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  1. - Top - End - #1441
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party

    Riss' Quarters - Inner Room

    Wow, those were a lot of fragmented questions all at once. Well, really just two in total, but the last one was kind of hard to answer truthfully.

    Why did she follow Riss after all the craziness with bites and stings and stabs anyway? Boredom, partly, but that doesn't really sound all that nice. Curiosity? That works.

    "Well, you're interesting, and I was pretty curious about the jump scare thing, and you were kind of cute, and really, I hadn't seen anyone except you and that pixie for hours, so I figured why not? Besides, if I can do interesting things and help people at the same time, people won't get mad at me as much, and I won't get as bored, so it's wins all around." Like when she killed that monster that everyone was afraid of. They didn't really like her afterwards, except for the kids, but at least they weren't mad.
    Julie, everyone's nth favorite succubus, by Gulaghar.
    An amazing Misha, Mimi, and Riss painting done by Ofride.
    For anyone in plots run by me, know that I always tailor solutions to those in the plot. The answer may not be obvious, but it's there, and doable by the displayed abilities of the present characters. If you need help or hints, I'll try to be available to provide them.

  2. - Top - End - #1442
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party

    [Riss' Quarters - Inner Room]

    Riss' attention on the second half of Misha's explanation was absorbed but perhaps not fully heard. Of course, given that the neriad said something that had stopped the muse's brain right in it's tracks, it was probably forgivable. However, it also had the effect of breaking Riss' recent feat of continual eye contact as she turned an especially pale shade and took a half-step back. Did she just.. No, I'm pretty sure I didn't mishear that. But I.. I'm not.. Why did she..

    Confusion was etched deeply into the muse's expression, her gaze flicking from the ground to Misha and back again as she gently rubbed at her forehead. She opened her mouth several times in an attempt to respond but only managed to make awkward half-words for the first few tries. "You-You're serious? I-I mean you.." she stuttered, unable to even finish her thought. It was certainly clear that she had no idea how to react in this situation. ..And I don't even know why I feel like crying right now either.. What is wrong with me? ..Aside from the obvious.

  3. - Top - End - #1443
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party

    Riss' Quarters - Inner Room

    "Serious about the helping people thing? It's true, I swear. You just have to find someone who doesn't like something and offer to do something about it, and they'll act all nice, even if the thing you're doing is horrible. I don't know why I never thought of it before." Aaaaand there she goes again, perfectly misinterpreting Riss' meaning. Misha seems a bit put out by Riss stumbling backwards instead of working up the courage to make that last step, but she can be patient.

    "Oh, right, you asked that other thing too. My name's Misha Shoal, nice to meet you." Misha coyly takes another half-step forward, still holding her hand out as if she wants Riss to shake it. Clever little Misha.
    Julie, everyone's nth favorite succubus, by Gulaghar.
    An amazing Misha, Mimi, and Riss painting done by Ofride.
    For anyone in plots run by me, know that I always tailor solutions to those in the plot. The answer may not be obvious, but it's there, and doable by the displayed abilities of the present characters. If you need help or hints, I'll try to be available to provide them.

  4. - Top - End - #1444
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Terumitsu View Post
    [Riss' Quarters]

    "Hunting? Mmmhmm.." the A.I. hummed. Mimi wouldn't know this but it was a quirk of Archimedes to hum whenever he was searching for or verifying information. It usually gave him enough time to gather everything necessary. "Given your stature, I assume you use poison as a tool to take down larger game? If not then I would recommend it at least as there are several kinds that can be 'cooked out' so to speak, to keep from spoiling the meat. But hunting isn't always about the kill, is it? You have to first find your game and that may require a lot of waiting in one spot or a large group moving from place to place. But suppose you had something that would let you blend in with your surroundings easier or something that would let you monitor a large area with ease so you would know just where to go? Maybe a large box with a map on it that could tell you? I think that would be quite useful! However why carry around a bulky box that could get in the way or become lost when you could incorporate it into a bit of jewelry? It wouldn't be nearly as cumbersome that way! Of course, jewelry can make noise which will give away your position or become caught on things when moving around so why not just incorporate the tool into a part of yourself?

