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  1. - Top - End - #271
    Ogre in the Playground
    Gengy's Avatar

    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    Round 14
    [Regno Sultanate]

    Desert of Magic regions: Regno (8), Iadesh (7), Jherki (9), Deaux (56), Thae Guceart (92)

    [Sultan Tutum Sortis, Grand Magus of Initia]

    1. [Diplomacy] Speaker Cogati and Kin Gyeon continue to attempt to sway those of the Amham Federation to replace the current Duke, and offer their son, Trai Gyeon as the new candidate. Trai is a young man now, almost 25 years old, and has spent many years at Bratus Academy; still remaining devout to Jalyeong-Bo and the spirits, Trai Gyeon is supposedly favored by both Regno and Izbefe. The Sultan certainly does not want to see the Federation fall any further from it's greatness.
      (Press Marriage Claim, Region 2, Roll: 19)
      [+2 Support from Izbefe]
    2. [Diplomacy] Attend an Event
      Spoiler: Event Sub-actions
      • Accept vassalage from the Consulate of the Northern Spine
      • Accept vassalage from Izbefe
      • Gift Izbefe Fish Glue Manufacturing
      • Gift Consulate Expanded Holds
      • Promise to instruct students from the Firethorn Regiment the ways of Camel Cavalry, in exchange for assistance in acquiring reliable non-slave labor forces. (Gift Firethorn Camel Cavalry)
      • Seeing an opportunity to hopefully make new friends, Regno gifts the Company of the Crescent [x1] Unit of Legionnaires; the hope is that the Legion will learn from the Company and exchange military tactics.
      • Welcome the return of Magi Vecto (Mil 9) to Regno.

    3. [Faith] As the consulate continues to request clarification on the principles of Initia, Speakers join Ambassador Umbo Sortis in helping to discuss with former Perjianists about the Elements.
      (Claim Religious Center #2, Region 86, Roll: 16)
    4. [Faith] Ceasing all use of Bani Bowls on Plague victims, the Sultanate continues to work on a local cure to Crabbin Fever with Dvalta and Izbefe. [5/5 Great Project]
    5. [Economy] Purchase Medicinal Herb from the Overvann, as payment for teaching them certain technologies. Hopefully this will combat the plague.
      (Buyout of second Trade Post, Region 89, Roll: 14)
      [+1 Expanded Holds, +1 from OMC Rank 6, +2 Support]
    6. [Economy] Pay workers from the Labor Guilds of Ka-Ruun. Regno understands former slavery, and is pleased to help pay those less fortunate; so long as they help to ease those suffering the plague.
      (Buyout of first Trade Post, Region 62, Roll: 18)
      [+1 from Scepter of Bray, +1 from Fish Glue {Cloven Hoofed Animals}, +1 Expanded Holds, +1 from OMC Rank 6, +2 Support]

    • Bhule Embassy
      Spoiler: A Letter to the Consul
      To Consul Yald Danerdhuf,

      First, let me assure you that I have been receiving your letters, at that - while uncomfortable - your son continues to live and is receiving the best possible care. His wife - my daughter - still continues to refuse to leave his side. I regret that this has happened, perhaps more than you can know. Tyber has become like a son to me, and to see him in pain is myself painful. I hope that Umbo continues to be useful to you, though. I have no doubt that he will have somehow managed to read this letter before handing it to you, even if the seal appears fine.

      Personal matters aside, We are quite pleased to have the noble Consulate join under the banner of Regno. All treaties crafted prior to the joining of our two great nations were done so with the possibility that someone else would see logic and reason as a noble and worth while goal, like we do. Therefore, you benefit from our protection and the protection of our allies. Dvalta has long been a friend of the Sultanate, and should the need arise, We would be pleased to introduce them to you; it is our hope that they will help to defend your shores in time of need, like they promise to defend our own. Coatl is now a place that any students - or indeed, Perjanists - can travel to and feel safe in the knowledge that they will be well cared for. So long as you fly the Regnan banner with your own, Glen Gwitnan privateers are honor bound to see your ships to safe passage within their waters, and those of the far southern Republic of Khirus will be your allies. (Please see the attached copy of The Obsidian Sands Treaty.)

      We are still not done with extolling the virtues of your decision, for as Sultan, We decree that you - along with your compatriot and ally in Izbefe - are both are part of our armed forces, earning the rank of Colonel of Wisdom. You may direct the defensive forces of Regno to aid you, and they will answer with every ounce of honor they have. Additionally, your choice of religious practices are your own; Initia is, of course, the preferred practice of the Sultanate, but it does not exclude other religions. There are truths in all things. It is up to us to find them. To remain a member in good standing of the Sultanate, We only ask that you obey the following:

      • Work towards the lessening, or if possible, removal of slavery within your lands
      • Maintain a defensive force of your own, at least two thousand men strong if not more, so that in times of need, you may answer Our call
      • Continue to root out the evils of Emjata, bringing them from the Dark towards the Sun
      • Keep bringing Honor to your Family and your People

      We are very pleased to have you as a Part of Our Own Family,

      Sultan Tutum Sortis the First
      Grand Magus of Initia
    • Dvalta Embassy
    • Do not resist the theft of Camel Cavalry by Khirus.

    Spoiler: News and Rumors

    • Crabbin' Fever continues to strike the nation, including such noteworthy people as Tutum Sortis's second wife, Spera Sortis and her husband Tyber, and Lord Jumeau of Deaux (and his dog!). Spera pulls through just fine, after a few months of illness, but Tyber - rumored to have been the next Heir to the throne - is struggling. Spera barely leaves Tyber's side, and it is with a great deal of regret that Sultan Tutum Sortis is finally pressured into naming his own daughter the Heir to the throne; this goes against tradition, and many people in Regno are upset. Spera's promise to relinquish the title to Tyber, should he live, seems to mollify them.
    • Soc Viclean has always been a driven man. Having survived the plague, but watching his own wife pass, he doesn't worry about niceties and diplomacy anymore. He throws himself into searching for a cure through Initia, and is often found traveling to speak with Magi Lokir Gammet in Izbefe... which is detrimental to Viclean's health in other ways. The Rune of Everything Soul is attributed to have been part of why he pulled through so quickly, but without his feet on the sands of Regno's deserts, he feels weak and good for little other than being a source of knowledge. Yet, he stubbornly struggles through, aiding the researchers of Izbefe and Regno to the best of his not inconsiderable abilities.
    • Comoara of Family Casnic appears to be sick, and throwing up constantly in the mornings. At first, many are concerned that the daughter of the Artisan Guild Leader has come down with the plague, but she assures everyone that this is quite normal, and an illness she has experienced before. Women are quick to realize what's going on, and Emissary is often approached with sly grins and words of congratulations. Late in the year 144, a new baby girl is born. Emissary is asked once more to name her.
    • While Comoara seems to have been spared, for now, Emissary of the Kunai Clans falls ill with the Plague. His family is worried, and Sultan Sortis sends a formal request to Lady Mumei for a temporary aide to assist her brother while he is laid low.
    • Governer Litore (of Deaux) lives, but continues to remain weak. Lord Jumeau of Deaux and his dog, however, both get ill with the plague, and many wonder if it is not soon time for a new pack leader...
    • Glen Gwitna continues to receive annual shipments of Sapphires, though for the past three years, there is also a barrel of Stormvine Beer. Rare and hard to acquire even for Regno, it is a marvel that Umbo Iadesh the Seventh is able to get an entire barrel of the stuff.
    • Speaker Schimba in Kunai lands travels to the Isle of Havre, to try and better understand the cultural differences between Deaux and Les Alpes de Sang. Alas, once there, she becomes quite ill and is unable to return to her post. Rumors have it she may be dying.
    • Guildleader of Education Arata Doceo does not appear to be effected by the plague... or the plight of those whom are effected by it. Guilderleader Doceo reports upon this lack of concern as a significant change in behavior from years ago. Arata imagines that, were he not in a the condition he is currently in - courtesy of Khirus - he likely would be very bothered by those sick and dying from Crabbin' Fever. As it is, the Guildleader of Education states that he is more bothered by the fact that many teachers and students are unable to attend classes, which creates all kinds of issues. Guildleader Doceo submits the idea of more people receiving what he calls 'the Gift from Khirus' as a possible solution to the plague, so that people can get back to work. His suggestion is considered by the Three Towers, but ultimately dismissed, as the Sultanate still doesn't understand Doceo's 'condition'.
    • Bram Tywil Academy, is now up and running, and many of the less sickly Aspectus make requests to travel to the newer Academy to study 'White' Bani and it's effects. The Three Towers denies most of these requests, on the basis that not enough is yet known about Crabbin' Fever; sending students - even apparently healthy ones - from a sick area to a seemingly plague-free zone might cause issues.
    • Legionnaire armor is updated to include more metal plating, sewn together with giant's silk clothing and sand-boar leather. Legionnaires at first report being uncomfortable in the more heavy armor, but after several small skirmishes with thieves trying to take advantage of the nation being sick with the plague, the armor proves itself and their are less complaints.
    • Speaker Suveni in `Ridi`r has done what she can to assist with teaching those curious enough about 'hunting words' how to read and write.
    • Speaker Jefuitor in the High Warlord's halls has finally earned respect. Though an old man, there are few whom question his ability to arm wrestle. It also helps that everyone has heard about what Olaf One-Eye did when his orders regarding foreign dignitaries where not obeyed.
    • Rumors of the Bloodied Hand and the Consulate of Bhule reach the Sultan's ears, and he is rumored to have frowned and been in a fowl mood for days after hearing them. Curiously, though, no official message regarding the Bloodied Hand has been sent to anyone within the Bhule Embassay, or, as far as anyone knows, to the Consul himself.
    • Road workers struggle to continue working on connecting roads, with so many of them sick and unable to navigate the harsh desert. The Speakers in charge are also worried that the roads may be accelerating the spread of the plague, so the construction stops for a few years while the plague hits Regno hard.
    • The aid from Khirus is a welcome sight, and the Sultan arranges for Magi Vecto - ambassador and general for Azenhal - to send something appropriate in thanks... from somewhere that isn't tainted by the plague. It is worrisome that this proves to be a harder task then first thought.
    • With a heavy heart, news is sent out through Glen Gwitna merchant-protectors that Ixtili - previous leader of Coatl - was effected by the Plague, and it took the man's life after a long bout against the deadly disease. It is only after the message has been sent out, does Regno become aware of the tensions between Glen Gwitna and Coatl; corn merchants are asked to pass the information along about the stricken man, and add that in his later years, Ixtilli was a highly respected individual within the Three Towers and Sortis City itself.
    • A Legion is maneuvered into place within Bratus to better defend the many foreign guests and students whom have begun to take up residence in Bratus Academy. The Legion is rotated out frequently, but only after another defensive force arrives, such as the Iadeshian Camel Riders.
    • The offer from the Company of the Crescent to place a base within Regner - or near Regner - is seen as an opportunity to help resolve issues within Deaux. The Sultan is quick to start meeting the request of the Company, in the hopes of establishing a good relationship.

    Spoiler: Ruler Information

    Sultan Tutum Sortis D E F M I
    Current 9 6 8 4 4
    End of round 11 1 0 1 0 0
    End of round 12 2 0 0 1 0
    End of round 13 1 0 2 0 0
    End of round 14 0 0 0 0 0

    New Ruler Next Round

    Expected Stat Bonuses: +1 Diplomacy +1 Faith +1 Economy

    Spoiler: Mechanical Bookkeeping

    Total Number of Regno 'Owned' Religious Centers: 7
    Total Number of Initia 'Learning' Centers: 18
    Total Number of Initia Holy Orders: 2

    Regno Controlled Trading Posts:
    • Bani - Region 8, TP #1
    • Sapphires - Region 9, TP #3
    • Corn - Region 33, TP #3
    • Ships - Region 6, TP #3
    • Iadeshian Camels - Region 7, TP #1
    • Iron - Region 13, TP#2
    • Giant's Silk - Region 11, TP#2
    • Moon Opals - Region 22, TP#1
    • Granite - Region 26, TP#2
    • Hlaali Bark - Region 56, TP#1
    • Dragon Shrimp - Region 10, TP #2
    • Parchseed Oil - Region 51, TP#3

    (Red = Requirements Not Met)
    (Bold = Restricted Technology)
    • Diplomatic Expedition (Exploration, Colonization, and Diplomacy Claim)
    • Expanded Holds (Buyouts)
    • Fish Glue Manufacturing (1/round Econ)
    • Bani Bowls [Medicine]
    • Camel Cavalry [Calvary]
    • Refined Pician Weaponry [Weapons]
    • Sacrificial Magic Supply Lines [Tactics]
    • Hard Iron Armor [Armor]
    • Obsidian Fire [Siege]
    • Inyoni Skyfarers [Live Weapons]
    • Wingknights [Cavalry]

    Military Units:
    • 2 [Regnan Legionnaires]
    • 1 [Sea Wolves]
    • 1 [Defenders of the Dry]
    • 1 [Iadeshian Camel Riders]
    • 1 [Stormvine Shock Troops]

    Last edited by Gengy; 2018-05-05 at 08:00 AM.
    BladeofObliviom said:
    I've only seen a character at anything resembling this level of absurdity thrive exactly once, and he/she/what-the-jongo had the advantage of being written by Gengy, who I look up to as a writer.

    Before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
    That way, you'll be a mile away, and have their shoes!

    Got me a Real Job™ (yay!). Still busy (boo!).
    ~avatar by myself

  2. - Top - End - #272
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Zayuz's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Constantly Roaming

    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    The Firethorn Regiment
    Vassal of the Avakonian Empire

    Crown Prince Verdeb Kren
    Diplomacy: 8
    Military: 6
    Economy: 2
    Intrigue: 4
    Faith: 5

    Actions for Round 14 (Rolls)
    1. [Military 5] Recruit a General, Lord Polshannen el Sira (Roll: 6)

    2. [Diplomacy] Attend an Event
      -Receive Camel Cavalry from Regno
      -Grant Violet Oath to the Bloodied Hands
      -Give the Anvil of Trodje to the Bloodied Hands
      -Accept a technology and artifact in return

      Talks are had concerning the effects of the Crabbin' Fever disease in Varjik, and this time with actual results. Regno needs men to aid the bereaved, and Firethorn is looking for ways to fight back against the monstrosities that have spawned from the infected and attack their people. The techniques used in Camel Cavalry are not directly applicable to the forces in the capital, but there exists a beast quite similar to a camel in Avakonian land that could potentially make a fine replacement..

      The once foes of the Firethorn Regiment, known as the bloodied hands, make an appearance at the gathering of diplomats that Firethorn attends. Surprisingly they seem to be here with good intentions, and rather than having them make off with the techniques used to perform a Violet Oath by force, they are offered a fair exchange. It is accepted, and it is revealed that their initial intention was to come by and trade for all sorts of artifacts. Verdeb had been given the Anvil of Trodje a few years back from the Perijanist church to encourage him to convert to their faith, but it has since sat as a treasure untouched in the vaults of his keep. With the political situation on a razor edge concerning both the plague and the Rakshasa, the very last thing that the Regiment needs is some terror cult breaking into their vaults.

      And so it is resolved that better than any other solution, trading with them will reduce the amount of harm done; even if it starts to lend some credibility to the claims of the Inkia Clan in their revolution so many years ago...
    3. [Diplomacy] Improve Relationship with the CSC (Roll: 16)
      The Company of the Crescent is not as easily bribed as the fickle mercenaries from the Isles of Lazar. Demand for their services increases as they are hired not only to guard their borders, but to fight off the crab monstrosities in Varjik. This leads to naturally closer ties with the government, and it is soon expected that with the new generation of soldiers coming of age that they may not need to rely on them so heavily. Should the CSC wish to draft from their men in the Firethorn Territories, they are given official permission to do so starting so low as the age of 15.
    4. [Diplomacy] Send Relief to the Empire
      Southern imperial lands were at first taken by the picans, and now they have the plague. These people are the most in need of a helping hand of us all, and so the supplies that Firethorn has access to in abundance are sent there. Food, sick shelters, simple medicines, and warmth are all granted to any and all who need them, easing much of the suffering for those who fail to escape the horrors of the plague. In their travels they communicate to the Crown Prince that most of the regions with disease seem not to have crab monsters in them, and the plague takes a much higher infection rate than at home. In addition to this, Raesija, which is supposedly 'infected,' had next to need need of any relief except to repair war damage. Most of the people sent to aid the empire end up staying there as long as possible to reduce their own chances of being infected, but they are unsure why this seemingly predictable illness takes such different results in both Varjik and Raesija.
    5. [Diplomacy] Officially guarantee the Independence of Region 61
      The people of Region 61 had at one time in the past bent the knee to Dejan willingly. Weather through fear or devotion they aided the Firethorn Regiment in bringing their neighbors to heel; now, so many years after the death of Dejan, the Regiment will repay their debt to the people by proclaiming a guarantee of independence on their behalf. They may make allies and unions as they so please, but any attempt to use military might to subjugate the region will be contested by the strength of the Empire. ...Or at least the Empire's vassal.

      The Firethorn Regiment attempts to look into making a deal with the Company of the Crescent in order to add some might to their claims. When these negotiations fail, and news comes to the Varjik detailing the start of an uprising, troops are sent in to aid the current government in preventing their people from making a mess of their lovely country. After all, Firethorn knows better than most the havoc that an untamed rebellion can deliver to a state.

      (Roll to make a claim on R61: 16 - Pass)

      Non Actions:
      Give Regno permission to buyout 'labor guilds' TP1 in Ka-Ruun
      Defend against Raid on Mercenaries (Fail)

    Spoiler: News and Rumors
    • The plague spreads to Varjik despite the closing of borders and eliminating all Avakonian imports. There is good news and bad news that come with this ordeal: The good news is that the people of Varjik seem not to be nearly as affected by the plague as others across the world; the plague is not spreading past the rocky expanse that is the capital of the Firethorn Regiment. The bad news is that those who are catching the plague (about half as many as in other areas of the world) and do not heal within the first short while tend to undergo grotesque transformations. These people have an affliction that exists nowhere else in all the world: new limbs burst from their sides, all memory seems to be gone, shells and crab-like features appear as veritable monstrosities haunt the region, taking the forms of friends and family to then go on to slaughter in the streets until put down as the beasts they are. The leaders of the region quarantine the sick, taking the gruesome habit of executing those that do not heal within the first few days as a method of dealing with this disaster. It is a sad, bloody few years that result in a rather unfortunate change in lifestyle in the capital. However, seeing as so many less are being infected and falling ill, is this actually better than the alternative?
    • The Whitefeather base in Varjik is constructed just in time to take part in the plague, though the mercenary force seems to be standing strong despite it. A raid intercepts their men coming from overseas, and it starts to become quite evident that the union with the Company of the Crescent may prove pivotal for the survival of the Firethorn Regiment in the coming years. Verdeb does not take kindly to his men being killed in their challenge for the mercenary captains, and though military response may be in order, he starts instead to piece together a plan that could be equally as devastating to the God King's reign...
    • As the legend of the Rakshasa master duelist and general spreads into Firethorn land, it is hard to hide the unease that the people feel at the prospect of fighting them. After countless years on the forefront of the fight to abolish slavery, could this nation break all their delicate progress so soon?
    • Several Firethorn officials lay dead at the feet of Rakshasa fear-mongers, stealing away mercenaries and causing a stir among the Regiment. Where before the war was mostly hypothetical, the enemies have spilled blood. The war is on; the lion-folk will not get away with this treachery.
    • Region 59 is known as the Aspen Heights to the Empire as of the year 144 instead of the ominous name given to it before due to it's position at the border of the grandest human kingdoms and savages in the west: The Edge.

    Expected Improvements: Diplomacy +2

    Spoiler: Stats

    Military Units: 3 (Burning Embers, Second Free Legion, Royal Jain Enforcers)

    Regions Owned: [Varjik - Region 58], [Derokar - Region 53], [New Lijas - Region 52], [Ka-Ruun - Region 62], [Aspen Heights - Region 59]

    Cultural Identities:
    [Legacy of the Preserver] Increase die size from 2d6 to 2d8 when making stabilization rolls. (Temporary)

    Military Specialization:
    [The Eleventh Hour] Increase dice pool from 2d10 to 2d12 when fighting in a capital region.

    Holy Artifacts:
    Anvil of Trodje (+1 against buyouts)

    Military Technologies:
    Sedellan Armor Coating [Sedellan Glass] +2 VS magical tech
    Sacrificial Supply Lines [Crops] -1 Size Loss Roll
    Obsidian Fire [Obsidian Glass] +1 to Defending

    Economics Technologies:
    Violet Oath [Violet Oak] +1 Against Secret Actions
    Salt Wagons [Preservatives] +1 Unit Cap

    Secrets Whispered: 1
    Resources Required: Foreign Workforce
    Resources controlled: Sedellan Glass (R58, TP1), Violet Ash (R53, TP1), Mercenaries (R28, TP3), Gold (R70, TP2)
    Embassies: Avakonia, Azenhal
    CC Bases: [R58 - Varjik]
    Last edited by Zayuz; 2018-05-05 at 12:18 PM.
    "What is to give light must endure burning."

  3. - Top - End - #273
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Reggiejam's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread


    Region 28; NE Corner

    Round 14 (142 - 144)
    Arndok Elbruk
    Diplomacy: 1
    Military: 5
    Economy: 10
    Faith: 10
    Intrigue: 4

    Spoiler: New Ruler!

    Arndok Melinas
    Diplomacy: 2
    Military: 3
    Economy: 4
    Faith: 6
    Intrigue: 5

    1 [ECONOMY] (Economy 10) Create Technology: Surplus Production - Own a pair of pairs in resources IE: 2 Banana TPs and 2 Apple TPs. Effect - Can use an Economy 5 action to introduce a fourth [Grand] trade post in regions with a [Great] quantity resource of which you already own 2 or more Trading Posts for in the region.

    While the Isles are not as widespread in trade as the Wuzei Darak or their liege in Glen Gwitna the lazarites have involved themselves heavily in protectionism upon the Badan on claims of defending eastern prosperity going into eastern coffers and not the pockets of foreign infidels. Of course, limiting trade in such a geographic manner means ensuring a localized economy has room to grow and continue providing prosperity to the denizens of the east. Although expensive in up front costs a new policy of mercantilist dominion in the wealthiest economic zones is written by a senior member of the Kiin Sareteh, Adis, who had overseen much of the trade under Arndok Elbruk including the mass purchases of copper. The policy catches the attention of many merchants who appear quite excited by the ideas proposed in the economic treatise. Of course, to get it to function will require more resources in lazarite hands.

    2 [ECONOMY] Buyout RHN Giant Cedar Wood TP 3 in Glen Gwitna (23) utilizing Fish Glue Manufacturing (Oxen) +1 Success

    Strangers practicing strange rituals with eerie similarity to Jalyeong-bo, largely scourged from the northeast, have set up trade in Glen Gwitna without the permission of the Grand Warden. The Isles petition their liege for permission to pursue an aggressive campaign of buy outs against these strange foreigners who take what they please without asking.

    The Rhunites are new to trade upon the Badan and perhaps not so far away as to be forbidden from it but not nearly well known or liked enough to be welcomed into capitals with open arms. Heretics in high order being spirit worshipers and yet not even of Jalyeong-bo these northerners have far to come before they might expect general acceptance among the eastern kingdoms. The lazarites quickly drive them away to take their place in the Gwitnan capital.

    3 [ECONOMY] Buyout Open Giant Cedar Wood TP 2 in Glen Gwitna (23) with Gwitna Coalition support Success

    Promising wealth to the Grand Warden and an unprecedented economic advantage in the capital of the Gwitna Coalition the lazarites petition their liege to let them expand not only against the Rhunites but to also go into the Gwitna forests where the plague has felled native merchants to reignite production. The lazarites still remain largely unaffected by the plague despite their proximity to ground zero suggesting perhaps a natural immunity among the aquatic islanders to the oceanic maledict. If they are allowed to take control of Gwitna lumberyards the Kiin Sareteh are quite interested in expanding the scope of Gwitna's ancient tradition as more and more people demand good lumber across Emjata.

    It seems the plan to expand the foresting in Glen Gwitna shall come to fruition soon given success against the Rhunites alongside penetrations deeper in the forests where the plague has incapacitated so many. The lazarites pray often to Xincoatl grasping talismans as they intone their belief in lazarite immunity to the disease. Soon the logging operations are returned to operational capabilities under Kiin Sareteh supervision.

