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  1. - Top - End - #91
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [Soul Society] Rowdy Bar

    Very well.

    Dosan begins to take a stance, grabbing his sword, then immediately sprints off down the street, back towards the sparring rings.

    [Hueco Mundo] The Streets

    Azmus turns to Valentina, and nods.

    You may be right.

    [Mortal World] The School; Top Floor


    Higure, after nodding to his fellow teacher, turns, and heads towards the stairwell, motioning for the students to follow him. In the stairwell, he stops and turns to the students.

    We need to discuss what just happened somewhere quiet. But not here, and not now. Tamaki, you and I need to get back to class. Kenzan... I can't believe I'm saying this, but it might be best if you leave, otherwise Takahashi will find you.
    Nunc id Vides, Nunc ne Vides ("Now you see it, Now you don't.")

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  2. - Top - End - #92
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [Mortal World] - The School, Roof

    Just as Arianna reaches the roof, she stops. She couldn't sense the Hollow anymore. It's not that it moved away. It just stopped being there. And there was only one likely reason for that.

    Which meant that Sawada was right. Which meant that the mortals defeated it themselves.

    She stays there for a moment, then turns and returns to where Sawada is. It seems the mortals were able to defeat it. I can't sense it's presence anymore.

    Quotes and goodies:
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  3. - Top - End - #93
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Oh, look! It's my turn. Sorry 'bout that.

    [Soul Society] Training Battle

    Once again, Nicole tried to start her Shikkai. ""Kyuu..." she starts. She hears Kiba's footsteps behind her, and remembers that if he catches her, she won't be able to finish it anyway. She decides to stop herself and focus on just sprinting away as fast as she can.

    Oh, how she hates cities. Everything just looks exactly the same, and it's so unfamiliar. She can't think of any way to use the environment to put a little distance between herself and Kiba.
    Oh, look. There's a building. There's another building. There's a wall. There's a person. There's yet another building...and there's a dead-end! Suou, not knowing her way around here, has managed to wind her way into a dead-end.

    Nicole can still hear Kiba behind her, so she doesn't look back. She just continues towards the dead-end at the same speed. Upon nearing it, she uses Earth Magic, "Seppa," to turn part of that wall to sand, losing very little speed in the process. Unfortunately for her, she should have slowed down a little more going through that newly-formed hole in the wall.

    Yes, as Nicole goes through there, she trips. She hits the ground with a thwack. When her elbow hits the ground, the shock of it loosens her grip on her katana, and it clatters away several feet in front of the fallen Nicole.

    [Hueco Mundo] The Streets

    "Of course I'm right."

    Valentina gives a wry smile to Azmus. "Then again, it'll probably take you a whole week to find someone suitable," she says, her voice making it clear that it's a challenge. A dare.

    ((Sorry...I can't think of anything for her to say/do at the moment.))
    Last edited by 5a Violista; 2012-12-12 at 01:05 AM. Reason: Since an error with grammar is a gramatical error, is an error with commas a comical error?
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  4. - Top - End - #94
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    Mortal World The School

    Tamaki nods to Higure at his words. After all he was a straight A student so his reputation granted him a small shield. However as a delinquent Kenzan had a bulls-eye on his back. Laying low would be the best option for him. With his sensei's leave he heads back to the classroom. If anyone looked up when he entered he would ignore them in favor of getting to his desk. If they wanted him to respond to them they would have to actually talk to him instead of watching like hawks

    Soul Society The streets

    Naijeru smiled to himself as he took off down the streets with his comrades. He was only average in the Shunpo technique so he used his immense muscle power to go into Shunpo powered leaps. It was a small skill used for crossing large distances, not for combat.

  5. - Top - End - #95
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    Soul Society

    Kiba catches up with his Shunpo, but this time when he appears standing in front of Nicole, all the ferocity from before was gone. He just stood, arms folded, down at the new recruit.

    "Not bad. You pass." He walks over to kick Nicole's Zanpakuto back to her. "The first lesson is the most important for everyone in the Combat Corps: When your opponent is no doubt stronger than you, run. Part of you will try to tell you to stay and fight, even when you know you can't win. That's pride. Let it go. A dead warrior can't fight. And there will be opponents you can't win against, no matter how hard you fight, no matter your tactics, no matter how many lucky blows you get in. Your instincts will tell you when to fight and when to run, but sometimes your training and pride will tell you otherwise. Listen to your instincts first.

    "You can go to the medic division if you think you need it. Otherwise, get cleaned up and find an empty bunk. There are plenty in the women quarters. Training starts at dawn."

