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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Lacey, Washington

    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    David briefly looks over the notes and nods in agreement. "This works perfectly for me. I get an early start to make preparations as well as some unbroken sleep until then. If you're in need of an additional light, I have a lamp with a Continual Flame in it, so you won't need to rely on torches or fuel. If there are no other objections, I'll be getting some rest. We have a very big day tomorrow!"
    ^~Cody T.~^

    "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    "Yes yes of course I'll take a watch. I need to make sure to stretch out properly." he nods, helping the others to get that pavilion tent up.
    Animated Spellcards from the Deck of Many Things
    A game I found interesting Aegis: Innocence

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    As the evening begins to turn to night, Loup pulls out a small bag of chestnuts and begins pushing them into the ashes at the edge of the fire to roast.

    "So, any of you heard any stories about this land? Any tales, far-fetched or true?"

    He looks around the faces of the others for half a minute before continuing.

    "I've 'eard one. Came to me a few years back. In those days I was working part time as a grabber for the Royal prison in Westport. Not a bad job, regular pay anyway, if you don't mind dealing with the inquisitors- err, no offence David. Anyway, we had this one gentleman, a white haired halfling by the name of Pennywig, a murderer wanted in three cities on the West coast, and one that had seemed to have disappeared off the face of the world three years before. Here he was, suddenly turning up on our doorstep again, with apparently no good reason. 'Unusual situation', I thought. 'Abnormal.'"

    Loup pulls a chestnut from the fire and carefully cracks it open with a dagger, tipping it into his mouth and chewing slowly before continuing.

    "We caught up with him at the docks. It turned out he was straight off a ship, a ship sailing from here," he jabs his finger downwards at the ground. "He'd made it halfway across the world, to a free land where nobody knew his face nor name. He'd 'scaped the law scott free! So I had to wonder... why did he ever come back? Homesick maybe? Did he have a girl stashed away that made the risk seem worth it? We took him in, anyway, and put him in his own private cell, all tight and dank like the murderers get in those parts. But still this question wouldn't leave me alone, what was so important he had to run from freedom, back into a cell? So, one night, after the guard 'ad done his rounds, and the beetle slop had been dished out, I went to him, and I asked."

    "'Why'd you leave that free land, to come back to this grotty hole?' I asked. And he looked at me like he'd seen a wight."

    "'The eyes', he said. 'The eyes in the sea'"

    "What' you talking about, you soft goose' I said, 'You get seals over there do you?'"

    "'Giant. Cold.' He said. He was shaking something fierce by this point, voice like he'd been caught in the snow. 'Like wagon wheels, like black pools. Can't see 'em til the moon glints. Bleak, jealous, empty eyes. Eyes in the sea!'"

    "'Ah, you're cracked' I said. And that's what I thought back then. Easy to dismiss a spook story when you're in a big city. Bein' out here now, though, knowing that whole colony's gone missing. A colony so very close to the sea... makes you wonder."

    Loup turns from the firelight as he finishes, looking out across the beach at the dark, crashing waves.
    Last edited by fyleisch; 2016-04-04 at 01:47 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    As Loup tells his story, a smile slowly forms on Ban's face. A myriad of small objects from his pack lay around him and his bow in his lap, but they are neglected for his journal in which he starts sketching as Loup's story progresses. When Loup finishes, Ban closes the book and exclaims, clapping, "Ahh! lovely story! Much better than the shoddy ghost stories told at the orphanage."
    "Don't enter the forest alone or owlbears will get you.",
    "Don't swim too far or the kraken will eat you",
    "Don't stay up at night or you'll join the lost spirits in the after"

    he parrots, "That last one did more to keep us awake than help us sleep" he mutters.
    As he speaks, it is clear he believes the tale to be a mere story, he pointedly keep his back to the ocean.
    "Often however, I have found the tales told to be less frightening than what is actually out there." Realising what he just said, his expression changes to one of slight discomfort, though he stubbornly keeps his eyes trained inland.
    Last edited by dxm2000; 2016-04-04 at 02:40 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    "Well, I did say he was a lunatic. Didn't I? Eh, he was, he killed three people!"

