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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Thankfully for Satoshi, Kaido makes most of the recovery process relatively easy to live through. Specially since he expended no spiritual energy whatsoever in the fight.

    The nurse seeing to him recommends he stays interred for 24 hours, just in case they missed something. Standard operating procedure, really.

    What may surprise Satoshi is that Urameshi, of all people, comes to visit.

    "How are your wounds?"
    The Void, the Cold Steel, the Just Sword courtesy of Prime32.



    This one's new.

    I met a girl with a really pensive look. I walk up to her, put a fifty cent coin in her hand, "For your thoughts. I know the going rate is supposed to be one, but I figure you play hardball."

    She gave it back, "Keep it. Pretty sure a guy with your charm can find a way to have them for free anyway."

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Illinois, USA

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post
    Thankfully for Satoshi, Kaido makes most of the recovery process relatively easy to live through. Specially since he expended no spiritual energy whatsoever in the fight.

    The nurse seeing to him recommends he stays interred for 24 hours, just in case they missed something. Standard operating procedure, really.

    What may surprise Satoshi is that Urameshi, of all people, comes to visit.

    "How are your wounds?"
    Satoshi sits up to acknowledge Urameshi's presence; he suspends his surprise until he knows whether or not the trainer has come by to cut him down for not living up to expectations. "I'll live," he says shortly. "Only thing still hurting is my pride...but that's what I get for being careless. Pops tells me all the time, 'You can't fix stupid'...It's just a joke, but maybe there's some truth to it." The rookie lets out a sigh and asks, "So, what happens next...?"

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Orc in the Playground
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    Apr 2010

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    For the first time since he's first met Urameshi, the veteran's shoulders shake in a half-laugh in response to one of his comments. "Before we get to next, there's a couple of things we need to get through.

    It's good that you have such an honest opinion of yourself, but your evaluation is a little harsher than it should be. There's nothing wrong with having pride, as long as you don't let it dictate your decisions. Better you learn it here than out in the field, where a mistake could cost you or your companions' lives. I'm sure you're punishing yourself enough that you don't really need me piling on, too.

    Why did you try to beat Tsuchigumo the way you did?"
    The Void, the Cold Steel, the Just Sword courtesy of Prime32.



    This one's new.

    I met a girl with a really pensive look. I walk up to her, put a fifty cent coin in her hand, "For your thoughts. I know the going rate is supposed to be one, but I figure you play hardball."

    She gave it back, "Keep it. Pretty sure a guy with your charm can find a way to have them for free anyway."

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Illinois, USA

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post
    For the first time since he's first met Urameshi, the veteran's shoulders shake in a half-laugh in response to one of his comments. "Before we get to next, there's a couple of things we need to get through.

    It's good that you have such an honest opinion of yourself, but your evaluation is a little harsher than it should be. There's nothing wrong with having pride, as long as you don't let it dictate your decisions. Better you learn it here than out in the field, where a mistake could cost you or your companions' lives. I'm sure you're punishing yourself enough that you don't really need me piling on, too.
    Now that...That was unexpected. Satoshi barely lets it show, maybe blinking a couple times, but it's still there, and Urameshi will probably notice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post
    Why did you try to beat Tsuchigumo the way you did?"
    "Not sure I understand what part of it you're talking about, sensei," he says, although he could make a couple educated guesses. If he's referring to the reason he limited himself to grappling, he'll answer, "You've been training me in Hakuda...I figured that's what you were looking to judge, and I didn't pick up on any indications otherwise. Maybe you didn't outright forbid Kido or Sokudo, but I decided not to take the chance. Better to ask permission than to beg forgiveness, if you ask me."

    As for why he chose more dangerous tactics, Satoshi will respond, "Yeah, looking back, that wasn't the best choice...but I picked a couple risky moves because I knew I couldn't last in an endurance battle against someone that size. If I succeeded, I might have a chance, and if not...well, at least it was over quickly..."

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    "In the last two weeks, I have been teaching you Hakuda, that's true. We never specifically covered fighting a much larger opponent than yourself.

    That was, however, supplemental knowledge. It's something you're going to need, but not something you should use exclusively. I wager you know the difference?"
    The Void, the Cold Steel, the Just Sword courtesy of Prime32.



