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  1. - Top - End - #1351
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    The uncouth half-Orc grins savagely as Menedes' punch proves to be the final blow. Standing over her downed companion, she drops to a knee and begins searching Lehasti's belt and pockets for the curative wand. "You're alright, now. Hold on..."
    Spoiler: CLW

  2. - Top - End - #1352
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    Lehasti's breathing slows, becoming more regular, and the paladin opens her eyes to see Grekka stooped over her. A smile slowly spreads across her face, and she opens her mouth to speak before suddenly seeming to realize that she's still laying against the cold stone floor in full armor. "What happened- where is she?" she blurts out, scrambling to push herself up off of the floor.

    As it becomes clear that the fight is over and their quarry secured, Lehasti beams at Grekka and Menedes. "Well fought, my friends. Menedes in particular- gods know that without your keen aim we could scarcely have carried the day." The warrior-woman extends a forearm toward the Ouat to grip his in triumph.

    Stepping down toward the hall, she calls out to Vershab and Calathon, ensuring their safety before hurrying through the room with the statue guardian. She extends an open hand to Idorii to help the woman to her feet. "You fight with strength and skill. I will be glad to never again find my blade crossing yours." With a wry smile, the paladin helps Idorii to her feet before stepping to the doorway into the entry room. From her safe vantage, she addresses Azaf where the young man holds the body of his slain friend: "Sarenrae has seen fit to provide Her handmaiden with strength enough to fulfil my promise to you this day. You bear a heavier burden by far than is in my power to lift; let me carry your friend to a place where his spirit will rest more easily."

    Spoiler: OOC
    I'm choosing not to dwell on the maneuvering around the statue, but will bear the cleric's body as penance for the suffering of Azaf. If the others will look to the binding of Velriana and dealing with the secret compartment in the sarcophagus, I'm prepared to mostly move on to the evening. Planning to head straight to the Pharasmins for the making of funereal arrangement for Khelru and the presentation of the subdued Velriana with the testimony of Azaf and Idorii (should they be willing) to attest to her treachery.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  3. - Top - End - #1353
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    Menedes growls as the woman once again slips once again out of his grasp. Sounds of heavy footsteps behind him are all the warning he receives before the graven guardian dashes within range and begins to attack. Having overextended himself, Menedes takes the blow across the chin and you can hear a crunching sound as his jaw breaks.

    Out of the corner of his eye, the monk sees Lehasti fall to the ravaging attacks of the ahkhat. Though the wizard manages to drop a spell, the woman refuses to fall.

    Eyes close.
    Breathing Heavy.
    For a moment, everything is perfectly still.
    Everything drops away.
    And in that moment, the ouat understood what it is he needed to do.

    The graven guardian reaches out again and slams Menedes the other way, but the dwarf is ready. Taking the blow he grabs the guardians spear mid strike. Pulling himself in towards the statue, the he braces himself against it using the spear as leverage.

    With a mighty heave the ouat launches himself sideways off the statue and into the hallway. Landing in a roll, the forward momentum is enough to send him into a aerial that deftly avoids the ahkhat's flailing arms. Using the momentum of the forward spin move, the dwarf's right foot lands and launches him again into yet another aerial.

    Coming out of it perfectly on top of Velriana, the dwarf's elbow slams across the woman's head with a vicious snap. Unable to stop himself at such speeds, the he lands in the grease and skids against the wall.

    With a spit, he launches a tooth into the air. Menedes leans up just enough to see her on the ground.

    "You...shouldn't...have done that..."
    Last edited by Untarr; 2016-02-25 at 05:50 PM.
    Spoiler: Active Characters

  4. - Top - End - #1354
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    Silence falls on the scene for a few instants of blessed calm. Menedes gets back to his feet, relishing his victory. Soon, Lehasti is revived, while Velriana is stripped of her magical components pouch and all equipment, tightly bound, and gagged. She receives enough healing to be able to move on her own, while kept under close surveillance.

    The stone guardian gets back to its assigned position as soon as the intruders have left the room. Vershab suggests using Velriana's symbol of Nethys should be enough of a token of good faith in order to get across the room, and Azaz confirms that this will work. Wondering about the ahkhat, Lehasti looks around, but the strange, silent being is nowhere to be found.

