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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    This is a GM tracking sheet for my Rise of the Runelords: The Skinsaw Murders II[IC] (link provided) game. If you are in that game, or really any of my games, please understand that gazing your eyes here would be willfully cheating by looking here to see GM-only information.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2023-12-15 at 05:20 AM.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R1T22: Rose, what do you do? You are 20' from the brute.

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Rose: 22.
    Celiss: 20.
    Shalelu: 18.
    Kurgol: 12.
    Rellin: 11.
    Caedmon: 9.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R1T22: Rose pivots her body on one foot, a strange energy beginning to cover her fist, she holds out her hand to wave the brute towards her, as if beckoning him to attack.

    R1T12: The half-orc calls over, "I saves my dessert for last, girly-girl!"

    He trundles forward to Caedmon and goes to swat the man's sword out of his hands ...

    Caedmon, you have Combat Reflexes, and he does not have Improved Disarm ..... you get an AOO against him. This cannot be a "martial maneuver" (I don't allow them on AOO), but it may be a normal attack or (normal) combat maneuver. What do you do?

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Rose: 22. Stance: Elemental nimbus.
    Celiss: 20.
    Shalelu: 18.
    Kurgol: 12.
    Rellin: 11.
    Caedmon: 9. Stance of Defending Shell.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R1T12: Caedmon uses his extensive training and intelligence to try and throw his foe off-kilter before he can grasp the sword. First turning the blade flat to the half-orc's right ear, but Caedmon fumbles and the half-orc slams the hilt out of the man's hand ... but not before the point goes up as the pommel goes down and gives just the faintest slice to Caedmon's hand for 1 bleed.

    R1T11: Rellin, you are 10' from the half-orc (and behind your sister and this other man). Do you do anything?

    Caedmon, you are on deck. Actually, your sword is on the deck, but you go after Rellin. The fumble made just a pinprick to your sword hand, and yet it is bleeding steadily for all that ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Rose: 22. Stance: Elemental nimbus.
    Celiss: 20.
    Shalelu: 18.
    Kurgol: 12.
    Rellin: 11.
    Caedmon: 9. Stance of Defending Shell. 1 bleed!!!
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R1T11: Rellin sighs as he watches the fight before him. So far nobody had really done anything, and all the talk about him going down seemed to have been for naught. He decides to make it just a little easier on his sister and the stranger, and holds up his free hand, summoning up his magic, the ring he wears begins to glow bright, and the Half-Orc begins to glow light blue.

    R1T9: To Caedmon's amazement, the man behind him uses a rare ability, rare indeed ... for it is one he shares, and that is the alteration of the flow of time around somebody to slow them. Seems the berobed man, amazingly, is a sphere-caster like himself, and also with powers over time. But Caedmon doesn't have too much time to think about this, as his usual face of stern kindness has become twisted and angry even as he takes another 1 bleed. His lips part for the grinding of his teeth, and his stature becomes only slightly hunched from pure rage. He bends to lift his sword back into hand, but the half-orc kicks his hand with his great strength for 6 NL (6 nonlethal damage). Caedmon is undeterred and retrieves his blade, and then unleashes an unholy slice upon the half-orc, but as his sword falls the half-orc flatly blocks it with his forearm and the blade is thrust aside as if by some unseen source. This doesn't mean he isn't a little surprised by what was obviously a strike meant with deadlier intent. He shouts something in a foul language ... but Rose knows the half-orc is not speaking Orc.

    End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

    R2T22: Rose, Rellin is pouring the time-crawl on the half-orc. He is 10' away, but he came at Caedmon at an offset angle so if you want to engage him in melee you would have to go 15'. This man just changed the nature of the game by escalating this combat outside of the province of "bar fight" and into deadlier fare. What do you do?

    Thug on deck, Rellin in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Rose: 22. Stance: Elemental nimbus.
    Celiss: 20.
    Shalelu: 18.
    Kurgol: 12.
    Rellin: 11. Using stagger Time talent on Kurgol (who resisted).
    Caedmon: 9. Stance of Defending Shell. 1 bleed!!!
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2016-02-27 at 08:50 PM.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R2T22: Rose looks over at Rellin, who sighs softly. "Make sure he doesn't die. Please."

    With Rellin's approval, Rose circles around to flank the drunk with Caedmon, spin-kicking the drunk in the side, her foot turning to ice as it connects, she hopes to hit hard enough to knock the man out, and doing 2 NL and 5 NL cold helps, but he doesn't go down.

