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  1. - Top - End - #61
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Regina, Canada

    Default Re: Barren Citadel [IC]

    Richard cleaves into a second Zombified Soldier, his blade going deep, but not quite through him. A split second later, a explosion of electric energy rips the rest of the way through the zombie, leaving it in several pieces.

    Both Verlied and Perelia's arrows whiz past the Zombies, clattering against a building harmlessly.

    Hiram buries his lance in a zombie soldier, an explosion of energy blasts it's chest open, leaving a hole the size of a small dog in its chest. Needless to say, it drops down dead.

    The civilians seem to get worked up, the one with the longsword charging for the nearest zombie and swinging a now crackling longsword at it.
    (1d20+5)[24] To hit
    (1d8+3)[11] Damage
    (2d6)[5] Electric

  2. - Top - End - #62
    Ogre in the Playground
    Escheton's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Barren Citadel [IC]


    The front line taken care of Urdal walks towards the civilians while unattaching his flaming chain and exuding vitality and calm.
    Recalling studies and stories of undead, insight guides his certainty and soon his arm.
    Vigor aura still active.
    Knowledge devotion(1d20+9)[18]
    1-15=+1 insight to attack and damage (for me)
    Move action:Walk forwards, draw spiked chain
    Standard action:Ready an attack.(condition: first in range)
    Last edited by Escheton; 2011-09-27 at 09:22 AM.
    "Quick Draw. It grants the ability to turn any boring non-combat scenario into combat as a FREE ACTION."-Deleted User

    Handy links:

  3. - Top - End - #63
    Titan in the Playground
    RaggedAngel's Avatar

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    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Barren Citadel [IC]

    Perelia stays on the edge of the fight, some sixty feet away from the nearest zombie, using the long range of her weapon to her advantage. She lets another bolt fly, and this time she attempts to place it more carefully, not letting the sparking tip affect her precision, putting her strength into the beautifully crafted elven composite bow.

    Attack: (1d20+5)[9]
    Damage: (1d8+1)[5] Slashing and Piercing + (2d6)[7] Electricity
    Red Hand of Doom in Eberron IC | OOC | Rolls


    Thank you to Akrim.elf for my beautiful avatar.

  4. - Top - End - #64
    Pixie in the Playground
    WarpyAnda's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Land of Beat and Art

    Default Re: Barren Citadel [IC]

    Verleid grunts at his miss - it's too bad about that, really. But hey, he could always try again. Drawing another normal arrow, he fired at the zombie closest to him (that wasn't too close to an ally), hoping that it'd give him a better chance of hitting. Immediately afterwards, he draws another normal arrow, and does the same thing now that he has the time to.

    Using Rapid Shot!

    To Hit:
    Arrow 1: (1d20+6)[23]
    Arrow 2: (1d20+6)[12]

    Arrow 1: (1d8+7)[13] Piercing Damage, plus (2d6)[5] Electric Damage.

    Arrow 2: (1d8+7)[14] Piercing Damage, plus (2d6)[4] Electric Damage.
    oh hey bro didn't see you there

  5. - Top - End - #65
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Bridgar's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I'm in space!

    Default Re: Barren Citadel [IC]


    "Fine, if you won't fight, I'll do it myself," Bealn cried out in dismay when only one cowering mass of flesh rose up to the occasion. He let go of his lute and let it fall onto its finely crafted leather strap, hanging from his shoulder. His not-so-harmonious music droned on after he stopped playing. The crescendo halted, but the effect still stood. Faster than the eye can see, he whipped his rapier from its sheath. He ran at the nearest undead mound and plunged his sword deep into its gut, energy crackling and burning the rotted flesh around it.


    Free Action: Drop Lute (Music continues on for 10 rounds).
    Free Action: Draw Rapier
    Move Action: Move to nearest zombie (since we're not using a map, apparently)
    Standard Action: Attack
    (1d6+2)[8] piercing damage + (2d6)[9] electrical damage
    Awesome Avvy thanks to flumphy. Fear the Daelkyr!!!

    College is hard.

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