    Mortal World

    Kenzan is a little disappointed. He was hoping to get his questions answered, but the sensei said they would talk later. He couldn't remember what class he was supposed to be in it had been so long, so for now he went up to the roof. With any luck, Takahashi would be occupied the rest of the day and he wouldn't be bothered. For now he simply paced and looked around for anything or anyone of interest.

  6. - Top - End - #96
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    Soul Society

    Nicole's sword is successfully kicked within reach of Nicole's hand, so she grabs it. She starts to push herself upwards so that she's no longer lying on the crumbled wall.

    "Yes, sir," replies Suou, still looking at the ground as Kiba talks. "I understand." Nicole realizes that it's an important lesson to learn. Definitely worth learning. It's just that her pride hurts too much from that fight. With the exception of the broken rib, none of the other bruises and cuts hurt enough to register in her tired mind, but it feels as if every single strike went straight to her pride.

    She lost her honor and her family, and now her pride was mercilessly crushed. As much as she wants to mourn its loss, she refuses to shed a tear in front of Kiba. Maybe on the way to the medic division, she'll cry...but not now, not here. Not in front of someone else.

    Nicole stands up and nods. "I'll be there. With your leave..." She brushes the dirt off of her, before giving a respectful bow to Kiba, and turns.

    Her plans: First, go to the women's quarters and clean up, clean the rest of the dirt, dried blood, fresh blood, hair, and so on, and then find her way to the Medic place and get her rib healed. Everything else will heal quickly by itself; broken ribs take too long to heal. (So, unless someone is going to run into her at the Women's quarters, I'll just skip her ahead to the Medic Division; unless, of course, there's no player there at the moment (I'll have to check the registry): then, she would skip ahead back to the quarters.
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  7. - Top - End - #97
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [Mortal World] The School; After Class
    After class, Higure motions Tamaki over to his desk as he packs up his things.

    Could you go get Kenzan from the roof and bring him down here? We need to talk about what happened. If anyone asks, you're both being tutored by me.

    [Hueco Mundo] The Streets

    Azmus raises an eyebrow, smiling slightly.

    Really now? I'll wager I can find one by the end of the day.
    Nunc id Vides, Nunc ne Vides ("Now you see it, Now you don't.")

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  8. - Top - End - #98
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Just hint to me when I should do it.

    [Hueco Mundo] Las Calles (I think that means The Streets...)

    Valentina gives a playful scoff. "You're on. If you find one today, you win. If it takes you more than four days, I win and you have to serve me those little drinks with those tiny umbrellas and coconut juice and address me as "Your Most Bestest Honorableness" for a whole day." Can you even find coconuts around here? Probably not. There'll have to be a surprise visit to the Mortal World just to find a coconut tree.

    The woman leans back a little, folding her arms. She looks pretty relaxed and confident. "You can take as long as you want to get started. However, I'm expecting my coconuts before the end of the week, so don't take too long."
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  9. - Top - End - #99
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [Hueco Mundo] The Streets

    Azmus gives a short laugh, amused as he turns to the other arrancar.

    Those of you that think you have what it takes to be my Fraccion should follow me.

    As he begins walking farther into the city, he turns back to Valentina, a small smirk on his face.

    So what do I get if I win?
    Nunc id Vides, Nunc ne Vides ("Now you see it, Now you don't.")

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  10. - Top - End - #100
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [Hueco Mundo] The Streets

    Many of the arrancars look around at each other, few daring to step forward. The first one is a cocky young arrancar with four huge pincers and a wicked tail. The second is Lugaru, the wolflike Arrancar who Valentina liked. He seems very confident. The third one to step forward is less assuming, but seems like he knows what he's doing. He's just as big, if not larger, than the other two, and has many visible scars across his shirtless chest, and his bearlike mask is broken so that nearly half of it is on his jaw, the other half is worn as a pauldron.

    Five others also follow, some nervous and others cocky. Valentina bets on Lugaru being picked.

    Valentina shrugs in reply. "Tell you what. If you win, I'll let you choose. One favor or dare." Shaking her head, she continues, "It's not like you're even going to get close or anything, so don't get your hopes up."

    She waits a couple of moments, watching those eight follow the Espada. Then, she turns to all the others, still lined up, and shouts, "All of you! You have some free time. Go find something useful to do! Just don't get killed; that's not supposed to happen until after we attack the Shinigami."

    Valentina then follows Fraccion Hopefuls to see this happening. It might just stave off her boredom for a couple moments.
    Last edited by 5a Violista; 2013-01-20 at 01:01 AM.
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  11. - Top - End - #101
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    Hueco Mundo
    Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofBob View Post
    The first time this mortal tried a groin strike, Victor Vicente wasn't expecting it. He had expected a more... noble... approach from what he considered his future lieutenant.

