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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Titan in the Playground
    AmberVael's Avatar

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    Default Demon Emperor's Legacy I: Ascension

    Chill winds blew across the desolate wastelands of Arbuda, sweeping down from the snow capped mountains at the edges of the world and over its vast reaches of frost-bound tundra, sparing none the icy sting of winter. Streams of blue and green coldfire were borne up by the winds and mixed within the darkening clouds, casting an eerie radiance upon the overshadowed landscapes that heralded the coming of a storm that made even the most hardy and inured of the native demons seek the shelter and warmth of civilization. There was little enough of it- Arbuda was not the most beloved of the Empire's territories, and so the light of its settlements were few and scattered wide, fortresses built to guard over land populated only by wraiths, beasts, and the soldiers stationed to it.

    Yet, in spite of all this, the city Hima was an important asset to the Empire. Though not the capital of Arbuda, Hima was the most profitable and beautiful city to be found on the plane, its walls of white stone and unmelting ice standing proud over the bleak tundra. A haven for eccentric and reclusive artists, every bit of the city showed the mark of its inhabitants- statues of its rulers and influential citizens rose among delicate gardens tended by carefully worked artificial fonts, and every inch of its walls were covered in engraved friezes. However, the triumph of Hima is in a single feature that overshadows all others: the arena. A monumental octagonal structure in the northernmost part of the city, the amphitheater has slaked the violent passions of its citizens for centuries.

    It seems those passions ran deeper than was known- suspicions of disloyalty voiced in the imperial court lead to an inquiry of Weyli, the noble who had been awarded Hima and its territory ages past for his deeds in time of war. In retaliation, the noble brutally executed the investigating officials and openly declared for Tiamat. This traitorous act came as a shock to many, for Weyli’s history with the empire is long, if not particularly notable.

    For you, this is an opportunity. Weyli is isolated in Empire territory, and Hima is a prize worth taking. Crimson’s army is occupied elsewhere, and Hima is far from her and her allies. You can claim it for yourselves in the name of the Empire, and take your first step along the road to the throne.

    Akal, Erizat, Fainaru

    The gate of the outer wall crumbled, slowly settling to the ground as it fell to Fainaru’s focused might. Manned by only a few soldiers and designed more as deterrent than defense, the wall was never going to prove a barrier to likes of you. The real challenges would be found later on at the inner walls and the keep. For now, however, the way into Hima was open, the gaping hole in the outer wall leaving a wide entrance to the city streets.

    Just beyond the wall was a marketplace, stalls and stone buildings all clustered around the main street near the gate. Chaos ruled here- Reya and Xeizi had dealt with the watchman, insuring that the falling walls would be the first sign of attack. Demons that had moments ago been hawking wares or haggling prices now found themselves suddenly confronted with an invasion, and their reactions were disorganized and wild. Many simply vanished, fleeing while they had the chance, while others began gathering up merchandise as swiftly as they could, and still others turned and ran through the streets. Resistance was minimal- the few that fought were dealt with swiftly, and the invading force easily started to pour through the wall.

    Once the assault was started though, secrecy could not reasonably be maintained. Indeed, not all of their allies were even through the gap when the first sign of trouble appeared. The glinting spearheads of Hima’s soldiers showed over the heads of milling demons as a patrol came to investigate the cause of the disturbance. It was hard to make them out between the intervening stalls, demons, and the weather, but it didn’t look like more than a dozen- of course, there were plenty of things a dozen soldiers could do to make trouble for them, including passing along the exact details of what was happening at the inner wall. Better to keep everyone in the dark as long as possible…

    There’s a group of soldiers maybe 80ft away from you, coming down the main street of Hima. The street is about 20ft wide, but due to the clustered stalls or the marketplace only about 15ft of its width is clear. There are quite a few civilians between you and the soldiers, though an increasing number are clearing out of the way. Only a handful of your gathered undead and allied demons are through the wall with you.

