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  1. - Top - End - #91
    Orc in the Playground

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    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by sarlon View Post
    Waiting on the wizard to post))
    Spoiler: OOC
    You should probably check your mail. Regardless, I'm not able to continue with this game, so I'm going to have to drop out. Sorry tschel23, I was really looking forward to seeing how your character developed, if she was ever found out, ect...
    Spoiler: Quotes
    Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
    If the plot of this game can be summed up as "Lizards **** really hard and good"...

    Good game. Best game. :P
    Quote Originally Posted by martixy View Post
    Wow... that's such a telegraphed straw-man, you can see it from SPACE.

    Spoiler: My Homebrew in progress

    1) MonsterShaman: Something for DMs to use on NPCs to add a bit of flavor.

    1) Static Fulmination
    2) Protection From Dragons

    My Archive

  2. - Top - End - #92
    Orc in the Playground
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    Univille, SD

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    ((I'll just wrap this up was almost over anyway.))

    The goblin stares around him and you can ALMOST see the wheels turning. he drops his sword, draws a dagger, grabs Ukiah's wrists makes a quick slashing motion then dashes into the woods shouting something that almost sounds like "I got it! RUN AWAY!!!!!"
    It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.

  3. - Top - End - #93
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Earth has all my stuff.

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Tess yells back toward Garrett, "Shoot him! SHOOT HIM!!" She makes for Ukiah, looking him over. "Where are you hurt?"

  4. - Top - End - #94
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Garrett curses under his breath as he fires the last bolt from his crossbow, wondering what he could have done differently and hoping his false bravado hadn't meant the death of his new traveling companion. Damn it all. Risking life and limb always seemed much more glamorous in stories, but this wasn't a story anymore, it was a real person who might really die, and the harshness of that reality weighed heavily on him.


    Free Action
    - Reload
    Standard Attack Action
    - Ranged Attack (1d20+6)[10]
    - Critical Confirmation (if applicable) (1d20+6)[16]
    - Small Heavy Crossbow Damage (if applicable) (1d8)[4]
    Free Action
    - 6 Seconds of Speech
    Last edited by golahm; 2017-06-07 at 10:32 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #95
    Orc in the Playground
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    Univille, SD

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    as the fury of the battle begins to calm down, people from the caravan (children and the elderly) start to come out of the largest wagon. Among them and the guards there are a few minor injuries, but thankfully no deaths.

    An EXTREMELY old woman shambles out carrying a basket that clinks softly as she walks, and walks among the injured either offering them something from a bottle and plastering herbs on wounds.

    through the night and part into the next morning, the women work hard, and the camp is still subdued.

    Ukiah wakes to find himself lying on the wounded, bandages across the minor cuts and other than sore seems to be fine.

    Among the stuff the goblins either dropped or died to carry, you find 4 sets of small sized leather armor that is actually VERY well made, the emblem of a fist clenching an open eye is stitched somewhere into the leather rather prominently, there are 5 finely made small sized short bows, and 3 long swords that are about average quality. The big suprise is the long sword that the goblin dropped, finely wrought, extremely sharp, with rubies worked into the hilt. This was obviously made from fine craftmenship, though there is no makers mark anywhere visible.

    You also find a handful of coins among the goblins, totaling 46 copper pieces and 28 silver.
    It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.

  6. - Top - End - #96
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    When things calm down enough for him to get a word in edgewise, Garrett tries to talk to the caravan master and the rest of the members of the adventurers guild, indicating that he understands goblin speech and that from what he overheard from their attackers (combined with their expensive seeming gear) this was no ordinary attack. It sounded like they were after a book of some sort, and were trying to lead the party away from the wagons into a trap of some kind. He asks the caravan master if this caravan is transporting anything out of the ordinary, implying that he needs to know so that the can do their best to protect the caravan, and that hold back secret information at this point would be counter productive.

    He spends the rest of his time on patrol watching for a second goblin attack in case the first attack was just a scouting party to test the caravans strength and they decide to strike again in larger numbers.

