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  1. - Top - End - #841
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Lightbulb Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: cycoris

    Do you have a favorite author? If so, whom?

    What was the last work of fiction you read?

    What is your favorite thing about the Playground?

    If you could change one thing about OotS, what would it be?

    What was the Forum like when you joined?
    Baby B-day Turtle Avatar by Savannah
    Ex-Keeper of The Birthdays (The Birthday Thread)

    Official president of the Teevo must die fanclub

  2. - Top - End - #842
    Bugbear in the Playground
    cycoris's Avatar

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    in a swamp, monstering

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: cycoris

    Do you, in fact, have any cheese here at all?

    I never claimed to have any cheese. Whoever you heard that from is spreading slander.

    Will you go quietly when they come for you?

    I will.

    What is your anti-zombie weapon of choice?


    Are you running to something, or from something?

    Presenting the two as a dichotomy will not lead to accurate answers.

    What's the magic word?


    Quote Originally Posted by wxdruid View Post
    Yes, I do remember you there, just that we didn't write down a list like we usually do, so I wanted some confirmation...
    It's okay! I've probably forgotten half the people who were there by now.

    In other words, Are you coming to GenCon next year?

    I'm really not sure. While it was a lot of fun, I'm not sure if I'll be able to afford it.

    Are there any souvenirs that you desire profusely enough that you'd consider going on holiday with the primary purpose of obtaining them?

    None that I can think of. The only souvenirs I really collect are earrings (sorry wxdruid, I forgot that on my initial list), and they're not worth enough to go on holiday with the express purpose of acquiring them.

    Are you capable of penetrating the overly verbose mire of my elaborate verbiage?

    I seem to be doing okay so far, hit me harder!

    Do you have a favorite author? If so, whom?

    I can't pick one. However, authors that I very much enjoy include
    • Laurie Halse Anderson
    • Isaac Asimov
    • Jane Austen
    • Suzanne Collins
    • Neil Gaiman
    • Jostein Gaarder
    • John Green
    • Diana Wynne Jones
    • Laurie R. King
    • Madeline L'Engle
    • David Levithan
    • Lois Lowry
    • Robin McKinley
    • China Mieville
    • Chris Moore
    • J. K. Rowling
    • Terry Pratchett
    • Jonathan Stroud
    • Scott Westerfeld

    What was the last work of fiction you read?

    Un Lun Dun by China Mieville

    What is your favorite thing about the Playground?

    I honestly can't say, I'm in a bit of a "do I post enough to even consider myself a member" crisis right now.

    If you could change one thing about OotS, what would it be?

    I'd make it less visually chaotic, it made it really hard to read back when I did.

    What was the Forum like when you joined?

    About half the size, and there were mostly different people about? Also, shipping was still a thing. I was fourteen, completely naïve, and not at all privy to the drama going on. I can't tell if the fora have changed significantly, or if I'm just much more jaded now.

    I literally thought everyone here was nice, or that I could get along with most of you fairly easily. And increasingly, that's not the case. I feel like I have to compromise my beliefs or passion or identity nearly every time I set foot in a thread. For me at least, GitP is a much more hostile place than it was, but I have the suspicion that I'm the one who's changed more significantly.
    Last edited by cycoris; 2011-10-05 at 07:57 PM.
    My preferred pronouns: they, them, their

    When I speak I'll cross my fingers
    Will you know you've been deceived?
    I find the need to be a demon
    A demon cannot be hurt

    Avatar by Jacklu

  3. - Top - End - #843
    Barbarian in the Playground
    SquirrelKing's Avatar

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    MA, USA

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: cycoris

    How many of the seven continents have you been to?

    What's your favorite relaxation destination, away from home/couch/bed? (whether it's a coffee joint, gaming store, mosh pit, whatever)

    Given the opportunity to go back in time momentarily with the ability to prevent any one invention/creation from ever coming to be (and assured that it will never be invented afterwards), what would you remove?

    Why am I working a 14-hour day today?
    In loving memory of the many in my family - both chosen and blood - that I've lost in the last years. I love you and miss you all.

  4. - Top - End - #844
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    in a swamp, monstering

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: cycoris

    How many of the seven continents have you been to?

    The "seven continents" are socially constructed and here is my favourite video about it! Rawr!

    But I have been to North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

    What's your favorite relaxation destination, away from home/couch/bed? (whether it's a coffee joint, gaming store, mosh pit, whatever)

    I can't relax in most places outside of my own home. So...none?

    Given the opportunity to go back in time momentarily with the ability to prevent any one invention/creation from ever coming to be (and assured that it will never be invented afterwards), what would you remove?

    I don't know. Because I can't see accurately the impact that my changes would have, tampering with anything would be incredibly unsafe.

    Why am I working a 14-hour day today?

    I do not know, I'm sorry.
    My preferred pronouns: they, them, their

    When I speak I'll cross my fingers
    Will you know you've been deceived?
    I find the need to be a demon
    A demon cannot be hurt

    Avatar by Jacklu

  5. - Top - End - #845
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Lightbulb Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: cycoris

    Quote Originally Posted by cycoris View Post
    mangosta: Are you capable of penetrating the overly verbose mire of my elaborate verbiage?

