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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    May 2016

    Default Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Episode I: Lessons from the Past


    It is a dark time in the galaxy.

    Though the brave heroes of the REBEL ALLIANCE fight against the tyranny of the GALACTIC EMPIRE, countless worlds still tremble under the shadows of evil. The JEDI, guardians of order and justice, are gone, and at their passing the forces of darkness gather unimpeded.

    But all is not lost. In a distant corner of the galaxy, a small band of adventurers seeks to rediscover the legacy of the Jedi. If they are successful, perhaps hope can be restored to the galaxy once again....

    While traveling around the Galaxy, you received a Holomessage from Ashur, saving him from a scam for a fake jedi temple in the Outer Rim and saving his life from bandits waiting for an ambush.

    “Hello, my friends. It has been some time since we’ve last spoke. However, I’ve come across something you may find interesting. ”

    As Ashur adjusted the camera to show what seemed to be a stone talisman and picked it up, with some veins like color lighting on the talisman as he tilted it.

    "I found this in the Archive at Phelar University. The crystallization in the stone reminds me of stories about lightsaber crystals, and the engravings may be several thousand years old.

    “I’d prefer not to speak more here; the Empire tends to censor our communications. But if you can meet me on Eriadu, I can show you this in person. Make sure you obtain some credentials; the relic cannot be removed from the University Archive, and you need to be an accredited scholar to gain access. Not that it’ll prove to be a problem for you, I think. ” Ashur grins briefly. “Come quickly, my friends. We have much to discuss. ”

    ooc: Welcome to the game, you do know that Eriadu by default is an active trade center in the Outer Rim. If you want to learn more, a Knowledge Outer Rim is required with average difficulty (2d8) and record the result of your roll. Beside that giving time for people to make one opening post before heading to Eriadu.

    Your ship is a G9 RIGGER LIGHT FREIGHTER.

    Don't forget to roll your force die for the destiny pool d12.
    Last edited by McGirks; 2016-05-11 at 12:44 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    destiiny: 1eF 2 Light Side

    The elderly gungan was resting in his cabin. He met your group through the Profesor, who had dragged him off Naboo 2 weeks before an Inquisition sweep. Vashana knew several jedi personally back before the clone wars, but at his age, well, they say the memory is the first to go.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Imari Tal'shiar
    Wounds: 0 | Strain: 0
    Condition: Concerned.

    Imari stared at the flickering image of Ashur, listening to his plan to extract this relic, a heavily regulated artifact of the Jedi era. He knew that if the Imperials caught them with the relic, it would mean trouble, yet the chance to learn more of the Order far outweighed the risk of discovery. As long as they were cautious, and made certain that an exit strategy was in place.

    He looked to the seat next to him, and nodded at Zan-Kel, "That's the Seswenna Sector, if I remember correctly. We could follow the Rimma trade route to get there quickly enough." He hopped out of the co-pilot seat, ducked low to avoid hitting his head on the various ductwork that crowded his station. "Though we'll want to make sure our credentials are airtight, there's an Imperial Governor on planet, and the noble families that, nominally, rule the place are probably not that interested in anything that would bring more Imp's down on them."

    He dropped himself onto the couch beside the Astrogation console, cleared the sabacc deck from the workspace with a lopsided grin at Narla, and began to work out their route. "May want to pack a respirator, atmosphere is almost as bad as the Hutt stench in Nar Shadaa."

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    "Or, we can just hit up the Hydian Way and coast along to Eriadu. Either way, we're talking about a two day journey, maybe three," said Zan-Kel, as he eased the Albatross out of hyperspace - making it less of a hassle for Imari to plot the route to Eriadu. Leaving the ship to coast while Imari worked on their new course, Zan-Kel stepped out from the pilot's seat and walked into the living quarters of his very own ship.

    Well, as far as people considered a G9 a ship. It was closer to a flying brick, judging by how old the model was. Zan-Kel wished he had the credits for something nicer, like the Simiyiar-class ships, or maybe even a Questor.