    This is greatly glossing over the fine points of making something small enough to be placed inside a body but I believe this displays the idea behind the progression of cybernetic enhancements. Are you with me so far? Please, ask any questions that come to mind!"
    [Riss' Quarters]

    "I think so." Mimi ponders hard. So tools that are inside her body? That sort of makes sense. "What other kind of tools can I have inside of me? How wold I use them?" Her barrage of questions is rather lacking. Only two. D=

  5. - Top - End - #1445
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party

    [Riss' Quarters - Inner Room]

    ...She can't honestly think I was talking about that. I mean, that's even worse than I am. How can.. Unless she's doing this on purpose? Was she joking the first time and now is just taunting me? Aesop seems to think she's earnest so.. So either she's just really good liar or she really misunderstood me... Or.. Wait, is she being coy with me? No no.. That would be stupid. I mean.. Why would she.. But if she meant that then maybe.. But I don't really know unless.. Or maybe she's just trying to distract me so I'll follow through? I'm not certain that'll work all that well, though. I mean, confusion might help but I'm pretty sure it'll have a lasting effect. And now that I'm thinking about that prospect, it's lost whatever impact it could have had and now I've probably ruined that plan... Unless that wasn't her plan and she was just speaking plainly. But that still answers nothing! How can I.. I could just ask her but.... Nnno. I can't ask her. Hell, I can't even work up the courage to... But if I were to.. Okay, she did just get a step closer and I've been too caught up thinking that I didn't notice till now so maybe it is working? But still that doesn't make things any more clear... Am I just that untrusting of people that I can't take what they say at face value? But I can't let myself be gullible so is it better to question the odd things? Scientifically speaking, this is valid as questioning the workings of everything is how knowledge is acquired but not everyone will accept that in a social setting. At least, according to Aesop. Which, given that it was programmed by another person makes me suddenly wonder if they were actually making it as a tool or.. No, can't think like that. That way lies madness. More than usual at least. Oh hell. Now she's got me so far gone that I'm starting to doubt the tools I've been using for ages now. What's next, that I've learned the entirely wrong way of how to do physics? At least those things can be empirically proven that they work.. Unless I've only been using some approximations and, combining that with- No! Stop it! Stop stop stop stop! Okay, the only way out of this is actually asking her. And you've spent half a minute here just rambling around in your own head making yourself go even more crazy and I really really just want to be alone right now. I'm just.. I'm just done. And.. Oh hell. Oh no. Not now. Not now. Please not now. I don't want to do this here. Not in front of someone. Please not now. Why can't I just do this later? I don't want this to happen now.

    Riss had been stalwart in keeping any outward sign that the day's stress and frustration was becoming too much of a burden. At least until now. Mental and emotional fatigue was taking it's due after being denied this long as the first signs of tears appeared in her eyes. Retreating again, Riss covered her face with her hands and would do her best to maneuver around Misha in order to make for her bed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.. This isn't your fault. I just... I'm sorry. I can't.. I don't... Please don't look at me. Just.. Don't look." the muse babbled, sounding both less forced and more emotional than before; her sentences pausing between the sudden sighs that are caused by sharp intakes of breath.

    [Riss' Quarters]

    "Well it all depends on what you want the tools for and what you want to do!" the A.I. exclaimed. "But some of the more basic sort are those that can make you physically stronger or quicker. Smarter... Well, that's up to debate but there are those that will let you retrieve information much more rapidly and with greater clarity. Natural ability to make connections between tidbits of information is a better judge of raw intellect in my opinion but then we get into the talk of different types of intelligence and that's not the purview of this talk. Anyway! Usage is not quite as varied as the tools themselves but there are generally two categories of implants. Ah! And before I forget, 'implant' is just another word for 'Implanted Tool.' Just so you don't get confused! Anyway, 'Passive' implants can be used regardless of if you have a means to control the tools in your body or not. An example of these would be the sort that make you stronger and faster. It's like being able to flex a muscle in this case as all they do is augment the abilities you already have. Now, 'Active' implants are those that require a secondary implant in your brain to use. This cerebral affixion basically allows you to 'talk' with the active implants and tell them when and where you are using them. It would be more like using a lever or maybe a sword than actually 'talking' with them in actual use but given that your brain 'talks' to your hands or feet to move them, then the distinction is relatively moot.

