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  1. - Top - End - #391
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by Chacmon View Post
    Depends are you planing on coverting anyone to it In my country ?
    If no then i wont stop you at least :p
    Of course not.
    I think converting anyone with LoF majority would be pretty much a suicide mission for me...

    In fact just so people don't feel upset about having their style cramped by my shenanigans, I definitely want to make sure people actually /want/ my religion OOC before I spread it.

    I expect it'll be me, myself and I holding to this faith.
    I go by they/them/their or he/him/his pronouns

  2. - Top - End - #392
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by Rain Dragon View Post
    Of course not.
    I think converting anyone with LoF majority would be pretty much a suicide mission for me...

    In fact just so people don't feel upset about having their style cramped by my shenanigans, I definitely want to make sure people actually /want/ my religion OOC before I spread it.

    I expect it'll be me, myself and I holding to this faith.
    Well, OOC, I say you can do what ever you want with your nation, and as long as it won't hurt mine, that's cool.
    IC, Herzog thinks any sprit worship is sprit worship, and it's all sort of weird, not matter what it focuses on. If you had been LoF, then he might be angry, but pagan is pagan to him.

  3. - Top - End - #393
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by ImperatorV View Post
    ...Morph. The world map is a map of Earth turned upside down and inverted (seas switched with land and land switched with seas). And I think the mountain ranges map to deep sea trenches. You are clever. Do I get bonus points for figuring it out?
    I thought everyone knew and we just weren't going to mention it... I think the Central Sea was called the African Sea a few times before we came up with a proper name for it.

    Hahaha, the Doomkhan is a complicated individual! xD

    Hmm, I like the idea of a polar nation. Pretty cool stuff.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  4. - Top - End - #394
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintonBeck View Post
    I thought everyone knew and we just weren't going to mention it... I think the Central Sea was called the African Sea a few times before we came up with a proper name for it.
    Well, I usually post from my school IPad, which blocks whatever website you guys store images on. I didn't see what the full map looked like until today. I assumed that since no one had mentioned it, no one had noticed, which in retrospect is a really dumb assumption to make, but there you have it.

  5. - Top - End - #395
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    I just noticed that Holy has catfolk. Durpidurp. And my race is a fish/insect/human hybrid. Mega durpidurp. I think I'm gonna force some interacting. This could potentially be hilarious. (I just hope my people wont become catfood xD)
    A swordmaster never backs off, I'll cut you to ribbons with my almighty sabre! CHAOS DANCE!!

    Nyllana OotS Avatar by Lord FullBladder, Master of Goblins!

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  6. - Top - End - #396
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by WaylanderX View Post
    I just noticed that Holy has catfolk. Durpidurp. And my race is a fish/insect/human hybrid. Mega durpidurp. I think I'm gonna force some interacting. This could potentially be hilarious. (I just hope my people wont become catfood xD)
    They're more humanoid than cat honestly. They have cat-like features (ears, tails, eyes) and abilities, but they aren't like furry or fanged or anything.

    But yeah, interaction welcome!
    Last edited by HisHolyAngel; 2014-03-08 at 01:26 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #397
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Region P2, aspi
    LAST UPDATED: Start of round 13 (year 390)

    Population: 57.000 [Original Roll]

    Military: (max. 5 units)

    Religion: Lord of Fire (as Irfrin, not organized)

    [Great] Woolly Mammoth
    [Good] Amber
    (Required) Metals

    Chieftain:Näiyop an Kal (Näiyop the Explorer)
    Diplomacy: 6
    Military: 3
    Curiosity: 10
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 8

    Spoiler: Näiyop an Kal
    Spoiler: Original Stats
    Diplomacy: 2
    Military: 3
    Curiosity: 4
    Faith: 3
    Luck: 4
    [Original Rolls]