    I seem to be doing okay so far, hit me harder!
    I arouse lethargically. Ponderance on my inchoate vivacity?
    Baby B-day Turtle Avatar by Savannah
    Ex-Keeper of The Birthdays (The Birthday Thread)

    Official president of the Teevo must die fanclub

  6. - Top - End - #846
    Ogre in the Playground
    Reinholdt's Avatar

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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Renegade Paladin

    Thank you Cycoris, for your time and feel free to answer the final question. Enjoy a free book or two on your way out.

    Up next we have someone who's actually a member of an entire adventuring group, Renegade Paladin! Give him a warm welcome.

    Reinholdt's Riveting and Rhetorical Questions:
    What question would you like to be asked?
    What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
    What is the square root of Pi?
    What's your favorite OOTS strip?
    What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
    How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
    Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?
    What is your favorite word?
    What is your least favorite word?
    What makes you enthusiastic?
    What disappoints you?
    What sound do you love?
    What sound do you hate?
    What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
    What profession would you not like to participate in?
    Who are the other members of the party in your sig?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Gods, Reinholdt was right, a hundred percent right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Tale as old as thread
    And you find yourself dead
    Reinholdt was the Beast
    Quote Originally Posted by Philistine View Post
    Reinholdt had already told the truth once in that post, and therefore was over his annual quota.

  7. - Top - End - #847
    Troll in the Playground
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    Unfriend Zone

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: cycoris

    gw's Questions of Questionable Intent

    1. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

    2. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

    3. Roses or orchids?

    4. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

    5. How did you get to be so awesome?

    6. Where were you ten years ago, and what do you know now that you wish you knew back then?

    7. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

    8. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

    9. When your life comes to an end, how do you want to be remembered/what do you want to be remembered for?

    10. Ga! These questions have taken a turn for the depressing! Quick, what is your favorite lolcat!? (Bonus cookies for posting a pic.)

    11. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

    12. Beards or babies?

    13. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

    14. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

    15. What's an old-fashioned song or short schmaltzy bit of poetry that's stuck in your head?

    16. Favorite mythological monster?

    17. Enough of this! I am your arch-nemesis! Where will we fight our final, climactic battle?

    18. In #17, above, did you defeat me? If so, how?

    19. Do you prefer the silly questions or the serious ones?

    20. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

  8. - Top - End - #848
    Troll in the Playground
    mangosta71's Avatar

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    Jul 2008

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: cycoris

    Do you, in fact, have any cheese here at all?

    Will you go quietly when they come for you?

    What is your anti-zombie weapon of choice?

    Are you running to something, or from something?

    What's the magic word?
    Delightfully abrasive in more ways than one
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Mango:you sick, twisted bastard <3
    Quote Originally Posted by Gryffon View Post
    I think Krade is protesting the use of the word mad in in the phrase mad scientist as it promotes ambiguity. Are they angry? Are they crazy? Some of both? Not to mention, it also often connotates some degree of evilness. In the future we should be more careful to use proper classification.

    Mango is a dastardly irate unhinged scientist, for realz.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sartharina View Post
    Evil's awesome because of the art.

    Avatar by Kwark_Pudding

  9. - Top - End - #849
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    in a swamp, monstering

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: cycoris

    Quote Originally Posted by Asthix View Post
    I arouse lethargically. Ponderance on my inchoate vivacity?
    On a scale of one to flying monkeys in space, I'd say it ranks a purple UFO.
    My preferred pronouns: they, them, their

    When I speak I'll cross my fingers
    Will you know you've been deceived?
    I find the need to be a demon
    A demon cannot be hurt

    Avatar by Jacklu

  10. - Top - End - #850
    Troll in the Playground
    wxdruid's Avatar

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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Renegade Paladin

    What color(s) do you prefer to wear?

    What do you like to collect?

    How many avatars do you have?

    Are you coming to GenCon in 2012?

    What type of chocolate do you prefer?

    What type and how many pets do you have?

    Do you enjoy watching the Weather Channel?
    Avi by Elder Tsofu
    Inner Circle

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaynor View Post
    Well you cheat, obviously. You're a druid, you can just cast Control Weather and call it a day.
    Chainmaille, Chainmail or is it Chain Mail?

  11. - Top - End - #851
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Renegade Paladin's Avatar

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    Oct 2006

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Renegade Paladin

    Quote Originally Posted by Reinholdt View Post
    Reinholdt's Riveting and Rhetorical Questions:
    If they're rhetorical, doesn't that mean you don't expect me to answer? Well too bad, I'm answering them anyway.

    What question would you like to be asked?

    Depends. Who's doing the asking?

    What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?

    Well, my mount is a gryphon, but he's more a business partner than a pet. For pets, small, fuzzy, and capable of killing varmints. Cat or dog, I love both.

