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Thread: Riverside 18

  1. - Top - End - #421
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Recaiden's Avatar

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    Default [Electra's Apartment - The Watchers]

    And that weapon-readying clicking sound is a perfect cover to shimmy closer.

    Interestingly, it's hard to make a judgement yet about whether Electra forgot or if this is a ploy. Old codes is a bad sign, but what else would an old comrade have?

    Let's take a closer look at the visitor.
    ~Inner Circle~
    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    He takes normality and reason and turns them UP TO 11!
    Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
    Recaiden, stop using your mastery of the English language to confuse the issue.
    Echidna by Serpentine

  2. - Top - End - #422
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Riverside 18

    Southside Border

    "Remnant Officer? Why do you-" Our secret agent looks down at his sleeve and scowls, as if he'd only just taken note of his own uniform now. "Oh. Of course. They gave me a Remnant uniform." Halton sighs, trying to repress his overwhelming disgust. Raptor Christ, Command has always had the weirdest obsession with Inside's city guard, but this? This is a bit much. I swear, this uniform better be a forgery, because if 'Halton' finds out they stole this out of Vasquez's dresser or something...

    "If I ever see you again, remind me to hit Command over the head with a shovel. Law's here, I gotta run." Ringo-1 draws his sidearm again, this time with purpose. One arm reaches out to pull the magical girl by the waist, as the other shoots out just past her shoulder, sending out a flurry of fiery red 'warning shots' in the direction of the red-garbed goons. If he's lucky, they'll immediately find something to take cover behind, giving him time to duck into an alley, break into a sprint, and get the hell out of here. If he's not so fortunate...well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. As for Gemini, she should be fine on her own either way. Anyone who can crash like that can probably outrun him, or teleport, or turn invisible. Hell, she could also just pay for the damages caused by the ditch like a normal citizen or something. She'll be fine.
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Magtok's the best
    "You probably found 'How to Survive a Robot Uprising' in the humor section. Let's just hope that is where it belongs."
    -Daniel H. Wilson
    Unhooded Magtok avvie by urodivoi

  3. - Top - End - #423
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    In my head

    Default Re: Riverside 18

    [Electra's Apartment - The Watchers]

    From this vent, the watcher can see Electra holding one of her rather large energy pistols on the visitor, whose hands have slowly gone up, showing black gloves underneath the voluminous sleeves of her (its?) robe. The visitor is seated on Electra's couch, while Electra herself stands off to one side, expression calm, but serious. Slowly, it reaches with one hand into the hood and seems to undo something, before pushing the hood back, revealing jet-black hair that's long enough to have been tucked under the robe through the collar, before moving its hand back into the "surrender" pose, revealing the face of a young woman who seems about Electra's age, an amused grin plastered on it. Now that the hood is down, the watcher can see that her eyes have red irises that seem to almost burn in intensity. Electra herself keeps her weapon on-line, though she's obviously paled by several shades.

    " isn't right. It can't be. You're dead! The reports said you'd died after the colony drop! No one could find your control chip! They said it had been vaporized!"

    The amused grin on the visitor widens. Her voice, clearly female now, conveys her amusement.

    "The reports of my death were greatly exaggerated. Badly damaged, yes, but not dead. Who else do you know uses that code phrase? You were the one who helped me come up with it, after all."

    Electra slowly lowers her weapon, obviously surprised. She doesn't holster it, but instead, simply hangs on to it as she collapses into one of the chairs. The visitor lowers her hands gently.

    "So what happened? What are you doing here, Kendra? Did HQ send you?"

    The visitor, this 'Kendra' shakes her head in the negative, frowning.

    "No, they didn't. They're..this is really hard to explain. For me, they've been gone for oh, a couple thousand years. I lost count awhile ago." She shrugs, then sits forward as Electra gapes. "Look, I don't really have a lot of time here. When I arrived in the Nexus, I felt your presence. Don't ask me how, I don't have time to explain it all. I did some asking around, found out that you've been working as a mercenary, and told your Ray-Bit I had an urgent job for you because I need to warn you."

    Electra starts to ask a question, but Kendra holds up her hand in a 'stop' motion. "No, just listen. I have an idea of how you wound up here. I suspect the reason you're still here is because you hit an open portal that wasn't encoded, so your EV unit can't get a frame of reference to get back to our reality, right?"

    Electra shrugs and nods. "Near as I can tell, anyways."

    "I'm sure you've seen all the magic stuff walking around. You've probably figured out there are many ways into and out of the Nexus. You might not be able to use your technology to return, but magic might be able to get you back home. But...." She pauses, her voice softening, her expression saddening. "You have no home there now. If you return to our reality and your time, you'll be hunted as a Maverick and killed."

    Several levels of shock register on Electra's face for a few moments, before she comes to perhaps the obvious question.

    "Why? Why me? Why are you telling me this?"

    Kendra's expression is gentle, almost motherly.

    "Political expediency after the facility you were in when you disappeared collapsed. It was a black op in a black facility to begin with. They disavowed you in the easiest manner possible, and that makes the secret of what's in your noggin all the easier to conceal." She points at Electra's head as her voice grows more serious. "Yes, I know about it. No, I don't have time to explain that right now, either. I'm here on...other business, and it's rather pressing. My...employers, for lack of a better word, gave me a little time when I sensed you because I insisted, but we're on something of a tight schedule and I can't linger too long. But as for why I'm telling you any of this, well, that's simple."

