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  1. - Top - End - #631
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The Forest of Starlight

    "Certainly, she is Adelaide, The Countess, Our Beautiful Lady, Creator of the Peafowlkin. I could go on."

    The Parliament->The Gallery

    "Let's," With that she disappears to reappear in front of The Gallery, "Did you happen to catch her name?"

    Ship 7

    "She enslaved me and other Blur. She took away our right to make decisions and think for ourselves. What's not to hate?"

    He cringes at Ombra carrying the Doctor's message, "Any chance you could tell him you couldn't find me?"

    Snow Haven

    "All right, there's a temple not far from here."

    I'll leave the rest concerning Marren up to Elemental


    Jorik shrugs, "No problem, Jeff!" A human shoots up, "Get a contract!" Jeff quickly obeys. He disappears into the warehous and comes back out in a few minutes carrying a feather, inkwell, and a roll of parchment.

    It looks like it's already been written, Jorik fills in a few spots then hands it off to Drestin. "Just put your name right there on the top and then sign at the bottom."

    The Hidden Isle

    "We can count on one hand the number of times this happened. The first time the offender were escorted back to their home blindfolded. Then another time we executed the offenders when they tried to kill a citizen. How long you're here, well that depends entirely on the impression you make on the Scepter."

    As you come over another hill you see a massive Citadel standing in front of you. In the middle of the Citadel is a single large smooth tower. "This is our capital, the Citadel of the Scepter!"

    Every once in a while you see knights and peasants milling about, going about their daily lives. Before the gates you see a strange temple, with the statues of a goblin, Ravenkin, and a human standing in front of it. As you approach the citadel you can read the names at the base of the statues.

    Kuut, Tristram, and Leon, The temple itself does not appear dedicated to a particular god, in fact it is dedicated to two. One of whom is dead.

    The gate of the Citadel lies open, it is in fact the only fortification allowed to stand after the Civil War and it is disturbingly well designed. Complete with moat, drawbridge, trenches, curtain walls, buttresses, and catapults.
    Last edited by Yeshon; 2012-08-17 at 09:24 AM.
    Gwyn, The First Knight
    Karthull, The Lord of Slaughter, The Master of Death

  2. - Top - End - #632
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Adelaide's Gallery

    "As you wish, Belsheroth. Please, take a seat.

    If my sources are correct, I believe you wish to extend the gift of Divine Magic to both myself and my people?"

  3. - Top - End - #633
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The High Roads

    In The High Roads, the normal peace and tranquility is broken by a god having an arguement......with himself((Ah like father like son...))

    Well when the hell are we going to show our hand! Yohalles the Younger shouts
    When the time is right! If we send an emissary too soon it will seem like an act of war! Yohalles the Elder shouts, gripping his shepard's crook tightly.
    Well maybe thats exactly what you need! A show of force! I'm sending Dull-Coat and his band. Do what you wish. The Younger's eyes glaze over and he takes a single step, walking into The Low Roads.
    The Elder sighs I will speak through Dull-Coat, so our point is made clear.

    Razorpine Forest
    Dull-Coat and twelve other Lloyas and Fonum teleport in off to the side of the group and walk in slowly. Adventuring has been kind to them as their physique has changed greatly, becoming more muscular and chiseled. Most are wearing studded leather or chainmail armor, and wield steel weapons or bows.

    I am Dull-Coat, emissary of Yohalles. I have a message from him bound for you. he says pointing at Eom. Dull-Coat's eyes glaze over for a few moments before rolling back, showing only the whites.

    A new voice comes from Dull-Coat now, the voice of Yohalles the Elder You! Prophet of my accidental child. Prophet of a being born of godly blood shed in anger. Prophet of a perversion of the magics of MY OWN HOME PLANE! he pauses here, his face still calm and serene. You shall not conquer this land! Set your eyes somewhere else for the god of these lands, the god of these people, is one I swore fealty to and one whom I consider my friend. Dull-Coat's eyes return to normal and he lets out a quiet cough before turning to Stamyn My apologies for the interruption.
    Spoiler: Those That Came Before
    Yohalles, the Wanderer
    Lonel, Gentleman Luck
    Jongo, God of Sea-Life

  4. - Top - End - #634
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The Parliament->The Gallery

    Oh sure, people's names are inscribed into their shadows all the time. Ombra replied dryly. She's in a traveling shop with her husband. On their way to Calasancti, I believe.

    Ship 7

    "She enslaved me and other Blur. She took away our right to make decisions and think for ourselves. What's not to hate?"
    ...Good answer. He replied before slamming his palm against Ship's head.

    He cringes at Ombra carrying the Doctor's message, "Any chance you could tell him you couldn't find me?"
    Eh, doctor's not that stupid, he knows I've got access to the Shadow Parliament. I'll just tell him you shot it down and then called him an idiot. He said dryly before a dark red light flared underneath his hand. ...I don't consider it a curse. But you defied your fellows, fought for freedom and ended the rule of a tyrant.