    What is the square root of Pi?


    What's your favorite OOTS strip?

    A tough question. Off the cuff if I had to pick one (rather than a sequence) I'd go with 542.

    What's your favorite Erfworld strip?

    Another tough one, for different reasons. I stopped following Erfworld when it moved off this site, and haven't looked at the archives here in so long that it actually un-highlighted the link in my browser.

    How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?

    I of course do not actually have holy powers and ride a gryphon around. I do, however, have a strong sense of right and wrong, and don't compromise on it very often. I'm also actually lawful good, not lawful nice. Which doesn't mean I can't or won't be nice to people, but I know when to put my foot down.

    Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?

    You ask a paladin this question? I save one, my mount saves the other, and we smite the hell out of whoever set it up. NEXT!

    What is your favorite word?

    Smite. Obviously. Smite, smite, smite.

    What is your least favorite word?

    One I can't type on this board.

    What makes you enthusiastic?

    Many things. I am, after all, a geek. I have special enthusiasm for baking, the study of history, and mastering games, though.

    What disappoints you?

    Injustice, tyranny, the darker side of human nature. Also collapsed ciabatta; nothing gets a day down like flattened Italian bread that took sixteen hours to make before the failure.

    What sound do you love?

    Well, my absolute favorite is a bit off-color. Well-played classical music is a close second, though.

    What sound do you hate?

    The screech of metal on metal, which is much like nails on a chalkboard but considerably louder. Also the sound of a press breaking down at work, because it means extra work accompanied by the smell of burning plastic.

    What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?

    I've considered having a go at elected public service, but I don't think I can lie enough to make it.

    What profession would you not like to participate in?

    Garbage collection.

    Who are the other members of the party in your sig?

    Well, my avatar is Gaheris Trollbane, one of my favorite roleplaying characters and the one that inspired my handle. In the sig are his rotating cast of cohorts, actually. From left to right, pictured are Erek Fletcher, paladin/bard; Quinlan Lyall, paladin/monk; Bearach Weir, paladin/ranger; Gror Hammerbammer, paladin (who also rides a gryphon, more badass than my own due to not multiclassing); and Ciaran Roche, paladin/rogue. Not pictured: Amargein Ross, paladin/sorcerer; and Uscias Mallaghan, a skilled diviner and unseen seer.
    Quote Originally Posted by ghost_warlock View Post
    gw's Questions of Questionable Intent
    1. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

    Can't really say I have, no.

    2. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

    My skill at baking.

    3. Roses or orchids?


    4. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

    Food? Figuratively speaking, I love and am loved, and knowing that is enough.

    5. How did you get to be so awesome?

    Years and years of practice.

    6. Where were you ten years ago, and what do you know now that you wish you knew back then?

    I was in high school ten years ago. That's a lot of things, but overall I wish I'd known to take a year off and work before going to college so I wouldn't run out of money.

    7. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

    A very tough call. I'd have to say my girlfriend.

    8. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

    Abraham Lincoln.

    9. When your life comes to an end, how do you want to be remembered/what do you want to be remembered for?

    I strive to be a good man. Whatever I achieve in pursuit of that goal will suffice.

    10. Ga! These questions have taken a turn for the depressing! Quick, what is your favorite lolcat!? (Bonus cookies for posting a pic.)

    11. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

    The power of the physical limitations of the reptilian body to scale up.

    12. Beards or babies?

    This is a dichotomous choice? Of the two, I'd say babies.

    13. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

    I haven't that I recall.

    14. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

    I have no idea. I presume you made it up?

    15. What's an old-fashioned song or short schmaltzy bit of poetry that's stuck in your head?

    Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my right time gal...

    16. Favorite mythological monster?

    I'm very partial to gryphons, though European dragons are a very close second.

    17. Enough of this! I am your arch-nemesis! Where will we fight our final, climactic battle?

    You are? I hadn't noticed. You realize that, despite my real life lack of paladin powers, I'm not exactly non-dangerous, right? The street outside will do fine, I guess.

    18. In #17, above, did you defeat me? If so, how?

    It's a distinct possibility. I don't care to predict whether or not I can beat a person in combat; I just know that I know enough in the way of martial arts to be hazardous to most people. Probably with a sword.

    19. Do you prefer the silly questions or the serious ones?


    20. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

    I was bored.
    Quote Originally Posted by mangosta71 View Post
    Do you, in fact, have any cheese here at all?
    Yes, actually. Cheddar, provolone, Romano, parmesan, American (not my fault!), and mozzarella are all presently in my refrigerator.

    Will you go quietly when they come for you?

    Not if my armory has anything to say about it.

    What is your anti-zombie weapon of choice?

    Of what I have on hand, probably one of the shotguns. The bolt action, not the single shot.

    Are you running to something, or from something?

    Who said I was running?

    What's the magic word?

    Quote Originally Posted by wxdruid View Post
    What color(s) do you prefer to wear?
    Black and forest green.

    What do you like to collect?

    I have a fairly extensive coin collection. I also collect site tokens from SCA events I go to.

