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  1. - Top - End - #91
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Dawn of Worlds: Aerdaeg

    [Turn 12]

    After spending so much time among the mirages and phantasms of the Mists, the Eldari learn to replicate their deceptive power, becoming masters of illusions.

    An order of protectors and defenders of the Eldari arise to patrol the Gray Wood, maintaining the natural balance of the woods and protecting from any possible incursions of hostile invaders.

    Advance Civilization [5pts] to give the Eldari mastery of illusion magick, Create Order [6pts] to create the Guardians of the Gray Wood.
    Power at start of turn:14
    Power spent this turn:11
    Power left at end of turn:3
    Rounds at below 5 bonus:3
    New Roll: (2d6+6)[13]

    Mastery: Sylvan Herdling Domestication, Illusion Magick
    Avatar: -

    -Orders / Sects: Priests of Luneros (religious), Fatespinners (created by graymachine), Guardians of the Gray Wood

    -Orders / Sects: Priests of Luneros (religious), Guardians of the Gray Wood
    Last edited by hangedman1984; 2011-09-15 at 10:18 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #92
    Barbarian in the Playground
    ExtravagantEvil's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Dawn of Worlds: Aerdaeg

    I watch my people sing and dance as the lightning leaps through my being
    "It's So beautiful, to hear my thunder recreated with such zeal and energy."
    I feel the energy well up inside me again, something to create, something to act on. I send once again a cacophonous messenger to my brother, now shaped to a more draconic form than before, with wings delicate as the cloud but piercing and fast as lightning.
    "Dearest Flame Brother, I said we shall create great art together, and I feel like now is the time. The little creations move to beauty, and so must we. Let us meet as soon as you are able brother. The little creatures host their festivals, let the gods do the same."
    With that, it disappears into a crack of thunder and rejoins my cloudy essence

    No Points Spent
    Race: Burzak
    Specialties: Music
    Alignment: +/- 0

    City: Goriakk
    Check out the Hansbachman Blog, it's a cure for all of your ills!
    It's Grade A, Top Notch, and One of a Kind!
    All natural, Backwards Compatible and Moving Forward with the times.
    We're off-brand, off-tempo, and on point, with an ear to the ground, finger on the pulse, and hand on the trigger.
    We're on the beat like Ginsberg, hyper-aware and hyper-active.
    Running on multi-actuated heavy duty pistons with a pistol grip.

    Thanks to Dashwood for the Extravagant Avatar

  3. - Top - End - #93
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Zenos's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Bærum, Norway

    Default Re: Dawn of Worlds: Aerdaeg

    Astghdran saw the Astghdrakonner continue to form, and he bade the wise wyrms to dig a great nesting place for their kin. And they dug caves in the highest floating island and they called it Karandsneyer.

    And Astghdran saw a dead Astghdrakon, struck down by lightning, and he felt sad for its loss. He decided to give it eternal life, and to this end he fashioned for it an eel-like body one hundred meters long from black volcanic glass, with fourteen copper fins and seven copper limbs ending in dextrous hands, on which he mounted the dead Astghdrakons skull and he gave it a four long barbels of silver.
    And he awakened the soul within the skull and he said to it, "thy name is Ankhortakeli, thou will fly in the water as you did in the air, thou shall eat well of the oceans salt and thou shall drink well of the light of the sun and the stars," and Astghdrakon released Ankhortakeli into the ocean.


    First one use of command civilization to have a city for the Astghdrakonner made on the highest floating island, the water-producing one. Second use create race to make the great undead obsidian eel.
    Power at start of turn: 10
    Power spent this turn: 10
    Power left at end of turn: 0
    Rounds at below 5 bonus: 3
    New Roll:[roll0]

    Alignment: Pure (+2)
    Mastery: Divination

    -Alignment: Pure (+2)
    -Order(s) / Sects: Wise Wyrms of the Guiding Star

    Alignment: Pure (+1)
    Mastery: N/A
    Avatar by Arokh.

  4. - Top - End - #94
    Barbarian in the Playground
    graymachine's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Re: Dawn of Worlds: Aerdaeg

    Enraged, agitated, or what ever stirred the, the Seven souls that are One gathered in a place that was fated for Them. It was neither is the spirit-world, from wence they came, nor the Underworld that some of Them have crafted, but a place in the Material, beneath the earth, that was made holy by their presence. Pain echoes across the spirit world, a pain that only gods can understand, as the Seven become One.

    The One speaks, it's agony of it's soul-selves being so concentrated in one place.

    "Lesser beings, Things that have crafted flame and structure and the small things that have souls, almost as us.

    We have decided to make creatures that we shall call men. We wish to know what you Others will gift these men with before they are made. Your gifts will be a great honor, as We are the mightiest of us. Hurry in what gifts you will give, for this Nature is Unnatural to Us and gives Us pain. Know that We are not kind. Know that We are generous to our friends.
    Know that We are violent to those that oppose Us. We will know your thoughts on these men before We make them, but We shall make them."


    Holding action for now.
    Power at start of turn: 38
    Power spent this turn: 0
    Power left at end of turn: 38
    Rounds at below 5 bonus: 0
    New Roll: (2d6)[2][1](3)
    Power for next turn: 41
    Last edited by graymachine; 2011-09-24 at 01:02 AM.
    Thanks to NEO|Phyte for the Black Templar avatar. You will kneel before the God-Emperor, or you will be knelt.

  5. - Top - End - #95
    Barbarian in the Playground
    ExtravagantEvil's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Dawn of Worlds: Aerdaeg

    I hear their proclomation and I ponder a moment. Then, in a roaring thunder clap of spirit, my roaring voice echoing throughout the world, with not a twinge of anger in even the quietest reverberation.
    "If you truly wish to hear my roaring word, let them revel in spirit! This world seems so quiet and only my people truly know songs that excite the soul. I ask, oh so humbly to the great distant cousins above, that they be festive, they be joyous, celebrating at every turn the majesty of the world."
    Last edited by ExtravagantEvil; 2011-09-24 at 08:16 AM.
    Check out the Hansbachman Blog, it's a cure for all of your ills!
    It's Grade A, Top Notch, and One of a Kind!
    All natural, Backwards Compatible and Moving Forward with the times.
    We're off-brand, off-tempo, and on point, with an ear to the ground, finger on the pulse, and hand on the trigger.
    We're on the beat like Ginsberg, hyper-aware and hyper-active.
    Running on multi-actuated heavy duty pistons with a pistol grip.

    Thanks to Dashwood for the Extravagant Avatar

  6. - Top - End - #96
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Dawn of Worlds: Aerdaeg

    "Seeing as one of your aspects bestowed a gift upon my Eldari, I suppose its only fair that i repay my debt." speaks a seemingly omipresent voice that grows in power as the moon fills, and grows softer as it wanes. "I gift these new children, these 'men' unending curiousity. They will constantly seek out more, search far and wide for anything they have yet to experience. They will spread far across the face of this world and discover much. Be warned however, for this is a double-edged sword. And as they will constantly feel the need to discover, this unyielding need will also make them reckless. They will often act impulsively and without forethought."

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