    4 [ECONOMY] Buyout Region 93 Open Salt TP 1 Success

    The recent rediscovery of the salt flats north of the Gwitna Coalition’s purview has been one of the more pleasant pieces of news to come from the opening of the northeast. Although the Isles have not received the details of Salt Wagons from Avakonia or another state they are known for their utility in maintaining a good stock of soldiers ready to fight. The Isles have done somewhat poorly in fulfilling their mercenary heritage despite the many advantages conferred to the islands for producing men at arms. Looking to correct her predecessors mistake the new Arndok looks to stock the larders of Lazar with great barrels of salt imported from the continental salt flats.

    The natives of the salt plains are eager to deal with the lazarites who sent priests to expunge the Dejanite Cult from their lands. Or perhaps the priests sent are eager to deal with their brethren, whatever the case may be the Arndok is able to secure a steady import of salt from the region. Black Crescent and the smaller barracks throughout the Isles receive barrels of salt for curing meats to provide a good stock of food for raising strong fighters.

    4 [FAITH] Convert Shona (32) CTL HC 3 from Perijanism to Coatl Perijanism Success

    As war erupts between Gwitna and the Theocracy in Shona over the Theocracy's consortium with vampires the lazarites send radical preachers, reared in the tradition of the Burners, to root out heretics from the region in conflict. Ostensibly they are there to support the Grand Warden in his crusade against the undead but largely the magi seem to focus on securing the sole remaining orthodox Perijanist holy site while the region faces unrest. Nevertheless, the new priests swear to support Cuahuey's purging of the vampiric scum believed to be infesting the Stone Cities.

    Preaching that Orthodox Perijanism's degeneracy over the past half century was the cause for everything from Crabbin Fever to the chrages against Teppin of dabbling in necromancy lazarite magi out of the Isles work to expel and replace local Perijanist priests with more radical worshipers of Xincoatl. Although the appointments made by the Burners heavily focus on confirming anti-necromancy tendencies among important priestly candidates more they focus to ensure worship of Xincoatl as supreme god above all others is acknowledged as the central tenet to Coatl Periajnsim.

    6 [FAITH] Convert Mareen (77) SMP HC 1 from Perijanism to Coatl Perijanism Success

    The Firethorn Regiment cons have at last been expunged from the Isles but at what cost? These Rakshasa from the deserts of Estensule are vicious creatures barbaric in nature and domineering in presence. Though the Arndok did not travel or send a representative she and the Kiin Sareteh have heard tale of the "God-King" and his outburst in Yondar from Gwitnan traders. From what the Isles understand these barbarians adhere to whatever passes for Orthodox Perijanism in the wastelands beyond Imperial control. No doubt the Perijanists, weak as they are in the light of so many other rising faiths not least among them their clear successor championed in the Isles, are but desperate puppets dancing to the tune of warlords. What these Rakshasa need is order and education, a direction for their violence not based in the base whims of some heretically titled "God-King" but a moral and ethical institution. The timing for the Coatl Periajanist church to appear as such might not be perfect given the war in Shona but as the new Arndok has made clear her intention to challenge Teppin for leadership of the church the sentiment seems sincere. Let the Rakshasa come to a real brotherhood of faith with living and breathing contemporaries and let their Alpha come to realize the only God-King is Xincoatl...

    Though they meet some resistance it is as the Burners suspected; with the actual hierarchy of the Orthodox Perijanist church so long decayed those holy sites and temples it lays claim to have fallen into desperate isolated bastions of local priesthoods clinging to their regional authority. However accurate or inaccurate their doctrine is irrelevant in the face of a coordinated effort by a thriving faith to supplant them and they drive off many of the God-Kings longtime Perijanist advisers. The Coatl Perijanists seeking to replace the self interested bartering on behalf of a dead faith with their own counsel on adopting it's more vital successor.


    Support Gwitnan religious claim to Region 27
    Endorse Avakonia Empire Buyout of TP 1 for Copper in Region 65

    [UNITS] 1 Unit
    The Army of the Tribe (1 Unit)

    • Arndok Elbruk is saddened to see the Theocracy split away from the Gwitna Coalition but her sadness pales next to the anger of Melinas. When it becomes clear Elbruk does not intend to rebuke the Exarch for his abuse of power Melinas chooses to challenge her former mentor who picked her from among the hapless orphaned babes following the Burning coup which had installed the Kiin Sareteh into power. Some might hate those who stole them from their family and forced them to kill their friends and comrades to survive and advance but Melinas did not reach the trial for Arndok for being such a person. She is well trained in the doctrine of Xincoatl and it is her passion and energy that drive her to strike a killing blow against the aging Elbruk and claim her title as her own. Although much of the former's Arndok's machinations are allowed to remain in place the prioritization of the church's salvation is clear as the new Arndok's most pressing goal.
    • The Firethorn Regiment has been a “loyal customer” for the Isles’ mercenary contracts upwards of ten years now despite multiple attempts to evict them over their high unpaid debts. Now however the Regimental liasons and mercenary captains are being slain by these great lion beasts out of the deserts of Estensule who seem equally unafraid to kill mercenaries who stand in the way of their claiming authority. Things just seem to go from bad to worse with this segment of the Kiin Baleseh Bor and the Kiin Sareteh scramble to provide the new Arndok with a suitable course of retaliation against these ferocious desert warriors.
    • The Burners have begun to cohesively and consistently bring cases against the Orthodox Perijanist Church, echoing certain sentiments from Coatl magi who had expressed similar thoughts in their writings regarding the supplanting of the "old faiths" who so heavily clung to Emjata. The Burners however are far more pointed and scathing in their criticism of Orthodox Perijanism than of Abhidi or Jalyeong-bo which are both naturally seen as heretical for, so they claim, Perijanists wear the guise of civilized imperial citizens but the utter failure of Imperial sponsorship of the church has allowed a great degeneracy to descend upon its many branches across Emjata. In treatises and speeches the Burners call for Orthodox Perijanists to be brought to Xincoatl's light, forcibly if necessary, to save them from a church riddled with heresy and demonology in the guise of theology.
    • Although Melinas desires to see the Isles fulfill their mercenary heritage the immediate tending necessary regarding the church of Xincoatl means plans to rival the Crescent Company must be put on hold. As such, certain contracts including that one made with Avakonia some years back for provision of mercenaries exchanged for Avakonian heartland copper, are not renewed at their conclusion. The Empire wishes to regain it's bronze Forging capabilities and the Isles are by Cuahuey’s head a vassal to the ancient empire so they are naturally happy to assist once ordered to do so by the new Arndok.
    Last edited by Reggiejam; 2018-05-05 at 01:48 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #274
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    The Gwitna Coalition
    Grand Warden Cuahuey, Knavegos of the Avakonian Empire
    Regions 23, 24, 25, & 26
    Round 14


    1. [Intrigue 5] Capture Purbagle from Realm of Tides. Roll 16 A bounty is put out on the vampire pician purbagle as he returns from Obroslo, with double the price if he is returned undead so that he may be investigated before he is executed.
    2. [Diplomacy] Take on Cultural Identity "What's ours is ours" from Azenhal. [1/2] The Dwarves and Humans of Azenhal have an identity forged around being a bastion for the forces of good against the abominations to their south. This identity is beginning to resonate with the Gwitna in the face of a growing vampire menace to the south of the Coalition. The Grand warden is among the first to endorse and use this imagery to describe the Gwitna, making it a source of some national pride.
    3. [Diplomacy] Take on Cultural Identity "What's ours is ours" from Azenhal. [2/2] The concordance of Azenhal is dogged in protecting their trade rights, and in an age where the Coalition's hold on trade both within its own domain and in the Badan is slipping, this identity also appeals to the Gwitna, and they begin to see themselves as brothers with the Dwarves of Azenhal as great defenders of their nations' historic trade and piracy.
    4. [Military] Attack Shona (Region 32) with 4 units led by Suvlin Cuahuey (Mil 10) using Empress Danastasia's Mil Score and Sacrificial Magic Supply Lines (-1 size loss roll) The vampires in Shona simply must be destroyed. An army is mobilized to take control over the Stone Cities of Shona to facilitate doing just that. The army is led by Suvlin Cuahuey, but due to his inexperience at command he is advised by a pair of freshly converted Coatl Perijanist warriors from Karys.
    5. [Military] Raise a Unit
    6. [Military] Raise a Unit


    Support the Isles' of Lazar's claim to religious authority Warden Cuahuey expresses his firm support for Arndok Melinas as the new leader of the Coatl Perijanist Faith. The Isles' of Lazar loyalty to Xincoatl has been great, and it has become clear that Exarch Teppin can no longer be trusted to follow the gods' will due to his apparent associations with the undead.

    Support the Isles of Lazar's buyout of TP2 for Giant Red Cedar wood in Glen Gwitna

    News and Rumors

    Warden Cuahuey orders that half of the annual shipments of Saphires be sent to the Isles of Lazar for their loyal service in helping to remove outsiders from the Badan.

    As protectionism of Gwitna trade grows in the coalition, some begin to argue that the bloodied hand should be retaliated against for their destruction of the Coalition's silver trade post.

    Adril Ferreth and Anci Cuahuey have been arguing a lot lately, mostly about their son and his policies. Adril believes that turning the Coalition away from theft and piracy will be the beginning of the downfall of Gwitna dominance in the world, while Anci argues that her son is doing the bidding of Xincoatl.

    Both parents seem to want to see their son get married however, since he's the only male hair to rulership at present.

    The Grand Warden has a new Councillor named Geldis Relnos. Geldis starts giving short speeches right after Suvlin Cuahuey, summarizing or rephrasing the Grand Warden's message into something that will resonate more closely with the Gwitna or locals wherever the warden is speaking.

    The Kansett have obviously received a blessing from Xincoatl and Rieba for their faith. Promising the same blessing, Magi continue urge the importance of prayer and sacrifice to the infected.

    The implications of Aniachaket being spared by the gods while Glen Gwitna continues to be ravaged by crabbin' fever are not lost on the Aniachak preachers. They begin to assert themselves as dominant religious authorities throughout the coalition, in many cases supplanting Gwitna or Coatlian magi.

    The Sea elves, who were already a strong economic presence in Aniachaket, were in the perfect time and place to begin hiring Kansett sailors. The crab people's special skills will no doubt be of use on both the smaller triremes and larger city-flotillas. The government of the Gwitna coalition, still paralyzed by the confusion caused by Crabbin' fever and busy mobilizing for war, is not so quick to respond, and despite the obvious usefulness of Kansett soldiers, none are hired yet.

    Spoiler: Ruler Information

    Grand Warden Suvlin Cuahuey, age 26
    Diplomacy 4
    Military 4
    Economy 7
    Faith 5
    Intrigue 8

    Mother: Anci Cuahuey, age 52.
    Father: Adril Ferreth, age 59.
    Sister: Llerlisi Cuahuey, age 24.

    Attribute Increases: +1 to Military, +1 to Diplomacy

    No new ruler next round.
    Last edited by Potato_Priest; 2018-05-06 at 06:03 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by No brains View Post
    See, I remember the days of roleplaying before organisms could even see, let alone use see as a metaphor for comprehension. We could barely comprehend that we could comprehend things. Imagining we were something else was a huge leap forward and really passed the time in between absorbing nutrients.

    Biggest play I ever made: "I want to eat something over there." Anticipated the trope of "being able to move" that you see in all stories these days.

  5. - Top - End - #275
    Halfling in the Playground
    asmodeussnake's Avatar

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    Turn 14 (year 142-144)
    The Serene Marasa Pride
    Mareen (Region 77), Taraks Krags (region 78), Sonil (region 79), Arrakis (region 81)
    Lagos Khompur Ssuras

    1. [Military]INVADE REGION 80 (2d12+10+3)The accumulation of the deserts that were once so far away to the jungle Rakshasa were now but a campaign away! Tashan Kkoya intended to cement herself into the history of her people and declare her son the next god king with absolute authority. Marching her armies into the region from the imperial territory of Sonil allowed them the logisitics to stream in. She was aware that her army was outnumbered but she had total faith in her army. Fang 1, the Goliath champions and the new order of mongrel militia marched in. Much of the deserts would be in the shadows of the mountains she thought she would be invading next but the will of her god king was absolute. Show the world the might of the Rakshasa.
    2. [Intrigue] RAID MERCENARIES REGION 28 The Riebarri have a very specific target in mind when they go out on their next hunt. The alpha is all knowing, his eyes look out and see a means to punish his enemy from multiple direction. The mercenaries who currently answer to the firethorn regiment will find themselves targeted and hunted as they enter the lands of Estensule from Region 28 the lizard people of the far away lands of the Coatl heretics was now within the purview of the god king and he had no qualms taking from their ilk. Duels are offered to whatever firethorn warriors organize the mercenaries but mercenary captains are challenged as well. Raiding trade post 3. Was the simple act of taking the mercenary leader under their control and thats exactly what they tried to do. 16
    3. [Intrigue] RAID REGION 86 COPPER TP2 Their slaves are targeted by that idiot one eye and so the favor is returned in kind and the Riebarri are sent to murder the traders caring for Overanns (region 86) copper TP2 will have the traditional contingent of Riebarri warriors offering to duel their people and if they are refused then it will lead to pitch battle and inevitably death for one side or the other! 20
    4. [Diplomacy] CLAIM REGION 82 Now that the religious factions of (region 82) had fallen under his sway so completely all that remained for the god king to do was bring the hammer down on the secular forces who had chosen to interfere in the beginning of this political campaign. Duels and exchanges were offered, challenges against their manhood and gifts to those more willing to negotiate soon stamp out the last of the resistence. The leader of the region is pressured hard by religious authorities as eyes look on to the Homnyo faith to the north. Its disturbing ideals a threat to their realms entire religious structure. This human leader is promised a spot on the Raja council and it appears he will surrender without a fight. [2/2]
    5. [Diplomacy] END UNREST REGION 81 (I am still working on an idea for these guys depending on what gets approved ill add extra fluff) bring region 81 to heel. SUCCESS

    support setjura confederacy buying rights to silver mines. (So long as they send troops or give up a trading post to us)
    Resist the buyout of Marasa slaves Fail (I cant beat what he rolled with my measly 1 econ)
    Resist heretical conversion by coatl missionaries of HC 1 FAIL 6

    News and Events
    • The return of the God king to Estensule was greeted by much fan faire the citizens rejoice and the city of silver in the heart of Mareen celebrated for 10 days and nights.
    • Tashan Kkoya has not seen her king in 2 years and it appears she may have to wait another three before she can finally return.
    • Upon Lagos return he leaves Hostage be for the first few months of the new year before he finally claims her. She is forced to join him in his bed chambers for several weeks. It appears he refused to let her depart his side without bringing about the future of their race. When she is allowed to leave it is with the god kings presumption that she is with child.
    • The Firethorn regiment is targeted for punishment.
    • Overann faces vengeance for their attempts to take what is not theirs.
    • Jipara Mminas reports on the impressive skills of the Kunai, while she is not a spy and has been ordered to grant her loyalty to the Kunai as much as possible she is astounded humans can outwit her senses.
    • The god king looks over what is now a vast kingdom and believes it is time to organize it and figure out how to rule over so many species, many of which cannot just be slaves to the god king.
    • The god king plans to bring in new Raja for the council who do not have Rakshasa blood... The Goliath and Sonil in particular need representation the Rakshasa leadership is at a loss but no one denies a god king!

    Spoiler: The Rich and Famous of the Marasa Pride
    The Royal Harem Standouts
    Tashan Kkoya: First General of the Mareen army mother to the first son Sinja Lagos Ssuras (age 15)
    Hara Llasca: Failed to garner any considerable support from Wuzei Darak bore the eighteenth son Ban Trodje Ssuras (2 years old)
    Shara Jjasca: Setjura confederacy gift, she was looked after and given some information but made little impact. Bore twin daughters Haiya and Fila Ssuras (12th and 13th daughters of the god king) (both 3 years old)
    Mija Yyasa: blood sister to Jhoy Zzawa and member of the Riebarri she gave birth to Kalira Ssuras (age 11) and 4th daughter of the god king.
    Jhoy Zzawa: A dangerous member of the Riebarri she seduced the god king while Tashan was away she gave birth to Rither Ssuras (age 11) and sixth son of the god king.
    Hostage: The results are still unknown but she might become very famous to the nation before time ends...

    Council of Raja
    Barun Rrasa: His brother killed his father and then went insane... Their clan has much to prove but currently is the weakest of the Raja.
    Indira Kkoya: His former pride bowed first to the new king and so is respected as "wise". (Some say coward) He rules over the Riebarri
    Harshad Mminas:The most esteemed strategist of the nation.
    Chanda Pprata: his family is currently remaining quiet and letting the politics push them as is needed.

    Famous Slaves
    Naro: Helped the Rakshasa create the tactics currently being utilized by their race.

    Adult Children of the god king

    Spoiler: Ruler Information

    Stat Value Increase?
    Diplomacy 8 +1
    Military 6 -
    Economy 1 -
    Intrigue 8 +1
    Faith 4 -
    Military unit count: 5
    Generals:Tashan Kkoya (10)

    Spoiler: Regions
    Region Name Region Number Resource Holy Center 1 Holy Center 2 Holy Center 3 Status
    Mareen 77 Silver Perijanism Perijanism Perijanism Capitol
    Taraks Krags 78 Slaves Perijanism Jalyong-Bo Perijanism Marriage ties
    Sonil 79 Tower Cactus Perijanism Abhidism Abhidism conquered
    Arrakis 81 Living Ivory Perijanism Perijanism Abhidism conquered (unrest)

    Spoiler: Technology/Specialties
    Type Name Effect(s) Permenant?
    MILITARY Pack Tactics +2 die size using armies on attack that are 3 units or smaller No
    DIPLOMACY Dueling instincts +2 die size when raiding a region for the first time No

    NO New Ruler Next Round

    Expected Stat Bonuses: +1 Diplomacy +1 Intrigue

    Spoiler: Mechanical Bookkeeping

    Total Number of Mareen 'Owned' Religious Centers: 3

    Rakshasa Controlled Trading Posts:
    • TP1 Slaves region 78 (Raid)
    • TP 1 Darkfired Ceramics Region 82 (Raid)
    • TP 1 Silver Region 77 (capital resource)
    • TP 1 Giant Cacti region 79 (Raid)
    • TP 2 Kavve region 72 (Raid)
    • TP 2 textiles region 59 (Raid)

    Military Units:
    • 1 [Claw 1] A unit of 800 female Rakshasa trained in the new pack tactics
    • 1 [Fools eye Mongrels] A unit of 800 male Rakshasa under the only lion to ever fight the king of Marasa and survive. A genius well respected by his regiment and fiercely loyal to his king.
    • 1 [The Mane]A unit of 500 elite Rakshasa trained to protect and fight alongside their king. Chosen from the prides children.
    • 1 [Fang 1] A unit of 800 female Rakshasa trained to target leaders and soft targets.
    • 1 [Fools eye Mongrels 2] A unit of 1000 male Rakshasa not part of any alpha house they are shock troops who will earn their worth by dying. Fools eye survived and is now leading this regiment bringing what remains of the core of his troops
    • 1 [Goliath Champions] An elite force made up of 500 of the Goliaths chief and the only warriors they can personally promise without the king personally recruiting among the ferocious population.
    • 1 [Mongrel militia] A unit of 1000 mongrels. The male Rakshasa have risen up and for their nation formed a new force on behalf of their people. It seems a lot of this admiration comes from their link to the new general.

    Last edited by asmodeussnake; 2018-04-26 at 12:32 AM.
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  6. - Top - End - #276
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    Concordance of Azenhal

    (Round 13, Regions 36, 37, 42, & 71)

    Lady of the Forge Rebeka Redhammer
    Diplomacy: 4
    Military: 3
    Economy: 3
    Faith: 4
    Intrigue: 4

    1. [Faith] Declare Initia the State Religion
    2. [Diplomacy] Share CI What's Ours is Ours with the Gwitna Coalition
    3. [Diplomacy] Stabilize Azenhal using Crexa's Diplomacy TN: 10 Roll: 3+9 Crexa's Dip = 12
    4. [Diplomacy] Stabilize Atrisia TN: 12 Roll: 6+4 Dip +2 Recently Conquered = 12
    5. [Diplomacy] Host a small event to treat with the Picians and meet with allies. Alas the Picians have refused peace and decided on war.

      • Demand they recognize all current land and trade claims made in the name of the Concordance of Azenhal as legitimate and vow not to interfere with said holdings overtly or covertly for a time no shorter than twenty years. This includes both trading posts for Gold in Fresia, and the recently conquered region of Atrisia. REJECTED
      • Furthermore, the leader of the Realm of the Tides is to convert to an organized religion such as Initia, the Pantheon of Ildia, Jalyeong-bo, Honymyo, or Coatl Perijanism and disavow the Leviathan, agreeing to allow its worship to be expunged from Fresia. REJECTED
      • Accept 2 Units from Ti Linnad
      • Send General Magi Vecto (Mil 9) to the Regno Sultanate

    Allow the Whitefeather Kingdom to pass through Azenhal
    Send Whitefeather Camel Cavalry through their Embassy
    Send Whitefeather Fish Glue Manufacturing through their Embassy
    Endorse Ti Linnad buy out of CAL Moon Opals TP 2
    Send the Realm of the Tides Fish Glue Manufacturing through our Embassy

    News & Rumors
    • The Gwitna Coalition under Grand Warden Cuahuey is proving to be a great beacon of hope amid a dismal background of war and sickness and they are welcomed into the streets of Bray and halls of Azenhal where the two cultures begin to learn more of one another. Cuahuey is said to have as much a hatred for vampires as any veteran of the war in the Basins or the years of conflict in Aaenna making him especially well looked upon in the eyes of the Lady of the Forge who has often invoked the royal dwarven affectations of the late King Harlaus, her grand uncle who first began Azenhal's war against the Picians and Khirese. The dark practices of Azenhal's neighbors have not changed and now with allies in Gwitna, Whitefeather, and Ti Linnad the Concordance won't be forced to bend to such evil machinations.
    • The recipe for Fish Glue Manufacturing, both with traditional fish guts and including the lazarite adaptation for land based ingredients, is sent to the Azenhal embassy in Fresia with the simple note "Perhaps you can make use of this" appended. Whether a jab, joke, or sincere gesture of goodwill remains unclear as no official statement is issued by the Lady of the Forge regarding its gifting. Rumors abound it was sent by a functionary without proper approval and had already arrived and been distributed before it could be more thoroughly reviewed.
    • Despite the grand victory in Atrisia Rebeka stands by her vow to pursue no further course of action against the Picians. Let them see that the Concordance can sit upon their border without imminent doom bearing down upon them. Speaker Wadagle is a more reasonable Pician than his predecessor but of late seems too far swayed by the darkly clad Purbagle who arrived out of Khirus. Blarfargle now lays dead and buried in the battlefield of Atrisia and so it remains unclear how the Pician leadership will develop in light of recent events. Nevertheless, the Concordance stresses their desire to come to a common accord that does not involve the surrendering of Azenhal's wealth or some imposition upon the Picians of a great deal more external oversight over their affairs.
    • It seems the Picians have rejected Rebeka's offer of peace. The Lady is said to be furious that these barbarous creatures who in their infancy under their first Speaker claimed dominion over all of Emjata now seek to cling to the unwritten words of a dead woman too devoted to the memory of a dead human to accomplish in a decade what Rebeka had accomplished in two years. Rebeka is said to denigrate her mother and Magus Bram as truly poor rulers for their empathetic hearts laid Bram dead upon the fields of Tresten and Agnet into the grave behind him. Those who remain from the previous administration, chief among them Magi Vecto, express some discomfort with the Lady's views.
    • In Thune it is announced that the reigning Municep intends to step down in three years and an election of peers among the Council of Eight will occur to replace him with the Prime Minister acting to break a tie. Gygimel Winthrop has a nearly confirmed vote from the Councilor Nyles Pendrake, an ex-Jannisary many rumor is involved in supplying Miguel Fortan with veteran Jannisaries in Khirus. Councilor Palayat Paranata, an Abhidist veteran of the Sattyathanya uprisings, has also expressed some interest in supporting Winthrop to the position of Municep for the power held by Abhidists within their special status within the Republic is envied by Abhidists in Palendor.
    • The Picians reject our demands and reach out to mercenaries while building armies no doubt preparing a counter attack. It would be only right to march into their capital 5,000 strong and strangle Wadagle but Rebeka is aware of the danger in overextending oneself and Ti Linnad have agreed to provide a relief force of men now that the two share an imperial banner, with some modest payment of course. Azenhal and Whitefeather should be ready to stand firm against the Pician onslaught that was surely coming, Rebeka merely hoped none other than Khirus would seek to lay down their lives for the monstrosities of Fresia. If the Company of the Crescent were so willing after hearing the warbling pleas of the undead Purbagle or his puppet damn them to the deepest circle of of the hells.
    • Given recent disagreements between Magi Vecto and Lady Rebeka the general requests a leave to return to his homeland in Regno where war is brewing out of Amham and threatening the Grand Magus directly. Vecto promises to return with favor from the Grand Magus and Rebeka relents to the request, not least of which to be rid of her mother and Bram's military advisor garnering support within the capital. Rebeka officially releases Vecto in a formal ceremony to go serve in the Sultanate of Regno as a favor to the Grand Magus as the head of the Initia faith. Rebeka commemorates the departure of Vecto with an official announcement of the Concordance sponsoring Initia as its state religion. If the Grand Magus is to pay the Concordance back he can do so by ensuring Initia may prosper in Palmor.
    Last edited by RandoMan; 2018-04-29 at 03:20 PM.
    Thanks to Gengy for the avatar.