    So, in short, we have the implants that work on their own like muscles and the sort that are more like tools you would hold in your hand where you decide when and how you use them. Also, if you have both active and passive implants, the implant in your brain will let you 'talk' to the passive implants in your body. Some people leave them alone but others like to optimize these passive implants for a given task or just for overall output much as one would whittle at a spear to create a custom hand grip for more accuracy when they use it."

  6. - Top - End - #1446
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party

    Riss' Quarters - Inner Room

    Misha balks as the tears begin to fall, crap crap crap!

    "Oh hell... don't cry, please? I'll just go away for a while until you're done, okay? You can just lie on your bed and I won't even be here, so you don't have to cry anymore alright?" Misha hates crying more than anything. It makes her feel horrible and stupid and guilty when people cry at her, and she's learned to avoid it at all costs. Rage and fire and pitchforks she could handle, but a little girl crying about her lost jerk father who tossed her out of a boat?

    It was so... sad. Misha hates feeling sad.

    As quickly as she can, the nereid backs up to let Riss have as much room as possible to get to her bed, and then once she's there, Misha collapses into a puddle of water, slinking down into the shower drain. She still has a little bit of herself above floor level so she can watch Riss and hope she recovers, but the majority of her is just hanging there, clogging up the pipes for the time being.
    Julie, everyone's nth favorite succubus, by Gulaghar.
    An amazing Misha, Mimi, and Riss painting done by Ofride.
    For anyone in plots run by me, know that I always tailor solutions to those in the plot. The answer may not be obvious, but it's there, and doable by the displayed abilities of the present characters. If you need help or hints, I'll try to be available to provide them.

  7. - Top - End - #1447
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party

    [Riss' Quarters]

    Information overload! Information overload! Mimi furrows her brow as she thinks very hard to process what Archy said. She sits there, staring off at nothing, for a long moment trying to puzzle it out.

    "I think I get it." She finally says. So there's some of these things (she hasn't quite grasped the word "implant") that just work all the time, and other ones you have to tell what to do.

  8. - Top - End - #1448
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    [Riss' Quarters - Inner Room]

    Misha's departure did not have the effect that Riss had expected. Rather than feeling some relief that she wasn't going to be scrutinized during a vulnerable moment, she simply found herself wanting. Whether it was due to emotional burnout taking the place of discomfort or her own feelings of isolation surging forward alongside everything else, it was impossible for the muse to tell. But currently, she simply didn't care which.

    Though she had planted herself on her bed, she sat down with her head in her hands rather than crawling under the sheets as she normally would. She was vaguely aware that Misha had gone but certainly she wouldn't actually leave that way? It was probably filthy, going through the pipes. "Are you still here?" Riss asked aloud. "I know.. I know I'm being fickle here. Sorry. I'm so sorry. But.. Don't go. I need.. I don't know what I need. I.. Could you just please stay?" she said, her words flowing with surprising ease around her stifled sobs. "I'm sorry. Please don't go."

    [Riss' Quarters]

    Being quite observant, Archimedes decided that now would be a good time to take a break. Too much information and the brain would start acting like a ship taking on too much water. It's crew would just try to bail it all out, metaphorically speaking.

    "Ah. I think that's enough for the time being. There is a lot to cover but it's better to teach a child to swim by helping them learn in a pool than simply throwing them in the ocean. Actually that would be a case of terrible parenting in general. Horrible metaphor." Archimedes said, his image furrowing it's brow as it 'thought.' "In any case, how about we take a short break and you do the talking for a bit? Are you hungry? I think I can pull a few strings here and there to have something delivered if you want."

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party

    Riss' Quarters - Inner Room

    Misha reconstitutes almost as quickly as she discorporated earlier, shooting up out of the drain and becoming solid again, now standing under the shower.

    "It's okay. I didn't really leave, I just thought you wanted to be alone for a while. I can stay if you want." Misha takes a few steps towards the bed, stopping a fair distance away, more unsure of herself now. Riss is still crying, and she has a feeling that getting close would only make the crying worse.

    But she can't just stand there, slackjawed and moronic right? She should say something...