    This one's new.

    I met a girl with a really pensive look. I walk up to her, put a fifty cent coin in her hand, "For your thoughts. I know the going rate is supposed to be one, but I figure you play hardball."

    She gave it back, "Keep it. Pretty sure a guy with your charm can find a way to have them for free anyway."

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Sep 2009

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Hueco Mundo
    Valentina's Quarters
    Quote Originally Posted by Mahonri Violist View Post
    "I figured you would keep up," she responds, almost shocked that he would suggest such a thing. Almost. Because, in a way, it sort-of was true.

    There is, indeed, a bed. It's probably not the most comfortable one ever, but it's not used very often either. "Alright. I'll just leave you here." There's not really anything he could mess up in here, anyway. "Just don't break anything."

    She stares at him a little, to make sure he understood. Then, Valentina turns around and exits the room to go do other duties she has.
    Mikael lays on the bed and crosses his legs, placing his hands behind his head. "Whatever you say, cat-girl", he replies half-heartedly while closing his eyes. It's been a busy day and his injured body demands rest. But even as the body sleeps, the spirit wanders...


    Soul Society
    Black Dragon Inn
    Quote Originally Posted by Mahonri Violist View Post

    Hm. Interesting. They're guests, trapped in this inn. It sounds like it's time to start feeling for the boundaries of this. "Well," Caeyrn responds, leaning back and getting into a comfortable - almost disrespectful - slouching position. "Here's nice enough. Wouldn't mind staying, so long as I don't miss work for this."
    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post
    "Good! Don't worry about expenses. The Gotei has been a sponsor of this inn since its foundation. If that'll be all, gentlemen, I need to make a report. I DO answer to someone higher in the chain of command, after all." Koutarou stood up and offered a short bow.

    "If you need to contact me again, send us a message. The Black Dragon Inn has excellent couriers."
    Hoshi gives Caeyrn a look. "Your work is about the least important thing in this world, boy." Then, the elderly lady stands up, bowing to Koutarou. "Sure, go ahead, samurai. I'll take this chance to see what's in the fridge." Leaving Caeyrn to his devices, Hoshi leaves to dine.
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
    to grow old and wither and die."

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post
    "In the last two weeks, I have been teaching you Hakuda, that's true. We never specifically covered fighting a much larger opponent than yourself.

    That was, however, supplemental knowledge. It's something you're going to need, but not something you should use exclusively. I wager you know the difference?"
    Satoshi doesn't answer immediately this time, taking his time to consider this information first. "I think so," he says. "If I'm right, it's about building on the various combat arts and letting them complement each other to become more effective in battle. I guess that means I just didn't realize where this was all going: I thought I was only developing Hakuda techniques whole-sale, not going so far as to integrate it with what skills I already possess..."

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Orc in the Playground
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    Apr 2010

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    "We teach a variety of techniques at the Academy for a reason: not everyone develops the same kind of fighting style. Some are more effective than others at direct strikes, others prefer grappling.

    And then there's that cheat of a Third Seat...
    Urameshi mutters under his breath.

    It's only natural that as soon as you're out of the Academy you favor whichever skill you're best at. Complementary training is meant to make you the best at what you're to be assigned to do. But it's not the ONLY thing you're supposed to use.

    You had a good idea at the start, but poor execution. You also risked too much getting into extreme close combat. I admire the courage with which you rushed in, but that was never in question.

    I actually picked Tsuchigumo as your opponent as a case example of exploitable weaknesses. I can't tell you any more than that because you'll have to fight him again. So think about what his weaknesses are, and what your strengths are. You'll figure it out eventually."
    Last edited by Kuroimaken; 2014-01-31 at 04:20 PM.
    The Void, the Cold Steel, the Just Sword courtesy of Prime32.



    This one's new.

    I met a girl with a really pensive look. I walk up to her, put a fifty cent coin in her hand, "For your thoughts. I know the going rate is supposed to be one, but I figure you play hardball."

    She gave it back, "Keep it. Pretty sure a guy with your charm can find a way to have them for free anyway."

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Bugbear in the Playground
    5a Violista's Avatar

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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Hueco Mundo
    El Sexto Distrito

    Valentina leaves, slightly frustrated. "Not a cat," she tells herself. "They're different."