    <"You fight like a child,"> he spits in disgust.

    Mikael's current strategy being so familiar, Victor Vicente's arm resists being jerked and tries to continue to maintain the angle most likely to mortally wound Mikael. Victor Vicente blade after deflecting the arm spins downward to also slice at Mikael's knee. The spinning dervish style of the machete should also make it difficult to simply grab his arm

    But just in case either fails, just after his Cero goes off, and assuming it misses, Victor Vicente will thrust his head forward to butt his opponent in the face, the tough crown of Victor Vicente's skull potentially colliding with the center of Mikael's face.
    Mikael's attempt at grappling fails, his opponent is simply too skilled. The man in white wrenches his captured hand away and slashes at the mortal's legs, a screeching sound resounding at contact. The white devil is also weathering Mikael's blows distressingly well.

    With the dancing blade leaving more and more bloodied scratches on his body, Mikael despairs. If this was an ordinary fight, it would be best to gain distance, to get away from the weapon-wielding assailant. But with the man's ability to conjure up those exploding orbs, getting out of reach could just lead to Mikael getting knocked back again, which would be disastrous! His only chance is to stay as close! But what should he do...?

    The mortal's brief spacing out is swiftly penalized by the man's head colliding with his nose. Mikael's head jerks back as pain shoots through his brain. But, it's what he needed to focus on the situation. Abandoning any attempt to control his opponents knife, Mikael instead grabs the man by the shoulders and headbutts him back, not just once, not just twice, but thrice in quick succession. It feels like ramming his head against a steel lamppost, but he's pissed off enough to not care.

    This time, the "lamppost" shall yield.

    Soul Society

    Quote Originally Posted by Mahonri Violist View Post

    Nicole's sword is successfully kicked within reach of Nicole's hand, so she grabs it. She starts to push herself upwards so that she's no longer lying on the crumbled wall.

    "Yes, sir," replies Suou, still looking at the ground as Kiba talks. "I understand." Nicole realizes that it's an important lesson to learn. Definitely worth learning. It's just that her pride hurts too much from that fight. With the exception of the broken rib, none of the other bruises and cuts hurt enough to register in her tired mind, but it feels as if every single strike went straight to her pride.

    She lost her honor and her family, and now her pride was mercilessly crushed. As much as she wants to mourn its loss, she refuses to shed a tear in front of Kiba. Maybe on the way to the medic division, she'll cry...but not now, not here. Not in front of someone else.

    Nicole stands up and nods. "I'll be there. With your leave..." She brushes the dirt off of her, before giving a respectful bow to Kiba, and turns.

    Her plans: First, go to the women's quarters and clean up, clean the rest of the dirt, dried blood, fresh blood, hair, and so on, and then find her way to the Medic place and get her rib healed. Everything else will heal quickly by itself; broken ribs take too long to heal. (So, unless someone is going to run into her at the Women's quarters, I'll just skip her ahead to the Medic Division; unless, of course, there's no player there at the moment (I'll have to check the registry): then, she would skip ahead back to the quarters.
    As Nicole stumbles to the women's quarters, a lone figure rises up from one of the chairs lined up against wall of the hallway. An elderly person with a heavy limp, using a walking stick as a support, walks to her.

    "Hello. I heard there was a new recruit"
    , the senior citizen greets her, smiling warmly wih eyes squeezed almost shut. "I intended to show her around and take her to the academy, to learn the basic skills elementary to life as a Shinigami. But, it seems she decided she would be better off heading straight to the Combat Division and joining our acting captain's rehearsals." The person's eyes open up just a bit, a strange glint of light reflecting from them.

    "I suspect she is in quite bad condition as of now. Have you perhaps seen this new recruit?"

    If, by chance, Nicole's brains still have a single working cell in them despite all the pain and exhaustion, she might notice the person is wearing a large, conspicuous white haori...
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
    to grow old and wither and die."

  12. - Top - End - #102
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    Mortal World

    The class bell rings and Miko leaves with the other students. She seems to be muttering to herself again, and seems to be constantly on guard around her fellow classmates and teachers, especially when it comes to Higure-sensei. If left alone, she'll leave as soon as possible. Cutie Pie was starting to get hungry...

    Shortly after the class bell ends and Higure-sensei sends Tamaki off to the roof, there's a slight tapping on the window. It seems Kenzan got a bit impatient and had leapt down the side of the school, somehow perching himself on the narrow window ledge.

    ((note: attempting to phrase this so if AnimeKid doesn't post for a bit, we can still move along, but can still join back in whenever.))

