on the who, misused. Many of those who had fought under Divia turned from their training, casting aside their weapons, putting faith in magic. And magic, as men often do, failed them.

    Old World

    The first went up on the other side of the pass. The city, at first, was a small affair, large enough to protect a small room where a special stone was housed. One of the geomancers went in, and when he came out, he bore new orders from Omari himself -- an act of war had been performed. Make themselves fast, and then some move on. And so, that was what they did. Here, in this lush old world, there was far more to use for materials, but they settled quickly on stone, using many of the same techniques that were used in creating Vendigroth. From the green ground (Green! Something beneath the feet other than sand or rock!) rose great pillars, each to be a tower at the corner of the city. In a flash of inspiration, at the back corners, the tower was woven into the very side of the pass, half a tower, woven into the very rock that they sought to guard access through. The walls that faced along the line of the pass were specially woven and created. The normal reinforcement and strengthening of stones was performed, but into each was woven small, permanent changes relating to a walkway that ran along the inside. At marks along the walkway were locations where magic would, at a non-users touch, force the stone aside, giving sight outwards, on any who approached.

    Over the gateway, and the walkway into the fortress, holes were placed for a similar purpose -- allowing access by those without magic for purposes seen fit; arrows or oil, rock or greetings. The ramparts were made larger, the planes of the roofs designed to allow for an optimal shielding field. The towers were set with a circle atop each, of a fairly unique rock found deep in the mines, to extend the range of magics cast from there. It took many long days of magical design and work, many more to add the finishing touches on, but the first of their Fortresses was complete. A nightmare to attack, straddling the only land access route in and out of the desert. When the final of the major modifications was finished, the larger portion of the group left, heading further north, to explore their new land, and leaving others to defend, and to wait for reinforcements from Vendigroth.


    "There are many kinds of slavery in the world, some that men bring on themselves. That kind is always around, I fear, until the end. That was not the kind I spoke of though, no. Men toil for other men in the world, men are locked in cages and it is called safety. Men forget what was, and what could be, and that is the most egregious of all. Throughout this Isle, there are those who practice this last one. Hopefully you noble Gnomes will suffer no such predatations." The Citadel passed by around them. Vehicles powered by heated water? Incredible, in a sense... "The Vampires are not the only people who return from the dead, friend. The rest just forget being alive." He shrugged, wide shoulders declaring the mystery of the world. "Just not always, anymore."
    He looked at the painting that the Gnome held out, smiling faintly, nodding in approval. "Hold onto your warmth, friend, and increase it when you can. I'm afraid my way lies a different direction now; be well, until we meet in this life, or the next." His movement was sudden enough that few eyes would have not alerted would have caught it. With a tumble off the cart, he hit the ground running, heading away from the spiral, heading upwards.
    Behind, on the wagon seat, where he had been sitting, there was a pair of boxes. Turban Gnome probably didn't remember putting them there, or seeing the human put them there, either. But they sat there, tantalizing and closed, with a small note attached. May this put fire and flare in your world, friend.

    If he should choose to open them... the smaller box, a rough square about the size of a human hand, revealed a maze of metal and an intricate, artistic scene portrayed within. This was all less important to what else came from within: music, deep music that reaches for the throat, the sound of metal pipes bellowing air, twangs of strings. The other box, a long rectangle, held rolled scrolls, bound up with ties. The scrolls, when unraveled, were revealed as plans, dimensions and materials lists for building a number of strange contraptions. Some looked similar to the other box, some were of small devices that were carried, and one appeared to have the dimensions to be fit in a building or wagon; the title on that read Pipe Organ.


    AP 3 - 1 (Lead Populace: Fortifications) - 1 (Lead Populace: Instrument making) = 1

  2. - Top - End - #242
    Orc in the Playground

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    Somewhere around here.

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Quote Originally Posted by Selinia View Post
    Princess Rayne, Imperial Quarters, Teppelin

    "I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist here - there is no special bioengineering corps. But I'm going to let that slide because it's not a lie so much as a civilian being clueless as to the minimum personnel requirements for classification as a corps. You are, at most, a team." She nodded solemnly, then continued. "And I find it hilarious that you're asking me for a pardon I can't give. Nor would I give it. Lucky for you there's a war going on, or you'd be dead now. As it stands, you sound useful, so I'm going to give you a bit of advice."

    "Tower 17, floor 57. Old town. Go there and look for Westin. He's a nut, but he's a rich nut - made his fortune in meditech. Obsesses over the next big advance near-constantly. Owns one of the biggest companies in Teppelin. Sounds like your kind of guy. Oh, and you've got about thirty seconds before the silent alarm goes off. I advise you be discreet."

    Imperial Quarters, Teppelin

    "That we can do. Come on, Lloyd."
    "Please don't tell anyone we were here. That would rather ruin the point of our discretion."

    And with that, Lloyd saunters off, his assistant hurrying to keep up with his long strides.

    Airship Docks, Teppelin

    Within an undisclosed airship, Lloyd Slate relaxes on a long, immaculately white leather couch. He's still wearing a labcoat, though it's a different one from his earlier one; this one is clearly custom-tailored, extending the full length of his body all the way to his ankles, and as white as the couch he sits on.

    Across the cabin from him, his assistant Cecile sits on another, similar couch, fidgeting, clearly attempting not to speak.

    Lloyd is the first to break the silence.
    "Well, that went well. I suppose we could have done worse, though. We're still alive at least. "
    "Why did you make that stupid treason comment anyway? I realize our weapons research is probably illegal, but it's hardly that horrible."
    Lloyd's eyes shift slyly behind his glasses.
    "I had to make something up on the spot that would sound like it was the truth. The princess was expecting a dark secret, so I gave her one. I think it was quite a good improvisation, don't you?"
    "Well, it didn't get her to give us a Royal Decree, did it?"
    "It didn't end up getting us killed either, did it?"
    Cecile glares ineffectually at Lloyd, who smirks slightly in response.
    "Anyway, we need to decide what to do now, but our patron, wonderful as he is, appears to have gone and skipped out on us. I guess we'll just have to wait on him."
    Lloyd gets up from the couch and triggers the automatic door release.
    "I'll be down in the lab if he shows up. Just page me. Oh, and stay at the ready for now. I wouldn't put it past that girl to make sure we do what we're told."
    Last edited by Lagren; 2011-01-24 at 09:38 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #243
    Barbarian in the Playground
    canjowolf's Avatar

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    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Kali's Going To Pay A Visit
    The sound of a book snapping shut was followed by the first appearance of Kali, Keeper of Knowledge and Praetor of Planning, in the courts of the divine in several hundred years. While this should have been a lot more dramatic than it actually was, Kali had not exactly been dozing off in all those centuries: Quantum particles were a bitch to nail down, especially since they resided on a level of reality that was in constant flux.

    "Hespa." Kali said plainly, the deity in the form that he usually preferred to take. It was that of a Gnome rather advanced in years, with a gaping, liver-dotted balding head, graying hair, and a rather massive forehead (Because even bookworms wish they could be vain). His right hand was clutching a parallel of the Tome of Kali.

    "Welcome to the world- may we talk?" He asked, folding one leg over the other as he drifted through astral space, "It's nothing major- don't worry. I've been the new god on the block myself, as it stands."

    Hespa whipped around, her vine hair exploding into a plume of motion. She wondered how someone had learned her name, as she was being rather careful to hide it, just another situation that needed rectifying with these large foreheaded creatures. "I suppose that you are the god of those little tree killers" she said, her voice a whisper as ever. "What is your name and why have you approached me? There appears to be a great war brewing below and I must pay attention if I am to protect these young trees. There were very few survivors of the Earpocolypse you know". Hespa grins and stares at the god of gnomes as if she is about to eat him, or laugh. It's rather difficult to tell.

  4. - Top - End - #244
    Ettin in the Playground
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    The Southern Wildlands

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Hespa and Kali... And one Nerra.

    And then Tel'Radai noticed he was in kamigawa, and that there was a second deity around.

    "Uh. Talk about eventuality... What is an Earpocalypse? Something to do with noise perhaps... Hmm."



  5. - Top - End - #245
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    May 2010

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Wallace and The Gnomes - Over the Citadel - Trade Secrets

    "Well! That should be great!" The Captain replied, smiling emphatically. The Citadel was a vampire of its own- demanding untold sums of metal. He had not been privy as to what they were doing with so much of it, but there had been...rumors. Interesting ones, at that.

    When the rest of the Gargoyles went flying off, right towards the Citadel proper, Hedto couldn't help but shout futilely as he ran to the wheel. The ship began to turn as its wings, extended for long flights, abruptly shifted on the air currents.

    "Hey! Hey, wait! What're you doing? Where are you going?!" He shouted, rambling off the questions as he pawed at the wheel. Down below, along the Citadel walls, orderly formations of Legion Musketeers, engineers, researchers, cannon operators, and more than a few scientists were hard at work. Carts, loaded with precious supplies, raced across tracks as large conducting rods were erected. The winter snow had made the Citadel a rather chilly place to be at the moment, but freezing weather couldn't keep them down. Fires had been set up in non-military zones, to keep workers warm as they poured concrete and inserted lengths of rebar into new fortifications.