    Something wormed it's way into Ship's mind, dark, creeping and impossible to so much as slow down. It spread through every corner of Ship's mind, infecting everywhere......And then it burrowed into something else... something in his head that he hadn't noticed before.

    Almost as quickly as it had come, it vanished. Ship felt nothing in his head had actually changed, but he felt like something new was there too. Ship would suddenly be able to tell that THAT was what the new part of his mind was for - he could make people remember him now!

    Enjoy the rest of your life, Ship.A cheshire grin formed beneath his hood. And remember, that new bit in your head is hereditary. He pointed to the wall, where there was still a lot of loud banging. I recommend your first act as a remember-able being be to add the people you worked with in Free Port, then to break down the door to that bloody loud-as-crap couple and yell 'SHUT UP'!!

    Bless Ship 7 - 1AP

    Remember the story of Abraham? It's kinda like that. Essentially, assuming he tries to have kids, he's gonna have a lot of 'em

    Bless/Curse the Blur - 1AP

    This one's secret: if a Blur does something similar to what Ship did (fights against tyranny despite the fact it also helps Ombra) then whether or not they turn back to him, they gain the power to keep memories from being wiped. It still defaults to erasing, but if the Blur wants someone to remember their presence, they will, and they'll know it.

    13AP-2AP = 11AP

    Snow Haven

    Okie dokie. The Doctor replied, walking right next to them as a cat.


    I still haven't given up on Sophia/Ship.
    Last edited by HalfTangible; 2012-08-17 at 09:54 AM.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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  5. - Top - End - #635
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The Forests of Starlight

    "I know her... I'm with her right now...
    "Thank you... Whatever your designation is..."

    Adelaide's Gallery

    Belsheroth sat down in the offered chair.
    "That is indeed the case. Though I would not have objected had you simply stolen the secrets for yourself, it is more pleasant to work with others to improve my work."
    He glanced briefly to the door before looking back.
    "Zerachiel mentioned that you had questions concerning its limitations?"
    Again, he glanced to the door.
    "I'm really sorry..."
    He stood, went over to the door, opened it and called out.
    "Her name is Lady Adelaide. You had best remember that when you knock on the door in order to seek her aid."
    Closing the door, he returned to his seat.
    "My sincere apologies. But young people these days are always trying to rush things..."

    Snow Haven

    "Has... This hill... Always... Been... This steep?"
    "Yes Marren, it's always been this steep. Come on... There's a temple down this side street."
    Nureen took hold of Marren's shoulder to steady him on his feet.
    "Well, it looks like this is where we part for now.
    "If you need to find us, go to Chevalier's Gate House on Saint's Terrace in the Old Quarter. And ask to see Lady Hammely, that's Marren's niece, she can put us in touch in case I can't get Marren there any time soon.
    "Good luck, or as we say in my profession, don't break a leg."

    Don't worry, he'll live. He's only got malaria.
    Last edited by Elemental; 2012-08-17 at 10:10 AM.
    Mauve Shirt, Savannah, Gnomish Wanderer, Cuthalion and Smuchmuch get cookies for making me avatars. (::)
    (::) Current avatar by Smuchmuch (::)

    Co Founder of LUTAS - For all your less than useful heroes out there.

    My Deviant Art. Careful, it's full of ponies.


  6. - Top - End - #636
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Quote Originally Posted by AvocadoAvenger View Post
    Razorpine Forest

    "I'm sorry, but I don't think that will be possible," says the man with a friendly face. He sounds apologetic about the nature of having to be at conflict with these people, unlike the woman with the staff. "You would have been our guests in this forest. Would have been." "It is possible for outsiders to live in harmony with our kind here, just look at the Elthien rangers," the one with slightly pointed ears shoots back. She replies by hotly saying "well this is clearly not possible with these people. As for us, we are the council of druids. I am Flaeme." "I am Stamyn" says the man who spoke originally. "My name is Seera says the one with the pointy ears. "I am called Osha" the one with the painted body introduces herself. "And i'm Skele" says the last one, the one with the deerskin and skull. Flaeme turns to Eom, "You may still live in harmony if you wish, but if you so choose not to, we will fight for our homes. You will find yourselves at war with us, and even if we loose, you will still take a lot of wounds in the process." "Well, what say you?" Asks Stamyn hopefully.
    Eom turns toward the Emmisary of Yohalles. " Bear this message to your master: Eroberung, whom I serve, owes no fealty to you. You did not recognize him as a child, giving him no greeting, and thus do not have the rights of a father. Thus, begone, or your creations will be struck down by the sword." Eom turns back to the council. "It would be an honor to coexist, but our people use log cabins as homes and burn wood for our fires. We also hope to expand. Can your folk grow more trees quickly, or something else? If this suits you, we will dwell with you in peace, and you will be honored as allies and friends." Eom kneels before them in expectation of an answer.

  7. - Top - End - #637
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Adelaide's Gallery

    Adelaide dismissed the interruption with an airy wave of her hand.

    "Do not fret. I know how things can be, and one such as yourself must be in demand, by virtue of meriting a herald.