    R2T20: Celiss, you had something you wanted to do?

    Shalelu (if any on deck), brawler in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Rose: 22. Stance: Elemental nimbus.
    Celiss: 20.
    Shalelu: 18.
    Kurgol: 12.
    Rellin: 11. Using stagger Time talent on Kurgol (who resisted).
    Caedmon: 9. Stance of Defending Shell. 1 bleed!!!
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Colossus in the Playground
    lostsole31's Avatar

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R2T20: "CAEDMON!" calls Acting Sheriff Nightrom. "Drop your weapon, withdraw directly to me, and stay put. We'll take care of that wound."

    R2T18: The elven woman shouts back at the half-orc in the same, debased-sounding language.

    R2T12: The half-orc nods his head takes a five-foot step back from Caedmon, but is still adjacent to Rose. His fists are up in a boxer's stance.

    R2T11: Rellin, I am going to assume that you are concentrating on your slow effect.

    R2T9: Caedmon, it takes a little bit of willpower, but you realize that while the sheriff is quite persuasive in her own right, there was some type of charm-carrier in her voice. You throw it off, and it's up to you whether you follow her instructions or not, but you suffer yet another 1 bleed from the wound on your damn hand. What do you do? The half-orc is now just out of reach (10').

    Rose on deck, Celiss/ Shale on deck (if you even do anything, I won't stop the action), half-orc in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Rose: 22. Stance: Elemental nimbus.
    Celiss: 20.
    Shalelu: 18.
    Kurgol: 12.
    Rellin: 11. Using stagger Time talent on Kurgol (who resisted).
    Caedmon: 9. Stance of Defending Shell. 1 bleed!!!
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R2T11: While focusing on the Drunkard with one hand, Rellin holds up the other one, his sleeve sliding up to reveal his semi-real gauntlet, and with a quick gesture, a multicolored beam of light shoots from the symbols on the gauntlet, aimed at the Half-Orc. As he does so, he smiles. A smile which quickly fades as he misses.

    R2T9: Caedmon moves his sword into the ground, attempting to fix his busted open hand by himself. He appreciates the woman's offer, but he can solve his problems himself. Or, at least he thinks he can ... though he fails to attend to his hand properly this time.

    End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

    R3T22: After the Drunkard backs off of Caedmon, Rose turns on him and launches another powerful punch into his side, but he is faster and ready for the attack and he grabs her and gets her into a powerful grapple for 7 NL and her own hit never lands.

    R3T20: Celiss, you're not sure what that gauntlet is, but you did see very deadly energy of three different types come shooting off of it. It misses, and only barely stops short of the crowd on the other side as it sizzles and rumbles and pops near their feet. Do you do anything?

    Shalelu on deck, Rellin in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kurgol: 22.1.
    Rose: 22. Stance: Elemental nimbus.
    Celiss: 20.
    Shalelu: 18.
    Rellin: 11. Using stagger Time talent on Kurgol (who resisted).
    Caedmon: 9. Stance of Defending Shell. 1 bleed!!!
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Colossus in the Playground
    lostsole31's Avatar

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R3T20: Ahhhh, crap. Celiss casts a spell and the air shimmers all around her briefly before going still again. "Everybody, clear out!" she shouts.

    She draws her rapier and steps up to the robed man, threatening him. "Robed man, you will cease and desist all activities, drop all magics, and surrender to me, Sheriff Nightrom of Sandpoint!"

    R3T18: "Caedmon?" calls the elf. "That's your name, right? Leave the sword, withdraw to me and the sheriff. I am acting Deputy Andosana. Don't make this any worse, son."

    She stays where she is as people are definitely clearing the grounds now that deadly magic is flying around. She draws and readies a shot in Caedmon's direction.

    R3T11: Rellin, you have no idea what spell is that the sheriff just cast, though momentarily it seems to have affected her. What do you do?