    "What's wrong?" Oh god that was the worst question. She already knew her just being around Riss was distressing her, and everything she'd done was somehow making it worse. So obviously, Misha was what's wrong here.

    She just wanted to hear Riss say it so she could leave without feeling more guilty.
    Julie, everyone's nth favorite succubus, by Gulaghar.
    An amazing Misha, Mimi, and Riss painting done by Ofride.
    For anyone in plots run by me, know that I always tailor solutions to those in the plot. The answer may not be obvious, but it's there, and doable by the displayed abilities of the present characters. If you need help or hints, I'll try to be available to provide them.

  10. - Top - End - #1450
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    [Riss' Quarters - Inner Room]

    Riss wiped her eyes and looked up at Misha, blinking through the tears that were still forming. "What's wrong? I don't know. I just.." With a huff, the muse pushed herself off of the bed and began walking toward Misha only to double back and begin pacing. "I mean, I'm this crazy bundle of nerves that shouldn't even get a second glance and then you come along after I've freaked out because I'm stupid and.. And then follow me to my room and try to help me? I don't even know where to start with that. I'm having enough trouble trying to comprehend that someone would even do that in the first place and that's not even bringing myself into that equation yet." Riss said, her steps quickening and her turns becoming more abrupt.

    "And.. And now you want to help me because I can't.. It's.. Difficult for me to make physical contact with someone. I mean.. I've always used it as an excuse to tell myself I liked my solitude because that's where I felt the most safe but now I don't know if I was just trying to cope because I was so isolated or if I'm just a private person. Maybe I don't like it because it's a break from the norm for me? Maybe it's something else. I don't know. But.. You're.. Someone is trying to help me? Now? I don't get that. It doesn't make sense." Rather than turning around again, the muse simply continued walking toward Misha although at a much slower pace than before, stopping within an arm's reach from her.

    Attending again to her tears, Riss took a minute to bring her breathing back down to something resembling normal. Or at least into a pace she could still talk with. "And then... Then you just.. You say things like they should be easy and it's not and.. And.. And I know I'm terrible with people and I can't even manage to look at their shoes. I can't even talk in complete sentences without stopping in the middle because I'm trying to correct myself or rethink what I'm trying to say into something clearer and just end up tripping over myself. And I can't even.. But I can't stop looking at you and.. And this is the most I've ever said to anyone. I mean, sure, I'm just about raving right now because I'm so screwed up at the moment but I'm still saying things and they make sense. I don't even care about how it sounds right now and I can look at a person and it feels good but I know I'm gonna regret all of this in a while so I'm not sure how I should even feel right now." Riss' motions, rather sedate until now, were suddenly quite expressive. Her hands made sharp movements and more than once she held tightly clenched fists in front of herself.

    Just as quickly, though, she stopped and let her arms fall to her sides as she took a long breath. Exhaling and looking down, the muse let out a weary, exasperated laugh though it might be difficult to pick out from her already irregular breathing. "And.. I'm completely worked up over everything and everyone here is completely naked. It's like a bad dream where you forget your clothes and wind up trying to imagine everyone else did the same to save face. I mean. How can I take myself seriously when I'm not even wearing pants?"

    The laughter died down with a rather loud sniff as Riss simply looked at the ground. "I.. I don't want you to do anything. Just stay there. I.. I think I can.. I at least want to try." she murmured before looking up at Misha. With some obvious recalcitrance, she raised both hands up toward the neriad. There was some internal debate as she pondered just what to do but then simply tossed her cares to the wayside and gently put her palms on either side of Misha's face.

    This.. This is a person. I'm touching another person. She won't hurt me. She isn't going to cause me pain. Though that crawling, oily sensation was present, it was subdued enough that Riss could pay attention to the smooth texture of the neriad's skin. Biting her lower lip, the muse forced herself to take long breaths as she tried to stay in contact as long as she was able. Brushing her fingers down Misha's neck, she paused as she felt the faint but definite evidence of a pulse. Bringing her other hand down, she circled the neriad's neck with her hands and fingers as if she was about to try and choke her but simply felt around for the rhythmic beat of another's heart. Riss let her hands trail slowly down just a bit more until she had found the source of Misha's pulse. Letting her left arm drop to her side, the muse simply pressed her fingers onto the neriad's chest and closed her eyes, driving out all other thoughts and sensations to focus on the beat she felt. For a full minute, she was quiet. Then, quietly, she began to hum. It was a tune she knew well, having heard it many times. Until now, she had always been the one listening. But listening or singing, it didn't matter. It was a soft tune, a slow one. And right now, both song and beat, it was her world.