    Quote Originally Posted by JWallyR View Post
    "You fight with strength and skill. I will be glad to never again find my blade crossing yours."
    "Believe me, the feeling is mutual," Idorii responds, with a wry smile. "I was wrong to accept Velriana's money, however tempting it was, and your falchion play taught me how bad a mistake that was." She winces at the memory of the blows she sustained from the paladin.

    Quote Originally Posted by JWallyR View Post
    "Sarenrae has seen fit to provide Her handmaiden with strength enough to fulfil my promise to you this day. You bear a heavier burden by far than is in my power to lift; let me carry your friend to a place where his spirit will rest more easily."
    The young man is initially reluctant to accept the offer, but soon thinks the better of it. "Thank you," he says simply, in a drained voice that betrays his physical and emotional exhaustion.

    Before they depart the Sanctum of the Erudite Eye, the companions attend to some unfinished business, with Calathon's help.

    First, they go back to the tomb of Djedihepet. Taking his time, the elf is able to disarm the magical trap and open the secret compartment under the sarcophagus. Inside, they find three objects, all of them magical: A black pearl, a wand, and a small silver scepter carved with Nethys' symbol in multiple places.

    Then, he takes the group upstairs, to the ransacked library. "While I was on my own, I took a deeper look here. I found these things, I think they could be interesting", Calathon explains to Vershab. He presents his godson with a few magical scrolls, and two stone tablets, one of them large and heavy, and the other smaller. This one bears a text in Ancient Osiriani:

    Spoiler: Loot!

    In the tomb:
    - Pearl of Power, level 1
    - Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend
    - Wand of Lesser Restoration, 10 charges

    In the library:
    - Scrolls of Align Weapon, Halt Undead, Knock
    - Tablet of Languages Lost
    1980 GP Weight 30 lbs.
    Fashioned from granite, this stone tablet is approximately 2 feet long, 1 foot wide, and just over an inch thick. Dating to the period of the Kelesheete Interregnum in Osirion over 2,000 years ago, the tablet was once part of a larger stone stele that was publicly displayed for all to see. Now known as the tablet of languages lost, the broken slab is inscribed with a vow of fealty to the Padishah Emperor of Kelesh in three different languages: Ancient Osiriani, Kelish, and contemporary Osiriani. The characters and hieroglyphs of the three languages correspond to one another and serve as a translation key between the languages.
    Once per day, upon speaking the command word, the owner of the tablet can read and understand any written texts as if using comprehend languages for a period of 30 minutes.
    This does not allow the owner to speak or write unknown languages, or read magical writings (though the tablet reveals that such texts are magical). In addition, if the tablet is readily available and at hand, the owner gains a +3 competence bonus on all Linguistics checks. Finally, if the owner knows at least one of the three languages inscribed on the tablet, he can attempt Linguistics checks to translate the other two languages even if untrained in the Linguistics skill.
    Possession of the tablet of languages lost serves as an acceptable rationale for the owner to learn one of the three languages inscribed upon it (by putting a rank in Linguistics during character advancement) without the need of a teacher or library.
    Although the tablet of languages lost was created to ease the transition of native Osirians from pharaonic rule to that of a foreign monarch, other tablets could exist bearing different messages in other languages.

    Velriana's stuff:
    - Alluring Golden Apple
    - Scroll of charm person,
    - Scroll of magic missile
    - Wand of scorching ray (4 charges)
    - Wand of shield (8 charges)
    - Dagger
    - Light crossbow with 10 bolts
    - Bracers of Armor +1
    - Ioun Torch
    - Signet ring
    - Silver holy symbol of Nethys
    - Spellbook (false life, glitterdust, invisibility, mirror image, warding weapon, anticipate peril, burning hands, charm person, color spray, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, stunning barrier, all 0-level spells)
    Last edited by Gwynfrid; 2016-02-25 at 10:43 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #1355
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    Grekka steps back from Lehasti, as relief floods her expression. She extends a thick hand to help the paladin rise. "You had me worried for a minute there. Maybe spread the love a little, next time?" With a wry grin, she turns her attention to the unconscious Velriana.