    Hueco Mundo

    His opponent's stance allows Victor Vicente several free slashes under his opponent's guard, but his assault is quickly cut short. Just when Victor Vicente thinks his opponent is on the ropes, the boy comes back to strike him with a headbutt. It's completely unexpected, and strong enough that the great Victor Vicente actually winces, a fresh concave bruise in his temple. <"Incredible!"> Before he can react, a second strike hits. <"Impossible!"> A third. <"Inconceivable!">

    This had gone on far too long. Victor Vicente's machete twirled up towards Mikael's arms, the hope being to dislodge the two. Whether that would succeed, Victor Vicente attempted to propel himself out of the grapple with a Sonido. A moment of free movement was all he needed, and although he hated to use his Resurrecion for such an inconsequential fight (in his mind at least), his pride was quickly giving way to his impatience.

    Soul Society

    Kiba sat cross-legged on the roof of the old captain's quarters. Now it was a sort of sacred mausoleum, and unspoken holy site among the Pack. Technically, as acting captain, Kiba could have claimed the quarters as his own for now if he wanted to, but between his respect for the Kenpachi and his preference of the outdoors anyway, he let it be. He had figured his lieutenants would be back by now, and he was starting to get impatient. If they didn't show up soon, he'd go out looking for them, and he wouldn't be happy about it.
    Last edited by DiscipleofBob; 2013-01-24 at 09:38 AM.

  13. - Top - End - #103
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [Hueco Mundo]

    The man's maneuver is succesful - he pushes away from Mikael, his sudden use of preternatural movement kicking the mortal away from him. The bleeding mortal stumbles back for a split-second, then reaches forward to grab his opponent again - but the man is already gone! Mikael's eyes dart around wildly, until they catch the man's visage again and pin him down.

    But they're not the same eyes as just a moment ago. It's like something... dark is moving behind them, giving them a new color entirely. Blood seeping from his wounds is bubbling ominously and turning from red to black as ink.

    Letting out a feral hiss, Mikael leaps after the man to take him down. It may be the white devil has merely scratched the surface, in more than one sense. But what does he think of that which is being revealed from under it?

    Around them, a fell wind is picking up...
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
    to grow old and wither and die."

  14. - Top - End - #104
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [The Mortal World]
    Room 108

    After school ends, Naito packs his class materials up with lightning speed and zips down to the school's gymnasium. Opening a storage closet, he grabs a pair of gymnastics mats. Despite them being quite unwieldy, he manages to carry both, having done the same thing many times in the past. Moving much slower, now, he makes his way over to Room 108, where the door opens for him, right on schedule. Naito turns and slides through. With a slight exclamation of effort, he dumps the mats on the center of the floor, where the desks have already been moved out of the way. It takes a scant few seconds to set them. Nodding his appreciation to the assorted club members who arrived before him, Naito walks up to the head of the room and takes a seat behind the desk, waiting for everyone to arrive. Despite the additional tasks he had to take, Naito still arrived before well over half the attendees.
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  15. - Top - End - #105
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [The Mortal World]
    => Room 108

    Now that the school day has ended, Miya starts looking for the room where the martial arts clubs meet. As she walks around the school, she accidentally bumps her shoulders into at least three people, before finding the right room.

    As is custom, Miya arrives later than the general population. However, this time, she arrives before she misses anything.

    When she walks into room 108, she immediately notices Naito, and gives him a small wave. Then, she finds somewhere to wait until the festivities begin.

    [Soul Society]
    Women's Quarters

    Suou enters the Women's Quarters, in the same condition as she was just after the fight. The only difference is that some of the blood and dirt on her face has been washed away by a teardrop or two that she couldn't hold back.

    She sees the Senior Citizen, and blinks a couple of times. Seeing a warm smile like that can't help but make her feel better. It reminds her of her grandmother. She always smiled a lot. Nicole notices the white haori, but the significance of it doesn't register in her mind. ((Nor in mine. Oh, wait - does it have something to do with rank?))

    Nicole has a blank stare for a moment, then starts to answer: "No, I haven't seen...oh. You're talking about me. Yes. Sorry about that." She gives a deep bow, as if trying to apologize by showing deep respect. "I didn't know."

    "What can I do to make up for it?"
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    [The Mortal World]
    Room 108

    The room is full of a large number of people; apparently, martial arts are very popular at the school. Naito is chatting with a pair of other students when Miya enters. He glances at the door, and nods ever so slightly in acknowledgement. Looking at his watch, he cuts off his conversation and rolls his chair back into place at the desk. Withdrawing some papers from his backpack, he gathers them in an official-looking manner before laying them flat in front of him.

    "Alright, everyone! The meeting is now in session. Before we get down to business, let's give a big round of applause to the karate club, who had four ranking members in their big tournament last month, including the overall winner. Everyone else, try to top that."