    She smiles once more, warmth flooding into it. "You were my best friend through two wars. You and your brothers and sister, all of you, always had my back, no matter what. I always wanted to repay that kindness, but I never quite knew how. Consider it a down payment." Kendra stands, and pulls her hood back up. Electra sits for a moment, trying to sort her thoughts out, before looking up at her friend.

    "What are your 'employers' here for, Kendra?"

    The raven-haired woman smiles at Electra mysteriously from beneath the hood.

    "I can't tell you. I don't have time to explain, and you might not believe me anyways. Suffice it to say that we're ridding the universe, such as it is, of something nasty, and I'd really rather not involve you in this if I don't have to. And, unfortunately, my time is up, and I must go. Be well, my friend, until next we meet. Perhaps once my task is done, we can have a longer chat and catch up." She bends over and hugs Electra for a moment, glancing up at the vent and winking while Electra can't see her face. The she straightens up, placing the hidden mask back over her face in the hood, and showing herself out. Electra still seems in a daze, and takes several minutes before she tries to refocus on what the General has asked her to do by playing the DVD she got from Ilpholin of Stu's interview.

    If any of the General's watchers are still watching the outside of the apartment, when Kendra leaves, she'll stroll pleasantly and quietly down the street for several blocks, then disappear in a rush of winds that blows dust from the street. A short while later, the rain shower will clear.
    Last edited by Nova_Eclipse; 2017-01-18 at 01:16 AM.
    Why is it Plan A is always, "Get 'Em!" and Plan B is, "Cause as much collateral damage as possible"?

  4. - Top - End - #424
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Zefir's Avatar

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    Not in a secret base, no!

    Default Re: Riverside 18

    Southside Border

    Southside may be not as populated as it was before the AMEN attack, but there are some fractions after all. a lone person on the ground is not really of intrest, but something or someone crashing into the ground sure is. The people of DMside are rather nervoude right nos, especially with the wall that came up.
    A small groupe is send out from DMside. Two robots, both 4 meter in size with one armed and the other one got tools for transportation, and two unarmed people leave the citypart. When they notice the guys in red military uniforms they slow down and after the first shots where fired the men seek shelter behind the armed robot. They remain here and watch what is happening for now.
    Grammer is my declared deadly enemy!
    Avatar by Ceika

    Let's PLay's in German Take a Look at Bravely Default.

    Nexus Characters: LINK

  5. - Top - End - #425
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Riverside 18

    [Considerably Closer to Toytinker]

    Leon and his aimless wanderings had naturally gravitates towards the center of the commotion and thus also the highest density of the shards. He had been planning on smacking a few with his trusty shovel to see how they stood up to things that robbed them of their anima but as they stopped and words started echoing louder than the screams Leon saw a chance to entertain himself a bit and watch the negotiations.

    Thus, with a smirk Leon's form would turn ephemeral, the once stout physical form dissolving into umbral wisps seemingly carried by an invisible wind to the top of a car nearby, his form recoalescing as he'd appear, squatting like a bird on its perch as he'd say flashing a sly grin full of razor sharp teeth

    "There's no need to beat around the bush here. Someone's put up a barrier that keeps daemonkin locked inside. I'm interested in why myself."

    He'd then turn his emerald gaze to the gangly looking man of the pair, he didn't need a introduction to know the man was a mage, his eyes could see the magic just fine coming off both of these guys.

    "After all as an aggrieved party I think that someone who knew what was going down before hand was rather negligent if there are still innocent daemons trapped within the walls. So, I think you had best answer the man's questions."

    He'd say with a chuckle as he'd gesture with a thumb towards the completely clothed man. Leon was a man accustomed to dealing with daemonkin and the homicidal so he understood all too well what a bad idea it was to isolate a place like this without warning its citizens. It was downright irresponsible, and while Leon didn't care about evil doing what evil does. He did care about the raw incompetence on display here. If an entity was too dangerous to inform the citizens about, it was also far too dangerous to lock them inside with it. Though, Daemons had always been considered as "Acceptable Losses".
    Last edited by Fan; 2017-01-18 at 04:26 AM.

  6. - Top - End - #426
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Riverside 18

    [The Toy Tinker]

    Gangly is an excellent way to describe Sticks'. He's a tall, odd-looking creature with pointed elvish ears and steel replacing several of his body parts. All of his limbs, parts of his neck and the bridge of his nose, to name a few. Upon closer inspection, his eyes appear to be glass orbs, glowing with an apparently electric light. He wears a tattered patchwork cloak around his pale form, it's colors multitudinous and strangely thrumming with power. His hair is an autumn red, a stark contrast to his otherwise muted appearance.

    Another creature materializes atop a nearby automobile. This does give Sticks a bit of a start, and he recoils slightly, glancing between the two strangers with one corner of his lip eking up disconcertedly.

    Well. The layman's explanation for two, then. "...B-by calling upon the pit lord Arioch, I have temporarily erected a field that repels demonic spirits, demon-kin, and..." He looks at the fully clothed, covered thing, the spirit in it's shell. "Spirits of a uniquely fathomless hatred. Unfortunately, a narrower filter could not be etched into the circle in the time allotted. A massive fear demon spreads it's influence across the city entire, and it threatened to spread further. I have, for tonight, disallowed this."