    Chieftain Karyan an Nyovu was the the first Storyteller to ever lead the Na'nuk. When his eldest daughter Elina came of age, she underwent the ancient rite of englightenment as is customary. She emerged with the knowledge that her husband and next chieftain would be an explorer. The word spread quickly, and after much contest within the four tribes, each of them had chosen a champion. Näiyop of the Second Tear was once such champion and - together with the other three - recieved the her quest. They were to venture far beyond into the Plains of Frost and bring home any item they deemed worthy and unknown to the Na'nuk. Whoever returned the item the chieftain deemed most notable within 12 moons would become her husband and the next chieftain after Karyans death. The four young men were given the warmest furs, the sharpest spears and as much rations by their tribes as they could carry, and headed into the white. Of the four, only Näiyop returned after 10 moons. The items he brought were acorns, something which no Na'nuk had ever seen. Along with it, he brought stories of a land far beyond the plains to the south, of a land where valleys harbor the lush green of trees even far from any river. The wedding preparations began the next day and the celebrations lasted for a whole moon. The acorns were placed in the ground in front of the chiftains palace. By the time Karyan had died 9 years later, the acorns had sprouted and grown into bushes, straight and not stunted at all. Who knows wether this will last, but it is considered a good omen for the reign of Näiyop the Explorer.

    Näiyop is a quiet, reflective and curious man. Ever since he discovered the green to the south he has longed to return - but he knows that his place is with his people... for now at least. He knows that it was his fate to discover habitable land beyond the plains, but he is deeply unsure about the reasons. He will move forward carefully, but move forward he will. His eldest son Hiykan will soon come of age and undergo the Trial of Enlightenment. By then, the path of the Na'nuk should become clear.

    Spoiler: Heads of state (ages given for year 390)

    • Chieftain Näiyop an Kal (born 333, age 57)
    • Elina an Mikänen (born 331, age 59)
      Näiyop's wife and daughter of the former chieftain Karyan an Nyovu. As such, she wields no political powers and her duties are those of a major domo.
    • Ania an Pajen (born 342, age 48)
      Näiyop's younger sister, educated scholar and advisor to the chieftain. She was recently put in charge of overseeing trade with the South.
    • Hiykan an Nyovu (born 353, age 37)
      Son and first born child of Näiyop and Elina. Hiykan's wife Imnaya will be the next chieftainess of Wenyavuk.
    • Imnaya an Pajen (born 363, age 27)
      Wife of Hiykan's and next in line for the position of chieftainess of Wenyavuk. Won the Quest of Enlightenment and thereby Hiykan's hand by inventing ice sailing vessels based on designs of southern ships.

    Spoiler: Current trades and treaties
    • Imports timber from Nyroth (Ignato) for amber
    • Imports cotton from Kasumor (Hurosha) for amber
    • Imports fruit from The Jewelled Cities for mammoths
    • Imports steel from Gunung for woolly fur
    • Imports bronze from Elbaraz (Razdis) for amber
    • Imports mithril from Razdis for mammoths
    • Imports honeyvombs from Lyradis for mammoths
    Available resources:
    • [2] Woolly Mammoth (Fur, Ivory)
    • Polar peace pact
      Treaty of mutual non-aggression and spiritual exchange with Gunung
    • Pax Varinel
      Treaty of mutually assured non-aggression with the Heartwaste

    Region Details

    Spoiler: Terrain
    The terrain in the north is harsh, inhospitable and dominated by ice and snow. Only a few locations proved to be habitable, the rest is a desolate wasteland.
    • The Plains of Frost Almost all of Wenyavuk is covered in ice, and snowstorms often rage across its surface, turning it into an inhospitable desert that only experienced hunters dare enter. It stretches for hundreds of miles around the habitable regions and until recently, the Na'nuk believed it to cover the entrie world. It is not entirely devoid of life, as the massive wooly beasts of the north such as mammoths, sabretooth tigers and rhinos roam the Plains. Their hide and sturdy bones are the materials from which most items are crafted.
    • Tears of the Sun The Tears of the Sun are three basins within the sheltered valley of the river Wyaskovai. Within each of them, a multitude of warm and hot springs can be found, that heat the ground enough for simple crops to be grown during summer. The warm water feeds the river and enables the growth of stunted vegetation along its course. It is here that the herbivore beasts come to graze, and the Na'nuk to hunt them.
    • Irfrin's Cauldron Irfrin's Cauldron is the lake at the end of river Wyaskovai, which has no natural discharge. It is much deeper than it is wide and its waters never freeze, although they turn cold during winter. Over half the Na'nuk live among its shore in small settlements, and most of them put out in small canoos each day to fish. Of the two islands in the center, one harbors the only forest in all of Wenyavuk. On the other lies the stone tent of the Chieftain of the four tribes.