    Caedmon on deck (you can tell me your action if you'd like), brawler (grappling Rose) in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kurgol: 22.1.
    Rose: 22. Stance: Elemental nimbus.
    Celiss: 20.
    Shalelu: 18.
    Rellin: 11. Using stagger Time talent on Kurgol (who resisted).
    Caedmon: 9. Stance of Defending Shell. 1 bleed!!!
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R3T11: "Miss. I cannot just drop my magic. That is my sister there, and I am merely backing her up. If I am not mistaken about what has upset you, I assure you that the attack I used was nothing more than a pinprick. With how my sister is fighting, he may end up injured, but there will be no life threatening injuries. However, if you wish me to stand down anyways. Please break up this fight, and I will submit to your authority." he grumbles softly, meanwhile holding out the hand with the gauntlet, pointed at the ground, as a gesture of peace. "Didn't even want to be part of this fight in the first place."

    R3T9: Caedmon sheaths his blade, grumbling while his hand bleeds for 1. He maintains the hope of setting his hand's wound, and he is rewarded when the bleeding stops.

    End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

    R4T22.1: The half-orc continues to press on Rose, doing 10 NL.

    R4T22: Rose, you see all of this happening. What do you do/ say?

    Celiss on deck, Shalelu in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kurgol: 22.1.
    Rose: 22. Stance: Elemental nimbus.
    Celiss: 20.
    Shalelu: 18.
    Rellin: 11. Using stagger Time talent on Kurgol (who resisted).
    Caedmon: 9. Stance of Defending Shell.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2016-02-28 at 12:12 AM.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R1T22: Kurgol runs right in front of Shalelu to give the archer a bulwark and he seems to take a second of concentration.

    R1T19: A dog comes tearing around the corner, but it's face has the same flat nose, beady eyes, and protruding teeth as a rat. With those same terrible incisor it bites into Kurgol's right foot for 9 (max).

    R1T18: Rose, what do you do?You recognize the rat-dog as a goblin dog.
    It is a bizarre type of canine, though it is a natural animal, commonly found among goblins. Except goblins, most creatures are severely allergic to a goblin dog's dander.

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kurgol: 22. Manifested - offensive prescience (+3 insight bonus to damage rolls); til end R51T22.
    GD1: 19.
    Rose: 18.
    GD2: 17.
    TG1: 16.
    Rellin: 15.
    Caedmon: 14.
    TG2: 13.
    TG3: 12.
    TG4: 11.
    Shalelu: 10.
    Celiss: 9.
    GD3: 8.
    GD4: 4.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R1T18: Rose closes in on the chihauhua and gives it a spinning kick, her foot on fire during her turn as she clips it for 1 + 4 fire. With that maneuver, Rose feels her energy grow within her and she is struck with a bit of inspiration as the very arcane essence of fire roils under limbs.
    Animus Pool and Defensive Combat now active. Spark strike granted.

    Elemental nimbus simply does fire damage. Fire damage does not automatically assume the chance to cause fire in the same manner as alchemist's fire or a fire elemental's slam.

    R1T17: Another chihuahua comes around the corner and opens itself terribly as it tries to bite Rose and she instinctively goes to trip it but it barely (4 legs) manages to keep its footing.

    R1T16: A goblin appears from around the corner and shoots at Kurgol, but something deflects the arrow.

    R1T15: Rellin, what do you do?

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kurgol: 22. Manifested - offensive prescience (+3 insight bonus to damage rolls); til end R51T22.
    GD1: 19. (8:13). Kurgol.
    Rose: 18.
    GD2: 17. (13:13). Rose.
    TG1: 16. Shooting at Kurgol.
    Rellin: 15.
    Caedmon: 14.
    TG2: 13.
    TG3: 12.
    TG4: 11.
    Shalelu: 10.
    Celiss: 9.
    GD3: 8. (13:13).
    GD4: 4. (13:13).
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R1T15: Rellin holds up his hand, and with a quick gesture, a light blue light enveloping his ring, and the same color of energy enveloping the Goblin. The goblins movements seem to slow while it is wrapped in the aura, which Rellin seems intent on maintaining.

    R1T14: Caedmon, what do you do?

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kurgol: 22. Manifested - offensive prescience (+3 insight bonus to damage rolls); til end R51T22.
    GD1: 19. (8:13). Kurgol. Staggered by Rellin (continuous)!!!
    Rose: 18.
    GD2: 17. (13:13). Rose.
    TG1: 16. Shooting at Kurgol.
    Rellin: 15. Warp-slow on GD1 (concentration).
    Caedmon: 14.
    TG2: 13.
    TG3: 12.
    TG4: 11.
    Shalelu: 10.
    Celiss: 9.
    GD3: 8. (13:13).
    GD4: 4. (13:13).
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R1T14: Caedmon marches right up behind Rose. Unfortunately, the traversable part of the path is only 10' wide, and since goblin dogs are directly in front of Kurgol and Rose (the front rank) and they haven't dropped anything, Caedmon can't attack right now. However, he readies himself to jump into an open spot as soon as one or the other drops one (though the young man hopes the one in front of Rose drops so he can be valiant).

