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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Silverbit's Avatar

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    England. The northish bit

    Default Re: Dawn of Worlds: The Lesser Gods

    Rolling: (2d6)[9]+8=17

    Yesh looks out upon the Pitem Glades, and saw that they were bubbling. Yet out of curiosity, Yesh did nothing, as He greatly desires to see what the half-alive brother of the Gods will make.
    Bank 17.
    Last edited by Silverbit; 2012-09-08 at 06:13 AM.
    I'm also on the Bay12 Games forums under the same username.

    The awesome Ceika made both my avatars! All hail!
    Spoiler: Former avatar

    Currently playing the parched and honourable Rabhid Dynasty in Empire2!

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Troll in the Playground

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    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Dawn of Worlds: The Lesser Gods

    (2d6)[2] added to 12 points saved.

    Note - I've been accidently undercharging myself for Mythic land creation, so I've altered the points saved above from 15 to 12.

    Ahsile looked at the mountians, and noted with annoyance that they were all jumbled and confused. And so Ahsile turned her great comb to the land, and started combing the land, singing as she did so. The result was a mountain range straight and fine, sharp of edge and unparallelled in beauty in the hights, but still jumbled and confused in the deep twisting valleys. What was combed out and discarded floated through the air, mixing with the song, and ended near the water, where it gathered in a fluffy pile, in hills light and airy and full of strange notes and tunes. And some rock never came down at all. So careful and so pure was Ahsile's combing, that there was nothing left of it that was heavy enough to fall, and it floated high on the spirt and breath of the purity of her song.

    Create mythic land - G6 - The Singing Hills and a floating island
    The Singing Hills to the west are made of soft porous rock, some of it 'soft' only as compares to granite, through to pumice so light it criumbles underfoot and floats in sea water, albiet not particularly well. The resulting range of hills is honeycombed with caves and caverns, and the wind sometimes plays the result like organ pipes, although more often like a chorus of giants blowing puiffily across the tops of a jumble of bottles. The hills moan and whistle almost constantly, and occasionally play what could, to the untutored ear, sound almost like a tune. During a storm the region is quite dangerous, as the sheer volume of noise produced by the wind can deafen or even stun. Most creatures in these hills either instinctively seek shelter in the innumerable caves and tunnels during poor weather, or are deaf. Creatures are curiously reluctant to hunt or eat eachother while sheltering from a storm, and fighting or predation is almost unheard of. This strange 'truce' state, possibly an effect of the sonic vibrations of the storm, lasts as long as the storm, and it is common to see predator and prey watching the entrance together, each one keen to move quickly once the storm starts to wane.

    High above the channel, there is a single floating island, made of rock from the hills that is both hard and strong, but also so light that it literally flies. This drifts with the wind, and could theoretically travel great distances, were there some form of propulsion or means of steering. At present it is caught in a circling wind current, and shows no sign of going anywhere but in circles.

    Create mythic land - Cloudcomb mountains - F8
    This is a high range of mainly crystaline mountains. Tremendous underground forces have formed superhard crystalline rock, and forced it to the surface in the form of giant splinters. The result is a mountain range where roughly two out of every three peaks is a form of crystal, from jet-black obsidian, to smokey rose-tinted rock, through to peaks of clear transparent superhard glass.

    As a result the region is quite dangerous. The crystals are often sharp, and their crystal nature leads to spikey peaks, and extremely narrow and deep valley/chasms, making navigation difficult and climbing perilous, and best done with fine chain rather than easily sliced rope. Their hardness leads to twisting winds that howl through the narrow twsiting valleys. This makes flying very difficult, but nearly so much as the occasional sharp transparent peak, almost invisible against the sky. The area is not entirely crystal, and enough normal stone and soil exists to support the limited plant life typical high mountains -alpine grass, dwarf trees including yet more variations on Ahsile's fruit trees, and hardy shrubs and wildflowers. However, because of the sheer amount of ground crystal mixed in, the soil, plants, and anything that relies on the plants for it's diet, tends to end up glittering with embedded crystal. This looks disturbing, , but appears harmless. The area also boasts spectacular geodes, gemstones, and of course enormous crystals of all kinds. The peaks are home to large numbers of birds and other avian creatures, who rely on superior skill in flying to make safe home here.