    Walking over to his backpack, Zan-Kel rummaged through it, and pulled out his fusion lantern. I guess I won't be needing that here.

    Zan-Kel stretched as he walked back to the common area. "Rie, can you get working on our fake identities? There should be enough time to get those done before we land."

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Rie scuffed into the cockpit area of the Rigger as she stretched herself and greeted everyone with a loud yawn. She had snoozed a bit when the holocall of Ashur had woken her up. The others may thought of the Albatross as a rustbucket, but she loved this ship. To her it was the ultimate expression of freedom.

    She looked over to Imari and grinned back as he cleared the navigation console of the sabbacc deck she had played around with while trying to figure out how astrogation worked. She shrugged at the comment he made about the bad smell on that planet. She had practically lived in a dumpster for a good part of her life. Bad smells rarely bothered her. Obviously she still preferred the nice and not smelly places.

    When Zan-Kel asked her to forge some IDs for them she hoped onto the now free co-pilots seat and gave herself a little spin before answering.
    "Sure I can come up with some fakes. Not sure it'll be enough though. Depends on how thorough the Uni's security is."
    Last edited by Simsimillia; 2016-05-12 at 10:54 AM.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    With that, it didn't take too long for our group to head toward Eriadu. The customs are nearly non existents around as it relies so heavily on trade, nobody has the time to check every single starship landing.

    As you step off the ship, you see a bustling urban*ized planet covered in industrial sprawl. Crowds of people move past the spaceport, beneath the ominous gaze of stormtroopers standing on the corners of major streets. The smog-filled air compels the people to wear decorative breath masks along with their fashionable turbans.

    Ashur had told them to meet at the University archive but to do so, they would need to obtain proper credentials, one way or another. The streets of Eriadu are wide open for our heroes.

    ooc: Welcome to Eriadu, first detail worth taking into account, the air is very polluted, so unless you have a rebreather , you suffer a setback (d6) to all brawn and agility based checks outdoors, indoors when it comes to building it is fine.

    Now for forging identichips, you can try to do your own, require an average(2d8) computer check.

    or If you would rather have someone making your identichips, you would need to find someone with an, easy (1d8) streetwise check.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    As the others went about looking for IDs, Vashana hobbled toward the university archive, cane in hand, glancing around at what kind of security the place had while puting on a good show as a doddering, senile old alien.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Vashana had no troubles getting close to where some security guards were checking and asking the same questions over and over again while checking on people with their identichips scanners and sensors , there was a security checkpoint with two security guards.

    The Phelar university overall is an ugly towering skyscraper with apparent student housing surrounding it and the streetlamps are even lit up during the day because of the smog.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Imari Tal'shiar
    Wounds: 0 | Strain: 0
    Condition: Concerned.

    Imari looked about the spaceport as the descended, then looked at his companions, the tall, imposing looking Zabrak, with the distinctive broken horn over his left temple, and the fierce facial markings of his people. He then shifted his gaze to the blond haired young girl who they had met on Nar Shaddaa, who had not yet shed the attire and mannerisms of the tough spirited, cunning street rat that she was. Then he walked infront of a projection screen that was down for repairs, and a sullen eyed, grim looking man stared back, attired in heavy protective clothing, with an assortment of tools and equipment that made him stand out among the corporate and Imperial presence in the city.

    He nudged the hunter, "Zan, we need to think about this, nobody other than our old professor look the part of a scholar or administrator. The better play may be to get Vas the credentials he needs to meet up with Ashur, and when he does have them make an outgoing call to a 'maintenance' crew to fix some random issue. We route that call to our comms, and acquire the ident chips for a repair team, and go in that way. Plus we may be able to smuggle in some gear in our maintenance kit."