    With little concern for the woman's health, and less for her modesty, she quickly separates her from her wand and assorted equipment. In a surprisingly brief time, the woman lays on the stone floor with nothing but clothing- thoroughly rifled through- within her reach. Grekka purses her lips in reluctant irritation. "Lehasti. The wand." As Lehasti comes closer, Grekka unceremoniously heaves the woman onto her stomach and binds her hands behind her back. The brusque woman sniffs, and turns to survey the rest of the mess.

    Nothing can be done for the cleric- that much is obvious. After Lehasti's eloquent words, Grekka doesn't trust herself to improve upon the situation. She follows Calathon dutifully back to the sarcophagus, to help carry whatever might be there- and watch his back. As she passes by, she snatches up the watcher's spear. "I suppose it wasn't a complete waste of a day," she grumbles, as they make for the stairs.

    Walking in the back of the group, Grekka settles for rear guard on the way back to the living portion of Wati.

  6. - Top - End - #1356
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    With a heave-to and a grown, the dwarf picks himself off the ground. Limping with a hand on his hip, he shambles back to the pile of ash that was his bow.

    Dutifully, he bends over and uses his hands to sweep the ashes into a small rag. With nary a blink of emotion, he puts the rag in his pack before continuing with the efforts to clean and exit the tomb.

    As he does so, he pauses at the tablet. "With out luck, the thing this tablet is talking about was removed from that room." His voice dry and matter of fact. Menedes shrugs. "That is a problem for another day."
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  7. - Top - End - #1357
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)


    The dwarf was already on the roof of the temple, ready to greet the morning sun. Having spent the last hour in the dark climbing up its sides, his body was sweaty and his muscles ached considerably. As it began to warm his face, he allowed his thoughts to wander back to his training.

    Master Malekeh shouts. "AGAIN!" and again the recruits begin their routine. Moving through the various forms, shifting his weight just so, never losing balance. Perfectly in sync with those around him, Menedes begins to feel the calm Master talked about. His calves screamed as he once again balanced on each foot individually.

    Pulling his mind out of the memory, Menedes begins the contemplation portion of his meditation. Master Malekeh had spoken once of the ability of some of the Oaut to get in touch with their very souls. Their ki, he called it. Malekeh had explained that it was impossible to know if one ever would be able to reach the level of clarity needed to touch it, but that Menedes would know when it happened.

    He had suspected, but now he was sure. He had found it. He had found his ki. It had happened at the end of that fight. On the threshold of death, he finally reached it. He supposed he should thank the woman. If it hadn't been for her frustratingly successful attempts at escape, he may never had been forced to turn inward.

    Menedes opens his eyes. With a grin, he begins his climb down. Deftly moving from precipice to precipice he finally reaches the point he was looking for. A jump from roof to roof that had previously been too great a distance. Here. This is where he would test his newfound strength and insight. Closing his eyes, he searches inwardly and finds it again. Right where he thought it was. Taking off at a sprint, he quickly approaches the ledge. Just before, he unleashes his mind and suddenly, he's moving faster than ever before. With a heave, Menedes flies into the air.

    Fear grips him for just a moment, but it is soon replaced by triumph as he lands onto the other roof with a roll. 35 feet. That is a new record for me. Heart filled with vigor, Menedes heads to the baths.


    Menedes finds Lehasti and Grekka. Freshly shaven, washed, and in a new set of trousers and red sash, the dwarf greets his friends. "I am looking to replace the bow Velriana destroyed. I would like you to come with me to get its replacement."
    Last edited by Untarr; 2016-02-27 at 09:07 AM.
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  8. - Top - End - #1358
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    Grekka looks up, red-eyed, from her mug of steaming tea. She grunts at the squat Oaut. She looks back down. With a groan, she tips the cup back, pouring a mouthful of scalding liquid down her throat. Eyes watery with pain, she looks squarely at Menedes' face. "Why. On earth. Does the sun... come up before... noon?" she asks.