    Elsewhere, electric lanterns kept fur-clad soldiers on patrol almost sweatingly warm. Firing drills peppered straw targets with shot, as the Gnomes prepared to defend their home. Not all was military, of course, however. Why, as the Gargoyles flew overhead, more than a few off-duty Gnomes had taken to making what could best be described as a mini-Citadel made of bricks of snow.

    Children skated along frozen aqueducts of water, originally intended to keep a much less advanced age of laborer watered and supplied. Couples, both young and old, enjoyed windowed views from the upper levels of the Citadel, watching the distant landscape from behind the protection of their fellows. It was a friendly sight, when one scraped away the military barding, to know that the Gnomes still had a culture beyond the barrel of their rifle.

    Even the Vampires couldn't break that.

    Nothern Blessed Isle & Changeling Village City
    Berento and Glimto, in the meantime, had had a rather meaningful series of discussions. Primarily concerning the fact that there were upwards of a thousand divinely-imbued weapons sitting in Berento's ship, which had since been restored to full functionality- even if the Changelings didn't help them with repairs.

    That discussion had mainly gone along the lines of,
    Admiral: "So, I see we've still got a military."
    Captain: "Yes."
    Admiral: "And this military, is it still the same Legion format?"
    Captain: "Yes...why?"
    Admiral: "Good. Because I'm still an Admiral, last I checked, and there's sodding Vampires on the island we just barely got our asses out of."
    Captain: "I see. And I take it that-"
    Admiral: "Yes, these folks don't like them either. Quite glad you've been making nice with them- I'd hate to have to shoot a perfectly good Captain for messing up some allies in Vampire-hunting."
    Captain: "I'm happy too."

    It was for this reason that Berento would have a word with the highest-ranking Changeling military leader he could, his own ship turtling behind the Vampyre's Bane in the heavens after being so repaired. Those words would be,

    "So, just what's the plan for kicking those Vampires right in the teeth? It turns out we've got a lot more advanced since I left the Citadel, and I'd rather like to get all of these pseudo-artifacts back there for getting rid of the buggers."

    Kali and Tel'Radai: Juxtaposition? Nyet! Deity Meeting!
    For the first time in centuries, Kali also had the joy of making himself appear in two different places at once. Though he had yet to come to make a term for this ability, he was hardly one to question it.

    Even if it left a slightly off taste in his internal workings when he did it. "Nice to meet you, I suppose." He began, "I'm Kali- Keeper of Knowledge, Master of Planning, so on, so forth. Nice to meet you- please pardon the mess." He said, indicating the half-finished Biggins-Boston particle he had been working on up until all this crap had started up. "There's just been a lot of work people want to pile onto my plate, it seems. But enough about that- how can I help you?"

    Hespa's joining of the conversation meant that both Kali projections snapped back into one with a rather quiet boing-boing-boing.

    "And yes, you are correct- I'm the one who made the Gnomes, for better or for worse. I was actually hoping to talk to you about protecting the trees, and the fact that the Gnomes are probably going to need them to survive the cold of winter with their current setup. Would you be interested in such a discussion?"

    He gave a mildly approving nod to Tel'Radai on the topic of winter, "Nice usage of water's freezing point by the way- I hadn't really considered it with the Mist Sea being in constant flux and all."
    Last edited by Gunther; 2011-01-24 at 10:38 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #246
    Orc in the Playground

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    Menzoberranzan, Faerun,

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunther View Post
    Kali's Going To Pay A Visit

    Buffet on the Blasted Isle: Gnome Blocked?
    Up in the air, the Gnomish warship Kali's Spyglass was not exactly proud of seeing the number of troops moving along the new landmass. Nobody was too happy with the troop movements, in fact. It was for this reason that, after a few brief flag-waving signals, one of the escort ships broke off from the group of gliders, the aircraft going on a direct path back for the Citadel.

    Commander Lumder, the man in charge of the now two ship fleet, had decided the diplomatic approach best. Especially since neither he, nor anyone under his command had seen an army of this size in quite some time.

    "Attention approaching forces!" He shouted through the ship's onboard amplification horn, his voice coming across the field loud and clear (if slightly tinny). "Approaching forces" was a lot more diplomatic than "Ravening horde of abominations".

    "You are in direct proximity of Gnomish mining encampments! Please desist all aggressive troop movements and state your intent!"
    Land Armada

    Evanzar jumped at the sudden appearance of the Horseman and swore. Recovering, he bowed. " Greetings, Lord Horseman." A tall, cloaked, Forsaken stands next to Evanzar, looking at a strange ship in the sky. He does not react at all the Horseman's presence.

    Evanzar sighed as he looked at the ship. " Gnomes." he spoke, in explanation to the Horseman and the mysterious Forsaken standing next to him. " They're curious. Self-destructive, but not on purpose like us. Weird. But quite good at science." The other male gives him a long, baleful stare, then turned to gaze at the Gnomish ship.

    Evanzar shuddered. He'd seen a lot of things in his life, but this man... He topped them all.

    Evanzar, who had survived the destruction of the Blessed Isle and explored the unknown for his entire life was, quite frankly, terrified of him.

    Such was the power of Tyrr. He had no other name. But his reputation was legendary.

    " I guess we should go talk to them?" Evanzar ventured tentatively.

    Tyrr simply lifted off the ground and glided gracefully up to the ship's level. Evanzar followed. Figuring that Tyrr would probably prefer not to talk, he spoke first.

    " Will not cease aggressive maneuvers. For two simple reasons. Three actually. First, you have no authority over us or this land. Whether or not you dispute that is irrelevant. Two, the reason that is irrelevant, is that I have an army behind me. You do not. Three, my companion here, " he indicated the silent Tyrr, " could blast your little fleet from the sky. With little trouble. We will not disrupt your resource operations, however, in the intrest of goodwill and trade between our countries. I feel that covers everything. Questions?"
    Feel free to jump in Steilos.

    The Twilight Jungle

    Quarland was distracted from his little moving map of the world by a message. He listened for a moment and grinned. " Now things get interesting."

    With a violet flash, he disappears.


    Quarland appears near Immortas, and enter the same way. " Well, let's get this party started." He chortles slightly. " Although I must admit I like the party going on down there a bit more." With a thought, he summons a replica map board to view the unfolding action on the Isle.

    Area 11

    Janrya had managed to pass as a resident of Area 11 for an entire year. First as a tiefling soldier, then as a human rebel. The Foolamancer assassin had wormed her way into the resistance. That wasn't to say she wished them harm, she was just there for security.

    She was just one of the numerous Foolmancer assassin's that had penetrated the Bastions. Admittedly, there were only twenty, but "numerous" sounded more mysterious.

    And for now, she simply watched, doing her part like any loyal rebel. But in reality, she watched. And waited.

    -1AP Raise Hero (Tyrr: Master of Divine Destruction)
    Selinia, if you've got a problem with the Foolmancers infiltrating, then I won't write anything else about them, but they're there to tell the humans to take cover and hide when the Forsaken come, and to generally help the humans out. They don't want to be identified though.
    Last edited by apocalypsePast2; 2011-01-24 at 10:37 PM.
    Four Gods wait on the windowsill
    Where once eight Gods did war and will,
    And if the gods themselves may die,
    What does that say for you and I?

    Now three Gods sit on the windowsill,
    Where one God's blood was lately spilled
    Black tounges lap at the spreading pool,
    To build the strength they need to rule.

    - The Quartet For The Dusk Of Man, Tycho Ephemerous Brahe

    Call me Apoc.

  7. - Top - End - #247
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Human Gift for the Citadel
    And just like that, the human was gone. Heading down to the spiral of the highway, and leaving the Human to flee as he willed amongst the marketplaces (All of which would gladly just let him be, seeing as money is money- even from a foreigner), he heard the distant roar of the gears. The hammering of the metallurgists below, joined with the clang of the forges pumping out shaped metal, was enough for him.

    Letting the vehicle begin its downward slope, Turban Gnome- with nothing better to do now that the wagon was effectively self-guiding- opened the box.

    The fortifications scroll had been set aside, something for the military to investigate further on. They'd probably incorporate it with the already existing series of tunnels and networks and this and that and-

    The cart came to a screaming halt, causing two more iron-bearing wagons behind it to divert around it. Hand gripping the emergency break, the Gnome slowly put the locket back into his turban. The little box continued to play its melody as he looked at the control gears.

    "Sod it." He said, "They can do without a shipment."

    And that was when the wagon almost jackknifed, turning around to the exit lanes with its cargo still nice and secured. There would be a better purpose for them. The joy of music.

    Turban Gnome's name was Punwick, and he would be the first Gnomish Composer in the world, credited with the creation of the first true stylings of Citadel music.

    Land Armada
    Lumder considered the Forsaken floating before him. Oh, they could obviously destroy the entire battlegroup- no questions asked. It was partially why he was just a part of a greater whole. Being part of something, and not the entire thing, could give you a great many advantages when faced with the whole.

    It was a nice, convoluted way of building up his courage, in short.

