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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Re: Tekomander solo Tristalt

    Vladimir spits out "The red dragon demands tribute! It'll burn everything if not appeased! There's only a few days left!" desperate to convince you.

    Vladimir doesn't appear to be willfully hiding anything. Just by being in proximity you can feel the radiating power of the crystallized Good stashed in the man's pack washing over you. Whatever the artifact he carries, its power is real.

    You look toward the watch tower, seeing as you ascend large fields of crops just beyond. A small contingent of six men-at-arms are coming forth from the stone base of the tower. Their white furs on white armor blend well with the snow, and they are beginning to approach, all of them currently carry loaded crossbows in their hands, but each pair seems to have a different secondary weapon, two have long spears, two have swords and shields, and two have large flails. It's possible you may soon have a fight on your hands. Fortunately, they do not seem to be mounted.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thatwarforged View Post
    You sir are a True Pirate Lord.

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Default Re: Tekomander solo Tristalt

    "Then I shall slay this dragon for you, and absolve you of your cowardice." Lyra said, as she flew back down to the ground and dropped the invisibility. She hefted up the man's pack, and dumped him on the ground. Her wings flared out to their fullest extent, and she faced the oncoming soldiers.

    "I mean you no harm. But I can not allow such a theft. I wish to speak to your leader, so that such a thing will be unnecessary." Lyra said, her words somehow in their native language.

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Tekomander solo Tristalt

    Vladimir audibly gulps. His concern over your holding his pack clear to read on his face. "Neither the bravest knight nor the armies of the realm can stand up to the red dragon, please, you'll doom us all!" he begs, beginning to audibly sob "My family... Anna, I've failed you..."

    Spoiler: Lyra's reactive spot and listen
    (1d20+6)[9] spot
    (1d20+1)[19] listen

    The man before you is a grovelling mess, clearly lacking any pride.
    Last edited by Aegis013; 2016-04-23 at 03:26 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thatwarforged View Post
    You sir are a True Pirate Lord.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Sep 2015

    Default Re: Tekomander solo Tristalt

    "Your armies may be no match for the drake, but there is more to conflict than steel and brawn. I WILL defeat the dragon, and your family shall be safe."
    Lyra said, looking the man straight in the eye.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Diplo Roll

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Sep 2011

    Default Re: Tekomander solo Tristalt

    Suddenly, there's several twangs from the strings of bows from the surroundings.

    It seems the men-at-arms have stealthily moved into position near the road with impressive speed.

    Six bolts come sailing awkwardly at you.

    Spoiler: Attacks

    These attacks are touch attacks, and you are flat-footed. (do not include armor bonus, natural armor bonus, or dex bonus to AC - these opponents are also not Evil, so effective AC of 10)

    1. (1d20+2)[8]
    2. (1d20+2)[19]
    3. (1d20+2)[20]
    4. (1d20+2)[13]
    5. (1d20+2)[20]
    6. (1d20+2)[20]

    These attacks do no damage.
    Instead, roll a Reflex save DC 15 for each one that hits you.

    If any of the attacks hit, you are Entangled. For each one that hits, roll a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued by a sticky substance to the ground, preventing flight.

    They're attacking with Tanglefoot Bags on crossbow bolts.

    The bolts, instead of being sharpened or tipped with metal are tipped with bags of alchemical goop. When they strike, they explode into a surprising amount of this sticky substance which quickly begins to harden.

    Many possible reasons for this tactic pass through your mind. Perhaps they wish to capture you. Maybe they are afraid of damaging the artifact. It could be born of concern for accidentally wounding Vladimir.

    Having witnessed the directions of the arrows, you easily spot the surprisingly agile warriors. It seems they used the mounds of snow amassed on either side of the road to hide themselves and fired from a low crouch. Three on each side of the road. One of each secondary weapon type.

    You may roll for initiative if you wish. Or you could try to talk your way out of this sticky situation.

    Spoiler: Initiative
    Enemy group initiative
    Last edited by Aegis013; 2016-04-27 at 12:55 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thatwarforged View Post
    You sir are a True Pirate Lord.

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Sep 2015

    Default Re: Tekomander solo Tristalt

    "Please, you are not evil men; nor brigands or bandits. I have no wish to harm you, but if you continue this then both my honour and my duty will compel me to do so. I only want to talk, to offer you my aid!" Lyra shouts. These were not her enemies her e- the dragon was. If only she could make them see, if only she could avoid this battle. She hoped desperately not to have to kill these people, whose only crime was done out of fear for their, and their familes', lives.

    She would give them one more chance after this - if they did not stop, or talk to her, she would thrust her lance up into the air and cast fireball; shouting "You know that this is pointless! Lay down your weapons!".

    Spoiler: OOC
    As an aside, the Astral Deva class gains uncanny dodge at level two; but I do realise that I screwed up in only listing improved uncanny dodge. It also doesn't matter because the +2 AC made no difference. Also, no concentration roll for the fireball, because Lyra can't actually fail it.