    Rando delights in not being delightful - LapisCattis

  7. - Top - End - #277
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    The Margraviate of Rhune
    Margravine Lieđđi av Aanaar


    1. [Economics] Buyout Trade Post 1 in region 97 for Gumfrost Shoots.
    2. [Economics] Buyout Trade Post 2 in region 5 (Binpultry) for Millet.
    3. [Diplomacy] Quell the Unrest in Rhune caused by the Margrave's prolonged absence upon her return.
    4. [Diplomacy] Upon her return, Lieđđi reaches out to those who had sheltered her during her time in the lands to the southeast. A particular individual, a warrior named Kaisa av Saaremaa, the general of the opposing forces with who the Margravine had grown fond in her captivity, recieves the majority of her focus. Official relations between the two regions would help bolster the work the Rhunite leader had begun in her custody, and perhaps rectify the military disaster that was the Margrave's failed expedition.
    5. [Faith] Convert Holy Center 2 in Region 95 to Rhunite Animism.
    1. Oppose the Isle of Lazar's Buyout attempts.

    Spoiler: News and Rumours

    • The Margrave's fleets sail east for conquest and not is heard from them again. It was expected that the campaign to the mainland would take years and the Margrave had left in take an interim government to manage Rhunite affairs in her absence. But the silence that follow departure was unexpected. The government of the Isle soon found itself in a precarious position, the island's ruler missing without contact for years, no word at all of what might have happened on those foriegn shores. Soon the Margravine Lieđđi is assumed dead by many and discontent soon follows. Unrest grows in Rhune as the people come to terms with the fact that their armies must have met their fate in a froiegn land. Efforts are made to build scouting parties to venture forth and discover the truth, but concerns arise about sending what troops remain forth on such a task while there is unrest at home.
    • Before the governing council of Earls can act, however, a strange foreign ship sails into the harbor of Njauddâm, bearing a surprise. The band of sailors, hailing from the neighboring peninsula, having in their company the Margravine Lieđđi. The Aanaar accounts the misfortune that befell her troops and the what events soon followed. She speak highly, however, or her captors, in particular of one woman, the skilled leader of those local soldier who had decimated Rhune's forces. Despite efforts by positioning Earls to get the Aanaar Earl to rest after returning form her ordeal, the determined woman will have nothing of it. Apparently, she parted with them at their behest, levaing some suspicious. Despite her military failure, Lieđđi uncompromisingly steps back into her position of power, challenging those who would oppose it. Given her ferocity, none do, at least not openly.
    • The Margravine seems to set about writing letters upon her return. Many are simply notes designed to help resecure her tenuous hold upon her isle, appeals to her allies to shore up in the face of her disasterous campaign and the growing unrest on the isle. Other letters seem to be designed to earn the support of prominent merchants. At leats one letter departs for the southern lands of Yondar, addressed to its Queen. But a series of letter find their way back to the alnd that had claimed so many Rhunite troops, all addressed to one person, Kaisa av Saaremaa, the military leader of the region. While the letters seem to discuss the future of relationships between Rhune and the mainland in depth, containing diplomatic overtures and negotiations, they are not written with diplomatic language. Rather, the letters are surprisingly informal and include both expression of great fondness and passionate desire. The language is unmistakeable. They are not so much diplomatic inquiriess as love letters, and the rumor of such quickly spreads among the Margrave's household.
    • The merchants of the Isle of Lazar have some strange ideas about how ownership works. An odd idea that merchants would have to have permission from someone who didn't own something to buy something that was freely offered for sale. How exactly an economy might work if such were the case is completely unclear, mostly likely because that isn't how that actually works at all. The Lazarites are just making excuses, though why they would need them is beyond anyone's guess. Seems rather pointless all things considered when money is what really talks, so why not just let it do all the talking?

    Spoiler: Ruler Information
    Diplomacy: 2
    Military: 8
    Economy: 7
    Intrigue: 3
    Faith: 6

    New Ruler Next Round? No.

    Expected Stat Bonuses: +1 Diplomacy, +1 Economics
    Last edited by BootStrapTommy; 2018-04-30 at 08:19 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Jake View Post
    Kill a PC's father? Well that's just the cost of doing business.
    Steal a PC's boots? Now it's personal.
    Please take everything I say with a grain of salt. Unless we're arguing about alignment. In which case, you're wrong.

    Former EMPIRE2! Player: Imperator of the Nihoni Dominion
    Former EMPIRE3! Player: Suzerain of the Phœnīx Estates
    Former EMPIRE4! Player: Margrave of the Margraviate of Rhune
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  8. - Top - End - #278
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    Regions 18, 19, 20 & 21
    Afflicted by the plague: 19, 20, 21
    Ti Linnad
    Leader: Premier Jannellai Norraissa
    Vassal of the Kingdom of Whitefeather


    1. [Intrigue] Shady business: 9

    2. [Economy] Buyout TP 3 for Medicinal Plants in Overvann [Region 89]: 18
    Despite the past failures of his contracted merchants, Colrim continues to send merchants to Overvann. He relies on the agreement struck allowing the northerners access to pegasi to pursue medicines that might aid in treatment of the sick. This time, fortunately, they are successful in acquiring a source of medicinal plants and herbs, and some minor relief is possible for the afflicted.

    3. [Economy] Buyout TP 2 for Moon Opals in Obroslo [Region 22]: 13
    In return for mercenaries, the Dwarves' payment is taken in the form of their trade rights in Obroslo; a grant of Moon Opals to the Linnadi covers the costs of transporting the mercenaries across the Uhraiya and then some, with profit expected to grow.

    4. [Military] Provide 2 units to Azenhal
    Azenhal requests aid from their allies, and it is the duty of the Linnadi to answer. While certain negotiations are necessary, in the end the Premier agrees to contract two companies - the 3rd Cloud and 2nd Forest - to the Concordance for nine years, agreeing that they shall return replenished to their full strength by Concordance soldiers. The rights to Azenhal's stake in nearby Obroslo's Moon Opals are also part of the deal.

    5. [Military] Aid in construction of Castle Crescent (2/5)
    News of the Crescent Company's endeavors to build a great castle in Obroslo reaches Linnei's ears. She is intrigued by the previously-unseen combination of defensive techniques, and she approves labor and supplies to travel to Obroslo and aid in its construction. While the Linnadi laborers have little to add to the Prince's plan, they prove excellent and fast workers who are able to rapidly understand and, in one case, to improve upon the designs.

    1. Accept the Woven Mask from Whitefeather
    2. Support Avakonian Tin buyout

    Spoiler: News and Rumors
    • The Premier and Linnei recover as 142 draws to a close, but the rest of the ill Council members remain afflicted. This disease is something utterly unknown: no Linnadi has ever learned of a disease of this kind that lasted for six years unceasing. The Council remains decentralized, although Jannellai does send messengers to hold a discussion of sorts on the issue of the Linnadi's vassalization.
    • The plague spreads further into Linnadi territory. Efforts to combat it using medicinal plants, magic, and typical remedies for the symptoms continue: however, the Council is too decentralized to effectively work against the disease, and so they agree that the Premier should focus on foreign relations, seeking both aid against the plague and alliance. Each local leader establishes their own measures to prevent Crabbing Fever's spread and to try to treat it.
    • In Arfordir, the first hints of the plague are found in the forest: refugees from the Highlands who realized all too late that they had not escaped the disease. They are taken in and made as comfortable as possible, given the circumstances, but it seems that they were the plague's first vector into the Green Coast. Not that it would matter much: Mallow reports three ships out of service due to lack of crew, and it is soon discovered that Caleilen has likewise succumbed. Last of all, the port at Holt Selia is closed; the local nobles having refused to close it before the plague came, and now making a last-ditch effort to keep the ports from spreading it farther afield. Regent Niall Donnkach does his best to keep everything running, but with the region's ports closed, no one knows how soon Arfordir might break down....
    • The Uran idea of a border guard fails once again, as disease makes its way into Gelupar. While the cold climate seems to hamper its progress greatly, the afflicted also become more greatly ill, and the clans are informed of a number of early deaths, before the plague calms again. Those who survived the initial wave are in for a prolonged recovery, among them the High Tasuna....
    • Braen Auley, the skilled General and tactician, has likewise fallen ill. He remains bedridden for months, and though he gives the impression that he is beginning to recover, the disease still flows within his veins....
    • Colrim continues his efforts to acquire medicinal herbs. The news of his merchants' success is followed almost immediately by the news that Crabbin' Fever has broken out in Arfordir. Torn between his homeland and the people he has grown attached to in his years of governing Wybrèz, he spends many days deciding what to do. In the end, he reroutes many shipments of herbs to Niall, but stays in the Tin Coast to prepare the people against the plague.
    • While little news reaches Ti Linnad in these dark years, harvesters of Violet Ash in Varjik bring back worrying tales that the Firethorn Regiment has sold a priceless artifact of Trodje to the Bloodied Hands. The initial reaction is disbelief, but as more and more reports reach the Linnadi, there is only one conclusion: Perhaps the Inkia were right....

    Spoiler: Ruler Information

    Current Stats
    Diplomacy: 10
    Military: 8
    Economy: 7
    Intrigue: 3
    Faith: 1

    New Ruler Next Round? No
    New ruler in 8 rounds

    Expected Stat Bonuses: Economy +1, Mil +1

    Spoiler: Other notes

    Military units: 5 - 2/ 9
    General: Braen Auley (8) (Incapacitated by disease!)
    • 3rd Cloud Company (Under contract in Azenhal)
    • 1st Serpent Company
    • 2nd Forest Company (Under contract in Azenhal)
    • 1st Novo Teretos Amphibious Division
    • 1st Red Eagles Company

    • 1st Cloud Company (KIA)
    • 1st Fang Company (KIA)
    • 1st Wingknights (KIA)
    • 1st Bear Company (KIA)
    • 2nd Cloud Company (KIA)
    • 2nd Fang Company (KIA)
    • 1st Forest Company (KIA)
    • 1st Opal Company (KIA)
    • 1st Vulpine Company (KIA)
    • 1st Pine Company (Sent to aid Inkia; KIA)
    • 1st Malva Naval Division (KIA)
    • Coatlean Unit #1 (KIA)

    Resources controlled:
    • Region 21 [Highlands of Ti Linnad]: Pegasi
    • + Region 22 [Obroslo]: Moon Opals
    • Region 33 [Coatl]: Corn
    • Region 45 [Inyoni Crescent]: Incense
    • Region 53 [Derokar]: Violet Ash
    • Region 85 [Ridir]: Monster Parts
    • + Region 89 [Overvann]: Medicinal Herbs

    • Wingknights: +1 to battle rolls (Cavalry slot); requires Pegasi
    • Inyoni Skyfarers: +1 to battle rolls (Live Weapons and Warbeasts slot); requires Incense
    • Sacrificial Magic Supply Lines: -1 size loss roll (Logistics slot); requires Crops
    • Violet Oath: +1 to resist secret actions; requires Violet Oak / Ash
    • Sedellan Armor Coating: +2 against enemies using overtly magical techs (Armor & Wards slot); requires Sedellan Glass
    • Diplomatic Expedition: Enables land or sea exploration; requires Precious Minerals and a Pack Animals or Ships tech
    • Fish Glue: +1 to one Economy action per round; requires Fish or Beasts of Burden

    • + the Woven Mask: +2 on rolls involving disease

    Religion bonuses:
    • +1 unit cap
    • +1 to resist conversions

    Permanent Cultural Identity: United in Action
    The Linnadi are a people shaped by unity. When the opportunity comes to work as one, they seize it - at home and abroad.

    Increase in die size for rolls for supported trade post buyouts and allowed holy center conversions (these both apply to buyouts and conversions in controlled regions).

    Saved actions:
    Last edited by Minescratcher; 2018-05-05 at 04:04 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #279
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    The Theocracy of Coatl

    Teppin The Rightly Guided Exarch
    Faith 6
    Military 2(+1)
    Economy 4
    Intrigue 1
    Diplomacy 10

    [Diplomacy] Resolution Action claim The Pall: Having driven the Quill elite into the jungles has opened up a fierce power vacuum among the new freed people of the Pall. Wagadiji, lizardmen, and the remainder of the Avakonian colonist's are at each others throat. Some wish to finish the quill off, others seek to free their relatives from thralldom, while a few still have chosen to flee in order to remain free from the region's influence. For better of for worse, many magi have come to grow something new out of the ashes of the old order.

    [Military] recruit one unit of Cobra militiamen:

    [Military] recruit one unit of Serpentine Martial artists

    [Military] Defend The Stone Cities of Shona with 4 Units lead by Cualli the Westerner (M7) with Sacrificial Supply lines+ advanced Pician weaponry (+1)=(12): The Warden of the East has descended upon the Shona of his ill throughout crusade. Nonetheless Teppin has decided that this offense must not be tolerated. Unfortunately Teppin will has neither the tactical ability nor the constitution to join the battlefield, so he will send Cualli the Westerner in his stead.

    [Diplomacy] Establish Great Kingdom: While Coatl and the Stone cities of the Shona were administratively unified, most of the newly claimed eastern regions are governed by various groups of merchants and missionary Magi ruling their respective regions like personal fiefdoms. Under the increasing pressure of the Gwitna to the north and the Whitefeather to the east Teppin has been forced to centralize the theocracy to extent not seen since the middle dynastic era. (1000-400 years pre imperial reckoning) To this end administrators from the theocracy has been shipped en mass to the eastern provinces to install the law of the theocracy and Icoatzin language schools have been established in both Wheuna Oneone and Whenua Kanga.

    News and Rumors

    • The god Xincoatl dictates specific burial customs among its followers, or to be more accurate, specific taboo's. Coatl Perijanism forbids the mummification, coffins and the unnatural preservation of bodies with few exceptions. According to the law of Xincoatl, the body must be dressed one last time in the order of man before dissolving into the chaos of nature. To that end the average cadaver is draped with incense and oil before being wrapped in corn husks and buried with mantras written across the wrapping.
    • Of course there are alternative burial procedures. One reserved for the most prodigious of magi and the Exarchs is known as the ritual of blossoming. The ritual of blossoming is a complex transmutation that uses the blood of the caster, the cadaver, and an animal sacrifice, in order to disintegrate the cadaver into a thousands of flower petals ranging in color from violet to crimson. Of course this could easily be adapted into an execution method.
    • While tales of the plague have been regarded as a curiosity by the Magi of Coatl, its done little to stop the diseases spread into the Stone cities of Shona. Resulting in scholarship on the plagues effects gaining a high demand by the court magi. Manuscripts from as far as Rengo have been translated in to Coatli pictographs with accompanying diagrams, though little progress is made in searching for a cure.
    • News of the Kansett is receive positively among the theocracy's scholars. While this may be seen as unorthodox to outsiders the appearance of the Kansett is a sign of two things. The first is that Xincoatl has not abandoned humanity, as clearly the fever would enable such horrors such as stripping people of the flame of Xincoatl. Secondly the Kansetts journey of fever and transformation is clearly analogous to walking the cycle of life, death and rebirth. The struggle to survive, grow, and evolve in the face of adversity should be celebrated as clearly this new group has been blessed.
    Last edited by Lleban; 2018-05-06 at 12:22 AM.
    Beautiful Avatar thanks to Gengy

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    Personal stuff: World of Tieg, Nexus: City of the Multiverse, Forgotten Planet Lost Between 2 stars, World of the 9 gates
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    Spoiler: and giving some more
    Spoiler: Metric tons of giving
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  10. - Top - End - #280
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread


    1. [Intrigue] Patrol the sultanate for bloody hand activity
    2. [Intrigue] Investigate use of River grass medicinally to help the plague victims
    3. [Intrigue] Investigate the effects of Sedellan Glass on plague victims.
    4. [Intrigue] Investigate the interaction between Bani Bowls and Crabbin' Fever more intensely
    5. [Diplomacy] Vassalize to the Sultanate of Regno

    Non actions:

    -The new king, Dafi, is much more studious than his late father was. He is fascinated by the plague and devotes a lot of his time to studying it. Considering that it is unlike any other sickness that he or anyone has seen he suspects that it may be magical in origin and sends Magi Lokir Gammet with some initiates and researchers from Binpultry to study the effects of Sedellan Glass on the Crabbin' Fever's victims.
    -The Bloodied Hand is not wanted in Regner so at the request of his new liege Dafi quietly sends out patrols and investigators to try and discourage potential assassins.
    -The Izbefi kingdom is finally officially joining the Sultanate as a vassal. This comes with much celebration by the Initiates of Izbefe itself but in the other regions, and especially since the sultanates absorption of Amham, some fear that their religious beliefs may be aggresively interfered with.
    Ruler Stuff:
    King Dafi Gammet
    Diplomacy: 2 Economy: 5 Faith: 5 Intrigue: 4 Military: 2
    Last edited by woolli264; 2018-05-06 at 05:54 AM.

  11. - Top - End - #281
    Orc in the Playground

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    Apr 2018

    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread


    Varia Chalun va Meera, Queen of Yondar

    Diplomacy: 2
    Military: 5
    Economy: 7
    Faith: 2
    Intrigue: 6

    1. [Economy] Retrofit Thalos-Dor's Harbor for Shipbuilding and Trade 3/3 -It has taken many years, but Thalos-Dor's harbor is a beacon for trade, updated to create and service many large vessels efficiently. Spirits were high as the first trade vessel was christened, the Queen's Arrow, was launched, heralding a new era of prosperity for the Yondarian people.
    2. [Economy] Buyout Tradepost (Shadow Flax) 2 in Region 42 [13] - Queen Varia was unamused by the Pride's actions disrupting the flow of Textiles to Yondar. Jerald Misstle advised in securing other sources of cloth before taking action against the Pride. Varia instructed Jerald to look abroad to secure resources that Yondar needs. [SUCCESS] With the introduction of a bigger harbor to the north, many merchants are interested in the new trade opportunities afford them. Through a judicious use his coinpurse, Jerald was able to sway the merchants to send shipments of their flax northwards
    3. [Intrigue] Investigate Crabbin Fever by contacting the Kansett in Region 24. [14] - After the talks about Crabbin' Fever, Devan Chalun had been preparing to send some of his mistrunners to investigate the source of the fever, in search for clues to combat it. The appearance of the Kansett raised questions, and concerns. Despite her reservations about sending her lover, and spymaster abroad, Varia finally relented in allowing Devan lead his company of mistrunners heading south towards Aniachaket.
    4. [Faith] Beseech Jumi, Father of Sky and Sea, for information on what Crabbin' Fever is, and what Varia's people can do to fight it. [10] - Bunas Rhunis approached Varia with a plan to consult the spirits about the looming threat of Crabbin Fever. Traveling to the Calm Pools of Thalos Dor, Varia, Bunas, and his shamans lit incense laced with Féth Leaves as part of a ceremony to seek guidance from the spirits of the sea.
    5. [Intrigue] Raid Tradepost (Silver) 2 in Region 27 [18] - Working with Jerald Misstle, Devan Chalun managed to isolate a group of silver miners unaffiliated with the other major kingdoms of Emjata. His mistrunners met with the miners and impressed upon them the value of continuing their operations under Yondarian leadership would be both more profitable and safer, than not operating at all. [SUCCESS] A few choice words, some greasing of palms, and a disappearance or two of undesirable elements and the Miners are brought to the understanding that when Yondar comes with an offer, it is generally in a merchants best interests to cooperate.

    • Support Buyout of TP3 (Darkwood) in Yondar by `Ridi`r in exchange for their future support for Yondar to buy out Monster Bits in Region 85 - `Ridi`r and Yondar share a culture of hunting. In an effort to secure a greater variety of goods and potential game, Varia offered to help 'Dveri'x acquire lumber in exchange of his people helping Yondar in the future with securing monster parts from their within their borders

    News and Rumors
    • As news of Lieđđi av Aanaar's capture abroad reached Yondar's ears. Queen Varia sent a letter of condolence to Rhune, and offered to convene with the reagent over possible military solutions to assist their long time neighbors across the sea.
    • With the return of Lieđđi av Aanaar, Queen Varia's desires to strengthen ties with their northern neighbors, viewing Lieđđi capture as destabilizing to the politics of the area, and that diplomatic talks are in the works.
    • Rumors abound that Yondar is stockpiling all manner of curatives in anticipation for the oncoming Plague.
    • The Queen has been in a melancholy mood after her husband left Yondar for the South. Though she prays for his safe return, many feel that he is marching into the very heart of Crabbin Fever, and that he may be changed for the worse because of it.

    Spoiler: Stats and Mechanics

    Spoiler: Trade Posts
    Trade Posts
    • Darkwood 1, Region 98
    • Féth Leaves 1, Region 35
    • Rhune Stones 2, Region 96

    Spoiler: Tech and Projects
    Tech and Projects
    • Diplomatic Expedition (Exploration, Colonization, and Diplomacy Claim) [Precious Metals + Pack Animals or Ship Tech]

    • Thalos-Dor Harbor refit for Shipbuilding and Trade

    Spoiler: Stat Increases
    Stat Increases
    Diplomacy: 2
    Military: 5
    Economic: 7+1
    Faith: 2
    Intrigue: 6+1
    Last edited by SquirrelWizard; 2018-05-06 at 01:20 AM.

  12. - Top - End - #282
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    The Pician Realm, Round Fourteen
    Speaker Wadagle, 'advised' by Purbagle

    1. [Diplomacy][D10] The 'treaty' proposed by Azenhal has an interesting effect on the Picians. As Purbagle reads off the treacherous dwarf's vile demands to the people of Fresia, where once there had been a conceited confidence there is now a burning determination. The Azen were fools to have even suggested such an absurd thing as disavowing the Leviathan; Amham tried to force such a change, how well do they expect this to go coming from a neighbor who has time and time again defied our might? (We're a gk now, this was meant to be more flashy but we just lost our whole army so can't exactly crown myself emperor)
    2. [Diplomacy] Stabilize Fresia: 17
    3. [Diplomacy] Hire the Company of the Crescent (5 units?)
    4. [Military] Raise a unit
    5. [Military] Raise a unit

    • ???

    News and Rumors
    • The decision not to immediately counterattack is a strange one, to be sure. The populace is behind the cause completely, but something is prompting the Speaker to stay his hand for the moment.
    • Purbagle has been sending notes again, one to Khirus (as many would obviously expect) but strangely one also makes its way to the home of the Company of the Crescent, who until recently were not even remotely considered to be anything of note to the Picians.

    Spoiler: To Khirus, more specifically Chancellor Kathine
    Dear Chancellor,

    No doubt you have taken note of the... unfortunate circumstances that have befallen the Pician Realm following the treachery of the Azen in Atrisia. You know as well as I that a deal was already agreed upon, and yet they cast it aside to serve their ever-constant greed. Surely in light of such a grievous transgression you can recognize that the Azen do not seek cooperation for either of our people, rather to bide their time until they decide to act upon a moment of weakness. Time and again their only driving force has proven to be greed; greed for Pician gold, greed for Khirusi blood, and greed for both of our lands. They have assaulted the Basins twice already, how long until they do so once more?

    I know that you have your agreement with the mongrels staying your hand, but so did we and you know very well how that turned out. In the interest of preserving our sway over the Pician holdings I cannot recommend enough that Khirus once more join the Pician Realm in arms against our eternal foe in the coming years, as if this transgression goes unpunished it will repeat itself until the whole of our lands are sucked dry by a bolstered dwarven greed.


    P.S. It would appear that the zealot over in Gwitna has discovered my end of our mutual connection. While ordinarily I would be more than willing to capitulate in order to deter suspicions from you and the rest of our associates losing the Pician throne would not be ideal for us. If at all possible, some assistance in dealing with a potential threat would be greatly appreciated.