    "Besides, if 'e was really afraid of the sea, why would he take a boat? Doesn't make sense. I expect it's something his fevered mind made up on the trip back."
    Last edited by fyleisch; 2016-04-05 at 02:30 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    Still lost in cleaning his guns after setting up his sleeping arrangement, Radmus' made it a point to listen in on the party's conversation, so much so that he missed a spot on his musket's stock. Most times that would not be the case, but he felt entranced at Loup's story. He gets goosebumps as he hears of this fantastical "thing" that this fugitive was running away from. Morbidly, he actually wanted to see what it was, if at all it was real.

    This guy's been around.

    He flips the musket into the air as he finishes cleaning it. It flips and twirls as it launches, falls, and lands along his arm and it slides right into his back holster.

    Still adequate.

    The bit of dirt was still on the stock though.
    Last edited by Mido; 2016-04-06 at 02:36 AM.

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    The water lapping at the shore is calm, dark, reflecting some moon light on the crests of small waves. The rotation is set, the sailors are drinking and piling wood, the labourers are relaxing under their own camp. No guard is set for them, but there isn't need for one. As nightwatch rotates, the bonfire is lit, fed, made a roaring pyre, then dies down as dawn approaches. Interaction with the sailors leads to drinks and salted, roasted meats being passed in to your hands. The labourers will talk, but don't go out of their way to start conversation.

    Everyone give two perception checks for each of your night watch shifts.

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    Watch is set, sailors are loud, labourers are going to bed... As night deepens, fog rolls in from the water, soon obscuring most of the ship and anything more than a few hundred feet out. The moon rises high in the clear skies.

    Spoiler: Watch 1

    Artichoke and Fyle, you see large, hulking, humanoid forms in the fog out towards the hills. Monsters? People? Your mind playing tricks on you?

    Spoiler: Watch 2
    Fyle, out beyond the harbor you catch a pair of pale glowing orbs. Reflection of the moon on a split wave, or something deeper?

    Spoiler: Watch 3
    Fyle, there are small points of paired lights reflecting light from the hills. If you had to guess, they mostly hover around head height of the average man.

    You can clearly make out a humanoid form with a narrow waist, broad shoulders, and elongated limbs facing you, it is taller than most men, a hunched posture, and a pair of glowing eyes looking right at you.

    Spoiler: Watch 4
    DXM, as the fog recedes, you can almost make out what appears to be several people walking away from the campsite's general are, none of them actually appear to be from the camp, however.
    Last edited by Karen Lynn; 2016-04-10 at 03:49 AM.

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    When the last of the watches has ended, and the entire party is roused, Gossett gathers everyone together. "I think this area may have been inhabited before our settlers arrived here, by something much more dangerous than we expected."

    Describing to them the things he saw during the first and third watches, he continues, "While I didn't see anything during the fourth watch or when I slept during the second, I can only assume that more were out there."

    "I don't think it's safe for the encampment to be here. If they gather again in subsequent nights, it will likely be in greater force. Our presence may be provoking them, whatever they are. Monsters or former colonists, I couldn't tell."

    "I would suggest that the crew remain offshore until we can gather more information on what we're dealing with here. Either on their boat or a small island nearby. We can't keep watch on a camp here and investigate the colony at the same time, and I wouldn't want to take them inland now."

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    "I saw much the same as Gosset, except in the sea..." he shakes his head.

    "Nah, that was probably just my imagination. I can swear to the bulbous shamblers out in the fog though. We both saw them. As to the fellow with glowing eyes, I only saw the eyes part of him. My night vision's apparently not up to snuff. I agree with moving on, whole-heartedly. Preferably to somewhere with walls."

    "As for the colonists... I see how it might be dangerous for them inland, but they must'ave known what happened before we set sail, and we don't know the state of their supplies. They might not have packed for much longer on a boat than they've had."

