The door crashes open, shattering apart before Harbeeg's strength. On the other side lies a pile of chicken bones, and a 25x10 ft. hallway, and at the end, two goblins stand, their faces quickly changing from laughter too fear, holding bones in their hands ready too throw. One of the bones is let fly out of shock, hitting Harbeeg in the shoulder and bouncing away. Beyond the goblins, the hallway opens into a 40x40 room made out of carved stone, with two battle-marked stone desks near the end of it. Two hobgoblins sit on the desks, one of them staring intently at a rock on the desk with him, and on the other the second one is making some sort of fearsome weapon, sticking splintery shards of wood into a ball shape. The first one jumps at Harbeeg's entrance, knocking the rock into the hallway and reaching for a sword laying on the ground nearby, while the other dives behind the desk.

One of the goblins does the same, ducking out of sight into the room, while the other grabs a axe that was laying against the wall, and roars a challenge at Harbeeg, most likely out of lack of other options than courage.

You all hear whats going on, but only Harbeeg and Seltook can see in as of now.