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  1. - Top - End - #691
    SiuiS's Avatar

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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
    I don't know who this Scootaloo is,
    Get out of my fandom! Attempting cliffhanger joke: respond please.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post

    This makes me even happier than the Smile song.
    This would probably be really cool, except I cannot has flash. Oh wells. :(

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Now all I can think about are ponies engaging in over-the-top, kung-fu shonen anime-style maneuvers, just to yoink bro-hooves from each other.
    All is right with the world.


    Heya Syn, here ya go! Took a minute but I found it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strife Warzeal View Post
    Based on the edit I'm guessing you already found something, but here is the Pony!Tabata Method sound clip. Made with a few spare minutes of time, amazing how well it worked as a repeat clip.
    It's also not so bad to have in your playlist and come up randomly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deadly View Post
    I suppose as long as it's not actually in the show it's not truly canon, is it? Things could change, even Faust's word, right?
    Ah, how right you were, sweet Deadly. How right you were.
    Last edited by SiuiS; 2012-08-31 at 04:36 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #692
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    I don't usually allcaps, but...



    (Edit: It occurs to me that this phrasing as probably very easy to misunderstand. I see the link for the music download; what I mean is that the music is boosting my want for the game itself.)
    Last edited by Kd7sov; 2012-08-31 at 06:23 AM.
    Level 4 Bibliophile/Level 3 Bard, working toward the Bibliomancer Prestige Class

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  3. - Top - End - #693
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    You know, if it were ANYpony other than Pinkie, it might have actually been confusing. But with Pie it just seems so... usual.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dexam View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post


    Hmm. Clearly ponythreaders are not as easily confused as I thought (at least, not from anything I can post here without getting banned :P). Note to self: Pinkie Pie is a surprisingly poor choice for a confusion spell material component.

    Also, yeah, it is hot isn't it? XD

    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    I think its the hair. She could be wearing a potato sack and be awesome just with her hair in the right style.
    She does look good with her mane down, there's no denying that.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Broadly speaking, with the specific religion removed, it is a role Of challenging in order to strip away impurities. Playing devils advocate is to test your resolve, your logic, ensure you're applying critical thinking, and that you know the risks involved and take them of your own free will. Catechist is the thus far best term I have found in English (or any language, though I have trouble looking) for someone who, while remaining your ally, engages in antagonistic dialectic processes to assure you are on the level.
    That's a great way of thinking. Shame that my resolve, logic and critical thinking tend to be poor. ^^:

    What do you mean by "know the risks involved and take them of your own free will"? What risks? Clearly I have failed this test already.

    Perhaps. I'll still defer to your expertise; I haven't even played in like, fifteen years.
    The game has changed a heck of a lot in 15 years, and the does include the colour pie. Mostly mechnical stuff though. I'm not sure that the philosophy behind it is any different, though looking at the Ravinca and Shards of Alara settings would help, since they are designed from the ground up around the idea of colour mixing and how it affects the world.

    I agree. My trouble comes when someone is Black, without the heroism.
    So... almost every black creature card ever? Or are you talking about when it's applied to other settings?

    Aye. Still, that sounds like someone who knows what they are doin enough to make the distinction matter. Exception what proves the rule.
    Never really understood that saying. Surely exceptions don't prove rules, they break them. Or at the very least change them so that instances of the words "all" or "every" are changed to "most".

    I can't really go anywhere board safe with this, except; I didn't say better, I said sexy. ;)
    Fair enough. Again, I don't really understand how voices are sexy, but I guess that's just me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pokonic View Post
    I see this and raise you this.


    Okay, so it's nothing compared to that, I just wanted a excuse to post that.
    Very nice!

    When I first saw that pic, I thought "ooh, it's all sparkly!". Turns out it's just dust on my screen. XD

    Quote Originally Posted by Dexam View Post


    DERPY! I really like her mane!
    Derpy looks very pretty in pink. :)

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    Funny you should mention that.

    The "Whee!" at the end just makes the comic. I honestly don't think I'd like it as much without it (though the art is nice).
    Used to be Diego Havoc
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Diego Havoc, one of the hoopier froods I've met, up there with DeLancie.

  4. - Top - End - #694
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Soras Teva Gee View Post
    Saber truly is the King of Knights. Even under this light assault I'm lucky to be bestanding. My ribs are shattered in five places. I've surely got internal injuries. The only thing holding me in place is the sheer speed of blows pounding me into one place like a nail. Its taking everything I have to not simply collapse and yet it keeps coming.

    *light cigarette*

    And yet so long as it saves live I will bear any sin and weather any assault.

    Also, Charger has had a terrible day.

  5. - Top - End - #695
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    @XCom Ponies

    I'm almost half-interested, but then again, there's the new version on the horizon only a month or two away... And while I've not played X-Com, I have played a couple of it's clones (UFO: Aftermath (which I enjoyed) and it's sequals, Aftershock and Afterlight - both of which I was unable to complete, even on easy mode; I never seemed to have enough time - despite following FAQs and strategies - to research any useful stuff before the ridiculously hard monsters showed up wherein the game became a long slog where you ended up reloading everytime someone died (and they died frequently, with precious few reinforcements), because you had to rely on luck to complete the missions, i.e. luck in not getting killed, and injuries took forever to heal (it was a complex system in the latter two games as well; as I recall the sequels had permenant damage (healable only by out-of-mission-time) and healing items only healed mission damage. So it was quite possible to complete a mission, and have everyone in a really crappy state so you couldn't go anywhere for a bit. (And fat chance of having more than one team to swap in an out in those games; yer didn't have enough blokes, no enough time to train more than one team if you didn't...)

    So if XCom is similarly as hard, I'm not sure it'd be worth the exercise in frustration. Have any of you played the UFOs and XComs to be able to see how they measure up so as to make a more concrete comparison? (I'm sorta half-guessing you'll tell me otherwise, but the games companies have all taught me of late not too touch a game with a bargepole until I have had a very close look into 'em.)

    @Lixie, SiuiS: how are you (and SiuiS' mate) getting on with AccAtt?

    If and when you fancy looking at the full thing, just shout up. (SiuiS, you can give your mate my email, by the way, (just tell him to put "Overload" somewhere in the subject bar, so it'll skip past my spam filter) and he can make any comments directly.)