    He scatters the ashes of his campfire and begins taking down his tent. After staying to listen to the reports of the others, Loup jogs over to the spot where he saw the lumpy, shambling figures the previous night, and looks to see if there's any evidence of tracks, before returning to the camp.

    Perception to try and find evidence of tracks:
    Perception: (1d20+10)[16]
    Last edited by fyleisch; 2016-04-10 at 12:24 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    "I've never felt so blind before" Ban starts, gritting his teeth, as he helps clean up camp "Despite my night vision, I couldn't make out anything for the better part of the night. If it weren't for the last couple hours, I'd swear you two were pulling my leg."

    He pauses for a breath, before his disposition lightens and the excitement that commonly adorns his face floods back in.

    ""So what do you thing they were? Ghosts? Anglerfish-men? Cultists? Hopefully it wasn't just our missing colonists with lamps or sunrods or something. You know and they were only watching cause they're afraid. Ooh! Maybe they're colonists from another empire or they're our colonists, but they're vampires so they hide underground at night. Or underwater. Mer-Vampires!" He prattles on as he too walks towards where he saw the figures, searching for prints. It's pretty clear that despite his reaction to last nights story, he really hopes there's something out there.

    Spoiler: Perception checks

    To search for tracks on the beach: (1d20+20)[31]
    To specifically search for evidence of something leaving (or entering) the water: (1d20+20)[23]
    Edit: that should be 21 and 13, +10 not +20, sorry.
    Last edited by dxm2000; 2016-04-12 at 07:34 AM. Reason: Bad Math

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    Spoiler: OoC
    Whelp, there goes that then...

    "Theribault, do you want to come with me to the camp? Someone there might have seen things and you seem more personable than the rest of us. They might open up to you."

    Gossett continues, "I'll have a look around inside the camp itself to see if anything is amiss."

    With that, Gossett leaves and heads towards the camp that the sailors and laborers have constructed.

    Spoiler: Perception Check
    Searching for signs of anything out of place/missing, or new things that didn't come with us.

    Perception Check: [roll0]

    The roll was a 6 +12=18
    Last edited by ArtichokeDip; 2016-04-10 at 12:21 PM.

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    David has his campsite already neatly packed and stored away by the time the others rise, alert and ready to go. He nods in agreement. "I saw similar figures walking away on my watch, presumably to leave before first light. I do enjoy your sense of humor though, Ban. Now then, onto the business at hand. Do you require assistance in packing up your tents? I'd like to get moving as early as possible, so that we can move while there's still light."
    ^~Cody T.~^

    "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    You might just see some action much sooner than expected.

    The thought lingered as he grasped his musket before holstering it over his shoulder. His bed was easy and quick to spirit back into his handy haversack and he found himself curious as to what the others had seen on their watches. Ban seemed to have the most ideas as to what those things might have been, although it may be more of an active imagination.

    "I'm fine here." Radmus answered David, hoisting the pack over his shoulders and checking on his other armaments concealed in his garments.

    Seems whatever the others saw, might have been within camp at some point. They start to scan the beach and the immediate outlying area for signs of... something. He felt a twinge of unease with that thought. Being watched while unaware seems a very strange sensation, albeit just generally troubling altogether. He recalled times when the troupe traveled lands often considered abandoned. Eyes were always felt, if not seen. He had to do something to shake the feeling.

    He joins in on finding tracks of... anything... the colonists maybe... hopefully. He also keeps a wary eye around the outlying area of the camp. With daylight on his side, he may have a better chance of spotting their "visitors", if at all they opted to keep any eye on them.

    Far from tracking food, but let's see what we can find.


    Survival Check for tracks

    Perception Check for movement other than party's or crew's
    Last edited by Mido; 2016-04-10 at 01:40 PM.

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    "Haha, but of course! So glad you recognize just how important I am here. For the rest of you, If you are ever in need of psychiatric care do note I offer the best possible price for my sessions. Why a long while ago there was a young lad who read a book, and I cured him of those words written in there. Though, why he quacks like a duck now whenever he hears a bell ring I'll never know. But a small price to pay for being able to coherently speak approximately ninety-five percent of the time."