    Post your first actions, and assume your initiative count is higher than that of the soldiers.

    Reya, Xeizi

    Compared to the outer walls they had so recently passed through, the inner walls were a far more imposing obstacle. The top of the wall was far above their heads and its many towers were raised still higher, its many watchmen given a vantage point difficult to assault from the ground, yet well prepared against aerial attacks as well between the tower crennelation and the trained shieldbearers protecting its archers. Its obvious weakpoint from the ground was the gatehouse, but that was covered directly by four towers dedicated to it alone, not to mention the others nearby- and the portcullis gate thick and already shut when they arrived. Unless they wanted a protracted assault on the walls, they’d need to find another way in.

    For the moment the two were taking shelter in the shadows of the buildings nearest to the inner walls, which weren’t exactly close. There was a wide gap, an empty space before the walls that denied cover to anyone who might want to attack- and that defined the full reach of the wardstone that protected the keep from unwanted intrusion. For the two of them it wouldn’t be difficult to cross unseen and unchallenged, but the others wouldn’t find it quite as easy.

    They only had limited time before their allies caught up- only a short time to either find a weak point to exploit, or to make that weak point for them. At the moment there was nothing that obviously showed, but it was logical for the gate’s defense to be impeccable. Of course, if they could raise the portcullis and lose some of its defenders it would be a prime entrance point, but it would be the most difficult point for Reya and Xeizi to work. It also seemed possible that with the wardstone blocking escape through teleportation, there might be a more mundane escape route to and from the keep that they could exploit, but they’d have to find it first- if it existed, it probably exited into one of the city’s other buildings, where it would be easiest to hide. There might also be some other weakness that they could discover if they explored the rest of the walls, but that would take time- time that would be wasted if they found nothing.

    Reya and Xeizi want to get the assault group a path into the keep! Or come up with some kind of plan to get to Weyli or get Weyli out of the keep. No one is picky about how Weyli gets deposed except maybe Weyli but he doesn’t count.

    You’re currently hidden among buildings (perhaps inside of an empty inn room, or in an alley- up to you), and if you have any way to be directly in contact with the assault group (like telepathic contact perhaps?) feel free to have it already up and running.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demon Emperor's Legacy I: Ascension


    First to those loyal to him. << Get through the gate and regroup. I want it clean, no loses, flee or call for aid if you must. I will not let history repeat itself >>

    Then to allies old and new. << I'll cut the spears off. If they try to flee it will have to be through me. >>

    There seems to be multiple figments of the man, all moving as one. He takes a moment to look through the streets. A mess, yes, but easy enough to maneuver compared to a battlefield. Move here, leap there and... yes, that might give him the clear line. With a flick of his wrist an ancient looking greataxe appears at his on his right hand with that, Akal is off. He leaps into the crowd, the noncombatants seemingly invisible to him, and makes a beeline towards the guards. As he runs, the figments spread, some before him, some behind, and he makes a loud announcement to the civilians and soldiers alike.

    "People of Hima, I ask you! Did you decided to descend into chaos and welcome this conflict day in and and day out? Or was it just the short sighted ignorance of a noble that wishes to doom you all?" As he speaks, he reaches the soldiers and makes a wide swing, repeated by each of his figments. As they connect, he slips past, drawing the axe and cutting deep once again, this time into the soldier behind the first. More then foes, these were stepping stones that quickly let him cross.

    Once he has gone as far as the patrol would take him, the figments spread around him, and all in one voice, they continue. "Tiamat's law is the end of civilization. Is this truly what you want?" He stands tall, as if inviting the guards to run or strike him.

    Spoiler: OoC
    Assuming there was time for a Mirror Image ((1d4+8)[12] Images) and to enter the Wolf Pack Tactics Stance (5ft step with every succesful attack) before the attack started.