  6. - Top - End - #696
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Soras Teva Gee View Post
    That's an unsettling turn of phrase there.
    Pssst! That's the joke!

    Quote Originally Posted by BlasTech View Post
    S'what you say!
    You heard me!

    Quote Originally Posted by otakuryoga View Post
    Hey Dexam
    you gotta hit McDonalds and let us know how the lamb burger is
    McDonalds? I'm sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone with no tastebuds. Seriously, the last time I ate the vaguely food-like substances from that particular store (I will never grace it with the appellation "restaurant") was probably a good 12 years ago - and that's only because it was the only establishment open at that time of the morning, so it was that or go hungry (in retrospect, the latter option probably would have been the better choice).

  7. - Top - End - #697
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    No posts in over 3 hours!?

    This thread needs 10ccs of comic, stat!
    Used to be Diego Havoc
    Spoiler: About Me
    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Diego Havoc, one of the hoopier froods I've met, up there with DeLancie.

  8. - Top - End - #698
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    @XCom Ponies

    I'm almost half-interested, but then again, there's the new version on the horizon only a month or two away... And while I've not played X-Com, I have played a couple of it's clones (UFO: Aftermath (which I enjoyed) and it's sequals, Aftershock and Afterlight - both of which I was unable to complete, even on easy mode; I never seemed to have enough time - despite following FAQs and strategies - to research any useful stuff before the ridiculously hard monsters showed up wherein the game became a long slog where you ended up reloading everytime someone died (and they died frequently, with precious few reinforcements), because you had to rely on luck to complete the missions, i.e. luck in not getting killed, and injuries took forever to heal (it was a complex system in the latter two games as well; as I recall the sequels had permenant damage (healable only by out-of-mission-time) and healing items only healed mission damage. So it was quite possible to complete a mission, and have everyone in a really crappy state so you couldn't go anywhere for a bit. (And fat chance of having more than one team to swap in an out in those games; yer didn't have enough blokes, no enough time to train more than one team if you didn't...)

    So if XCom is similarly as hard, I'm not sure it'd be worth the exercise in frustration. Have any of you played the UFOs and XComs to be able to see how they measure up so as to make a more concrete comparison? (I'm sorta half-guessing you'll tell me otherwise, but the games companies have all taught me of late not too touch a game with a bargepole until I have had a very close look into 'em.)
    It sounds like they amped up the difficulty for the game you tried though I honestly do end up reloading a lot. I haven't tried it so I can't say directly. I will say that the new one looks amazing and I really really want it.

    And since no pony else posted this

    Image dump

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  9. - Top - End - #699
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Soras Teva Gee View Post
    As far as I'm concerned posting in ponythread means its already too late you should just embrace the inevitable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    Well I have no idea what your questions are anyways, I just answered the one you had there, if you think it doesn't then that's you *shrug
    But I had like 4 others, I thought! If I find them again, care if I ask them and you can choose to answer if you want?

    This next part still applies to you, Luka, but I'm spoilering it because it does tread a bit into unsafe territory. I've got a bit of a soapbox to sit on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    ....yeeeah, a little group hating is the same as the entire freaking city
    .... I feel like you might be over-reacting a bit. You seriously live in an area where -every- -single- -living- -being- within a x-odd radius of you would desend upon you with the same level of vigor as, for example, an adverse black child in a backwards racist community, just because you like some elements of a child's cartoon show?

    I don't mean to get political or anything, but do you seriously have to live with the issues of fearing to be lynched at worse, considered an outcast at best, over this? I really do pity you if you do, but I sincerely hope that I can be doubtful about this. At the very least, you can choose to hide what you like and don't advertise it to bad people. It's not like it's tattooed on your entire body, or can be seen in your lips / nose / face.

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    Wouldn't you when that group can actually reach you? , really, you could care more about the not-known on the internet that at most can speak than the trolls on real life that are physically there?.......
    As a matter of fact. I'm apparently a Big Lipped Baboon / Blood Traitor / Worthless Burnt Piece of Trash over something I never had any control over. I could have choosen to try to bend to the will of people that could never care about me, and that have hurt me. Or I can choose not to let them break me, and be a better person for it, turning to anyone I can find, be it those on the net or family for guidance and help.

    I may be a bit amoral a person, but I feel like I've turned out alright overall.

    I'm not going to push this anymore, though. I'm sincerely sorry for you that you live in a part of the world that's capable of being cruel over a dang kid's show. At least you can choose to hide it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    It is, well talking about rainbows and sunshines and anything related to a "sugar bowl-like" stuff, it is

    Call of duty-like games

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    Call of duty-like games
    ..... not counting your situation, would you believe that -this- tells me so much about you? Your likes and such; this makes it make sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Now all I can think about are ponies engaging in over-the-top, kung-fu shonen anime-style maneuvers, just to yoink bro-hooves from each other.
    ..... Depends. Is it just martial arts, ala Kung Fu? Or are we going all the way to Final Fantasy Advent Child grade defying the laws of physics?

    Because I might watch that...

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Get out of my fandom! Attempting cliffhanger joke: respond please.

    I thought you guys were supposed to love and tolerate the **** out of me! I can't help being ignorant! You're all just a bunch of bullies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dexam View Post
    McDonalds? I'm sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone with no tastebuds. Seriously, the last time I ate the vaguely food-like substances from that particular store (I will never grace it with the appellation "restaurant") was probably a good 12 years ago - and that's only because it was the only establishment open at that time of the morning, so it was that or go hungry (in retrospect, the latter option probably would have been the better choice).
    .... I like McDonalds... admitedly, I work there, so I appreciate having a free meal, but still, it's not as bad as one might think. The chicken's actually pretty good, and I like the breakfast's.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
    No posts in over 3 hours!?

    Wow, you guys are hooked into the thread... it's like your Brain..... maybe it's the weakness of your conciousness....

    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
    And since no pony else posted this

    Image dump


    As a -massive- Kingdom Hearts Fanboy, I have to say that this image dump was particularly enjoyable.
    Last edited by INoKnowNames; 2012-08-31 at 02:05 PM.
    You can call me anything. I've been called Inkin, Nono, INo, Names, and NoKnow so far.

