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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Cicciograna's Avatar

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    Nov 2008

    Default [PF] Delay Poison followed by Neutralize Poison

    A discussion arised at my table: my DM says that if one is subject to Delay Poison and gets poisoned, a casting of Neutralize Poison doesn't cure her from the poison because, he says, that since DP gives temporary immunity to venoms, the poisoned character is considered "not poisoned" until the end of the spell, so NP doesn't find any poison to neutralize untile DP is over.ù
    To me this is nonsense, as DP should merely put the poison in an inert state until the end of the spell.
    Who's right, me or him? Please, provide citations from the Pathfinder rules to support one or the other thesis.
    Last edited by Cicciograna; 2012-02-06 at 04:23 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
    Mystify's Avatar

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    Default Re: [PF] Delay Poison followed by Neutralize Poison

    'The subject becomes temporarily immune to poison. Any poison in its system or any poison to which it is exposed during the spell's duration does not affect the subject until the spell's duration has expired. Delay poison does not cure any damage that poison may have already done."

    The poison is still in your system, its just not affecting you.

    "You detoxify any sort of venom in the creature or object touched. If the target is a creature, you must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against the DC of each poison affecting the target. Success means that the poison is neutralized"

    Neutralize poison does, in fact ,specify that it must be affecting the target.

    So, by RAW, it look like he is right.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Orc in the Playground

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    Nov 2010
    Sacramento, CA

    Default Re: [PF] Delay Poison followed by Neutralize Poison

    Quote Originally Posted by Mystify View Post
    'The subject becomes temporarily immune to poison. Any poison in its system or any poison to which it is exposed during the spell's duration does not affect the subject until the spell's duration has expired. Delay poison does not cure any damage that poison may have already done."

    The poison is still in your system, its just not affecting you.

    "You detoxify any sort of venom in the creature or object touched. If the target is a creature, you must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against the DC of each poison affecting the target. Success means that the poison is neutralized"

    Neutralize poison does, in fact ,specify that it must be affecting the target.

    So, by RAW, it look like he is right.
    RAW, perhaps, but very certainly not RAI, as if the person were actually dead the spell would work just fine. It neutralizes all poisons in a corpse (an object) after all, even though the poison would not be affecting the corpse in any way. It seems very clear that the wording was just the easiest way of stating that the spell affects all poisons in the target's body that are not inherent to the target (as a snake's venom is to a snake).

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