    Swift: Sudden Leap to a position that would allow a charge into the group of soldiers. No running start, so Distance is [roll]1d20+50[roll]/2 ft.
    Full Round: Charge into the group, Pounce gives 4 attacks, with each attack he'll move past his target and attack the next opponent, until he can block of their exit standing in the middle of the 15ft street or has run out of attacks. Either eay, he'll try to end his move in the middle of the 15ft street.

    Attack 1 (1d20+44)[60]
    Damage (1d12+29)[38] + (1d6)[1] Vampiric
    Attack 2 (1d20+39)[51]
    Damage (1d12+29)[33] + (1d6)[5] Vampiric
    Attack 3 (1d20+34)[51]
    Damage (1d12+29)[36] + (1d6)[6] Vampiric
    Attack 4 (1d20+29)[47]
    Damage (1d12+29)[34] + (1d6)[4] Vampiric

    All attacks count as Good ([Blessed]), Chaotic, Evil and Adamantine

    Current AC: 44 (46 - 2 from Charge)
    12 Images from Mirror Image
    Last edited by Ryuuk; 2014-10-08 at 09:52 PM.
    Will be edited by Ryuuk : Sometime in the future.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Retired Mod in the Playground Retired Moderator
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    Default Re: Demon Emperor's Legacy I: Ascension


    << Shh. >> Reya thought to Xeizi, a needless admonishment to the assassin. She stood in the shadow of an open window eaves, her eyes fixed on the gate ahead of them. With a flick of her finger fog began to roil up from unseen cracks in the ground around a nearby building. More fog poured forth eventually covering the line of buildings that faced the inner wall. << Something to cover the soldiers when they make it here. >>

    The fog formed a dense wall that bulged and slithered across the ground as more of it boiled up, eventually covering a wide swath of ground from the buildings right up to the gate. << I can get through the portcullis, open it from the other side >>. You think you can, at least. She glanced back at him before pushing off the building and into the mists. << Do something useful. >> She thought to him.

    Running across the open ground without a sound she stopped when she reached the edge of the mist. Stepping out of it slowly she cross the final steps to the gate and wastes a moment to take it all in.

    She'll spend two minutes using Fog Could to generate some cover over the field. Then she'll drop into the Speed of Darkness stance as she runs across the field (Speed 70ft, no penalty to stealth for running). Once there she'll stand still and switch to Ghost Sight stance for True Seeing as she examines the gate. If there are no obviously harmful spells upon the gate and entryway and the spaces between the portcullis are big enough for her head to fit through, she'll use Escape Artist to slip through the bars. She taps the DC 30 for Tight Spaces.

    Assassin's Shadow Step will be active the whole time, and she'll be Hiding in Plain Sight.

    Hide (1d20+65)[67]
    Move Silently (1d20+51)[56]
    Spellcraft (if needed) (1d20+15)[32]
    "We have sent many to Hell, to smooth our way," said I, "and we are standing yet and holding blades. What more?"- Roger Zelazny, This Immortal
    Avatar Image: The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai; bitmap version by me.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demon Emperor's Legacy I: Ascension


    The Kelvezu tilted his head in confusion as Reya told him telepathically to be quiet. Had he made a sound? He was sure he had been perfectly silent, or at least as silent as one can be in the middle of a fight. As she summoned up the walls of fog however, he smiled. His sister's intentions were clear, but it also provided him with the perfect cover to advance upon the wall. Calling upon the power of the King of Killers, Xeizi transformed into a cloud of rolling fog. Pushing his form as low to the ground as possible, he flowed towards the portcullis. <<Sister, if you cannot move through the portcullis, then perhaps I should open it, as my form is currently better suited for it? Then there would be no need to scale the wall. Unless you wish to seek out an alternate entrance or exit in case things do not go as planned? While I normally would argue against splitting us any further than we already have been, especially beyond the range of our telepathy, it could potentially be useful to have a second option.>>


    Bwahaha. Gaseous Form, in a cloud of fog, with massive bonuses to Hide and Move Silently. Should be fun.