    How many avatars do you have?

    Variable. Avatars for here, avatars I've used here, avatars I've used anywhere on the Internet, or avatars currently in use? (The answers, respectively, are ten, two, twenty-six, and six.)

    Are you coming to GenCon in 2012?

    Planning on it.

    What type of chocolate do you prefer?

    About 70% dark. Much darker than that and it tends to be too bitter.

    What type and how many pets do you have?

    Presently none, sadly.

    Do you enjoy watching the Weather Channel?

    No. fulfills all my weather needs without pesky advertising.
    "Courage is the complement of fear. A fearless man cannot be courageous. He is also a fool." -- Robert Heinlein

  12. - Top - End - #852
    Ogre in the Playground
    Reinholdt's Avatar

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    In hiding. Always hiding.

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Renegade Paladin

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade Paladin View Post
    If they're rhetorical, doesn't that mean you don't expect me to answer? Well too bad, I'm answering them anyway.

    What question would you like to be asked?

    Depends. Who's doing the asking?
    Alex Trebek.
    Last edited by Reinholdt; 2011-10-07 at 08:54 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Gods, Reinholdt was right, a hundred percent right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Tale as old as thread
    And you find yourself dead
    Reinholdt was the Beast
    Quote Originally Posted by Philistine View Post
    Reinholdt had already told the truth once in that post, and therefore was over his annual quota.

  13. - Top - End - #853
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Renegade Paladin

    But... but Alex Trebek doesn't ask questions!
    "Courage is the complement of fear. A fearless man cannot be courageous. He is also a fool." -- Robert Heinlein

  14. - Top - End - #854
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Asthix's Avatar

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    Lightbulb Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Renegade Paladin

    Do you have a favorite author? If so, whom?

    What was the last work of fiction you read?

    If you were a tree, what kind of car would you want to be hit by?

    What was the forum like when you joined?

    What is your favorite thing about the Playground?

    What kind of cookie?

    If you could change one thing about OotS, what would it be?

    Have you ever played Necromunda?
    Baby B-day Turtle Avatar by Savannah
    Ex-Keeper of The Birthdays (The Birthday Thread)

    Official president of the Teevo must die fanclub

  15. - Top - End - #855
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: Renegade Paladin

    Quote Originally Posted by Asthix View Post
    Do you have a favorite author? If so, whom?
    Not to be cliche, but I have to say Tolkien. Not for Lord of the Rings, either; while I like the book, I much prefer some of his lesser-known stories and the Hobbit.

    What was the last work of fiction you read?

    The Hound of the Baskervilles.

    If you were a tree, what kind of car would you want to be hit by?

    I wouldn't. If I must be hit by a car, though, I'd rather it be one of those tiny smart cars so as to sustain less damage.

    What was the forum like when you joined?

    Much the same, really. People come and go, but the board culture, unlike some others I've been a part of for a long time, is amazingly static.

    What is your favorite thing about the Playground?

    I mainly hang around these days to discuss 40k. It's nice to be able to just go shoot the breeze somewhere, though; something my other boards tend to not do very well.

    What kind of cookie?

    Chocolate chip.

    If you could change one thing about OotS, what would it be?

    More O-chul!

    Have you ever played Necromunda?

    I'm sorry to say I haven't.
    "Courage is the complement of fear. A fearless man cannot be courageous. He is also a fool." -- Robert Heinlein

  16. - Top - End - #856
    Ogre in the Playground
    Reinholdt's Avatar

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    In hiding. Always hiding.

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: factotum

    Thank you Renegade Paladin, for your time and for answering those rhetorical questions from a guy who gives answers usually. Most people just give him funny stares.

    Up next we have someone who actually posts frequently in the comic discussion threads, factotum! Give him a warm welcome.

    Reinholdt's Riveting and Rhetorical Questions:
    What question would you like to be asked?
    What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
    What is the square root of Pi?
    What's your favorite OOTS strip?
    What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
    How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
    Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?
    What is your favorite word?
    What is your least favorite word?
    What makes you enthusiastic?
    What disappoints you?
    What sound do you love?
    What sound do you hate?
    What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
    What profession would you not like to participate in?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Gods, Reinholdt was right, a hundred percent right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Tale as old as thread
    And you find yourself dead
    Reinholdt was the Beast
    Quote Originally Posted by Philistine View Post
    Reinholdt had already told the truth once in that post, and therefore was over his annual quota.

  17. - Top - End - #857
    Troll in the Playground
    wxdruid's Avatar

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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: factotum

    What color(s) do you prefer to wear?

    What do you like to collect?

    How many avatars do you have?

    Are you ever coming to GenCon?

    What type of chocolate do you prefer?

    What type and how many pets do you have?

    Do you enjoy watching the Weather Channel?
    Avi by Elder Tsofu
    Inner Circle

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaynor View Post
    Well you cheat, obviously. You're a druid, you can just cast Control Weather and call it a day.
    Chainmaille, Chainmail or is it Chain Mail?