    R1T13: Whooping and yelling is heard from around the corner from several goblin voices. One comes around the corner and sees the strange event and shoots/ misses an arrow at Rellin.

    R1T10: Shalelu moves up for better positioning, standing right next to Rellin, and she shoots an arrow into the chest of the first archer goblin for 11, disabling him.

    R1T9: Celiss, what do you do? As with Celiss, you can't get through that front line to an enemy.

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kurgol: 22. Manifested - offensive prescience (+3 insight bonus to damage rolls); til end R51T22.
    GD1: 19. (8:13). Kurgol. Staggered by Rellin (continuous)!!!
    Rose: 18.
    GD2: 17. (13:13). Rose.
    TG1: 16. (0:11, disabled). Shooting at Kurgol.
    Rellin: 15. Warp-slow on GD1 (concentration).
    Caedmon: 14.
    TG2: 13. Shooting at Rellin.
    TG3: 12. Readied to shoot.
    TG4: 11. Readied to shoot.
    Shalelu: 10.
    Celiss: 9.
    GD3: 8. (13:13).
    GD4: 4. (13:13).
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R1T9: Hearing the sounds of what might be a protracted battle with voices around the corner and an obvious alarm, Celiss pulls on the temporal strings surrounding herself and her companions to do the opposite of what Rellin is obviously doing to the goblin warrior. She casts her spell, and the world seems to slow around the heroes [except Rellin].

    R1T8-4: The sounds of more yipping goblin dogs is heard.

    End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

    R2T22-21: Kurgol takes out a special-looking type of handaxe and hits the goblin dog, dropping it. Caedmon leaps into the space of the fallen goblin dog, facing (from the side) the goblin dog that is facing Rose.

    R2T18: Rose, you have a goblin dog right in front of you. Kurgol is to your right. Celiss is forward-right. There is a goblin archer behind the goblin dog; this archer is staggered by Rellin's time power. Your left is brambles and the like on the side of Thistletop (before the drop to the Gulf of Varisia). What do you do?

    Rose's goblin dog opponent on deck, disabled goblin on deck ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker
    *** HEROES: Haste on all (except Rellin) til end R6T9!!!
    Kurgol: 22. Manifested - offensive prescience til end R51T22.
    Caedmon: 21.
    Rose: 18.
    GD2: 17. (13:13). Rose.
    TG1: 16. (0:11, disabled). Shooting at Kurgol.
    Rellin: 15. Warp-slow on TG2 (concentration).
    TG2: 13. Shooting at Rellin. Staggered by Rellin (continuous)!!!
    TG3: 12. Readied to shoot.
    TG4: 11. Readied to shoot.
    Shalelu: 10.
    Celiss: 9.
    GD3: 8. (13:13).
    GD4: 4. (13:13).

    Gobling Dog (1).
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R2T18: Rose will pulls back her fist, letting it catch on fire once more, and with a solid swing she hits the Chihuahua in the head for 2 + 11 fire, disabling the pooch. After this, she gets a hint of inspiration for fast striking.
    Flurry strike granted.

    R2T17: Out of instinct, the dog snaps back at Rose and nearly gets her but her mystic awareness helps her block the muzzle. The dog, burnt and disabled, drops unconscious.

    R2T16: Barely conscious, a goblin archer fires at Kurgol but the arrow clacks off of Kurgol as if it hit armor (which he wears none of). That goblin likewise falls unconscious from the strain.

    R2T15: Rellin, you are currently putting the time-whammy on a goblin. What do you do?

    Rellin's whammied opponent on deck, Shalelu in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker
    *** HEROES: Haste on all (except Rellin) til end R6T9!!!
    Kurgol: 22. Manifested - offensive prescience til end R51T22.
    Caedmon: 21.
    Rose: 18.
    GD2: 17. (-1:13). Rose.
    TG1: 16. (-1:11). Shooting at Kurgol.
    Rellin: 15. Warp-slow on TG2 (concentration).
    TG2: 13. Shooting at Rellin. Staggered by Rellin (continuous)!!!
    TG3: 12. Readied to shoot.
    TG4: 11. Readied to shoot.
    Shalelu: 10.
    Celiss: 9.
    GD3: 8. (13:13).
    GD4: 4. (13:13).