  11. - Top - End - #1451
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party

    [Riss' Quarters]

    Mimi rubs her stomach. It has been a while since she's eaten. "Sure, I'm kinda hungry." She has no idea how this guy on the wall is going to get food, though. Maybe Riss was getting it? The pixie suddenly looks around, and then again as she produces no results. Where is Riss anyway?

  12. - Top - End - #1452
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party

    Riss' Quarters - Inner Room

    Misha has no idea how to process all this information, so she just lets Riss ramble onwards as she listens intently, trying to get a mental image of this person's circumstances in her mind.

    She wants to respond and say that Riss isn't stupid, that she's definitely worth looking at, and so many other rebuttals, but instead she just stops being the chatterbox, or the seductress, or even the murderer she often is and just listens for a while.

    Riss was... broken, and unwhole, and it wasn't Misha's presence that was doing this but rather this was how Riss was all the time under the surface. It was fascinating to see someone just spill all of themself out to someone like her, who up until now had only seen fear, lust, and hatred from everyone she met.

    And now her face is being touched. In any other situation Misha would have found it so silly that she'd have to break the moment by laughing, but instead she stands perfectly still and just lets Riss feel her skin. She shows no fear for her life as the hands encircle her throat, and quirks a delicate blonde eyebrow as one finally slips down to rest over her heart. It's clear she doesn't understand the significance, but still she doesn't query.

    Then the music starts, and her entire body stiffens momentarily, then relaxes. It was...

    "Beautiful... your voice is beautiful."
    Julie, everyone's nth favorite succubus, by Gulaghar.
    An amazing Misha, Mimi, and Riss painting done by Ofride.
    For anyone in plots run by me, know that I always tailor solutions to those in the plot. The answer may not be obvious, but it's there, and doable by the displayed abilities of the present characters. If you need help or hints, I'll try to be available to provide them.

  13. - Top - End - #1453
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    [Riss' Quarters]

    Judging from what Archimedes had seen of the Cave's network traffic, it was rather odd to make requests for foodstuffs. However, there didn't seem to be anything that would prevent such a request from being made so the A.I. simply sent along a missive to rectify the situation at hand. "Well then. I suppose it should be along shortly. In any case, are you looking for-" A rapping at the door interrupted what would have undoubtedly been another long-winded spiel. "Well that was quicker than I expected." the A.I. said as he fiddled with the door's lock circuits.

    As the door swung open, it showed that there were indeed a few Magbots outside. However, rather than carrying food with them, instead there was an assortment of pillows that were unceremoniously hurled inside before they all left to return to whatever duties they had been attending to earlier. "Mmmm. So there are the cushions I requested. Well at least now we have a more comfortable place for you to sit. Food might be a moment longer."

    [Riss' Quarters - Inner Room]

    The song eventually ended as all things must. Riss slowly pulled her hand away and wiped at the last few tears on her face. "Thank you." she said although it didn't quite seem to be aimed at Misha's comment. Perhaps it was for simply being there or perhaps it was for staying still. Or maybe it was all of that. Riss wasn't exactly sure herself and she felt far too tired right now to put the effort into analyzing the complement.

    Turning around, the muse made for her bed at a slow pace. "I'm tired." she said simply, pulling back the sheets. "Sorry. I just need to rest now. Is.. Is there anything you need?" she asked, sitting on the edge of her bed as she looked toward Misha. It was clear just how weary she felt just by looking at her but she was putting off much needed rest for at least a moment more to make sure her guest was well looked after. Not even sure why I feel like doing this. Just.. It's probably easier this way. I mean, I don't want to leave her trapped in here so maybe I should set up something with the door for her.. But.. If she does go.. I don't know. I need sleep. I can think about all this later.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Riss' Quarters - Inner Room

    Misha looks almost crestfallen when the music dies down, but quickly breaks into a smile when Riss speaks up again.