  18. - Top - End - #858
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Manchester, UK

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: factotum

    Ooh, this is where it gets scary...

    Reinholdt's Riveting and Rhetorical Questions:
    What question would you like to be asked?
    "Will you marry me?" by a beautiful, intelligent millionairess with low standards would be a nice start.

    What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
    If I ever had a pet, the only trait that it could have would be the ability to look after itself most of the time, considering I'm out of the house for around 11 hours a day except weekends.

    What is the square root of Pi?

    What's your favorite OOTS strip?
    Difficult one. Probably the one where Durkon calls the lightning in Cliffport.

    What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
    The second one, where Manpower dies smelling key lime pie.

    How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
    It's me, as far as I know...I try not to act differently here than I would if I was talking to you face to face. The British ITP members I met at the Peterborough meetup earlier in the year would be able to tell you if I succeed or not!

    Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose? there a reward involved?

    What is your favorite word?

    What is your least favorite word?
    It's a highly crude slang word for a certain portion of the female anatomy. I fear I cannot go into more detail or children may be shocked!

    What makes you enthusiastic?
    Reading a good book.

    What disappoints you?
    Reading a bad book.

    What sound do you love?
    The ticking of a clock in a quiet room.

    What sound do you hate?
    Loud music.

    What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
    Something aboard a ship, maybe...the seafaring life has always appealed to me. Even though, were I to try it, I'd probably be suffering terrible seasickness within minutes of leaving port!

    What profession would you not like to participate in?
    Cleaning out the sewers.

    What color(s) do you prefer to wear?
    More muted colours, like greens, blues, blacks, and greys. However, since my primary motivator when shopping for clothes is to get the cheapest I can, I usually end up just getting whatever's left on the pegs by everyone else during the sales.

    What do you like to collect?
    I've never been much of a collector. Did a little bit of stamp collecting when I was about 10, but that's only because my older brother did it and I wanted to be like him.

    How many avatars do you have?
    Well, as you can see, I just use one of the standard site avatars here! The only avatar I have you could call my own is the one I use on the Egosoft forums, which is just a really old picture of me.

    Are you ever coming to GenCon?
    Unless I come into a lot of money anytime soon, probably not!

    What type of chocolate do you prefer?
    Bitter dark chocolate--70% cocoa solids sort of stuff. Can't stand Cadburys Bournville, which (IMHO) tastes more of sugar than chocolate.

    What type and how many pets do you have?
    None. (See my answer to the pet question above).

    Do you enjoy watching the Weather Channel?
    I don't think I got that channel even when I had Sky, and I certainly don't have it since I downgraded to Freesat. Generally, if I want to check the weather out, I'll go straight to the Met Office website...get it from the original source!

  19. - Top - End - #859
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: factotum

    gw's Questions of Questionable Intent

    1. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

    2. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

    3. Roses or orchids?

    4. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

    5. How did you get to be so awesome?

    6. Where were you ten years ago, and what do you know now that you wish you knew back then?

    7. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

    8. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

    9. When your life comes to an end, how do you want to be remembered/what do you want to be remembered for?

    10. Ga! These questions have taken a turn for the depressing! Quick, what is your favorite lolcat!? (Bonus cookies for posting a pic.)

    11. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

    12. Beards or babies?

    13. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

    14. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

    15. What's an old-fashioned song or short schmaltzy bit of poetry that's stuck in your head?

    16. Favorite mythological monster?

    17. Enough of this! I am your arch-nemesis! Where will we fight our final, climactic battle?

    18. In #17, above, did you defeat me? If so, how?

    19. Do you prefer the silly questions or the serious ones?

    20. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

  20. - Top - End - #860
    Colossus in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Manchester, UK

    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: factotum

    gw's Questions of Questionable Intent

    1. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
    No, not really. I occasionally fancy a fictional character in a movie, but that's usually because I fancy the actress playing them rather than the character!

    2. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
    My brain.

    3. Roses or orchids?
    Ewwwww, flowers...although rose-flavoured confectionary is OK, so I suppose it'd have to be those.

    4. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
    Oxygen and food, mainly.

    5. How did you get to be so awesome?
    *looks over shoulder to see who gw is talking to*

    6. Where were you ten years ago, and what do you know now that you wish you knew back then?
    Working at my old company, and I wish I'd known they were going to make me redundant in 2007 so I could have prepared better for it!

    7. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
    Difficult to say...I don't know anyone who I could literally spend the rest of my life with without them getting annoying at *some* point! I've always been a bit of a loner. In any case, with only the two of us the infrastructure would go to hell in a handbasket quite quickly, so I'd probably just ensure I wasn't around for very long, if you get my meaning.

    8. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
    Alan Turing, to find out if he really did anticipate the way computers have gone today.

    9. When your life comes to an end, how do you want to be remembered/what do you want to be remembered for?
    As someone who brought no harm upon others.

    10. Ga! These questions have taken a turn for the depressing! Quick, what is your favorite lolcat!? (Bonus cookies for posting a pic.)
    Not a lolcat fan, sorry!