    Gobling Dog (1).
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2016-05-12 at 10:05 AM.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R2T15: Rellin shoots a look at Celiss, as if to question her input, while maintaining his focus on the enemy. He holds out his other hand at the hapless goblin and lets out a trio of shots towards it, determined to help the combat as much as possible. It just barely catches it, but it still wouinds the goblin for a total 7 mixed energy. Badly wounded, he is still the only enemy in view; sounds of a couple dogs around the corner.

    R2T13: The same poor goblin ... staggered, wounded, tries to shoot at Rellin but then ends up entangling himself in his bow.

    R2T10: The poor goblin in his bowstring does not pull on the heartstrings of Shalelu as she fires an arrow but her arrow goes waaaaayyyy overhead and out into the Gulf.

    R2T9: Celiss, what do you do?

    Kurgol on deck, Caedmon in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker
    *** HEROES: Haste on all (except Rellin) til end R6T9!!!
    Kurgol: 22. Manifested - offensive prescience til end R51T22.
    Caedmon: 21.
    Rose: 18.
    GD2: 17. (-1:13). Rose.
    TG1: 16. (-1:11). Shooting at Kurgol.
    Rellin: 15. Warp-slow on TG2 (concentration).
    TG2: 13. (4:11). Shooting at Rellin. Staggered by Rellin (continuous)!!! ENTANGLED in his bow: SA and Escape Artist 20 needed to free himself.
    TG3: 12. Readied to shoot. Offstage.
    TG4: 11. Readied to shoot. Offstage.
    Shalelu: 10.
    Celiss: 9.
    GD3: 8. (13:13). Offstage.
    GD4: 4. (13:13). Offstage.

    Gobling Dog (1).
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

    R3T22: Kurgol steps forward and hits the hapless goblin in the neck for 11, ending its misery as it falls. With that, Rellin's spell ends.

    R3T22.7-.3: The way clear, Celiss moves with incredible speed around the corner and faces two goblin dogs and two goblins. The goblins were ready and they shoot and miss. The goblin dogs weren't quire ready though, and Celiss stabs one for 8.

    R3T21: Caedmon, what do you do?

    Rose on deck, Rellin in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker
    *** HEROES: Haste on all (except Rellin) til end R6T9!!!
    Kurgol: 22. Manifested - offensive prescience til end R51T22. Boarding axe in hand.
    TG3: 22.7.
    TG4: 22.5.
    Celiss: 22.3.
    Caedmon: 21.
    Rose: 18.
    GD2: 17. (-1:13). Rose.
    TG1: 16. (-1:11). Shooting at Kurgol.
    Rellin: 15.
    TG2: 13. (-7:11).
    Shalelu: 10.
    GD3: 8. (5:13). Celiss.
    GD4: 4. (13:13).

    Gobling Dog (1).
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R3T21: Caedmon follows after Celiss but not before entering a purely agressive stance. Once rounding the corner, Caedmon makes a mighty swing at a goblin dog he faces, doing a mighty 11.

    R3T18: Rose bursts around the corner, but with effective terrain only being 10' wide, she stops behind Celiss since two goblin dogs block Celiss and Caedmon.

    R3T15: Rellin, not enjoying the incredible burst of speed from Celiss' haste, only has enough to get around the corner and behind Caedmon.

    R3T10: Shalelu gets around the corner behind Rellin (putting him between Caedmon and Shalelu), and she looses an arrow to hit an archer in the right shoulder for 9.

    R3T8-4: The goblin dogs attack, missing Celiss and not getting through Caedmon's armor.

    End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

    Kurgol zooms around the corner and readies himself to push past the line should a goblin dog fall.

    R4T27.7-.5: An archer fires at Rellin, grazing him in the right upper arm for 1. The other fires at Rose and misses.

    R4T22.3: Celiss, you are facing a heavily wounded goblin dog, and another next to it faces Caedmon. What do you do?