    The night before was a blur of revelry, to Grekka. With Velriana safely in the custody of the Pharasmans, Grekka had spent entirely too long focusing entirely too much on entirely too serious of business. They've completed their trio of tasks, and recovered much of what the ancient Osirians had left to be found.... So the Half-Orc went to the Tooth and Hookah, probably spent some 10 gold on rounds for the patrons- and maybe half again that much on ale for herself.

    Cheers, jeers, and beers were the only items on the schedule that afternoon and evening. Come sunset, Grekka was well-and-truly plastered. More than a few times, she challenged newcomers to a game of skill. Occasionally, she lost and bought the winner a round. More often, she won, and bought the loser a round, anyway! Spirits were high, and spirits were flowing. In light of the Relic Knights success (much faster than many of the other teams), it seemed the regular patrons were more both more amused and more forgiving of Grekka's boasts, which only served to embolden her further. Come midnight, Farhaan wasn't about to close down- he was making entirely too much money!

    Sometime more than a couple hours later, select few patrons remained, and Grekka's final boastful "round for everybody" was met with more groans than excitement. Finally, Farhaan decided that enough was enough. The half-dozen revelers were put out, except for Grekka. Since she was staying upstairs, Farhaan helped guide the sloshed inquisitor to her room. He did not, however, close and shutter the window, or take any other precautions against dawn's abuse. So it was, that entirely too shortly thereafter, bitterly vibrant rays of sunlight accompanied the restless cries of livestock from the bazaar down the street.

    Easily six hours prior to any desire to do so, Grekka grunts as Menedes makes a cheerful greeting- for him.

  9. - Top - End - #1359
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    "Come now. If you can't handle your fun, then you shouldn't have had it in the first place." Menedes responds with a toothy grin. "Come, we need to hit the sunburst market before it gets too crowded."

    Menedes enters and proceeds to help Grekka get ready. Steadily prodding her to move faster as she nurses her hangover whilst also getting ready.
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  10. - Top - End - #1360
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    Toilday, 29 Rova to Oathday, 22 Lamashan

    After rendering their prisoner to the Grand Mausoleum, the Relic Knights can finally take an extended rest. For some, it is a busy one. Vershab, naturally, expounds on their discoveries for the diligent examination and record by the Pharasmin priests, particularly their resident scholar, Lempteph. Together, they go back to the Sanctum, to recover the contents of the temple's library before looters and random monsters can ransack them. It takes them nearly a week to pore over the rich contents. Vershab strikes a deal with Lempteph: The documents are left to the Mausoleum in exchange for a nice sum in gold, as well as the right to come and consult them for information, should he need it in the future.

    The arcanist gathers his friends over a round of the most excellent of the Tooth and Hookah's ales, but out of sight, in a private room at the back of the tavern, for what he has to share should not be made public. He explains the gist of the discoveries he made. The tablet they found is really a royal decree of Pharaoh Djederet II, who was the founder of the city of Wati (clearly identifiable with terms like "the new city where the Crook and the Asp join"), reigning sometime around –1600 AR, over 6000 years ago. It would seem the Sanctum of the Erudite Eye was built, in part, with the purpose to hide the artifact that Vershab sensed a lingering trace of, when the group found the hidden underground room in the temple.

    "The language of the warning we found is not completely clear, but it is worrisome. It speaks of the "Reliquary of the Thrice-Divided Soul". Most likely, this is the relic that was hidden there. The tablet Calathon found in the library hints at this, too, and it mentions a "scandal" and an "obscenity". Obviously, Djederet wasn't happy about the turn of events and wanted it kept secret. We couldn't find any record at the Mausoleum, and not even when Lempteph sent to Sothis for information! He speculated that possibly, the authorities of the day purged the records. This is the only way the secret could stay buried for such a long time...

    The warning also speaks of a "Forgotten Pharaoh" and his ka. The ka, as you may know, is a portion of a man's soul in the religions of ancient times. Our ancestors believed in a concept of the soul, which was divided into five parts. The ka contains a person’s “vital spark,” that which distinguishes the living from the dead.