    Doing REF rolls first:
    1. (1d20+13)[33]
    2. (1d20+13)[19]
    3. (1d20+13)[29]
    4. (1d20+13)[23]
    5. (1d20+13)[33]

    And Diplo roll:
    Last edited by tekomandor; 2016-04-27 at 03:54 AM.

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Sep 2011

    Default Re: Tekomander solo Tristalt

    As you give your speech, you gauge their reactions; they seem like they may be receptive when you offer them aid. However, when you fire the fireball into the air, in a display of force and call for them to lay down their weapons you see the resolve settle in on their faces. They intend to see this through to the bitter end.

    They come charging in from both directions, each having discarded their crossbows in the snow and aiming to take advantage of your entangled state before you can escape into the air, they exchange their weapons as they move, the warriors with shields coming in first with practiced coordination, followed by the flail wielders, with the spear wielders taking up positions behind the front-liners, the spear men take a more cautious approach, not rushing headlong but taking tactical positions and watching you closely.

    It seems apparent they are aiming for your arms, legs, and wings, rather than risking striking your vitals. It seems they don't intend to kill you.

    Spoiler: Pathetic Attacks
    Diplo result: rushed diplomacy -10 for a result of 31, changes them from hostile to indifferent. They're still going to follow their protocol and attempt to take you down for accosting someone they recognize as one of their own.

    The sword and flail users come a'swingin'.

    Their attacks are pretty weak, your magic shields you readily.

    The four moving in use the charge action. Even flanking, they lack the attack bonus to land a hit on you without scoring a natural 20.

    Sword 1 (1d20)[10]
    Sword 2 (1d20)[16]
    Flail 1 (1d20)[5]
    Flail 2 (1d20)[2]
    Spear 1 and 2 ready actions

    If they hit on a nat 20 they deal...
    Sword 1 (1d8+2)[10]
    Sword 2 (1d8+2)[4]
    Flail 1 (1d8+3)[4]
    Flail 2 (1d8+3)[5]
    Non-lethal damage.

    They can't confirm critical hits against you.

    Vladimir scrambles, crawling a few feet away from the engagement through the snow.
    Last edited by Aegis013; 2016-04-28 at 12:46 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thatwarforged View Post
    You sir are a True Pirate Lord.

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Default Re: Tekomander solo Tristalt

    "This is pointless." Lyra mutters to herself in Celestial as the men attack her, but if they wish so badly to do battle then she will join them. Her lance of energy extends, and she jabs out at one of the spearmen. Her strikes are quick and precise, targeted not to kill but rather to disable.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Full attack against one of the spearmen, striking nonlethally (-4 to hit).
    Attack one: (1d20+13)[32]
    Attack two: (1d20+9)[10]

    Damage rolls
    Attack one: (3d6+15)[25]
    Attack two: (3d6+15)[27]

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Tekomander solo Tristalt

    You're about to strike the spearman, but you briefly reconsider.

    Spoiler: OoC
    Thunderlance and other weapon-like spells can't be used to deal nonlethal damage. Some of those spells can be used to deal nonlethal damage with the nonlethal substitution metamagic feat, but that can only be applied to spells with the Fire, Cold, Acid, and Electricity descriptors (poor Sonic got removed by the feat being reprinted in Complete Arcane).

    If you strike him with your lance, it may well kill him.

    Given this information, you may choose different actions for your turn. Or if you can find some rules text counter to my conclusion, we can discuss it further.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thatwarforged View Post
    You sir are a True Pirate Lord.

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Default Re: Tekomander solo Tristalt

    Lyra almost strikes the spearman, but reconsiders. She may very well kill the man, and she was still trying to reach out to them. Instead, she calls upon her divine power and surrounds herself in a sphere of invisibility, then launches herself into the air. She is still emitting light, but the sphere should provide some protection still.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Urghh - sorry for taking so long to reply!

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Re: Tekomander solo Tristalt

    As you cast your invisibility sphere the two spearmen take the opportunity to strike out with their readied actions.

    They stab with their spears, not at you, but at the bag holding the Crystalline Good. Their efforts to attack this object takes their attention away from you, giving you an opening to strike either, but not both. (AoO opportunity)

    You can tell that this group is very well coordinated and has worked together for some time.

    Spoiler: Attacks

    Please do not look within until after you have decided if you will and against who you will perform your AoO. Spearman 1 or 2.

    Spoiler: Attacks
    As outlined in the Sunder rules the bag has an AC of 13 (10+1small+2your dex mod), a much easier target than yourself.
    Since this is an attended object, they still suffer the penalty for the luminous armor, and must hit a 17 to strike the bag.

    1. (1d20+8)[23]
    2. (1d20+8)[15]

    Damage (5 is needed to sufficiently damage the bag).
    1. (1d8+3)[8]
    2. (1d8+3)[7]
    Last edited by Aegis013; 2016-05-06 at 12:38 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thatwarforged View Post
    You sir are a True Pirate Lord.

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