    She goes around doing things.

    [Soul Society]
    Black Dragon Inn

    "Its importance has no bearing on me missing it or not," he responds.

    Then, to pass a couple minutes, sitting there without Hoshi, he thinks aloud, "You know," he tells himself, (and possibly anyone listening in), "I don't actually see the difference between the two different kinds of arrows. They will both have the same net result, in the end."

    "Anyway," he continues, "I think I should go out for a walk."

    Caeyrn then gets up and leaves the Black Dragon Inn, to see more of the place. He's trying to act as if he's allowed to do so, while staying out of the places where it would be most likely someone would see him.
    Favorite sports:
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  10. - Top - End - #40
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Caeyrn will realize that while he's not kept from relatively less important areas, he's not allowed too far out of the vicinity of the Black Dragon Inn. Noticeably, there's a nearby restaurant, a tailor, and a pottery shop he can visit.

    All in all, he has SOME free reign. But not much.

    At least the restaurant looks like it has some pretty waitresses...
    The Void, the Cold Steel, the Just Sword courtesy of Prime32.



    This one's new.

    I met a girl with a really pensive look. I walk up to her, put a fifty cent coin in her hand, "For your thoughts. I know the going rate is supposed to be one, but I figure you play hardball."

    She gave it back, "Keep it. Pretty sure a guy with your charm can find a way to have them for free anyway."

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    [Soul Society]
    (Underground Prison)

    Momoka begins the steady trickle of equipment down to the cavern by the same afternoon she and Igarashi met with the commander, beginning the diagnostic and planning session of the Dangai 'zone' they would be creating.

    The kido practitioner lights up the area with several floating orbs of light, that burn with a white flame, bathing the research area in a ghostly aura.

    Projections on the completed manifestation are quite optimistic!
    My Homebrew
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    BitP: Reborn² characters!

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Masaru's Mindscape

    She pouts, but it's childish and unnecessary, like much of what she does.

    This is what it means to be 'Izanami-no-Mikoto'. A person who speaks, but never listens. Something that everyone should avoid, because why would you waste words, when there is no communication at all?

    "That's fine too! But I'd prefer it if you listened to me every now and then little wolf, after all you never know!" She grins, but its so empty of anything that its exactly her eyes - a black pool of nothingness that swallows everything it sees. "I might know something you don't~"
    I make avatars. Send me a request.
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    Let's Play: Video Games!
    I suffer from major insomnia, don't be surprised if I'm on at odd hours.

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post
    "We teach a variety of techniques at the Academy for a reason: not everyone develops the same kind of fighting style. Some are more effective than others at direct strikes, others prefer grappling.

    And then there's that cheat of a Third Seat...
    Urameshi mutters under his breath.

    It's only natural that as soon as you're out of the Academy you favor whichever skill you're best at. Complementary training is meant to make you the best at what you're to be assigned to do. But it's not the ONLY thing you're supposed to use.

    You had a good idea at the start, but poor execution. You also risked too much getting into extreme close combat. I admire the courage with which you rushed in, but that was never in question.

    I actually picked Tsuchigumo as your opponent as a case example of exploitable weaknesses. I can't tell you any more than that because you'll have to fight him again. So think about what his weaknesses are, and what your strengths are. You'll figure it out eventually."

    "I certainly hope so," Satoshi responds grimly. "Although...he covers his weaknesses pretty well...It'll take some doing to expose an opening."

    It might not happen right away, but just before Urameshi leaves, Satoshi will ask him, "How did you learn all of this, sensei? Is all this knowledge and ability owed to practice, experience, or...? I guess what I mean to ask much more of this training and conditioning should I expect?" Inwardly, though, he'll think to himself, (Why am I so weak compared to the others...? I'm so sick of being useless...)

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    "Can't give you any more hints than that, boy. I've overstepped my bounds as it is. I just figured I'd check up on you. The advice came free of charge.

    As for your question, though, you're going about it the wrong way."

    Urameshi stood up, getting ready to leave.

    "There's a saying: it takes ten thousand hours of practice to become good at something. The faster the learner, the lesser the number.

    What the saying neglects to mention is that ten hours practiced wanting out is not worth a minute done with true intent to improve. We cannot teach you how to apply the techniques you've been taught, only what they're good for.