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Nym had been silent for most of the journey. For someone who had spent his entire life on his homeworld, surrounded by his people, visiting a new system was a deeply spiritual experience. He had knelt in his quarters, meditating, trying to to see how the Force would guide him to greater knowledge here. Beneath his goggles and respirator, Nym's eyes grew wide as the party left the ship. Doran was an industrial world, but it was nothing like this. He could tell that most struggled with the atmosphere, but as Kel Dor, he was used to that.

    "I agree with Imari. We are all armed, and resemble mercenaries more than students. I trust Ashur, but not those around him. I would feel more comfortable entering the Academy with our gear, and I don't think the front door is the best way to do that."

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth_Details View Post
    "I agree with Imari. We are all armed, and resemble mercenaries more than students. I trust Ashur, but not those around him. I would feel more comfortable entering the Academy with our gear, and I don't think the front door is the best way to do that."
    -cut to-

    "Oh, poodo, meesu forgot ID." Vashana looked hopefully at the two guards. "Youso can forgive me this once, right? Meesu wont be long, meesu just want a look around meesu old colledge."

    (aiming for a charm check)

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    The guards looked at Vashana, with the same bored look on their face, obviously just doing their job around here.
    "You forgot your ID?..."

    ooc: If you want to try to convince them with charm, going to need a charm vs cool of the guards at average difficulty (2d8) and also one setback (1d6) for not having an identitychip.
    Last edited by McGirks; 2016-05-13 at 11:43 AM.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Quote Originally Posted by McGirks View Post
    The guards looked at Vashana, with the same bored look on their face, obviously just doing their job around here.
    "You forgot your ID?..."

    ooc: If you want to try to convince them with charm, going to need a charm vs average difficulty (2d8) and also one setback (1d6) for not having an identitychip.
    Charm to get in the building: 1eP+2eA+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 2 threat

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    The guards looked at Vashana suspiciously.
    "Yeah come in professor, next time please bring your id and please wait over there, it's orientation today."

    As they let the old gungan through the security checkpoint.

    ooc: going to need to check on the others too before moving on the next scene but yeah, you are past the security checkpoint.
    Last edited by McGirks; 2016-05-13 at 11:55 AM.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Imari Tal'shiar
    Wounds: 0 | Strain: 0
    Condition: Concerned.

    Imari looked towards Narla as a plan started to formulate, "Hey listen sis, now that Vashana got in, he'll link up with Ashur. Once they report a main power relay has gone down, they can put out a maintenance call. If you can route that call to our comm's, we can respond as if we were the Academy tech team. Now, we'd have to spoof some ident-chips to do so, but it would help get us all in without raising flags with the Corporate Security around the place. Though, we'd have to procure some sort of uniform, or technician's overalls, something like that, maybe a couple tool kits so we could get some gear in, just in case."

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Rie coughed when she took her first breath in the atmosphere of the Planet. Somehow this was even worse than Nar Shaddaa, well the parts she usually had hanged out at. She ought to get one of those fancy breathing masks everyone was running around with.

    Sadly she had failed at making the ideas, the Uni's network security was stronge than she thought it'd be. Of course she blamed her lack of proper equipment instead of admitting that she had trouble cracking the system.

    Luckily it wasn't to hard for them to find a guy who could do what she couldn't. But a hundred creds was a lot of cash and she didn't know about the others, but she was strapped. Also, there was Imari's objection.

    Imi's right. We don't exactly look like the brainy types. Well Ah guess Ah could pose as a student or somethin'. With that Orientation thing goin' on there are a lot of folks around and lotsa new faces. Should be a charm for someone charmin' like me ta hide in the crowd. It's what Ah do.

    She coughed again and scuffed Imari on his shoulder. Ah toldja Ah ain't 'Sis'! And your plan sounds way complicated. Why not let Vash look for a backdoor and let us all in that way. Or Ah could sneak in and find somethin'.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Only four armed security guards patrol the outside of the Archive during the night, on regu*lar, four-hour shifts, watching the cargo entrance and the main entrance is what managed to gather talking with some students and scholar.