    So, when it says "his ka cannot be appeased and it shall call forth legions of the dead and the damned", this is a terrifying threat. Sebti the Crocodile came to listen to the conclusions of our research, and urged us not to disclose this to anyone; I'm making an exception for you, because you know a lot already, and you need to understand the import of this discovery we made. So, please, keep your mouths shut... such news could cause a panic in the city, and even the whole kingdom.

    To think that someone would be irresponsible enough to steal the relic even in the face of such a clear warning..."

  11. - Top - End - #1361
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    Menedes' looks up from the adamantine arrowhead in his hands.

    "I doubt they took it on accident." he places it back in its quiver while continuing. "A third party that neither us or Velriana knows of is now in possession of a powerful magical artifact capable of bringing back legions of undead."

    The dwarf takes a drink from his ale glass before setting it down in front of him. Staring intently at its contents, he sighs. "Do we have an clues on who all could have known about this? Or who may have taken it?"

    Spoiler: Later that Night

    Spoiler: OOC

    I'm doing this here because I don't want to stop the RP on this evening, but it is something is going to occur.

    After dismissing himself from the festivities, Menedes heads home. A light can be seen in his room from out in the city late into the night. Inside, the dwarf spends quite a bit of time writing an extensive letter to the Oaut. Sealing it with wax and seal that is only to be broken by the Grandmaster Melekah himself, Menedes hand delivers it to the designated drop off point in the Asp.

    Spoiler: The Letter
    The letter details everything that has happened, including names, dates, and times. It also includes the information provided for by Vershab about the supposed purpose of the Sanctum.
    Spoiler: Active Characters

  12. - Top - End - #1362
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    Lehasti stands beside Vershab, her height and muscular build a pronounced contrast between the marginally shorter and much more slender arcanist. After offering corroborative details (and some of the more human touches that the bookish scholar overlooked in his excitement), she gives a quick fist-over-chest salute and bows, excusing herself.

    After asking as to his whereabouts, Lehasti is directed to the chamber where Azaf awaits the results of the Pharasmin's preparation of Khelru before he can receive his final rites. Stepping softly toward the man, gazing unseeingly with haunted eyes toward the far wall, the paladin stoops on one knee beside him. "I wish there were more that I could do than once more to offer my sympathies. I know not what fate Nethys may have in mind for His servant, but such sorrow as I see in you comes only from the devotion inspired by one good heart for another. I think his soul will find a good rest."


    After stopping to bathe the dust and grime of the temple and their return journey to the City's living half, Lehasti enters the Tooth and Hookah in simple street clothes, looking simply for a good meal. Noting that Grekka is already a good hour (and several drinks) ahead of her, the paladin sits back in a relatively dark corner of the common room, watching the revelry with an amused smile playing about her lips.

    After polishing off a plate and a half of the night's feast and a simple ale, she stretches languidly. Turning to see the patrons' cheers at another victory by her sister-in-arms, her eyes are drawn to the doorway, where a pair of boys are entering, their eyes drawn to Grekka's raucous celebration. Springing up from her seat, Lehasti corrals Turi and Akzin. "Don't mind her tonight, boys. She and I have stared death in the face this day and lived to tell the tale... but we each have our own way of celebrating." Her wry smile fades into a pensive expression. "I, for one, owe you both an apology. Little did I think that we would be forced to camp the night, but it seems that our steps were guided by a bigger plan..."

    After giving the boys a dramatic retelling of their trip to the temple, Lehasti sits back and sighs. "That all being said... I am sorry for failing to meet with you both this morning. But if you will forgive me-" she strikes a theatrically apologetic pose before winking conspiratorially at Akzin, "I remain willing to teach you what I may. The basics of swordplay, and of the blessings of the Everlight. What say you?"


    Lehasti stirs in her simple cot on the grounds of the modest temple of Sarenrae, rising just in time to join with the priests and priestesses in greeting the rising sun. As it breaks over the walls of the city, a warm breeze rushes through the courtyard, tousling her unbound hair, and the paladin feels the warmth of the sun soothing away the cares and concerns of the day before. Closing her eyes, the outside world seems to vanish in a sudden, lazy warmth. Sitting back on her heels, Lehasti basks in the sun, and time seems to elongate, the seconds passing slowly, the only sounds the soft beating of her heart and the wind lazily brushing past.

