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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Halfling in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default The Liberation Of Axel V

    The Strike Cruiser Ultimatum Drops out of the imaterium and the terrible shuddering and creaking of the warp dies away and is replaced by the familiar sounds of the ship.

    With a great feeling of relief you release the restraining harnesses and climb out of the Grav couches. You are all stood in the long billet room on the port side of the great ship.The room consists of a series of Grav Couches and four hard cots along with storage lockers for personal effects. This ship has been your home since you were recruited into the Deathwatch.

    On the Small table in the middle of the room there are four identical data slates. The slates must have been delivered by servitor as you rested before the jump from the warp. You each take a data slate and read it with interest as it contains your units first proper assignment since your recruitment.

    After you have read your briefing please report to Captain Yavin in the hanger bay.


    Last edited by Hendy360; 2012-02-11 at 11:19 PM.
    Suffer not the witch to live

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: The Liberation Of Axel V

    Mordecai steps from his grav couch first, rubbing his shaved head as he quickly reads the data slate he picks up before looking round at the others.

    "If we are to pick a squad leader ourselves for this mission, I would like to volunteer for the role. I have previous experience in leading men against these xeno scum and in fact that is the reason I was inducted into the Deathwatch."

    Also i have an arse-ton of leadership bonuses that should help us. :D
    Last edited by Naryzhud; 2012-02-12 at 05:19 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: The Liberation Of Axel V

    Mark reads his data slate, not looking at anyone.

    "Do as your wish as long as you are all fine with that. A leader must have everyone's support."

    "I will be inspecting my equipment, just tell me whenever we are ready to go."

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: The Liberation Of Axel V

    Taking his comrade's silence as an answer, Mordecai stands and adjusts his duty smock. "In that case we had best get down to Captain Yavin." he declares and strides from the room.

    Raveus stands and follows Mordecai from the room in silence, his bulk nearly blocking all light through the doorway as he passes, even without his armour.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Halfling in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: The Liberation Of Axel V

    As the two of you leave the room, 3 medical servitors and an apothecary rush past you into the room you have just left. However whiles it is unfortunate it is not unusual for problems to arise during a warp jump so you continue to the hanger bay.

    Walking through the steel door you enter a vast space with a huge vaulted ceiling. One wall of the hanger appears to be missing and through the void you can see the brown polluted atmosphere of Axel V. Despite the knowledge that a void shield separates you from the dead space outside,the sight still unnerves you as it did the first time you experienced it and it leaves you feeling slightly unbalanced, like the feeling that says jump when you stand on the edge of a cliff.

    The launch bays themselves are populated by 12 thunder hawk drop ships, around which swarm dozens of technicians and servitors. Striding across the loading bay you see Captain Yavin.

    The Captain is a huge man, wearing an ornate suit of black power armour. Around his shoulders is draped a long cloak of black material. His face is scarred from countless battles however a kind smile and warm eyes are set into his bald head.

    "Ah so you two survived the jump...good...I can assume by your presence that your fellow brothers have elected you to lead this mission." Yavin looks the two marines up and down and removes a slip of paper from a hidden pouch in his cloak. " You have read the data slate I had my aide leave in your chamber and I gather you are aware that we have no time to waste. Unfortunately two of your brothers have been injured during the warp jump so we have no choice to proceed with an under strength team. When there medical needs have been met we will endeavour to link you up. Until then you just make do without."

    Yavin hands the paper to you.

    "Give this to the line commander at your DZ it grants you command of that sector of the line and places any assets they have at your disposal. Also we have no time to request any equipment from the munitorium so you have 25 requisition points to spend as a squad. This is all we can spare from our on board armoury. Im sorry to rush you brothers however this worl is vital to operations in the reach and cannot fall. Good luck brothers go get that green skin daemon. You drop in ten. emperor protects!"

    With that Yavin places a hand to his ear and with a nod he rushes from the hanger.

    As the your brothers leave the room in swarm a medical team and begin to plug devices into the two marines that have not yet moved from there grav couches.
    Suffer not the witch to live

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: The Liberation Of Axel V

    Mordecai snaps off a quick salute at the retreating form of Captain Yavin and then quickly crosses over to the shipboard comms unit and thumbs the number to kill-team Firebird's quarters.

    The radio in the room we woke in crackles to life and Mordecai's voice floats through, "Mark, are you still there? Meet us in the armoury, we are deploying in ten minutes!"

    With the message sent Mordecai and Raveus head to the Armoury to equip themselves for the mission.

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