    "No, I think I'll just rest a while too, if that's alright with you. Just... make sure to wake me up later, okay? I kind of have a tendency to sleep in." Misha's smile turns a bit secretive, as if she's sharing a joke with Riss. To say she's slept in a bit would be a ridiculous understatement, as some of her naps have put Rip Van Winkle to shame.

    Of course, she doesn't really intend to go to sleep because of that. Instead she'll just try to keep awake while watching Riss, as boring as the sounds.

    Oh, wait, right, she should probably ask first, "That is, if you don't mind me crashing here."
    Julie, everyone's nth favorite succubus, by Gulaghar.
    An amazing Misha, Mimi, and Riss painting done by Ofride.
    For anyone in plots run by me, know that I always tailor solutions to those in the plot. The answer may not be obvious, but it's there, and doable by the displayed abilities of the present characters. If you need help or hints, I'll try to be available to provide them.

  15. - Top - End - #1455
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party

    [Riss' Quarters - Inner Room]

    Normally, I think I'd ask why but.. Hell, if she needs a place to stay then that's fine. Have plenty of room anyway... No extra cushions though. Will have to improvise. "If you lay down, I think I can figure out how to get a makeshift mattress put together. If I do this right, it should conform to however you're laying on it but it'll be a little hard." Riss said, tapping into her room's private network so as to start fiddling with the hundreds of small rods that made up her floor. It wasn't designed to be a reactive surface but some tampering would allow for an approximation at least.

    "Oh.. Um. But if you can sleep while doing that water thing, then I could make a basin." Would be so much easier if I can do that. I should ask how she does it sometime, though. Probably magic but there has to be rules to it.

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    [Riss' Quarters]

    Mimi flits off her seat and over to the pile of cushions. She looks at them for a moment before suddenly sitting down on one. "I can wait." She assures him. "So where's Riss? I never saw her go." She's easily distracted.
    Last edited by Gullara; 2012-05-12 at 12:25 AM.

  17. - Top - End - #1457
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Riss' Quarters - Inner Room

    "A basin sounds good. I was just going to plop down on your floor and spread out a bit." Misha shrugs, and discorporates back into her natural form, waiting for Riss to form the basin before she actually loses cohesion and collapses into a puddle. In this form, cohesive or not, she can't exactly speak, so there's nothing left to do but wait for Riss to do her magic.
    Julie, everyone's nth favorite succubus, by Gulaghar.
    An amazing Misha, Mimi, and Riss painting done by Ofride.
    For anyone in plots run by me, know that I always tailor solutions to those in the plot. The answer may not be obvious, but it's there, and doable by the displayed abilities of the present characters. If you need help or hints, I'll try to be available to provide them.

  18. - Top - End - #1458
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    [Riss' Quarters]

    "Oh it seems she's gone to have a bit of a lie down at the moment." Archimedes said after a moment. The face drawing conspiratorially close, spoke in a stage whisper while somehow managing to be all the more conspicuous. "She's not what I would call a 'people person' but she tries her best to put up a good front. Not the best actor though. Tires her out all the same so she sometimes needs time to herself. Good to see her bring company home, though. Used to be she couldn't even look at a person in the eyes." the A.I. said, clearly showing that he didn't know that this was still a problem.

    "Anyway, I'll let her know of your concern the moment she puts her headphones back on. Don't want to disturb her before that though, she can get rather cranky." Archimedes explained.

    [Riss' Quarters - Inner Room]

    A basin was pretty much just a hollowed out hemisphere so some very simple instructions later and a rectangular block slid out of the floor. After rising half a meter, an ovoid depression formed, appearing to be an odd sort of bathtub. The surface itself looked slightly 'pixalated' as one could easily pick out the square rods when they tried to form a curve like this but they were still close enough together to prevent any water from sliding through the cracks. Riss, of course, wasn't seen actually doing anything so perhaps it would look like a kind of magic in a sense; to her chagrin should this be pointed out.

    "There. I'm sorry I couldn't do better but I'll try to come up with something later." Riss murmured, her head already gravitating to the pillow. The light emanating from the walls dimmed as she pulled the sheets over herself. You know, there is probably something to say in this situation but.. Oh hell with it. Sleep now. Though tired, her brain wasn't letting her fall immediately to sleep as it was still sparking the odd or random idea here and there. But given time, that would cease and the muse would drift off into blessed unconsciousness.