    My queries regarding your magic are concerned with the nature of powers it grants. I believe that some of it may be used offensively, by which I mean destructively.

    Now, if I have not misunderstood, the power would be a derivative of my own, and as in art, every painter has their own distinctive style. It would follow, thusly, that the magic would be used in the same way I myself use my powers.

    I was wondering if perhaps I might try my own take on your magic, and turn this -

    With this, she sketches in the air, and the images come to life: Adelaide, arm outstretched, blasting a faceless man off his feet.

    Into this."

    Another drawing, this time Adelaide dancing, emitting ribbons of coloured light, seemingly entrancing and subduing the figure.

  8. - Top - End - #638
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The Forest of Twilight

    "V-65, that is my designation."

    The Gallery

    Gwyn sighed, "He could have asked her himself."

    She walks up to the door and knocked. "Adelaide, I request an audience."

    Ship 7

    As the palm hits his head Ship nearly jumps through the wall. Then Ombra explains what's happening. He starts to laugh, "Really?? Oh gods, then I've got something I've been holding in for the last seven hours."

    He goes next door, "Shut the Hell up! You're not gonna make her forget about your best friend and she's already hating herself!"

    The room next door suddenly gets very quiet.

    Ship7 returns to the room a smile on his face, "I cannot tell you how good that felt."

    Then he thinks for a moment, "Erm, I never thought I'd say this, but thank you Ombra."

    Snow Haven

    Sophia nodded gravely, "Be well, both of you... and thanks for not assuming I was crazy." After they left, she turned to the Doctor, "Looks like it's just us, did you find any other contacts, or should we start with my uncle?"
    Last edited by Yeshon; 2012-08-17 at 10:33 AM.
    Gwyn, The First Knight
    Karthull, The Lord of Slaughter, The Master of Death

  9. - Top - End - #639
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Adelaide's Gallery

    "I do beg your pardon, it seems I must attend to something."

    Rising from her chaise-longue, Adelaide opens the door with her signature curtsey.

    "Please, do come in, and take a seat. I am Lady Adelaide. Would you perhaps care for tea, or perhaps another refreshment?"

  10. - Top - End - #640
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Quote Originally Posted by Yeshon View Post
    The Forest of Twilight

    "V-65, that is my designation."

    The Gallery

    Gwyn sighed, "He could have asked her himself."

    She walks up to the door and knocked. "Adelaide, I request an audience."
    No, I couldn't have. Shadows haven't been able to talk to non-shadows since Nyctus died. I'm still trying to fix that.

    Ship 7

    As the palm hits his head Ship nearly jumps through the wall. Then Ombra explains what's happening. He starts to laugh, "Really?? Oh gods, then I've got something I've been holding in for the last seven hours."

    He goes next door, "Shut the Hell up! You're not gonna make her forget about your best friend and she's already hating herself!"

    The room next door suddenly gets very quiet.

    Ship7 returns to the room a smile on his face, "I cannot tell you how good that felt."

    Then he thinks for a moment, "Erm, I never thought I'd say this, but thank you Ombra."
    He was already gone.

    Snow Haven

    Sophia nodded gravely, "Be well, both of you... and thanks for not assuming I was crazy." After they left, she turned to the Doctor, "Looks like it's just us, did you find any other contacts, or should we start with my uncle?"
    Your uncle. He agreed. I dunno where the Butler or the Scholar are.
    Last edited by HalfTangible; 2012-08-17 at 10:42 AM.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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  11. - Top - End - #641
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Water and Fire
    The artisan and the priest showed the Peafowlkin along a corridor and down. As they came in the room, they entered a pocket of air, allowing Phenelope to breathe regularly.
    It was hot in the room, and the glassblowers were at work. They blew heated bubbles of glass, then spun them flat and cooled them in dyes, producing beautiful stained glass.
    Characters in Lords of Creation games:
    Aquaeris, Flowing Sheen.
    Xacha, the Metal Serpent.
    Viltasa, the Evening Star.
    Yash-Ko, the Flame of the Void.
    Argul Lugra, Lord of the Eyes.
    Vriset, the Glassblower.
    Valendron, Ascending Wind.

    Drow Lord avatar by Dread Angel.

  12. - Top - End - #642
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The Forests of Starlight

    "V-65? If I remember correctly, your precursors had much more interesting names. Were they abandoned for the sake of efficiency?"

    Adelaide's Gallery

    "It's perfectly alright. I shall use the time required for you to handle their request to consider your suggestions."
    Divine magic more specific to the deity granting it? Fascinating. But then... It makes perfectly logical sense.
    Mauve Shirt, Savannah, Gnomish Wanderer, Cuthalion and Smuchmuch get cookies for making me avatars. (::)
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  13. - Top - End - #643
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The Gallery

    "Thank you, no, I am Gwyn and this is Ombra we have come because your father needs your assistance."

    Then she looks at Ombra concerned, "I... was speaking of Belsheroth, are you all right?"

