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  1. - Top - End - #121
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: AVB - Companionship Wrecked

    Jolly good, fellows. We will have to ask around and see if they put similar effort into tracking the survivors. If there were any. Let us begin our work while we wait for the sexy beast to arrive and give us a good reason not to rend her in twain with our collective fury.

    Wil casts two usages of Animate Dead to create a good deal more undead, using the usual 3:2 boney/fleshy mix while awaiting his meet and greet.

    Well, I truly appreciate that, and I'll take it. We can just do the followers gradually as they start recruiting for the Fuzzy Spiders I suppose. And hopefully you will like the cohort's backstory. Will start on it and his sheet soon.

    Oh, and I forgot to change it now that the sheet is editable, but Wil traded Magic Jar for a second daily casting of Animate Dead. I will work out the total HD he can raise later when not posting on my phone.

  2. - Top - End - #122
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    Default Re: AVB - Companionship Wrecked

    Within an hour, an elven woman saunters over to you from the Docks. By the supernatural attraction you feel emanating from her, you're pretty sure it's the dreamwalker from last night.

    "Hard at work making friends, I see." the woman says as she approaches.
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexanderML View Post
    get some of that excess AP you have before rollover used(spilled AP is worth feeling sad over).
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabrosin View Post
    Yurhzorg is a nuclear warhead disguised as a playable character
    Much thanks to Ceika for the poketar!

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  3. - Top - End - #123
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: AVB - Companionship Wrecked

    Friends, workers, enforcers...they're so much more versatile and obedient than us fleshly folk. A little lacking in the initiative department, however. Feel free to contribute the bodies of your friends and family to my pile if you'd like, I don't discriminate. Postmortem, at least.

    He then glares over at Bennett.

    Ah, fine, whatever! I'll play the diplomat then, jerkhead. The illustrious Overlord of our newly formed organization, the Fuzzy Spiders, has bid me to let you and your horrible people know that we are looking at beginning a new community, and it will be open to all. So if you are serious about swishy Ishy and yourself taking the remnants of your people in a new direction, we hope to soon provide a place where you can integrate without fear of harm or reprisal. Unless you backslide into human-hunting, of course, in which case I get to do things my way. And as we found out last night, my way involves poking out eyes with daggers.

    Bleh, all those niceties left a foul taste in my mouth. Since you have the power to pierce illusions, can you also cast some? Not adept at it myself, and I am thinking we may want more than the three of us if Ish lashes out at your deception. Most of these guys will have jobs to do, but a few can be spared to come with us and provide a little muscle. Sans actual muscles of course, as those require flesh.

  4. - Top - End - #124
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    She raises an eyebrow at your proposal. "The Fuzzy Spiders? An integrated community of all races? You certainly are at least half as crazy as your reputation, then. Then again, your "extracity watch" was similarly diverse, wasn't it? I must say, it was far more effective that anyone hearing the notion thought it would be. Perhaps you're onto something. Of course, first we need to find the Shadow Spider's heir apparent or this will all be a moot point within a couple of days as the last of my kind is hunted down. While my powers are mostly tied to divination and observation, I have a few illusions prepared and an "escape button" should things get too dangerous. We'll end up back in my room at the hostel before Ishmael manages to land a lethal blow, I promise. I'm ready as I'll ever be to begin our search."

    so, how much of this plot twist did you see coming?

    I know that I tried to leave at least a few hints that Ishmael wasn't actually whole-cloth devoted to the Devourer.
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexanderML View Post
    get some of that excess AP you have before rollover used(spilled AP is worth feeling sad over).
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabrosin View Post
    Yurhzorg is a nuclear warhead disguised as a playable character
    Much thanks to Ceika for the poketar!

    I'll be away from the internet from 1/3-1/8 2019. I swear I'm not disappeared.