    As of 7/20, I've gotten help in trying to get past a physical addiction that's been eating at my time, and finished recovering from a spot of trouble that ended up eeking into Self-Harm. I'm doing better now; here's hoping it lasts a bit longer...

  10. - Top - End - #700
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post

    I think its the hair. She could be wearing a potato sack and be awesome just with her hair in the right style.
    Yeah you're right on that one

    I love this picture so much
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  11. - Top - End - #701
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post

    Also, Charger has had a terrible day.
    To my recollection we never do get inside Kerry's head but I think I guess I did a good job capturing that purple Nasu-style

  12. - Top - End - #702
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Been trying to draw a pony now with Inkscape rather than the creator.... I suck at this

    glance upon terrible art skills!

    It's supposed to be my OC, but looks like Homer Simpson

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    Also, Charger has had a terrible day.
    That's just plain cool, couldn't see several parts, but looks nice

    Also....INoKnowNames, ur replies are here so I don't enlarge the post to others too
    Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
    But I had like 4 others, I thought! If I find them again, care if I ask them and you can choose to answer if you want?

    .... I feel like you might be over-reacting a bit. You seriously live in an area where -every- -single- -living- -being- within a x-odd radius of you would desend upon you with the same level of vigor as, for example, an adverse black child in a backwards racist community, just because you like some elements of a child's cartoon show?
    Yes, that's what I've been trying to say

    [QUOTE]I don't mean to get political or anything, but do you seriously have to live with the issues of fearing to be lynched at worse, considered an outcast at best, over this? I really do pity you if you do, but I sincerely hope that I can be doubtful about this. At the very least, you can choose to hide what you like and don't advertise it to bad people. It's not like it's tattooed on your entire body, or can be seen in your lips / nose / face.[/QOUTE]

    I'ts more social than political, and like I said before: pity me then!
    ....And yeah, I Just got that you meant that people over here didn't even have to know it, sorry

    As a matter of fact. I'm apparently a Big Lipped Baboon / Blood Traitor / Worthless Burnt Piece of Trash over something I never had any control over. I could have choosen to try to bend to the will of people that could never care about me, and that have hurt me. Or I can choose not to let them break me, and be a better person for it, turning to anyone I can find, be it those on the net or family for guidance and help.
    I was actually asking if you cared the same about real life trolls and internet trolls, sorry if you misunderstood it. I've been doing that second thing already

    Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
    ..... not counting your situation, would you believe that -this- tells me so much about you? Your likes and such; this makes it make sense.
    Yes, that's why I mentioned it

    Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
    Wow, you guys are hooked into the thread... it's like your Brain..... maybe it's the weakness of your conciousness....
    Haven't you heard? it's their Herd Mind
    Last edited by Luka; 2012-08-31 at 03:02 PM.
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  13. - Top - End - #703
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    Been trying to draw a pony now with Inkscape rather than the creator.... I suck at this


    It's supposed to be my OC, but looks like Homer Simpson
    I'm trying -so- hard to be respectful, especially given a better grasp of who you are, but really, it's almost like you're -trying- to get people and ponies to say things about your bronyhood.

    That said, it's probably better than anything I can draw. So I'll give you points.

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    Also.... Replies to INoKnowNames are here since I think I'm kinda strechin my posts, kinda doing it from now to not annoy the thread that much
    I didn't think they particularly minded, though that just shows how little I pay attention. Should I start doing that?

    This is just 'cause it still goes into some unsafe territory.


    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    I think at least one of them was what your Dreams were like, if you didn't mind me prying. Are you in Ponyville with Rainbowdash? Or like the Real World? Are you Pony? Is she human? How immersed are you in this world?

    Essentially, trying to see exactly how much you seem to love Rainbowdash from your dreams alone, and whether or not it stops at just your dreams. Depending on how it goes, your subconcious might be telling you things you might be trying to deny...

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    Yes, that's what I've been trying to say
    ... that genuinely makes me cry. That this world is capable of Klu Klux Klan grade animosity over someone enjoying a tv show. That's ****ed up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    I'ts more social than political,
    What I meant by that is that I was treading on real world issues that might not be forum approved, trying to understand your situation (people would hate me because I might like ponies) to mine (people have tried to kill me because I'm black). Not exactly the best topic to discuss publically.

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    and like I said before: pity me then!
    This kinda response makes me doubt it's that bad, though. It's not really something to smile about. I'm a little surprised you wouldn't be more willing to reach out to people who would be more willing to give a damn, actually. But to each their own.

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    ....And yeah, I Just got that you meant that people over here didn't even have to know it, sorry
    Epiphanies are fun, aren't they. It's cool.

    Live in public the best you can, and then turn to whoever is willing to listen with a sympathetic ear about problems / mutual interests. That's the suggestion I was trying to make.

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    I was actually asking if you cared the same about real life trolls and internet trolls, sorry if you misunderstood it. I've been doing that second thing already
    [Misunderstandings] happen to everyone.

    Though, I actually thought that I got your point. That's what I assumed you'd been saying.

    And I'll answer your question with a question (spoilered 'cause I really shouldn't even be talking about my stupid drama).

    When it slipped out that I was a Messianic Jew (I was abscent from school for religious reasons), people started treating me worse than when I was just a ****** who didn't conform with other blacks.

    "Hitler should have won, but he had to spend too much on his gas bill!"

    "Don't sit next to the light; you're naturally flamable."

    "You should have a family reunion; I'm sure we can find some ash trays for you all."

    "Can you even do your homework with that big nose blocking the paper? It's bad enough you've got a gorilla's ass for lips."

    "You and your filthy greedy kind make this world a bad place, and you're all going to hell when you die."

    Do you think I'd have gained anything if I had decided to listen to them and let them hurt me?

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    Yes, that's why I mentioned it
    Huh. Learn something new every day.

    I still say you should totally try out Fighting is Magic when it comes out: the 30 seconds I tried of it when it was leaked was -amazing-. You totally should give it a shot! It's free, and we can play online together! What have you got to lose? Your Rainbow Dash vs My (whichever fighter I decide to use, most likely Twilight Sparkle for being the Ryu)!

    I can't wait for the tournament!

    Speaking of which, Soras! You never answered (or I missed it) if you're gonna try it or not!