    Hide - (1d20+53)[61]
    Move Silently - [roll1d20+53[/roll]

    Speaking of which...I assume there are guards actually there in the room where the mechanics to open the portcullis are? What do I see beyond the iron?
    No news is good news.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demon Emperor's Legacy I: Ascension


    As soon as Erizat senses the approaching patrol, the ribbons of water that swirl around her body tighten and constrict, coiling like a spring.

    << If you can cut off their retreat, >> she replies to Akal, << I will cut off their head. >>

    She is airborne almost instantly, ducking and weaving through the cluttered street, liquid grace subject to a current no one else can see or feel. Though she keeps low to the ground to disguise her approach, as she nears the reach of the soldiers' spears, she turns sharply upward, trading speed for altitude, and more importantly, perspective.

    In the brief moment of weightlessness that marks the apex of her ascent, Erizat turns her gaze towards the soldiers below, searching their ranks for the prominent stature or distinguishing garb of a commanding officer. It is from the rear of the formation, between the crest of an ornate helm and the collar of a furred cloak, that a pair of steady eyes meet her own. One of the only pairs not focused on Akal's bloodied axe, these are the eyes of a leader, a veteran soldier, a demon soon to die.

    Erizat's descent is swift, her focus absolute, her form flawless. The heel of her palm strikes the base of the demon's neck before her feet even touch the ground, a single downward stroke delivered with enough force to shatter stone. As though triggered by the impact, the coiled ribbons of water burst into fine mist, innumerable truths blossoming outwards to assault the minds of nearby soldiers.

    Swift Action: Expend 1 charge of her Belt of Battle for an extra move action.
    Move Action 1: Fly 60 ft. towards the patrol.
    Move Action 2: Fly an additional 5 ft. towards the patrol, then up and over to land behind the officer (15 ft. up, as much as 25 ft. forward, 15 ft. down).
    Tumble, if necessary: (d20+33)[41]
    Standard Action: Initiate Diamond Nightmare Blade with an unarmed strike. Knowledge (the Planes) automatically grants +5 to attack and damage via Knowledge Devotion. Mastery of Nine grants +2 to the attack roll and +7 to the damage roll. I'm assuming the target is flat-footed, in which case Battle Cunning adds +15 to the damage roll.
    Attack: (d20+39)[53]
    Damage: (2d6+39)[43]*4 = [172]
    Concentration: (d20+41)[60]
    Free Action: Activate Storm of Visions. All creatures within 10 feet must make a DC 35 Will save or be staggered for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect.

    If the officer survives the round, and chooses to attack Erizat during its turn, Erizat will initiate the Pearl of Perfect Grace maneuver to cause the attack to miss and render the demon flat-footed.
    Last edited by rypt; 2014-10-15 at 02:20 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demon Emperor's Legacy I: Ascension

    Reya, Xeizi

    Reya's mist crept towards the walls, unremarked at first- with the building weather a few strange effects were hardly seen as something amiss. However, as it crawled further across open ground, thickening and stretching up to the portcullis, the demons atop the towers took more notice. The archers called out to the other towers, who called out in reply- none of them seemed to see their targets immediately, but they were obviously wary of this new development. As the last of the fog went up a flight of ten winged demons armed with bows rose up from behind the walls and swooped down towards it in a staggered formation that kept them well spread out, the last one coming in far behind the first. By this point though, Xeizi had already reached the portcullis and slipped through the gaps beneath it, apparently unnoticed by the scouts. Reya, however, would swiftly discover on approach that the gaps in the latticed portcullis gate were far smaller than she could pass through, though she saw nothing else that would seem to thwart their plans, and no cry of discovery was raised for her either. The fog and their skill at stealth had done that much for them, at least, though a more sustained effort might reveal her... it might be best to move on or back, or at least create a distraction. Of course, with everyone focused on her fog, this might be a good time to try and slip up a wall that they weren't keeping an eye on.