    Spoiler: People
    The people of Wenyavuk - the Eternal Plains of Ice - call themselves Na'nuk, which means 'The Sheltered'. They are humans of medium height and wiry stature, as food is scarce and life is rough in the north. Their skin is darker than snow yet fairer than sand, but the hair is entirely black and smooth. Four known tribes exist, one living in each Tear of the Sun and one at Irfrin's Cauldron. Each of them is led by a chief or elder, which is selected by different means in each of the tribes. All tribes togther are governed by the chieftain, which is always the spouse of the old chieftains eldest heir. When an heir comes to age, he undergoes the Rite of Enlightenment, in which he is aided by the mystics of Irfrin. At the end of the rite, the heir will have learned a quest their prospective husband will have to fulfill. Each tribe may select a champion to attempt the quest and the victor then has the duty to marry the heir and prepare to become chiftain once the old chiftain dies. This system is not without flaws but it has kept conflict from the tribes for many generations and life is precious in the north.

    The warmth of the springs and the lake supports some vegetation and even the growing of crops during summer. The crop is meager however, so only indispensable plants are grown, such as medicinal herbs and spices. Most of the food comes from the river and the hunt, making fisher and hunter the most common profession among the Na'nuk. In addition to meat, hunters provide their communities with wooly hide and bones from their prey. The hide is especially warm and used by artisans to fashion both clothing and shelter. The bones are used as a substitute for wood - which is not available in large quantities - in the creation of weapons, tools and rarely armor. Gold and silver is sometimes found along the river and used to make trinkets from amber, yet workable metal for tools is rare and hard to come by, as the ground outside of the habitable areas is mostly frozen. What little copper and bronze is available, is forged atop volcanic vents by the mystics of Irfrin. Where possible, obsidian is used instead for weapons and tools. Habitation differs from family to family, those that are more wealthy often live in brick housings or sophisticated tents made from fur and bone natural and warmed by elaborate heating systems, while less fortunate families inhabit converted caves warmed by springs.

    The Na'nuk are generally peaceful people, and while they are no strangers to conflict - as much of their life is a struggle with nature - they only know about war from ancient tales, since the tribes have coexisted for many generations. There are frequent rivalries between families or tribes, but as the saying goes: when the snow rages, no one is left in the cold.

    Spoiler: Resources
    The giant wooly beasts of the plains serve two purposes to the Na'nuk. Their bones are sturdier than wood and large enough to fashion tools, spears and even armor from them. The true value however lies in their woolly hide, which is thick and warming, yet soft an malleable, keeping the Na'nuk warm during winter and whenever they venture into the plains. Recently, the Na'nuk have undertaken efforts of domesticating the woolly mammoth.

    As the waters of Irfrin's Cauldron cool in the frigid air of the north, its warmth is not surrendered freely to air, yet crystallizes in chunks of amber that float atop the lakes surface. Their color ranges from the golden shimmer of the sun to the deepest red of embers. It is collected by the mystics of Irfrin and used for carving holy symbols, talismans and is sometimes burnt as incense during festive rituals. Pieces the size of a thumb are common enough for all Na'nuk to possess one, while those as big as a head are valued commodities by the temple. Chunks the size of an arm are finds of a lifetime. Inclusions in the amber are uncommon but can be found, most of them are small crustaceans or conchs.

    With most of the land frozen solid and covered in layers of ice and snow, mining is nearly impossible and metal is almost unheard of. The lack of sunlight leaves trees shunted in growth, which seldomly reach more than 3 or 4 yards in height even after growing for generations. This makes fuel such as wood and coal a valued commodity, and fruit a luxury item.

    Spoiler: Religion
    The world as the Na'nuk know it was born in snow and ice. As it lay in the vast nothingness a thousand generations ago, it was found by Irfrin, the god of light, fire and warmth. As he turned his blazing eyes upon the world, the snow and ice gleamed so fiercely, that even Irfrin was blinded for a moment. As he blinked, three tears fell from his eyes and hit the world. Where they struck, ice melted and snow evaporated, and they burned deep into the ground, from where they radiate their warmth to the surface. Ever since then, Irfrin has been careful to not look at the world to closely and at times even avoids doing so at all for more than a full moon. But the fire of his tears burns ever so brightly, giving life to the Na'nuk. The three spots where his tears are buried are refered to as Tears of the Sun, and their presence is the only reason that life is at all possible. Far from the tears however, in the night and under the cover of storms, lurk the creatures that welcome the cold. First among them Syivine the Snowtiger, who will turn the world to ice again if Irfrin ever turns his gaze away completely.

