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    Ogre in the Playground
    AlterForm's Avatar

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    United States

    Default Beneath Ba Sing Se


    Water ... Earth
    Fire ... Air

    Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony.
    Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
    Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them.

    But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

    * * *

    100 years passed and the war rages on in all the world save for Ba Sing Se, a city held safe but captive by the corrupt Dai Li.
    But although their earthbending skills are great, they have a long way to go before they can take control of everyone.
    And we believe we can take back our city.


    Book 1: Earth
    Chapter 3: An Errant Scroll

    The family reunion was quick, silent, and tearful. Fen shared a deep embrace with his wife and daughter, and opted for a more masculine forearm-grasping with his son. Almost before the farewell begins, it's over and the now-displaced family departs to make it out of the city before word of their escape gets out. Luckily, the upper caverns are well-enough-explored by the Resistance that Fen's family and Noto won't have to surface until they are well outside the Outer Wall if they take one of the few tunnels that hasn't yet collapsed. A few minutes duplicating a map, and the commandeered ostrich-horse carriage is on its way, its occupants guaranteed to make their escape from the city.

    Before leaving, however, Noto handed a handful of gold coins from his pouch to Ping An. "I'm sure you'll find something in this city you can't just steal. When you do, spend them wisely, miss."


    The next morning, Sui Ten has assembled several groups around the operations table. Dru Pe has been assigned under Ping An and Shan, while Anlang and Jinzho can be seen on the other side of the gathering of a dozen or so members. Scanning the faces assembled, one could infer rather easily that anyone who managed to distinguish themselves before or during the city-wide heist two nights ago has been assembled.

    Sui Ten takes in the group before him, a beaming and confident smile plastered on his face. "Alright! So, you lot are the best we've got, and I've got a great mission for you!

    He indicates four colored rocks placed on the large map of the city sprawled out on the table. "These are the coordinating guardhouses for the Middle Ring. Three nights from now, the new guard rotation plans for the ring will be moved in to replace the old ones.

    You're going to steal them."

    The wild grin on Sui Ten's face says that he came up with this plan himself, and considers it the most original and ingenious plan in the history of plans.

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