    "It is, at worst, a temporary prison, and you have all of Riverside's delights to entertain your fancy until sunrise. I'm concerned with only one demon tonight," Sticks tells them both, narrowing his glassy gaze. He takes his rune-etched stave in both hands before him and holds it at his knees, bending forward in a small bow. "Spirit, daemon, I beg with... profound regret in my heart, for your inconvenience: permit me to work in peace, this night. Arioch cannot be turned back, and I swell with his power... power I prefer to use solely upon the ritual. Not to defend myself." He looks up at A-1, slowly straightening. "No more harm need be done."
    Last edited by Murkus; 2017-01-18 at 05:18 PM.
    My avatar was done by Gullara. Thanks again!

    "If you meet a spirit walking,
    Incline your head.
    Do not meet their gaze.
    Do not follow after."

    -Things Our Mothers Tell Us

    Nexus Characters

  7. - Top - End - #427
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Riverside 18

    [The Toy Tinker]

    "I'd laugh, but I haven't had involuntary biological responses for over thirty years. The way I see it, I don't especially care what happens with this...demon thing." The apparent corporeal specter waves a hand dismissively. "This bores me. But my mobility is important, otherwise this could get messy in a way that even I don't want. You have two options. One, I go fight this thing for you and make our lives easier. Two, I start doing what I was just doing again. Either way, trust me on this, you don't want me stuck here, or anywhere else. They'll find me."

    A complex hardlight construct made in the shape of an advanced aircraft of some variety in miniature appears, held over the phantom's gloved hand. "And this city doesn't want to deal with Chimera's attention again. So that's a third option - I can walk away and every one of us can take our chances with them until I can leave, and while I like my chances, you don't like yours. Plus they would be boring." He shrugs. "I almost feel sorry for you, blundering into this."

    He's rather nonchalant in that bizarre voice, evidently not taking anything about this very seriously. All rather casual and matter-of-fact for someone making death threats.
    Last edited by Darkcomet; 2017-01-18 at 05:48 PM.
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  8. - Top - End - #428
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Recaiden's Avatar

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    Default [Southside Border]

    Well, that's one way to announce newcomers.

    The goons scatter as predicted, half ducking into an alley, the other two taking cover behind a parked (abandoned?) car. After a moment, they've drawn their low-powered sidearms and a handful of red bolts are flying back in Ringo and Gemini's general direction. There's only a little danger of them hitting anything. But that's still a little danger. A teensy drop of it.

    [Electra's Apartment - The Watchers]

    The problem here is that Electra seems to be hanging around the apartment. Leaving the watcher lying in the vents, not wanting to move and make a sound. Sure, maybe it could be passed off as just the rain. But that's too much of a risk.

    Which is a shame, because this is great news! The levers to pry at Electra with seem to have increased, this new player is going to get out of the way, oh there's so much opportunity!
    To be acted upon later.
    ~Inner Circle~
    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    He takes normality and reason and turns them UP TO 11!
    Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
    Recaiden, stop using your mastery of the English language to confuse the issue.
    Echidna by Serpentine

  9. - Top - End - #429
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Riverside 18

    [The Toy Tinker]

    Leon would feign a moment of being wounded before he'd chuckle and gesture towards the clothed man to say

    "I like you. You don't mess around. Men should speak clearly and with intent to act on their words. You seem to understand that."

    That look of glee and entertainment would only last for a few moments before he'd turn back to.. whoever this mage guy was, and he'd refocus himself as he'd allow some of the fear essence to leak off himself. Umbra Daemons were creatures of pure terror, being a combination of Shadow, Darkness, and Psychic energies it was only natural they'd take manifestations in battle that took the form of the viewers worst fears, but Leon wasn't going to assume that form quite yet. Though manifesting it at all was perhaps an unspoken dare, and a response to the thinly veiled threat that had been thrown his way as he'd continue with

    "As for you, I think you should have considered the possibility of failure or sabotage in this plan. If someone had any ill intent and had created a single flaw for the daemon to exploit wherever you're handling it, then the lives of every daemon in this city would be forfeit as they'd be trapped inside a locked box. Lambs to the slaughter as it is. I don't know who runs things around here, but they're doing a slapdash job of it. I'm not here to interfere with you though. I just think you should clean your **** up. You'd have been court marshalled under The Zephyrian Hierarchy."

    He'd say with a shrug before he'd pause as if in thought for a moment before a sinister gleam would come to his eyes as he'd say

    "Unless that's what you're after? Come on now, we're all adults here. You holy light types consider daemons a blight on society right? If you want them gone I'm not the type to try and stop you. I'd just prefer a bit of honesty~."
    Last edited by Fan; 2017-01-18 at 06:48 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #430
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    In my head

    Default Re: Riverside 18

    [Electra's Apartment - The Watchers]

    The watcher won't need to wait long. Stu's interview is relatively short, and she only watches it once, before turning off the display and rising, grabbing her jacket and holstering her weapon in the small of her back once more, before heading out the door, the electronic lock system she's installed locking it behind her. She'll walk away from the building briskly, heading down the street in a different direction than Kendra went. Once she's a block from the building, she'll teleport away in a bright blue beam.
    Why is it Plan A is always, "Get 'Em!" and Plan B is, "Cause as much collateral damage as possible"?