    As wood is rare in Wenyavuk and hot springs are abundant, fire is rarely used outside of religious ceremonies. During the two long winter moons when the sun never rises completely, a fire is kept burning at each temple. Actively extinguishing such a fire, for whatever reason, is a grave offense and the punishment is exile to the ice. Religious ceremonies are conducted by the mystics, a small group of Na'nuk that are dedicated to spiritual matters. Individual mystics are usually beholden to the chief of their tribe.

    In recent years, due to contact with the outside world, the close similarities between Irfrin and the Lord of Fire have been discovered. While most Na'nuk believe them to be one and the same, old customs prevail and faith is still the domain of the mystics. While some customs from the South have been adapted, religion in Wenyavuk remains unorganized.

    Spoiler: Technologies
    Ice sailing, Mithril-forging, Ocean-faring Ships

    Spoiler: Infrastructure and Projects
    • Trade route (minor project)
      A trade route to the south that allows relatively safe travel through the ice plains. A large trading station at the south end serves as port for all wares and visitors that enter or leave Wenyavuk.
    • The Arctic Institute (major project)
      As Wenyavuk's first academic institution, it is focused on the research of survival in the polar environment, artic resources and the northern sky.

    Spoiler: Rules of Succession
    When the eldest child of the chieftain comes of age, he or she undergoes the Rite of Enlightenment, in which the trial is revealed that the new chieftain has to pass. Any recognized tribe of the Na'Nuk may select a champion to face the trial. The victor is selected as spouse of the eldest child and becomes chieftain after the current chieftain passes on or resigns.

    In the event that a chieftain dies before his eldest child is married, his spouse undergoes a second Trial of Enlightenment to determine the new chieftain (and eldest child's spouse) by trial. Such a trial never takes longer than the time from one winter to the next and the tribes are led by the deceased chieftains spouse during this period.

    The is a long list of rules that are passed down from generation to generation to handle cases where a chieftain has no children, or they die prematurely. They are not written down and in the rare cases when they had to be used, long debates were held between the tribes. In these cases, the solution varies, but it always boils down to a trial where a champion from every tribe competes in a task that seems most fitting to the challenges of the years to come.

    Spoiler: Former influential people
    • Inaun an Vekal (born 321, died 381)
      Mystic of Irfrin and advisor to the chieftain, a function which he already held under the previous chieftain. While there is no clerical hierarchy in Wenyavuk, the mystic that occupies his post is generally regarded to be the most influential religious scholar. Died in the fire caused by the Ritual at the Second Grand Ball.
    • Bekya (born 357)
      Daughter and second child of Näiyop and Elina. Married to Liam of Lyradis, Queen of the Serendil Empire.

    Last edited by aspi; 2014-04-28 at 04:23 AM.

  8. - Top - End - #398
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Oooooo a religion of a god of firey stuff, with an enemy of ice who risks bringing the world to an eternal winter. My goddess is going to bring the world to an eternal winter. Connection?

  9. - Top - End - #399
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by HisHolyAngel View Post
    Oooooo a religion of a god of firey stuff, with an enemy of ice who risks bringing the world to an eternal winter. My goddess is going to bring the world to an eternal winter. Connection?
    You keep bringing up trying to bring about the winter-y apocalypse like it isn't some evil plot to be stopped... haha

    I like the looks of your region aspi, and while I really dig your religion fluff I don't know if you can have any organized religion that isn't Lord of Fire to start out with. It's pretty good stuff though so maybe Morph can frame it in a way where you can keep it.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  10. - Top - End - #400
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by HisHolyAngel View Post
    Oooooo a religion of a god of firey stuff, with an enemy of ice who risks bringing the world to an eternal winter. My goddess is going to bring the world to an eternal winter. Connection?
    Who knows? The names sure sound kind of similar...