    "Oh, that's a mighty fine army you have there, yes." Lumder agreed with a nod, "Very fine and mighty. Imposing, even. Never seen the likes of it- never even knew other people spoke Gnomish, by the way. However," He added, "I'm not the entire Legion. Not by a long shot, in fact. Three ships does not a fleet make. No offense, I'm sure your big friend here could kill us all, very well could," He conceded, "But I just figured it's only polite to point out inaccuracies where they exist. Misinformation is the real killer in warfare, I'd say. And, uhh, as it stands, you've got your entire army behind you. In one central location. Centralized."

    He shrugged, "But that's irrelevant, like you've been saying. As for a question, yes: Why are you here in the first place? We've been given no diplomatic warning of large-scale troop movements. Only seems proper to knock and ask for sugar before you go blowing up the front door with a bundle of dynamite."

  8. - Top - End - #248
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Quote Originally Posted by Grytorm View Post
    Lost and Found

    "Look at my teeth and guess, if you said anything then you would be right. But I generally prefer meat. Also, if you would be referring to Teikoku, then you are mildly mistaken. The Draconic Council does operate in her lands, but they try to distance themselves from her creations. Also, why do you call her Ear?"
    Lost and Found

    The Eag chuckles. "Very well. Our hunters have brought in plenty of game tonight. Enough to fill even your big belly, if I judge it right. As to why we call her Ear, well, Daddy asked us to, and made her name taboo amognst us. Why he did that to his sister, we don't know. We just follow Daddy's lead." The feast that night was plentiful.

    The next morning Odium was asked by a Croc'Chept. "So, is there somewhere specific you wish to go? You are welcome to stay with us, but we doubt that quiet village life suits you."

    Quote Originally Posted by Selinia View Post

    William Penkappa, Dreams, The Blasted Isle

    Of the three cities, only Area 12 was lead by someone with skill in dreamwalking - but every rebellion counted at least a few of the odd folk among their ranks. So it was that William received swift responses from all three Bastions.

    The dreamwalker organizing the people of 12 was a man William had met before, if only in passing. He was a cautious sort - their Duchess was a ruthless pragmatist, unafraid to hold weapons to civilians to force rebels to back down. He gave wary thanks, but warned the Freedom Corps to keep their distance until something was figured out from the inside. They were ready and willing to fight, but they could not allow their friends and loved ones to be gunned down for their actions. Still, he parted with a nod and a smile - news from outside was always welcome. It showed them that they weren't alone.

    The people of Area 09 sent a mere child - the Bastion Lord of their homes had made a special effort to purge even the tiniest hint of spellcasting, and the surviving few were all too often merely kids. She gave Will a short message she had memorized beforehand, begging assistance while simultaneously warning of the sorry state of 09's rebel forces. It would have to be an almost entirely outside job - tricky, even for the forces the ronin had amassed.

    The dreamwalker from Area 11 was late, almost to the point where one would wonder if they had received the message at all. But she arrived, practically glowing with confidence. "Sorry for the delay. Very busy here. Hakan wanted to send a message to you - you being the ronin, I assume? Anyway, and I quote, 'Let the dream-geezer know that we'll be busting out of our cage in two days. If he wants to show up, Hakan the Great would be happy to fight alongside him!'. Here's hoping to see you in person, mister! Till then, ciao!" With equal abruptness, she vanished back into the ether, anticipation still etched into her young features.
    William Penkappa - en route to Area 11

    The news from 12 was typical of what he heard from the Bastions, but he just simply didn't have the firepower to take on a Bastion at the moment. In another decade, the crysteel farms would be in full production, and a whole fleet of human-made warships with divine insight into their natures could be created. At the moment, the farms were sufficient to keep every member of the Freedom Corps well armed, but not much else. Area 09 saddened him. Someday, sooner rather than later, Kappa willing, they would be liberated. Area 11, though, that was wonderful news. Whatever breakthrough they made there, it was surely going to bring a whole new side ot this war.

    The Fist of Freedom made course for Area 11. They timed it so that they would arrive at the bastion two days from then, ready to aid the cause within. The whole armada moved with them. It was a risk to pull all the ships in one place, but a risk worth taking in exchange for the chance at liberation. So went the line of reasoning.
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexanderML View Post
    get some of that excess AP you have before rollover used(spilled AP is worth feeling sad over).
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabrosin View Post
    Yurhzorg is a nuclear warhead disguised as a playable character
    Much thanks to Ceika for the poketar!

    I'll be away from the internet from 1/3-1/8 2019. I swear I'm not disappeared.

  9. - Top - End - #249
    Barbarian in the Playground
    canjowolf's Avatar

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Kali and Tel'Radai: Juxtaposition? Nyet! Deity Meeting!
    For the first time in centuries, Kali also had the joy of making himself appear in two different places at once. Though he had yet to come to make a term for this ability, he was hardly one to question it.

    Even if it left a slightly off taste in his internal workings when he did it. "Nice to meet you, I suppose." He began, "I'm Kali- Keeper of Knowledge, Master of Planning, so on, so forth. Nice to meet you- please pardon the mess." He said, indicating the half-finished Biggins-Boston particle he had been working on up until all this crap had started up. "There's just been a lot of work people want to pile onto my plate, it seems. But enough about that- how can I help you?"

    Hespa's joining of the conversation meant that both Kali projections snapped back into one with a rather quiet boing-boing-boing.

    "And yes, you are correct- I'm the one who made the Gnomes, for better or for worse. I was actually hoping to talk to you about protecting the trees, and the fact that the Gnomes are probably going to need them to survive the cold of winter with their current setup. Would you be interested in such a discussion?"

    He gave a mildly approving nod to Tel'Radai on the topic of winter, "Nice usage of water's freezing point by the way- I hadn't really considered it with the Mist Sea being in constant flux and all."

    "I'm willing to discuss the protection of the trees, and I hope that the cold weather will be temporary" she whispered. Her eyes moved between Kali and his shiny mirror image Tel'Radai wondering if the other god was so insane and fragmented that it talked verbally to its avatar/reflection/ego support.
    Last edited by canjowolf; 2011-01-24 at 11:11 PM. Reason: formatting

  10. - Top - End - #250
    Orc in the Playground

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    Menzoberranzan, Faerun,

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunther View Post
    Land Armada
    Lumder considered the Forsaken floating before him. Oh, they could obviously destroy the entire battlegroup- no questions asked. It was partially why he was just a part of a greater whole. Being part of something, and not the entire thing, could give you a great many advantages when faced with the whole.

    It was a nice, convoluted way of building up his courage, in short.

    "Oh, that's a mighty fine army you have there, yes." Lumder agreed with a nod, "Very fine and mighty. Imposing, even. Never seen the likes of it- never even knew other people spoke Gnomish, by the way. However," He added, "I'm not the entire Legion. Not by a long shot, in fact. Three ships does not a fleet make. No offense, I'm sure your big friend here could kill us all, very well could," He conceded, "But I just figured it's only polite to point out inaccuracies where they exist. Misinformation is the real killer in warfare, I'd say. And, uhh, as it stands, you've got your entire army behind you. In one central location. Centralized."

    He shrugged, "But that's irrelevant, like you've been saying. As for a question, yes: Why are you here in the first place? We've been given no diplomatic warning of large-scale troop movements. Only seems proper to knock and ask for sugar before you go blowing up the front door with a bundle of dynamite."
    Land Armada
    " Now, before I answer your question, let me point out something flawed in your logic. Yes, this army is rather centralized, clustered together like so. But we, too, are only one part of an army. A very large army. And not only that, this part will not stay together. Divide and conquer. We will separate. So thanks for pointing out an obvious tactical flaw that is already being fixed. Do you want a cookie?"

    Evanzar chuckles. " As for your question, we are here to liberate the humans. Too long have they lived like rats in a cage, without purpose. We will show them purpose, the purpose of all life.* As for informing you of our troop movement, " Evanzar's voice grows harsher, " the Forsaken Empire does not answer to anyone, nor must it report it's movements. We did not see fit to inform you of a matter that doesn't concern you. We were unaware of your mining camps. We apologize for the confusion. They will not be harmed. And in this case, that analogy doesn't make sense, since we are attacking the tieflings. It is pointless to knock on the door of a prison when all the guards are shooting everything outside and in."

    *Which is to serve the Forsaken!
    Last edited by apocalypsePast2; 2011-01-24 at 11:24 PM.
    Four Gods wait on the windowsill
    Where once eight Gods did war and will,
    And if the gods themselves may die,
    What does that say for you and I?

    Now three Gods sit on the windowsill,
    Where one God's blood was lately spilled
    Black tounges lap at the spreading pool,
    To build the strength they need to rule.

    - The Quartet For The Dusk Of Man, Tycho Ephemerous Brahe

    Call me Apoc.

  11. - Top - End - #251
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Kali, Hespa, and Tel'Radai
    "Well, great! For one, I'd like to make an offer with you, pending how all of this business with the Vampires and the Forsaken works out. While I'm not one to intervene in mortal business, there's a lot tied up with the forests you're protecting. So: I was hoping you would clear out your creations from the forests and mines already under control by the Gnomes. Projections indicate that these will be enough to sustain them- as a sign of good will, I will introduce the idea of replanting trees they harvest. For metal, it is not really destroyed- though I can also, after the dust settles and the full scale of escalation is known, introduce beautification. Both of these are well within the current projections for civic feasibility for the Gnomes, though other cultures would struggle with them."