  11. - Top - End - #431
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Riverside 18

    Southside Border

    Gemini is promptly finding herself snuggled up with the steely man, blinking in bewilderment at finding herself hip-to-hip with him. "Um. Not that I don't enjoy this, but what are you do-ING?!" She says, her normally calm voice turning into a surprised shout when she sees the gun and finds herself under fire as well as being used as a gun rest. "What the hell?!?" She asks before grunting when her head snaps back after a shot hits her. Luckily for all involved all it does is singe her hair.

    She turns to give an angry look at the soldiers before a realization hits her and she looks at the man holding her, in the eyes if possible even though that would likely involve her standing between him and those he's shooting at. So of course she just has to twist out of his grip to do so, gauntlet covered hands resting on her hips. "Wait a moment. You're a villain?" She asks, frowning in severe disappointment. At least she's not shooting at him though.

  12. - Top - End - #432
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Riverside 18

    Southside Border

    "Morally ambiguous rogue! There's a difference!" Ringo exclaims, already hurtling down the street, away from the crimson guard as fast as his legs will carry him. With his unseen augmentations, that's slightly further than one might expect, but nothing too extraordinary. Maybe good enough to compete in the next Summer Olympics, but certainly nowhere near enough to win a bronze.

    "The cause is just, methods are debatable, and the pay is trash! I'll tell you all about it when we're not being sent to the gulag!" Of course, he'd probably be able to run faster if he wasn't so busy trying to justify himself to some cephalopod-stomping, miniskirt-swinging, astrology-believing friendship fairy.

    "Liverpool, this is Ringo-1! Requesting immediate evac! No, I'm not going to admit you were right and I was wrong, just shut up and get me an exit!"
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Magtok's the best
    "You probably found 'How to Survive a Robot Uprising' in the humor section. Let's just hope that is where it belongs."
    -Daniel H. Wilson
    Unhooded Magtok avvie by urodivoi

  13. - Top - End - #433
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Not in a secret base, no!

    Default Re: Riverside 18

    Southside Border

    The robot groupe slowly moves on, the armed one in front while the other one offers cover for the 2 man.

    The armed one might just appear around the corner in front of Ringo and Gemini, his arms with railguns at the end pointing straight forward.
    Grammer is my declared deadly enemy!
    Avatar by Ceika

    Let's PLay's in German Take a Look at Bravely Default.

    Nexus Characters: LINK

  14. - Top - End - #434
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: Riverside 18

    [The Toy Tinker]

    Sticks scowls, intensely nervous. The magically uninitiated were such a chore to deal with sometimes. Unfortunately, both of these creatures were likely powerful regardless, and he was not inclined to do open battle with them on the streets of Riverside. He attempts to go on explaining.

    "If... I may. Spirit, you misunderstand. This demon I hunt is not something you can fight - not in any mundane sense of the word, at least. Were it only so simple, I could agree to your option. Bereft of a means of attack, I have prepared a special vessel - a trap within a trap, if you will. I can seal the entity inside - but only if left to my machinations. Then, perhaps, I can persuade Arioch to lower this barrier we've erected together."

    Sticks gestures with his Rod as he speaks, and in doing so subtly creates an illusion around himself. It may become difficult to discern if Sticks is truly still standing there. "If you're hunted... if you're some enemy of those terrorists that call themselves Chimera, then a single night more in Riverside will put you in no further danger. If it does draw their attention, I certainly cannot be held accountable. You are... welcome, perhaps, to dwell here in my domicile for the evening. I can assure that you'll be undetectable via conventional or supernatural means. At least then it will only be myself and my shop at risk. Consider that, amongst your options, I beg."

    "As for you,"
    Sticks turns upon the daemon-kin Leon and goes on in his verbose way, "I'm not sure I understand your references, but of course failure has been considered. I have considered, also, what should occur if the fear demon were to escape this city's boundaries, and I shuddered for it. The only sabotage possible - hells, the only sabotage occurring is what's happening here, and the result of whatever violence dwells in both your hearts."

    "Since you've stated you have no interest in interfering, and you wish not to stop me, then I bid you leave. Both of you," He wags his staff as though shooing troublemakers. "And I do suppose it warrants stating..." He thrusts his strange rune-carved stick against the ground, and the sidewalk itself seems to ripple at the impact. The ground beneath him flashes a sudden, startling white before fading. "If I should perish this night... whether at the demon's hand, or by some saboteur... The barrier will never come down. You will both be trapped here. Forever."

    Sticks swallows, shaking, giddy. "...Consider this. Then, act, or do not. Leave, or do not. But make it fast, because for all my power I have not the luxury of time. If still you have quarrel with me, come back in the morning. Perchance you'll find a smoking crater, and both our problems will all be solved." Sticks passes one last glance between them, and he realizes suddenly that he is sweating, a pair of small beads collecting on his head. He hadn't been sure he could still sweat. "Goodnight, gentlemen."

    And following that, he tries to walk in his jilted, hobbling way back into his shop.
    My avatar was done by Gullara. Thanks again!

    "If you meet a spirit walking,
    Incline your head.
    Do not meet their gaze.
    Do not follow after."

    -Things Our Mothers Tell Us

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  15. - Top - End - #435
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Riverside 18

    [Southside Border]

    One of the crimson guard in the alleyway has a walkie-talkie. Might be calling for backup, might be reporting that the shooter(s?) are fleeing towards Wildside and aren't a problem anymore.
    The others, after a moment, stop shooting and hold off. So long as Ringo keeps running.