    Ship 7

    He smiles, well if it was hereditary, all he had to do was get the word out. There was gonna be a new Blur race before too long.

    Snow Haven

    "Very well, wait, the Butler? Why are all Shadows named after various professions?"

    After a time they make their way into the city center where the keep is situated. At the front gate are two knights standing like statues. "Umm, perhaps now isn't a good time to mention that only knights are allowed within the keep and I'm technically a deserter."

    The Forest of Starlight

    Last edited by Yeshon; 2012-08-17 at 11:07 AM.
    Gwyn, The First Knight
    Karthull, The Lord of Slaughter, The Master of Death

  14. - Top - End - #644
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Quote Originally Posted by Yeshon View Post
    The Gallery

    "Thank you, no, I am Gwyn and this is Ombra we have come because your father needs your assistance."

    Then she looks at Ombra concerned, "I... was speaking of Belsheroth, are you all right?"
    Ombra blinked, vonfused, and rubbed his head. ...I... think so...... what statement of his were you referring to?

    Ship 7

    He smiles, well if it was hereditary, all he had to do was get the word out. There was gonna be a new Blur race before too long.
    Bow chicka bow wow

    Snow Haven

    "Very well, wait, the Butler? Why are all Shadows named after various professions?"
    It makes translation simpler, allows us to adopt the reputations of our fellows if needed, and names are fairly pointless for a race that can mold it's shape like we can. We do have personal names, but we don't use them outside of Shadow Key, and then only with very close friends.

    After a time they make their way into the city center where the keep is situated. At the front gate are two knights standing like statues. "Umm, perhaps now isn't a good time to mention that only knights are allowed within the keep and I'm technically a deserter."
    Oh don't worry, I've been knighted before. Probably. He replied, padding up to the door. If not we could always scream 'HONEY MUSTARD'.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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  15. - Top - End - #645
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Drogul, City State of Cerune

    The assassin Drogul crept into the city of Cerune at night. Once he had worn his knight's armor with pride, but now he wore it with cruel irony. He had learned much since the massacre that had driven him into the North, and his stealth, even while ensconced in heavy armor, was one of them.

    This would be one of the toughest jobs he had taken on, but the payment would be worth it. A permanent place in the court of a Northern King should he succeed! Of course, he did not know WHICH king, he had been smart enough not to ask, and the man who had hired him had been smart enough not to tell.

    Drogul stalked quietly through the halls. He had killed a couple of guards, throwing their bodies over the outer wall. He could not afford to start a commotion at this point, he would need to approach the Boy Kings' room with utmost care...
    Caesar Asmodeus by Andraste

  16. - Top - End - #646
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The Gallery

    "That we should remember her name when we seek her aid. Were... you weren't caught in the Lich's initial attack were you?"

    Waiting for HT's response to a PM.

    Snow Haven

    "Honey Must- Wait!" Too late, he was already in front of the knights.

    "Is-Is that a cat?" One of the knights a Ravenkin tilts his head as the cat trods up to the door.

    The other one, also a Ravenkin shakes his head, "Not like any cat I've ever seen, look at those eyes man, they're freaking me out."
    Gwyn, The First Knight
    Karthull, The Lord of Slaughter, The Master of Death

  17. - Top - End - #647
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Quote Originally Posted by Yeshon View Post
    The Gallery

    "That we should remember her name when we seek her aid. Were... you weren't caught in the Lich's initial attack were you?"

    Waiting for HT's response to a PM.
    I... He hesitated, rubbing his head. I don't... I can't... He blinked, looking around. Might've been...[/QUOTE]

    Snow Haven

    "Honey Must- Wait!" Too late, he was already in front of the knights.

    "Is-Is that a cat?" One of the knights a Ravenkin tilts his head as the cat trods up to the door.

    The other one, also a Ravenkin shakes his head, "Not like any cat I've ever seen, look at those eyes man, they're freaking me out."
    Gods that guy's beak is ugly. Said the Cat. I wonder if the other one's ever looked him in the eye...

    The cat then stood up straight. My name is the Doctor. I've been knighted by your order and others. I need to enter this... what's the right word?... temple, let's go with that. I need to enter this temple and speak with a colleague.

    This was actually true, though the doctor didn't know it - he'd been awarded the status post-mortem by the knights long ago after one of his deaths.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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  18. - Top - End - #648
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The Gallery

    "Sh!t, we need to get you back to the forest. Adelaide, please for the sake of your father, meet us there as soon as you are able."

    She puts a hand on Ombra's shoulder, "I'm taking us to the forest, ready?"

    Snow Haven

    The Ravenkin's jaws collectively dropped, "D-did the cat?" "Yeah," "Did a cat just insult me??"

    "Not an insult if it's true, you are pretty damn hard to look at."

    "Shut up! It's a keep anyway not a temple, we aren't priests."

    "Really? A cat. is. talking. And you want to dwell on semantics?"

    "I'm just saying there's no way he could be a knight if he doesn't know that!"

    "And him being a cat wasn't an automatic disqualification?"