    Diplomacy (1d20+4)[24]
    Last edited by golahm; 2017-06-05 at 01:09 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #97
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    With one of his many knives Garrett cuts one of the clenched fist symbols from the salvaged leather armor. What did it mean? Had he seen this symbol before?

    Garrett takes the symbol with him as he patrols around the camp, asking the regular caravan guards, as well as the old woman (the elderly are an often overlooked font of historical knowledge) if they had seen the symbol before or knew anything else about the goblins of the area, explaining that he had spent the last decade or so traveling with a halfling caravan, and every once in a while they would experience goblin raids, but this attack felt different, and that anything they knew, no matter how small might be helpful.

    Knowledge History (1d20+7)[25]
    Gather Information (1d20+4)[8]
    Last edited by golahm; 2017-06-05 at 12:45 PM.

  8. - Top - End - #98
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Tess doesn't leave Ukiah's side. When he wakes, she offers him water and asks if he's missing anything, explaining, "One of the goblins looked like he'd cut somethin' from your wrist and then he yelled out and made to run away like he'd gotten what he'd come for."

  9. - Top - End - #99
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Ukiah checked his wrists and noticed a good two inches of wrap missing.
    "My landmasses erupt with kittens," he shouted in Orc. "That little brat just made it even more difficult to get my hand covered! And now its stained!"
    Tabhain faoi na réaltaí. “Reach for the stars.”

  10. - Top - End - #100
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)


    No one in this caravan has been attacked by this particular band of goblins before (or at least not openly wearing the symbol), but there had been rumors that other smaller caravans had been attacked before, most not as lucky as thiers.

    The leader of the caravan swears up and down, that they are carrying no books that would be of interest to the goblins. They have books for the children to learn from, and the "accounting" books that his wife keeps for their caravan.


    By the time you guys get on the road again, its near midday and the caravan leader opts to push on through the night after a quick meal. They have their own injured and would prefer to get the help of more experienced healers within the elven woods.

    Your caravan arrives by just past mid morning the next day at a huge settlement literally built into the woods of the giant forest. You are given formal leave from the caravan leader and he tells you to come by for the evening meal, for your pay from him and one last meal. He directs you to the largest base tree as to where the gentleman who hired you to come up here would be at this time of day. While still early in the morning, there is movement from all around you, including an increase in guards who stopped the caravan upon entering the forest. Humans and elves move with an uneasy movement through the village and even children are hardly seen.

    The sounds of saws and hammers are heard within the forest from various directions, the beginning of a barricade being formed around the area is obvious with many people working together on it. Smoke from a forge not far from the village entrance is working and the sound of metal being hammered is heard from various avils being worked.

    the tension in the air is almost palpable, and uneasy looks are being sent your way.
    It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.

  11. - Top - End - #101
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Apr 2017

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Spoiler: OOC
    ((Just so we are all on the same page, how are we planning on dealing with the characters of the two players that dropped out? Are we treating them as NPC's? Ret-conning them out?))

    Garrett addresses the party;
    "Alright, gentleman and, uh, noble-dwarves." Garrett gives a nod and a wink to Sasha, not wanting her to feel like her race and gender was being overlooked and ignored, but not entirely sure if it was acceptable to use a masculine word to address mixed company in dwarven the way it was in some other languages. " Time to put your game faces on. Lets go see what the elves have to say."

    He marches toward the where the caravan leader directed them with a sense of purpose, hoping the others take his lead.
    Last edited by golahm; 2017-06-07 at 10:32 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #102
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Apr 2017
    Earth has all my stuff.

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyg3rW01f View Post
    Ukiah checked his wrists and noticed a good two inches of wrap missing.
    "My landmasses erupt with kittens," he shouted in Orc. "That little brat just made it even more difficult to get my hand covered! And now its stained!"
    At the shout, Tess grimaces. She didn't much like hearing others shouting in anger. It reminded her too much of her drunken father. But after Ukiah's frustrated statement she thinks a moment. "I don't know what you said when you were yellin', but what do you mean when you say, 'difficult to get my hand covered'? Do you hve a strange mark or tattoo you want to cover? I'm sorry if this is prying into personal information, but they seemed pretty excited to get whatever it was they took from you."