    The area just beyond the first portcullis was obviously designed to be a kill zone, a tiny courtyard that all four gatehouse towers had vision of, with a second portcullis blocking the way into the keep itself. Not that this was likely to cause any problems for Xeizi- even if he drifted into the open beyond the reach of Reya's fog, he might well be mistaken for an extension of it rather than an enemy. Of course for now it might be better to focus on securing the portcullis controls. A quick look at the mechanisms indicated that it was controlled from an enclosed room stationed directly above it and between the front two towers of the gatehouse; a room that he could easily slip into in his current state by simply following the chains that raised and lowered the portcullis itself. The second portcullis was likely controlled in a similar manner, but would be a separate room between the hindmost towers of the gatehouse. On the other hand, there were also arrow slits on either side of him at the moment, with readied bowmen behind them waiting for a target... if he wanted to start eliminating tower guards as swiftly as possible, they might make for good first targets.

    To be perfect clearly, when looked at from above the gatehouse is basically a tiny castle in its own right- a square made of four walls, a tower at each corner, with a portcullis in the northern and southern walls. The center of the gatehouse is open air, thus vulnerable to arrow fire from all four towers. Each portcullis is surrounded by an thick arch of hollowed wall that connects each tower, so immediately when you pass through the portcullis there is a small entirely enclosed area that only leads back out of the gatehouse, or into the courtyard- and has multiple arrow slits (about six in total, three on each side) carved into the arch that can fire onto anyone who just went through the portcullis. These arrow slits appear to be currently manned.

    Reya sees neither spells, illusions, or anything else unusual with her examinations.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Retired Mod in the Playground Retired Moderator
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    Default Re: Demon Emperor's Legacy I: Ascension


    The gaps are too small...though he can float right through. Reya closes her eyes and takes a deep, calming breath before opening them again. << There are two gates to raise. Wait within this one while I climb over and secure the one beyond. We should wait to raise them until the others are crossing the clouded gap. >> She shakes her head at the portculluis and guardhouse, confused by the lack of wardings. << Either their gates are unwarded, which is foolish, or they are protected by wards more powerful than I am able to perceive, which is more likely. Tread lightly. >>

    Walking back into the mist Reya approached the wall and placed a hand upon it. Cold. Not cold enough. She smiled and dug her fingernails into the ice and flung herself up from the ground. Catching hold with the same hand as she propelled herself up the wall like a leaping spider. She hopped atop the parapet and her eyes narrowed as she held herself as still as a statue, only her eyes moving.

    Change to Light as a Feather stance (Total Mods: Jump +46, Climb +42, move full 40ft speed with Climb Move-Action), then climb the wall. Once on top she'll freeze in place and switch back to Ghost Sight for True Seeing.

    Previous Stealth Results (I'll keep using these until you want me to roll more)
    Hide: 67
    Move Silently: 56
    "We have sent many to Hell, to smooth our way," said I, "and we are standing yet and holding blades. What more?"- Roger Zelazny, This Immortal
    Avatar Image: The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai; bitmap version by me.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demon Emperor's Legacy I: Ascension

    Akal, Erizat, Fainaru

    The heedless ferocity of Akal's assault took the soldiers by surprise and he wove his way through them effortlessly and unscathed while leaving behind a corpse and an injury on another of the spearmen. Of course, for all the ease it seemed to display, Akal might take note that it took three good blows to bring one of them down, and though he left a gaping wound in the second's shoulder, the guards didn't seem like they'd go down easy...

    Erizat descended from the sky and struck hard, her blow battering aside the shield raised too late to defend its bearer. She could feel the demon's thick gristle give beneath her hand with a sickly crunching sound, and even feel a bone as it was crushed- but neither were enough to fell the officer immediately. Instead his pain and anger drove a powerful thrust in return from his spear that streamed ribbons of icy mist tinged red which she only just leaped aside from, leaving the officer overextended and vulnerable to her next attack. If she judged right, another blow like that might kill him, and the look in his eye said he knew it and fought even so.