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintonBeck View Post
    I like the looks of your region aspi, and while I really dig your religion fluff I don't know if you can have any organized religion that isn't Lord of Fire to start out with. It's pretty good stuff though so maybe Morph can frame it in a way where you can keep it.
    Thanks! The idea is to pretty much have them worship the Lord of Fire in their own way since they have been isolated for a long time... and I haven't had time to read everything yet. Getting to know the world as my people get to know it is very helpful to me here.

    I don't have anything really organized planned on the religous side, the necessity for warmth and deification of fire just fits for these guys. If it's too far out I'll gladly adjust it more to towards spiritism (fire spirits) to fit better.

  11. - Top - End - #401
    Orc in the Playground
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuintonBeck View Post
    You keep bringing up trying to bring about the winter-y apocalypse like it isn't some evil plot to be stopped... haha
    Nothing evil about it. You just gotta convert and you'll live happily ever after.

  12. - Top - End - #402
    Ettin in the Playground
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    You lost the game.

    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by ImperatorV View Post
    ...Morph. The world map is a map of Earth turned upside down and inverted (seas switched with land and land switched with seas). And I think the mountain ranges map to deep sea trenches. You are clever. Do I get bonus points for figuring it out?
    Quote Originally Posted by WaylanderX View Post
    You're certainly not the only one mate ;P. But I think everyone that figures it out getz +1 internetz.
    It got pointed out to me ages ago, back on the first thread... but yes, internetz.

    Quote Originally Posted by WaylanderX View Post
    I just noticed that Holy has catfolk. Durpidurp. And my race is a fish/insect/human hybrid. Mega durpidurp. I think I'm gonna force some interacting. This could potentially be hilarious. (I just hope my people wont become catfood xD)
    Wait... your race is a what-now? I mean, I know about the flying lady (still can't get over her, sheesh), but I didn't know that was your *whole* nation.

    Quote Originally Posted by HisHolyAngel View Post
    Nothing evil about it. You just gotta convert and you'll live happily ever after.
    And that was totally not a threat at all.
    James/TheDoge Avatar by Ceika!


    Quote Originally Posted by TravelLog View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SamBurke View Post
    *snip* ...Hands down the funniest class critique ever... *snip*
    I cannot tell you the number of times I laughed while reading this.

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  13. - Top - End - #403
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Looks good Aspi , note that you're only requierd to have one requierd resource. Although I gues more is ok if thats what you want ?

  14. - Top - End - #404
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by HisHolyAngel View Post
    Nothing evil about it. You just gotta convert and you'll live happily ever after.
    Yeah, not evil at all...

    EDIT: Also, the current military arrangements are all updated as of now to the best of my knowledge so barring any sudden slide ins and how tech works (I know I have Kasumorian Insects but Idk how we determine how many units have what and if it even matters if more units have them or not so I'll leave that to Morph) In any event, should be giving a rough approximation of things.
    Last edited by QuintonBeck; 2014-03-08 at 04:31 PM.


    Amazing Avatar by Qwernt! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornaki View Post
    The whole world is held aloft by a dragon.

    That dragon? Held aloft by a bigger dragon.

    It's dragons all the way up
    Beat the bejesus out of a Paladin

  15. - Top - End - #405
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by QuintonBeck View Post
    Yeah, not evil at all...

    EDIT: Also, the current military arrangements are all updated as of now to the best of my knowledge so barring any sudden slide ins and how tech works (I know I have Kasumorian Insects but Idk how we determine how many units have what and if it even matters if more units have them or not so I'll leave that to Morph) In any event, should be giving a rough approximation of things.
    I'm not saying you have anything to worry about, I'm just saying, I captured an Articuno.

  16. - Top - End - #406
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Well, looks like all the fluff is in. Go Na'nuk!

    Now how do I go about getting some people? 10000 + 3d10 x 1000 seems kind of a lot compared to the other polar regions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chacmon View Post
    Looks good Aspi , note that you're only requierd to have one requierd resource. Although I gues more is ok if thats what you want ?
    Well, fruit is somewhat optional as per fluff text but needing more and having less is kind of the point of living in the arctic, isn't it?

  17. - Top - End - #407
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by SamBurke View Post
    It got pointed out to me ages ago, back on the first thread... but yes, internetz.

    Wait... your race is a what-now? I mean, I know about the flying lady (still can't get over her, sheesh), but I didn't know that was your *whole* nation.