    He looked to Hespa for an answer, "Is this acceptable to you? It would be pointless for us to simply waste our energies on one another, countering tit for tat."

    Land Armada
    "Oh, you're just here to open up those nice, big cities they've been in? I've never been in those, so I can't really attest for the quality of life- though if I may ask, how do you intend to improve it beyond the cities they already inhabit? Your army does not seem all that advanced technologically, and though its large size indicates sufficient infrastructure to support it, I must confess doubts as to the feasibility of uplifting a culture in the way you are implying. I've read several books dealing with the issue of culture shock on less advanced civilizations...none of which are pleasant."

    He simply kept a straight face in Evanzar's harsher tones, though the Musketeers behind him visibly tensed, their rifles clutched close to their chests. "And I did not say the Forsaken had to report their troop movements. Only that it would be proper- much in the way that it would only be proper for any Gnomes in the Forsaken Empire to announce their presence, rather than be misinterpreted as invaders seeking to make a beachhead for further conquest."

    The Gnome Commander folded his hands behind his back, his point made, "While I am no master diplomat, we have had no troubles getting a diplomatic party to the Tieflings. If you would like, we could facilitate a meeting on neutral ground. There should be no reason for deaths on any side if they can be avoided by peaceful means. Your goal is to free the humans after all, is it not?"

    He cocked an eyebrow slightly, "And I know of no trade agreement between your, ah, people and my own. Would you please elate?"
    Last edited by Gunther; 2011-01-24 at 11:47 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #252
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Tel'Radai. Completely not a god.

    Tel'Radai would have made a funny face at Kali's comment, if the nerra had faces.

    "I would love to be the architect of Saeric's might, but alas, I am but an immortal man, not a god, a mere servant of the mirror lord Hal'Xaazar, Firstborn of the Empty Vast..."

    Some time later.

    "... The Great Opposer."

    There were many titles, quite a few were in the nerra dialect.

    "I come as an envoy of the nerra and changeling peoples to the lord of gnomes... Hal'Xaazar never took much of a concern to directly commanding his flock, unlike other gods, but he does understand that some other gods like that close approach to their mortal servants and their allies."

    "It is difficult to tell them apart. Are you one of those gods?"

    And Hespa, Hespa. Hespa gained her own mirror image to speak with. Completely independent from the first. Because Tel'Radai might just be crazy enough to be able to keep two separate conversations going at once.

    "Mistress. I know not. The chill of the lord Llymic, who is the god of frost reborn, is a force unlike any other in all creation... I do not believe there is anything at the time that will follow it but deeper cold."


    Changeling City

    That would be the local lord and Master Aberrant Adept, Iom'Raem dubbed by his achievements as the Lifemaker. Val'Eskuld would work too, but she is more of a guide, really.

    "It is simple enough, vampires, elves... I would like to say we are going to degenerate them into nothing, but that would be an oxymoron considering they are already degenerates of the lowest sort."

    Raem pulled his mantle, a strange organic mass, over his pale hair, walking out into the biting cold outside to lead the gnomes to the waiting sight of a numberless horde of armed Servitors and miriad lifecrafted monstrosities, including a few that could be recognized as heavily mutated servitors.

    "So we will just crush them under our numbers. I heard they have a hard time keeping their troops numerous... Ours are numberless."

    Mythic: Raise Hero: Ion'Raem, The Lifemaker.

    Pantheon AP: 2

    1 pantheon AP, Create Class: Evolutionist.
    Last edited by Draken; 2011-01-24 at 11:33 PM.



  13. - Top - End - #253
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Tel'Radai. Completely not a god, but a cool guy, eh?
    Kali thought for a moment before shaking his head, "I only advance the Gnomish technological levels when suitable. For the most part? I prefer to explore the physics of our world- the world of the divine. I studied a lot as a mortal, so I mainly improve Gnomish sciences with the occasional nudge or trigger event as a homage to my little creations. If you would interpret that as 'close interaction', then so be it, but I hardly prance about wearing Gnomes like a puppet."

    Changeling City: Onward!
    "I don't know about the Elves," Berento said, "But the Vampires? Let me at 'em!" He said, the Gnomes behind him smirking. It was unusual for a Gnome to smirk, especially in regards to fighting. But Vampires were a special case. "You're welcome to the rest, for all I honestly mind. But there's a very old grudge in need of settling, and now's the best time to grind the axe and bury it right into the freaking heads."

    Overhead, the two Gnomish warships fluttered in the breeze, their escorts having had brief forays with one another to catch up on the news. Things really had changed since Berento was last around.

    "I need to get these back to the Citadel, though, like I said." He indicated, nodding to the weapons crates behind him. "So we'll have to break off from your group after we hit the mainland. You're more than welcome to have some of your troops come with us, though, for extra strength. We'll be looping back to pluck off whatever Vampires you leave us!"

    Another cheer.

    Berento was going to war, whether or not the Citadel liked it.

  14. - Top - End - #254
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2


    The nerra nodded.

    "You sound like one the mirror lord would like. Meddle not in the affairs of mortals if there is no need, it is what he thinks... Teikoku is quite the opposite, meddles all the time, same for Quarland, Julian, Sozuchi even Terran, so he has to think that way, it is a train of thought he likes, of course.

    Berento and Raem

    Raem smiled at the gnome.

    "Tell you what, short friend, we will send you some transposers, and set down some gateways. I am sure you will find them useful."

    Transposers... Those are the dudes with the teleportation magic.

    But gateways? What is a gateway?

    Probably the big arch in front of them, the one churning out servitor soldiers like a termite queen churning out eggs.

    Pantheon AP: 1

    1 AP, Lead Populace: Portal Magitechnology.
    Last edited by Draken; 2011-01-24 at 11:58 PM.



  15. - Top - End - #255
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Tel'Radai: Divine Meeting
    "So long as I can proceed with my own research, and the Gnomes can prosper in their own way without any major impediments? I honestly couldn't care less what other deities do. But things just seem to be reaching a crux in this world, to be honest, and I grow tired of being interrupted by one petty concern after another. First with this Rot business, and now the lives of mortals being tossed about callously."

    He folded his arms, the mighty Tome of Kali clutched in his left. "I'd really rather leave the mortals to solve their own problems, for better or for worse."

    Berento and Raem
    Berento's eyes went wide in glee at the sight of the arch. The science behind it must have been magnificent to behold! He felt the urge to dissect it even now, a basic instinct driven by his scientific heart.

    "I...How do these work, if you don't pardon my asking? Can you move things both ways? And these...these things they're spewing out. What are they?" He inquired, watching the Servitors march on through. Behind him, the Gnome laborers were finishing loading the weapons, and now were waiting for the gate pieces- and their operators- to board the glider destined upwards.

  16. - Top - End - #256
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Forsaken Armada, The Blasted Isle

    The first sign of the approaching battle was not the the gleam of warships in the sky. Nor was it the thunder of macrobatteries. It was a single glimmer of crimson, far on the horizon. Envanzar, were he paying particularly close attention, might recognize the gleam from his previous visit. He might even recognize what it represented.

    Not that he would be able to do anything about it. For, as the gnomish captain had so eloquently pointed out - the Forsaken forces were clumped together. Concentrated.

    Once again, veins of blood-colored light flared to life beneath the advancing army. In a matter of seconds, they erupted - javelins of red energy slicing viciously through their army, one eruption following another. It kept up for a good minute before the last of the hellish glare faded away... letting the destruction of the attack sink in.

    Gygax was largely intact, save for superficial damage to its legs and some severe malfunctions from its overloaded shielding, but many of its kin were not so lucky. The energy eruptions, fired along ley lines from the massive reactors of Teppelin, had specifically targeted the heaviest of the golemships. Few had been outright destroyed, but many had sustained heavy damage - weapons systems knocked offline, mobility crippled, or even a complete loss of power. And of course, crew casualties from those unfortunate enough to be in the proximity of the superheated lances as they arced through the vessels.

    Then the tiefling fleet showed itself. In the form of a volley of heavy chroma missiles, slamming into hulls and shredding any infantry foolish enough to forsake the safety offered by the fleet's armored exteriors. Miles away, the cruisers fell into their battle formation and began loading the next round of bombardment. The carrier Onyx prepared to launch its interceptor fleet. The battleships continued to advance, intent on pinning down the already-hamstrung Forsaken forces before they could even hope to get the rest of the fleet in line-of-sight.

    The tiefling navy had an unofficial motto - If it was a fair fight, something had gone horribly wrong.

    Oh, and the gnomes were largely ignored. But their seats were excellent.

    Hakan, Rising Up, Area 11


    It had been killing Hakan every hour of the wait, but Soren had managed to convince him to give the dream-geezer the time to catch up. He, with all his nineteen years of wisdom and experience, didn't really see why that was necessary - they had the ganman, after all. But... Soren had a cool head. He had a way of feeling things out that Hakan envied sometimes - plunging ahead, but always keeping an eye on where he was going.