    There had been a split second of hesitation among the spear wielding guard, a moment of uncertainty- but something seemed to call them to order. Their previous marching formation fragmented instantly into splintered groups, but their movement was purposeful and coordinated. Four moved in cautiously to engage with their massive shields raised and spears ready, a pair of them for each of the two scions. Two more of the soldiers held back where they were in defensive stances, doing their best to block off the way to the final four who began to retreat to either side of the street rather than trying to engage Akal, though buildings and stalls slowed their progress. Erizat's twisting vapor stole among them and harried their movement, causing some to pause and falter amidst their movements, sowing confusion among them.

    Akal manages to get to his destination, which blocks off the easy method of retreat. I'm going to assume he was able to target three attacks at one of the same soldiers (which should be possible while continuing to move with five foot steps), which means he could kill one of them, but he doesn't manage to kill more than that.

    Erizat hits and thanks to Pearl of Perfect Grace avoids the officer's counterattack- which looks to be a fairly advanced style, if somewhat derivative of those she's seen before. If she cares to, she might identify it with martial lore. Storm of Visions hits four of the soldiers and the officer. The officer chose to use a standard to attack, the soldiers mainly just moved.

    None of the soldiers hit Akal or Erizat, but both of them are skilled enough to realize that they might be a bit more accurate if they weren't so focused on defense. It looks like buying time is their highest priority, which does indicate they might have some plan.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demon Emperor's Legacy I: Ascension


    The cloud of fog which was Xeizi slowly floated upwards, and through the arrow slit. Activating his natural invisibility, Xeizi floated behind the archer, and gazed about the archer's room with his enhanced sight, searching for any reason he should not revert to his natural form, and begin the process which would end the archer's servitude.

    Xeizi has a constant Detect Magic and See Invisibility effect, as per the Enhanced Detection racial ability. If he spies anything that would give him reason to suspect transforming from cloud of mist to deadly assassin would be noticed under the Greater Invisibility, he remains in Gaseous Form for now. If everything is clear, he releases the Gaseous Form ability, and starts the three rounds of observation that activates Death Attack. And then kills the archer.

    Possible needed rolls/statistics:

    Move Silently/Hide: Taking a ten, so 63 for both.
    Spot/Listen: Again, taking a ten, so 42 for both.
    Death Attack DC: 24

    To Hit: (1d20+38)[42]
    Initiating with Lash. If target succeeds their Saving Throw, or is immune to Death Effects, attack is resolved as a normal Sneak Attack.
    Weapon Damage: (1d8+18)[25], as well as 2 Points of Wound Damage, which will repeat at the beginning of each of the target's turns until it receives magical healing or a DC 15 Heal check, and stacks with other sources of Wound Damage.
    Kelvezu Sneak Attack Damage: (8d6)[30]
    If target has a source of Precision Damage, add Fiery Retribution: (3d6)[5]
    Target must also succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude Save or be subject to Kelvezu Poison, Intitial and Secondary Damage 1d6 Con.
    No news is good news.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demon Emperor's Legacy I: Ascension


    He'd missed this excitement. For too long he'd been among frail mortals, who often found a strong wind too much to bear. The denizens of hell could stand up to so much more. They were hesitant, a shame, but not a real disappointment. Loyal its would seem. That may be salvaged depending on to who. They wanted to buy time? "Hehe" So did he. Now, how much was too much... Letting it out, a bit at least, seemed in order.

    He tightened his grip on his axe, flourished it, and loosened his stance to something much more flexible. The figments follow each step. "Shields and flight? Is that your answer? Very well, here's mine!"
    Almost as if something switching off, his movements become much more reckless, his guard dropping considerably. His steps forward and in an instant its as if his axe is everywhere at once, reaching further then in naturally should.