    And that was totally not a threat at all.
    All Kasumori have a chance of having Cloudiz characteristics. Males have a 30% chance per Cloudiz feature to be born with. Females have a 50% chance per feature. There are 3 Cloudiz features in total, fish tail, gils and insect wings. You do the math :P
    Last edited by WaylanderX; 2014-03-08 at 05:16 PM.
    A swordmaster never backs off, I'll cut you to ribbons with my almighty sabre! CHAOS DANCE!!

    Nyllana OotS Avatar by Lord FullBladder, Master of Goblins!

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by WaylanderX View Post
    All Kasumori have a chance of having Cloudiz characteristics. Males have a 30% chance per Cloudiz feature to be born with. Females have a 50% chance per feature. There are 3 Cloudiz features in total, fish tail, gils and insect wings. You do the math :P
    And one of them married into a bloodline that has a greater tendency for webbed digits. Fun times!
    Quote Originally Posted by bosssmiley View Post
    You altruistic weirdo you!
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  19. - Top - End - #409
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by WaylanderX View Post
    All Kasumori have a chance of having Cloudiz characteristics. Males have a 30% chance per Cloudiz feature to be born with. Females have a 50% chance per feature. There are 3 Cloudiz features in total, fish tail, gils and insect wings. You do the math :P
    1 Feat: 30%
    2 Feat: 9%
    3 Feat: 2.7%

    1 Feat: 50%
    2 Feat: 25%
    3 Feat: 12.5%

    Population: 39,000
    Presumabely even 50/50 Mix of male to female.
    19,500 Males, 19,500 Females.

    9,750 Females have atleast 1 Feature, 4,875 Females have 2 features, 2,438 have 3 features.
    5,850 Males have 1 feature, 1,755 Males have 2 features, and 244 Males have 3 features.


    Edit: MORE MATH!

    Regular Males: 13,650
    Regular Females: 9,750
    Regular Population: 23,400
    Special Gene Active Population: 15,600
    Last edited by Tychris1; 2014-03-08 at 05:35 PM.
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  20. - Top - End - #410
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by Tychris1 View Post
    1 Feat: 30%
    2 Feat: 9%
    3 Feat: 2.7%

    1 Feat: 50%
    2 Feat: 25%
    3 Feat: 12.5%

    Population: 39,000
    Presumabely even 50/50 Mix of male to female.
    19,500 Males, 19,500 Females.

    9,750 Females have atleast 1 Feature, 4,875 Females have 2 features, 2,438 have 3 features.
    5,850 Males have 1 feature, 1,755 Males have 2 features, and 244 Males have 3 features.


    Edit: MORE MATH!

    Regular Males: 13,650
    Regular Females: 9,750
    Regular Population: 23,400
    Special Gene Active Population: 15,600
    If I understood him correctly, there's a 30% chance rolled *each* time, so 30%x3 for the men, 50% three times of the women having a gene mod.
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    Quote Originally Posted by TravelLog View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SamBurke View Post
    *snip* ...Hands down the funniest class critique ever... *snip*
    I cannot tell you the number of times I laughed while reading this.

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  21. - Top - End - #411
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    Quote Originally Posted by WaylanderX View Post
    (I just hope my people wont become catfood xD)
    If this is going to happen then... I can't say I'm going to be able to stop them through my gales of laughter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arutha View Post
    IC, Herzog thinks any sprit worship is sprit worship, and it's all sort of weird, not matter what it focuses on.
    Well... A race of nocturnal people whom are going to be worshipping... Something not fire...

    ...I don't think Herzog is going to be happy about it. I don't think he'll continue to think it weird though that's very likely as well, he may even start to think it warrants Holy War.

    Quote Originally Posted by aspi View Post
    Well, looks like all the fluff is in. Go Na'nuk!
    Th... There are /people/ in the Frozen Wastes??

    Quote Originally Posted by Tychris1 View Post

    Edit: MORE MATH!
    Mmm... Math... Either way, almost one in three having something fishy about them? Mmm...
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  22. - Top - End - #412
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rain Dragon View Post
    Well... A race of nocturnal people whom are going to be worshipping... Something not fire...