    Spoiler: To the Company of the Crescent
    Dear Prince-Commandant of the Crescent Company,

    Tales of your honor and prowess have reached our humble waters, and we desire your aid with our affairs. A land so far north has likely not heard the full details of what has transpired in Atrisia of late, so I feel it best that I inform you of the grievous misconduct leveled agsinst us by the Azen. Some years ago I personally helped negotiate an agreement with them to resolve our peoples' historic feud, but sadly they have cast aside this deal in exchange for a satisfaction of their greed. Atrisia was seized by the dwarves in an act of war against our kind which had previously treated with them and permitted their continued exploitation of our natural wealth.

    Though our cause is righteous enough as it stands I would also arrange for a base of your company to be established in Atrisia if we succeed against the dwarves. Such a deal would be beneficial for both of us, as you would gain a bastion from which to perform your operations in Palmor and we would have another friend close at hand in case the treacherous dwarves strike out with greed in their hearts once again.

    ~Purbagle of the Pician Realm, adviser to Speaker Wadagle

    Spoiler: Stats
    Wadagle's rolls
    Stat Value Increase?
    Diplomacy 10 -
    Military 10 -
    Economy 3 -
    Intrigue 1 -
    Faith 5 -
    Military unit count: 1
    • Blarfargle (10) RIP

    Spoiler: Regions
    Region Name Region Number Resource Holy Center 1 Holy Center 2 Holy Center 3 Status
    Atrisia 42 Shadow Flax Jalyeong-Bo Abhidi Atrisia Azen BS
    Lior 43 Lentils Abhidi Abhidi Initia Province
    Hosra 68 Amber Abhidi Perijanism Abhidi Province
    Carida 69 Corn Abhidi Perijanism Jalyeong-Bo Province
    Fresia 70 Gold Leviathan Leviathan Jalyeong-Bo Capitol, Unrest

    Spoiler: Technology/Specialties
    Type Name Effect(s) Permenant?
    Military Strength in Numbers, Weakness in Solitude +2 die size to invading single-region entities No
    - - - -

    Type Name Requirement(s) Effect(s)
    Military Refined Pician Weaponry Iron +1 to combat
    - - - -

    Spoiler: To-Do List
    -Do all the heavy lifting in the war against the empire, get nothing for it
    -Raze Azenhal's mountain to the ground
    -Remove Jalyeong-Bo
    -Become omnivorous/swap requirement to a generic 'food'
    -Find and reclaim the ancestral moose holy lands
    Last edited by moossabi; 2018-05-04 at 11:24 AM.

  13. - Top - End - #283
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Jun 2016

    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    Region 85
    Round 14 - Year kind of wibbly

    [1/5] - Economy: Become literate.

    He'd been ignoring it for years. After all, 'Dveri'x wasn't blind, and he had more Ridx working under him than anyone. He knew full well they'd been making written notes, little bits of shorthand here and there. None of them matched, of course. This was 'Ridi'r. Still, enough was enough. He gathered all the Ridx he could be bothered to find, and told them, in no uncertain terms, to damn well talk to each other and make a single system everyone could use. If they were all going to do it anyway they might as well do it properly.

    Also he was bored and watching the Ridx fight over whose writing system would get used provided him weeks of entertainment. The 'Ridx weren't expected to learn how to use it, of course. Trying to make them would just get him punched in the dace, and besides, that's what the Ridx were for. Boring stuff no one wanted to do.

    Officially. Off the record, 'Dveri'x made sure to pick up at least a passing familiarity himself. Not that he told anyone. The other 'Ridx would give him hell if they knew, but he was pretty sure none of them would pay enough attention to notice.

    [2/5] - Military: Raise Unit

    The mass hunts for a plague cure a few years prior had led to a swell in active hunters, and more than a few Ridx becoming 'Ridx who otherwise might not have bothered. As such, the effective fighting force of the region grew noticeably, and still had absolutely zero chance of ever listening to him.

    [3/5] - Military 5: Adopt specialization - Hunting Grounds (Increased dice size when fighting in 'Ridi'r)

    No one could claim to know the plains and peaks of 'Ridi'r better than the 'Ridx. And anyone else stepping foot there quickly found the region, without a guide, to be as lethal as those living there. When they're feeling really nasty, it isn't that hard to lead the unwanted into the maws of a beast (and then hunt it after both sides had ravaged each other).

    [4/5] - Economy: Buyout open trade post in 98 (Roll 17)

    It took him a while, but 'Dveri'x finally remembered that he'd kind of wanted to get hold of some of that wood from when he had hiss little trip about the plague. Honestly, he wasn't completely sure why he'd left it so long (having by now more or less forgotten that he'd come out of that trip hating pretty much everyone), and headed back to try and get some. This had nothing to do with the fact that people had started grumbling about wanting comfier seats, honestly, and he genuinely had no idea who even told them about wood in the first place. If he ever did, he'd beat the tar out of them, because it was headache he really couldn't be bothered with.

    Still, it was an excuse to wander off, and go travelling again, and when he did eventually arrive, it wasn't too hard to find people willing to sell trees. After all, the place was full of the things. Actually getting them to sell them was a bit trickier, because while 'Dveri'x had grasped the basic idea of trade, he still didn't really have a grasp of it in practice. He did well though. He only beat up one person, and that was over something unrelated (and which may or may not have been a language issue). While he did offer them a reasonably fair deal on 'Ridi'r own resources, it's more than possible they agreed simply so he'd go away.

    How the wood would get to 'Ridi'r was another matter. And one that 'Dveri'x didn't particularly care that much about. Let the Ridx worry about that, while he went and did embarrassingly touristy things.

    [5/5] - Economy 5: Increase resource quantity in 88

    It was kind of a surprise when he got back home to find a ton of whales. The fact that he didn't even know what a whale was didn't help. As best as he could tell, some of the boys had gotten bored and wandered north, until they'd found people trying to hunt a big (but otherwise kind of pathetic) kind of dragon. Apparently the attempts had been pitiful enough that the boys had decided to help out on a whim, until they realised it meant getting on a boat, at which point they decided to just teach the locals what to do instead.

    Apparently they'd done a good enough job that they were hauling enough to send some over to 'Ridi'r, and 'Dveri'x was mostly just kind of annoyed that their trade trip has been way more fun than his. And they hadn't even been trying!

    Fluff 'n' stuff: When I'm less tired and it's not (a different) 1am

    Spoiler: Ruler Details

    Diplomacy - 2
    Intrigue - 1
    Military - 6 (+1)
    Faith - 4
    Economy - 6 (+1)
    Last edited by kjelfalconer; 2018-04-28 at 07:47 PM.

  14. - Top - End - #284
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    Round Opener, Part 2! (Sort of):

    Secret Actions:
    Several dozen merchants in Binpultry find that all their recent sales, all made towards what they believed to be local bandits demanding ‘protection money’, wind up in the same place: Kuniumi. (The Kunai Clans raid TP1 of Binpultry (5) for Millet!)

    For perhaps the first time in decades, the Bloodied Hands fail in such a way as it is obvious that it was, in fact, them. The Omanush take care to protect their investments, when they can, and the assault on several shipyards exporting Hydra Lilies is rebuffed, as an anonymous tip gives the sea elves advanced warning. Afterwards, the docks are soaked in seawater and blood, apparently, but trade continues as planned. (BHD fail to raid TP1 of Region 3 for Hydra Lilies)

    Relying on rather more typical intimidation tactics, the assassins succeed elsewhere, however; in Shona, a number of clay pit overseers end up sending them Blood Clay instead of sending it to the Theocracy in lieu of their own soaking it in the same fashion as their compatriots. (BHD successfully raid TP1 of Shona (32) for Blood Clay)

    Investigations into Crabbin' Fever
    Bhule finds that the full transformation that took place in Aniachaket is exceedingly rare besides that initial source of the infection, though partial symptoms seem present; instead, those who recover once/if the growths set in (often small and relatively unintrusive, albeit still unpleasant) either end up living with them, scars of the disease they’ve survived, or the growths become necrotic, and eventually slough away, often leaving a scarred surface that seems permanently calloused.

    The Jianta Federation determines that it has weird and sometimes mutagenic effects on marine wildlife; very upsetting. But it can also make them breed more, so maybe a good thing?

    The Omanush determine that it’s caused by the crab toxin, and spreads from there; just being around crabs doesn’t do it.

    Izbefe, in the process of testing how effective Giorle Fruit on plague victims, finds that if burning out this fever worked, it would probably make this a lot easier. It maybe slows the symptoms down? But it definitely doesn’t do anything once the victim is bedridden, other than make their life more unpleasant (for most) via consumption of very spicy foods and the effects that has.
    Verdant Wine is useful for keeping them calm and is helpful with the generalized debilitating effects; they don’t seem to actually get better, though.

    With the application of Bani Bowls, treatment does not go as expected. While the people themselves generally feel better, their disease is affected similarly, it seems. The mutations and growths occur far more frequently, and grow significantly larger. However, they’re also rather random, and don’t lead to any full scale transformations; instead, the growths will sometimes grow wildly out of proportion, or put pressure on vital organs, often resulting in the death of the individual. Secondary symptoms such as bed-ridden-ness are temporarily allievated, however!

    Dvatlan death god priests report that their goddess does not yet see fit to reveal what cure there might be, if any; a plague that kills as infrequently as this is a strange one indeed, and perhaps she will be amused to see how the mortals dea;l with such

    Other Stuff:
    The Abhidic priests that travel the waves around the Cays are forced out by shamans - though not the shamans they expected. Instead, they have been replaced by Rhunic Animist shamans, who speak of Jumi and his protection on the seas, and how Abhidi's aspects are best served not by viewing them as parts of a greater whole, but by celebrating their individual components in the spirits and the gods...(HC 3 of region 88 has been converted from Abhidi to Rhunic Animism!)

    Rhune goes into Unrest, and the commander of the enemy garrison expressing interest in Rhunic Animism, as well as discussing their need for food. If Rhune can solve these three issues, the region will join Rhune in an equal arrangement.

    Emissaries from Obroslo ask the Gwitna Coalition in diplomatic fashion to knock it off with the priests; disrupting holy sites in such a manner is ill-mannered and unwelcome, please and thank you.

    R’idir has lacked for lumber for quite a while, and the inability of their Xedx to hunt down something as simple as a tree. Or perhaps a better way to look at it might be the concern that, considering the height of most trees, a different ‘Ridx might fell one and return, claiming the title of Xedx for themselves…R'id'ir is in Unrest
    Last edited by Rolepgeek; 2018-04-30 at 07:18 PM.
    Role P. Geek

  15. - Top - End - #285
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    NPC Actions

    The Avakonian Empire

    Empress Dastatia Vana Zhekurus
    Diplomacy: 5
    Economy: 5
    Faith: 3
    Military: 9
    Intrigue: 7

    1. [Diplomacy 5]Establish Cultural Identity: The Imperial Inquisition: Increased die size on secret actions
      The Inquisition, established by the late Vana Rafæla Zhekurus, Empress of the Avakonian Empire and Queen of the Karysites, has finally matured as a branch of government, and can be said by some to be integrated into the Empire fully. Others disagree, but then, they would be fools to do so openly, wouldn’t they?
    2. [Military]Contribute to Castle Crescent (3/5)
      Though the Empire suffers, the Company of the Crescent is still owed a debt by the Empire, for the service offered by their men in the War of Northern Aggression. To this end, Avakonia sends materiel and men; many in Raesija have already recovered from the illness, and so it is believed that they will be unharmed, and able to work without fear of succumbing once more. In such a time as this, it should be a tremendous boon, particularly with the sending of a number of statues, carved from Zachodnie Marble and inlaid with Mrazite, and ample quantities of grain and honey both to feed the workers and begin to store as supplies in case of siege. With this, the Empress hopes, their debt to the Company shall be paid in full.
    3. [Military]Raise a Unit
    4. [Economy]Buyout trading post 1 for Copper in 65. Roll=10
      The Empire still has need of bronze, and to this end it seeks the support of it’s loyal vassals in procuring it, for the good of the Empire; the Lazarites have plentiful quantities from it closer to home, after all.
    5. [Economy]Buyout trading post 1 for Tin in Wybrèz (18). Roll=15
      Ties of trade often cement peace more firmly than mere vellum and ink ever could. It is for this reason that Avakonia seeks to re-establish control of several tin mines in Wybrèz, in addition to the need for bronze to equip its armies.
    6. [Intrigue]Inquisitorial Expedition of the Plague with Mrazite Roll=15
      Raesija seems less affected than most places, and while disease still runs through the area, it does not last for nearly so long as it does elsewhere, and the tumorous growths are almost entirely absent. Those individuals who mine Mrazite seem the least ill, in fact, and so the Inquisition is instructed to investigate the phenomenon and possible reasons for such.
    7. [Intrigue]Secret Action Roll=12
      While the Inquisition’s open hand looks into plague and seeks to soothe the afflicted, it’s closed hand climbs elsewhere…

    Spoiler: News and Rumors

    The Empress has her eye on a consort already, it seems, and she looks to the Crescent for it, where she spent a fair amount of her youth...

    Spoiler: Other

    Expected stat increases: +1 Military, +2 Intrigue
    Units: 8

    Jianta Federation (WZD)

    Ruler: Keiza Anamran
    Diplomacy: 3
    Economy: 6
    Faith: 1
    Military: 2
    Intrigue: 5

    1. [Intrigue]Raid TP1 for Azonite in 31: Roll=10
    2. [Intrigue]Secret Action, Probably: Roll=15
    3. [Economy]Buyout TP 1 for Farrana in 44: Roll=13

    Please be aware, Organizations are experimental and rules are subject to change

    Omanush Convoys
    Spoiler: Banner

    Crabbin Fever hangs like a fog over trade and the Omanush struggle to get by as fewer and fewer merchants are healthy enough to conduct business with their convoys but the sea elves persevere as they have in hard times past. The Setjura have been strong allies supporting the Omanush of late having been the sole bidder on the West Regner Purchase and main aid in the Omanush Naval Medical Academy. The Confederacy is invited to build an Omanush harbor base in Roagan (74) alongside their continued aid on the Academy. The Omanush themselves continue to devote a portion of their resources towards the Academy’s development establishing curriculum relating to the lessons learned in their search for a cure or treatment to the epidemic sweeping Emjata.

    The Convoys have heard that the Giorle Fruit out of Wazham can be an effective preventative treatment for the plague alongside avoiding infected crab meat. Looking to put such a valuable ingredient in Omanush hands and the hands of their allies rather than in the mysterious control of the Kunai who almost certainly did not legally purchase rights to the fruit is seen as a justifiable reason to pursue buyouts against the Clans.

    Of course, it is now that the Omanush find themselves with a relationship with the Kansett in Aniachaket, many of whom were and now again are crew members of Omanush Convoy ships. The mutated crabfolk are as adept upon the sea as any pure blooded Omanush and quickly have proven popular enough to have aboard on any large rig in the eastern convoys.

    [Economy] Aid Setjura building a Medical Academy of the Omanush Navy +1 Project Action (3/5)

    [Economy] Buyout Giorle Fruit TP 1 from Kunai Clans; Roll=17

    Bloodied Hands
    Spoiler: Banner

    The Bloodied Hands public face, such as it is, makes it known that anyone willing to turn over Artifacts or Relics will receive payment accordingly and in generous quantities, either in favors owed by the Hands, or possibly in Relics of their own that they have concluded their studies of. The older, the better, preferably.

    [Intrigue] Secret Action! Roll=24
    The Bloodied Hands continue to cause havoc through the world at the bid of lesser employers, when no states will patronize them. Some claim Yemur has been sending agents to Les Alpes, even! But really, who isn't suspect, these days?
    [Intrigue] Clandestinely attend Event to trade Technologies and Relics.

    Company of The Crescent
    Spoiler: Banner

    The Company of the Crescent has grown well in recent years and many now seek to lay claim to its associations as the armies and companies under its auspices grow. More than half of the Company’s current standing army was currently owed to the Setjura Confederacy in 150 I.R. however and while the Castle would provide a great barracks within Obroslo the truth was even with their already rapid expansion the Company needed more room to house soldiers. Obroso covered much of Inyaka and Palmor where it touched the Uhraiya, their base in the Isles of Lazar covered the Badan, and their base within Varjik allowed them a location to operate in Estensule and in the Southern Ortassa but Regner remains outside the Company’s reach and so is targeted for the next expansion.

    The Prince-Commandant issues a task available to Izbefe, the Northern Spine, Overvann, Regno or Ridi’r; construct a military fort for the Crescent Company and be rewarded with favor and reputation within the Company. In addition to the fort itself the Company requests either a unit of soldiers sent to join the Company or an official declaration to recognize Company laws and treaties as binding. (2 X Action Military project to build a fort and either A.) A Military/Diplomacy event sub-action action to gift the Company 1 Unit or B.) A Diplomacy action to endorse the Company’s legal authority)

    Work continues on Castle Crescent and more fighters are recruited to man it and the hoped Regner fortification to come. Aid from outsiders is still welcomed and subject to commendation.

    [Military] Construct Castle Crescent in Obroslo +1 Project (4/5)

    [Military] Raise 1 Unit of Mercenaries

    Order of Vasthiya Sattyathanya
    Spoiler: Banner

    From their headquarters in Aaenna the Order Sattyathanya is well aware of the Republic of Khirus’ machinations across the bay in Estensule and the mounting tensions between them, the Setjura Confederacy, and the Prince of Varjik. Looking to secure a venue from which the Order’s monks might counsel a diplomatic resolution the Order funds a mission to the territory in question looking to secure a long abandoned holy site in the name of Abhidi.

    Tales of the plague ravaging the middle of Emjata have certainly reached the Order and the monks commit themselves to chanting prayers that last weeks on end intoning Abhidi for guidance on purifying one’s body and soul. The warrior monks seek to fortify their bodies and regiment them through spiritual and physical work such that the corporeal sickness shall be unable to find purchase within them. If they are successful they shall teach others who desire to learn this technique.

    [Faith] Convert Region 61 HC 3 from Open to Abhidi. Roll=10

    [Faith] Pray to Abhidi for guidance on how to ward oneself against the Crabbin Fever plague
    Last edited by Rolepgeek; 2018-05-06 at 08:00 PM.
    Role P. Geek

  16. - Top - End - #286
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Tentreto's Avatar

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    The Whitefeather Kingdom
    Region 45+44+46+34+35+47: Inyoni Crescent
    Spoiler: Crest

    Round 14
    Queen Crexa Whitefeather

    Diplomacy: 9
    Military: 7
    Economy: 6
    Intrigue: 3
    Faith: 6

    1:[Faith]Faith Healing in 35. An actual cure, or at least immunisation may be found. 17
    2:[Faith] Convert region 47 HC 1 from perijanism to Idlia, fail, with 10
    3:[Dip] Give woven mask to Ti Linnad, as promised.
    4:[Dip] The Plague is in 35! Organise a response, documenting and quarentining. 22
    5:[Dip] Stabalise 44 from unrest. With culture identity, should auosuceed.
    6:[Mil] Raise a unit

    Endorse Azenhal Buyouts

    News and Rumours

    Spoiler: Resources and troops
    Inyoni Crescent 45, Incense
    Region 71, Iron
    Pegasi 21
    saphires 9
    Pearls 74
    Ships 46
    9 troops

    Spoiler: Ruler information+ extra

    Am Incredibly swamped by work until Friday! Should be back to normal procedures then! IC, this will probably come up as Crexa being ill...
    Last edited by Tentreto; 2018-05-06 at 03:46 PM.
    Avatar by the Incredible Gengy.
    King of Caligonia in Empire 3. Crusaded into the sunset

    Played as The Whitefeather Kingdom in Empire 4. Flew too close to the sun

    Played as the Duenem in Empire 5. Ordered a God to stand down, and kept a contingency ready...

  17. - Top - End - #287
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    End of Round Fourteen.

    All edits to actions posts made after this point will be considered invalid.
    Role P. Geek

  18. - Top - End - #288
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    Round 15: Begin!
    Imperial Reckoning 145 - 147
    Don’t forget to link to any rolls you make for ANY Attribute checks, plus rolls for rulers you will start using at the start of next round. If you want a new ruler in the next round, you must state so in your action post for this round and link to their rolls. Any increases from actions for this round are counted for the ruler you start your next round with (because it’s handier to account for by the co-GM), which may or may not be your current ruler.

    Good luck!

    Rules Alerts & Changes!
    Please remember to put all bonuses being used/relevant in the dice thread when rolling! It makes it much easier for the GM team to confirm/determine roll results.

    Organizations may be gifted technologies and have technologies stolen from them! The difficulty of stealing a technology, however, rises the less close the relationship is to the Organization. At Reputation 4, the roll to steal the tech is unaltered. For each level of reputation higher, the attempted theft gets a +2 bonus. For each level of Reputation lower, the attempted theft gets a -2 penalty. Stealing a technology from an Organization will upset them, but they may gift them in return for a favor to states in high standing.

    Attempted Intrigue 5 actions are not 'consumed' unless successful.

    Sacking may be done outside of your own territory.

    The Consulate of the Northern Spine seems to have captured lightning in a bottle with Lauret and Lucio proving to be the darling couple of Delwin (84). The roguish and bawdy Lauret tempered by the sincere kindness of Lucio. Some of Lauret's old comrades from Bhule claim she has gone soft after finding her new beau but those on the ground with her claim she is still just as cutthroat if somewhat more even-handed, though perhaps that's just because she can more feasibly reach them. Lucio for his part seems to have found something akin to love for the woman who claimed him and now his home as hers for her father back in Bhule. Lauret admires Lucio in the role of leadership and allows him much leeway in governance allowing him to act as her voice and hand in most scenarios. Lucio proves to be a fair-minded and kind ruler with the iron discipline of his wife keeping his kindness from being abused. (region 84 joins The Consulate of the Northern Spine, Bhule gains 1 unit)

    The Sultanate of Regno appears to be hastening the destruction of Amham with the grace it does everything. Claiming to act on behalf of the now rotting kingdom the three towers have devised a plan where the rebellion ends in their nation gaining a hold over the very heart of its neighbor. (Regno partial success claiming region 2)

    The expansion of the Serene Marasa Pride is unprecedented. Another region falls under their purview as they rely on the fear mongering of foreign faiths. The Perijianist stronghold surrenders without a whisper happy to give themselves to such a strong defender of their gods. Though with the spread of Coatl worshipers entering the very heart of Mareen will this protector of faith live up to what he claims to be? (The SMP claims region 82 and gains 1 unit)

    The twisted and decrepit remains of The Pall have finally been shattered and the blood priests of Coatl have marched into the region and established a new guard. What this does to the people, the region and the future of Pall is yet to be seen, but it spells dire consequences for the Quill… (The Theocracy of Coatl claims region 29 and gains 1 unit)

    The Theocracy of Coatl sees itself surrounded by enemies that once claimed friendship, but the Exarch knows that Xincoatl is on the side of the righteous, and makes this clear to all with a declaration of intent. The power contained within the Theocracy’s borders will not be denied, not by the siege laid to Shona by their former lords, not by the squalling of Lazarite heretics, and not by any other nation. They are as great a power as this by the will of the gods, and they shall not be ignored… (Theocracy of Coatl becomes a Great Kingdom!)