  13. - Top - End - #103
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    "What I said in Orc is not polite to translate in mixed company." ((or so he thinks))
    Ukiah sighed and held up his hands. "I don't use weapons; I am the weapon. I fight primarily with my fists, and that requires I wrap them tightly with cloth to help prevent broken bones. That fact that little goblin cut two inches off the wrap my Sensei gave me makes it more difficult to wrap my right hand properly."
    Last edited by Tyg3rW01f; 2017-06-07 at 10:12 PM.
    Tabhain faoi na réaltaí. “Reach for the stars.”

  14. - Top - End - #104
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Sasha and Kyras say they will help with the defense of the town and meet up with you guys later, but they will be staying in town more than likely.
    It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.

  15. - Top - End - #105
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Plinius rakes his hands through his straw-blond hair. He firmly believes they were going about this all wrong. Instead of building all those defences, they should tackle the root of the problem. Unfortunately, no one had yet wanted to risk their lives doing anything other than waiting, and he'd be damned if he was going to fight the goblins on his own. In the end, he is directed to the largest base tree. Having just arrived there, he dusts off his scholar's outfit that was dirtied by the journey and spots a halfling heading in his direction. The presence of a halfling this far north is remarkable on its own, but this one seems to be carrying a small armoury, most visible of which was a large crossbow. Could it be...?

    He marches straight at the halfling and raises a hand. "Hail noble adventurer. I am Plinius and I am here seeking to do something about this supposed goblin menace. Might I be so bold as to hope you are here for the same reason?"

    Spoiler: OOC
    Hello all. I'm the replacement arcane caster.
    Plinius is a young human, fresh from training at the mage guild. So, unlike Zexion's character he has no prior adventuring experience.

  16. - Top - End - #106
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Apr 2017

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Garrett smiles to himself. Noble adventurer? That's more like it!
    "Hail, and well met good sir. I am Garrett Fedrick, master lock-pick and expert adventurer at your service! Perhaps you have heard of me? Please, no autographs."

    Bluff (1d20+7)[12]

    Talking a mile a minute, Garrett doesn't pause long enough for Plinius to get a word in edgewise.
    "My companions and I are here at the behest of the Adventurers Guild, to eliminate the goblin menace. We bloodied the nose of those brigands we met on the road, but I suspect the problem is a bit more entrenched, else the services of such prestigious adventurers would not be required."

    Looking over his shoulder to make introductions and seeming to notice for the first time that his companions had stopped for a conversation instead of following him in, Garrett raises an eyebrow in consternation. Then, leaning in, he pantomimes a conspiratorial whisper to the young mage;
    "Truth be told, my companions are a bit green, but now that I have seen them in battle I have no doubt of their talents or courage. Fear not. You are in good hands... Now, would you mind introducing me to the village leadership? I don't want to be late for dinner."
    Last edited by golahm; 2017-06-07 at 12:33 PM.

  17. - Top - End - #107
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Spoiler: OOC
    Knowledge (history): [roll]1d20+7[/roll]
    Knowledge (local): [roll]1d20+7[/roll]
    Would Plinius have heard of that name? If so, it would probably be from reading about it.

    Plinius smiles broadly at the halfling. "Well then, you have already done more than most here, master Fedrick. I, too, would like to contribute to stopping this menace, but I am probably even more green than your companions, whom I'm looking forward to meeting. It is good to see we have the aid of the guild. Please, this way."
    As Plinius leads the halfling to the village leadership of what was once his home town, he tries to recall reading about Garrett's name. Regardless of whether his fame was earned, Plinius found the fellow's boisterous demeanour comforting. True, he desires to fend off the goblins, but it would still be his first adventure. However, to say he feared them was a bit much. After all, fear was his speciality.

    Spoiler: Edit
    seems I haven't got the hang of that dice roller yet...
    Last edited by PH7; 2017-06-07 at 09:57 AM.