  5. - Top - End - #125
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: AVB - Companionship Wrecked

    Yeah, we tend to be okay with anyone as long as they're good at killing things dead. Although this time we may need a more diverse skillset. Don't happen to know any architects, do you? Our mecca of mayhem got broke. Also, since we're looking to build a town, might need some other stuff. Taverns, brothels, probably some kind of a school or somethin'. All the important stuff.

    When we find him, let's reconnoiter back here. If things go bad I don't see any reason to let the beast loose in the middle of the city. By the by, what's your name, unnaturally hot stuff?

    He directs most of his small force of undead to remain and continue the work the Watch started with clearing away debris and looking for any sign of the lost gold from the Arena funds, as well as any valuables from the Blue Hand HQ that might have survived even if their owners did not. He takes a small cadre of skeletons along for the ride, as many as can fit under the spells of the skulkstress, since he already knows Ishmael is fond of spiked chains (and a fellow in a wheelbarrow may look a tad suspicious).

    Not as much that Ish wasn't full into the Devourer; why would Mono play a character whose goal was to destroy the game he DMed? I definitely was surprised when she said she tricked him into it, though.

    I pondered going to where the Zone of Truth was in Wil's office to question her, but I realized she'd probably just make the save anyhow even if it had persisted.

  6. - Top - End - #126
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    yeah, one of Mono's big twists was that his "prophecy" was a lie. One he was about stumble upon when I imploded and stopped dm'ing the first time through.

    figured someone deserved that plot twist.

    I'm really under the weather right now, so you'll have to make do with a "something to move things along" post for now and I'll give you a good description next time. Just make sure to remind me of the infodump you deserve

    She's able to accommodate 3 additional skeletons with you as you, her, Bennet, and the three skeletal minions set off across town to look for the mortal vessel to the Devourer.

    "It has been a long time since anyone has bothered to call me anything but "the Shadow Spider's daughter". I was born with the name Vahlessti, which, in common, translates to "daughter". I have chosen the name "Vahless" for myself."
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexanderML View Post
    get some of that excess AP you have before rollover used(spilled AP is worth feeling sad over).
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabrosin View Post
    Yurhzorg is a nuclear warhead disguised as a playable character
    Much thanks to Ceika for the poketar!

    I'll be away from the internet from 1/3-1/8 2019. I swear I'm not disappeared.

  7. - Top - End - #127
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    No worries at all, just take your time. And I do wonder how he would have reacted. Also, can I say again I am glad Wil gave the Devourer the raspberry about taking him in?

    So we have Wil, Ben, Vahless, 3 cannon fodder, and I guess possibly Ish himself to fight against the beast. Unless he cannot fight what he himself carries. We need to get the psionic out of the dagger....have to look into that if he doesn't emerge right away.

    Wilstaff looks at Bennett.

    Good point. It is a pretty name, but if you are distancing yourself from your father, naming yourself something akin to Daughter seems ill-advised. Still, Vahless works for us. Lead on, my skulky sweetmeat.

  8. - Top - End - #128
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    oh, my long-term plan (assuming neither of you killed each other first) had been for the two of you to end up fighting the Devourer together on the roof of the Sad Flint along with another pc who was being recruited through the Dreamscape.

    I had planned for the Devourer's death scene to end up blowing up the Flint in fiery destruction and changing the nature of the setting akin to the Docks flood.

    at the time, the Flint was the thing causing the kind of problems to the setting that the Docks ended up doing on the reboot.

    "Despite sounding similar "Vahless" is actually a noble title in drow society for a military leader, so you could say that I've found a way to re-invent myself without abandoning my heritage, which I am not ashamed of."

    She leads you South Market, taking a good two hours to traverse across the city from the northwestern corner where the Slums used to be to the most southeastern district in the city.