    [Electra's Apartment - The Watchers]

    Oh good. Once she's outside the watcher can shimmy through the air vent, climb back up to the outtake, and get outside. Screw the vent cover back on, hop down, and heads back to report.

    [Later, at Southside HQ]

    "And this Kendra saw you?"

    "Yes, General. I don't know how, exactly. Perhaps just better senses. She seemed immensely powerful. I think even if Electra has shot it would have bounced off."
    The watcher sounds nervous making the report.

    Someone else steps in smoothly.
    "But what's most important here is the news Electra got. Cut off by her old government employers. That could make her suspicious of us, but it could be an opportunity."


    "What about this secret Electra had?"

    "No idea yet. We should try to be there when Kendra returns; it seems likely to come up then. But it's probably only applicable to her homeworld."

    "Okay, Rust. Be ready. Right after the Eastside job. Good work, both of you." The General waves, they're dismissed.
    Last edited by Recaiden; 2017-01-19 at 11:11 AM.
    ~Inner Circle~
    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    He takes normality and reason and turns them UP TO 11!
    Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
    Recaiden, stop using your mastery of the English language to confuse the issue.
    Echidna by Serpentine

  16. - Top - End - #436
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Where indeed

    Default Re: Riverside 18

    Quote Originally Posted by UncleWolf View Post

    Lazy Afternoon

    The scholar pales a bit when he sees the beewoman accosting his orchid, and he starts to sputter a bit as he tries to formulate some sort of response to tell her to stop, but he ends up sighing and sitting down heavily on the chair he had in the little greenhouse. "Not the bamboo orchid..." He whimpers quietly, watching and reaching up to tug on one of his lapine ears in distress.

    The Empress' Estate - Victor and Alva

    "I will leave the details in your hands, but they are to receive no more than fifteen percent of the taxes that the water will have imposed upon it for private land owners. Public sources will not have tax, but anyone seeking to tap into the aqueduct for their own private source will pay a tax dependent on the size of the piping used. If they insist, a small portion of crops that use water from this for irrigation will be set aside for them as well. Any other terms and conditions will be up to you two." The Empress explains before holding her left hand over her throne's arm rest and speaking. Pressure washes off of her for a moment as a chunk of metal is grown out of the throne and formed into two rings that she then offers them. "My signet and seal for when the deal is finished."

    Riverside - Lazy Afternoon

    "HmmMM?" Hums the lady questioningly, pulling her proboscislike tongue back and her face out of the orchid she was attending. Her cheeks are improbably covered in bright, yellow pollen, and after a swift tilt of her head and a look towards the scholar, she ignores Matthias in favor of transferring it to the next flower in much the same fashion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Terumitsu View Post
    [The Empress' Estate - Victor and Alva]

    Victor was given a quick grin before turning and half-leaning on her staff as she listened to the Empress' words. He seemed fun, all said.

    Taking a signet ring, Alva only paused for a moment before making a minor inquiry. "So.. I had a thought. Could we also be provided with some strong spirits as well? The, uh, alcoholic kind, I mean." she asked. "I think it might prove favorable as either a gift or maybe to at least loosen a few lips in this case." she added. Plus it would be an interesting story, trading wine for water.
    The Empress' Estate - Alva and Victor

    A sidelong glance is made towards Alva, "For whatever reason, I don't think this is the first time you've employed strong spirits in negotiations. It's a sound idea to come bearing gifts though, the more aged and rare the bottle, the better. Or if we cannot afford that, potency could likely be substituted for taste." Victor cannot help a half-cocked grin. It's certainly not his first rodeo either.

    "With the ducts only passing near their territory and not through it, Milady, I doubt the mercenaries will require more than ten percent. I'd never put it past anyone to be unreasonable, though, so we will do our best."

    Quote Originally Posted by Murkus View Post
    [The Toy Tinker]

    Sticks scowls, intensely nervous. The magically uninitiated were such a chore to deal with sometimes. Unfortunately, both of these creatures were likely powerful regardless, and he was not inclined to do open battle with them on the streets of Riverside. He attempts to go on explaining.

    "If... I may. Spirit, you misunderstand. This demon I hunt is not something you can fight - not in any mundane sense of the word, at least. Were it only so simple, I could agree to your option. Bereft of a means of attack, I have prepared a special vessel - a trap within a trap, if you will. I can seal the entity inside - but only if left to my machinations. Then, perhaps, I can persuade Arioch to lower this barrier we've erected together."

    Sticks gestures with his Rod as he speaks, and in doing so subtly creates an illusion around himself. It may become difficult to discern if Sticks is truly still standing there. "If you're hunted... if you're some enemy of those terrorists that call themselves Chimera, then a single night more in Riverside will put you in no further danger. If it does draw their attention, I certainly cannot be held accountable. You are... welcome, perhaps, to dwell here in my domicile for the evening. I can assure that you'll be undetectable via conventional or supernatural means. At least then it will only be myself and my shop at risk. Consider that, amongst your options, I beg."

    "As for you,"
    Sticks turns upon the daemon-kin Leon and goes on in his verbose way, "I'm not sure I understand your references, but of course failure has been considered. I have considered, also, what should occur if the fear demon were to escape this city's boundaries, and I shuddered for it. The only sabotage possible - hells, the only sabotage occurring is what's happening here, and the result of whatever violence dwells in both your hearts."