    11. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
    The power to teleport him somewhere else.

    12. Beards or babies?
    I have to choose? Er...babies.

    13. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
    Never made up any words, although I tend to make up place names a lot. I wish I could stand on the Talanac Mountains staring out over the plains some day...

    14. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
    It's a flower that grows on the aforementioned mountains.

    15. What's an old-fashioned song or short schmaltzy bit of poetry that's stuck in your head?
    Three rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
    Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
    Nine for mortal Men, doomed to die,
    One for the dark lord on his dark throne
    In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie.
    One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them,
    One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
    In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie.

    16. Favorite mythological monster?
    Griffin, mainly because it's so rarely used these days!

    17. Enough of this! I am your arch-nemesis! Where will we fight our final, climactic battle?
    On the surface of the Moon.

    18. In #17, above, did you defeat me? If so, how?
    I remembered to bring a space suit!

    19. Do you prefer the silly questions or the serious ones?
    Either's good.

    20. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
    Guess it was to let people find out more about me, given how long I've been on the forums. Of course, if the young beautiful millionairess who I mentioned in my answers to Reinholdt happens to read them and decide I'm the one for her, so much the better.

  21. - Top - End - #861
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Lightbulb Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: factotum

    Do you have a favorite author? If so, whom?

    What was the last work of fiction you read?

    If you were a tree, what kind of car would you want to be hit by?

    What was the forum like when you joined?

    What is your favorite thing about the Playground?

    What kind of cookie?

    If you could change one thing about OotS, what would it be?

    Have you ever played Necromunda?
    Baby B-day Turtle Avatar by Savannah
    Ex-Keeper of The Birthdays (The Birthday Thread)

    Official president of the Teevo must die fanclub

  22. - Top - End - #862
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: factotum

    Do you have a favorite author? If so, whom?
    So many to choose from...probably Tolkien, though, because I still think LOTR is an amazing book.

    What was the last work of fiction you read?
    I re-read the Chronicles of Amber, by Roger Zelazny. Amazing series.

    If you were a tree, what kind of car would you want to be hit by?
    Something small and light that wouldn't cause me too much damage!

    What was the forum like when you joined?
    Not noticed it's that much different--some different people around, of course.

    What is your favorite thing about the Playground?
    Relatively little flaming and trolling...this and the Egosoft forums are the best places for that I've found on the Web, IMHO.

    What kind of cookie?
    Assuming they count, Jaffa Cakes. If they don't (because they're technically a cake not a biscuit), then Fig Rolls.

    If you could change one thing about OotS, what would it be?
    Get rid of Belkar...but that'll happen naturally before too long.

    Have you ever played Necromunda?
    Last edited by factotum; 2011-10-13 at 07:30 AM.

  23. - Top - End - #863
    Troll in the Playground
    mangosta71's Avatar

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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: factotum

    Do you, in fact, have any cheese here at all?

    Will you go quietly when they come for you?

    What is your anti-zombie weapon of choice?

    Are you running to something, or from something?

    What's the magic word?
    Delightfully abrasive in more ways than one
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Mango:you sick, twisted bastard <3
    Quote Originally Posted by Gryffon View Post
    I think Krade is protesting the use of the word mad in in the phrase mad scientist as it promotes ambiguity. Are they angry? Are they crazy? Some of both? Not to mention, it also often connotates some degree of evilness. In the future we should be more careful to use proper classification.

    Mango is a dastardly irate unhinged scientist, for realz.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sartharina View Post
    Evil's awesome because of the art.

    Avatar by Kwark_Pudding

  24. - Top - End - #864
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: factotum

    Do you, in fact, have any cheese here at all?
    I always have a block of mature Cheddar in the fridge...

    Will you go quietly when they come for you?
    I will be so quiet that they'll think I'm not there and go away again!

    What is your anti-zombie weapon of choice?
    Trebuchet-launched car.

    Are you running to something, or from something?
    Neither, running is hard work.

    What's the magic word?
    Kwah. (+100 points to anyone who gets *that* reference... ).

  25. - Top - End - #865
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: SquirrelKing

    Thank you factotum, for your time and responses. Good luck finding that millionairess you hope for.

    Up next we have the monarch responsible for the nut tax per post, and a Pathfinder player, SquirrelKing! Feel free to hide your nuts, if you can.

    Reinholdt's Riveting and Rhetorical Questions:
    What question would you like to be asked?
    What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
    What is the square root of Pi?
    What's your favorite OOTS strip?
    What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
    How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
    Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?
    What is your favorite word?
    What is your least favorite word?
    What makes you enthusiastic?
    What disappoints you?
    What sound do you love?
    What sound do you hate?
    What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
    What profession would you not like to participate in?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Gods, Reinholdt was right, a hundred percent right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Tale as old as thread
    And you find yourself dead
    Reinholdt was the Beast
    Quote Originally Posted by Philistine View Post
    Reinholdt had already told the truth once in that post, and therefore was over his annual quota.