    Upon arrival, she says, "Well, I have some spells that should help us narrow down the search, but ultimately, I think it's going to come down to keeping our eyes open and looking."

    give me a spot check with a +5 circumstance bonus for every hour you're willing to spend looking for him.
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexanderML View Post
    get some of that excess AP you have before rollover used(spilled AP is worth feeling sad over).
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabrosin View Post
    Yurhzorg is a nuclear warhead disguised as a playable character
    Much thanks to Ceika for the poketar!

    I'll be away from the internet from 1/3-1/8 2019. I swear I'm not disappeared.

  9. - Top - End - #129
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Yeah, the Flint got people stuck into stereotypical RPG ruts. Plus, would have been an epic moment. But we can always manifest something similarly impressive. And if Wil dies, at least it'll be in a really cool way, like the guy who blew up half the city before my time that died against a god or something.

    Pfft. I am the bastard child of an abusive prostitute. That's a heritage to not be ashamed of. Your dad ran a death cult, and you tricked someone into harboring a literal manifestation of evil. Now, I'm not pointing fingers, I do horrible things too. Just saying that being ashamed of where you have come from is nothing to be ashamed of, considering.

    Wilstaff holds up a glowing dagger in his belt.

    By the way, you seem a knowledgeable sort. Your boytoy Ishmael ganked one of the Khan's bodyguards, and long story sort I did a swap meet schtick to get ahold of his soul. Any notion how to get a good body for it? Could be useful, they were supposed to be powerful psionics.

    Spot, searching for 4 hours since we have nothing better to do at the moment:


  10. - Top - End - #130
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Cohort HP rolls.

    Ignoring all ones.

    Dang. Ignoring those two 1's, I have it ending at the 6 since first level is max HP, so that will be 42 from the rolls added to 8. B.J. has more HP than Wilstaff. Of course, it is a d6 instead of a 4.

    Did you know if you wanted him to be introduced during the story, or just to pop up like he's been here?

  11. - Top - End - #131
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    oh, I have plans for him. You'll find him very soon. Your cohort isn't too far from where your skeletons are working, and I think you'll find his intro scene appropriate.

    As luck, or perhaps fate, would have it, the two of you spot a man walking along the edge of the street that would seem completely nondescript to you, provided that you aren't currently piercing the specific spell brought on by a hat of disguise within 30 minutes of searching. The man is in fact a skulk who is walking around in raggedy clothes but seems to be packing a second set of clothing in a bundle on his back along with a spiked chain on his waist and an assortment of alchemical goods on pockets hidden along his chest and belt.

    "well, that was fast." Vahless whispers to you.

    damn, that's what I get for deciding to set the dc at 30... you roll a natural 19 and would have succeeded even without the +5 bonus. apparently, the FDR wants to see this plot advance too.
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexanderML View Post
    get some of that excess AP you have before rollover used(spilled AP is worth feeling sad over).
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabrosin View Post
    Yurhzorg is a nuclear warhead disguised as a playable character
    Much thanks to Ceika for the poketar!

    I'll be away from the internet from 1/3-1/8 2019. I swear I'm not disappeared.

  12. - Top - End - #132
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Indeed. Even here in Fancypants Land, no one seems to be prepared for simple illusion spells. Well, you know him much better than I, how should we proceed? Direct introduction, or try a fakeout as salespeople or some such? Either way, we need him off these streets for our talk.

    He looks at Bennett.

    Pfft, whatever, worrying about collateral damage is your game, not mine, B-Dawg. I just don't want those City Watch losers getting involved. They'd likely try to slap us all in irons, and then I have to waste good spells spilling their guts all over the sidewalk.

    Speaking of his intro scene, which should be fun, I finished him and Riz approved him. Hooray for insomnia!

  13. - Top - End - #133
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    "Considering that I will be telling him that I lied to him and tricked him into binding his soul to a monster, it may be best if we limit my contact with him until we get him off the street. My presence, even disguised, tends to be... distinctive. I only know of one other creature in the city with a similar nature, and she is nowhere nearby. As for whether to try a direct approach or not, the man is paranoid enough that any approach at all might as well be direct. I doubt anyone's capable of finding a lie that would put his guard down."
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexanderML View Post
    get some of that excess AP you have before rollover used(spilled AP is worth feeling sad over).
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabrosin View Post
    Yurhzorg is a nuclear warhead disguised as a playable character
    Much thanks to Ceika for the poketar!