    Caedmon on deck, Rose in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker
    *** HEROES: Haste on all (except Rellin) til end R6T9!!!
    Kurgol: 22. Manifested - offensive prescience til end R51T22. Boarding axe in hand. READIED!!!
    TG3: 22.7. (2:11). In line with Caedmon-Rellin-Shalelu.
    TG4: 22.5. In line with Celiss-Rose.
    Celiss: 22.3.
    Caedmon: 21.
    * Stance of Aggression: -2 AC, but +1d6 damage.
    Rose: 18.
    Rellin: 15.
    TG2: 13. (-8:11).
    Shalelu: 10.
    GD3: 8. (5:13). Celiss.
    GD4: 4. (2:13). Caedmon.

    Goblin Dog (-1:13). Goblin Warrior (-1: 11).

    Gobling Dog (1).
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R4T22.3: Celiss tries to "open the ranks" with her speed. She stabs at her own dog, disabling it, and then stabs at the other, dropping that one and clearing the way in front of Caedmon.

    R4T22.2: Even before the man gets to react the half-orc brushes past him to move forward and sidestep to an archer. He doesn't get to attack, but he now threatens both archers; and the sidestep clears Caedmon for a charge (if he wanted to do so).

    R4T21: Caedmon, you are hasted and in a stance of aggression. A goblin archer is 15' from you in a straight line (and another next to him). What do you do?

    Rose on deck, Rellin in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker
    *** HEROES: Haste on all (except Rellin) til end R6T9!!!
    TG3: 22.7. (2:11). In line with Caedmon-Rellin-Shalelu.
    TG4: 22.5. In line with Celiss-Rose.
    Celiss: 22.3.
    Kurgol: 22.2. Manifested - offensive prescience til end R51T22. Boarding axe in hand.
    Caedmon: 21.
    * Stance of Aggression: -2 AC, but +1d6 damage.
    Rose: 18.
    Rellin: 15.
    TG2: 13. (-8:11).
    Shalelu: 10.
    GD3: 8. (0:13). Celiss. DISABLED!!!
    GD4: 4. (-5:13).

    Goblin Dog (-1:13). Goblin Warrior (-1: 11).

    Gobling Dog (1).
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R4T21: Taking advantage of the opening, Caedmon charges the goblin archer and hits him in the neck for max damage (20), decapitating it!

    R4T18: Rose, Celiss is directly in front of you, and a disabled goblin dog in front of her. You could go around next to Celiss to engage it, if you wanted.

    Rellin on deck, Shalelu in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker
    *** HEROES: Haste on all (except Rellin) til end R6T9!!!
    TG4: 22.5. In line with Celiss-Rose.
    Celiss: 22.3.
    Kurgol: 22.2. Manifested - offensive prescience til end R51T22. Boarding axe in hand.
    Caedmon: 21. Next to Kurgol.
    * Stance of Aggression: -2 AC, but +1d6 damage.
    Rose: 18.
    Rellin: 15.
    TG2: 13. (-8:11).
    Shalelu: 10.
    GD3: 8. (0:13). Celiss. DISABLED!!!
    GD4: 4. (-5:13).

    Goblin Dog (-1:13). Goblin Warrior (-1: 11).

    Gobling Dog (1). Goblin Warrior.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R4T18-15: Rose leaves the current Chihuahua to Celiss and moves in to take on the last Goblin instead. As she does, she draws back her fist and launches into the Goblin's body, a trail of flames following behind her movements (6 fire).
    Hunting serpent strike unlocked.
    Rellin falls back, now aware that he is for the most part too far away to contribute. He allows those more skilled in combat to finish this fight.

    R4T10: Shalelu positions herself behind Celiss this time and takes a single shot through the lone goblin's upper right lung for 14 (max), dropping it.

    R4T8: The disabled goblin dog, relatively surrounded, snaps at Celiss but is blocked. Its wounds overcome it and it falls.

    End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

    R5T22.3: Celiss, all visible enemies are down. What do you do?

    Kurgol on deck, Caedmon in the hole. Caedmon, you can feel free to post as well if you'd like.

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker
    *** HEROES: Haste on all (except Rellin) til end R6T9!!!
    Celiss: 22.3.
    Kurgol: 22.2. Manifested - offensive prescience til end R51T22. Boarding axe in hand.
    Caedmon: 21. Next to Kurgol.
    * Stance of Aggression: -2 AC, but +1d6 damage.
    Rose: 18.
    Rellin: 15.
    TG2: 13. (-9:11).
    Shalelu: 10.
    GD3: 8. (-1:13).
    GD4: 4. (-6:13).