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    Haven't you heard? it's their Herd Mind
    I assumed the Herd Mind was equivalent to their kind's Life Stream, not the Matrix...
    Last edited by INoKnowNames; 2012-08-31 at 03:07 PM.
    You can call me anything. I've been called Inkin, Nono, INo, Names, and NoKnow so far.

    As of 7/20, I've gotten help in trying to get past a physical addiction that's been eating at my time, and finished recovering from a spot of trouble that ended up eeking into Self-Harm. I'm doing better now; here's hoping it lasts a bit longer...

  14. - Top - End - #704
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    So, in my History discussion section today, I looked around and saw a guy wearing a Rainbow Dash shirt. I went over and showed him my BRONY wallet.

    A brohoof was exchanged.

    My esteem for my fellow students here has never been higher.

  15. - Top - End - #705
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    -Posted Comics-
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  16. - Top - End - #706
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by byaku rai View Post
    So, in my History discussion section today, I looked around and saw a guy wearing a Rainbow Dash shirt. I went over and showed him my BRONY wallet.

    A brohoof was exchanged.

    My esteem for my fellow students here has never been higher.
    I am greatly saddened that as yet, no-one has commented on my Dr. Hooves T-shirt. Maybe I ought to wear it outside the house more often.
    I run a Let's Play channel! Check it out!
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  17. - Top - End - #707
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Okay. I have now seen the Herdmind's reason, and its beginning.
    It was... Absorbing.
    I've been watching this thread for a while, avoiding the links and looking at the pictures. I don't know why, but I did.
    Then I clicked on one link and saw one episode. I decided to watch the first episode for research. I've watched the show for five full days, reveling in the characters and their depth and motivation, and finally finished it. I was on the line between being a low-level brony or being a regular geek/nerd. Then, I read one magnificent fanfiction, and was instantly moved to the brony side. Congratulations, you've converted me to the Herdmind in five short days. I have a few questions, though, for everypony,before I dive straight in.

    One, I use an iPad and cannot view the OC creating guidelines. I don't know what that means, or where the roleplaying has vanished to. I wish to know! For science!

    Two, what is the term for a fan of about twelve years of age? Is it a brony, or is there another term?

    Third, I tried to put an image here, but it did not appear. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I copied the image and put it in image tags, so I don't see what is wrong...

    That said, I'm (possibly) a brony now. Revel in the growing glory of the ever-expanding Herdmind.
    Characters in Lords of Creation games:
    Aquaeris, Flowing Sheen.
    Xacha, the Metal Serpent.
    Viltasa, the Evening Star.
    Yash-Ko, the Flame of the Void.
    Argul Lugra, Lord of the Eyes.
    Vriset, the Glassblower.
    Valendron, Ascending Wind.

    Drow Lord avatar by Dread Angel.

  18. - Top - End - #708
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
    .... I like McDonalds... admitedly, I work there, so I appreciate having a free meal, but still, it's not as bad as one might think. The chicken's actually pretty good, and I like the breakfast's.
    yes...but you are not in DeathWorld Australia
    so you cant tell us about the new lamb burger

    Quote Originally Posted by Drowlord View Post
    Okay. I have now seen the Herdmind's reason, and its beginning.
    It was... Absorbing.
    I've been watching this thread for a while, avoiding the links and looking at the pictures. I don't know why, but I did.
    Then I clicked on one link and saw one episode. I decided to watch the first episode for research. I've watched the show for five full days, reveling in the characters and their depth and motivation, and finally finished it.

    We have a lot of love to give around these parts..

    Please feel free to give in to the madness

    Allow me to give you the dime tour..
    Hi there! Hope to see you around some more in the future!
    ah, yes, well, I was going to save her for later but that was The Pink One. She is our resident Eldritch Horror, you'll see her pop into random posts from time to time.

    I would introduce you to some of our OC's but there are a few people with so many of em i am not always sure they can keep them straight.

    we have beings posting here from across the spectrum..
    from our (very) friendly avatar of a love goddess Lix Lorn

    several multi/non dimensional beings

    various cults and secret societies
    Join the Fluttermancers!
    (yes Mistress Fluttershy, i was about to give him the pamphlet)

    right through to our very own high-tech Space Lich
    (word of advice: NEVER bring up Vampire Jubilee to him..or try to steal his chocolate)

    ..oh, and do try not to stand in one place for very long as it will lead to a strike from various orbital based hug/friendship weaponry( i swear we cannot go 5 pages without a random bombardment)

    Even though you may see a lot of back and forth "hostilities" between the Space Lich and others, we here in the thread will always have each others backs


    Occasionally we even manage to talk about the important plots from the show

    Last edited by otakuryoga; 2012-08-31 at 04:52 PM.
    Ponies not only make ME want to be a better person than I was before they entered my life, they make me want to HELP OTHERS be better people too.

    And that is a GOOD thing by any definition.

    full size avatar

  19. - Top - End - #709
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by otakuryoga View Post
    Please feel free to give in to the madness

    Ponibooru links are broken.


    And I assume this is the second one:
    ze/zir | she/her

    Omnia Vincit Amor

  20. - Top - End - #710
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Soras Teva Gee View Post
    To my recollection we never do get inside Kerry's head but I think I guess I did a good job capturing that purple Nasu-style
    "Here's my awesome weapon! Time for a Dimensional Metaphysics Lesson on how it works!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    That's just plain cool, couldn't see several parts, but looks nice

    Quote Originally Posted by Drowlord View Post
    Congratulations, you've converted me to the Herdmind in five short days.
    Welcome aboard.

    Which fanfiction, out of curiosity?

    One, I use an iPad and cannot view the OC creating guidelines. I don't know what that means, or where the roleplaying has vanished to. I wish to know! For science!
    OC creating guidelines are basically "Don't make a Mary Sue Alicorn Princess named Raven Darktalon Blood who makes out with Luna and is captain of the Wonderbolts".

    Not that the OCs that actually happen in this thread are less silly. Just be yourself.

    Two, what is the term for a fan of about twelve years of age? Is it a brony, or is there another term?
    Brony is age and gender neutral.

    Third, I tried to put an image here, but it did not appear. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I copied the image and put it in image tags, so I don't see what is wrong...
    Does your code look like this:


    With square brackets instead of pointed ones?

    That said, I'm (possibly) a brony now. Revel in the growing glory of the ever-expanding Herdmind.
    Welcome. I've been here for two years and it's still great.