    "Since you've stated you have no interest in interfering, and you wish not to stop me, then I bid you leave. Both of you," He wags his staff as though shooing troublemakers. "And I do suppose it warrants stating..." He thrusts his strange rune-carved stick against the ground, and the sidewalk itself seems to ripple at the impact. The ground beneath him flashes a sudden, startling white before fading. "If I should perish this night... whether at the demon's hand, or by some saboteur... The barrier will never come down. You will both be trapped here. Forever."

    Sticks swallows, shaking, giddy. "...Consider this. Then, act, or do not. Leave, or do not. But make it fast, because for all my power I have not the luxury of time. If still you have quarrel with me, come back in the morning. Perchance you'll find a smoking crater, and both our problems will all be solved." Sticks passes one last glance between them, and he realizes suddenly that he is sweating, a pair of small beads collecting on his head. He hadn't been sure he could still sweat. "Goodnight, gentlemen."

    And following that, he tries to walk in his jilted, hobbling way back into his shop.
    The Toy Tinker

    Has that sapling always been there? Sticks might find himself asking this as he turns back towards his shop.

    No, no of course it hasn't. For one thing, it's growing up through a sidewalk slab quite rapidly, impaling the concrete like a spike through an uppity young vampire needing to be taught a painful lesson in consent. For another, while its unnatural growth slows as it reaches head-height with Sticks, it begins branching out, flowering rapidly and coming into full bloom in a show of great beauty. Tender, pinkish-white blossoms sprout into heavy fall fruits, the apples swelling into ripe readiness even as the trunk of the tree splits vertically with a groaning shudder, revealing a hollow within.

    Out from which steps a tall, powerfully built woman, nude but for a patina of rich, crumbling earth that falls from her body with every graceful move but never seems to leave her bare. A slender, long-fingered hand comes up to brush long strands of her dark, green-shimmering hair over a shoulder as she casts the three present a curious glance each before settling on Sticks as her target.

    Lenai has come to the city, to see just what has layered itself across her forest so impudently.

    "It is rare that I must take notice of magical interference with my realm, and unique that to do so I must venture into the city it surrounds. You've certainly attracted a lot of unwelcome attention, Toy Tinker." Well the good news for Sticks is that the imperious empress of Wildside seems far more amused and curious than annoyed, "I would appreciate an explanation, if it would not inconvenience you to impose."
    Julie, everyone's nth favorite succubus, by Gulaghar.
    An amazing Misha, Mimi, and Riss painting done by Ofride.
    For anyone in plots run by me, know that I always tailor solutions to those in the plot. The answer may not be obvious, but it's there, and doable by the displayed abilities of the present characters. If you need help or hints, I'll try to be available to provide them.

  17. - Top - End - #437
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Riverside 18

    [Toy Tinker]

    "HE JUST FINISHED EXPLAINING THAT!" The specter's hand meets his 'face,' with an audible smack that sounds like whatever's beneath his guise, it's hard. "You come to a city to watch for someone who can help you become God, and instead you get locked in because some idiot's dealing with monsters, and people who keep asking him to repeat themselves! You know what. No. I'm out. I'm not dealing with this."

    His hand swiftly leaves his face as he raises it into the air, the paused shard storm springs back to life, but not in the way he was doing it before. Instead, the shards rush together, conglomerating into a single much larger construct. It's difficult to recognize at first, but quickly grows to resemble a gigantic drill bit as the corporeal ghost floats up to stand on top of a blunt top end. Anyone who bothers watching him at that height can see that his boots have burst apart, feet composed of the same hardlight melding into the drill construct.

    "I'm leaving now."

    That is when the construct and the construct body melded into it begin to spin as one would expect of a drill, faster and faster until the phantom is satisfied, at which point they descend and begin drilling through the ground. He's not going to stop until he hits the barrier, if he does at all. His plan is to circumvent it by going down, a direction that may not have been anticipated. Of course, he's going to cause terrible gratuitous damage drilling through a whole lot of important infrastructure down there. But we knew he didn't care about that already.
    Last edited by Darkcomet; 2017-01-19 at 07:07 PM.
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  18. - Top - End - #438
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Riverside 18

    Quote Originally Posted by UncleWolf View Post
    Moth Park

    Even though it found its tendril blocked in its crude attempt at brute force, fear is insidious. As soon as its blow is stopped, the tendril curls around, trying to wrap around its interloper as the ground near by begins to crack and raise up. Something massive was coming up from below, and it was likely using a lot of the fear demon's power to manifest such. To manifest this way, it must truly be desperate, but it would be a double-edged sword. Even though it could easily be struck against now, it could just as easily strike back...
    [Moth Park]

    This is... unusual. That's all Vax can think even as the tendril curls around her. "I think there's just been a change of plans." She calls to her wife. The only reason she hasn't been totally engulfed is her own respectable strength. "Keep this thing busy, would you? I need some time." She's going to have to work quickly, but first Zhareen needs to give her an opening to break free cleanly.

  19. - Top - End - #439
    Ettin in the Playground
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    [Toy Tinker]

    "Whoa, Mr.Force Magic over there got his panties in a twist real quick."

    Leon says with a chuckle, not moving to stop the man as he figured if he could punch a hole in the guys shield then the man waggling his stick at Leon wasn't half as scary as he pretended to be, however, Leon didn't get this far in life by acting high and mighty in front of people who were unknowns. For all he knew, these people could all be omnipotent within this little sphere, and he had more than enough experience ramming his head against god shaped walls that he knew that their type were best approached when their guard was down.