    ...I don't think Herzog is going to be happy about it. I don't think he'll continue to think it weird though that's very likely as well, he may even start to think it warrants Holy War.
    Isn't this a descriptor of Sycians?

  23. - Top - End - #413
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by SamBurke View Post
    If I understood him correctly, there's a 30% chance rolled *each* time, so 30%x3 for the men, 50% three times of the women having a gene mod.
    .3 times .3 (So two features)= 0.09
    .3 X .3 X .3= 0.027

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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by HisHolyAngel View Post
    Isn't this a descriptor of Sycians?
    Yeah but you're not Pryonia's neighbour and ally... Do your people believe fire and bright light to be evil and chaotic?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rain Dragon View Post
    Yeah but you're not Pryonia's neighbour and ally... Do your people believe fire and bright light to be evil and chaotic?
    Well no...

  26. - Top - End - #416
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by Tychris1 View Post
    .3 times .3 (So two features)= 0.09
    .3 X .3 X .3= 0.027

    You're talking about the likelihood of having all three, I'm talking about the likelihood of having just one.

    All Kasumori have a chance of having Cloudiz characteristics. Males have a 30% chance per Cloudiz feature to be born with. Females have a 50% chance per feature. There are 3 Cloudiz features in total, fish tail, gils and insect wings. You do the math :P
    He said PER feature. Meaning that 30% have X, 30% have Y, and 30% have Z.
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    Quote Originally Posted by TravelLog View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SamBurke View Post
    *snip* ...Hands down the funniest class critique ever... *snip*
    I cannot tell you the number of times I laughed while reading this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HisHolyAngel View Post
    Well no...
    You sir are less doomed than I...!

    This is what I get for having ideas before the game goes into full swing...
    I go by they/them/their or he/him/his pronouns

  28. - Top - End - #418
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by aspi View Post
    Well, looks like all the fluff is in. Go Na'nuk!

    Now how do I go about getting some people? 10000 + 3d10 x 1000 seems kind of a lot compared to the other polar regions?

    Well, fruit is somewhat optional as per fluff text but needing more and having less is kind of the point of living in the arctic, isn't it?
    The religion stuff is completely fine. At this point I think I might as well remove the fluff requirement I put in the OP limiting religions to a small group of stuff or Lord of Fire. Cool stuff you wrote up there.

    On population, I haven't yet really previously decided on something particular for polar regions. I figure 10 plus 1d10 times a thousand would fit?

    Also, you only need to put down one of those imports as a mechanical necessity for the game. The others you can put down purely for the fluff and work on in trade agreements to get.

    As to Tychris' math, I think it largely checks out, but not for his numbers for the total population that have at least one feature. At least not if each feature is decided independently of one another.
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by Rain Dragon View Post
    You sir are less doomed than I...!

    This is what I get for having ideas before the game goes into full swing...
    Always time to join a certain religion!

  30. - Top - End - #420
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! Community World-Building Game III: Prepare Your Inbox! (Messages Are Comi

    Quote Originally Posted by Tychris1 View Post
    1 Feat: 30%
    2 Feat: 9%
    3 Feat: 2.7%

    1 Feat: 50%
    2 Feat: 25%
    3 Feat: 12.5%

    Population: 39,000
    Presumabely even 50/50 Mix of male to female.
    19,500 Males, 19,500 Females.

    9,750 Females have atleast 1 Feature, 4,875 Females have 2 features, 2,438 have 3 features.
    5,850 Males have 1 feature, 1,755 Males have 2 features, and 244 Males have 3 features.


    Edit: MORE MATH!

    Regular Males: 13,650
    Regular Females: 9,750
    Regular Population: 23,400
    Special Gene Active Population: 15,600
    Wow...Damn tychris, you got da math. However, the population breakup in your second edit is not correct (I think). According to my math:

    87.5% of all females have at least 1 feature.

    Special Females: 17.063 (9750 1 feature, 4875 2 features, 2438 3 features)
    Regular Females: 1938

    41,7% of all males have 1 or more features

    Special Males: 8131 (5850 1 feature, 1755 2 feature, 526 3 features)
    Regular Males: 10.869

    So this is the breakup of the population of my math.
    Please tell me if I missed something.
    Btw Tychris, may I link your Math post in my country description?
    Last edited by WaylanderX; 2014-03-08 at 06:04 PM.
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