    Polite applause comes from around the room with restrained enthusiasm.

    "Now that that's out of the way, let's get an update from all of the club heads on any important events coming up..."

    Things quickly get into full swing. The meeting is mostly administrative, dealing with logistics and plans instead of any actual martial arts. All of the clubs apparently share a budget, so anything they want to do must be balanced against the other clubs' desires. Naito does an impressive job of keeping everything in alignment, and manages to leave each group content. He also avoids showing favoritism, remaining impartial through a few inevitable conflicts.

    The meeting takes quite a while; a little over an hour, all said and done. After the different clubs are done speaking, Naito stands and delivers a few pieces of information to the group as a whole.

    "...And finally, the student council mentioned to me that they've had a number of complaints about mats being left out after practices. That needs to stop. Clean up after yourselves, or at best we'll get our funding cut."

    Finished, he takes a seat.

    "That's just about everything. Now, does anyone want to spar?"

    He delivers the question with a note of smugness that indicates he already knows the answer to his question. Around the room, a few students shake their heads or roll their eyes, but everyone remains silent. Naito smiles, satisfied.

    "In that case, meeting adjourned. Wada, Shizuka, I'd like to speak with you after the meeting."

    The room suddenly becomes a flurry of movement as the various students gather their possessions and make for the door. Naito leans back in his chair and stretches, then beckons Miya over.
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  17. - Top - End - #107
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [Mortal World]

    Tamaki nodded to Higure with a scowl on his face. A student of his caliber? Need tutoring? That one was going to hurt his pride a little if he actually had to use it. Actually when he thought about it, he could just say that Higure was setting it up so that he could tutor Kenzan. With the much more believable notion in Tamaki's head he starts off to to fetch the other boy from the roof, only to stop when he sees said boy perched on the windowsill.

    Tamaki blinks twice before saying in his usual frosty tone of voice, "Well, that was convenient. Well Sensei we're all here. I can guess that what we're going to be talking about is pertinent to the incident on the top floor?"
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    [Soul Society]

    Kiba wouldn't have to wait much longer as Naijeru came skidding though the doorway with a gigantic grin on his face. He is panting slightly from exertion as he says, "And Crusher Naijeru wins again. Guess I won't be buying the snacks. So you wanted to see your most faithful lieutenants fukutaichou?"

  18. - Top - End - #108
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    Hueco Mundo

    The boy is quickly in pursuit. Given VV's proficiency in long-range combat, this is a wise course of action. But all it takes is a moment. Grabbing the zanpakuto with both hands and pointing it forward like a rifle, VV smiles as he announces, "Bombard, Gloriajunta!"

    The released explosion of energy erupts the sand around him, obscuring all but a faint shadow of the general. Then the shadow grows, transforming into something inhuman.

    Victor Vicente's shape now resembles a tank, though one that's somehow organic with a heavy, thick, bone-like exterior. He has four armadillo-like legs that easily fold up into treaded wheels. None of his human form remains, a large horned skull mask adorning the front of the tank. Just when the transformation appears to be complete, several long barrels sprout from the creature's hide, already warming up to fire Ceros of various strengths.

    Mikael approaches quickly now, and Victor Vicente in his new form charges forward to meet him with its horned battering ram, its barrels taking aim. The largest barrel on top is particularly vicious as it charges up the Gran Rey Cero.

  19. - Top - End - #109
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    Soul Society

    Getting to the goal first wasn't really a concern of Hanare's He didn't run our use Shunpo at anywhere near his limit. He entered the room very composed and barely tired. "Did I lose?" he yawned into the wall. He was not even going to waste energy covering his mouth.
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  20. - Top - End - #110
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [Soul Society] Kenpachi's Quarters
    Dosan shunpos into view just after Najieru, almost completely out of breath.

    Eiganjo Dosan present, sir. Man, I need to work on my shunpo more...

    [Mortal World] Higure's Classroom
    That was the idea, Haroda.

    Higure goes over to the window and opens it to let Kenzan in.

    Once he's inside, Higure addresses the two.

    So, I'm guessing neither of you have fought one of those before?

    [Hueco Mundo] The Arena
    Azmus leads Valentina and the other arrancar to a circle the size of a football field drawn in a large dirt lot.

    After reaching the edge of the circle, Azmus turns to the gathered arrancar.

    Your test will consist of two sparring matches. For the first one, you will be put in teams of two, that will fight against one another in a free for all. The second will be a match one on one against myself. After that I will choose my Fraccion. Any questions?
    Nunc id Vides, Nunc ne Vides ("Now you see it, Now you don't.")