  21. - Top - End - #711
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Drowlord View Post
    Okay. I have now seen the Herdmind's reason, and its beginning.
    It was... Absorbing.
    I've been watching this thread for a while, avoiding the links and looking at the pictures. I don't know why, but I did.
    Then I clicked on one link and saw one episode. I decided to watch the first episode for research. I've watched the show for five full days, reveling in the characters and their depth and motivation, and finally finished it. I was on the line between being a low-level brony or being a regular geek/nerd. Then, I read one magnificent fanfiction, and was instantly moved to the brony side. Congratulations, you've converted me to the Herdmind in five short days. I have a few questions, though, for everypony,before I dive straight in.

    One, I use an iPad and cannot view the OC creating guidelines. I don't know what that means, or where the roleplaying has vanished to. I wish to know! For science!

    Two, what is the term for a fan of about twelve years of age? Is it a brony, or is there another term?

    Third, I tried to put an image here, but it did not appear. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I copied the image and put it in image tags, so I don't see what is wrong...

    That said, I'm (possibly) a brony now. Revel in the growing glory of the ever-expanding Herdmind.
    Was the fanfic Eternal or It Takes a Village? Because those are magnificent.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Glyphstone View Post
    Vibranium: If it was on the periodic table, its chemical symbol would be "Bs".

  22. - Top - End - #712
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Drowlord View Post
    Third, I tried to put an image here, but it did not appear. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I copied the image and put it in image tags, so I don't see what is wrong...
    You can't copy the image. You have to copy the link to the image. So, for Thanqol's example image:


    You'd type in [IMG][/IMG]
    ze/zir | she/her

    Omnia Vincit Amor

  23. - Top - End - #713
    SiuiS's Avatar

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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
    That's a great way of thinking. Shame that my resolve, logic and critical thinking tend to be poor. ^^:

    What do you mean by "know the risks involved and take them of your own free will"? What risks? Clearly I have failed this test already.
    Nah, that's what havif someone question you Is for! It's like being a skeptic only the workload of having to like, think all the time is divided amongst two people. And one is a plot hole, but that's how fifty percent of the population tends to go anyway.

    And, in general. There are always consequences. To everything. Some good, some bad. In this case, being black and blue means that paladins are gonna show up out of nowhere and try to judge you. And now you know, do you can't say "I didn't know!" if they do show up

    The game has changed a heck of a lot in 15 years, and the does include the colour pie. Mostly mechnical stuff though. I'm not sure that the philosophy behind it is any different, though looking at the Ravinca and Shards of Alara settings would help, since they are designed from the ground up around the idea of colour mixing and how it affects the world.
    Will think about it. Thanks.

    So... almost every black creature card ever? Or are you talking about when it's applied to other settings?
    Both. I dislike "i am a jerk because everyone is a jerk so I should be top dog an do what I want". That's self-fulfilling, and a problem best fixed by a visit from the hit squad. Just because you're black doesn't mean you new to toss morality to the wind, an even if you do, you could not be a jerk. See Bleakbane.

    Never really understood that saying. Surely exceptions don't prove rules, they break them. Or at the very least change them so that instances of the words "all" or "every" are changed to "most".
    My best example comes from Amtgard when I was helping with some of the lay-level rules discussion.

    [tangent] [nonpony]

    Okay. So, Amtgard is a LARP, or an American LARP at least - a combat spot with some fantasy rules. Including magic, which has four components; verbal spells (an incantation with a stated range as such), enchantments, fixed enchantments (which affect an area, not a creature or object), and spell balls. Spell balls are just that, colored balls of cloth which a Mage charges up, and can carry an throw. Yellow is a lightning bolt, red is a fireball, black is a sphere of Anihilation, green is an acid bolt, etc.

    Now, the rules had gone through considerable turn over, including two two huge shifts just before I started playing; the sixth edition, which codified everything released up to that point, and the seventh, which rewrote everything, held nothing sacred, and used actual game design principles for rules discussion and writing so they would be more consistent. And so there were a lot of artefacts from people remembering the rules wrong and from editing blips. One of these was a protection spell which specified it protected from physical hits.

    There was, for Whatevs reason, debate as to whether or not a spellball constituted a physical hit, because it was never important before and the rules didn't directly say. Except the protection spell itself said something along the lines of 'stops the next physical hit that but not a spell
    Ball', which is an exception (does not affect spell balls) which proves the rule (spell balls are physical hits). It doesn't matter, because at that point this was the only, ONLY reference in the rule book that mentioned a physical hit whatsoever, but it was still there.

    I'm mangling the tale, of course. And it's not my only example, but it's the easiest to explain, I think.

    Another is charging and spring attack ind D&D. 3.5 had the following things;
    -Charging allows only one atack, not all of your possible attacks.
    -Spring attack lets you move, attack, and then move.
    -Pounce lets you get all of your attacks on a charge.

    What happens if you have both pounce and spring attack? Could you charge past eight dudes, and attack each one once? The rules didn't say. There was no situation which covered this at all, because when spring attack was made they didn't have player-available pounce.

    Then they added two feats, which allow you to use additional attacks if you have them after more Movement, using the spring attack feat chain. Suddenly, the exception (this feat allows you to attack separate enemies during a charge) proved the rule (only one target during a charge).

    Do these make sense? They aren't perfect, but...

    Fair enough. Again, I don't really understand how voices are sexy, but I guess that's just me.
    I'm a sensual kind of unicorn. I use all my senses. Touch, hearing, sight, sound... I actually find discriminating between them kind of weird, except in cases like coffee where it smells great but tastes bitter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    @XCom Ponies

    I'm almost half-interested, but then again, there's the new version on the horizon only a month or two away... And while I've not played X-Com, I have played a couple of it's clones (UFO: Aftermath (which I enjoyed) and it's sequals, Aftershock and Afterlight - both of which I was unable to complete, even on easy mode; I never seemed to have enough time - despite following FAQs and strategies - to research any useful stuff before the ridiculously hard monsters showed up wherein the game became a long slog where you ended up reloading everytime someone died (and they died frequently, with precious few reinforcements), because you had to rely on luck to complete the missions, i.e. luck in not getting killed, and injuries took forever to heal (it was a complex system in the latter two games as well; as I recall the sequels had permenant damage (healable only by out-of-mission-time) and healing items only healed mission damage. So it was quite possible to complete a mission, and have everyone in a really crappy state so you couldn't go anywhere for a bit. (And fat chance of having more than one team to swap in an out in those games; yer didn't have enough blokes, no enough time to train more than one team if you didn't...)