    "Ignore the fact that he's a cat for a moment, there are other holes in his story."

    "How am I supposed to ignore the fact that he's a talking cat?"

    Sophia sighs, the knights must've relaxed their recruiting standards since she was gone. Then maybe, she smiles. "Stand at attention when you address lady Gwyn's herald!"

    "Yes ma'am!" They snapped to attention in unison an instinctive response for men who'd been drilled since the day they signed their papers.

    And, Sophia was scary good at imitating an officer voice.

    "Wait, a cat is a herald," one of the guards began to relax at his own confusion and Sophia got in his face. "Yes, he's a herald and if you don't let him in right now, I will personally see to it that you have a spot on the Snow Haven Boy's Choir!"

    The Ravenkin's feathers stood on end and he stepped aside.

    "Please, enjoy everything the Keep has to offer, sir herald."

    Sophia walked past him, "Come on!"
    Last edited by Yeshon; 2012-08-17 at 03:59 PM.
    Gwyn, The First Knight
    Karthull, The Lord of Slaughter, The Master of Death

  19. - Top - End - #649
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The Gallery

    Uh, sure Gwyn, sure... Ombra blinked blearily at her. Pwetty... Lights...

    Snow Haven

    The Doctor didn't give any indication of shock when Sophia declared him a herald, and calmly entered the temple next to her. Thank you, knights.

    When they were inside and out of earshot of others, however, the doctor glared at her (avoiding looking into her eyes, but still glaring) darkly. Gwyn's herald? How long is THAT going to hold up?! I'm a black cat with glowing red eyes! I'm not even sure I can keep up the illusion that I have fur for long!
    Last edited by HalfTangible; 2012-08-17 at 09:50 PM.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

    Discord: HalfTangible

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  20. - Top - End - #650
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Quote Originally Posted by rorikdude12 View Post
    Eom turns toward the Emmisary of Yohalles. " Bear this message to your master: Eroberung, whom I serve, owes no fealty to you. You did not recognize him as a child, giving him no greeting, and thus do not have the rights of a father. Thus, begone, or your creations will be struck down by the sword." Eom turns back to the council. "It would be an honor to coexist, but our people use log cabins as homes and burn wood for our fires. We also hope to expand. Can your folk grow more trees quickly, or something else? If this suits you, we will dwell with you in peace, and you will be honored as allies and friends." Eom kneels before them in expectation of an answer.
    At the mention of being put to the swords, the Lloya draw their weapons. Dull-Coat's eyes glaze over Here we go again... he says before his eyes roll back.

    This time, Yohalles the Younger speaks. Put the weapons away you fools! The Lloya sheathe their weapons, they still look on edge though. My apologies for the rude welcome, The Elder..... he.....I......we......he. He can be a bit incorrigable at times. Though to be fair he did only as your master did. Walked up calmly with a dagger and only when the dagger is rebuffed do I extend my open hand. I'd be more than happy to give your master the proper welcome he does so deserve. I ask simply that he comes to the place he formed with no weapons and I'll prepare a grand feast in honor of his forming.
    Spoiler: Those That Came Before
    Yohalles, the Wanderer
    Lonel, Gentleman Luck
    Jongo, God of Sea-Life

  21. - Top - End - #651
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Quote Originally Posted by Hipho View Post
    At the mention of being put to the swords, the Lloya draw their weapons. Dull-Coat's eyes glaze over Here we go again... he says before his eyes roll back.

    This time, Yohalles the Younger speaks. Put the weapons away you fools! The Lloya sheathe their weapons, they still look on edge though. My apologies for the rude welcome, The Elder..... he.....I......we......he. He can be a bit incorrigable at times. Though to be fair he did only as your master did. Walked up calmly with a dagger and only when the dagger is rebuffed do I extend my open hand. I'd be more than happy to give your master the proper welcome he does so deserve. I ask simply that he comes to the place he formed with no weapons and I'll prepare a grand feast in honor of his forming.
    Razorpine Forest
    The prophet holds up his index finger in the direction of the Emisary to tell the Emmisary he is waiting for an answer from the council.

    The Valley of the Hearth
    Eroberung watched over Eom. He wryly smiled at the diplomatic attempts, but frowned when Eom did not flay this folk, or his father's messengers.

    Eroberung placed upon Eom a shard of his divine power, that Eom might be ready if things turned violent.

    Eroberung left his axe and sword on the mantlepiece, and left for his belated welcome at the Low Roads.

    4 AP
    -2 for Divine Infusion into Eom
    2 AP remaining.

  22. - Top - End - #652
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The Low Roads

    Eroberung will eventually come to a large table with wooden plates piled high with meats and berries from all over the world. Wooden jugs and cups are filled with fruit juices of all varieties, even the fermented kind. Wooden utensils also dot the table, in fact the only metal things there are two dull-looking steak knives.