    Overvann reaches out to the kobolds in (region 90) in an attempt to bring peace and prosperity to the region, but it appears the zealots are not so easily swayed. With war comes resentment and the kobolds appear unwilling to forget...(Overvann fails to end unrest in region 90)

    The politics of (region 61) grows more convoluted as the Republican faction now pushes for open revolution against its king due to the machinations of Khirus. The Setjura Confederacy threatens war on any who would move against the regions lord. Now the firethorn regiment sends troops to bolster the failing government and they come in contact with heavily armed rebels supported by mask wearing monsters with a specialty for murder and retaliation; the region is as Obsidian Glass, waiting only for a hammer to ignite.(Firethorn regiment makes a claim on region 61)

    The Rakshasa conquer their enemy and swiftly follow that by showing them wealth and power they have never seen before. (Region 81) has no choice but to quell any resentment it held against its new ruler. (Arrakis (81) stabilizes under the SMP)

    Due to a change of leadership the capital of Azenhal shudders with fear from the uncertainty but the new leader of the region quells fears. Much of this comes from their ties to Crexa and the Whitefeather kingdom but regardless the grumbles end and the mountain soothes for its new ruler. (Azenhal stabilizes Azenhal)

    Atrisia by its very nature is used to change. Living under the Picians is not an easy thing and so any change from those brutal and dismissive tendencies is easy enough to settle. It takes Azenhal some time to convince the citizens that a failure to rebel lead to them being devoured by the Picians for their crimes but when that passes things return to normal. (Azenhal stabilizes Atrisia)

    Once enemies by deed and creed, the Firethorn Regiment appears to be hoping for better relations with that cult known as the Bloodied Hands. At the peace talks hosted by Azenhal, a secretive exchange takes place. If the Hands so desire the secret of the Violet Oath, with which to further refine their 'recruiting' methods, then they shall have it freely, taught by those who first developed such methods, and further, the Anvil of Trodje, a holy Perijanist artifact, but an impractical one to the Firethorn upon closer examination. In exchange, the mercenaries of the Regiment receive techniques for creating Diresnags; vicious complexes of traps capable of killing hundreds of men and demoralizing thousands more. There is mention made of methods to enhance their effectiveness, but the nature of such means are left unspecified, in the interest of keeping relations positive. Further, the Bloodied Hands offer the Crown Prince a gift held in safekeeping since, they claim, the time of Dejan himself: the Crown of Thorns. The lord or lady who wears it, they say, makes their dedication to their people obvious. The Firethorn Regiment receives the technology for Diresnags! (Diresnags: Requires Labor/3 Labor; Primary Effect: +1 Size Loss Roll (nonpreventable) for enemy, Secondary Effect: +1 Distance Loss Roll (nonpreventable) for enemy; Slot: Stealth, Sabotage, and Traps)
    The Firethorn Regiment receives the Crown of Thorns Relic! (Crown of Thorns: +1 to battles if used; for each battle this relic is used in, all battles this relic was used in give -2 on leader loss rolls for user; Difficult to Steal)

    The decision to declare Initia the official practice of the Confederation of Almor is rather controversial. In Palendor and Atrisia, Abhidic faithful grumble that their lords ignore them, but in Tresten, such mutterings are the norm. The Ildian people are greatly dissatisfied, and the region is becoming dangerous; quick thinking by administrators in Azenhal prevent the situation from growing out of hand, however, and swift appointment of prominent Ildian priests to important positions in the region satisfies the people that local rule and advisement by appropriate religious practices will not be undone; after all, the Confederation’s Liege Lord is Ildian. Initia is now the State Religion of the Confederation of Almor! Palendor (37) is in Unrest! Atrisia (42) is in Unrest!

    The crises of faith that began three years ago continue: the plague seems endless, and many have not the strength to endure the test....
    Holy Center 3 for Initia in Izbefe (6) becomes Open!
    Holy Center 2 for Initia in Iadesh (7) becomes Open!
    Holy Center 2 for Jalyeong-Bo in Afordir (20) becomes Open!
    Holy Center 1 for Coatl Perijanism in The Pall (29) becomes Children of Kina!
    Holy Center 2 for Jalyeong-Bo in Masdoli (47) becomes Open!
    Holy Center 1 for Honmyo in Les Alpes de Sang (57) becomes Open!
    Holy Center 3 for Dejanite Cult in Region 91 becomes Open!
    Holy Center 2 for Initia in Thae Guceart (92) becomes Open!

    D̨vatla and Regno have been working together for some time to fight against the plague, and it is now that their work pays off. In Llët̨sällë, Abhidic monks' prayers to the Emanating One work alongside Initiate ingenuity and the petitions of Tëlir Geza priests to discover the nature of the disease, and weaken it, helping people recover and restoring health to the afflicted as though wellbeing could be spread the same way illness might. The foulness was spread, or at least worsened, by small, corrupt spirits that drained the energy of their host like parasites, causing them to lose their strength and be rendered that much more helpless to the mutative effects of the disease, which could not spread perfectly from host to host; this, it seems, is why only those that were directly infected by Reaper Crab poison were turned into Kansett, and why so many of the men and women that would become Kansett lived to do so, unlike their compatriots. It is nigh-impossible to cure those directly infected without serious personal exorcism, but survival rates are extremely high, so the decision becomes a personal one for many, though many temples choose to offer their services, and some towns pressure or kill the infected to avoid having such abominations in their midst.Llët̨sällë (region 10) is no longer infected by Crabbin' Fever!

    In times of uncertainty people turn to their gods. The Perijanist Temple in Dažytija is overwhelmed by the desperate seeking favor from their gods hoping they have the cure. This congregation dooms not only the people seeking the help of their gods but the priests as well, as the disease spreads even more quickly with so many people in close proximity. Soon there are not enough faithful left standing to man the temple and it is abandoned, swiftly falling into disrepair…Holy Center 2 for Perijanism in Dažytija (13) is Destroyed!

    A dangerous ritual is performed in the heart of (region 49), and an Avakonian priest, once a respected scholar of Dejanite theology, goes mad searching for the cure. No one is quite certain where his experiments led, but his screams could be heard for miles, and the flames of the temple as it burned were said to drink light as a man does air. Holy Center 2 for Dejanite Cult in region 49 is Destroyed!

    The Kunai continue their conversion of the region in an attempt to create more peaceful relations with those in the area. The native shamans stand no chance to keep the Homnyo priests from speaking the Names into the very heart of their temples. (Region 83 HC 2 is converted from Jalyeong-Bo to Honmyo)

    Dvalta has turned to an ancient and a once nearly forgotten faith in Tëlir Geza but with such powerful support from its secular liege lord and the sudden fall from grace of Jalyeong-Bo in the region it claims two new temples. One is located in Llët̨sällë and one in Reflas. (Region 11 (Reflas) HC #1 and Region 10 (Llët̨sällë) HC #2 are converted to Tëlir Geza)

    Overvann’s faithful move into (region 90) and attempt to convert the spirit worshipers but they are desperate as more and more of their temples in the north are consumed and Amham falls apart. The attempt at conversion ends in bloodshed as the Jalyeong-Bo worshipers riot driving out the Gamle Mater. (Failed conversion of HC 1 of 90 Jalyeong-Bo to Gamle Mater)

    Overvann’s strike against the Perjianist temple in (region 90) goes far easier. The hold they have in the north has always been weak. With a few years of violent debate and raids back and forth the temple elders surrender, quite literally, to the ideals of Gamle Mater. (Successful conversion of HC 3 of 90 Perijianism to Gamle Mater)

    The Perjianists continue to disappear from the north as Initia remains an unstoppable force under the sultanates gaze. Their ideals carve a path up north into the holds of their new ward the Consulate of the Northern Spine. (Successful Conversion of HC #2, Region 86 Perijianism to Initia)

    The civil war between Coatl Perijianists appears to just be a means for more conversions to happen as the Isle uses the chaos as a means to force their faithful into a position of power in Shona as last of the tradionalists are wiped out with a violence and skill that could only be the Lazarites. (Successful Conversion of HC #3, Region 32 from Perijianism to Coatl Perijianism)

    It appears being a god king is not enough in the face of Coatl. The Lazarites arrive from across the sea. They do not just chant their ideals they drive out the Perjianist human slaves and Rakshasa priests who have taught the way to their alpha and replace these officials with their own. How will the god king respond to such a change of guard? (Successful Conversion of HC #1, Region 77 Mareen from Perijianism to Coatl Perijianism)

    Jalyeong-Bo and Rhunic Animism are sister faiths their similarities are unquestionable and when the promise of protection for them is offered by Rhune they see no reason to refuse. (Successful Conversion of HC #2, Region 95 from Jalyeong-Bo to Rhunic Animism)

    With tensions mounting in the south surrounding [Region 61], the Order of Vasthiya Sattyathanya reaches out to hold peaceful discussion between the involved parties. They work to restore an empty ruin atop a tall hill to the glory of Abhidi, but over the course of days, as they hold negotiations in the restored hall, their missionaries begin to disappear mysteriously. They eventually return to Aeanna much fewer in number, and with the news that both the negotiations and their ministers to the populace have met with failure.

    A looming trade war appears to be blooming between the ferocious peoples of Overvann and the beasts of the Estensule deserts. The Rakshasa had their source of slaves bought out from under them with no means of recourse currently. (Successful Buyout trading post 1 of region 78 for slaves)

    With the help of Overvann the sultanate purchases medicinal herbs in an attempt to combat the horrors of the plague. (Successful Buyout trading post 2 of region 89 for medicinal herbs)

    Cheap legal labor has been purchased from the firethorn regiment in an attempt to help fight the plague and perhaps aid the firethorn regiment with its ensuing fight with the Rakshasa who appear to be harrying them? Whatever the reason Regno continues to grow economically. (Successful Buyout trading post 1 of region 62 for Labor Guilds)

    Isles of Lazar creates a means of manipulating surplus resources has been developed by the Isles of Lazar. This will surely aid them in garnering economic dominance. (Economy 10) Create Technology: Surplus Production - Own a pair of pairs in resources IE: 2 Banana TPs and 2 Apple TPs. Effect - Can use an Economy 5 action to introduce a fourth [Grand] trade post in regions with a [Great] quantity resource of which you already own 2 or more Trading Posts for in the region.)

    The Isle of Lazar engages in aggressive trade and outbids a competitor? A nuisance? A threat? Its hard to tell what this growing animosity represents with the Margraviate of Rhune. Regardless its happening and they claim the wood for themselves. (Successful Buyout trading post 3 of region 23 for Giant Cedar Wood )

    The Isle of Lazar moves in on abandoned trade post and continues the logging work of their liege lord. (Successful Buyout trading post 2 of region 23 for Giant Redcedar Wood)

    The Isle of Lazar appears to be focused completely on making their little archipelago one of the wealthiest regions in the world as they buy up the salt flats of (region 93) (Successful Buyout trading post 1 of region 93 for Salt)

    Rhune has gone from an unknown island to a growing economic power broker as they move out and sweep up the resources of their neighbors in (Region 97). Gumfrost shoots now travel to the capital from the Rhune Trade fleet. (Successful Buyout trading post 1 of region 97 for Gumfrost Shoots)

    Rhune travels halfway across the world to get their hands on Millet. Several traders are lost on the trek to Binpultry but inevitably a single caravan makes it and collects the resource returning home with shipments and the promise of many more.(Successful Buyout trading post 2 of region 5 for Millet)

    Ti Linnad can't ignore the plague either and is forced to buy up medicinal herbs in a desperate attempt to stem the bleeding of the horror show that is crabbin fever and they buy up Overvann’s 1 untouched trading post (Successful Buyout trading post 3 of region 89 for Medicinal Herbs)

    Blood for coin. One of the oldest exchanges in history. Mercenaries from Ti Linnad arrive in Azenhal while traders from Ti linnad also arrive the shores of the moon opal trading post belonging to the dwarves. The deeds are handed over and business continues as usual. (Successful Buyout trading post 2 of region 22 for Moon Opals)

    Yondar in their search for textiles turn to an alternative source after the brutal incident with the Rakshasa. They turn to Shadow flax and easily buy out the traders and take over without incident. (Successful Buyout trading post 2 of region 42 for Shadow Flax)

    Giorle fruit can be used against the plague, said the merchants, and that was all the Sea Elves needed to hear. They move swiftly, offering such high prices that the Kunai cannot keep their shadowy hold on the fruit. With luck, the plague will find no new victims among the Omanush. (Successful Buyout trading post 1 of region 4 for Giorle Fruit)

    The Darak sent merchants in secret to the far north, where their fellow Jalyeong-Bo practitioners hold sway in Bhule, and though their deals were fair and negotiations honored, the clandestine nature of their copper purchases still arouses the suspicion of many...WZD successful buyout of trading post 3 of Bhule (region 86) for Copper)

    As workers and merchants fall ill, and disorder gains more and more sway over the populace, much of the goods normally in circulation fail to make it to their arranged destinations. And then they fail to do so again. And again, and again…
    TP 1 for Hydra Lilies in Region 3 becomes Open!
    TP 1 for Marble in Zachodnie (16) becomes Open!
    TP 3 for Giant Redcedar Wood in Glen Gwitna (23) becomes Open!
    TP 1 for Silver in Region 27 becomes Open!
    TP 2 for Feth Leaves in Lacia (35) becomes Open!
    TP 3 for Obsidian Glass in Khirus (40) becomes Open!
    TP 1 for Shadow Flax in Atrisia (42) becomes Open!
    TP 2 for Hlaali Bark in Deaux (56) becomes Open!
    TP 1 for Horses in Region 63 becomes Open!

    The firethorn regiment recruits Lord Polshannen el Sira. Desperate for a means to stop the bleeding after their civil war, their endless conflicts, and now the plague, they turn to someone to lead their war weary soldiers. Their choice is more charismatic then experienced, and politicked their way to the top only to find that many of their subordinates had more skill than they... (Firethorn regiment 6 general Lord Polshannen el Sira)

    Glen Gwitna has declared war on their once-vassal, Coatl, backed by accusations of consorting with vampires and other such dark powers. These abominations to Xincoatl must be destroyed, and, as Teppin has categorically refused to do so, warriors of the Gwitna march against the Stone Cities of Shona. But the region had not gotten its name for nothing, and the Gwitnan forces are unable to make major advances against the fortified walls. In the end, his Karysite advisors demand Suvlin withdraw from Shona to reinforce and reconsider how the region might best be attacked.
    Gwitna Coalition: 4 Units + Mil9 + 11 = 24
    Theocracy of Coatl: 4 Units + Mil7 + Tech 1 + 14 = 26
    Gwitnan Casualties: 30%
    Coatlan Casualties: 30%
    Defender Victory! The Gwitna Coalition loses one unit, the Theocracy of Coatl loses one unit! Shona is still controlled by the Theocracy of Coatl!

    The Rakshasa continue their expansion in Estensule as Tashan Kkoya leads her forces east. She encounters stiff resistance from the natives, which is exacerbated by a series of tactical blunders that result in many deaths. However, the defending general is overconfident and presses his advantage across miles of barren sand; when he finally meets his foe in open battle, his soldiers are in no fit state to fight and the Rakshasa are quickly victorious.
    Marasa Pride: 3 Units + Mil10 + 4 = 17
    Region 82: 2 Units + Mil9 + 3 = 14
    Marasa Casualties: 30%
    Native Defender Casualties: 20%
    Attacker Victory! The Marasa Pride loses one unit, the native defenders lose all units! The Marasa Pride is in control of region 82!

    Discovery! Map!

    The following regions are infected with the Plague: 15, 18, 28, 31, 33, 34, 38, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, 52, 53, 54, 61, 62, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 85, 89, 90, 93

    Crabbin' Fever afflicts the armed forces of Emjata as much as it does the workers, and attrition from the disease begins a massive spike. In many realms, soldiers are lost, forced stand down, or desert in such numbers that entire units begin to disband....
    The Theocracy of Coatl loses two units!
    Glen Gwitna loses one unit!
    The Sultanate of Regno loses one unit!
    Ti Linnad loses one unit!

    A unit of soldiers enters a plague riddled village in Yemur; their attempts to aid the populace backfire as a large percentage of the unit contracts the disease and those that don’t fear catching it and desert the military.
    Yemur loses one unit!

    The fighting in Amham is fierce, and many fall victim to arrowhead, disease, or worse. When it concludes, though, the supports of Trai Gyeon have been forced back to the mountains, and their remaining soldiers rally under a new Duke, who sees Yemur’s independence as an affront to his rule. Worse, however, is a sudden quietness of the spirits. They seem extraordinarily subdued, and it is hard to determine why, but it has the feeling of calm before a storm…
    Amham loses one unit!

    Trade continues to decline, as both fears and effects of the plague work against it. Omanush shipping falls off, many uninfected ports are closed, and many resources can no longer be harvested in the numbers they once were. Elsewhere, fear, rioting, and poor crisis management has ruined fields and workers alike.
    Binpultry [Region 5] loses TP 3 for Millet! Millet is now Good!
    Astrand [Region 14] loses TP 2 for Rice! Rice is now Minor!
    Hoyanuk [Region 25] loses TP 2 for Oxen! Oxen are now Minor!
    Region 84 loses TP 2 for Tin! Tin is now Minor!

    In the wake of the Gwitnan invasion of Shona, rumors spread that the Bloodied Hands are taking action against them. Several nervous breakdowns are reported in the streets of the cities, attributed to the stress of the siege. Days later, the organization launches a brutal raid on a Coatlan Burners temple, leaving nothing behind inside but a handprint outlined in the blood of the head priest. Strangely, though, the attack was not made on Gwitnan soil directly, but rather their vassal…
    HC 3 for Coatl Perijanism in the Isles of Lazar is Open! The Isles of Lazar are in Unrest!

    Raids against Izbefe refuse to cease and the Kunai rip away even more resources from their rival as River Grass has fallen into their care. What purpose such a raid has remains a mystery as do most things with the Kunai. (The Kunai raid Region 55 (River Grass) - Trade Post 2 from Izbefe )

    A call goes out from the nation of Glen Gwitna to bring them Purbagle alive so that he can be interrogated and eventually executed. The Khirese government responds to an assault on one of its former diplomats with ferocity and a contingent of mask makers meets up with Purbagle as hes heading home. The adventurers of Glen Gwitna were talented at extortion and kidnapping. They knew how to kill and fight and even the average citizen seemed to have a talent for this kind of “wet” work but where once it had been easy to seize one of the Picians this time they are met by the organized cabal of the mask makers. The shock and awe theatrics of the mask makers along with the fact that they had such similar tactics was enough to drive off the initial attackers. Purbagle would be met by waves of these cutthroats and each time he came closer and closer to being captured as bounty hunters seemed to move at random. Each one more talented than the last and by the end of it all mask makers and Gwitnan fortune seekers were left dead all across Emjata until they made it home to Fresia. By the end the mask makers were exhausted and only a fifth of their number yet lived, but live they did, and so do those three mask makers haunt Fresia in Purbagle’s name. (Glen Gwitna fails to capture Purbagle)

    For no other reason than to punish the Firethorn regiment for claiming the Aspen Heights the brutal Rakshasa Riebarri move in on the mercenaries of Lazar and slaughter the leadership of the firethorn regiment and claim the mercenaries for themselves. Where this leads now is anyone's guess. (SMP raids Region 28 Mercenaries TP 3 taking it from the Firethorn Regiment)

    Tit for tat; as the Rakshasa's slaves are taken, so do the Rakshasa take the copper belonging to Overvann. It appears they stand no chance defending it and the merchants of the region are cut down in droves and the copper stolen and brought back into the jungles of Mareen. (SMP raids Region 86 Mercenaries TP 2 taking it from Overvann)

    Yondar managed to isolate a group of silver miners unaffiliated with the other major kingdoms of Emjata. Mistrunners met with the miners and impressed upon them the value of continuing their operations under Yondarian leadership would be both more profitable and safer, than not operating at all. A few choice words, some greasing of palms, and a disappearance or two of undesirable elements and the Miners are brought to the understanding that when Yondar comes with an offer, it is generally in a merchant’s best interests to cooperate. With a major source of precious metal under their belt what will be the kingdoms next move? (Yondar raids Region 27 Silver TP 2)


    The plague finally runs its course in several more areas, as Lascienmo, Hoyanuk, and Avakonia itself all bear witness to a similar transformation as that in Aniachaket; a few infected disappear, and presumably become Kansett, but many more simply die as the disease finally strains their body beyond the breaking point, or recover as it is flushed out. More strangely is that (region 66) seems to have skipped the transformation entirely, and is recovering ably from the plague, having been afflicted for but a short time. (Region 66, Lascienmo (22), Hoyanuk (25), and Avakonia (51) are no longer infected with Crabbin’ Fever!)

    A Seretse fisherman returns from an overnight fishing trip upon Lake Obanado, telling tales to any who will listen of his strange encounter. Whilst fishing the waters, he became aware of a massive shadow forming in the water under his boat. As he sought to investigate the cause of the phenomenon, the lumbering shadow began moving, revealing it to be the largest aquatic creature the fisherfolk had ever seen. However, with each retelling, the quantification of the creature's size grows, from initially nearly the size of the boat to later nearly the size of a house! Many who hear discount it as a mere fisherman's tale, however a few other fisherman have now come forward with similar stories.

    Many places in Emjata grow dissatisfied with their leaders, for anything and everything, spurred by the plague to anger and fear, lashing out at anyone and anything they can in the hopes that if there’s someone to blame, there’s some way to stop the Fever from taking them and their loved ones, too.
    Reflas (11) is in Unrest!
    Region 50 is in Unrest!
    Avakonia (51) is in Unrest!

    The people of Karys feel that their Empress has grown too unaccustomed to true Karysite culture, and some agitate for a return to the old blood, one not so diluted by foreigners, or at least not by the wrong kind of foreigners…
    Karys (48) is in Unrest!
    One of Dvatla’s prized generals has fallen ill! Until they recover, if they do, they are in no state to lead troops!
    Dvatla’s Mil7 General has Crabbin’ Fever!

    In Raesija, though few grow as ill as elsewhere, and most recover far more quickly, it still quickly becomes untenable to continue mining given ailing strength and the risks already present. The caverns have been altering themselves in odd ways, and rumblings can be heard. It soon becomes clear, however, that the growth of the crystals has accelerated for some reason, and that with no one mining them, they have been free to spread and flourish in the caverns once more.Mrazite becomes Good! TP 1 for Mrazite in Raesija (64) becomes Open!

    Overvann’s attempts to discover what Tevrus’s people are up to is quite successful, despite what some might say. They are told, with great sincerity, that such groups are simply trying to hold tight to their faith and discuss means of coping with the changes that must come with a change of leadership. This story is told (at least where anyone is willing to talk) all across the region, and for nearly two years, it looks more and more likely as nothing happens.

    But then the walls of the cities above ground shift. It’s a subtle change, but to those not living there, obvious. For three months, the walls move and alter in little ways. Almost…experimentally, and never enough to make anyone believe anything but that they had a faulty memory. The local overseers dismiss such reports as paranoid ramblings, of course. The error of this comes only later. When the walls break apart at the seams that were so obvious in hindsight. As they stand, the height of six men on top each other’s shoulders. As they turn their cold, stone gaze on the cities they encircled, and judge them. Some cities are deemed unworthy. These are crushed. Others are deemed acceptable, and the wrath of the constructs is instead turned to the invaders from Overvann.

    The Kobolds are ecstatic and can be seen studying and crawling across the giants at all hours, paid little heed by the guardians of Tevrus they built so very long ago, that foolish surface-dwellers thought to bend to their own will by measly foreign magic. On the Misty Peak, a rocky outcropping takes form as a great armored figure, equipped with slab-like shield and jagged spear, tall enough that there is no sense of scale to compare it to, save that it can be seen for miles in any direction, atop it’s watchful perch. In the Crystal Caves, a glittering, reptilian shape emerges from gypsum formations, emerging to look for interlopers who might seek entry to the land of the dead. And the great marble statues of Khompur, Trodje, and Rieba step down from their perches in the Grand Cathedral, looking outwards to protect those who maintained their likeness in such pristine form for ages without end. (Tevrus (90) is in Rebellion! 6 Rebel Units Spawn!)

    Though one might expect the experiments the Kunai conduct with Enku and Names to be approximately as effective as those conducted by their northern neighbors with Bani, one would be wrong. Rather than relieving some symptoms and intensifying others, it truly does accelerate the recovery process, albeit at the cost of requiring the afflicted to remain in bed and cared for the entire time. It’s as if the entire process of fighting off the disease has been compressed. A few individuals, mostly those with already failing health, still die of the disease, but still fewer than otherwise. Unfortunately, the scars and remnants of the disease are just as common as without any treatment and it’s reported in many cases as being even more painful due to the higher speed at which they grow.

    Again in Kuniumi, scholars test theories related to Honmyo. Interestingly, many of the superficial symptoms that make Crabbin’ Fever identifiable as such disappear in those for whom Human was written on them before or early on in being infected. Once the disease has progressed beyond a few months time, it ceases to be effective, and in any case, the individuals are still ill, but many of the partial transformative effects are gone – including the tumorous growths, blistering and hardening of the skin, and a great deal of the pain involved. It is still, however, a fever, and in certain extreme cases symptoms not seen before make themselves known, no two cases alike, ranging from delusions of grandeur and an almost disturbingly healthy constitution, to catching on fire and being completely oblivious to the fact.

    Unfortunately for Izbefe’s rulers, the scholars and agents sent to look into the effectiveness of several substances against the plague fall prey to the very illness they sought to cure, and no progress can be made; few others are willing to risk becoming victims themselves, when they think they can hide from it.

    The spirits of Yondar are quite eager to share their (often conflicting) opinions on how to deal with the plague, and what it truly is. Thankfully, however, the shamans are familiar with the sorts of spirits involved here, those being very often tricksters. Almost everything they said will be useless, unfortunately.

    Quick acting, and the aid of the Ildian priestly order dedicated to healing, as well as the commitment of the Cucullotabiban people, means that the plague is barely able to catch a foothold in Lacia before being expelled and the affected quarantined in a surprisingly effective manner; the Gwitnans who brought the plague are expelled likewise. (Lacia (35) is no longer infected with Crabbin’ Fever!)