    So if XCom is similarly as hard, I'm not sure it'd be worth the exercise in frustration. Have any of you played the UFOs and XComs to be able to see how they measure up so as to make a more concrete comparison? (I'm sorta half-guessing you'll tell me otherwise, but the games companies have all taught me of late not too touch a game with a bargepole until I have had a very close look into 'em.)
    The XCOM thread actually specifies that the motto of the remake is "tough but fair" and they are Making a lack of Cheating Bastard AI a design goal. So the RNG should be less in the computer's favor this time around. You candid yourself a hole, but not quite as bad.

    @Lixie, SiuiS: how are you (and SiuiS' mate) getting on with AccAtt?

    If and when you fancy looking at the full thing, just shout up. (SiuiS, you can give your mate my email, by the way, (just tell him to put "Overload" somewhere in the subject bar, so it'll skip past my spam filter) and he can make any comments directly.)
    I honestly haven't had time to go into it in depth. I've been sucked into ME multiplayer. The Fury is cool because it's the only class with my body type, the slayer is cool because I finally got it, an they both play up to te dark knight archetype I get the most mileage from. I've also been doing real life stuff, like trying to reduce my student loans. Due to some politics at my already-bad job site, I'm looking at working managerial duties and making less than ten thousand a year, gross. So other than talking to my frien about his impressions, I've left it alone just now.

    He is, however, rather excited.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
    No posts in over 3 hours!?

    This thread needs 10ccs of comic, stat!
    Love them both.

    Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post

    I thought you guys were supposed to love and tolerate the **** out of me! I can't help being ignorant! You're all just a bunch of bullies!
    I'm the bully? You're the one trolling around in my Fandom!
    Er, wait
    Gundam! Get out of my Gundam!

    Seriously, it's not designed for bipeds you'll ruin it

    .... I like McDonalds... admitedly, I work there, so I appreciate having a free meal, but still, it's not as bad as one might think. The chicken's actually pretty good, and I like the breakfast's.

    Consider that Diego lives in England. Though I hear they have horse burgers somewhere, And they are supposed to be super delicious, so don't turn them down just because!

    Wow, you guys are hooked into the thread... it's like your Brain..... maybe it's the weakness of your conciousness....
    My weaknesses are sonic based mind affecting effects which get through my immunity, emotional appeals, gambling and being just plain ol' stabbed by objects which bypass my immunity. Astral Projection. essential Echo. Suprawidened intensified entropic admixture End to Strife.
    There! Listed for posterity, so I can laugh loudly instead of quietly when someone complains about my being overpowered and unbeatable.

    Quote Originally Posted by byaku rai View Post
    So, in my History discussion section today, I looked around and saw a guy wearing a Rainbow Dash shirt. I went over and showed him my BRONY wallet.

    A brohoof was exchanged.

    My esteem for my fellow students here has never been higher.
    You're sticking around?
    *cant really reach, so shift to filly size and goes for the knees!*
    Last edited by SiuiS; 2012-08-31 at 05:44 PM.

  24. - Top - End - #714
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    My best example comes from Amtgard when I was helping with some of the lay-level rules discussion.
    To continue my streak of posting about things after other people have, here's another example.

    Take the statement "to be successful, you must have a college education." Now, the fact that Steve Jobs (to use a RL example) is successful and dropped out of college contradicts this, but still proves that it holds for most people. If the general rule didn't hold, then it wouldn't be notable that he was successful despite the lack of a full college education, and so nobody would mention it. But since it is noted as being an exception, the general rule stands.
    Last edited by Siosilvar; 2012-08-31 at 05:52 PM.
    ze/zir | she/her

    Omnia Vincit Amor

  25. - Top - End - #715
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Drowlord View Post
    Okay. I have now seen the Herdmind's reason, and its beginning.
    It was... Absorbing.
    I've been watching this thread for a while, avoiding the links and looking at the pictures. I don't know why, but I did.
    Then I clicked on one link and saw one episode. I decided to watch the first episode for research. I've watched the show for five full days, reveling in the characters and their depth and motivation, and finally finished it. I was on the line between being a low-level brony or being a regular geek/nerd. Then, I read one magnificent fanfiction, and was instantly moved to the brony side. Congratulations, you've converted me to the Herdmind in five short days. I have a few questions, though, for everypony,before I dive straight in.
    Huzzah! New ponies! (everyone is a pony for convenience. Griffons? Pony. Penguins? Pony. Luka? Pony. Death machines? Pony. Mithril Lich? Pony (until he says otherwise!).

    One, I use an iPad and cannot view the OC creating guidelines. I don't know what that means, or where the roleplaying has vanished to. I wish to know! For science!
    Ooh, iOS buddy! I am on an iPhone.
    The role play that I dedicated, in-universe stuff is either shuffled over to the free form RPG section (thanqol can link you to bridle shores, I believe), or to the ponythreadRP IRC. There are several options on an iPad, for free IRC stuff. Either Mibbit, which uses your browser and has colors, favorites, etc but is prone to kicking you off if you switch to another program, or a free app (I believe it's called irc9999, which is pretty bland but functional).
    There is the silly RP, which is mostly responding to the thread in-character, is fine. We are discouraged from having long, epic and thread filling RP in this thread anymore though. Again.

    We've been told not to like five times now, actually XD

    As for pony maker, describe your OC and we will usually draw them.

    Two, what is the term for a fan of about twelve years of age? Is it a brony, or is there another term?
    Brony is fine :)

    Third, I tried to put an image here, but it did not appear. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I copied the image and put it in image tags, so I don't see what is wrong...
    Hmm. Don't use equal signs in the tags, and make sure you are referencing the Inge file itself (.png, .jpg, .gif) and not the page the image is on. All I got unfortunately.

    That said, I'm (possibly) a brony now. Revel in the growing glory of the ever-expanding Herdmind.[/QUOTE]

  26. - Top - End - #716
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Drowlord View Post
    Congratulations, you've converted me to the Herdmind in five short days.
    As a gift of welcome, please take this.