    I know my training regimen has been described as 'hellish', to use an euphemism. But would you rather suffer through that, or suffer what you did today?"
    Last edited by Kuroimaken; 2014-02-03 at 04:53 PM.
    The Void, the Cold Steel, the Just Sword courtesy of Prime32.



    This one's new.

    I met a girl with a really pensive look. I walk up to her, put a fifty cent coin in her hand, "For your thoughts. I know the going rate is supposed to be one, but I figure you play hardball."

    She gave it back, "Keep it. Pretty sure a guy with your charm can find a way to have them for free anyway."

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III


    After leaving the Engineering Division's HQ (and presumably delivering the reports one way or the other), Setsurou goes about his way looking for Naijeru. With any luck, he'll be in the Combat Division training grounds.

    He arrives with a number of dumplings on a spit looking for the Acting Captain...
    The Void, the Cold Steel, the Just Sword courtesy of Prime32.



    This one's new.

    I met a girl with a really pensive look. I walk up to her, put a fifty cent coin in her hand, "For your thoughts. I know the going rate is supposed to be one, but I figure you play hardball."

    She gave it back, "Keep it. Pretty sure a guy with your charm can find a way to have them for free anyway."

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Ettin in the Playground
    Draken's Avatar

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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post
    "Duly noted. Your work makes my job easier, by the way."

    Setsurou takes up the piece of paper and takes a brief look at it. It's not like he was expecting a different outcome either.

    "I need to pass along two reports to Ishinomori-san. Any chance they can be delivered via Reiphone somehow? I need to run the specs of this thing by Naijeru, see how he likes the idea."
    "Well. The reiphones can be used to pass messages but nothing that I could in good administrative conscience call a 'report', a personal update at most, nothing with actual documental weight."

    "Here, you can send it from my computer if you want."

    Hideki offers the keyboard and turns the screen around.



  17. - Top - End - #47
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post
    "Can't give you any more hints than that, boy. I've overtstepped my bounds as it is. I just figured I'd check up on you. The advice came free of charge.

    As for your question, though, you're going about it the wrong way."

    Urameshi stood up, getting ready to leave.

    "There's a saying: it takes ten thousand hours of practice to become good at something. The faster the learner, the lesser the number.

    What the saying neglects to mention is that ten hours practiced wanting out is not worth a minute done with true intent to improve. We cannot teach you how to apply the techniques you've been taught, only what they're good for.

    I know my training regimen has been described as 'hellish', to use an euphemism. But would you rather suffer through that, or suffer what you did today?"
    "Wouldn't be much of a test if I knew the answers before hand, I guess." Then, as the instructor turns to leave, "I, uh...I appreciate the visit...Thanks, sensei." Finally, he gets an answer to his question, but it's hardly satisfactory; he certainly wants to benefit from his training, but he still believes himself to be progressing too slowly to measure up to the other Shinigami. (If it ensured my success, I'd go through Makai and back a hundred times,) he laments silently, (but while I'm plodding along with this, our enemies are getting stronger, smarter, and bolder...Time is critical, and I can't help but feel like I'm wasting it...)

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    "Just doing my job, kid.

    And don't rush it. Better take ten years and do it right than take an hour and do it half-assed."

    Urameshi leaves the room.
    The Void, the Cold Steel, the Just Sword courtesy of Prime32.



    This one's new.

    I met a girl with a really pensive look. I walk up to her, put a fifty cent coin in her hand, "For your thoughts. I know the going rate is supposed to be one, but I figure you play hardball."

    She gave it back, "Keep it. Pretty sure a guy with your charm can find a way to have them for free anyway."

  19. - Top - End - #49
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Illinois, USA

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post
    "Just doing my job, kid.

    And don't rush it. Better take ten years and do it right than take an hour and do it half-assed."

    Urameshi leaves the room.
    After watching Urameshi leave, Satoshi flops back on his pillow and releases a heavy sigh. "(That's easier said than done,)" he murmurs. "(What if the things we've been fighting for are gone in those ten years? What would all of this work be worth then...? How can we not rush when time is constantly working against us...?)"

    ((Time-skip OK?))