    But now, the wait was over - the first glimmers of Mondo's eye appeared over the walls of the Bastion, Hakan jumped down the cleverly-concealed tunnel to the rebel base below. For the last time, he couldn't help but think - all these years of jumping in and out of tunnels were about to come to an end. He strode through the gathered crowd, looks of resolve on every face. Not all of them were here - some were in other hideouts, ready to pop up and strike amid the confusion. But many were - they'd stayed to back up their leader. Hakan felt a swelling of pride - he'd die for any one of them, and any of them for him. Brothers and sisters.

    The time for flashy words was past. This stopped him about as much as it ever did. Climbing up onto the ganman, he addressed the crowd. "Listen up, bozos! This is it! We're going to be drilling up and out - so if any of you feel like chickening out, this is your last chance! No? Didn't think so! Then here we go!"

    Slinging himself into the cockpit, he gripped the 'controls'. In reality, they were simply a pair of crysteel handles of armatures that roughly corresponded to the motions of his arms. He wasn't entirely sure how they worked, but figured he'd figure out as he went along. Figuring that turning it on was a good place to start, he gripped the handles and willed the machine to life.

    Happily enough, it worked. The armor plating slammed shut in front of him, turning transparent from his side to allow viewing of the outside. That conquered, he willed the mech to walk, after finding a lack of any mechanisms for his feet. He grinned - this was easy! Easy as... walking. The mighty ganman turned towards the rebel crowd, who cheered wildly. "This ain't just some machine! This is more than that! We're staking our freedom on this thing, and on all of us! From now on, this thing is named Kakumei! It is freedom - ours... then all humanity's!"

    Caught up in the moment, Hakan thrust his fist skyward in his favorite stance.

    Right through the ceiling, and onto the street above. Well, that was one way to make an entrance. Yanking it back, he dropped into a crouch before hurling the entire bulky mech upwards, slamming through the ceiling of the cavern like a flimsy bit of cardboard. It landed, feet spread wide, on the street - somehow not collapsing the cave below. The Spiral was taking hold, and physics was going off to cry in a corner somewhere and remember the days when people paid attention to it.

    Spotting a knightmare - standing somewhat dumbstruck at the shoddily-built copycat that had erupted from the stone beneath its feet - Hakan decided to test the combat prowess of his new weapon. Pulling back his fist, he let loose a battle-cry. "Blazing Eruption of Freedom Puuuuuuuuuunch!" Kakumei's fist impacted the knightmare like a meteor - the head went flying off into the distance, followed by the body going slack as the panicked pilot slammed eject and hurtled a hundred or so meters down the street in an escape capsule.

    "Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Come and get me!"
    For a moment or two, he felt invincible. This was it! With this, he felt like he could take on the entire tiefling army single-handed. Unfortunately, the navy had something of its own to say on the matter. Even as rebels poured out into the streets, the destroyers Justified and Efficiency began their bombardment of the city below. The battleship Ultimatum hung ominously in the sky, but did nothing. Yet. It's weapons would cause much collateral, and it couldn't risk destroying its own troops until battle lines were more clearly defined. The Marquess cursed silently, wishing for a carrier - a wish that would likely be granted in a few hours as one was diverted from holding over 09.

    But in any case, Hakan soon found that nothing ruined one's day quite like being knocked down the length of the street by a naval chroma cannon.

    OOC: Action!

    Use Ultima's Blight charge to put an MR4 Blight on the Forsaken army. The blight in question getting straight-up lazerpwned.
    Last edited by Selinia; 2011-01-25 at 12:32 AM.
    Lovely Rita Mordio avatar by Zefir! Thank you!


  17. - Top - End - #257
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Lost and Found

    So many different flavors! Ah, well some other day, "As of yet I have no particular place in mind. I fled with no destination in mind, but now that I have escaped, I must decide. I think one of you mentioned earlier two different kinds of dragon? Perhaps you could tell me about them?"

    Iurious and Teikoku

    "By now it may be to late to help. But, they will do what they can. At least for now they will not assist in the war effort, the four hundred directly in your service will move to the bastions relieving some of the Tieflings to fight on the front. Although they may not be able to help much where dissent is at its highest. They manipulate emotions, and they should endear themselves to the populace I hope, more than the Tieflings at least. Also, in drastic circumstances, I may have them move to the front, but it will take fifty days to fully mobilize them." Once Iurious finished talking, he put the golden egg into some of the Teppelin's bioengineering equipment, soon it would produce one hundred variations of the design.

    Iurious Teppelin, in the Water System

    It would be quite embarrassing to be caught. Even if he was a god, it would be hard to explain why he had several hundred pounds of powdered hormones, perhaps glaring at people would make them go away. After consulting the schematics a few times, he was sure that the equipment in front of him led only to the tower where he kept the dragons, (really needed to come up with a name for it, perhaps ask the community?) with a quick twist Iurious accesses the rushing water. In you go, those dragons would be laying quite a few eggs now that Iurious had completed his task.

    As he prepared to move out, Iurious thought about all he had done with dragons. He had created a species of them, he had taught mortals to emulate them, he had found a way for mortals to be reborn as draconic creatures. Iurious had done so many things for them, he had developed divine authority over them.


    Create Race: Dragonborn
    Bless: (SR Base 1 + 3 Artifact) The Dragons created by Iurious for some time will be rather fertile creatures. (Free from Bless Artifact)
    Gain Domain: Dragon
    Create Pax Dragons
    Create Dragonborn
    Create Dragon Shamans
    Create Order of Hidden Scales
    Create Draconic Hero - Dripio

    AP 7-4=3
    GP 20/21
    DEGENERATION 86: Copy this into your sig and subtract 1 from the degeneration when you first see it. This is an antisocial experiment.

  18. - Top - End - #258
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Berento and Raem

    "You gnomes make automatons don't you? Constructs of metal, stone and wood that move by themselves, with pistons and batteries to power them."

    "They are similar, automatons, but made of bone and meat, with blood and nerves. The capacity to learn quickly with instruction, but very dim by our standards. They are born by the dozens from our vats, but can't reproduce by themselves like true living things."

    But every now and then a perverted noble requests a fully functional few.

    "And yes, yes, these are two-way transports. These gateways connect two distant points in space, creating a short road between them. Useful stuff the transposers have been working on ever since they began existing. There aren't many roads in the glacier after all."



  19. - Top - End - #259
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Kali, Hespa, and Tel'Radai
    "Well, great! For one, I'd like to make an offer with you, pending how all of this business with the Vampires and the Forsaken works out. While I'm not one to intervene in mortal business, there's a lot tied up with the forests you're protecting. So: I was hoping you would clear out your creations from the forests and mines already under control by the Gnomes. Projections indicate that these will be enough to sustain them- as a sign of good will, I will introduce the idea of replanting trees they harvest. For metal, it is not really destroyed- though I can also, after the dust settles and the full scale of escalation is known, introduce beautification. Both of these are well within the current projections for civic feasibility for the Gnomes, though other cultures would struggle with them."

    He looked to Hespa for an answer, "Is this acceptable to you? It would be pointless for us to simply waste our energies on one another, countering tit for tat."

    Hespa had this monologue to give to the god of gnomes:
    "I'm willing to refrain from sending any more of my imaginations into the forests nearest your gnomes for the time being, and if they can show proper methods I may never need to send anything here again. Removal of ancient and dead trees is fine for the forest so long as the materials are eventually returned to the soil of the forest and not trapped in flying deadwood for centuries, although fertilizing the forest with something other than salt would also be beneficial. If you look down you'll note that I was careful not to target the mines which were already under gnomish control when I arrived. As for the current forest creatures, I may develop a plant to deter the advance of the insects, and your gnomes do not seem to mind the sleepweed overly much. From what I've observed they enjoy their naps a great deal. I'm sure that your creations are creative enough to devise an ecologically friendly way to deal with these guardians of the forest. I'd also like to direct your attention to the Locani which are spreading across the Island which should favor your gnomes in the event of any conflict between them and their neighbors".


    Tel'Radai. Completely not a god.

    Tel'Radai would have made a funny face at Kali's comment, if the nerra had faces.

    "I would love to be the architect of Saeric's might, but alas, I am but an immortal man, not a god, a mere servant of the mirror lord Hal'Xaazar, Firstborn of the Empty Vast..."

    Some time later.

    "... The Great Opposer."

    There were many titles, quite a few were in the nerra dialect.

    "I come as an envoy of the nerra and changeling peoples to the lord of gnomes... Hal'Xaazar never took much of a concern to directly commanding his flock, unlike other gods, but he does understand that some other gods like that close approach to their mortal servants and their allies."

    "It is difficult to tell them apart. Are you one of those gods?"

    And Hespa, Hespa. Hespa gained her own mirror image to speak with. Completely independent from the first. Because Tel'Radai might just be crazy enough to be able to keep two separate conversations going at once.

    "Mistress. I know not. The chill of the lord Llymic, who is the god of frost reborn, is a force unlike any other in all creation... I do not believe there is anything at the time that will follow it but deeper cold."

    Turning to the thing which called its envoy of the nerra, which seemed similar in composition to the shiny version of the gnomish god, Hespa realized that Kali had not been speaking to himself, but to some sort of mimicker entity. To it she replied "As for you imitator, I do not know this Llymic or this Hal'Xaazar, but if Llymic is the god of frost than I would be interested in meeting him. I would like to inform him that eternal cold would doom this creation and see if I can work out a compromise. Could you take me to him?"