    Though once asleep, Misha would pretty much have the run of the place. For whatever good or ill that would bring.

  19. - Top - End - #1459
    Ogre in the Playground
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    [Riss' Quarters]

    "She's kinda weird." Mimi says without any judgement in her voice. Just a statement. "And waaay different than other people I know. You are too." Little does Archimedes know, but she would have said the same about a 'normal' person. Even basic civility is a rarity for her.

  20. - Top - End - #1460
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party

    Riss' Quarters - Inner Room

    Momentarily, Misha transforms her upper body back to flesh and blood as she lowers herself into the tub, "It's fine. Sleep well, and sweet dreams." Then she turns to liquid once more and levels out, becoming no more interesting than a tub of bathwater.

    At least, that is, until Riss is utterly asleep. Misha will wait around an hour or so to make sure that the smaller girl is well and truly out of it, but after that she's going to try and act on an idea she had.

    Riss seemed to be calmed down by her heartbeat, which took a while for the nereid to figure out, so maybe there's something she can do to help Riss sleep just a bit better, and acclimate some without her knowing it.

    Slowly and carefully, Misha slips out of the basin and up to the bedside, only transforming back into solid form once she's there and looking carefully for any signs of stirring. Should she find none, the nereid will try to lift up the sheets and slip into the bed behind Riss, reaching out and trying to gently pull the muse's head towards her until it's nestled against her chest. Assuming she can do this without jostling or waking Riss, she'll just lay there next to her.

    Of course, Misha fully intends to slip back into the basin before Riss wakes up in the morning, and she most likely would have... if she didn't end up drifting off into a nap about an hour after she slipped under the covers.
    Julie, everyone's nth favorite succubus, by Gulaghar.
    An amazing Misha, Mimi, and Riss painting done by Ofride.
    For anyone in plots run by me, know that I always tailor solutions to those in the plot. The answer may not be obvious, but it's there, and doable by the displayed abilities of the present characters. If you need help or hints, I'll try to be available to provide them.

  21. - Top - End - #1461
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party


    There is a slight moment of distortion in the air and a woman with sand blue hair appears. She's wearing long sleeves and jeans, gloves... oh, and the right half of her face is covered with a mask.

    She approaches the door. She's here... is the door going to open itself? Is she expected to knock?
    Last edited by Lost_Deep; 2012-05-12 at 07:45 PM.

  22. - Top - End - #1462
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party


    The door does, in fact, open itself. Not the way doors normally open themselves, though. No, instead it just sort of splits horizontally, a massive, gaping, bloody wound spreading across the length of it. Raptor Jesus Christ, that is not what Iriel was asking in that small block of descriptive text, Needs! Not even close!


    Needs Food Badly only gets about halfway through his mad declarations, and about a third of the way through that gaping, bloody door-wound he was wriggling out of, before a collar on his neck beeps, and electrocutes the gibberish-spouting sorcerer absolutely senseless (not that he had much sense to begin with).

    "Oh hey, sorry about that. I thought we had a better grip on him. The moment he knew you were at the door, he just vanished. I'll be monitoring him through this shock collar and such, and explain anything that needs explaining for him, but I won't be coming along in person, for safety reasons. Do whatever you need to do, and ask what you need to ask, just have him back before midnight."
    Last edited by Lord Magtok; 2012-05-12 at 10:21 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Magtok's the best
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  23. - Top - End - #1463
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party


    "Don't expect me to go very far. You're probably best equipped to deal with whatever he..."

    A pause as she examines the Magclone. She picks him up and slings him over one shoulder, before turning back towards the bloody door.

    "Do you have an area where we can talk, or shall I just drag him to the top of the mountain?"

    She would prefer to be inside, for reasons of her own, but she's not going to simply yank this opportunity rudely.

  24. - Top - End - #1464
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party

    [Riss' Quarters]

    While Archimedes wouldn't expressly know that Mimi would have stated similar things about what would amount to 'normal' people, the A.I. had already inferred that, from her mannerisms and dress in comparison to her general surroundings, that her idea of 'normal' was likely going to be rather different. 'Normal' was a subjective thing after all. "Well, if it makes any difference, I'm probably pretty different when compared to most people regardless of the demographic chosen." It came with the territory of being a mechanical intelligence.