    But while essentially scanning the perimeter and asking questions around, a human male student she was talking to with his rebreather on end up telling her.

    "yeah really hope you find what you are looking for..."

    As he did that look on his face, that Rie would recognize anywhere, when someone was about to go talk to the authorities or something like that.

    ooc: you can attempt some social interaction skills with him, being a typical human, you would need to succeed at average difficulty (d8) to convince him otherwise or if you have something else mind, you can do that as well.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Rie had acted as innocent as possible as she had checked out the campus and asked around a bit about the buildings and security, but the young man who was talking now to her had that look she had seen many times. Either he was suspicious or he didn't like how she looked, but apart from lacking a rebreather it wasn't like she stood out much in a crowd.

    Anyway she had to find a way to prevent the man from talking to security. If he did it would make their job a lot harder. She leaned towards as and lowered her voice as if she was about to let him in on a secret and then just started blathering out a lie, toning down her accent to sound more convincing.

    Hey, look, you're not gonna tell on me, right? I'm with the student union and we had some complaints about security, so I'm here to check it out. If you tell them about it I can't do my job. In fact it would be best if you talked to noone about this. We don't want to have them hear about the inspection through the grapevine, now would we? It's about campus security and we just want all our students feel safe.

    She hoped he would buy her story, else she had to think of something different.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Past the checkpoint, Vashana hobbled toward the Archives. His companions were surely flailing to beat the planetary security in flashy, noisy ways. In time, they would need to learn to trust the Living Force. At present, however, he had some time to quietly find Ashur.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    While Vashana was about to move around, he was stopped on his way by a A thin, wiry man with a shaved head and a cybernetic brain implant approaches you wearing a dull gray and semi-official suit. He smiles pleasantly as he reaches out to shake your hand.

    “Welcome to Phelar and our university here! I am Proctor Eren Garai. Before we let you delve into our research materials, the university would like to give you a quick orientation tutorial. I know it sounds tedious, but we do have a certain way we like things done here. ”

    ooc: if you want to try to deceive or postpone the orientation, you can try an opposed charm or deception vs discipline (2d12 challenge dice and 1d8 difficulty dice).
    Last edited by McGirks; 2016-05-14 at 09:30 AM.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Rie meanwhile whispered to him and the student nodded and waving his hands while moving away from her, as a person that was getting in on a secret.

    "No worries! Have a good day cya in class later!"

    She wouldn't have to worry about that guy for now.

    ooc: You can go share the information with the others and then your group can decide how you want to proceed.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    When Rie returned to the others she reported what she had seen.

    "They only got four guards on shifts of four hour keepin' an eye on the cargo area and front door. Ah was thinkin' Ah could sneak in with some new students. Open up an fire escape door or somethin'. By the way, anyone heard a thing 'bout Vash? "

    Rie coughed again, this time a bit more heavily.

    "And Ah really need one of those masks."
    Last edited by Simsimillia; 2016-05-15 at 05:29 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Imari Tal'shiar
    Wounds: 0 | Strain: 0
    Condition: Concerned.

    Imari looked up from the computer console he was working at when she returned, "Might be best if you sneak in with the students then. I've got a plan to get the Captain, Nym and myself in, we should be able to smuggle in our gear too. If you've got anything that is," he paused, smirked at the young woman, "less than legal just stow it in that cargo container over there."

    He looked at Rie as she started coughing more emphatically, "I'm sure they sell respirators in the port for newcomers, should be able to find one there." As he spoke he remembered how he had first met her, "And by find, I mean purchase, not 'acquire', you have a light touch but we don't need anymore trouble."

    As she mentioned Vash, he looked around the cargo hold where he was working, "Hmmm, I don't know where that senile old Gungan wandered off too." He clicked his comm, "Vash, where are you at old man? Lost again?"