  20. - Top - End - #50
    Orc in the Playground
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    Apr 2010

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Quote Originally Posted by Draken View Post
    "Well. The reiphones can be used to pass messages but nothing that I could in good administrative conscience call a 'report', a personal update at most, nothing with actual documental weight."

    "Here, you can send it from my computer if you want."

    Hideki offers the keyboard and turns the screen around.
    Setsurou frowned. He pondered how the Vice-Commander was to receive it. Instead, he shrugged and got to typing.

    He was done within two minutes. Two of the most haunting minutes Hideki likely experienced; Setsurou's typing speed was on par with most of his researchers'. For a man so archaic in many ways, it looked like he'd been behind a keyboard for long, long stretches of time. And he certainly didn't spend it surfing the internet.

    "Thanks for all your help. And sorry for the hassle."


    [At the Hospital]

    The nurses discharged Satoshi after an overnight stay. Thankfully, broken bones are nothing to Kaidou. He hadn't been hurt too badly besides - no punctured organs or veins. He'd gotten pretty lucky, all told.

    Skipping ahead to the next day is fine by me.
    Last edited by Kuroimaken; 2014-02-04 at 04:38 PM.
    The Void, the Cold Steel, the Just Sword courtesy of Prime32.



    This one's new.

    I met a girl with a really pensive look. I walk up to her, put a fifty cent coin in her hand, "For your thoughts. I know the going rate is supposed to be one, but I figure you play hardball."

    She gave it back, "Keep it. Pretty sure a guy with your charm can find a way to have them for free anyway."

  21. - Top - End - #51
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    [Soul Society]

    Following the day of the Quincies' arrival and the interrogations of Hazuki Tsubame and Koutetsu Hideki, the two Shinigami receive messages from Headquarters.

    Tsubame will be visited by a researcher from Medicine and Logistics. Apparently, they want to ask her questions regarding her studies with the Quincies. She is given a few hours to process the thought and prepare.

    Hideki is given a message telling him to get to the Commander-General's office. Zheng Li Lin has a task for him.
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
    to grow old and wither and die."

  22. - Top - End - #52
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Soul Society
    Commander-General Office

    It is a good thing that Hideki has so many addons to his personal equipment. He can do his standard work on the move. Not quite as comfortable as working on his desk, of course.

    That means he heads to the headquarter's office as soon as the message comes.

    "General Li, you have a request for me?"



  23. - Top - End - #53
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    The greying general looks up from a stack of papers. ""Ah, Koutetsu-fukutaichou. You are quick as ever." Li's eyes have deep dark bags under them, and the commander's hands seem shaky. Interestingly, the bags have distinct green tinge to them.

    "I have a mission for which I believe you are uniquely suited. You have been a member of both SSI and Reconnassaince, correct? As such, you should be familiar with both Earth operations and SSI personnel roster. Does the name Ruggles Alice ring a bell?"
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
    to grow old and wither and die."

  24. - Top - End - #54
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Illinois, USA

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    [The next day...]

    Satoshi is glad to leave the infirmary the next morning; feelings of stagnation were beginning to creep in before his release from their custody. After performing a few warm-up exercises to ensure he wasn't too stale from his stay, he immediately rushes over to the training facility to report to Urameshi. Upon finding him, he'll ask, "What's the plan today, sensei? Am I fighting Kumo-senpai again, or is there something else?"

  25. - Top - End - #55
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Hideki pauses for a bit.

    "I never worked with Ruggles in the SSI and their mortal world operations were hardly ever informed to Reconnaissance, but after seeing her file I can confirm that I met her before, in my time there. She works primarily in psychology and social engineering, I believe."



  26. - Top - End - #56
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    [Soul Society]
    Holding Cell

    Tsubame agrees to help the researcher, and requests that her notebook be returned in preparation for the questioning.
    Truly awesome Ark Tamaeus avatar by Bryn. Full size version here.

  27. - Top - End - #57
    Orc in the Playground

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    Jun 2010

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorizzit View Post
    [Las Noches]
    District 11

    "Very well. I would like to note that, as a city of several thousand people, a complete tour would take almost an entire day. I...assume that an absence of this length of time would be problematic, yes? Perhaps it would be best for me to show you the highlights rather than give a comprehensive tour."

    He begins lifting districts off.