    And with that we had started our greatest adventure! Though we didn't know it at the time, that things would change forever. At least for one of us. That poor man. Well then, Nodding Gossett I had set along my way of putting away the very things that we would later use to save our life, as humble the possessions were, but it would help to convince the others that pavilion tents were quite the way to go. So incredibly versatile! As the saying goes, Live Big, Dream big, and.. How does that saying go again? Well No Matter.

    I waved to the good man Gossett after clearing out my gear and stuffing them into that handy haversack. It is indeed larger on the inside, though it can't hold air. One fatal flaw indeed. Oh right, the story! So I waved to Gossett before heading towards the sailors to see just what was going on with them.
    Animated Spellcards from the Deck of Many Things
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  16. - Top - End - #46
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    As Ban continues his search, he briefly glances to David, perplexed, "Sense of humour? What have I done now?" he shakes his head, before refocusing on his task, "Anyway, I've already dealt with my things, I just need to pick up my pack before we leave. Just want to finish searching first..." he states distractedly.

  17. - Top - End - #47
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    Spoiler: Those that search inland.

    A bit further inland where the humanoid like shapes were thought to be seen are several perfect circles of stone. The stone rings are lined up in a larger circle around a large woven ring of sticks and straw. The entire area is in a bowl like pseudo valley between a few hills. In the center of the larger ring is a stone altar, covered in brown, green, and yellowish stains. The air is still, not a breeze blowing. A lone tree stands beside the stone altar, its long boughs draping to the ground like maiden's hair. The grass in this area is thick and almost completely uniform, nothing overgrown, though your footfalls are dampened to the barest of whispers. The air here is heavy, though not quite oppressive. It takes effort to speak, as though noise would shatter the serenity of that which is before you.

    Spoiler: Those that investigate the beach and harbor
    The harbor waters are clear and placid, the ripples in the water not completely smoothed out from the crashing waves just beyond the mouth of the stone outcroppings. The ship seems to be sitting higher now than it did in its travels to get here. You can see far in to the water, but not the bottom. The depth seems to be welcoming, inviting you in to the water. You can hear the people on the beach, the crashing of waves beyond, but no wildlife. No skittering crabs, no crying gulls, no fish slapping the surface. The water appears cool and refreshing as the beach warms up under the sun.

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    David cautiously approaches the mysterious altar, trying to make out the source of the strange colors on it. This certainly isn't blood, so what could it be? This place feels odd, and it's not just because I've grown used to that tub. I'm gonna see if there's any magic to this place, because it certainly feels like it." David waves his fingers and mutters the words for the detect magic spell, focusing his concentration first on the altar, then on the surrounding area.
    ^~Cody T.~^

    "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

  19. - Top - End - #49
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    Quote Originally Posted by Karen Lynn View Post

    The depth seems to be welcoming, inviting you in to the water. You can hear the people on the beach, the crashing of waves beyond, but no wildlife. No skittering crabs, no crying gulls, no fish slapping the surface. The water appears cool and refreshing as the beach warms up under the sun.
    Despite how inviting the water seems, Ban's danger senses scream at him. He failed to notice last night, in his elation, how still things are. He peeks, cautiously, into the water, then slowly backs away. As much as he'd life to swim, having spent much of his life in the wild, the lack of animal presence worries him. He remains on guard, eyes and ears open, but as his curiosity badgers him, also searches for something disposable, a stick for example, with which he can disturb the water.

    Spoiler: Perception checks

    To spot movement in the water: (1d20+10)[29]
    To search for a long disposable object: (1d20+10)[23]
    Last edited by dxm2000; 2016-04-14 at 02:32 AM. Reason: Removed spoiler tags from quote

  20. - Top - End - #50
    Orc in the Playground
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    d6 Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    Barren. The beach was just barren. Quite unusual. This side of land always teemed with life. Birds, amphibians, crabs, something. Seems Ban had the same suspicion and was already checking the waters, or trying to at least. He opted to leave the man to his privacy. Water was never one of his strong suits. His weaponry had that distinct weakness.