    Still, his gaze would go towards the newcomer shortly thereafter, as Leon had meant it when he'd said that he wouldn't interfere with the man and wasn't going stop him so if he didn't feel like talking anymore he wasn't going to force it. The newcomer however, well, Leon detested repetition as much as the next man so he'd move up to cover for the man even if only to save time.

    "He's scared of a daemon that eats fear, is fear, or both. It honestly doesn't matter what it is, what does matter is that he up and decided it was best to seal all the cities inhabitants inside with it creating general mayhem and chaos until he can seal it away within his magic jar trap or something like that. I came here to see who was talking in between the screams of terror, found the man responsible for that piss poor excuse for an obstacle around the city and then Green Lantern over here decided to throw a hissy fit."

    He said with a chuckle as he'd gesture with a thumb towards the growing hole in the ground.

    "Personally, I don't mind the chaos so much. Though if you want to ask anymore questions, do it quick. As soon enough I imagine Mr.Runes and Sticks is going to go try to stop drill for brains down there before he can punch a hole in his magic bubble. That is if he's still there."

    He'd say as he'd flash a grin his eyes shifting from their normal emerald hue to two orbs of starlight, shifting gears interlocking as he'd use a little function of his anatomy that let him see all the "bands" of magic while he'd move to sit back against a car and from a small, bone white, bracelet produce a cigar Leon striking the end of his thumb like a match as he'd take a long, slow, drag off it while watching what unfolded. After all, he had no attachment to any of these guys and he wasn't the type to move in on other people's business without motivation. He was part fear daemon himself after all, even if the beast got loose he was more than confident in his chances to escape.
    Last edited by Fan; 2017-01-19 at 08:57 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #440
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Moth Park

    Zhareen has as the demon been distracted by Vax summoned spiritual vestments and weapons of courage to help her. They appear unreal, literary glowing in a white protective light. So as her wife need help she suddenly slithers forward to cover her retreat, raising her new shield to block whatever the demon had planned. The guards get the idea too and position themselves to protect Vax specifically. "I will stand against you!" Zhareen announces ina booming voice.

    [Electra's Phone]

    Electra is getting a call, it appears to be from Dena.

  21. - Top - End - #441
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    [Electra's Phone]

    Electra picks up, sounding just a little distracted, though the call carries its usual crystal clarity of her voice.

    "Hey Dena, what's up?" She probably already has a good idea, but it's best not to assume.
    Why is it Plan A is always, "Get 'Em!" and Plan B is, "Cause as much collateral damage as possible"?

  22. - Top - End - #442
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    [Electra's Phone]

    "I think you know that already, you recommended me for a job, isn't that right? Something you can't handle yourself." Dena replies.

  23. - Top - End - #443
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    [Electra's Phone]

    Electra chuckles a bit, still sounding distracted.

    "That I did, though I didn't know if you'd accept or not. This is a pretty big job for one operative, but I think it can be done with two. I assume they gave you the basic gist, right?"
    Why is it Plan A is always, "Get 'Em!" and Plan B is, "Cause as much collateral damage as possible"?

  24. - Top - End - #444
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    The Empress' Estate - Victor and Alva

    The Empress seems to consider the ideas for a few moments before giving a small nod. "I will have the kitchen load a keg of brandy and a keg of beer onto a wagon to take with you. Unless you have other means of transportation you'd prefer to use. Both are strong and from my homeland so they cannot be replaced, but I find that this is adequate use for them." She explains before standing up before them and holding out a hand towards a rack of weaponry to their left. She Speaks once again, her words vibrating the air with pressure before a pair of cloth-wrapped weapons fly from the wall to her hand. She catches them with ease and looks down at the two. "Kneel." She commands.

    Once they do so, she lowers herself to one knee as well, holding out one weapon to each of them. Alva's is long and thin, likely a staff or spear wrapped in blue velvet while Victor's is a shorter blade wrapped in burgundy silk. "Take these and speak the word Clathrrm when you stand." Should they do so, they'll particles of ice and dust explode around them as the armor they had been gifted before manifests upon their bodies, fitted perfectly.

    Lazy Afternoon

    When the bee-woman moves on to another orchid, the scholarly rabbit-man gives a sigh, admitting defeat. "Ah...crap. Who am I to say a bee doesn't know better?" He asks no one in particular as his shoulders slump and he heads over to a small fridge he keeps in the greenhouse to pull out a pair of glasses and a bottle of mead. It wasn't the godly mead the Wildside was known for, but it was definitely sweet and honeyed. As his guest violates his orchids, he pours a couple glasses and walks over to offer some of the chilled alcohol to the woman.

    Southside Border

    "I didn't think Anti-Heros were supposed to wear whi-ITE!"
    She starts as she tags along with Ringo-1 only to find railguns pointed at them. Her shock is clear but she doesn't hesitate to try and swat the guns aside with one of her huge gauntlets even as she keeps her body between the guns and the Secret Agent Man in case her action causes one of them to go off.