  18. - Top - End - #108
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Sorry for the double post, bu tI'd like to try again:
    Knowledge (history): (1d20+7)[26]
    Knowledge (Local): (1d20+7)[20]

  19. - Top - End - #109
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Apr 2017

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Spoiler: Character Description
    Garrett is tall and lean for a halfling, though he looks a bit young, with a mischievous grin, curious green eyes, and air of confidence that speaks volumes. Tied back in a green bandanna so dark it almost looks black, his finger length midnight hair is so wavy that it starts to curl at the ends. Under a dark gray woolen hooded cloak he is wearing gray-brown studded leather armor crisscrossed with leather bandoleers full of throwing knives and cartridges of crossbow bolts for reloading the heavy repeating crossbow he wears slung over his shoulder on a leather strap.

    The crossbow is massive (at least for his tiny frame) and though it might have been a beautiful masterwork at some point in the past it seems to be in horrible condition now, covered in deep scratches, gouges, burn marks, and even what might be termite damage in the wooden stock. It's' frail and ill-kept looking bowstring strains dangerously close to breaking, even without being stretched back to accommodate a bolt, and those teeth that are not missing entirely on the gears of its reloading mechanism are bent and covered in rust.

    Spoiler: OOC Discussion
    I look forward to playing with you! Should be good times.
    Unless you have questions for Garrett I am going to wait a bit to post anymore so the others have a chance to chime in and the GM can determine how much of a lie you caught me in, eh?

    Spoiler: The Dice Roll Function
    Yeah, the forums dice roller can be finicky. I have problems with it if I try to preview the post, or try to edit dice rolls into a post that had already been made. Others I have talked to on the forum say it sometimes just doesn't work for them for no discernible reason. I think in trying to make it so players couldn't cheat they also made it a bit wonky/unfriendly.
    Last edited by golahm; 2017-06-07 at 10:45 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #110
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Spoiler: OOC
    Ditto. Both the looking forward to playing with you and the waiting for a while part.
    I do wonder what I did wrong with the dice roller first time though. Far as I can tell I entered the exact same formula. Is it because it was posted in a spoiler?

  21. - Top - End - #111
    Orc in the Playground
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    Univille, SD

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    I can't see rolls on my phone while at work and management tends to frown deeply on me using their precious computers for anything but work. If you let me know the results in a pm I'll let you know what you know))
    It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.

  22. - Top - End - #112
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Earth has all my stuff.

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Tess ponders Ukiah's words and moves on, trying to understand what good two inches of a wrap would be to goblins. She hefts the newly plundered long sword, (still wearing her rusty one) hoping to find someone who could tell her more about it. Finally, she catches up to Garrett. Her roughly cut dull brown hair and hazel eyes meet the stranger Pilnius with curiosity. Her height (5'8"), stance, and somewhat ill-fitting studded leather armor lead one to believe that this figure is a male with dad's old gear out on his first adventure.

    ((Welcome! happy to have you join us. Looking forward to some fun gaming with you! - I can't seem to get the spoiler tag to work properly. ))
    Last edited by tschel23; 2017-06-07 at 01:46 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #113
    Orc in the Playground
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    Univille, SD

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Our new cleric should be posting sometime tonight))
    It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.

  24. - Top - End - #114
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Spoiler: OOC appearance rolls
    Didn't roll for age, height or weight yet, so I'll do so here and edit in a more proper description of Plinius.
    Age: (2d6)[7]
    Height: (2d10)[9]
    Weight: (2d4)[3]

    Spoiler: Edit
    7,9 and 3. So he's 22, 5'7" and weighs 147 pounds.
    Now to convert to metric (merely in me mind, ye ken) and finish the description.