    Company of the Crescent Responding to the Picians: Nearly five score ships, with sails nearly as tall as they were wide, sail into the ruined archipelago of Fresia, laden with armed and armored men and women from all walks of life and nearly every species. The few Picians foolish enough to attack them are dispatched or otherwise repelled with ease, and when they make landfall, their leader, wearing an insignia that few can mistake, introduces themselves as a Knight-Captain of the Company of the Crescent. In total, nearly ten thousand men have been hired by the Regiment, and whilst their discipline is obvious, so too is their greed for the gold that lines the waters of Fresia. But they do not simply take it without asking, as the stunted fleshlings did. Perhaps they can be worked with more easily, in such a case. (Picians get 5 CSC Units for two rounds!)

    Redhammer, Lady of the Forge of the Confederation of Almor, is nearly killed while returning from her attempted meeting with the Picians. Who would do such a thing is uncertain, but the assailants were clever enough to draw most of her guards away with a diversion; near-feral Picians, driven into a frenzy and pointed in the direction of the enemy. Or maybe that would have happened anyway, and they simply saw an opportunity? In any case, it is fortunate that Lady Redhammer’s name is so well-deserved; the blood of hired blades decorates her tools thoroughly by the time the day is through.

    With a change in leadership comes difficulties. The people of Lazar are unsure how their new Arndok will fare both in keeping the faith as her predecessor did before her and in routing the saboteurs and cultist of the Bloodied Hands from their homelands. Many aspiring faithful, self-assured and arrogant, believe that they would be the better choice, and seek to make trouble for it. (The Isles of Lazar are Unstable!)

    The Yasei discover a number of trade records, poorly but acceptably kept in storecaches through Kuniumi, that confirm that the people of (region 83) and the Kunai were one and the same, long ago, and keep the faith of the True Name. For this reason, they view the integration of such peoples into the rule of the Clans as necessary and just. The Kunai Clans gain a claim on 83!

    Inquisitors from Avakonia, using the mark of their authority to acquire supplies and with an overabundance of volunteers, discover something fascinating; the plague must be magical, for Mrazite wards keep it almost entirely away, and totems of the stone help the ill recover immeasurably faster. Not only that, but the Mrazite almost seems to grow from being in proximity to such, making supply nearly a non-issue. The Empire, and many others, have a clear way forward for dealing with the disease now; re-establish mining operations in Raesija and distribute the material to sickhouses across Emjata. It's only a question of whether the Empress opts for such...
    Last edited by Rolepgeek; 2018-05-12 at 04:38 PM.
    Role P. Geek

  19. - Top - End - #289
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    The Margraviate of Rhune
    Margravine Lieđđi av Aanaar

    1. [Diplomacy] Work to quell the Unrest in Rhune caused by the Margrave's prolonged absence and military disaster. Roll: 7
    2. [Diplomacy] Attend event.
    3. [Faith] For far too long, the ancient and revered Áhkká Cairns have stood in their defaced state of disrepair. To earn the faithful's support, the Margrave begins to organize renewal efforts to take care of the stones. [1/8 Great Project]
    4. [Faith] Having gathered knowledgeable shaman and dedicated stewards, efforts begin to renovate the stones and their locations, to provide the inhabiting spirits the proper reverence they deserve. [2/8 Great Project]
    5. [Military] Raise a band of Rhunite warriors in defense of the homeland.

    Spoiler: News and Rumours

    • The Margrave makes further efforts to quell what unrest remains among the island's population resulting from her disappearance. Initial efforts come close, but more unrest and protests stir trouble back up. Efforts to appease portions of the population and punish certain trouble makers soon follow. More letters are sent, hoping to rally those who have yet had their voices unheard following the military disaster, hoping to quell fears over the incident.
    • Letters continue to pour from the Margravine's personal chambers addressed to the the northern mainland. Lieđđi seems to have developed quite the pen pal in the south. The letters continue to flow, the Rhunite leader often seen smiling when reading the responses, often cutting meeting short up recieveing such a letter. Rumors swirl about the nature of these exchanges.
    • Boats arriving from the south comes ladened with interesting gifts, accompanied by the strange squirrel folk from the south. Strange fabrics made from plants in far awya lands and baubles made of silver are presented to the Margrave and her council by the foriegners as gifts from the Queen of those soutern lands upon hearing of Lieđđi's safe return, a token of celebration and kinship in trying times. The Margrave commands that a gift be returned in kind, to thank Meera for her kindess. Exotic foods obatined by Rhunite merchnats, colorful malachite and carvings of exotic woods are sent in return. But most notable of the gifts is a Rhunestone of exceptional size, filled with the biggest and brightest of blue veins.

    Spoiler: Ruler Information
    Diplomacy: 3
    Military: 8
    Economy: 8
    Intrigue: 3
    Faith: 6

    New Ruler Next Round? No.

    Expected Stat Bonuses: +1 Diplomacy, +1 Faith
    Last edited by BootStrapTommy; 2018-05-20 at 12:45 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Jake View Post
    Kill a PC's father? Well that's just the cost of doing business.
    Steal a PC's boots? Now it's personal.
    Please take everything I say with a grain of salt. Unless we're arguing about alignment. In which case, you're wrong.

    Former EMPIRE2! Player: Imperator of the Nihoni Dominion
    Former EMPIRE3! Player: Suzerain of the Phœnīx Estates
    Former EMPIRE4! Player: Margrave of the Margraviate of Rhune
    My Awesome Campaign Setting

  20. - Top - End - #290
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jan 2014
    On the Internet

    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    The Pician Realm, Round Fifteen
    Speaker Wadagle, 'advised' by Purbagle

    1. [Military] The Azen have not learned their lessons. Perhaps a remedial course is in order. (Invade Atrisia with 3 Pician units and 5 Company units under the leadership of Speaker Wadagle (mil10) for a total bonus of +18)
    2. [Military] Unit!
    3. [Military] Unit!
    4. [Military] Unit!
    5. [Military] Unit!
    6. [Diplomacy] Stabilize Fresia, roll: 19

    • Support Khirusi claims on Region 61; if possible, damage Firethorn claims
    • Resist Bhulese Conversions, rolls: 14 & 13

    News and Rumors
    • The spread of the Crabbin' Fever plague to Fresia is yet another tragedy to strike in recent years. Reports of the disease's impact are grim, and quite frankly it is a grievous insult that Regno has a cure and decides to withhold it from us. Thankfully Khirus seems to have been deemed worthy of the northern scum's aid, and Purbagle sends a request to Khirus to share the knowledge that Regno has so malevolently withheld. Strangely enough the message does not even hint at a sense of urgency, as if Purbagle desires for the plague to languish for a time...
    • The Gwitnans are absolute fools. Their failure is a sign clear as glass that their cause is unjust, the lies spread about the Speaker's trusted advisor surely incorrect.
    • The attempt on the life of the wicked Azen ruler is truly a great sign. Such a treacherous race has no right to rule anything, and clearly someone out there agrees with this sentiment. Why they saw fit to disguise such a righteous act is beyond our comprehension.
    • Many feel odd fighting alongside the Company of the Crescent, as they are of the same ilk as those who we have fought so hard against for so many years. Even so they seem dedicated enough to our cause (or at least whatever deal Purbagle has cut with them), so problems are easy to solve for the moment.
    • The smananic filth have returned, this time hailing from an even more northward realm called Bhule. In the wake of the war and the plague the remaining Leviathan faithful of Atrisia have given the Bhulese a cold welcome, tearing asunder any foolish enough to come near. Though they find some refuge in the spirit-worshiping areas of the region, their desecrated corpses float out into the southern sea as a grim testament to their failure.

    Spoiler: Stats
    Wadagle's rolls
    Stat Value Increase?
    Diplomacy 10 -
    Military 10 -
    Economy 3 -
    Intrigue 1 -
    Faith 5 -
    Military unit count: 3 (+5 CC)
    • Blarfargle (10) RIP

    Spoiler: Regions
    Region Name Region Number Resource Holy Center 1 Holy Center 2 Holy Center 3 Status
    Atrisia 42 Shadow Flax Jalyeong-Bo Abhidi Abhidi Azen BS
    Lior 43 Lentils Abhidi Abhidi Initia Province
    Hosra 68 Amber Abhidi Perijanism Abhidi Province
    Carida 69 Corn Abhidi Perijanism Jalyeong-Bo Province
    Fresia 70 Gold Leviathan Leviathan Jalyeong-Bo Capitol, Unrest

    Spoiler: Technology/Specialties
    Type Name Effect(s) Permenant?
    Military Strength in Numbers, Weakness in Solitude +2 die size to invading single-region entities No
    - - - -

    Type Name Requirement(s) Effect(s)
    Military Refined Pician Weaponry Iron +1 to combat
    - - - -

    Spoiler: To-Do List
    -Do all the heavy lifting in the war against the empire, get nothing for it
    -Raze Azenhal's mountain to the ground
    -Remove Jalyeong-Bo
    -Become omnivorous/swap requirement to a generic 'food'
    -Find and reclaim the ancestral moose holy lands
    Last edited by moossabi; 2018-05-17 at 11:33 AM.

  21. - Top - End - #291
    Titan in the Playground
    HalfTangible's Avatar

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    The Primus Imperium

    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    Realm: The Kunai Clans
    Ruler: Mumei
    Round 15
    145-147 IR

    Spoiler: Ruler Information (New Ruler Next Round)

    Current Stats
    Diplomacy: 6
    Military: 10
    Economy: 3
    Intrigue: 10
    Faith: 10

    Expected Stat Bonuses

    * Dip Mil Eco Int Fth
    Starting stats 5 1 2 4 2
    Round 1 +2
    Round 2 Dip +1 Eco +1 Fth
    Round 3 Dip Mil +1 Int +1
    Round 4 Dip Mil Eco Int +1
    Round 5 Dip +1 Eco Int +1
    Round 6 +1 Mil Eco Int +1
    Round 7 Dip Mil Eco Int +2
    Round 8 Dip +1 Eco +1 Fth
    Round 9 Dip +1 Eco Int +1
    Round 10 Dip +1 Eco Int Fth
    Round 11 Dip +2 Eco Int Fth
    Round 12 Dip Mil Eco +1 +1
    Round 13 Dip Mil Eco +1 +1
    Round 14 Dip Mil Eco +2 Fth
    Current Stats 6 10 3 10 10

    Spoiler: Actions
    [Intrigue - Create Organization - Shushan (2/8)*]: Tensar returns to Kuniumi in an attempt to reclaim what his father lost. The Shushan that have not returned to Kuniumi with the Tensar keep their old name, and continue to mingle with the local Gwitnans.

    1/8 from Potato_Priest

    [Intrigue 10 - New Technology - Himitsu]:
    'Himitsu' describes a form of art among the Kunai. It is a way of communicating messages between peoples who have a shared cultural heritage, in a manner that only those with a thorough understanding of said culture would understand. Primarily, this is done through metaphor and comparison in reference to Kuniumi's landscape, or in odd cultural factoids that only one versed in the clans would understand. ("Murderer's rose", "The butterfly is ablaze", and similarly esoteric statements) While this form of cipher is not impossible to break by any means, it is a very low-effort, high-reward way of keeping secrets that can appear perfectly harmless.
    Requires: Writing Material
    Effect: +1 to resist investigation actions

    [Diplomacy - Host Event - Clan Gathering]

    [Diplomacy - Press Claim (83) - Roll (16)]: The Yasei clan begins negotiating with the kitsune call on the Chojo Clan to speak with the kitsune of the region.

    [Faith - Convert Region 48 (Karys) - Holy Center 2 - Roll (20)]: The Tensar Clan stops in Avakonia and negotiates with Dastastia on certain... allowances for their people. Eventually he obtains permission to begin Honmyo conversions within the Karysite region.

    News and Rumors
    -The Amidasu report progress! The use of Enku does seem to have an effect upon the afflicted, though evidently not enough to call it a 'cure'. More research is required.

    -Riebarri are sent to the Kunai lands, and the two groups test one another in contests of skill, stealth and even strength. The Riebarri's report is... interesting.

    At first, the Riebarri clearly are the superior ones. They find their targets with ease and are able to quickly defeat them. The "games" the Kunai set up to test both themselves and the Riebarri are laughably simple to understand, and the Riebarri are initially ready to write off Jipara's reports as fanciful nonsense.

    Then, after a time, they start losing the games of stealth. Badly. From what they gather, the Kunai are used to sneaking around other humans, and had to adjust their tactics for the new "enemy".

    To their surprise, there are humans among the Kunai that are able to keep up with them. For the most part, the humans are able to evade the Riebarri's senses, but once caught the Riebarri have little trouble defeating them. There are exceptions to this, of course (largely dependant on the respective skills of both the Riebarri and the Kunai) but that is the general balance.

    -Lady Chojo's fascination with Lagos Khompur of the Marasa pride has become a source of much ridicule among her peers. While a strong desire for foreigners is not uncommon amongst the Chojo, lion-men is a stretch even for them.

    -The half-Rakshasa are... interesting. Jipara gives birth to a son that is much like any other Marasa, save for the eyes of his father. Hostage gives birth to a human-looking daughter, but the daughter has the eyes of a Marasa, cat ears and a tail. While it's unclear how these children will grow up, it is evident that Rakshasa/human hybrids are at least possible.

    However, some among the Amidasu begin to wonder... is this truly the first time a Rakshasa and a human have ever bred? If not, then where are all the half-Rakshasa? There are humans within the Marasa Pridelands, after all.

    -In Les Alpes de Sang, Chateau Bizarre is taken by Seigneur Uriel. Bizarre is an infamously easy Chateau to assault owing to the massive number of underground paths that lead directly into it. Uriel begins collapsing tunnels that cannot easily be defended and fortifying the rest, catching the attention of all the land.

    -Chateau Corbeau lies abandoned, and its nameless master is missing. Many Seigneurs have begun to war to reclaim it, though the ravages of Crabbin' Fever make such efforts weaker.

    -In Regno, Emissary and Friend spend time together as if they were good friends who haven't spoken in years. Friend leaves a few days late, and the two embrace as she leaves.

    -Crabbin' fever has come to the shores of Kuniumi, and the symbol for humanity becomes a common site on many individuals. The disease spreads slowly since the Kunai are used to isolation, but its spread is also far harder to predict.

    -The news that Crabbin' Fever is magical in nature initially confounds the Amidasu. Not because it can't be the case, but because this makes the disease difficult to fight. 'Anti-magic' is one of the few things the Amidasu are reasonably sure Enku cannot accomplish.

    Spoiler: Notes
    Army: 4 units (Round 12: 4 units)

    Shushan (Gwitna)
    Tensar: Round 6
    Beyis: Round 11

    Emissary (Regno)
    Shinbi and Shinrai: Round 10
    Reijin: Round 14

    Amidasu (Avakonia)
    Dastastia: Round 6

    Shushan Clan (Ruler)
    Appointed as regional governors (daimyo) when Dejan originally conquered the region. Posses most legitimate claim to the region, legally speaking, as well as the most detailed historical record. Experts in court intrigue and assassination. Avakonia loyalists, currently in exile from Kuniumi

    Chojo Clan (Butterfly)
    All-female. More open to foreign influence than other clans. Males born to them are quickly cast out, usually to the Satsujin, Amidasu or to the original father. Specialize in genuine diplomacy and social stealth (appearing harmless and/or exercising authority they do not truly have).

    Yasei (Wild)
    Makes heavy use of animals and elements found in the wild. Members often bond with one particular animal companion for life. Greatest scouts, have one of the only cavalry forces in the region. They are also heavily religious.

    Amidasu Clan (to devise)
    Inventors and scientists. Have the greatest wordsmiths.

    Satsujin (Killer)
    Ninjas among ninjas. Guardians of Kuniumi, primary concern is the safety and well-being of its clans. All members learn at least some wordsmithing. Experts in stealth and assassination.

    Spoiler: Created Techs, CIs, Miracles, etc
    [Diplomacy 5 - Cultural Identity - The Satsujin - Secret Actions]: The Satsujin are a secretive clan composed almost entirely of Wordsmiths. They do their best work in the dark, hiding from prying eyes. Some might call it cowardly, but not openly. At least not for long.

    [Military 5 - Military Specialization - Yasei Clan (Fighting in Regions w/ 2 Honmyo Centers)]: The Yasei Clan is the most zealous and militaristic of the clans. They will protect the faithful wherever they are found, for that is their mission.

    [Faith 10 - Organize Religion (Honmyo)]:
    "Words will always retain their power."
    5 Centers: +1 to secret actions
    15 Centers: -2 to enemy leader loss rolls
    Most Centers: +1 to random ruler attribute

    [Military 10 - New Technology - Prayer Seals]:
    The true name of a person is impossible to know in full, but it is possible to know parts of it. Many of the True Name believe that by writing a name in Enku upon themselves, the name's aspects within the person are reinforced. This has led to many warriors (especially their great leaders) afixing strips of paper with their own names upon it to their bodies. While this seems insane and ludicrous to outsiders, it is hard to deny that the users of these Prayer Seals are unusually lucky in combat.

    Requires: Enku and Writing Material
    Effect: +2 to leader loss rolls
    Secondary Effect: +1 in battles lead by a General or Primary Leader

    GM: (Armor and Wards slot. Secondary effect is activated with 2 magical writing materials and 2 writing materials of any sort [includes stuff I already have])

    Spoiler: Saved Actions Workshop
    [Intrigue - Investigate Crabbin' Fever - Cure?]

    [Military - Attack Region 83 - 4 units - Mumei (Mil 10)]: Yasei is not even pretending to listen to Mumei any longer. He leads an invasion of region 83, intending to take it and unite the major territories of the Kunai into one unbroken line. Mumei at first does not lend her own personal assistance to the conquest, which many take as a grave insult on her part. However, Yasei takes so many of the Kunai's forces that Mumei has no choice but to lend her own talents to the fight. If this attack were to fail, the Kunai would be entirely undefended.

    [Military 10 - New Tech (probably) - Power Words]

    The holy Enku has a power that even the greatest Wordsmiths do not fully understand. When it is used to write a word upon an object, the properties of the word are imparted to the object.

    Effect: ???
    Slot: ???
    Requires: Enku

    [Military 10 - New Tech (probably) - Prayer Seals]
    Effect: +2 to Leader Loss rolls
    Secondary: +1 to battles lead by primary leaders or generals

    Slot: Armor and Wards
    Requires: Enku and Paper

    Honmyo Organizational Bonuses (workshopping)
    -Focuses on Intrigue, Secret Actions, and Affecting leaders
    +1 to Intrigue
    +2 to Secret actions (biggest?)
    +2 to Leadership loss rolls

    [Military - Defend Region 68 - 4 regions of travel - 3 Units (Mumei - Mil 7)]: The Kunai are not made for protracted, traditional warfare, and the Picians both outnumber them and outfight them. Mumei knows this better than anyone. But there is no choice; they must fight.

    [Intrigue - Investigate - Feather's Asylum - Roll]: Chieftess Feather of the Inkia Clan has escaped justice. She shall not remain escaped for long. Mumei begins looking for hints of where Feather was planning to find asylum from the Avakonian Empire, the Firethorn Regiment and the Kunai Clans.

    [Military - Raise a unit]: The Chojo clan goes on another recruitment drive throughout the lands of Kuniumi, rousing up more young lads to fight for the Kunai clans, if the need arises.
    Last edited by HalfTangible; 2018-05-17 at 12:21 PM.
    Primal ego vos, estis ex nihilo.

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  22. - Top - End - #292
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread


    (Round 15: 145-147 IR)

    1. [Faith 5] Restore Region 13 (Dažytija) HC #2 The collapse of the Perijanist priesthood in Sivazih has proven the weakness of the southron gods. Queen Viligailė arranges for several of her priests, originally sent to tutor her son in the ways of Tëlir Geza, to travel south to repair and reconsecrate the fallen temples.
    2. [Faith] Convert Region 15 (Perivan) HC #2 (roll=10) Priests are sent to Perivan. One group is instructed to seek out the followers of the relatively recently introduced spirit faith Jalyeong-Bo. Their journey eventually brings them to the old, strange site known to locals as the Heretics' Long House. Though their efforts find some success among the fringe members of the faithful, they are unable to gain access to the Long House itself and are rejected by the core believers.
    3. [Faith] Convert Region 15 (Perivan) HC #1 (roll=21) The followers of Jalyeong-Bo are unmoved, unfortunately, but the Dejanites of Perivan are apparently no longer particularly devoted to their patron. Priests of Tëlir Geza, reminding people that Dejan's heirs were the ones that betrayed the Sartek, find very receptive ears and declare that it was their gods, acting through Khäsglis and Tälir, that protected Perivan from the tyranny of Avakon. D̨vatlan priests and local converts spread out among the many locales of the Fourteen Shrines, where they find an increasing presence of Abhidic monks. The monks are generally able to inspire interest in their ways, but always lose out to Tëlir Geza in the end, making themselves no more than a minor nuisance.
    4. [Faith] Convert Region 14 (Astrand) HC #1 (roll=12) More priests are sent to Astrand. Their efforts to convert leading members of the influential cities finds modest success, and in Starfall a vigorous debate rages over attempts to establish altars and idols dedicated to Tëlir Geza within the great temple complex of Anma.
    5. [Dip 10] Great Kingdom! Tälir undertakes a major tour of D̨vatla, Reflas and Llët̨sällë, crossing the southern river to also visit the major river-cities of Astrand and Dažytija. After performing the various ancient rituals of rulership, and making the proper sacrifices to the gods, in each of the powerful cities he returns to Hüpägh. Back in his grandfather's city, he pays the proper respects to his ancestors, makes more sacrifices to the gods, and declares that since there are none among the Tëhlër̨khët who can rival his power he claims for himself the title of King of all the Tëhlër̨khët. The unprecedented move is met with (carefully arranged) unanimous support among the powerful nobles of the kingdom.


    News and Rumors
    • Jalyeong-Bo continues its precipitous decline, mostly being absorbed by Abhidi, while temples dedicated to the old gods of Tëlir Geza are built, or rebuilt, in cities across Reflas and Llët̨sällë. The priesthood, finding itself largely satisfied with the religious state of affairs in the core D̨vatlan kingdom, turns its attention abroad.
    • Early in 145 IR, Prince Däfikä finally succumbs to the plague. After the death of his only remaining son, Tälir throws himself into his work, distracting himself by seeking to continue to strengthen the power of the monarchy in the recently conquered territory. He also focuses even more attention on his nephew Vëkhglis Vaišvilkas, who is widely believed to be the king's choice for heir (if he proves himself worthy).
    • Prince Vëkhglis, now reaching adulthood, has learned much in the ways of proper courtly behavior and civilized kingship. However, he has not fully shaken the wild, stubborn and quarrelsome attitude of his mother's people, and takes a little too much enjoyment in shocking more sensitive nobles by appearing at court in the targut bearskin cloak, body paints and copper ornamentation popular in Dažytija.
    • With the work to fight the plague showing results in Llët̨sällë, the Abhidic monasteries redouble their effort. The faith of Abhidi ends up significantly strengthened in the kingdom, as active participation becomes much more common due to widespread desire to fight the plague by supporting the great, slow, magical change being led by the monasteries.
    • When it is discovered that the Vashthiya Order financed efforts to undermine the priesthood of Tëlir Geza in Perivan, most of the notable monasteries in D̨vatla, Reflas and Llët̨sällë were quick to condemn their actions. Another meeting of Abhidic leaders is called for, and held, in the Temple of the Reflection of the Shadows of the Hills in Lakhko. Sattyathanya is declared to be a separate faith and not Abhidi (though, of course, like all faiths it is a part of Abhidi). It is also declared that their efforts to sabotage the reputation of Abhidi among the leadership of the D̨vatlan kingdom demonstrates that the Vashthiya Order is an enemy of Abhidi. While the gathered leaders acknowledge that the actions of the Order must ultimately serve the One indirectly, they reiterate and formally declare their opposition to the Order, informing the royal court that the Order does not speak for them nor the faithful of Abhidi in the D̨vatlan kingdom and its dependencies.
    • Message sent to the leadership of the Vashthiya Order
      My family has long supported and protected the followers of Abhidi, though we do not count ourselves among them. While our friends in the north have expressed disagreement with much that distinguishes Sattyathanya from their own understanding of the One-that-is-all-things, we do not desire nor seek conflict with your people. It has recently come to our attention that monks funded by your Order have attempted to obstruct and sabotage our own efforts to spread the Tëlir among the followers of Dejan in Perivan. There can be no service to the One in conflict between His followers and the friends and supporters of His followers. We would hate to think that this was the intention and desire of your Order. We trust instead that this was nothing more than a misunderstanding and look forward to more civil cooperation in the future.