  26. - Top - End - #866
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: factotum

    gw's Questions of Questionable Intent

    1. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?

    2. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?

    3. Roses or orchids?

    4. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?

    5. How did you get to be so awesome?

    6. Where were you ten years ago, and what do you know now that you wish you knew back then?

    7. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?

    8. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?

    9. When your life comes to an end, how do you want to be remembered/what do you want to be remembered for?

    10. Ga! These questions have taken a turn for the depressing! Quick, what is your favorite lolcat!? (Bonus cookies for posting a pic.)

    11. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?

    12. Beards or babies?

    13. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?

    14. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?

    15. What's an old-fashioned song or short schmaltzy bit of poetry that's stuck in your head?

    16. Favorite mythological monster?

    17. Enough of this! I am your arch-nemesis! Where will we fight our final, climactic battle?

    18. In #17, above, did you defeat me? If so, how?

    19. Do you prefer the silly questions or the serious ones?

    20. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?

  27. - Top - End - #867
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: SquirrelKing

    What color(s) do you prefer to wear?

    What do you like to collect?

    How many avatars do you have?

    Are you ever coming to GenCon?

    What type of chocolate do you prefer?

    What type and how many pets do you have?

    Do you enjoy watching the Weather Channel?
    Avi by Elder Tsofu
    Inner Circle

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaynor View Post
    Well you cheat, obviously. You're a druid, you can just cast Control Weather and call it a day.
    Chainmaille, Chainmail or is it Chain Mail?

  28. - Top - End - #868
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: SquirrelKing

    Good morning good morning!

    I'll try to answer as many as I can before I jaunt off for my Sunday D&D 3.5 game. I'll get to the rest when I return! In the meantime, ask anything...I really don't mind.

    What question would you like to be asked?
    Anything really...but I won't reveal credit card information, so don't ask!

    What traits do you look for in an ideal pet?
    My girlfriend just answered "cat". As for me, I like pretty much anything...and have had many different types of long as it doesn't try to make me its lunch.

    What is the square root of Pi?
    Apple turnover, Remainder 3. Girlfriend just answered "blueberry streudel". (Little did you know you'd get two interviews for the price of one.)

    What's your favorite OOTS strip?
    On a purely comedic scale, probably the weapon shop strip that is an homage to the Cheese Shop sketch by Monty Python.

    What's your favorite Erfworld strip?
    Don't read it.

    How does your ITP persona relate to you in real life?
    Pretty much one to one. I AM the Squirrel King! Behold my nutty minions! Fear my squirrelly wrath! (I might read a little bit too much Neurotically Yours, featuring "Foamy the Squirrel") Seriously, I don't act any different on here as I do in real life.

    Sadistic choice time! You must choose to save either the life of your most loved one or the lives of a large group of strangers. Which do you choose?
    I cast Miracle, take the 5000xp hit, and save them all. (Girlfriend says "that's cheating")

    What is your favorite word?
    Sooo many choices. I'm a bit of a verbivore. Umm....floccinaucinihilipilification comes to the fore as a good one!

    What is your least favorite word?

    What makes you enthusiastic?
    Being back together with my girlfriend after having been separated by two oceans for 12 years!

    What disappoints you?
    My cousin...long story short, she's passing her daughter off on my aunt to go out and have fun consistently instead of taking responsibility. Sorry, but if you're going to have a kid, be prepared to grow up while they do.

    What sound do you love?
    Laughter of the most pure, "oh god my sides hurt" sort, first and foremost. The clatter of dice on the table (catering to my inner geek). The sound of passing trains is also very calming to me (grew up near train tracks).

    What sound do you hate?
    Greyhound buses. Incessant, repetitive noises.

    What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
    I used to think I'd like to be a computer forensic examiner...but now that I've had a taste of that, I'm not sure that's what I want to do. Umm...professional game content writer or brick and mortar game shop owner (girlfriend you may not have my girlfriend )?

    What profession would you not like to participate in?
    Anything retail. Never. Again.

    I'll answer the rest after I'm finished killing the PCs....(as I get whacked in the ear). OK OK, fine...after I secretly help the PCs but put on airs as if I *want* to kill them. (Perhaps having the gf sit here as I type this who's also in the game was a bad idea.)
    Last edited by SquirrelKing; 2011-10-16 at 09:39 AM.
    In loving memory of the many in my family - both chosen and blood - that I've lost in the last years. I love you and miss you all.