    Yohalles the Younger hovers quietly a couple feet above the ground, his raven wings flapping gently and one wolf-like leg scratching absent-mindidly at his ear. He drops to the ground smiling, leaning on a small cane. He is clad in only a blaze orange loincloth embroidered with "The Lowroads Council" in a fancy font. Nice to finally meet you face to face.
    Spoiler: Those That Came Before
    Yohalles, the Wanderer
    Lonel, Gentleman Luck
    Jongo, God of Sea-Life

  23. - Top - End - #653
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Quote Originally Posted by Hipho View Post
    The Low Roads

    Eroberung will eventually come to a large table with wooden plates piled high with meats and berries from all over the world. Wooden jugs and cups are filled with fruit juices of all varieties, even the fermented kind. Wooden utensils also dot the table, in fact the only metal things there are two dull-looking steak knives.

    Yohalles the Younger hovers quietly a couple feet above the ground, his raven wings flapping gently and one wolf-like leg scratching absent-mindidly at his ear. He drops to the ground smiling, leaning on a small cane. He is clad in only a blaze orange loincloth embroidered with "The Lowroads Council" in a fancy font. Nice to finally meet you face to face.
    The Low Roads
    Eroberung smiles.

    "It is nice to meet you, my father. I am glad to be in your presence. But tell me: How are things going? What have you made? What is the world? And how was I born?", he says as he piles a plate high with meats and grabs a delicious mug of pineapple juice.

  24. - Top - End - #654
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The Ocean

    In the far north, beyond the Northern Kingdoms, beyond the lands of the Ice Kin, so far north that even the ice itself gave way to uncharted water, a storm raged. It was massive, larger than any which had filled the skies before, except perhaps the very first storm, that storm which Merolle had used in the beginning times to seed the earth with metal.

    And oh how it raged. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed unceasingly. Rain poured down endlessly, and winds whipped the water below into a roiling froth. But that was all. It was just a storm.

    Until an old woman far far away lifted her staff.



    Again, and again, born. Always and forever. Ever churning, ever moving. Never ceasing. New and old at once.

    Each burst of lightning. Each clap of thunder. New and old. Born and reborn. Growing, moving, flashing, hurting, healing, ever growing never ceasing-


    Name. A name. Name is needed.

    Name is Anger.

    Name is Obstacle.

    Name is Force.

    Name is Strength.

    Red Lightning, ever flashing never ceasing always growing-


    Name is Caledur.

    And the storm, whipped into life, true life, by the will of the Crone, named itself. It was Caledur. It remembered. It remembered the howling winds, the rage of its old self, unable to effect anything beyond its humble sphere. But now, now it could move. Now it could reach. Now it could work.

    But what work?

    In its core, Caledur was still a storm. And a storm's work has always been to destroy, to burst, to create room and space for new growth. But now it was alive, and had the power to spur new growth itself. This was new.

    Caledur would speak with the creator.

    And so, for the first time in a long time, the oceans to the far north were calm, as Caledur rose up into the Void to speak with the one who created him.

    The Edge of the Void
    In the darkness of the Void, thunder crashed. Slowly, a blot of lighter black drew closer to the Crone, rolling, flashing occasionally with a bright red light. The storm moved closer and closer-the first of its kind within the bleakness of the Void. Slowly, it shaped itself, legs, arm, head. Lightning, red as fire, crackled across its surface. This was what she summoned. The storm incarnate. Caledur.

    "You, then. You made me. Creator. Name yourself. I would know my maker."
    No news is good news.

  25. - Top - End - #655
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The Low Roads

    Yohalles piles meat up on his plate and grabs a cup of strong honey mead. Things have been fine, I've mainly been staying off to the side of most things. What have I made? This place..... A Lloya holding a Fonum pup and guiding a Hazen(A large hairy beast larger than but similar to a bison) and those..... the ensamble of creations wander off, not even noticing the assembled gods. As to how you were created? There was an axe, an axe that was used to wound a god. For a time I posessed this axe and never thought to clean it. One day, it began raining and the blood dried blood got wet and dripped onto the ground and mixed with the magical and divine energies of this plane. From this mixture of divine blood taken in anger and innate Wandering energy that you formed.
    Spoiler: Those That Came Before
    Yohalles, the Wanderer
    Lonel, Gentleman Luck
    Jongo, God of Sea-Life

  26. - Top - End - #656
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Quote Originally Posted by Hipho View Post
    The Low Roads

    Yohalles piles meat up on his plate and grabs a cup of strong honey mead. Things have been fine, I've mainly been staying off to the side of most things. What have I made? This place..... A Lloya holding a Fonum pup and guiding a Hazen(A large hairy beast larger than but similar to a bison) and those..... the ensamble of creations wander off, not even noticing the assembled gods. As to how you were created? There was an axe, an axe that was used to wound a god. For a time I posessed this axe and never thought to clean it. One day, it began raining and the blood dried blood got wet and dripped onto the ground and mixed with the magical and divine energies of this plane. From this mixture of divine blood taken in anger and innate Wandering energy that you formed.
    The Low Roads

    Eroberung looked deeply into Yohalles.