    *Presents airship*


    Behold, a newcomer class light frigate. It's not the most durable ship there is, but it packs a punch and boasts decent speeds. Use it well.
    (Un?)official ponythread element of airships.

  27. - Top - End - #717
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
    Wow, you guys are hooked into the thread... it's like your Brain..... maybe it's the weakness of your conciousness....
    Not really. I've just been looking for an excuse to use that reaction image.

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    Been trying to draw a pony now with Inkscape rather than the creator.... I suck at this

    glance upon terrible art skills!

    It's supposed to be my OC, but looks like Homer Simpson
    Not bad, dude!


    Huh. I've only now noticed that your OC is a pegasus.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drowlord View Post
    That said, I'm (possibly) a brony now. Revel in the growing glory of the ever-expanding Herdmind.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Nah, that's what havif someone question you Is for! It's like being a skeptic only the workload of having to like, think all the time is divided amongst two people. And one is a plot hole, but that's how fifty percent of the population tends to go anyway.

    And, in general. There are always consequences. To everything. Some good, some bad. In this case, being black and blue means that paladins are gonna show up out of nowhere and try to judge you. And now you know, do you can't say "I didn't know!" if they do show up
    Gotcha! I get what you're saying now.

    For some reason I assumed you meant "the risks of arguing your point", hence why I was confused. Thinking is at an all time low for me today. x_x

    Both. I dislike "i am a jerk because everyone is a jerk so I should be top dog an do what I want". That's self-fulfilling, and a problem best fixed by a visit from the hit squad. Just because you're black doesn't mean you new to toss morality to the wind, an even if you do, you could not be a jerk. See Bleakbane.
    See your point. Sadly I do believe there are people like that in the world. Perhaps Bleakbane can... teach them.

    My best example comes from Amtgard when I was helping with some of the lay-level rules discussion.

    [tangent] [nonpony]
    Ahh! Explains it perfectly. Thank you.

    I'm a sensual kind of unicorn.

    Consider that Diego lives in England. Though I hear they have horse burgers somewhere, And they are supposed to be super delicious, so don't turn them down just because!
    We... have horse burgers here?

    My weaknesses are sonic based mind affecting effects which get through my immunity, emotional appeals, gambling and being just plain ol' stabbed by objects which bypass my immunity. Astral Projection. essential Echo. Suprawidened intensified entropic admixture End to Strife.
    There! Listed for posterity, so I can laugh loudly instead of quietly when someone complains about my being overpowered and unbeatable.
    *spellcraft check to identify silent spells*

    Don't recognise the second one there. Also, those are some interesting sounding metamagics.
    Used to be Diego Havoc
    Spoiler: About Me
    Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
    Diego Havoc, one of the hoopier froods I've met, up there with DeLancie.

  28. - Top - End - #718
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Drowlord View Post
    That said, I'm (possibly) a brony now. Revel in the growing glory of the ever-expanding Herdmind.
    Greetings. Don't mind the scars.

    Welcome to the herd.

    I run a Let's Play channel! Check it out!
    Currently, we're playing through New Vegas as Gabriel de la Cruz, merchant and mercenary extraordinaire!

  29. - Top - End - #719
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by Diego Havoc View Post
    I've never had a chance to use one. My soldiers just go from alive to dead. I can count the number of times I've had an injured, but not dead, soldier on one hand. In fact, Haley is still recovering from injuries sustained in the first mission. And yes, I do have armour.

    Rarity's dresses get better and better.
    That's a very nice dress. Rarity with her hair down is amazing.

    Regarding the armor, it's only really good at long range, and even then sometimes they do just die. But powered armor and better is pretty great and your character can often take several shots and be just fine, so if you're saving progressively, it makes battles way less frustrating.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiki Snakes View Post
    Ammoral, selfish and paranoid. Uses Technology and Magic to pursue his goal of Power and Dominance.
    Funny thing is, Bleakbane seems pretty easy to peg, for me, as Black/Blue.
    Would you say this truly describes Bleakbane or predicts all his actions, though? Yes, he's sort of blue/black in general. But he's also done some hair-brained schemes that reek of red from time to time, and his organization focuses on order and the well-being of its members even though it's evil, so AOTRS itself is likely black/white to an extent.

    All the colors do is give you generalities, they don't really predict specific actions or help you figure out the best way to deal with a person. Two black mages could respond to totally different things even though they're both selfish, for example.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pokonic View Post
    I see this and raise you this.


    Okay, so it's nothing compared to that, I just wanted a excuse to post that.
    I don't think the purpose of that dress is to highlight the dress...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiki Snakes View Post
    Worth noting, far as I understand it wasn't that simple. It was that plus the fact that the character was being treated a little dismissively/derogatively in the context of the show and the episode. She wasn't just a silly pony, she was a silly pony and things were her fault and the main characters were rolling their eyes at her in exasperation and so on. It was nothing terrible, but on reflection, wasn't the most FIM of depictions of Derpy, really.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strife Warzeal View Post
    I think you are having a too easy time now, so I hope you get a Snakeman Terror mission(or big ship[or base]) or an Ethereal *thing*. A bit spiteful but I want to see how you handle it.


    Poor Lyra, at least she has various super powers now.
    I think your wish was a little errant. Here's my latest X-com report. I did a long session yesterday, it involved snakeman terror, so much psionics, and me losing 3 interceptors and getting fed up with it.

    UFO 31, Terror 6 (I think), alien base 1 (many attempts)
    Dear Princess Celestia,

    Don't let the UFO number fool you. The only reason we've seen 31 UFOs is that we can't shoot down a darn thing. It started with a bunch of mid-size craft popping up over the Pacific Ocean and then going off radar before interceptors could reach them. That was okay, we could deal with that. But then that huge ship over India. You should never have scrambled your interceptor, it was annihilated in a single attack. Oh, and I know this wasn't really your fault, but your skyranger failing to reach it before it took off again. Well, that blew it big time, and I have bad news.

    India has signed a pact with the aliens. They've withdrawn from the X-pony project, and they've taken their funding with them. Brazil followed suit shortly afterwards because, again our interceptors couldn't catch the fast ships skimming the Gulf Coast.