    Spoiler: Description
    With his 22 years, Plinius Maren is perhaps a little older than most green adventurers, but of average age for a mage who's just finished training. Being of average height and weight, most would dismiss him as just a face in the crowd. Only his scholars' outfit, now dirtied and dusty from travelling, hint at his arcane training. His straw blond hair is kept short, both to keep it out of his eyes and to keep it from curling (as it is naturally wont to do, to Plinius' annoyance). Though far from that of trained fighters, his physical qualities are not as abominable as those of stereotypical mages, suggesting that he incorporated at least some physical exercises in his mage training. His brown eyes are kind, but frequently glance about, as he is often surprised by some things he sees that he only knew of in books.

    He carries a crossbow, some bolts and a dagger, for those pesky days when spells run out.
    Last edited by PH7; 2017-06-08 at 04:42 AM.

  25. - Top - End - #115
    Orc in the Playground
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    Univille, SD

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    metric would be for your own reports....most of us understand imperial measurements))
    It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.

  26. - Top - End - #116
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    (( A side note, but something we should probably figure out before we get too much further; When Tess mentioned wielding the Ruby encrusted long sword (which I have no problem with, it's just what reminded me we were given treasure) I realized we hadn't discussed how we want to divide loot / treasure. I also remembered the GM mentioning something to me about our need to pay back the adventurers guild like 10% of our loot up to 2000 gold each as part of our membership fees / etc. How do we want to handle this? Should we elect a treasurer to track and divide group funds, or are we all responsible for our own book keeping? Do we go round robin and let everyone pick something when we get random loot, or divide it by who can use it, or assign everything a gold value and when they call dibs on an item that items value detracts from their split of current and future profits? Or is there another way we want to do it?))

    Here is the quote I was looking for:
    Quote Originally Posted by sarlon
    1. Max starting gold for your class straight from the PHB and you still get your 25% discount on the price

    2. You have a sponsor within the adventurers guild who will help you buy reasonable items for a first level new adventurer, but you must pay it back over the course of 1 year (in game time) by willingly forfit 5% of all your income from jobs within the guild OR the payment of 2000 gold which ever comes first
    Last edited by golahm; 2017-06-08 at 11:48 AM.

  27. - Top - End - #117
    Orc in the Playground
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    Univille, SD

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    ((To clarify, the 5% is only from fees collected from the work, not what you find in loot, hence the 5% for a year OR 2000 gold

    Also guys from Monday the 12th to Monday the 19th, I'll be out of town with little to no internet access.))
    Last edited by sarlon; 2017-06-08 at 12:10 PM.

  28. - Top - End - #118
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Apr 2017

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    I am going to assume an 'everybody does their own book-keeping' approach unless someone chimes in different, in which case Garrett asks the caravan leaders wife if she has a blank accounting log book and extra quill/ ink she would be willing to sell him. He also asks if he could get a signed invoice / receipt for his guard duty wages.

    If it's OK I would like to ret-con in a conversation between Garrett and the group on the road before arriving at the elven settlement where he offers to try to sell any looted goblin gear that no one called dibs on so the group can split the profits. He requests someone go with him to help him appraise and haggle (aide another bonuses!) and to protect his reputation (he doesn't want the party to think he is greedy or trying to cheat them so he wants a witness that he isn't selling the gear at a higher price than he reports back to them, and then skimming the extra profit off the top or something like that).
    Last edited by golahm; 2017-06-08 at 01:44 PM.

  29. - Top - End - #119
    Orc in the Playground
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    Univille, SD

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Hey that exactly how my 5th level rogue with her two party members now own stock in a small magc item store. We don't sell to him, we give him our unused magic items and we get 10% of whatever he sells it for.....and I had NO points in diplomacy it was straight charisma checks ... Bought a class 1 bag of holding for like 500 below DMG cost))
    It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.

  30. - Top - End - #120
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Chapter 1: The Rise of the Ancients. (IC)

    Spoiler: OOC
    Works for me going forward. (You may do with the already acquired loot as you will of course). I should note that Plinius really is new to adventuring; he did not take the adventurer's guild deal and thus owes them nothing.

    I'd also like to add about Garrett that anyone who says 'come with me to see how much I'm NOT cheating', without having been accused of such beforehand, is...ehrm...What's the word I'm looking for?... Dodgy?

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