    "Starting with the purpose based districts, we have the Conversion district where Hollows are transformed into Arrancar, the Science district where experimentation is performed, the farming district, Grand Arena, Art, Education, Philosophy, and Grand Library."
    Tamaki thinks over the options before he picks the one that interests him the most. "Very well then. I would love to see the Grand Library. It should proves very enlightening and educational.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post

    After leaving the Engineering Division's HQ (and presumably delivering the reports one way or the other), Setsurou goes about his way looking for Naijeru. With any luck, he'll be in the Combat Division training grounds.

    He arrives with a number of dumplings on a spit looking for the Acting Captain...
    When Setsurou find Naijeru he is having a good deal of the division men running through Hakuda drills. It looks like they were working on grabs, disarming, and submission maneuvers. Perfect for taking on the criminals in their upcoming mission. Seeing Setsurou come up to them Naijeru gives the hand signal to stop the drills, which the med do gratefully. Most of them have their hands on their knees and are panting heavily from how hard Naijeru has been drilling them. Turning to look at the man would be helping with the operation he said, "Good afternoon Setsurou-san. Is there something I can help you with."
    Last edited by AnimeKid; 2014-02-05 at 12:49 PM.

  28. - Top - End - #58
    Orc in the Playground
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    Apr 2010

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Quote Originally Posted by ImpSyndrome View Post
    [The next day...]

    Satoshi is glad to leave the infirmary the next morning; feelings of stagnation were beginning to creep in before his release from their custody. After performing a few warm-up exercises to ensure he wasn't too stale from his stay, he immediately rushes over to the training facility to report to Urameshi. Upon finding him, he'll ask, "What's the plan today, sensei? Am I fighting Kumo-senpai again, or is there something else?"
    Urameshi perks an eyebrow. "That depends. What makes you think you'll beat him this time?"
    The Void, the Cold Steel, the Just Sword courtesy of Prime32.



    This one's new.

    I met a girl with a really pensive look. I walk up to her, put a fifty cent coin in her hand, "For your thoughts. I know the going rate is supposed to be one, but I figure you play hardball."

    She gave it back, "Keep it. Pretty sure a guy with your charm can find a way to have them for free anyway."

  29. - Top - End - #59
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Illinois, USA

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroimaken View Post
    Urameshi perks an eyebrow. "That depends. What makes you think you'll beat him this time?"
    Satoshi takes a moment to gather his thoughts before responding, "I'm trying not to think that far ahead. I thought about what you said yesterday, and I realized just how dumb I was acting. I knew I couldn't beat Kumo-senpai in a straight fight, but I was in a rush to live up to Setsurou-san's expectations. I'll need more time to develop my Hakuda and learn to use them in tandem with my other abilities, like you said. If Setsurou-san needs to find someone else for his op in the meantime, then so be it. Better that he finds the right person for the job than a half-baked rookie like me.

    he concludes, "to answer your question, sensei...I don't think I can beat him yet."

  30. - Top - End - #60
    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: [BiTPR2] Renewed Revolution: Spirit World III

    "Kid, I want the baby, not the labor pains. But since you put this so colourfully, let me dot some i's for you.

    First of all, if you're training with us, you're in the op. Doesn't matter which capacity, we're going to need all the hands we can get - that's why Setsurou-san snagged you from Recon.

    Second, if you're hoping to go anywhere being a teacher's pet, being a rookie is the least of your problems. You're not gonna beat Tsuchigumo with an attitude geared towards anyone but yourself. In fact, you're not going to beat anyone that's not weaker than you.

    And third, you're still overthinking it and not really doing anything. I don't particularly mind if you decide to try against Tsuchigumo everyday, or if you decide to train your ass off and then try again. But that's not up to me to decide unless I figure either way isn't working. I can only teach you the techniques, not how to use them, remember? From this point on, you decide which path you're gunning for."
    The Void, the Cold Steel, the Just Sword courtesy of Prime32.



    This one's new.

    I met a girl with a really pensive look. I walk up to her, put a fifty cent coin in her hand, "For your thoughts. I know the going rate is supposed to be one, but I figure you play hardball."

    She gave it back, "Keep it. Pretty sure a guy with your charm can find a way to have them for free anyway."

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