    Given our reduced funding and limited hanger space, I have decided to take a calculated risk. We sold off several heavy plasma guns acquired from captured floaters, hired additional scientiests and engineers and began construction on another workshop. I have dedicated 100% of our research efforts into improving our aircraft. The scientists first came back to me with a ship they called the Firestorm, but it was still too small and too slow. Their next attempt was a combination transport and combat craft. Weak and worthless. However, their subsequent project has showed merit. The first prototype craft of the AVENGER project will be done in 10 days. We're going to hit those aliens like a drill into a cavity.

    I do have better news to report on other fronts. First, let me congratulate your research lab. While the powered armor you sent over has been effective, the video you sent of Princess Luna in her flight armor, laughing maniacally and raining plasma death onto the battlefield has done incredible things for morale to all the troops. During the psionic attacks (more on that in a moment), sergeant Scratch credited mental images of Luna shouting "THE PLASMA HAS BEEN DOUBLED!" with avoiding a panic.

    On our side, despite our utter inability to shoot down a UFO, we have been busy. First, the snake men attacked Jakarta. You've never seen horror like watching one of those Chrysalids reporduce by transforming an innocent civilian. Without our powered armor, we'd have been chopped to ribbons the moment we exited our ship. As it was, Lyra, Bon-Bon, and I took point and came out guns blazing. Our precise laser rifle shots took out three snakes and a Chrysalid as we exited the Skyranger. An additional Chrysalid rushed Doctor Whooves, but his powered armor held up, and one fusillade later, it looked like Swiss cheese. We were further aided by one of the snake men misfiring some kind of rocket launcher. His shot went astray, hit a wall, and killed him and his compatriot standing nearby. Unfortunately, we lost our tank during the chaos, and I don't feel particularly eager to replace it with a mundane tank. Perhaps, if project AVENGER is a success, I'll have time to set our engineers into production of one of the new laser tanks. I've heard yours has been working very well, and I am eager to try one myself.

    In addition, we managed to corner several small snakemen craft as they landed. With powered armor and stun batons, we subdued both an navigator and an engineer. I should also mention that at the end of Jakarta, one of the infected humans had been left over. We took our time, surrounded it, and stunned the Chryssalid that popped up, carrying the live specimen back to base.

    Now, for the big news. We found and destroyed an alien base in Antarctica. Fortunately, it was a Sectoid base, and with our power armor, their guns were almost worthless. Their psionics on the other hand, were a bit of a problem. I have already regaled you with the time that private Derpy Hooves shot Sergeant Heartstrings in the back. Apparently that episode was still on her mind, and on the minds of the aliens. Again, our powered armor proved invaluable. The most harrowing moment came when private Ocatavia panicked and ran into private Hooves line of sight. The aliens mind controlled private Hooves at just that moment, and Octavia suffered two laser blasts in her back. The doctors tell me not to expect her recovery for a month, but they inform me that the heroics of sergeant Scratch, racing forward with a med kit, saved her life. I've never seen sergeant Scratch more afraid in my life. She has visited Octavia's bedside every day since the incident.

    I ordered my remaining squad members to spread out and keep far apart, communicating by radio. I took Cloud Kicker and pushed through to the control room, where I personally rammed my stun baton directly into the Sectoid Leader's oversized skull. Meanwhile private Bon-Bon destroyed most of the base's generators, and sergeant Scratch escorted Octavia to safety and then took a sniper tower and dealt with most of the remaining footsoldiers. Upon her recovery, all private Hooves could say was "Oops, my bad."

    Our researchers have been looking into the leader and they inform that they will be able to build some kind of psionics training center, although my eyes bulged when they showed me the price tag. Still, if we can defend against those mental attacks, or, better yet, use them ourselves, it will be worth the cash.

    Just 10 more days until the AVENGER is complete, princess. Just 10 days.

    Your faithful dentist,
    Captain Colgate

    P.S. one other thing. Our scientists completed analysis of an alien called a Muton, that we had recovered from a smaller UFO some time ago. They inform me that it's controlled by something called an "Ethereal." Have you heard of them?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post

    Also, Charger has had a terrible day.
    Does that say "did I just have sex with a zebra?"

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    So if XCom is similarly as hard, I'm not sure it'd be worth the exercise in frustration. Have any of you played the UFOs and XComs to be able to see how they measure up so as to make a more concrete comparison? (I'm sorta half-guessing you'll tell me otherwise, but the games companies have all taught me of late not too touch a game with a bargepole until I have had a very close look into 'em.)
    Have you played Advance Wars or any of the Fire Emblem games? It's designed to be somewhere in between the two, and if you're okay with losing units, I don't think it's too much harder than Advance Wars. On the other hand, keeping every unit alive, as Forumexplorer and I have been doing, is about as hard as Fire Emblem on its hardest difficulties, and tends to require a fair amount of reloading because sometimes aliens snipe you from across the map and get a perfect shot that penetrates heavy armor and kills the character in one hit. You can save at any time, however, and it reseeds the RNG each time, so if you're in a sensitive spot, you can often reload a couple times until the shot misses, rather than having to restart a whole mission.
    School Fox by Atlur

    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    Anarion's right on the money here.

    "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”
    Oscar Wilde Writer & Poet (1891)

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    Default Re: My Little Pony LII: 525.600 Ponies!

    Quote Originally Posted by SlyGuyMcFly View Post
    Very, very hard question to answer. Anything from 5 to 20+ hours, would be my guesstimate, depending on player experienced, how fast you are in ground missions, how much research you do, the random factor of what alien groups you end up facing the most...
    20+ hours? I've been playing for over 20 hours already (I think) and I only just found out what the victory condition is. Though since I've been figuring things out on my own, I'm sure that I'm going way slower than anyone who's played before. Seriously, it wasn't until the 3rd or 4th mission that I figured how to get my guys to shoot.

    On a related note, is there any way to pre-assign who carries what weapons without mucking around at the beginning of every mission? It's getting really tedious. Also, what do I have to research to get better armor?

    Oh, and I got my guys to be survivable enough that I've taken up naming them. Shining Armor and Thunderlane are my two favorites. Thunderlane in particular is awesome. In one mission he stormed into a small UFO with two Mutons in it, hit one twice with his stun rod and then shot up the other, all in one turn.

    Hmm, this post needs more pony. Looks like we need to call a Doctor.
    One Tin Pony avatar by Balmas

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