    "But what are the other people you know? Would you mind telling me more about them?" Archimedes asked. What Mimi wouldn't see is the A.I. setting up a wiki page dedicated to Mimi and her clan. At least, assuming she had one. The A.I. was fairly certain in this respect but solitary Fae were just as common.

    [Riss' Quarters - Inner Room]
    Minor god-modding approved.

    Given just how drained Riss had been, Misha could probably have pushed her off the bed and garner hardly any response. And, though it might just be moving around in her sleep, Riss apparently made an attempt to get just a bit closer to the neriad. Of course, this all would be reversed once the muse woke up.

    What am I.. What is that sound? Its.. Its nice but... Oh. Oh.Okay. This is new. I'm not going to freak out. I'm not going to freak out. I'm not going to freak out... Riss managed to pull herself away without waking the neriad and slid off the end of the bed as best she could without waking her. ...And I didn't freak out. Breathing like I've run ten klicks but still not off the deep end. Another first. And within five minutes of each other. Her eyes lingered on Misha for a bit longer before she realized just how much time she had spent staring. Well, this is closer than I ever though I'd get to actually sleeping with somebody. A hell of a lot more literal too. Though... Maybe....... Riss felt herself pale as she lingered on a particular thought before waving it away in favor of getting dressed. She was surprised by not feeling as if she needed a shower, even considering the circumstances. Sure, that dirty, oily feeling was there but it was certainly more subdued. At least where Misha was concerned. Then again... She's really the only person I've ever gotten that personal with. Not sure if I want to do that with everyone I meet. Though.. I might be able to get by with gloves or something. Not actually touching in that case. At least, I think I can convince myself of that much at least.

    Through a leisurely breakfast of lychee and some green, sour fruit she hadn't learned the name of, Riss found herself continuing to simply stare at Misha as if her eyes were iron and the neriad was a lodestone. Then again, why wouldn't I now that I have the chance? Though.. Now what? She said she wanted me to wake her up but.. Hmm. Well I'm certainly not doing THAT... No.. No.. Interesting but probably not... No, I don't have enough materials for that and the last one exploded... I could always try the simple option... Wiping the juice from her chin and hands, the muse set her basket back onto it's usual resting place on her desk and crept forward. With some apprehension, she reached out to try and grab Misha by the shoulder and give her a gentle shake. "Ah.. Wake up, I guess? Hello?"

  25. - Top - End - #1465
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    With all the other various Patforms sent out on various missions, Humanoid!Pat is left to wander the labs with a book on cybernetics in her hands. It didn't make much sense to her, but she had gotten the gist of it, allowing her to build a biological version of Magtok's face implant with a few extra enhancements. As she walks past a covered alcove, a tiny vibration makes her look into it. With a smile, she realizes that her biggest project yet had finally finished growing. She closes the book and begins to walk out to find her Magtok, barely keeping in her excitement.

  26. - Top - End - #1466
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] MagCave IV: Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Party

    Riss' Quarters - Inner Room

    For a moment, it seems as if Riss' efforts will go unrewarded, but with enough shaking Misha will stir, taking a moment to yawn and stretch interestingly before opening her eyes and seeing Riss looking down at her.

    "Oh, good morning. Sorry." Well, the first words out of her mouth certainly aren't promising. It's fairly clear that whatever happened last night to get her into this predicament, Misha is at least cognizant of what happened.

    "So did you sleep well?" There was something about a plan to make Riss sleep better and feel more comfortable, but Misha would be damned if she could figure out how getting into her bed would help that.
    Julie, everyone's nth favorite succubus, by Gulaghar.
    An amazing Misha, Mimi, and Riss painting done by Ofride.
    For anyone in plots run by me, know that I always tailor solutions to those in the plot. The answer may not be obvious, but it's there, and doable by the displayed abilities of the present characters. If you need help or hints, I'll try to be available to provide them.

  27. - Top - End - #1467
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    Wherever Edijar Is

    *ring ring*

    Edijar's phone is ringing!

    I wonder what his ringtone is?

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