  20. - Top - End - #260
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    William - Into the Fray!

    The battleship and destroyers did not have long to gloat over their superior positions before the Fist of Freedom flew over the horizon. For the first time since a second ship was captured, every rebel-controlled and retrofitted ship was in one place at one time.

    the three cruisers with the Fist began at once to switch to attack position. They and their crews had been specially outfitted and trained to harass larger, slower ships such as the Ultimatum.

    William himself and a few dozen specialist geurilla mages teleported to the ground below. They brandished small, round crysteel shields, refined versions of William's now signature weapon. Each mage's right arm was clad in crysteel armor, thought which spells cast were amplified. Each also had a custom crysteel plasma rifle with them, altered to their own personal tastes. All of them, that is, but William. He carried around the same shield as the others, but in his right hand was not a rifle but a chain. It was a gift to him from a god. One he did not particularly like, but a god nonetheless.

    With it in hand, he walked the streets. Its primary function was not that of a weapon, but it was useful as such regardless. William had attuned himself to it such that it felt as if it was a living extension of his arm. It struck with a blow that was not merely physical, but mental as well. It turned an ordered mind into a selfish craven.

    In the course of the ensuing melee, he found himself at one point back to back with the ganman. At least, back to leg. "Neat toy. Does it do any tricks?" He asked the pilot, his voice carrying to the pilot with a nudge from magic.
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexanderML View Post
    get some of that excess AP you have before rollover used(spilled AP is worth feeling sad over).
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabrosin View Post
    Yurhzorg is a nuclear warhead disguised as a playable character
    Much thanks to Ceika for the poketar!

    I'll be away from the internet from 1/3-1/8 2019. I swear I'm not disappeared.

  21. - Top - End - #261
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Tel'Radai does not look like Kali at all. When I say Mirror Image I mean as the D&D spell. Tel'Radai's appearance to Hespa and Kali are illosry projections of himself.

    Tel'Radai himself can be easily recognized for what he is. A nerra, a humanoid with chromed, mirror-like skin.


    "Reborn, but lesser than a god, if still worthy of worship. That is Llymic, who was once Saeric, who now rests in the cold places of the material world, where you may not go, I am afraid. The winter spreads as his wounds heal and his sleep comes to an end. But the winter is a promise of the long past, and it must run its full course before any will end it."



  22. - Top - End - #262
    Titan in the Playground
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grytorm View Post
    Lost and Found

    So many different flavors! Ah, well some other day, "As of yet I have no particular place in mind. I fled with no destination in mind, but now that I have escaped, I must decide. I think one of you mentioned earlier two different kinds of dragon? Perhaps you could tell me about them?"
    "There are two races of dragon in Water World. One is ancient beyond reckoning. The other is younger than the Chept people. The first are the Faeri, the River Dragons of Water World. They are the younger children of Daddy, and they seem to love us as much as he does. They are the custodians and protectors of the land. The others are dragons born to manipulate incarnum, a new form of magic that binds the kami to one's will. The incarnum dragons are the ultimate tutors in the art of incarnum, to those few deemed worthy to be taught. They strengthen our armies to unparalleled heights." A Boa'Chept of advanced years volunteers.
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexanderML View Post
    get some of that excess AP you have before rollover used(spilled AP is worth feeling sad over).
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabrosin View Post
    Yurhzorg is a nuclear warhead disguised as a playable character
    Much thanks to Ceika for the poketar!

    I'll be away from the internet from 1/3-1/8 2019. I swear I'm not disappeared.

  23. - Top - End - #263
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Forsaken Armada, The Blasted Isle
    The barrage had actually almost blinded a number of the Gnomes aboard. So close to the Forsaken army, it had only been the quick actions of Commander that had likely saved them from the immediate firing line of the battlefield.

    Running to the wheel as the heatwaves from the rays began to buffet the sails, he felt the shockwave from the first strikes rip across the frame of the ship. Wood creaked and metal groaned as the entire vessel, followed by her escorts, began a wide about-face. Cannon crews rushed to their stations, already wary of the invaders. With these "Tieflings", at least, they were a natural presence. Something the Gnomes had coexisted with for some time now.

    Ears ringing, the leader of the Gnomes kept a deathgrip on the wheel, redirecting the ship away from the battlefield and towards the distant blip that was the Citadel.

    "All hands to stations!" He screamed over the din of impacting missiles, "Prime the cannons and brace for impact! I want our cannons ready to rip anything that so much as looks at us to shred!"

    As the ringing in his ears cleared away, the Gnome- realizing he wasn't under immediate fire- calmed slightly.

    "And, uhh, everyone be sure to remember this one! Because this is one hell of a show so far."

    Berento and Raem
    The Admiral was, to say the least, surprised by the idea that the Gnomes could create life in such a way. He tried not to let his shock show...but then just let it slip entirely.

    "We, uhh, we've never even thought of such a thing! I mean, there's been talk of having machines that can act for themselves along some very complex guidelines, but nothing more than science fiction! Though, from what I've been hearing about this electricity and steam stuff, it doesn't seem all that far-fetched to get some man-things going."

    He looked abruptly to the Captain now oh-so-very-much beneath him in rank, "Why haven't you thought of that sooner? I was out there dealing with Vampires, and here you are getting told great ideas by people that haven't even seen the Citadel!"

    Sparing the speechless Captain but a last glare, Berento returned his focus on Raem, "It's a very nice system, I'll grant. I'd certainly love to see [i]us[i] get our own version of it up and running some day- a lot of uses for that sort of technology, I'll tell you what."

    Kali, Hespa, and Tel'Radai
    Kali nodded to Hespa, "I find all of this agreeable- though I am not one to directly meddle, I can at least set up the triggers that will lead to a more nature-friendly approach to the forests. If you wouldn't mind introducing the plant, I'm sure that could very well 'seal the deal' as it were."

    He opened his tome, mirroring the book in the Citadel below. An artifact meant to influence the mortals below. A quill materialized in his hand, quickly scribbling into the tome.

    "As per my own part of the agreement, here are the, ah, influences to make the Gnomes a bit easier to stomach. I cannot promise instant results- but they factor into my plan for the Gnomes well enough."

    Lead Populace, free from Mortal artifact (Tome of Kali): Eco-friendly logging techniques. Consisting of things from replanting trees to using ashes and other dead organic matter as fertilizer, this not only produces healthier trees for industry, but can increase turnaround times on timber!

  24. - Top - End - #264
    Orc in the Playground

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    Menzoberranzan, Faerun,

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Quote Originally Posted by Selinia View Post
    Forsaken Armada, The Blasted Isle

    The first sign of the approaching battle was not the the gleam of warships in the sky. Nor was it the thunder of macrobatteries. It was a single glimmer of crimson, far on the horizon. Envanzar, were he paying particularly close attention, might recognize the gleam from his previous visit. He might even recognize what it represented.

    Not that he would be able to do anything about it. For, as the gnomish captain had so eloquently pointed out - the Forsaken forces were clumped together. Concentrated.

    Once again, veins of blood-colored light flared to life beneath the advancing army. In a matter of seconds, they erupted - javelins of red energy slicing viciously through their army, one eruption following another. It kept up for a good minute before the last of the hellish glare faded away... letting the destruction of the attack sink in.

    Gygax was largely intact, save for superficial damage to its legs and some severe malfunctions from its overloaded shielding, but many of its kin were not so lucky. The energy eruptions, fired along ley lines from the massive reactors of Teppelin, had specifically targeted the heaviest of the golemships. Few had been outright destroyed, but many had sustained heavy damage - weapons systems knocked offline, mobility crippled, or even a complete loss of power. And of course, crew casualties from those unfortunate enough to be in the proximity of the superheated lances as they arced through the vessels.

    Then the tiefling fleet showed itself. In the form of a volley of heavy chroma missiles, slamming into hulls and shredding any infantry foolish enough to forsake the safety offered by the fleet's armored exteriors. Miles away, the cruisers fell into their battle formation and began loading the next round of bombardment. The carrier Onyx prepared to launch its interceptor fleet. The battleships continued to advance, intent on pinning down the already-hamstrung Forsaken forces before they could even hope to get the rest of the fleet in line-of-sight.

    The tiefling navy had an unofficial motto - If it was a fair fight, something had gone horribly wrong.

    Oh, and the gnomes were largely ignored. But their seats were excellent.
    Evanzar whirled desperately in mid air, shouting orders into his comm, yelling at the pilots to form up and direct their anti-air batteries.


    Tyrr had a different response. He simply shed his cloak, exposing a shirtless black body, covered in glowing white tattoos. He rose higher and higher, until he reached the level of the ships, and he sent several small divinations out to inspect the ships.

    Tyrr had destroyed many things in his life. Many, many, many things. House fortresses, armies of Forsaken, small cities, etc. But he had grown bored. So he had joined up with this little attack, to meet and see new things.

    And destroy them.
    And just looked what just came along.

    His divinations returned, telling him of the great metal airships, titanic contraptions made of thousands of little parts. Durable, yet delicate. Powerful, yet vulnerable.