    A sudden sharp intake of breath jars the paladin from her reverie, and she opens her eyes to see a flock of doves settling on the courtyard wall. As the gazes of the temple's faithful fall upon them, they take wing once again, flying toward the rising sun- all but one. White as snow, the bird swoops down toward Lehasti where she sits, watching as one entranced. After circling the paladin once, it alights upon her open hand. As Lehasti's eyes fill with tears, the bird slowly stretches its small wings wide, before suddenly taking to the air after its kin.

    Many moments pass before the faithful stir, each passing near to the paladin on their way back into the temple. Many more fly by before the paladin lifts herself to her feet, tears streaming down her smiling face.


    Quote Originally Posted by Untarr View Post
    "I am looking to replace the bow Velriana destroyed. I would like you to come with me to get its replacement."
    Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
    "Why. On earth. Does the sun... come up before... noon?"
    Lehasti grins broadly at Grekka's discomfiture. "Ah, my friend. One day yet you may learn when enough is enough." Clapping Grekka firmly on the shoulder, the paladin nods at Menedes. "I've a few purchases of my own to make. Sarenrae smiles upon us, and I would arm myself to do greater battles yet for Her glory. Shall we?" The paladin stands, extending an open hand to lift Grekka to her feet, before striding purposefully out of the Tooth and Hookah.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  13. - Top - End - #1363
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Gwynfrid's Avatar

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Untarr View Post
    "A third party that neither us or Velriana knows of is now in possession of a powerful magical artifact capable of bringing back legions of undead."
    "That is exactly right. And we have no idea who that might be," Vershab replies.

    Spoiler: Menedes
    A week later, Menedes receives a reply, personally written by Grandmaster Melekah (is it Melekah or Malekeh, by the way?). The letter is curt and devoid of any small talk:

    "What you found is important. Keep it secret. Do not leave Wati at this time. Do not actively seek information or otherwise risk stirring trouble, but remain close to people or events that may lead to revelations."


    Quote Originally Posted by JWallyR View Post
    "I wish there were more that I could do than once more to offer my sympathies. I know not what fate Nethys may have in mind for His servant, but such sorrow as I see in you comes only from the devotion inspired by one good heart for another. I think his soul will find a good rest."
    "I hope so", the young wizard replies. He seems to have recovered somewhat from the despair that was so apparent the day before, when the group had to carry the mangled body of his friend back to the City of the Living - a cruel irony of a name, on that black day. Lehasti looks at him, stricken by how much older he suddenly looks. "This may sound... strange, but I wanted to thank you. First, because you are here today. Otherwise I would have been alone with... him." He casts a side look at Khelru's bandage-wrapped body, ready for the final rites. "And because you tried to avoid this fight. What's more, you could have had Idorii and myself put to jail along with Velriana, had you wanted to. Others would have done so. But you let us go.

    His somber eyes lock with the paladin's. "Here. This belonged to him." He hands her a thin, long tube, made of ivory. "I think it's appropriate for you to have it. Take it, and use it to bring some good to this world."

    A lone tear runs down the young man's cheek.

    This scroll tube contains 3 scrolls: Delay Poison, Eagle's Splendor, Remove Paralysis.


    Quote Originally Posted by JWallyR View Post
    "I, for one, owe you both an apology. Little did I think that we would be forced to camp the night, but it seems that our steps were guided by a bigger plan..."
    "We were worried. I thought you had been killed, or maybe taken prisoner!" Turi says, a bright smile illuminating his face. "Or even turned into undead...", Azkin whispers, his eyes wide in remembered horror.

    "Anyway, you're here! Please, tell us all what happened!" They sit, eager to listen to her heroic tale.

    Quote Originally Posted by JWallyR View Post
    After giving the boys a dramatic retelling of their trip to the temple, Lehasti sits back and sighs.
    Lehasti's every word is religiously absorbed by two fervent pairs of ears, and both boys sit in such awe, they forget to touch the meal Lehasti has ordered for them. As she concludes with Velriana's arrest, Turi startles her with an unexpected question.