    I'll be away from the internet from 1/3-1/8 2019. I swear I'm not disappeared.

  14. - Top - End - #134
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Wilstaff rolls his eyes.

    Great, we have to tell the super paranoid murderer that there really was a conspiracy, and everyone really is out to get him. I'm already deeply regretting this course of action. And yet I continue to move forward anyhow. Bennett, Sylvester 7, Mortimer 3, Duchess Gilstrade, let's go talk to Bad Kitty's bag man. Vahless, I guess you large.

    Wilstaff leads the party up to the disguised skulk and holds out a coin.

    You look like you could use this, good sir. Except we both know you have no shortage of them after that brilliant bit of work you pulled with the Jacks. I know last time we talked you stole from me, and I led a group of men to try and kill you, but let's try to move past that. I come in peace, which should be obvious by the fact that I didn't just shoot you in the back the moment I spotted you. You need help, and I think I might be able to provide it. Can we go somewhere more private to talk?

  15. - Top - End - #135
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    The skulk looks up at you and says "I guess there are better places to end this than the middle of a public street. Lead on."
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexanderML View Post
    get some of that excess AP you have before rollover used(spilled AP is worth feeling sad over).
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabrosin View Post
    Yurhzorg is a nuclear warhead disguised as a playable character
    Much thanks to Ceika for the poketar!

    I'll be away from the internet from 1/3-1/8 2019. I swear I'm not disappeared.

  16. - Top - End - #136
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    Assuming the skulk is willing, Wilstaff leads him out of town to where the other undead are shuffling about. If not, they just go to the nearest conveniently abandoned warehouse or alleyway. Either way, Wil jabbers as he walks along with his enemy.

    Man, I am a big fan of your style. You have no idea how many man-hours and thousands of gold went into just getting a glimpse of you. I mean, you're a heartless killer, but you do it with panache.

  17. - Top - End - #137
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    He's not willing to leave the district; you have to settle for a nearby abandoned warehouse.

    "Says the deranged necromancer who thinks he can talk with his creations and have them talk back. It's too bad your public works projects got flooded out."

    Vahless meets y'all in the warehouse.

    "I see that the Devourer hasn't taken you over yet."

    "Of course not. Ever since someone found out enough to wreck my life, I haven't had the time to feed it."
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexanderML View Post
    get some of that excess AP you have before rollover used(spilled AP is worth feeling sad over).
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabrosin View Post
    Yurhzorg is a nuclear warhead disguised as a playable character
    Much thanks to Ceika for the poketar!

    I'll be away from the internet from 1/3-1/8 2019. I swear I'm not disappeared.

  18. - Top - End - #138
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    At a whisper, the skeleton slowly advances on Ish, until Wilstaff forcibly holds him back, the skeleton nearly toppling the job over until another word slows his efforts.

    Nah, it's cool, B. I got this for you, I won't let the bad man bully you and say untrue truths about your speaking. I am sure he just can't understand your accent. I told you that you sound like some hick southern skeleton sometimes.

    Wilstaff gains his very limited composure.

    Now then, your last thought was incomplete. To feed it people. Let's make sure we say the whole sentence, to appreciate the gravity how bad it is. To feed it people. And never you mind about the flood. Something better will come from it, that might even benefit the skulks. But speaking with those responsible for the flood are on my to-do list, just a notch or two below saving the world And your epic bad decision-making. So, how do we do that, exactly?

    Hope you are feeling at least some better, mate. It is a corny saying, but there is some truth to the old saw that whatever does not kill us only makes us stronger. But in the short run it can still make us feel pretty crappy.

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