    Tyrr wrapped himself in a storm, drawing power into himself and charging into, and floated lazily toward the death-dealing fleet. One of the medium sized ships noticed the localized storm, and deduced that it must be hostile. It sent a volley of plasma into the clouds. Nothing happened.

    Tyrr smiled. " My turn."

    The Divine Destroyer struck back, sending enormous bolts of chain lightning smashing into the most clustered areas of the fleet, jumping from ship to ship, frying electronics and scorching hulls. He blew out air, and crafted it into a mighty tornado, whipping smaller ships around like mosquitoes in a gale. He whipped a bblizzard of spectacular sized into being and smashed it into the entire fleet, freezing hulls and weapons systems. Toward the attacking ship, he lashed out with a tongue of fire, scorching its bridge with a firestorm. It turned to flee, and Tyrr chased it.

    He hovered behind it as he crushed it slightly between his winds.

    " This looks important." He cackled.

    He sent a powerful lightning bolt into its thruster. It jumped up the fuel lines, across wiring, and into the reactor core with the force of several gallons of LC.

    With a fireball in his wake, he laughed manically and sent another tornado into the fleet.


    Most Forsaken had taken several seconds to gape in surprise at the fleet before either being annihilated or returning fire.

    Gygax was not a Forsaken.

    He succesfully deduced that the probability of an attack coming after the long range strike was in excess of 99%. So he was less than surprised when the fleet popped up and began to rain death upon the armada.

    [identify targets]
    [identified: tiefling airships]
    [hostility confirmed]
    [recommended course of action=?]

    Gygax twisted, firing upward into the fleet. His main guns pumped gallons of LC up into the fleet, smashing into shields and crysteel. And as fire was returned to him, he twisted and spun with inhuman grace that no pilot could have achieved, never stopping his upward barrage.


    When the fleet appeared and started dealing death and destruction, Alek's response was to smile.


    Flexing his powerful wings, he rose into the hostile skies, unhitching a Liquid Chaos thrower from his back. Picking out the closest of the two enormous battleships, he brought his weapon to bear as he flew staright towards it. It took it a second to respond to his massive blasts of Liquid Chaos that smashed into it's shields and scorched it's hull. It responded with an enormous volley of weapons fire, overkill really.

    Alek sighed, and disappeared.

    With a slight -pop-, he reappeared on the opposite side of the battleship. Directing more LC into the ship, he flew straight into it, whipping fireballs into the shields and gouging the hull with ice rays.

    Forcing his way through its outer shield, he approached its hull. He put away the LC thrower, and went for the old-fashioned way. Drawing a sword, he sliced a cut into the several foot thick crysteel hull. Slicing another, he punched the cut and it crumpled inward. Stepping through the gap, he was greeted with a surprised tielfing marine, who never got a shot off.

    His blade dripping blood, Alek studied a conveniently placed map of the ship, noting his position and an area called, "the bridge." Alek grinned, and stalked off through the narrow corridors of the ship.
    Last edited by apocalypsePast2; 2011-01-25 at 10:07 AM.
    Four Gods wait on the windowsill
    Where once eight Gods did war and will,
    And if the gods themselves may die,
    What does that say for you and I?

    Now three Gods sit on the windowsill,
    Where one God's blood was lately spilled
    Black tounges lap at the spreading pool,
    To build the strength they need to rule.

    - The Quartet For The Dusk Of Man, Tycho Ephemerous Brahe

    Call me Apoc.

  25. - Top - End - #265
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    The Glass Workshop

    Mernos considered his creation and felt it was not yet ready. It needed something else, it needed an edge, something to take it from devastating to nigh unstoppable. The answer was magic, but of a new sort, Mernos whirred his eyes to the Future and saw what he could do, then saw the most fitting, the one that would complete his understanding and allow the thing to decimate it's foes with all due Haste.

    The Fatecrafter's eyering begin to spin wildly, for the clockwork god would have to look into its own nature, into what had made it. The Timestream swirled around Mernos as he absorbed the instances of both the mortal and the Divine transgressions against time. He studied how magic affected time, caused the wounds that had given him birth. Before he has merely repaired the problems, but now he studied them in full and by doing so he understood both himself and what he could do more fully, he know knew how he could use magic to affect time without causing the very problems he was needed to repair.

    He turned his attention back to the Warmech, though his eyes still spun madly. He altered the flow of time in the Warmech, speeding up its every move and calculation to a mortal creature it would well have been driven mad as everything around it moved so slowly, but Warmech was not so frail it could use this blessing to the fullest.

    Mernos's eyes slowed as he considered other steps he would need to take, war was such a temporary affair. The first would be to instill in some mortals the very power he had just found, to do so was a simple thing, he reached into the future and plucked from it a few books that taught these ideas and he placed them in various libraries and places of magical knowledge, doing so had created a stable time loop, just as it was meant to and those whose books went missing would be able to guess that just such a thing happened.

    Mernos paused and considered his next step...


    Warmech understood its initial goal and in mere seconds was flying through the Citadel, examining. It then turned its attention to the fleets assembled not too far away. It could sense the massive discharge of magical energies, and was watching the happenings in person even as Tyrr assaulted fleets with his storms.

    Warmech considered it's actions for an entire second, it was supposed to protect the Gnomes not these others. Then again these might be allies of the Gnomes, or at least the enemies of enemies. The storm itself would cause problems for the Gnomish fleet, its creator must be dealt with. In milliseconds the Golem was in the clouds, the source's laughter gave away it's position.

    Warmech activated its weapon systems for the first time, great orbs of acid, fire, ice, and sound filled the air even as hundreds of Magic Missiles streaked towards their target. Lightning flooded from Warmech's eyes filling the sky with nigh-permanent light. Whether these assaults did true damage did not matter, Tyrr could either face his aggressor or find his own fleet decimated.

    Starting AP: 8/12
    GP: 6/12
    Bless Warmech: Faster than Bad News- Everyone knows nothing travels faster than bad news, Warmech disagrees (-1 AP)
    Create Class: Time Mage (-1AP)
    Gain Domain with Divine Authority: Magic (-2 AP)
    Actions for Domain:
    1. Create Class: Time Mage
    2. Create Class: Artificer
    3. Bless: Faster than Bad News
    (Alternately the Iron Golem Curse)

    Current AP: 4/12
    GP: 10/12

  26. - Top - End - #266
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Hakan, Embattled, Area 11

    "Hah! Nice timing, Dream-Geezer! I'd worry you wanted to steal all the glory, but there are plenty of tieflings for everyone!"
    Turning quickly (if gracelessly - every motion the ganman made seemed blocky and forced, albeit no less effective for it), Hakan grabbed a knightmare that had unwisely strafed too close to him. Putting his back into it like he would a limp sack of rice, he bodily lifted the enemy mech with a violent spinning motion. "Hurdling Irony of Justice Swiiiiiiiiiiiiing!"

    Against all logic, Kakumei managed not only to hurl the heavy foe, but to do so with a trajectory that sent it crashing into a low-flying gunship. Both exploded rather spectacularly. "Hoorah! Tricks? How's that for tricks? Tell me, Dream-Geezer, do you have any tricks of your own? I could punch out knightmares all day, but that behemoth up there is the real prize!" He pointed towards the Ultimatum hanging over their heads. "Our oppressor-in-chief is hiding out up there! My bros and sisters can handle things down here..."

    As if to emphasize his point, a knightmare hurtled from a nearby ally, weapon lowered... only to be sent sprawling by a massive impact to its chest, glittering with the tell-tale signature of a chroma weapon. From a distant rooftop, a shout could be just made out. "Ha! I knew these things could be retrofitted for a rifle! Who's next, you..."

    "...and we could be doing a lot more if we were up there instead of down here! You can't just shoot it down, or it'll take the whole city out with it when it blows! We need to make it move! If you can can get us up there, I figure we can figure out the rest as we go!"
    Lovely Rita Mordio avatar by Zefir! Thank you!


  27. - Top - End - #267
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    William - Area 11

    The ronin-prophet smiles. "I propose one better. Let's you and I get up there, and have a contest: the one to take out more tiefs on the ship gets to captain it. Once we win this fight and have a second capital ship at our disposal."

    With that, William conjures up a splash of water. He then touches the mech and steps through it. Next thing either of them knows, they are in a restroom on board the Ultimatum.

    "I figured Teppelin had decided protecting against the abilities of a dozen humans on every capital ship wasn't cost-effective."

    He turns to the giant robot-warrior. "Ready to kick some Oppression butt?"
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexanderML View Post
    get some of that excess AP you have before rollover used(spilled AP is worth feeling sad over).
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabrosin View Post
    Yurhzorg is a nuclear warhead disguised as a playable character
    Much thanks to Ceika for the poketar!

    I'll be away from the internet from 1/3-1/8 2019. I swear I'm not disappeared.

  28. - Top - End - #268
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Westin, Lloyd's Airship, Teppelin

    "Whippersnappers! You're late, all of you!" The proclamation was absurd, coming from someone barging into someone else's place of residence. But it was made nonetheless. "No respect for your elders! None at all! Why, with you fancy airships and your... wait." The old man paused a moment, muttering something.