    Goblin Dog (-1:13). Goblin Warrior (-1: 11).

    Gobling Dog (1). Goblin Warrior (2).
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    Rellin touches Shalelu, mentally connects the two spaces, folding them in on themselves with an extremely controlled singularity, and the elf finds herself on the roof. A goblin-pitched "Bree Yark!" is heard from the guardtower to the right (which for this entire time had seemed quiet. But Shalelu, a career goblin-hunter, is readied for this tactic.

    Surprise Round ...

    With the alarm, on the guard tower to the left there is a chirp of alarm. Something glass shatters around the western side of the stockade (you are on the south side, toward the west).

    S22: Shalelu knocks her bow and calls down. "Not a courtyard! It's a roof, though there's a courtyard further on."

    S20-19: From the guard tower to the right appears the upper body of a goblin who throws a javelin which in turn is blocked by Shalelu's armor. Shalelu spins to that direction and fires her bow and hits the goblin for 11 (max). But this is a tougher goblin than the others, and even with that shot it doesn't go down.

    S16: Another goblin from that same tower appears and throws a javelin at Shalelu.

    End Surprise Round, Begin Round One ...

    R1T23: Rellin, what do you do? You don't have a vantage to the western tower.

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Rellin: 23.
    G-W1: 22.
    G-C1: 20. (15:26).
    Shalelu: 19. Atop the stockade.
    Rose: 18.
    Caedmon: 17.
    G-C2: 16. (26:26).
    Kurgol: 13. Offensive prescience til end R30T13.
    Celiss: 10.
    G-W2: 8.

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R1T23: Rellin moves over to Kurgol and places his hand on the mans shoulder, twisting space once more to send him up after Shalelu, allowing him to support her in the coming fight.

    R1T22-20: Kurgol ducks an arrow from one side as a javelin goes wide of Shalelu from the one she wounded.

    R1T19: Shalelu casts a spell on her quiver and goes to the base of the eastern tower.

    R1T18: Rose, you have 1 animus. Flurry strike is your fixed-granted maneuver for this round. Animus and variety of maneuvers will increase with the rounds. You have a vantage on the eastern tower to two goblins with cover. What do you do?

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Rellin: 23.
    G-W1: 22.
    G-C1: 20. (15:26).
    Shalelu: 19. Atop the stockade. Abundant ammunition.
    Rose: 18.
    Caedmon: 17.
    G-C2: 16. (26:26).
    Kurgol: 13. On the stockade.
    * Offensive prescience til end R30T13.
    Celiss: 10.
    G-W2: 8.

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R1T18: With her animus building, instead of taking a shot at a goblin with cover in a tower outside of preferred range, and knowing Kurgol will go up next, Rose calls upon the Mother to provide 10 healing (max) to Kurgol, one of her best ever efforts at healing, and enough to fully restore the half-orc.

    R1T17: Caedmon, what do you do? Shalelu's report is that it's a roof, not an unsteady top of a gate.

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Rellin: 23.
    G-W1: 22.
    G-C1: 20. (15:26).
    Shalelu: 19. Atop the stockade. Abundant ammunition.
    Rose: 18.
    Caedmon: 17.
    G-C2: 16. (26:26).
    Kurgol: 13. On the stockade.
    * Offensive prescience til end R30T13.
    Celiss: 10.
    G-W2: 8.

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R1T17: Caedmon stands by Rellin as a protector while everyone else is being warped. He yells up to the people on the roof. "Do you lot need me up there? Will I be any use?"

    R1T16: Commando misses Shalelu.

    R1T17: Kurgol leans his head over the stockade. "Good footing up here, so it couldn't hurt. Ain't goin' in from the gate anyway, unless you want to start bashin' it down." He then withdraws from sight. He activates force screen and heads to the base of the western tower.

    R1T10: Celiss, what do you do?

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Rellin: 23.
    G-W1: 22.
    G-C1: 20. (15:26).
    Shalelu: 19. Atop the stockade. Abundant ammunition.
    Rose: 18.
    Caedmon: 17.
    G-C2: 16. (26:26).
    Kurgol: 13. On the stockade.
    * Offensive prescience til end R30T13. Force screen til end R51T17.
    Celiss: 10.
    G-W2: 8.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2016-07-07 at 05:25 AM.