      Tälir Qëssäs̨hëv Fëkälis, Lishëv D̨vatla, Sëzi Zlitëhlër̨khët


    Diplomacy: 10
    Military: 10
    Economy: 4
    Intrigue: 1
    Faith: 6

    Increase: Faith (x2)

    Spoiler: Regions
    Region # Resource Minor Good Great Holy Center 1 Holy Center 2 Holy Center 3
    D̨vatla 12 Iron D̨vatla Regno Overvann Tëlir Geza Abhidi Abhidi
    Llët̨sällë 10 Dragon Shrimp (Open) (Open)
    Initia Tëlir Geza Abhidi
    Reflas 11 Giant's Silk D̨vatla Regno (Open) Tëlir Geza Abhidi Tëlir Geza
    Dažytija 13 Copper (Open) (Open)
    Abhidi (Open) Abhidi (Satt)
    Astrand 14 Rice Avakonia
    Perijanism Perijanism Perijanism
    Zachodnie 16 Marble (Open) Kunai
    Perijanism Jalyeong-Bo (Open)
    R17 17 Honey Izbefe Avakonia (Open) Perijanism Dejanite Perijanism

    Region # Owner Resource Minor Good Great
    Iadesh 7 Regno Camels Regno Izbefe D̨vatla

    Spoiler: Armies and Technology
    6 units

    Military Specialization: Region 12 and regions bordering it

    Military Technology: Camel Cavalry (+1, cavalry slot, requires camels)
    Pician Weapons (+1, weapon slot, requires iron)
    Hard Iron Armor (+1, armor slot, requires iron)
    Bani Bowls (-1 losses, drugs/medicine/blessings, requires bani)

    N̨amodl (M9)
    Empty (M6)

    Cultural Identity: Conversions
    Technology: Diplomatic Expedition (allows exploration/colonization, requires precious mineral and either a pack animal or ship tech)

    Relic: Idol of Däz̨ëlis (conversions)
    Last edited by Aventine; 2018-05-19 at 08:02 PM.

  23. - Top - End - #293
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    Overvann Assembly of Chiefs

    Region 89: Overvann
    Region 90: Tevrus
    High Warlord Olaf One-Eye

    [dip] Quell Rebellion in Region 90(Roll:11)
    After everything that's happened in Tevrus, Olaf One-Eye suspects many other leaders would have exterminated the Kobolds, but everything he's seen tells him that he needs to bring them into the fold. This episode with the golems and the carefully sabotaged walls goes to show that the Kobolds' earth magic would be incredibly useful on the field of battle.

    [mil] Raise a unit
    [mil] Raise a unit
    The Kobolds' rebellion must be handled with extreme care. Even so, the army needs to be built up in case the rebels decide to attack in force. Freed slaves from Mareen are given military training and armed for battle.

    [dip] Establish marriage claim on Region 91 (Roll:10)
    Olaf One-Eye sees that the time is right for his eldest son, Bjorn, to be married. The boy has come of age for such things, and the empire is once again ripe for expansion. The warlord makes overtures of marriage between their peoples to the rulers of Region 91.

    [fai] Convert HC 1 of 90 to Gamle Mater (Roll:15)
    If the Kobolds only served the same gods as the Overvann, then their zealousness could be put to use. One-Eye sends more missionaries despite the growing rebellion

    Non Actions
    Send thanks to 'Ridi'r and Bhule for fighting off Marasa raiders. Offer aid in the event of further retribution from Lagos.

    Spoiler: News and Rumours

    Chief Warlord One-Eye laments that he can't fight the plague with the rebellion looming large.

    Spoiler: Technology


    - Close Combat Weaponry:
    - Ranged Weaponry:
    - Armor & Wards:
    - Cavalry: Wingknights
    - Warbeasts/Live Weaponry:
    - Logistics:
    - Drugs, Medicine, & Blessings:
    - Reconnaissance & Divination:
    - Stealth, Sabotage, and Traps:
    - Fortifications, Sappers, and Siege Weaponry:
    - Tactics:

    Fish Glue Manufacturing

    Spoiler: Ruler Info

    Olaf One-Eye
    Diplomacy: 3
    Economy: 7
    Faith: 7
    Intrigue: 3
    Military: 8

    Military Specialization: For Valhalla!
    +1 die size on attack when ruler leads combat.

    New ruler next turn? No!

    Expected Increase:
    Dip +1
    Mil +1

    Last edited by bc56; 2018-05-08 at 09:05 PM.
    Awesome avatar (Kothar, paladin of Tlacua) by Linkele!

    Quote Originally Posted by William Shakespeare, King Lear, IV.i.46
    'Tis the time's plague, when madmen lead the blind.
    My Nexus characters

  24. - Top - End - #294
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Zayuz's Avatar

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    The Kingdom of Varjik
    Vassal of the Avakonian Empire

    Great Jain Verdeb Kren
    Diplomacy: 10
    Military: 6
    Economy: 2
    Intrigue: 4
    Faith: 5

    Actions for Round 15 (Rolls)
    1. [Diplomacy 10] Great Kingdom: The Kingdom of Varjik
      Years have passed since Varjik's rebellion from the empire and their subsequent vassalization once again. Their deal came with a single condition: The empress must do all in her power to root out corruption in her empire, and the Firethorn Regiment made it very clear that they would not hesitate to fight back against any that they saw. What was found upon gaining 'independence' was that corruption in many forms can take root anywhere, and that once must stay vigilant to prevent it from spreading. The empire was never any worse than any other nation, where some places lack even core humanitarian ideas.

      Someone must take on the mantle of defending these common folk and their interests. Someone like the Firethorn Regiment.

      Through plague and rebellion and a hundred years of collapse of their empire it survived, and in the last few years it has grown to occupy what is nearly the entire north-south border on their continent. The Crown Prince has married, and through a long period of study and debate the plans to convert the Regiment from a military faction into a kingdom finally comes to light.

      All hail the Great Jain Verdeb of of Varjik; may his life be long and his people bring justice to all corners of the realm.
    2. [Diplomacy] Push Claim on 61 (Resolution action: Roll 24 [12+10+2])
      As the republic pushes their influence and revolts start to spring up across the region, a realization is made. These people are rebelling against the current government: they don't necessarily need that new government to be the republic of Khirus. The greater reach and legendary prosperity of the Avakonian Empire is an appealing retirement plan for the former leaders of the area when offered, coupled with a solution that places a new bunch of folk in charge of local affairs. With a solution that both groups like, they quickly settle to Verdeb's integration plan. A small provincial republic is established using members of the community to keep alive the implanted republic ideals, but one thing is clear. Their greater loyalties belong to the Kingdom of Varjik now.
    3. [Diplomacy] Hire the Company of the Crescent (5 units)
      After years of building up a relationship with the mercenaries from the east, it is time that their mettle is tested. Ten thousand men pour into Firethorn lands to defend the passages within Aspen Heights; ten thousand men who stand between the Masara and their prize. Let them come, if they dare.
    4. [Military] Defend the Aspen Heights (R59) with ? CSC units and 2 Firethorn Units under the leadership of Lord Polshannen El Sira (Mil 6) to be joined by Avakonia [Final Stats: 2d10+6+7]
      The Rakshasa may claim have been undefeated before now, but they seem to forgot who lead Dejan's armies through their deserts so long ago: The ancestors of the very Firethorn Regiment they march against. Lord Polshannen is placed in charge of his armies as the commander who knows the area best; his military competence given criticism by Sofrid, who wishes to lead the defense in his stead. The Great Jain declines this intrusion, and only time will tell if it was a wise call.

      Thankfully, reinforcements pour in from the heartlands of the empire. No matter the enemy general's tactical brilliance, it would be impossible to cut down that many men with so few to fight with. ...Right?
    5. [Military] Raid R78 (Slaves) TP2 using the Empress' int score [Roll = 12]

      As battles rage, the Kingdom of Varjik launches an operation to free those humans that would be enslaved by the sinister Rakshasa. The Empress' impressive network of intelligence is called to aid in providing maps of the desert, hidden routes, and generally planning good methods of attack that end up greatly increasing the effectiveness of the route. Come the end of the third year of trafficking these people into the empire, a daring attempt is made: a public uprising that would liberate an entire region of their influence.

      (If no resistance roll is made by Asm, it's because I made this roll on Sunday of round close. If it comes down to it, have this fail rather than punishing him for not checking 5 mins before round end.)

      Non Actions:


    Expected Improvements:

    Spoiler: Stats

    Military Units: 3 (Burning Embers, Second Free Legion, Royal Jain Enforcers)

    Regions Owned: [Varjik - Region 58], [Derokar - Region 53], [New Lijas - Region 52], [Ka-Ruun - Region 62], [Aspen Heights - Region 59]

    Cultural Identities:
    [Legacy of the Preserver] Increase die size from 2d6 to 2d8 when making stabilization rolls. (Temporary)

    Military Specialization:
    [The Eleventh Hour] Increase dice pool from 2d10 to 2d12 when fighting in a capital region.

    Holy Artifacts:

    Military Technologies:
    Sedellan Armor Coating [Sedellan Glass] +2 VS magical tech
    Sacrificial Supply Lines [Crops] -1 Size Loss Roll
    Obsidian Fire [Obsidian Glass] +1 to Defending

    Economics Technologies:
    Violet Oath [Violet Oak] +1 Against Secret Actions
    Salt Wagons [Preservatives] +1 Unit Cap

    Secrets Whispered: 1
    Resources Required: Foreign Workforce
    Resources controlled: Sedellan Glass (R58, TP1), Violet Ash (R53, TP1), Gold (R70, TP2)
    Embassies: Avakonia, Azenhal
    CC Bases: [R58 - Varjik]
    Last edited by Zayuz; 2018-05-20 at 08:16 AM.
    "What is to give light must endure burning."

  25. - Top - End - #295
    Barbarian in the Playground
    RandoMan's Avatar

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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    Concordance of Azenhal

    (Round 14, Regions 36, 37, 42, & 71)

    Lady of the Forge Rebeka Redhammer
    Diplomacy: 6
    Military: 3
    Economy: 3
    Faith: 4
    Intrigue: 4

    1. [Economy] Buyout Azenhal (71) Iron TP 3 from CTL using Trodje’s Hammer and Fish Glue Manufacturing (Peledo) TN: 12 Roll: 11
    2. [Economy] Buyout Palendor (37) Saffron TP 1 Endorsed by CAL TN: 12 Roll: 10
    3. [Diplomacy] (Diplomacy 5) What's Theirs is Ours - 2d8 on Buyouts of owned Trade Posts
    4. [Military] Raise 1 Unit of Thune Janissaries
    5. [Military] Defend Atrisia with 7 Units equipped with Adv. Pician Weapons (+1) and Bani Bowls (-1 Battle Losses) under Lady Rebeka using Queen Crexa’s Mil (7) utilizing Roots of the Mountain specialization and incorporating the tactical defensive abilities granted by Initia Magi (+1). 2d12+16

    Allow the Whitefeather Kingdom to pass through Azenhal

    News & Rumors
    • These ignorant fish out of Fresia are incapable of comprehending when they are being offered a favorable deal and have slapped the hand of diplomacy away in favor of amassing troops at the shores of Atrisia once more as they did in ages past when King Harlaus ruled the molten city of Azenhal. Yet the Concordance is no mere conglomerate of petty factions united in isolation from the wider world. The Concordance stands as first among the vassals of the sea-straddling Whitefeather Empire which itself claims kinship with the still powerful Avakonian state, reduced though it may be by the war in Inyaka. The Picians on the other hand have gone from a great threat unstoppable in their assault up the Pellocian to scared children handing over their gains quicker than they were won when Rebeka moved to push the sea-dwellers out of Palmor. Clearly they would rather be exterminated than have to share the coast with those who actually dwell upon its dirt. It was unfortunate, Wadagle had accomplished so much more than Mlagarblargle and seemed more civilized somehow. Yet with the venomous whisperings of Khirus from the south coming in through the wicked Purbagle who even the Gwitnans, vaunted for their ransoming prowess, failed to capture it seems the Realm of the Tides is set interminably for war. Yet they do so foolishly for Khirus alone cannot hope to save them this time...
    • Rebeka puts the call to her liege in Whitefeather and the Empress Dastatia in Avakon: the Picians are vulnerable and weak but only for the moment. If they are allowed to stabilize and grow, especially under the guidance of the war-monger Wadagle or suspected vampire Purbagle, they shall become a threat greater yet than they have ever appeared before which itself threatened the cohesion of the ancient Avakonian Empire. Wadagle has spent his favor among his people proclaiming himself their great king and leader who has brought them so much. Now is the time to take such things away, to cast the Speaker low and force the barbaric and vicious Pician horde to accept civilization at the point of the sword...
    • While the Lady is herself furious the overall reaction to an attempt on Rebeka's life is relative lack of surprise. Rebeka has made clear her goal as a breaker of status quos brought on by the Bram/Agnet era and enforcer of more traditionalist values associated with dwarven, primarily Azen, culture. No doubt her success in these realms and her position within the powerful Whitefeather Empire has engendered a great deal of jealousy and fear locally and further abroad. The Lady is quick to tell the tale of her slaughter of the attackers at most functions after the requisite amount of alcohol or feth is ingested.
    • Tresten and Atrisia express displeasure at the announcement of Initia as the state religion, one of the few matter adopted by Rebeka from her direct predecessors. The Lady herself seems somewhat ambivalent about faith and is mostly frustrated her subjects do not recognize the value conferred by Initia magics in the tight spot Azenhal is trapped in between Picians to the west and necromancers to the south.
    • May the Crescent Company burn a thousand lives away in the deepest pits of hell for their alliance with the Picians. Mercenaries though they may be that they would hasten the world's apocalypse by water speaks of their truly hollow hearts and souls towards their fellow man. They shall be slaughtered as the Picians are but so too are Crescent Company mercenaries to be captured where possible. Not for ransom to the Company but for enslavement in the mines of Azen where Rebeka might witness at least this temporal layer of hell sap them of their lives sweat drop by sweat drop.
    • Wars are not fought over nothing and the long heard tales of consortium with necromancer elements in the Theocracy of Coatl is more or less confirmed when Gwitna seeks to invade their former vassal in Shona. Looking to strengthen domestic power as well as undercut an ally of the dark web connecting through Khirus the long occupying Coatl merchants are confronted with buyout offers of substantial worth funded by the Lady's personal purse as well as surplus revenues brought in since the introduction of glue manufacturing using the Peledo, a trick that filtered south quickly once discovered by the lazarites to the north.
    • As war breaks across the scarred land of Atrisia once more the call to arms is put out across the Concordance. Mercenary forces of Thune answer the Lady Rebeka's call for men at arms. Thune is a rich city upon the shore though its richness stems from old money and its growth has been slow in recent decades, even before joining the Concordance. Some within the city believe prosperity lies with supporting Azenhal who have proven durably persistent while others favor the bold machinations of the Khirus Republic leading to a mix of loyalties among the Palendor capital. It appears however their remains enough loyalty despite a number of high level defections to muster a sizable legion of jannisaries to join the Kaden and Azen fighters on the frontlines of Atrisia.
    Last edited by RandoMan; 2018-05-14 at 10:54 AM.
    Thanks to Gengy for the avatar.

    Rando delights in not being delightful - LapisCattis

  26. - Top - End - #296
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    The Theocracy of Coatl

    Teppin The Rightly Guided Exarch
    Faith 6 (+1)
    Military 3 (+1)
    Economy 4
    Intrigue 1
    Diplomacy 10

    [Faith] Convert Avakon Hc1 roll 12
    [Faith] Convert Avakon Hc3 roll 22
    [Military] hire Serpentine Martial artists
    [Military] Invade Glen Gwina with Cualli the Westerner M7 +4 units+ advanced Pician weaponry+ sacrificial supply lines
    [Military] Hire Cobra militiamen
    [Military] Hire Cobra militiamen

    Non action : resist rolls

    News and Rumors

    Spoiler: Champion of The People
    As Synibel Coyotl and her chorus arrived at Avakon in the midsummer, she quickly noticed the tension in the air. The plagues, the wars, the scandals, and the corruption all enveloped the capital in a coat of exhaustion thicker than any summer fog. trekking through the winding cobble streets Synibel noticed all too clearly the sluggish despondent movements of the populace. While some might have contributed that to the near 100 degree heat, Synibel had other ideas.

    "Disgusting...the flame of Xincoatl is dim within these poor folk. Their spiritual tenders have neglected them like a farmer that leaves their field fallow. Its become all too obvious that the Magi who summoned us have a talent for understatement."

    A member of the chorus, a linnadi man countered hoping to cool his mentors expectations "Perhaps your overth...." Synibel cut off her apprentice with an all too familiar glare. Fortunately any disciplinary measures were fore stalled by the sight of the Library of Iskarios. The great library jutted out from the surrounding neighborhood like a lone mountain in a complex orgy of marble columns, painted granite, flowing fabrics, and wood from all corners of Emjata no structure in the east was quiet like it in terms of garish opulence. Contrary to her compatriots, Synibel saw the library as a monument of not knowledge, but stagnation, decay, and gluttony, truly an affront to Xincoatl. Synibel was summoned to evaluate the spiritual health of this great city, and adjust it by any means necessary. Needless to say her first impressions were severely lacking, the whole city felt like a tree rotting from the top down.

    For 2 months they monitored the grounds, consorted with he attending priests, and read many of the sacred texts, even Synibel was tempted by the vast collection of pilfered knowledge at times. It didn't take the magi long to realize that for every exotic tome and erudite scholar was an Avkonian left spiritually neglected. As the day of reckoning drew near members of Synibel's chorus in concert with the local magi began to arouse Xincoatl's fire within the people of the city. Some with fiery speeches, others with public works, all means to the end of turning the citizens against the Perijanist establishment.

    The Magi made their move on the summer solstice. Fortunately for them the monthly wheat shipment had been delayed by a storm, and in the midst of a heat wave tensions had began to reach a flash point. The point Synibel had anxiously been waiting for as she began her speech in front of a large crowd on the library steps,

    "Bothers, citizens, Avakonians, lend me your ears! I've come with great news in this time of troubles. The Gods embrace you. Xincoatl embraces you. I embrace you! The priests of Xincoatl will always embrace those who follow the cycles path, be they rich, poor, hungry, or feed. But I must ask, why must we be the ones to reassure you?"

    Synibel began gesturing toward the library pacing methodically back and forth as her tone became more aggressive

    "For the past ten years the city's been rotting, surely you too must feel it! Where were the honorable priests ten years ago northern barbarians walked up and down the city streets like they owned the place? Where were the honorable men when the plague mutilated our brothers and sisters? Where were the honorable men when the wheat shipments got delayed again and again?And where were these of so honorable men when the Picians humiliated us again and again in the south? Well I'll tell you where, they've stood stagnant in a pool of their own ink growing fat on their scrolls and "sacrifices." They've become so concerned with their own standing among the gods that they've neglected ours."

    "But I have a solution! Xincoatl has a solution! To Regain the gods favor we need to rise up and Sacrifice those who've neglected us for so long to Xincoatl!"

    As Synibel continued to speak the chorus began to whip the crowds up into an ever increasing frenzy peaking at her suggestion to sacrifice the Perijanist priests. With the crowd within her thrall the mob marched into the library captured a number of priests and scholars only to begin sacrificing them to Xincoatl one by one on the library steps. Unbeknownst to the mob the energy from the sacrificed priest was used to bring a light rain to the city. Once the furor of the crowd dampened beneath the a summer rain the remainder of the Magi began their "renovations" t the great library. Often sacking the offices formerly occupied by the Perijanist priests, sending some of the libraries texts back to Uxmal.

    Spoiler: Letter to the Warden

    Dear Warden

    How was your trip to the Stone Cities, did you know the people of the area also followed the path of animal totems? Of course it can often be hard to enjoy the subtitles of life when you decide to enter the battlefield and wage war on your own blood. Though I do admire your valor, for I could never take to the field myself, you must learn to not act as impetuously. I'm sure your vaunted Karysite must've repeated given that advice during the campaign. So here is my advice boy, end this war with minimal bloodshed, I will make sure that no extraneous harm comes to your line.

    Thanks The Exarch

    Spoiler: Quill hunt

    Teppin took this opportunity to tour his new fiefs upon Palmor's east coast, stopping at both Whenua oneone and Whenua Kanga before arriving at bastion to meet this lazarite challenger. Still he was left to wonder why Arndok would challenge him to hunt the Quill of all peoples. He had no love for them, but Teppin was merely satisfied in driving them from their seat of power in bastion. Hunting them for their ears seemed like...a bother. Still if he had time in Bastion he'd would get a look in the Quill libraries, heretical those texts may be, rumor has it that the Quill have unprecedented knowledge of astrology.

    Leaving the otherwise safe city was a struggle for the Exarch. Frankly living as a temple bound aristocrat left him unprepared for a trek within the maddening jungles of the Pall. He was nearly overwhelmed by the powerful scent of the regions pollen as they arrived at the jungles edge. Stripped of his royal garb Teppin was armed only with simple cloth robes and a steel dagger. Compared to his lazarite competitors, the man was fairly tall and scrawny with thin limbs, and while Teppin was rather unassuming physically, his resolve was unmatched. A man who was Tenoch's forgotten cousin doesn't seize the throne without without a lust for power and a resolve to match it. So many things had changed for Teppin, but at least that remained constant, else he'd probably fail to recognize himself.

    Last edited by Lleban; 2018-05-20 at 01:13 AM.
    Beautiful Avatar thanks to Gengy

    Hangs out on the World building forums

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    Spoiler: and giving
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  27. - Top - End - #297
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    Round 15 (year 145-148)
    The Consulate of the Northern Spine
    Bhule, Whern, & Bahwick (Regions 86, 87, & 88)
    Consul Yald Danerdhuf

    1. [Diplomacy 10] Declare the Consulate of the Northern Spine a Great Kingdom, renamed the Confederated Northern Syndicate under the leadership of 'Donne' Yald Danerdhuf. The Donne and the Syndicate further support the formation of the Imperial Regno Sultanate under Sultan Tutum Sortis, father-in-law to the Donne's son Tyber.
    2. [Diplomacy] Claim Yemur (2) on religious grounds SUCCESS 1/2 - Having expanded his demesne through Lauret’s marriage in Delwin (84) Yald’s claims now extend to the borders of the former Amham Federation and the Donne wastes no time carrying forward his banner as protector of the Jalyeong-bo faithful into Yemur. Yald’s raiders have made their homes near the Steelshroom fields for over half a decade and their shared faith with the locals has allowed the spread of the Family’s influence in the region. A detachment of Family ambassadors join their compatriots living in Yemur before going to meet with the local shamans and dukes to discuss incorporation in the Confederated Syndicate.
    3. [Intrigue] Raid Bhule (86) Copper TP 2 owned by SMP 18 - These lions and their servants are unwelcome invaders in the north and their presence in Bhule is an offense to the Family. To come into the capital of the Syndicate and kill a welcome customer and partner of the Donne without his permission is disrespect of the highest order and simply cannot be tolerated. Yald summons a significant gang of killers, trappers, Plains Walkers, and even a Jotun to track down and eliminate the Rakshasa and those who willingly cooperate with the foreigners in expropriating a portion of Bhule’s natural wealth to the southern war mongers. The Rakshasa are said to be fearsome terrors to face in open battle and they are known to duel to the death for control of their trading posts. Such duels are not to be carried out, in fact any Family member to be taken in by the bait of “an honorable duel” is to be hung upon their return for being so foolish even if they were successful. This is to be a complete eviction or, if necessary, an eradication using any means possible.
    4. [Faith] Convert HC 1 in Fresia (70) from Pician Leviathan to Jalyeong-bo FAILURE - Once, when the Amham Federation watched over the vast swaths of Jalyeong-bo faithful they sought to respond as answers to the prayers of the victimized and preyed upon. Their watchful eye towards preserving and protecting the spiritual and material matters led them to oppose the Realm of the Tides that rose out of Fresia and seek to conciliate the viciousness of the fishmen horde's idolation of 'the Leviathan' by turning them towards the many wonderful and strange spirits of their submarine domain. Although coastal shamans were familiar with sea spirits within Fresia's sunken lands there exist truly unique and marvelous water spirits alongside unusual spirits of aquatic life native to the southern gulf. Were the Picians to look beyond the paranoid fervor that animated their war against all to rule all they might see that they themselves were unique special beings native to a fantastic realm worthy of exploration all its own. Why indeed should the Picians concern themselves with claiming dirt when the ocean offered so much yet to be discovered both material and spiritual.
    5. [Faith] Convert HC 2 in Fresia (70) from Pician Leviathan to Jalyeong-bo FAILURE - Or at least, so goes the preaching of the shamans who prepare to journey south from the Confederation's holdings stopping in Amham to pick up any veterans or fresh recruits looking to join them as they make their way to the sunken archipelago. The journey is a long one, and expensive, straining the purse of the Syndicate who at the Donne's order have funded this "Peace Crusade" far south into the gulf between southern Estensule and Palmor. Some express incredulity at the Donne for entertaining this stunt but among older shamans who had lost hope in the golden days of Amham this action is seen as the restoration of something thought lost, a true devout Jalyeong-bo state. For the Donne's part he hopes the accolades of the Shamans will bolster his local claims while not disturbing any of the local balances of power too soon.