    It might have occurred to someone to check how he'd gotten on board the airship in the first place. But that was something that would simply have to remain a mystery. "...hmmm, terribly sorry. Wrong speech. Thought you were the kids that I called over to lecture. Please, have a seat, make yourself at home. Terribly sorry about that. So, as I understand it, you're champions of science - and you have a business proposition. Well then, miss - I'd like to hear it. And see it. Can't trust your hearing these days - never trust words, unless you can see them with your own two eyes. Good advice, that. Hmm... yes... Might want to write it down, so you can trust it."

    Hakan, The Ultimatum, Area 11

    "A contest? You sure about that, gramps? Well then..." Kakumei, huddled up in a ball to fit in the small restroom, unfurled itself. In doing so, punching cleanly through the ceiling. "Up and out!" Rubble falling everywhere, the ganman jumped upwards, using the decks of individual floors of the massive ship as an odd sort of ladder. "Good luck, Dream-Geezer!"

    With a crash, and debris falling dramatically from its shoulders, Hakan's mech finally planted its feet on the deck of the ship. By now alarms were sounding all throughout the Ultimatum as the presence of intruders was 'detected'. Bay doors opened, and the first of the ship's point defense knightmares streamed out, weapons at the ready.

    Hakan grinned.
    Lovely Rita Mordio avatar by Zefir! Thank you!


  29. - Top - End - #269
    Orc in the Playground

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    Somewhere around here.

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Lloyd's Lab

    The Bird of Hermes was a Destroyer-class vessel, and the lab ran its full length, taking up almost two entire decks. The room was so large that it required supporting pillars through it to bear the weight of the upper decks, metal catwalks stretching from one to the next to give access to the upper floors.

    Across this cavernous space, Lloyd Slate swans from one side of the catwalk system to the other, examining readouts, pulling stats, and manipulating dials on a thousand different synthesis tanks and computer consoles. The only light comes from the orange glow of the fluid within the cloning tubes, but he doesn't seem to care or even notice.

    Finally, as if by some signal, his manner changes drastically. All business now, he walks over to a particular console and enters in a long string of digits.

    At his command, the console blinks for a few seconds... And then the whole bottom floor of the room clears from a matte black to transparency.

    A slow, creeping smile passes across Lloyd's face.
    "Hello again, Bella."

    Quote Originally Posted by Selinia View Post
    Westin, Lloyd's Airship, Teppelin

    "Whippersnappers! You're late, all of you!" The proclamation was absurd, coming from someone barging into someone else's place of residence. But it was made nonetheless. "No respect for your elders! None at all! Why, with you fancy airships and your... wait." The old man paused a moment, muttering something.

    It might have occurred to someone to check how he'd gotten on board the airship in the first place. But that was something that would simply have to remain a mystery. "...hmmm, terribly sorry. Wrong speech. Thought you were the kids that I called over to lecture. Please, have a seat, make yourself at home. Terribly sorry about that. So, as I understand it, you're champions of science - and you have a business proposition. Well then, miss - I'd like to hear it. And see it. Can't trust your hearing these days - never trust words, unless you can see them with your own two eyes. Good advice, that. Hmm... yes... Might want to write it down, so you can trust it."
    The Bird of Hermes, Lounge
    Cecile nods sagely, holding in her laughter for the sake of funding.
    "We'll show you right away, Mr. Westin."
    Cecile depresses a button on one of the consoles and speaks into the microphone.
    "Lloyd, Mr. Westin's shown up. Please come up to the lounge as soon as you can."
    Cecile smiles faintly.
    "He's down checking on our projects in the lab. Please, make yourself at home while you wait."

    Lloyd's Lab
    "Damn it."
    Lloyd quickly pushes another button, and the crysteel floor snaps back to full opaqueness.

    Hermes' Lounge
    Lloyd pokes his head in around the door, quickly followed by the rest of his body.
    "Mr. Westin? I'm Lloyd Slate, head of the research team, and this is Cecile, my assistant."
    She nods.
    "So, where should I begin?"


    Create Artifact: Lloyd's Lab (Mortal Artifact) (3 AP)
    Lloyd's Lab is beyond state of the art. It is art. It's beyond the cutting edge; it's monofilament wire. This is what you get when you have a god providing your equipment and a genius operating it.

    Unfortunately, labs don't run themselves. There are certain components that need to be replaced and maintained, and certain resources that are nessecary for research. Hence the funding.

    Raise Hero: Lloyd Slate. Free from Lloyd's Lab.
    Lloyd might have one heck of a lab, but all the breakthroughs are his, not Ozoi's. He is a true genius, and he's willing to go to any lengths for the sake of his research. He might not look or seem dangerous; don't let it fool you.

    Create Artifact: "Bella" (MR 3 Bane Artifact) (7 AP)
    What, you thought I was going to give you more information?
    "Bella" isn't even fully complete yet. You'll just have to wait.

    13-7-3=3 AP remaining. More than enough to blow Westin's mind with.
    Last edited by Lagren; 2011-01-25 at 11:55 AM.

  30. - Top - End - #270
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: In Character #2

    Unet: Butron - The Sleeping Gargoyle

    As Harrison head off to work, back to the mines, he found the image of what he had dreamt in the front of his mind again. It was a truly wondrous image and it somehow gave him hope, inspiring within him a desire for that sort of peace and beauty once again.

    Unet: Butron - Elsewhere in the city

    A young gargoyle sat on the hard stone of the marketplace, an empty bowl sitting in front of her. It was humiliating to be dependent on the charity of others, but it was the only choice remaining to her. Although young, she was deformed, had been since birth, and was thus unable to fly. The stigma attached to being unable to fly made it impossible, for all practical purposes, for her to ever gain a mate. She had worked in the mines for a while, but even there she had been unsuited, possessing insufficient strength to be able to contribute her fair share of the work. Thus she sat on the ground in the market square and dreamed.

    Unbeknownst to her, someone noticed her, or more precisely someone noticed the particularly vibrant dreams of the young misfit. Fortunately for her that being was Unet, and Unet decided to intervene as only an avatar of dreams could. With the softest of touches, unnoticed even by the young gargoyle herself, Unet awakened something within the girl ... something vibrant!

    As passerby after passerby wandered past, the hungry young gargoyle wondered if today would be another day where she would not eat. Introspective she barely noticed when someone tossed a small piece of coal into her bowl. Realizing what it was only after it had rolled to a standstill in her bowl, Kay quickly snatched it up and stuffed it into her mouth. As she munched, she noticed seven small stones in her bowl. When they had been put there she had no idea, but there they were seven colored pieces of chalk. Not something which one could eat. Kay looked around, but no-one seemed to be paying her any attention. They very seldom did due to her deformities - no gargoyle wanted to think overmuch on the horror of being unable to fly.

    Absently, she began playing with the pieces of chalk, making bold strokes of the colored chalk on the granite surface of her bowl. A picture emerged, a gargoyle crouched on a rocky outcrop with his wings outstretched. Incredibly lifelike, the simple lines of the picture spoke of the freedom of the air, of that which most gargoyles took for granted - flight.

    Unelma: The Dreaming - The Dreams of Gods and Mortals

    Replying to Saguro via the fabric of dream, "I agree. Perhaps we should consider making contact with other deities also ... if only to ascertain the extent of their involvement with the mortal situation as it might affect the dreaming."

    The lady in white responds, almost absent-mindedly - as if part of her attention is somewhere else, "You have braved the Dreaming, e'en to the very heart of it. A touch of foolhardiness and a fair serving of courage. You are also the first." she pauses a moment to let this sink in.

    "Thus for your courage, and for sheer chance and providence, you will have your chance. I hereby grant this boon: you and those of your ilk, Foolamancers, Thinkamancers and Mathamancers may travel the dream, even unto the realm of dreams, the Dreaming itself."

    "In exchange, I lay upon thee and thine this duty: should the Dreaming ever be endangered, you will all come at our call to protect and defend it."

    "I also caution thee, neither I nor my brother grant any protections alongside this boon and the Dreaming can be ... dangerous. Walk it with care."

    The lady in white then looks at Troy, subjecting him to a detailed scrutiny, before nodding once to herself, "There is one more thing ... there must be one who can shoulder the duty I have laid upon you, one with the ability and the power to lead and govern thy ilk, and one who will watch over them. For this task I choose you Troy Unelmoija."

    As she finishes speaking a palpable cloud of dreams envelops Troy, and for an instant, a very long instant, he is subjected to something utterly indescribable, and the the cloud of dreams is gone. Troy, now Troy Unelmoija looks around the hall with eyes that see more than mere mortal eyes can perceive, and stunned he can do little but raise from his knees where he had collapsed and with a gesture of utmost respect to the lady in white, he and his erstwhile companion depart.

    Foolamancers, Mathamancers, and Thinkamancers are hereby granted the right to walk the realm of dreams.
    In return they too must defend the Dreaming should they be called.

    AP 0: 0-0 (Raise Exarch - Troy Unelmoija: Free from Mythic)
    Raised from Troy the Eag'Chept with permission from planswalker.

    AP: 0
    GP: 0/15
    Divine rank: 2

    [Divine intervention: 1 BAP/week for unaugmented bless/curse (Avatar)]
    [Mythic: Free Raise Hero/Exarch 1/week]
    [Pouch of dreams: Free MR4 Bless 1/week]

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