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  1. - Top - End - #211
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    Zarus just puts his right hand up to his face, and massages his temples. The very stupidity of the act he'd just witnessed put him off. But why. What drove someone to go, provoke a trap that was clearly stated to be a bloody trap? And then the cleric comes around in the usual daft manner clerics come around, and then claims that it happens to be a blessing. Perhaps whoever chose these people as what ever they were supposed to be was wrong.

    Zarus walked forward, putting his hand down, and beckons that he is ready to move on in, his mind still aching from the previous acts.


    Will save to not go insane, slowly

    DC 15



    Last edited by TachyonBlade; 2014-08-09 at 06:56 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #212
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    Alex just sighs as he watches the mages rather studiously ignore him. It was amazing that such self proclaimed intelligence could abandon them so quickly at the chance to examine anything even relatively unusual. He stands off to the side watching, eying the gold himself, but not making a move for it. Better not to set off any more traps than necessary.

    And then Bo touches the door even after being told not to and nearly fries himself.

    Alex groans. "ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID?" He just shakes his head and walks over. "He's not alive because some cloud-walking thing says it's so. He's alive because this magic is extremely old and it's probably very weak. You saw the state the golem was in." He groans. "Clerics. Good grief." He picks up Bo off the floor. "Are you ok, moron?"

  3. - Top - End - #213
    Titan in the Playground
    Chimaera's Avatar

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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    "I can understand that in a world full of monsters and evil one may lose hope. But you're not abandoned, be sure of that", Erik tell him before adding, "I take your relationship with Heironeous isnt the best, maybe we could talk about after this whole thing is over. There's no darkness that wont dissapear at the sight of a new dawn".

    Spoiler: OOC
    Have I told you all Erik is going to be fun?
    Ruven Feathers, tengu opportunist with a keen eye for gold and an accute scent for death.

  4. - Top - End - #214
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    Zarus felt a glimmer of hope in the rest of the party, all of a sudden. "For the first time, I am in total agreement with you, Alex. But you know what? Ignore all of that. Let them do as they do, and leave them be. I have no words to say to the whole debacle. Lets just get on with it, and find out how to open this door properly, without getting hella zapped." he said, as he stepped around the door to the other side of the room.
    Last edited by TachyonBlade; 2014-08-10 at 01:58 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #215
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    "Hey, hey, hey," Cecil adds, doubling over in laugher. "Bo, you almost had it! Try again, maybe second time's the charm, ya?" He nods to direct the group towards the only direction this room allows safe travel: up the stairs, scoffing as he does so, "Seriously, why would someone put the key right next to the door? Defeats the, the, the whole purpose Bo."
    Last edited by Hefty Lefty; 2014-08-10 at 02:27 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #216
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    "You can keep your crazy talk to yourself Erik." Alex says, brushing off his attempts. He gives Zarus a look. "I'm no good at dealing with magic. Never bothered to learn. Doubt I'd be much help."

  7. - Top - End - #217
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    "The worst blind is those that dont want to see", Erik say and look at the stairway, "LEt's keep moving"
    Ruven Feathers, tengu opportunist with a keen eye for gold and an accute scent for death.

  8. - Top - End - #218
    Barbarian in the Playground
    bryn0528's Avatar

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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    Bo sat up, slightly cross-eyed. He wondered idly about a curious smell which vexed him.. key-lime pie? Bo heard voices like underwater, and it took him a few moments to decipher them. "Wow, you should really try that sometime. It might dislodge the large, irregularly shaped branch you share between your anuses; Zarus, Alex." Bo allowed himself a snicker. "Cecil, are you so dense as to have not figured out exactly where we are? This is a place of your white, southern gods. This is a temple. I figured maybe a little show of faith would.. ah.. open the way."

    Spoiler: reflex roll?
    Not sure if I still needed this.. but just in case.