  29. - Top - End - #869
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: factotum

    gw's Questions of Questionable Intent

    1. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? If so, who?
    Not really.
    2. What is one thing about yourself you're the most proud of?
    Personally: getting my computer forensics degree. Professionally: my job.
    3. Roses or orchids?
    Orchids, please.
    4. What sustains you, keeps you going every day?
    Sleep helps. As does food. Beyond that, my driving desire to never, ever give up.
    5. How did you get to be so awesome?
    Eating my Wheaties! And amazing support from parents, friends, and family.
    6. Where were you ten years ago, and what do you know now that you wish you knew back then?
    Ten years ago I was 25 and had recently moved to North Carolina. I wish I had finished college instead of being tricked by my then-employer.
    7. If the human race vanished tomorrow, leaving only you and one other person to keep you company, who would you want that person to be?
    My star. (aforesaid girlfriend)
    8. Who is one person who died before you were born that you'd most like to speak with?
    Provided there was a translator available, I'd love to ask Leonardo DaVinci some questions.
    9. When your life comes to an end, how do you want to be remembered/what do you want to be remembered for?
    I'd love to have a crowded remembrance ceremony filled with people not crying, but rather laughing and sharing memories of me and how I impacted their lives for the positive.
    10. Ga! These questions have taken a turn for the depressing! Quick, what is your favorite lolcat!? (Bonus cookies for posting a pic.)
    I like the Shoryuken cat... (harkens back to my SFII arcade days...Wayyyyy too many quarters spent!)
    11. What super-power would you want to use to stop Godzilla if he was attacking where you live?
    The power to move to a different city! ( much as I love my squirrelly minions, they're no match for the Gojira)
    12. Beards or babies?
    To have on your face? Beards. Definitely. In general? Babies.
    13. Have you ever made up a word? If so, what is that word and what is its definition?
    I've made up plenty...but I'll be ****ed if I can't remember any right now. lol
    14. Define the following word: whiloplenulent?
    Let's break this apart, shall we?
    whilo: from the Old English "hwila" indicating a conditional measurement of time
    plen: from the Latin "plenitas", meaning fullness
    So it can be conjectured that whiloplenulent is the condition where someone has just realized they hurried and are now waiting. That is to say, they're full of available time, but unexpectedly.
    Usage: "Sandy raced to make her doctor's appointment such that she got a speeding ticket on the way. Upon arrival, she was angrily whiloplenulent when the receptionist said her appointment had been pushed back a half hour."
    15. What's an old-fashioned song or short schmaltzy bit of poetry that's stuck in your head?
    "Gaudete, Gaudete, Christus est natus ex Maria virgine! Gaudete!" A song sung by the Mediaeval Baebes, whom I saw at the Renaissance Faire.
    16. Favorite mythological monster?
    Dragon! Cliche, I know...but a certain dragon is the whole reason I met the love of my life.
    17. Enough of this! I am your arch-nemesis! Where will we fight our final, climactic battle?
    You'll never fight me. You'd have to wade your way through my squirrelly hordes! And since you chose to fight me, the battle would occur in a park somewhere.
    18. In #17, above, did you defeat me? If so, how?
    I didn't. Squirrel #714 did. (I'll have to give him a promotion)
    19. Do you prefer the silly questions or the serious ones?
    I'm OK with either type! Bring 'em on!
    20. Why did you decide to submit yourself to these torturous, probing questions?
    Because I really want to get to know folks around here, and vice versa.

    From wxdruid

    What color(s) do you prefer to wear?
    All colors. I have pink shirts, red shirts, blue shirts, lavender, salmon, white, black, etc. I'm a bit of a clothes-whore.
    What do you like to collect?
    I collect government/military coins (partially because of my profession). Gaming miniatures (D&D, Reaper minis, GW, etc.). Assorted technology and gadgets.
    How many avatars do you have?
    None, aside from this one. Not for lack of trying though...I've put in a couple requests in the appropriate forum thread, but nobody accepted, so I stopped trying.
    Are you ever coming to GenCon?
    One of these years. I keep intending to...
    What type of chocolate do you prefer?
    Dark chocolate rules all.
    What type and how many pets do you have?
    None lease does not permit pets. If I was allowed, I'd have a cat (breed inconsequential), a dog (malamute or akita, perhaps), and a parrot
    Do you enjoy watching the Weather Channel?
    Not really, unless there's a significant weather event occurring, such as an imminent hurricane or similar.

    Keep 'em coming folks!
    Last edited by SquirrelKing; 2011-10-17 at 09:49 AM.
    In loving memory of the many in my family - both chosen and blood - that I've lost in the last years. I love you and miss you all.

  30. - Top - End - #870
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Oct 2011

    Question Re: GtKaP Interview Thread 2: SquirrelKing

    1. Spaghetti and meatballs, or pollo al funghi for dinner?

    2. Favorite place for a picnic?

    3. Favorite dessert?

    4. Least favorite food?

    5. Can you tell I am hungry?

    6. When the zombie apocalypse comes who will be part of your stalwart band of survivors?

    7. Your favorite non-table-top RPG type came?

    8. Play-station or Xbox?

    9. Where has all the rum gone?

    10. Who moved the cheese? Was it a nice Brie? Can I have some?

    11. Where have you traveled in the world?

    12. Where would you like to go next?

    13. What can you absolutely not leave home without?

    14. Do you have a teddy bear?

    15. What is the best way to be woken up?

    16. Should I stop asking questions now?

    17. Was this one too many?
    No trees were killed in sending this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

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