    Spoiler: OoC
    Swift: Change stance to Dancing Blade Form
    Free: Reckless Rage (+8 Str, +8 Con, +3 Will, -4 AC)
    Free: 5ft Step, getting as many of the guards within 10ft of Akal
    Full Attack: Whirling Property -> Attack all foes in reach

    42 + 2 Morale + 4 Rage - 8 Power Attack

    Attack 1 (1d20+40)[48]
    Damage (1d12+51)[59] + (1d6)[2] Vampiric
    Attack 2 (1d20+40)[58]
    Damage (1d12+51)[59] + (1d6)[1] Vampiric
    Attack 3 (1d20+40)[60]
    Damage (1d12+51)[54] + (1d6)[3] Vampiric
    Attack 4 (1d20+40)[59]
    Damage (1d12+51)[58] + (1d6)[6] Vampiric

    Note: Hoping to at least get the 4 that engaged us. If more targets can be reached with a 5ft step, all the better.

    Current AC: 42 (46 - 4 from Rage)
    12 Images from Mirror Image
    Last edited by Ryuuk; 2014-11-01 at 10:59 AM.
    Will be edited by Ryuuk : Sometime in the future.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demon Emperor's Legacy I: Ascension


    Erizat immediately capitalizes on her enemy's vulnerability, emptying her mind of conscious thought as she lowers a hand to the handle of her katana.

    << Your Path ends here. >>

    Moving faster than thought, she draws the blade into a sweeping upward cut, a scything wind that rises beneath the officer's outstretched arm and across his torso, trailing an arc of black blood across the sky.

    Certain that this is a fatal blow, Erizat wastes no time admiring her own handiwork. Before the life has faded from the officer's eyes, her body shifts, becoming translucent, ghost-like. Turning toward one of the groups of fleeing soldiers, she launches herself in pursuit, her formless body allowing her to pass straight through many of the obstacles in the street.

    Free Action: Draw her sword.
    Standard Action: Attack with Iaijutsu Focus.
    Attack: [46]
    Damage: [184]
    Immediate Action: Initiate One with Shadow maneuver to become incorporeal until the beginning of her next turn. 50% miss chance, AC 54 while incorporeal. This action is essentially free due to Stance of Alacrity.
    Move Action: Move to follow one of the groups of fleeing soldiers. If possible, end movement to block their progress while also keeping as many as possible within the 10-ft. radius of Storm of Visions. Low rolls miss due to being incorporeal.
    Storm of Visions miss chance 1: (1d100)[77]
    Storm of Visions miss chance 2: (1d100)[6]
    Storm of Visions miss chance 3: (1d100)[78]
    Storm of Visions miss chance 4: (1d100)[25]
    Last edited by rypt; 2014-11-03 at 05:12 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demon Emperor's Legacy I: Ascension


    Shadows seep from the earth as Fainaru picks her way delicately through the remains of the wall, hanging in the air like fog and blurring with the oily shadow of her gown. There’s a smile on her face as she examines her handiwork. Only a show of force, crude compared to the architectural marvels she’s wrought in the capital, but sometimes it’s fun to show off. It’s been quite some time since she indulged herself in public like this. And more to come, too... See! Here are the first of the defenders, come out to welcome them with spear and claw.

    Fainaru approaches at a leisurely pace, letting her siblings have first pick of the victims. It seems they have this lot corralled nicely. She waves a hand lazily; behind the retreating soldiers, the stone cobblestones stir, reshaping themselves into a snarl of needle-like spines and razor edges.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Moving closer to the melee, and using Master of Earth and Stone to invoke a spike stones effect to cut off the fleeing soldiers. The spell's area is large enough that it should be pretty easy to cover all paths of retreat; she'll arrange the area to catch the 4 retreating soldiers and the 2 delaying-action soldiers within, but Akal and his enemies are not.
    Avatar by GryffonDurime. Thanks!

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