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  21. - Top - End - #111
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [Hueco Mundo]
    The Arena

    Valentina stands a ways back, with her arms folded. Her left eyebrow's raised, and an amused look on her face. This sounds like it'll be a fun match. Funnest thing that's going to happen all day. All week, probably.

    Lagoshta, the cocky one with four pincers, is the first to ask a question. It's a fairly simple question, and his voice makes it seem he has no doubt at all that he's going to win. He might even win against the Espada, he supposes. "It's just a matter of winning, right? After I win, there's no other test?"

    Baatar, the bear of a man, shakes his head, as if he's saying Like that's going to happen. With his warrior's training, he can see at least three others in the group who are certain to beat Lagoshta, and the group's only eight big. Cocky people always lose first.

    [The Mortal World]
    Room 108

    Miya listens and looks around during the meeting, trying to follow along the fast-paced conversation about planning and funding. By paying attention to the club heads and the facial expressions of the members, she deduces what fighting style nearly everybody practices.

    She also deduces that Naito will be a very tough opponent. That kind of reaction is only elicited from someone who can soundly defeat anyone else.

    After the meeting ends, and after Miya is beckoned to Naito, she tries to make her way through the crowd towards him. Finally, she gets to him. "Wow, that was something. Impressive. Are things always like this?"
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  22. - Top - End - #112
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [Mortal World]
    Room 108

    Naito slumps back in his chair, letting out a long sigh.

    "Yeah, usually. The whole balancing the worst part of our setup. Since we're all technically one club we have a massive budget, but every time we actually take advantage of that it stiffs a different club. Or two. Everyone keeps careful track of any time they lose out, so they can call in favors in the future. In a lot of ways, it's really interesting. It makes these meetings long, though...I try to hash things out with the different captains ahead of time, but that only goes so far."

    He looks up at something behind Miya and sits up a bit straighter. Two students approach the desk. One is a tall and strong-looking young male, the other a very short female. Earlier in the meeting, Miya was likely able to deduce that the male practiced Jiu-Jitsu, and the female Aikido.

    "Wada, Shizuka, this is Miya. She hasn't been here very long, but she's experienced with Aikido and Jiu-Jitsu. Miya, Wada is the head of our Jiu-Jitsu club, and Shizuka is the leader of the Aikido club."

    Both students offer polite greetings to Miya.
    Truly awesome Ark Tamaeus avatar by Bryn. Full size version here.

  23. - Top - End - #113
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [Hueco Mundo]

    Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofBob View Post

    The boy is quickly in pursuit. Given VV's proficiency in long-range combat, this is a wise course of action. But all it takes is a moment. Grabbing the zanpakuto with both hands and pointing it forward like a rifle, VV smiles as he announces, "Bombard, Gloriajunta!"

    The released explosion of energy erupts the sand around him, obscuring all but a faint shadow of the general. Then the shadow grows, transforming into something inhuman.

    Victor Vicente's shape now resembles a tank, though one that's somehow organic with a heavy, thick, bone-like exterior. He has four armadillo-like legs that easily fold up into treaded wheels. None of his human form remains, a large horned skull mask adorning the front of the tank. Just when the transformation appears to be complete, several long barrels sprout from the creature's hide, already warming up to fire Ceros of various strengths.

    Mikael approaches quickly now, and Victor Vicente in his new form charges forward to meet him with its horned battering ram, its barrels taking aim. The largest barrel on top is particularly vicious as it charges up the Gran Rey Cero.
    The sudden eruption slows the mortal down and he has to close his eyes to prevent sand from getting into them. Unsure of what is happening, he stops his charge to see what is taking place - and when he does, he lets out a hysteric chuckle.

    "Ehehehe!", he points and laughs. Not only does striking his opponent feel like punching a trash compactor, now his enemy looks like a trash compactor as well! Maybe Mikael should have seen this coming after all the absurdity he'd just struggled through, but the white devil's sudden metamorphosis certainly caught him off-guard. What, would this mean Mikael himself might be able to turn into a dragon or such?

    Mikael laughter quickly dies, however, as his senses alert him to several cannon barrels aiming at him and the ground wails as the white mans "threads" grind against the sand. The mortal quickly revisis his mental image from "trash compactor" to an "armored wagon". Ironically, a tank is something he's taught to fight against... but he has no mines, no RPG, and most importantly, no shelter from the juggernaut that's rolling his way.

    Apparently, he is forced to fight against a tank with nothing but his bare fists. A losing prospect, if common sense would have a word, but Mikael is painfully aware he should have died already... not just in the fight against this bizarre adversary, but years ago, when his car was flattened by a run-away truck.