    These mountains are sometimes used as a metaphor for Ahsile's personality: generous and breathtaking in beauty, full of rich life and hidden treasures, harsh, uncompromising, and ready to slice you to ribbons if you put a foot wrong. This comparison is embraced as a metaphor by a few of her most fanatical followers, but is mainly a joke told by the unkind.

    2 points saved.
    Last edited by Togo; 2012-09-09 at 07:50 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Dawn of Worlds: The Lesser Gods

    Points for this round: 10 (8 rolled, 1 banked, 1 bonus).

    Ca'utlhaanog studied the bubbling glades, and unconsciously etched a mountain range bordering the life-bound swamp. Was it a mere fluke of its power or hidden grand design, it is uncertain at this point.

    Shape Land @E2, @F2, @F3 - Mountain Range

    - 1 Point Bank
    - Points for next round (2D6)[8]

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Halfling in the Playground
    Obnoxious Hydra's Avatar

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    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Dawn of Worlds: The Lesser Gods

    Emerging from the mud of the Pitem Glades came a troop of great beasts, reaching a size so great they rivalled the mighty Dragons. They seemed to be great fish on legs, or perhaps they were lizards? Their bodies were covered in obvious, thick scales, and their heads also resembled those of the frogs and toads which leapt about in the waters beneath them, but there was definetely a fish-like quality to thier build and huge, whipping tails.
    These lumbering unnamed creatures slowly waddled through the Pitem Glades. To the south, they found nought but uninhabitable sand and crystals, and to the east and north were great mountains; far wetter then the crystal desert, but still barren, and the terrain challenged the awkward beasts.
    Those who strayed to the west, however, were in luck, for they came across the great, temperate jungles of Yesh, and there the majority did settle on the border of their new and old homes.

    Last edited by Obnoxious Hydra; 2012-09-10 at 10:38 AM.

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Troll in the Playground

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    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Dawn of Worlds: The Lesser Gods

    (2d6+1)[6] added to 2 points saved

    Create land D7 - an area of grasslands and gently rolling hills. Flat to the east, with the landscape getting rockier as you get to the southwest.
    Last edited by Togo; 2012-09-12 at 06:44 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Silverbit's Avatar

    Join Date
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    England. The northish bit

    Default Re: Dawn of Worlds: The Lesser Gods


    Yesh beholds the Great Frog troop with extreme shock. Another form of life? Made out of frogs?!? Interesting. Yesh backs away from the frogs, after watching a pack of Dragons fly near. This could get interesting.
    Yesh watched the even conflict, and saw, unnoticed by the fighting giants, a group of canines, in awe of the battle. Yesh's heart was moved by pity yet again, as what hope did mere quadrapeds have against these giants? Maybe Yesh could change this... first, opposable thumbs...
    Thus did Yesh create Cynocephaly from the canines, and the first Thinkers were born. Yesh herded the (still baffled by their thoughts) race away from the war of the Frogs and the Dragons, and onto the Fertile Grasses, which He enlarged. There, Yesh left them, and rested again as a brown snake.
    Create Race 21
    Create Fertile Meadow (again) C6 1
    Last edited by Silverbit; 2012-09-10 at 05:14 PM.
    I'm also on the Bay12 Games forums under the same username.

    The awesome Ceika made both my avatars! All hail!
    Spoiler: Former avatar

    Currently playing the parched and honourable Rabhid Dynasty in Empire2!

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Dawn of Worlds: The Lesser Gods

    Point for this round: 11 (8 rolled, 1 banked, 2 bonus)

    The Crown of the Cold Void was bemused by the recent shift of events. It found no sympathy for the frog beast’s plight. Instead, it was curious about the essence of life and the well spring that was the Pitem Glades. It was equally intrigued by the Hound-folk conjured by Yesh’s pity. Such vessel could prove useful.

    However, Ca'utlhaanog found all of the creature’s physical form to constricting for its purpose. If any sentient creature is going to be worthy, it cannot be bound by the limitation of terrestrial time and space. No, it sought to create being that could transcend it’s physical dimensions.

    Another experiment is in order. Within the Void Sands, time and space collapsed in on itself and left an bio-mass of razor maws, oozing tentacles and crimson eye. Chaos made flesh – these creatures shall call the dark desert its home. They are Ca'utlhaanog’s first attempt of spawning life and the very essence of its touch shall unravel the forms of the terrestrial beast to see how the breath of life’s essence and matter are intertwined.


    Create Monster: Chaos Beast (8 pts)

    3 Points Banked
    Rolling for next round: (2d6)[8]

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