    David's sudden foray inland caught his attention though.

    Ah, dry land, more my speed.

    He kept his hands alert for anything as he followed the entranced investigator. With the things that were witnessed by his party mates during their watches, he didn't want to be caught off-guard by... anything. Seems like the investigator was muttering something to himself as he examined the strange altar like location they found themselves in. He kept his distance a few feet back, making sure he did not get in David's way, keeping a weather eye as he did so.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Readying an attack if something attacks either Chess or me. With quickdraw, don't need to declare drawing the weapon beforehand. Puts bushwackers at ease enough to underestimate.

    Perception check just in case something is lurking at this new location or if something is amiss.
    Last edited by Mido; 2016-04-14 at 04:43 PM.

  21. - Top - End - #51
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    Those that stayed at camp:

    It's a calm morning. Many are sleeping in, those that aren't are preparing breakfast. There are no signs of tracks leading to or from the campsite recently, beyond those from the ship or the recent departure inland from other associates.

  22. - Top - End - #52
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    Seeing no signs out of place within the camp, Gossett decides to leave the talking to Theribault and see what the other groups have found. Inland or the beach?

    Deciding to try to find where the thin figure he saw was, he heads inland. Perhaps the others that have gone that way have found something already. Hopefully they didn't go too far.

  23. - Top - End - #53
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    "Gentlemen, Gentlemen. Perhaps one of you fine outstanding members of the sea could illuminate on anything that you might have or might not have seen. By the lack of screams and sobbing, moaning and vibrating, I assume all has gone quite well throughout the night, except for a few spooky spectators stalking silently seeking souls. Perhaps something that has been seen before?"
    Animated Spellcards from the Deck of Many Things
    A game I found interesting Aegis: Innocence

  24. - Top - End - #54
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot


    Spoiler: At water's edge

    You find a solid, heavy stone a little under the sand along side a piece of driftwood. You see nothing in the depths stirring.

    David and friends:

    Spoiler: At the altar

    The spell detects... Something, but it's gone as quickly as it's sensed. The area hums with energy and dissipates, as if the land were breathing for a moment.

    Anyone here may make spellcraft, arcane, divine, or religion checks. You may offer other skill checks and roll them if you wish.


    Spoiler: What shall we do with a drunken sailor?

    "Wuzzat? We ain't seen nuthin' all night. You alrigh' in the head, son?

  25. - Top - End - #55
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    Ban attempts to move the heavy stone and driftwood out of the sand, closer to the water's edge, before it finally dawns on him that he's been alone for the past several minutes. He wanders off to search for his new friends by the boat's crew, fearing they may have left without him while he was distracted.

  26. - Top - End - #56
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    Finally coming upon David and Radmus, Gossett informs them, "There doesn't seem to have been anything of significance in the camp. Theribault is asking around if anyone saw anything, but I'm not hopeful."

    "What have you managed to find out here?"

  27. - Top - End - #57
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    "I picked up..... something as well. Not entirely certain as to what it was. Guess I should have practiced my orisons on the boat ride over here..."
    Last edited by Chess435; 2016-05-02 at 04:01 PM.
    ^~Cody T.~^

    "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

  28. - Top - End - #58
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [IC][PF] Tales of Corte-Cabot

    "Of course I'm alright in the head. I am after all a trained therapist! Well then, carry on, do have yourself a time." Shortly after that Theribault heads back over to the rest of the group, figuring he wasn't going to get anything from the sailors.. Perhaps they were just not special enough to see the spooks. Must obviously be because they had not spent the night in his tent. "Well, I don't think they know anything. Perhaps they are empty shells walking around this land and we're the only people left."
    Animated Spellcards from the Deck of Many Things
    A game I found interesting Aegis: Innocence

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