    Fixing his eyes on the "tank's" main cannon, Mikael resumes his charge. He had an epiphany a while ago - if the man could conjure ammunition seemingly out of thin air, Mikael's own abilities should be able to return them to that state. So, as suicidal as the thought appears, he'd ram his hand into the cannon's barrel and capture the charging warhead in his palm!

    With that in mind, the mortal leaps...


    [Soul Society]
    Women's Quarters

    Quote Originally Posted by Mahonri Violist View Post
    Suou enters the Women's Quarters, in the same condition as she was just after the fight. The only difference is that some of the blood and dirt on her face has been washed away by a teardrop or two that she couldn't hold back.

    She sees the Senior Citizen, and blinks a couple of times. Seeing a warm smile like that can't help but make her feel better. It reminds her of her grandmother. She always smiled a lot. Nicole notices the white haori, but the significance of it doesn't register in her mind. ((Nor in mine. Oh, wait - does it have something to do with rank?))

    Nicole has a blank stare for a moment, then starts to answer: "No, I haven't seen...oh. You're talking about me. Yes. Sorry about that." She gives a deep bow, as if trying to apologize by showing deep respect. "I didn't know."

    "What can I do to make up for it?"
    "Stay still for a moment", the elder asks... or commands, it's not entirely clear. "Open your eyes wide. Follow my finger, please." The elder lifts his index finger before Suou's eyes and sways it from side to side, observing the movements of her eyes.

    "It seems you already have a sword of your own. Where did you get that? What is your name?"
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
    to grow old and wither and die."

  24. - Top - End - #114
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    [Soul Society]
    Women's Quarters

    "Okay," says Suou, standing still. Just for reference (so I won't forget it later), she looks as if she would be sixteen, judging by human standards.

    "But, why...?" she asks, even as her eyes open wide-awake and follow the finger around. There may be a slow reaction or two, but that's just because she's tired. "Nicole, of the Suou House." Part of the house that was exiled more than a millennium ago. I'm surprised that it still exists. "I received this sword a few years back."

    [Mortal World]
    Room 108

    Tsukamoto Miya returns the greetings to both. "It is a pleasure to meet you both." After the small bows, she straightens her back and looks them both in the eyes - first Wada and then Shizuka.

    "I hope to learn much from you two," she adds.
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  25. - Top - End - #115
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [Soul Society]
    Women's Quarters

    The elder seems satisfied with Nicole's reactions and puts the hand down. As Nicole says her name, the old person's smile stoops a little. "Hmmm. An interesting family name you have there. Follow me. We will take a detour to the temple before I'll let you to your quarters." The elder limps past Nicole, beckoning her to follow.

    "Few years back, hmmm? So you had it before you enlisted? Is it an ordinary sword?"
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
    to grow old and wither and die."

  26. - Top - End - #116
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [Soul Society]
    Women's Quarters

    Suou blinks. She doesn't think her family name is particularly interesting. After all, who thinks that their own name is interesting, when it's heard several times every day? Even less so when their name was written on nearly everything they ever saw. "Yes. Of course," she says, starting to follow the elderly woman. Maybe it's important to visit the temple. What could go wrong with following an old woman around a strange city?

    Suou follows the woman. Nicole's not directly behind her, nor is she directly to the side. More like a 4:00 angle, a little behind but not directly behind the woman.

    She nods and makes an audible affirmation; yes, she has had it before she enlisted. "She's an ordinary Zanpakuto, just as anyone else's, I suppose. A bit emotional, sometimes."
    Last edited by 5a Violista; 2013-01-28 at 07:56 PM.
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  27. - Top - End - #117
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    The School
    Room 108

    The two club leaders look like they are about to respond, but Naito speaks up before either of them can.

    "You're in good hands with Shizuka. Wada, on the other hand...well...I heard he's moved up to middle schoolers as his sparring partners."

    A previously unseen expression makes its way onto Naito's face, a cheshire cat grin with a hint of playful malevolence. Wada glares at him good-naturedly, and slugs him. Naito crosses his arms in front of his face, an awkward gesture that was not intended to provide any defence. Naito chuckles softly while Shizuka and Wada give Miya information about when their clubs meet. Their business concluded, the two hurry out; they both have prior engagement elsewhere. Still smiling to himself, Naito withdraws a sheet of paper from his bag and slides it across his desk to Miya, along with a pen.

    "Sorry about that, but I couldn't resist. Anyway, I just need you to fill this form out, and you'll be an official member of the club."
    Truly awesome Ark Tamaeus avatar by Bryn. Full size version here.

  28. - Top - End - #118
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    Quote Originally Posted by CMOTDibbler View Post
    [Mortal World] Higure's Classroom
    That was the idea, Haroda.

    Higure goes over to the window and opens it to let Kenzan in.

    Once he's inside, Higure addresses the two.