    "It sounds as if you are sad the priest of Nethys died. But, it was you who killed him, right? And he would have killed you first, if you had let him?"

  14. - Top - End - #1364
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    And he would have killed you first, if you had let him?
    "Quite right. Though it was a fight we would have rather avoided." The dwarf takes another swig from his drink. "First lesson I learned while training was that violence is only the final answer. Because once you fire that arrow, or swing that sword, there is no going back. Someone is going to die."

    The dwarf sighs.

    "You never win a fight. You just...don't lose."
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  15. - Top - End - #1365
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    "This may sound... strange, but I wanted to thank you. First, because you are here today. Otherwise I would have been alone with... him." He casts a side look at Khelru's bandage-wrapped body, ready for the final rites. "And because you tried to avoid this fight. What's more, you could have had Idorii and myself put to jail along with Velriana, had you wanted to. Others would have done so. But you let us go.
    Lehasti rests her hand gently on the slender man's shoulder. "You were not the first, nor will you be the last, to follow a persuasive leader down a path that is darker than it seems. Darker still would be a world without forgiveness and redemption for those who find themselves on such a path."

    His somber eyes lock with the paladin's. "Here. This belonged to him." He hands her a thin, long tube, made of ivory. "I think it's appropriate for you to have it. Take it, and use it to bring some good to this world."

    A lone tear runs down the young man's cheek.
    Smiling through pained eyes, the paladin accepts the ivory tube, holding it close to her breast. "You give him great honor with such a gift. I will keep it, and his memory, close to my heart." She squeezes the man's shoulder gently before standing and leaving him to mourn without further disturbance.


    "It sounds as if you are sad the priest of Nethys died. But, it was you who killed him, right? And he would have killed you first, if you had let him?"
    Quote Originally Posted by Untarr View Post
    "You never win a fight. You just...don't lose."
    Lehasti greets the Ouat's words with a somber nod. "Indeed. Most tales of war end in parades and feasts in the victor's honor. Victory comes not without price- mothers whose sons never come home, children that never again feel their mothers' arms about them. I parted that poor man from a dear friend, and it will be long before the pain of that loss leaves his heart." Looking directly at Turi, she says, "This is why strength of arms is but a small part of a knight's training, for the best battle is the one which is won without sword being drawn, by a kind word and an open heart. Nonetheless, some battles must be fought, and it is for those dark days that we test and try ourselves that we will not be found wanting in the forge of battle and be burnt up in its fires. We will yet see if you are made of stern enough stuff for such an endeavor." She fixes him with a challenging expression, but hear broadening smile gives away her amusement at the boys enraptured faces. "Now, eat, the both of you! How am I supposed to train you over the rumbling of empty stomachs??"


    Quote Originally Posted by Gwynfrid View Post
    "That is exactly right. And we have no idea who that might be," Vershab replies.
    Lehasti broods over her ale, chin resting between the thumb and forefinger of one hand while the fingers of the other drum rhythmically on the surface of the table. "Well," she says, "There's little to be done about that at the moment. We are known as allies to the Grand Mausoleum, and the Pharasmins will seek us out if word reaches their ears before ours. We must be vigilant for any sign of the relic's use, or rumors of its new 'owner' making himself known. Gods willing, we may yet find it before its dark purpose is achieved." She sips her ale contemplatively.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  16. - Top - End - #1366
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    Menedes takes his leave of Lehasti before exiting the market. "Go on without me, I'm going to pick up one last thing before heading to Calathons'." Before Lehasti can object, the dwarf disappears into the throng of carts and customers.

    Making his way through various tents and stalls, Menedes finally finds what he is looking for. A locksmith. Calathon won't always be there. Gotta get good at these things... Walking up the the shopkeep, some gold exchanges hands, as well as a few looks around. Theives tools are not generally sold without a few oblong stares.

    Menedes leaves with a bow and heads to Calathon and Vershab's apartment. Finding the front door open to help with circulation, Menedes enters the house. He finds Vershab in the kitchen, furiously copying something in some language. Shaking his head, Menedes moves upstairs to find his true target. Knocking gently on the door, Menedes waits for a "Come in" before entering.