  9. - Top - End - #219
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    "And he remained faithful, cant you see?", Erik say and then put the hand on Bo's shoulder, " Im proud of you son".
    Ruven Feathers, tengu opportunist with a keen eye for gold and an accute scent for death.

  10. - Top - End - #220
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    Bo carefully pried Erik's fingers from his own shoulder in a mixture of ceremony and growing disgust. His smile is genuine, although pained. "I am sorry, but I don't recall you sitting at the dinner table after a long day's work on the barges," Bo politely returned Erik's hand. "Thank you for the kindness, Friend. But I would rather you not." With no more to add, Bo moved to the staircase, using the light from the, unfortunately non-lightning resistant, stone to illuminate the passage upwards. He did not, however, ascend. "So.. ah.. who wants to go first?" He chuckled nervously.

    Been having a few connectivity issues, so forgive me if I can't be on as much as I like, in the future.

  11. - Top - End - #221
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    "Ignore them, they dont know hiw it is to reach such level of enlightment", Erik says to Bo, " Do you feel enlightned?"
    Ruven Feathers, tengu opportunist with a keen eye for gold and an accute scent for death.

  12. - Top - End - #222
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    After now two near run-ins with death, the five of you head up the only other route: the stairs. At the top appears to be a trapdoor. The first one up there gives it a gentle push, and looks around.

    @Whoever opens the door: Above the trapdoor appears to be part of the grave site. The door opens into a quiet, currently empty room filled with pews and lit candles, around many stone coffins. In fact, you realize that you're poking out of one. The trapdoor seems to be the lid of a coffin, that presumably hasn't been opened since its creation.

    Who took what of the gold and gems?
    Quote Originally Posted by herodofcows View Post
    It is the ultimate in pseudo-pubescent manly bonding experiences. If you are good at pins 'n' rims, you are good at life.

  13. - Top - End - #223
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    Alex looks out from the trap door. "It's some kind of... tomb? It's very strange." He pushes open the lid the rest of the way. "Seems to be empty though. I wonder how long it's been since anyone's been in here." He climbs up and out into the room, keeping his guard up.


    I imagine that Alex is among the strongest, so I guess he'll pack it all around?

  14. - Top - End - #224
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    Coming out from the coffin, Erik make a small prayer and conjure light on his holy symbol: the mighty hand of Heironeous gripping a golden lightning.

    "I wonder if there are more stairways in the other caskets... But let's take a look around before opening them", he says holding the symbol to iluminate the area.
    Ruven Feathers, tengu opportunist with a keen eye for gold and an accute scent for death.

  15. - Top - End - #225
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    Cecil climbs out of the tomb third and starts looking around with the rest. "That's a good idea..." he meanders around the coffins, inspecting every hinge and board for details of irregular mechinery. "But before I go wake up some ghoulies, oh cleric of ours, how 'bout you ask Heironeous to clear this room of the living dead?"

    Spoiler: Rolls and Actions
    Knowledge Dungeoneering (1d20+8)[18]

  16. - Top - End - #226
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    "Being a mere mortal, I cant do that at will. So I better wait for one of them to appear for me to turn them with Heironeous' shinning holy aura", Erik tells Cecil, "Also, they have to be able to see my symbol to be turned", he add lower, "But I'll be ready if they chose to show their ugly faces around".

    Spoiler: Ready Action
    Turn Undead if any undead show us its ugly faces.
    (1d20+3)[4] Natura 1 can turn undeads with -1 hd or lower
    Last edited by Chimaera; 2014-08-13 at 01:45 PM.
    Ruven Feathers, tengu opportunist with a keen eye for gold and an accute scent for death.

  17. - Top - End - #227
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Age of Ascension: IC 1

    Bo filed into the room and spoke to Alex. "Unless these candles are magical in nature, I would offer to say that someone or something has been here very recently." Bo walked the room and examined the pews. "Does anyone else have the creeping sensation that we have stumbled into the midst of some cult's worshipping grounds? This all feels very cult-y to me."

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