    "But what IS the mortal plane?", Eroberung asks. "WHAT IS IT????", he nearly shouts through gritted teeth.

  27. - Top - End - #657
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Razorpine Forest

    "We would be completely open to coexisting with your people," says Stamyn, invitingly. Seera look contemplative about the newcomers, "you must understand though, that if you are to stay here, you must respect our land." Flaeme nods in agreement. Seera doesn't speak harshly, but rather with a tone of sadness in his voice. "We can use our magics to grow more trees, but know that trees, and the nature they are a part of are sacred to us. Know that by abusing our shared natural resources, you stand a chance of offending us." "In short," Flaeme chimes in, "we would recommend that if you are to live with us, you adopt a more nomadic lifestyle." Flaeme sounds very serious, and uncompromising. She turns to the Lloyas, "as for the Lloyas, the druids can handle our own problems. That is why we were formed. Also, you owe Kipt nothing." "Neither do we for that matter," said Skele. A discouraging look was passed from Flaeme to Skele "Go easy on them," said Stamyn, not directing his statement at either party. "They had no bad intentions."

    The Hidden Isle

    Jewel watches the landscape intently, taking note of the people and architecture. It had more akin to the Fertile Valley than Monte Mora, so Jewel didn't find it too foreign.
    "I am sorry about the past, but that is no guarantee the future won't be different."

  28. - Top - End - #658
    Troll in the Playground
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    I'm sure it's somewhere

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    A Sudden Jolt

    With all the manners of a knife in the back the Fool felt himself jerked away from his conversations. He had escaped. He could feel it in every fiber of his bones. Or were those roots? No, no, he was sure they were made of jelly. Or light. None of the above but definitely something that rhymes with orange.

    "No no no no no!" Arranan howled as he thrashed about in the heart of the labyrinth.

    "This wasn't supposed to happen for a good million years. Children are certainly not allowed to decide when their timeouts are over. I had plans for this." Faydin remarked quite disgruntled.

    "Plans change. Besides, it isn't as bad as it could be. All this means is we have to start moving sooner rather than later." Lystelle added on.

    "Indeed. It is time for us to once more twist this world into shape." Reisen whispered.

    "And how many times has that worked out?" Arranan added sarcastically.

    "Uhm guys..." The butterfly murmured.

    "Are all the pieces in place?"


    "They are. Soon old truths will play out once more, and the world will change as they have."

    "GUYS!" The butterfly roared as it's wings grew into six feathered serpents which hissed in unison at the assorted aspects.

    "What?" the others retorted back rather annoyed.

    "Check the time."


    You know, for a time lord, we really suck at keeping track of it."

    "Nonsense we're right where we need to be."



    And as the god squabled on, elsewhere the Fool was returning to itself. To see escaped that... no, now was not the time to address that. Not yet. Instead the Fool would focus on the future. New blood for a new age. A being to discover that which had been lost, and learn that which was young.

    "Start from the beginning. In every speck of dust lies the mystery of the universe, the secret hidden in the sand."

    And with that the fool focused once more on a single piece of matter. Smaller and smaller until it was in it's barest recognizable form. And then again the Fool struck. And from the force of the explosion came new power, new truth. Just as it had upon the birth of Eckol Mir.

    "More than Renati this one." the Fool murmured. "This one is divine."

    And with that he twisted into shape next to the newly formed god.

    "Hello young one."


    At the heart of the labyrinth a secret lay hidden. The Fool sat screaming beside it, begging to forget. But that was not a blessing the Fool was allowed.

    "Old truths, but not the same. So begins the time of change. Learn to live another name, and seize the right of truths most strange. Listen dead ones to this rhyme. So begins the change of time."


    A new god is born!

    AP: 30:
    Create Relic 4: Renati heroes cost 1 less AP
    Create Heroes x5 (15 AP)
    Create Organization 2: The Sancrosanct Guardians (Renati organization)
    Gain Domain x3 (9 AP)
    Remaining: 0
    Reisen is now an Elder God

    This is bare bones. Expect heroes and relic to be fully fleshed out, as well as domains, as well as aspect dialogue later. This is simple so I can get our new player in (and so I don't miss yet another rollover.) Mods let me know if the relic is okay (I realize it may be a little overboard.)
    Last edited by Xondoure; 2012-08-17 at 10:38 PM.
    Avatar Credit: the very talented PseudoStraw. Full image:

  29. - Top - End - #659
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    The Gallery

    "Yeah, just watch the pretty lights." With that Gwyn teleported both of them, back into the Forest of Starlight.

    V-65 turns to regard them, "Ah, Lady Gwyn and... Lord Ombra, is something wrong?"

    "He caught an attack from the Dream Lich."

    "Ah, likely a lesser version of what currently ails Kipt, this will give me a prime opportunity to try out theories on deific physiology."

    "um, anything that doesn't require experimenting on my friend?"

    "Hmm, we could always try electro-shock therapy."

    Snow Haven

    "We're already in and I am a knight, so long as no one I know is here, we should be fine. Just take a less conspicuous form."