    So, I'm guessing neither of you have fought one of those before?
    Tamaki pushes his glasses up his nose as he says, "I have,
    however from what they can see they are a very rare occurrence. I have been spiritually ware for 3 years. I first gained my powers nine months ago. In that time I have only seen and fought two of the creatures. They are still largely unknown to me."

  29. - Top - End - #119
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    Mortal World

    Kenzan hops in the open window. "This would be number three for me. The last two I encountered in different parts of the city over the past couple months. At first I thought I was just hallucinating or something."

    Hueco Mundo
    The Wilderness

    <"FOOL! FEEL THE GLORY AND WRATH OF THE GREAT VICTOR VICENTE!!!"> the arrancar yells triumphantly as his powered up form charges forward. Several of the smaller cannons spread out to cover possible exits, but his main cannon, the Gran Rey Cero, as well as several others are angled directly at Mikael. They take aim and fire...

    Soul Society
    Combat Division

    "You're late," Kiba growls. Not that there was any set timeframe, but the acting captain was not known for being very patient to begin with. He hopped off the roof of the building to meet with his officers. "We need to figure out how to defend Soul Society. Even if we combined all the Combat squads, we barely have enough to cover each area not covered by a different division, and that's stretching ourselves thin."

  30. - Top - End - #120
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Bleach in The Playground: Renewed Revolution Thread I

    [Hueco Mundo]
    [The Wilderness]
    Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofBob View Post
    <"FOOL! FEEL THE GLORY AND WRATH OF THE GREAT VICTOR VICENTE!!!"> the arrancar yells triumphantly as his powered up form charges forward. Several of the smaller cannons spread out to cover possible exits, but his main cannon, the Gran Rey Cero, as well as several others are angled directly at Mikael. They take aim and fire...
    As the mortal closes in, the number of cannons capable of aiming at him decreases fast - the main cannon and those next to it expected of course, as Mikael is flying straight at them! Sand is sent flying around due to sound pressure of several barrels firing at once and the air right before the white devil's eyes is set ablaze by his missiles striking against the mortal's hand at once.

    Yet, one word can be heard through the rumble, cutting through it clear and loud despite being little more than a whisper. Reduce.

    And so, the collected might of the man-turned-tank's blast is dispersed through the air, as if the projectiles suddenly returned to their immaterial base nature - nothing but ill will, and no matter how great, the man's willpower alone is not enough to stop Mikael's advance.

    Few smaller projectiles that missed the mortal's hand and hit him in his legs instead are more succesful, however. Mikael's is stopped on his track and falls from the air, flat on the white devil's inhuman head. Dazed, Mikael does the first thing that comes to his mind - grabs the devil's horns so he won't fall down.


    [Soul Society]
    Women's Quarters
    Quote Originally Posted by Mahonri Violist View Post
    Suou blinks. She doesn't think her family name is particularly interesting. After all, who thinks that their own name is interesting, when it's heard several times every day? Even less so when their name was written on nearly everything they ever saw. "Yes. Of course," she says, starting to follow the elderly woman. Maybe it's important to visit the temple. What could go wrong with following an old woman around a strange city?

    Suou follows the woman. Nicole's not directly behind her, nor is she directly to the side. More like a 4:00 angle, a little behind but not directly behind the woman.

    She nods and makes an audible affirmation; yes, she has had it before she enlisted. "She's an ordinary Zanpakuto, just as anyone else's, I suppose. A bit emotional, sometimes."
    The old person raises an eybrow upon hearing Nicole's explanation. She can't see it, as the elder's back is turned to her, but she might notice a slight hint of surprise in the person's voice. "An ordinary Zanpakuto you say? Well, that simplifies things. We can move you straight to advanced class, then."

    "Most new recruits don't have a blade of their own when they come here, you see. We usually give them a practice Zanpakuto, called Asauchi, to train with. But then again, most of them don't come from a house of exiled nobles. Indeed, it has been a while since any of your lineage have been seen inside walls of Seireitei."

    Ahead of them, a building of white marble can be seen looming behind newer structures. "Our temple has the venerable tradition of serving as Gotei main hospital. We're going there to mend your bones. I'm Zheng-taichou of Medicine and Logistics. You and me will get wll-acquainted if things continue on their current bleak tracks, I'm afraid. I also serve as the head teacher of the Academy, but you'll likely not see me as much in that role - if you left a good impression on Kiba-Fukutaichou, your place will be with his lot from now on." As they arrive at the temple gate, the old person stops and turns to Nicole, smiling.

    "Just try to not get yourself forcibly reincarnated. We still haven't found an antidote for that, I'm sorry to say."
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
    to grow old and wither and die."

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