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    While the others were off planning the break-in, Zan-Kel needed to rent a speeder, so that they could get away if they needed to. It wasn't hard to find a place that offered speeders, but paying 125 credits for a single night was kind of pricy.

    Zan-Kel slowed down to a gentle stop as he made his way to the landing platform, and hopped out of the speeder. It was a similar model to the ones his parents had back on Iridonia, but this had the wear and tear that came with rental speeders.

    "I've got a speeder ready to go, just in case things go south," said the Zabrak. "How's everything else coming along?"

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Quote Originally Posted by McGirks View Post
    While Vashana was about to move around, he was stopped on his way by a A thin, wiry man with a shaved head and a cybernetic brain implant approaches you wearing a dull gray and semi-official suit. He smiles pleasantly as he reaches out to shake your hand.

    “Welcome to Phelar and our university here! I am Proctor Eren Garai. Before we let you delve into our research materials, the university would like to give you a quick orientation tutorial. I know it sounds tedious, but we do have a certain way we like things done here. ”

    ooc: if you want to try to deceive or postpone the orientation, you can try an opposed charm or deception vs discipline (2d12 challenge dice and 1d8 difficulty dice).
    Charm to delay orienntation: 1eP+2eA+2eC+1eD 2 successes, 2 threat

    "Yes, Yes, of course, Meesu be right by. Er... can yousa point me at the restroom?"

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Legacy of the Jedi: IC

    Imari Tal'shiar
    Wounds: 0 | Strain: 0
    Condition: Prepared.

    As Zan-Kel glided the speeder into the hangar, and hopped Imari stopped his work and let out a low whistle. "Nice, just what we needed. I think we can pull this off." He hopped down from his work over the cannister and walked up the G9's loading ramp motioning for the Captain to follow.

    Once in the relative safety of the cargo hold he looked over to his ally, "Alright, here goes. I got us some ID Chips, we're a maintenance crew for the Academy. Thing is I tried to slice a work order in, but the finished product was more than a little amateur." He paused a moment, fully expecting the scowl of disapproval, "BUT! I did find a valid work order, thing is it's for tomorrow. I think with my idea we can write that off to an improperly filed inter-departmental memo. We roll in with the speeder, some overalls, and the cannister outside and NOBODY is going to want to look too closely."

    He pointed to the airtight cargo container in the loading bay, "I already stowed my questionable gear in there, so have Rie and Nym. Once you get your essentials inside we seal it and winch it down into the cannister of biowaste I cleaned from the G9's reclamation systems. Drop in some filings hull filings to mess with any scans and we're good to clear the guards on the gate. If they ask, we just tell them that unless they want their waste systems to violently decompress during the Student Union meeting they'll let us in to repair it."

    He smiled, proud of his plan, he thought he had covered all of the bases. "Well Captain, what do you think?"

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    "That... actually sounds like a solid plan. We just need to make sure we can get the biowaste canister back in the ship before they figure out what's going on," said Zan-Kel, as he placed his carbine inside the container. As he walked over to his footlocker, the Zabrak hunter popped the lid open and dumped in his ration packs, leaving only his datapad and stimpacks inside.

    "I'll keep my stimpacks on my person. It's not particularly hard to convince them that they're useful, since we're waste management folks."

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Rie cackled when she heard about the plan to smuggle their gear inside a container full of **** and stored her own blaster in it. She wasn't any good with it anyway.

    "Maybe we can smuggle the stuff out of the building too in this thing. Be in and out before anyone notices."

    Imari's comment about "aquiring" gear was met with a "talking hand" gesture and her silently mock-parroting the young man. Sure she would buy it, if the trader was nice enough and it wasn't too expensive.

    Wandering through the space port Rie quickly found a place that sold tge rebreathers. As she approached she started coughing a bit more than she actually had to, hoping for a pity bonus.

    As she brosed the masks looking for one that fit she continued to cough every now and then.

    "How much for that one?" She asked the seller as she pointed at a midnight blue mask, fully aware of the tagged on price.

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