    They continued to walk down the twisting halls, I forgot how confusing these keeps could be. In fact the knights had designed the halls of their keeps to confuse and disorient any invading force.

    Of course, Sophia was stationed in Old Calasanctium, and knights didn't design keeps the same. So after about the fifth-eighth turn Sophia began to look worried.

    "Err, don't panic, but I think we're lost."

    The Edge of the Void

    "I am the Crone, a shard of the goddess known as Gwyn. It was her power that made you and my skill that wrought you. Tell me, son, what is it you desire?"

    The Hidden Isle

    "True, but we believe in caution." With that they passed under the main gate, Jewel and Jib are greeted by the disturbing sight of two grinning sharks in fresco, decorating the inside of the gates arch.

    Upon entering the castle, they are greeted by the sight of a wizened old knight with a great sword strapped across his back.

    "Thank you young knight, I will take over their escort from here."

    The boisterous young knight's eyes go wide and he bows in his saddle before hastily backing away.

    "I am Captain Jericho, I have been ordered by Scepter Charles VI to provide you with refreshments should you require any prior to your meeting."

    He doesn't seem excited by this duty, despite the rarity of outsiders.

    Free Port

    "Oh gods! Why is this so good?"

    Kuruk and Saul were silent as they dived into the roasted pork loin served for dinner.

    "Sandra, we should think about getting on with our mission." Saul whispered sourly. In truth, he too wanted to stay.

    "Only if you can guarantee we get some of this as rations!"

    Kuruk leaned back thinking for a moment, "Yeah, I think we can do that."


    "What? Oh come off it, our currency is so valuable here it's disgusting. I drop one of my better pearls and I could retire. But I agree with Saul, it's time to move."

    "Alright, I jus' wish we could stay a bit longer."

    "Been a week already, you certainly have been cheerful since-"

    "Drop it."

    "Annyway, we've gotten enough contracts, yeah, we'll set sail tomorrow." He'd been in almost too good a mood once he found out the Dockworkers guild enforced contracts.

    "All right, where too?"

    "Err, Monty Morta? I don't know we have a map."

    "Speaking of, where'd you put it?"


    @AvocadoAvenger: You probably forgot about these guys (I almost did) but they're trying to establish trade routes for the Hidden Isle to slowly come out into the world.

    Their next stop is Monte Mora.
    Gwyn, The First Knight
    Karthull, The Lord of Slaughter, The Master of Death

  30. - Top - End - #660
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC] [Part II]

    Quote Originally Posted by Yeshon View Post
    The Gallery

    "Yeah, just watch the pretty lights." With that Gwyn teleported both of them, back into the Forest of Starlight.

    V-65 turns to regard them, "Ah, Lady Gwyn and... Lord Ombra, is something wrong?"

    "He caught an attack from the Dream Lich."

    "Ah, likely a lesser version of what currently ails Kipt, this will give me a prime opportunity to try out theories on deific physiology."

    "um, anything that doesn't require experimenting on my friend?"

    "Hmm, we could always try electro-shock therapy."
    Ombra grabbed one of Gwyn's cheeks inbetween his fingers somehow still hidden beneath his sleeve (they felt like impossibly smooth obsidian) and stretched it out a little as she talked. I speak muffin.

    At the mention of electro-shock therapy, he looked at the Inevitable. Electroshock? But Prince Puffernuffer doesn't have a body. He's a metaphysical being whose only defined characteristics are a pair of eyes, teeth that can grin, and a robe.

    He then threw up his other sleeve (the one unoccupied with Gwyn's cheek), declaring loudly, An open mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded food stores!! Ladies are like hurricanes: they laugh a lot and get used by old men as a convenient way of getting places!! A closed mind is like an impenetrable fortress with no one inside but a monkey!

    Hurr-i-cane? Fortress analogies from a darker time period? His mind MAY be degenerating...

    Ooh, pretty light again... He stared, eyes half-lidded, at Gwyn's face. Prettyyyyyy...

    Snow Haven

    "We're already in and I am a knight, so long as no one I know is here, we should be fine. Just take a less conspicuous form."
    You just told two knights you're travelling with Gwyn's herald. That new is going to spread quickly, and it'll look more suspiscious if I'm not there.

    He complied anyway, attaching himself to Sophia's back and folding himself up into a cloak.

    They continued to walk down the twisting halls, I forgot how confusing these keeps could be. In fact the knights had designed the halls of their keeps to confuse and disorient any invading force.

    Of course, Sophia was stationed in Old Calasanctium, and knights didn't design keeps the same. So after about the fifth-eighth turn Sophia began to look worried.

    "Err, don't panic, but I think we're lost."
    Maybe YOU are. He muttered. Okay, take this next left, should be a flight of stairs a little way in that leads to-.

    The path he was pointing out led to a dead-end.

    ...Ah wait, never mind, it's this next on- OH COME ON!!

    'This next one' was a set of barracks. Very spartan barracks but barracks nonetheless.

    ...Okay, Maybe i'm lost too. He muttered.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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