    "Hi there Calathon. I uhh..." Menedes produces the set of thieves tools from his pack. They are of masterwork quality. Top of the line. "I would like you to teach me how to use these."
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  17. - Top - End - #1367
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask (IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by JWallyR View Post
    "Now, eat, the both of you! How am I supposed to train you over the rumbling of empty stomachs??"
    The two street urchins need no further urging. They gleefully and ravenously go through steaming plates of fine dried fish and spicy vegetable stew, before their appetite is finally stated. "Thanks, Mistress Lehasti. It's real good!"

    After the meal, the two seem ready to follow their paladin mentor anywhere she wants to take them.


    In the fletcher shop, the superb craftsmanship and impeccable design of the weapon wishes to acquire turn a few heads. The master fletcher proudly flaunts every detail of his handiwork - quite justifiably so. The ouat's keen ears overhear a whispered conversation among some of the onlookers: "Isn't he one of these Relic Knights?" "Yes, dear. I hear they were attacked by another team last night! Turf war among explorers, as if wandering the Dead City wasn't dangerous enough. They won, and took the cheaters to jail. This bald dwarf is somebody not to be messed with..."

    Menedes strikes a deal with the master fletcher and takes his leave, feeling much more comfortable now that he's suitably armed. He makes his next purchase at a much more discreet little tent on the far end of the Sunburst Market, and leaves satisfied, to meet with Calathon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Untarr View Post
    "Hi there Calathon. I uhh..." Menedes produces the set of thieves tools from his pack. They are of masterwork quality. Top of the line. "I would like you to teach me how to use these."
    "Good morning, Master Menedes. I didn't have time to thank you yesterday..." He coughs. Menedes notices he is clearly weakened by the strange disease no healer has been able find a cure for yet. His frame looks much more thin than even a naturally slender elf ought to be.

    "Your bowman skills saved the day. Fighting alongside you was an honor, which I'm afraid I couldn't respond to in kind...

    Ah, I see you replaced the bow that Velriana destroyed! Quite appropriate, yes. Now that I'm homebound, I think I could take time to conceive a way to infuse some arrows with alchemical properties. That is, if you're interested, naturally..."

    When Menedes states his purpose, the elf nods. "Yes, naturally, that would be my pleasure. I could come to the field to give you a hand from time to time, but as yesterday demonstrated, this can be quite dangerous, and I would be a fragile companion for the team. If not an outright dead weight... Much wiser that I try and teach you a few tricks. Let's see..."

    Calathon and Menedes spend the next few hours together, the alchemist explaining the basics of mechanical contraptions of increasingly complex design, and the appropriate tools to set up, dismantle, repair, or jam them. As the sun sets, the ouat is impressed by his teacher's expertise, realizing how much there is left for him to learn.

    Getting to know the basics will take a week or two. This lets you acquire the skill ranks you've marked down.

  18. - Top - End - #1368
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    The dwarf proves relentless in his pursuit of understanding the mechanics. Diligently, he approaches each problem with patience and determination. Each failure only met with a slight head tilt and a questioning look towards Calathon.

    At sundown, the dwarf takes his leave of the sick alchemist. Pausing before he leaves, he asks"I may be in touch with you about those arrows you mentioned. What I would be most interested in is a so called Raining Arrow. Usually they are filled with holy water, but what I would be interested in is filling it with other substances. Such as acid, tanglefoot, or even oil for fire. Could you make such an arrow?"
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    "Yes, I could do that. Indeed, people who lack imagination think such weapons are designed just for holy water... But I see you aren't one of those people." The elf grins. "There will be costs, of course, for the substances, and maybe we'll need to have the container designed specially. Let's pay a visit to your master fletcher in the morning, shall we?"

    Thanks for looking it up, the remark about arrows was a shot in the dark from my part
    I'll have to look at costs and stuff but this strikes me as eminently doable.

  20. - Top - End - #1370
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    The next morning after a short conversation, Menedes, Calathon, and the fletcher agree to a small batch. Coin exchanges hands (all of which is Menedes'). A few days later, the monk leaves Calathon's apartment, dangerous ammo in tow.
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