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R1T10: To keep Rellin free for the others, Celiss tries climbing the gate, but makes no progress and even falls on her bum (no damage, but prone).

    R1T8: There's a second goblin in that eastern tower and it laughs and points at Celiss before shooting at her. Of course, while it looks like a easy target, the stupid goblin doesn't realize how difficult it is to hit a prone target with a ranged weapon.

    End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

    R2T23: Rellin, what do you do?

    A tower goblin on deck, Shalelu in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Rellin: 23.
    G-W1: 22.
    G-C1: 20. (15:26).
    Shalelu: 19. Atop the stockade. Abundant ammunition.
    Rose: 18.
    Caedmon: 17.
    G-C2: 16. (26:26).
    Kurgol: 13. On the stockade.
    * Offensive prescience til end R30T13. Force screen til end R51T17.
    Celiss: 10.
    G-W2: 8.

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R2T23: Rellin moves over to Caedmon and transports him up to the roof alongside the others.

    R2T22: A goblin from the western tower slips just before shooting and he shoots himself in the neck, topples over the tower, and falls to the ground outside the stockade rather than just the inboard top of the stockade. Good job, heroes! You struck fear so deeply into your goblin enemy that they'd rather execute themselves.

    R2T20: A goblin from the western tower nails the "new guy" that just appeared, but despite the force of the javelin, Caedmon's banded mail still protects him. [I am assuming Caedmon is using his shield.]

    R2T19: Shalelu moves 10' towards the eastern tower to shoot at the remaining archer and wounds him severely for 9, but the little goblin warrior is not so weak as to fall quite yet.

    R2T18: Rose, you still have visual to the lone archer that just got nailed by Shalelu. You have visual to the goblin that nerfed himself to, but there's no doubt from his broken body that he is D-E-D. What do you do?

    Caedmon on deck, the second western-tower commando in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Rellin: 23.
    G-C1: 20. (15:26).
    Shalelu: 19. Atop the stockade. Abundant ammunition.
    Rose: 18.
    Caedmon: 17.
    G-C2: 16. (26:26).
    Kurgol: 13. On the stockade.
    * Offensive prescience til end R30T13. Force screen til end R51T17.
    Celiss: 10.
    G-W2: 8.

    Goblin Warrior (1).

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R2T18-17: Rose and Caedmon delay ...

    R2T16: One of the western tower goblins throws a javelin at Shalelu, hitting her in the lower gut for 7 (max).

    R2T13: Kurgol gives a warcry! He takes out a throwing axe and throws it at one of the commandos, but it sinks deep into one of the posts.

    R2T10: Celiss, you are on your bum from a failed attempt to climb the gate. What do you do?

    Eastern tower goblin on deck, Rellin in the hole, Rose/ Caedmon delaying ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Rellin: 23.
    G-C1: 20. (15:26).
    Shalelu: 19. Atop the stockade. Abundant ammunition.
    Rose: 18. DELAYING!!!
    Caedmon: 17. DELAYING!!!
    G-C2: 16. (26:26).
    Kurgol: 13. On the stockade. RAGING!!!
    * Offensive prescience til end R30T13. Force screen til end R51T17.
    Celiss: 10.
    G-W2: 8.

    Goblin Warrior (1).

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    Default Re: Rellin & Rose Rising [DMOOCH]

    R2T10: Celiss is brimming with anger, possibly at herself for trying to climb a gate when she is unskilled to do so. She seems to cast a spell and white, feathered wings appear.
    Spoiler: Rellin & Rose
    Entirely bogus. You don't know the mechanic, but that was no spell. Celiss basically spoke gibberish and made silly motions as if she wasn't really trying to fool you.

    R2T8: The eastern-tower goblin makes a poor throw of a javelin at Caedmon.

    End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

    R3T23: Rellin, Celiss and Rose are still down here. What do you do?

    Rose & Caedmon are both delaying. One of the western-tower goblins on deck, Shalelu in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Rellin: 23.
    G-C1: 20. (15:26).
    Shalelu: 19. Atop the stockade. Abundant ammunition.
    Rose: 18. DELAYING!!!
    Caedmon: 17. Atop the stockade. DELAYING!!!
    G-C2: 16. (26:26).
    Kurgol: 13. On the stockade. RAGING!!!
    * Offensive prescience til end R30T13. Force screen til end R51T17.
    Celiss: 10.
    G-W2: 8.

    Goblin Warrior (1).

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