    Moth Park

    The thick shadowy tendril finds itself stopped just short of its goal, though the guards and Zhareen will feel immense pressure on their arms and armor to keep the demon's power at bay. It tries to wrap around the entire party like a noose before it begins to slowly exert more and more pressure. Off to the side, the ground finally erupts with an unearthly howl. The very fabric of reality feels like it is tearing as it rings through the air, and a terrible sickly green glow illuminates a massive toothy maelstrom of a maw from within. It gives off a stink of rotten meat and bad blood. A smaller tree unfortunate enough to be near by is snagged by a whip-like tentacle before being thrown into the gaping mouth to be ground into wet sawdust.

    Even if the demon wasn't being subtle about it anymore, anyone in their right mind would feel fear or dread when greeted with such a sight. Of course, that relies on the party being in their right minds to begin with.
    Last edited by UncleWolf; 2017-01-20 at 12:51 PM.

  25. - Top - End - #445
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    [Electra's Phone]

    "I got the basic objective, but information gathering is not exactly my expertise. I prefer a direct approach. Such as talking to my contacts within the masks, Jezebel's group, and see what I find out. I assume you have some technological approach to the whole deal though?"

  26. - Top - End - #446
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    [Moth Park]

    Vax takes the opening and backs toward the tree. "We're doing it here. Keep it busy." It would be... harder to bind the demon here. The steps they've taken so far weren't intended to be used here, but Vax will have to make it work. First she touches one of the circle's inner lines. Suddenly roots and vines erupt from the earth all around them, They trace the lines of the circle, giving them a more rigid structure to buy time against the broken earth. Now, the next step...

  27. - Top - End - #447
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    [Electra's Phone]

    "After a fashion, though it's just one facet of what I'm planning. I'm actually picking up the stuff I need for that right now. No one can hear my end of the conversation, in case you're wondering. But you're already ahead of me, if you've got contacts you can talk to in Jezebel's organization. You don't happen to know anyone in the Mayor's office, do you?" Well, that explains why she sounds somewhat distracted, at least.
    Why is it Plan A is always, "Get 'Em!" and Plan B is, "Cause as much collateral damage as possible"?

  28. - Top - End - #448
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Southside Border

    No time to answer her questions, explain that he's more partial to green than this lame white Remnant ripoff. While she's busy fighting the thing off, he leaps into a nearby fire escape, clambering up and then bounding off, straight into...a dangling rope ladder that didn't exist a moment ago? Where the hell did that thing come from?!

    "Put your fists away, our ride's here!" Ringo-1/Halton/A Perfectly Innocuous NPC shouts, as a massive cloaking field fades away just a few meters above the railgun robot. In its place is a 'hovercopter,' with a rope ladder dangling from one side. The aircraft is more or less exactly as the name implies; it's pretty much just a black helicopter without the noisy, attention-grabbing rotors on top. In fact, one might be tempted to think lazy engineers literally just took a helicopter's rotors off, grafted a few hover-panels to the undercarriage, and called it a day. The large guns mounted on either side are no joke, though. I wouldn't want to take this thing and its silent vanishing act on in a fight if I could avoid it.
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Magtok's the best
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    Unhooded Magtok avvie by urodivoi

  29. - Top - End - #449
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    [Moth Park]

    Zhareen, being enchanted by a spirit of courage, resists the effect this time as halo of pure light has manifested above her head. The guards meanwhile are still in their dream-like state and just goes along with it. Simply standing there even as the demon starts circling around them with its tentacle. Their masks did protect them naseous gasses, they weren't purely decorative.
    But while they were concerned with protecting Vax, Zhareen figured it was better to go the offensive against a demon of fear, again, courage was the best way to fight it. "Everyone, position yourself around the circle, I'll deal with this directly." She commands as she moves forward to bash the demon with her spiritual hammer. "Taste the hammer of justice!" She, for some reason, feels like exclaiming.

    [Electra's Phone]

    "Nope, I haven't been that much in Eastside. The mayor is nearly completely unknown to me, beyond the fact that he made some pretty harsh laws regarding 'traitors'. Seems like he is building up as much of a police state as Malechenar, though don't tell anyone I said that." Can't badmouth your own employers. "Continuing, Tep is some kind of knowledge demon, which only makes him about as trustworthy as the other candidates it seems. After all, Stu is a former AMEN member, and Jezebel is a current cult-leader and goddess, which somehow seems more unnerving than the demon-thing. It seems like she have some sort of relationship with one of VIGIL's leaders, Cessie Mithar, you heard of her? There are apparently newspapers writing stories about them."
    Last edited by Shadowcaller; 2017-01-21 at 10:16 AM.

  30. - Top - End - #450
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    Default Re: Riverside 18

    [Electra's Phone]

    Electra pauses for a moment. Dena can practically hear her frowning as she considers possibilities.

    "I've managed to get a little background on Stu, though last I'd heard he might or might not still currently be a member of AMEN. That's something we have to find out, though if the background I've gotten on him is true, I can't imagine why they've kept him around. As far as Jezebel goes, I didn't know she's a goddess, but I have heard of Cessie, and I've read the stories in the papers. I'm reserving judgement on how bad it might be, but it doesn't bode well. you think Jezebel would be able to see through a normal disguise, what with being a goddess and all? Or a magical one? I'm hoping to not have to deal with her directly, but if we do, I'd rather not use my unaltered face if at all possible."
    Divinity in the Nexus, like magic, is not one of Electra's strong suits at the moment. She knows there are people capable of killing them, but beyond that, she's largely in the dark.
    Why is it Plan A is always, "Get 'Em!" and Plan B is, "Cause as much collateral damage as possible"?

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