    1. Endorse Overvann Buyout of Open TP 3 for Copper in Bhule (86) - Looking to make things right with Overvann following the Marasa Pride’s decision to involve itself in Bhule’s copper trade the as of yet unreserved portion of the region’s copper mines are opened to auction at discounted rates to the High Warlord’s merchants.

    • News out of Overvann's most recent conquered hold of massive golems of stone rising from the ground is at first dismissed as tale tales or imagined sights. However it soon becomes apparent how real these creatures are as the High Warlord Olaf scrambles to coordinate a response. The Donne extends an offer of aid to the chieftain in the coming years although local matters yet hold his attentions and Olaf still seeks to treat with the magical stone creatures or their seeming masters, the kobolds through diplomatic channels. Destroying these mystical constructs would no doubt be a loss lamented by Initiates and curious scholars the world over but Yald has no desire to see the north crushed under the heels of massive stone men. Let Olaf try and treat with these things but if and when that fails the Donne stands ready to send armies to help quell the threat.
    • To the "God-King" Lagos Khompur Ssuras of the Serene Marasa Pride the Donne responds with brevity. Whatever the Rakshasa's intent towards Olaf is entirely secondary in the eyes of the Donne. The fact is Rakshasa came uninvited into the Syndicate's capital and began to kill and steal with abandon. Now to come and claim no ill will was intended is not only cowardly but plainly false for while the targets may have been merchants serving One-eye they were under the protection of the Syndicate within Bhule, a protection blatantly violated by the Pride's unsanctioned raid. The Lagos shall find no friend in Bhule through the killing of the northern state's neighbors and guests nor through bold-faced theft of the Syndicate's wealth. The lion king is encouraged politely to withdraw himself from northern politics and rest easy in knowing One-eye now suffers the wrath of the gods and spirits who animate against him the very walls of the cities he has conquered.

    Spoiler: Ruler Information

    Yald Danerdhuf (B. 90)
    Spouse: Samanta Fleurs-Danerdhuf (B. 92, D. 128) Wanta Fheropel-Danerdhuf (B. 114)
    Children: Karl Danerdhuf (B. 107, D. 128), Suzan Fleurs-Danerdhuf (B. 108), Tyber Fleurs-Danerdhuf Sortis (B. 110) M. Spera Sortis (B. 1??), Lauret Fleurs-Danerdhuf (B. 110), Pane Fheropel-Danerdhuf (B. 130), Noris Fheropel Danerdhuf (B. 138)

    Stat Value Increase?
    Diplomacy 10 -
    Military 1 -
    Economy 2 -
    Intrigue 9 -
    Faith 4 +1
    Military unit count: 4
    • None yet

    Spoiler: Regions
    Region Name Region Number Resource Holy Center 1 Holy Center 2 Holy Center 3 Status
    Delwin 84 Tin (Minor) Dejanite Cult Jalyeong-bo Perijanism Auxiliary
    Bhule 86 Copper (Great) Jalyeong-bo Initia Jalyeong-bo Capitol
    Whern 87 Frozen Tears (Minor) Jalyeong-bo Jalyeong-bo Perijanism Auxiliary
    Bahwick 88 Whales (Good) Jalyeong-bo Abhidi Rhunic Animism Auxiliary

    Spoiler: Technology/Specialties
    Type Name Effect(s) Permanent?
    Diplomacy Welcome to the Family +2 die size pressing claims No
    - - - -

    Type Name Effect(s) Required Resource?
    Economy Fish Glue Manufacturing +1 to one Econ action/round Fish OR Hoofed Animal
    Economy Diplomatic Expedition Allows overland exploration Precious Minerals AND a Pack Animal/Ships Tech
    Military, Armor Advanced Pician Weaponry +1 Battle Roll Iron

    NO New Ruler Next Round

    Expected Stat Bonuses: +2 Diplomacy

    Spoiler: Mechanical Bookkeeping

    Consulate Controlled Trading Posts:
    • Bhule (86) Copper TP 1
    • Region 84 Tin TP 1
    • Region 88 Whales TP 1
    • Region 88 Whales TP 2
    • Yemur (1) Steelshrooms TP 2

    Military Units: 4
    • Whern Plains Walker Militia
    • Bahwick Jotun Shock Troopers
    • Bahwick Jotun Berserkers
    • Delwin Blade Dancers

    Last edited by Roarke; 2018-05-09 at 12:31 PM.

  28. - Top - End - #298
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Reggiejam's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread


    Region 28; NE Corner

    Round 15 (145 - 148)
    Arndok Melinas
    Diplomacy: 2
    Military: 3
    Economy: 6
    Faith: 7
    Intrigue: 5

    1 [FAITH] (Faith 5) Establish Coatl Perijanism Holy Order in the Pall (29) - The Kiin Nor Aba, Those Who Breathe Fire.
    Claim Religious Authority over Coatl Perijanism from the Theocracy of Coatl Roll: 20 Success

    Composed of survivors from the liberation of the Pall from the theocratic domination of the Quill and their cult of the Mother many of these magi and priests lack a proper sense of smell from their years spent under the effects of the Pall’s potent pollen or having burned it out in the ritual of release. Yet this disability does not slow them down, many showing a great zeal and pleasure in serving Xincoatl where they are not compelled to the whims of the Pollen but not lacking in purpose towards a higher cause. The new order of religious survivors has proven itself an important aspect in the rearrangement of the Pall with the deposition of the Quill aristocracy and its membership swells alongside its gradual integration into the administration of the region. Furthermore, their presence in the Pall, the most recent territorial claim by Exarch Teppin is expected to lend the Arndok greater leverage in her dispute with the Exarch over the position of prime authority over Xincoatl’s living word.

    Among her first official acts as Arndok Melinas openly condemns Exarch Teppin for consorting with foul magics opposed to the natural cycle embodied by Xincoatl. The Exarch may be able enough as a secular ruler for the Theocracy has grown fat on land to rival its former liege but this itself is symptomatic of the problem. The Isles are a bastion for Xincoatl known far and wide and the Arndok heads the Kiin Sareteh who are themselves an organization devoted to carrying forward the message of Xincoatl. The lazarites may engage in non-religious activities but the will of Xincoatl is considered first in all things. Teppin meanwhile serves too many temporal interests, some of whom are suspected to be in direct opposition to Xincoatl’s will and his heading the church leaves it susceptible to infiltration and heresy. For the good of the church to ensure Xincoatl’s will is rightfully carried out and the brotherhood of faith maintained the Isles of Lazar under Arndok Melinas must spearhead the faith.

    2 [FAITH] Convert Isles of Lazar (28) HC 3 from Open to Coatl Perijanism Failure

    If the Bloodied Hands think they can scare the lazarites into silence or retreat from their endorsement of Cuahuey’s condemnation of the Theocracy that shelters the assassins in Shona they are quickly proven wrong. Burners and Philosophers of Fire who had been absent from the islands preaching in Shona return to find the Caverns of Alam sacked and the mysterious Oracle who resided within badly wounded. Though they grieve for a time for the loss of their brothers and sisters in faith they put their sorrow towards constructive ends and soon restore the caves to spiritual splendor which seems to accelerate the Oracle’s recovery. A few slaves taken from the Pall and elsewhere heretics have fought the church are sacrificed to sanctify the cavern and fully restore the power of Xincoatl to the cove prompting a portent to be spoken by the twisted visage of the Oracle. From between her sharp jagged teeth and malformed catfish lips the Oracle speaks thusly:

    A burning flame left untended
    What once was one cannot be mended
    Cleansing light arise with dawn
    Creeping quiet from dark they spawn

    What this prophecy foretells remains unclear though many Magi offer their interpretations. Most mainstream scholars attribute the unmendable “one” to be the Gwitna Coalition’s imperial control of the Theocracy. The final two lines are cause for far more speculation though most centers on relating the lines to the accusations of necromancy and vampirism filtering north from Khirus into the Stone Cities.

    Eventually the magi, Philosophers, and Burners all do reach a consensus, that the prophecy relates to the specter of a grand war hovering over Palmor threatening to drag the whole of the east coast into its maw through the portal of the Theocracy of Coatl. Fearful of what the Oracle might speak next as tensions and fractures become more apparent within the Kiin Sareteh under this new Arndok Melinas orders the holy site sealed until a more learned group of Magi not occupied with the dispute with Teppin might return to the island and force greater truth from the Oracle's twisted visage.

    3 [FAITH] Convert the Pall (29) HC 3 from Children of Kina to Coatl Perijanism Success

    The Quill infidels who preach of Kina the Mother are to be hunted down and executed by burning at the stake. Melinas will personally lead a number of missions to hunt down these infidels pursuing her collection of Quill ears to secure the leadership of Xincoatl’s church. Let the Great Serpent of Flame feast on the souls of these condemned occultists. Let him rend their spirits to pieces that might never coalesce in such vile forms again.

    The Quill are well adapted to the psychic jungle they so long ruled over and inhabited but they are not made immortal by it nor does it prevent their skin from burning. A cleansing sweep of flame orchestrated by the Arndok and in many places personally carried out by the Lazarite chieftain sweeps the toxic jungle of the Pall. Quill who run out from the flames like rats from a sinking ship are fought in the ashen ground left behind and those who choose to face flame rather than blade are not immune the ear hunting knife of the Arndok as she fervently competes to lay claim to Xincoatl's divine favor by doling out his judgment to the wicked infidels who would venerate death incarnate, Kina the Dark Devourer.

    4 [FAITH] Convert Hoyanuk (25) HC 3 from Perijanism to Coatl Perijanism Success

    Although the plains are recovering from their tenure under the malaise of Crabbin Fever many have been lost to the sickness including prominent Perijanists from the Temple of Chena in the capital. Orthodox Perijanists held the temple for decades on pretense of tradition. Now with the death of those elder Periajnist priests who cited their Imperial forefathers involvement in the construction of the temple as reason for their continued occupation the lazarites quickly move to fill the local clergy's seats in the city with Coatl Perijanists. The Isles seek to drive out the decaying infrastructure of the traditional Perijanist church and shore up Coatl Perijanist dominion across the northeast. Let the Temple of Chena serve as a bastion for Xincoatl's will as it is sanctified in the serpent's flame.

    The clergy of Chena are desperate for new priests to replace those lost to Crabbin Fever or traveled to Aniachaket to join their Kansett brethren. Replicating the success of the Aniachaket preachers in Glen Gwitna the lazarites stuff the clergy of the city temple with Coatl Perijanists or sympathizers who elect from among themselves an avowed Coatl Perijanist convert from elsewhere in the region, Ranata Spegwig, who received much sponsorship from the Isles. As the new head priest of the temple Ranata declares the rituals conducted on temple grounds to be first done in the name of Xincoatl. Any Orthodox Perijanist would be brought up on charges of sacrilege to remain and so none do. Some move but most choose simply to convert and accept Xincoatl's supremacy.

    5 [DIPLOMACY] Stabilize Isles of Lazar Failure

    Troubles shake the east as the plague, civil war, and a swell of dark magic threaten to tear Xincoatl's fertile crescent of worshipers asunder. The Isles are disconcerted by the loss of lazarites in Glen Gwitna to the plague and its transmission to the Isles where it had been thought to be incapable of penetrating. The Kiin Sareteh and Arndok Elbruk brought much wealth and prestige to the Isles but now some question the ability of the new Arndok to carry forward her predecessor's legacy. Looking to quell such discontent the Arndok reaches out to her liege seeking advisers to help pacify the populace's concerns.

    Although the advisers from Cuahuey were nearly able to bring all parties to an agreement the peace ultimately fell through with more conservative local interests expressing displeasure at the Arndok's venture to the Pall to "play games" and claim the scepter of Xincoatl for herself while the Isles were suffering under the plague. Much as the negotiators try to move past this matter the opposition will not budge and are able to rally the support behind their position to maintain a disquieted air to the isles. The Tribe as one unified force united behind the Arndok at the head of the Kiin Sareteh who rule the Moot appears to perhaps have been an exception under Elbruk rather than a rule on which Melinas might rely.

    6 [DIPLOMACY] Attend the Kunai Gathering

    Though a demonstration of the technology's capabilities is cut short by the interference of the plague in Glen Gwitna the lazarites still seek to auction copies of Adis' economic treatise on surplus production to the kingdoms and republics of the wider world. Seeking the secrets of Salt Wagons and Sacrificial Supply Lines the lazarites are open to entertain all offers regarding their latest innovation.

    • Trade Surplus Production to the Gwitna Coalition for Polearm Paddles
    • Trade Surplus Production to the Avakonian Empire for Salt Wagons



    • Support Gwitnan religious claim to Region 27
    • Change/Introduce Coatl Perijanism Largest Organized Religion Bonus: +2 to Buyouts by Coatl Perijanist States - Within the Isles of Lazar under the Xincoatl revering Kiin Sareteh whatever is produced by the Tribe is recognized as belonging first to Xincoatl for it is through his blessing of knowledge, the inner fire, that such crafts, tools, and raw material are produced or harvested. This attitude of material matters belonging naturally to Xincoatl is extended to the church and its chosen representatives upon the temporal plane and while Xincoatl's worship is not yet so widespread as to make demands for favorable trade rights clerically enforceable it appears the church is trending in direction to accumulate wealth for itself and its sponsors through promotion of tithing and pious work done in the name of Xincoatl as paths towards achieving oneness with the holy cycle.
    • Resist the theft of Surplus Production by the Jianta Federation 16 Success - It is no surprise those who would steal the material bounty of the Badan would also seek to thieve its intellectual bounty as well. Nevertheless the Federation's agents are quickly recognized among the lazarites and given the southwestern federation's local reputation associating with them, no matter the payday promised or problem 'solved', seems to be considered far too dangerous. The writings done by Adis shall remain, for now, within the secured hands of the Isles and those whom properly acquire them through trade.

    [UNITS] 1 Unit
    The Army of the Tribe (1 Unit)

    • Crabbin Fever has impeded the economic plans of Adis and though the lazarite merchant maintains a position of privilege with the Arndok his calls for expanding trade to fulfill his vision is ignored in light of more pressing spiritual matters.
    • The portent spoken by the Oracle of Alam has some within the Kiin Sareteh questioning the continuance of war between Gwitna and Coatl, citing the prediction as evidence for the war's futility. Officially however the Arndok endorses the position of the Grand Warden and pledges to support whatever course of action he chooses to pursue.

    A Quill Hunt

    Melinas moved like water upon the land, a lithe twisting coil of muscle trained since childhood to be the best of her people physically and spiritually. Her scales were a dull gold though they shifted and changed slightly to match her surroundings subtly when she stayed still for long enough. Here in the jungles of the Pall where she had asked Exarch Teppin to meet her they had taken on the deep green of the plants around her darkening her complexion. Teppin would come, she was sure of it. His was the hand that had just laid claim to the psychic jungle in the name of the heavenly Xincoatl and so too was his the head responsible now for the resurgent Quill who have returned from the jungle depths to spread their wicked sermons on Kina the Devourer.

    The Arndok herself was lightly dressed, a simple belt at her waist holding a ceremonial but still functional knife and a pouch slung across her shoulder only partly filled with various odds and ends. Otherwise her scales were nude to the air and her nostrils flared as she breathed in the heavily scented air of the Pall coast carrying with it the intoxicating blend of pollens that trapped so many in the region. Yet, like the Quill, the lazarites were not as susceptible to the siren call of the plants allowing Melinas to affect an air of relaxation amid the tensions at work in the winds. She was not alone, having gathered a selection of Kiin Nor Aba to join her in this meet with Teppin. In truth the Arndok believed Teppin may not have himself committed heresy but his associations invited dark magic, exemplified by the resurgent Children of Kina here.

    As far as the Arndok was concerned Teppin had forfeited his right to claim spiritual authority once he declared his demesne a kingdom on par with Whitefeather or Glen Gwitna and fought to enforce this temporal power against a fellow member of the brotherhood of faith. The Exarch was clearly now too invested in the secular machinations of Emjata to reliably act as a conduit and voice for the heavens. The Isles however are rich in Xincoatl philosophy and thought, the Arndok would be well placed to lead the eastern church and it was her intention to lay claim to such authority here with her challenge to the Exarch.

    There would be a hunt. A hunt for infidels in the jungles of the Pall. He or she who collects the most Quill ears demonstrates the favor of Xincoatl shines upon them. From what Melinas knew of Teppin he was a timid and palace-bound aristocrat ill-suited to hunting and camping in the dangerous wilds of his most recently claimed southern demesne. Melinas conversely was well traveled and acquainted with the many strange regions that composed the Badan’s coast. Having come from nothing she sought never to forget how to live with little and survive on even less. She was confident in her ability to demonstrate Xincoatl favored her as head of His church.

    Last edited by Reggiejam; 2018-05-20 at 10:45 AM.
    Thanks Gengy for the avatar!

  29. - Top - End - #299
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread

    The Gwitna Coalition
    Grand Warden Cuahuey, Knavegos of the Avakonian Empire
    Regions 23, 24, 25, & 26
    Round 15


    1. [Diplomacy] Attend an Event
    • Trade Polearm Paddles to the Isles of Lazar for Surplus Production, with the condition that the Isles agree not to trade or give Polearm Paddles to any other nation.

    2. [Economy 5] Upgrade Resource quantity in region 24 (Aniachaket). Seeking Xincoatl's blessing, many Aniachak priests and their followers intentionally infect themselves with reaper crab venom, and many of them succeed in becoming Kansett.
    3. [Intrigue] Secret. A few of the Gwitna's most notorious criminals seem to be missing from their usual haunts. What happened to them, few can say.
    4. [Diplomacy] Improve relations with the Omanush Convoys. Roll 14 The Convoys are one of the peoples determining the fate of the Kansett, and whether the Gwitna like it or not, they are now tied to the coalition. Hopefully the loyal service of the Kansett sailors will help to increase the convoy's appreciation of Northwest Badan culture, and in turn the Gwitna Coalition.
    5. [Military] Defend Glen Gwitna with 4 Units led by Suvlin Cuahuey using Dastasia's mil score (Mil 9), Obsidian Fire (+1 to Defenses), and Sacrificial Magic Supply Lines (-1 Size Loss Roll) for a total bonus of +14
    6. [Military] Raise a Unit The Kansett's strength and natural weaponry makes them an excellent choice of soldier, and recognizing this drafters are sent to Aniachaket to recruit them. Hopefully they will be able to turn the tide in the war against the Theocracy of Coatl.

    Support the Isles of Lazar's claim to Religious Authority

    News and Rumors
    Across the Coalition, Aniachak preachers, both Kansett and human, are supplanting Gwitna and local priests at Coatl Perijanist temples and holy sites.

    Inside Aniachaket the old patterns of Aniachak Abhisism rear their heads as the 6-legged Kansett viciously body-shame their two-legged cousins and the humans, for being imperfect representations of Coatl's cycle of life.

    Obviously public bounties can no longer be relied upon for the destruction of monsters and undead. The upper echelons of the Coalition's government debate and discuss the possibility of creating an order of monster hunters, but nothing is actually done due to fears that the work would go to waste if Exarch Teppin succeeds in conquering the Coalition.

    No good can come of Dastasia's declaration of Dejanism as the state religion of the Avakonian Empire. Worshipping a mortal in private is one thing, but doing so in public is another entirely. Cuahuey publicly states that the Gwitna coalition should end their association with Avakonia in light of this heresy, and plans are set in motion to do just that.
    OOC: (Not actually devassalizing this round because I didn't know that Dastasia was going to declare until late in the round)

    Spoiler: Letter to Exarch Teppin

    Dear Teppin,
    We waged war only with men who defended those who revealed themselves to be vampires. If they are of my own blood then this is truly a shame that members of my family should have been so misled. My presence on the battlefield shows my devotion to my cause, just as your preference to use another in your place shows yours.

    Warden Cuahuey

    Spoiler: Excerpts from the Diary of Suicide Sandor

    May 142 Imperial Reckoning
    It is a sign of my failures that I must now begin to record my exploits myself, rather than relying upon the public mind to archive my achievements. The last thing most of the world has heard of me is the theft of my ship, and to be fair my achievements since then have not been terribly impressive. A few smaller merchant vessels looted here, a fishing camp raided there, nothing spectacular like my deeds back in good old Glen Gwitna. The omanush crew has been rather cooperative, they seem to care more about the money than their ideals of free trade, and as long as I can keep their captain and first mate as Ghouls I shall have little to worry about with regards to loyalty. Unfortunately, the crew is far too small for a decent audience, and thus my only subjects that I can perform to are those we target for robbery, and they are understandably nonplussed by theatrics. It's just not the same without my fans.

    August 144 Imperial Reckoning
    I had a brilliant idea last night as I enjoyed the scent of the night winds from a perch in the rigging. Since piracy is obviously not the best route to fame and reputation, perhaps I should take up adventuring. The lost relics of Ildia would make an impressive target, and I do happen to be in the neighborhood. We'll start sailing north tomorrow.

    September 144 Imperial Reckoning
    Blast, a messenger ship arrived today. I have no idea how they found me, but apparently Mila wants me to head back to Khirus. If only I didn't owe her my "life", we could just keep going to treasure and glory. Ah well, I suppose that an upside of being immortal is having an eternity to forge yourself a legend.

    December 146 Imperial Reckoning
    How long must I wait before Mila gives me a task and I can repay my debt? We've been hanging around in Khirese waters for months, and our deeds have had to become even less impressive due to my precarious position with the government. I've taught the men a few things about petty theft, so we're scraping by, but this is no life for a man who once commanded a nation.

    Spoiler: Ruler Information

    Grand Warden Suvlin Cuahuey, age 29
    Diplomacy 5
    Military 5
    Economy 7
    Faith 5
    Intrigue 8

    Mother: Anci Cuahuey, age 55.
    Father: Adril Ferreth, age 62.
    Sister: Llerlisi Cuahuey, age 27.

    Attribute Increases: +1 Intrigue, +1 Military

    No new ruler next round.
    Last edited by Potato_Priest; 2018-05-17 at 07:55 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by No brains View Post
    See, I remember the days of roleplaying before organisms could even see, let alone use see as a metaphor for comprehension. We could barely comprehend that we could comprehend things. Imagining we were something else was a huge leap forward and really passed the time in between absorbing nutrients.

    Biggest play I ever made: "I want to eat something over there." Anticipated the trope of "being able to move" that you see in all stories these days.

  30. - Top - End - #300
    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Default Re: [EMPIRE4!] IC Thread


    Varia Chalun va Meera, Queen of Yondar

    Diplomacy: 2
    Military: 5
    Economy: 8
    Faith: 2
    Intrigue: 7

    1. [Diplomacy] Attend Event
    2. [Diplomacy] Attempt to gain influence with Omanush Convoys 10
    3. [Diplomacy] Great Project 1/2 Establish Disaster Response Organization - The fact that Yondar has yet to be touched by Crabbin Fever, along with tales of its recession in some regions, has buoyed hope that Yondar might be spared the affliction. Queen Varia and her council know this is a false hope, and that they must prepare for the worst. In an attempt to prepare for the plague, in addition to other potential disasters in the future, Yondar restructures its government creating the groundwork for an organization and protocols for expediting responses to potential disasters.
    4. [Diplomacy] Great Project 2/2 Establish Disaster Response Organization - Spreading to the major towns and cities of Yondar, an official document provides information how the government, and individual people, should respond to an oncoming disaster such as plague, foul storms, and earthquakes. In times of crisis, the local governing offices are capable of operating independently if communication to the capitol is not forthcoming. The powers of these offices are detailed explicitly along with the expectation of accountability. The document also details the pressing of materials and people into service to directly confront any disasters with the stipulation of reimbursement at a later date. The document is made available to the public for their perusal.
    5. [Intrigue] SECRET ACTION 12

    • Varia sends what little, if any, information Yondar was able to gleem back to Regno, thanking Tutum by providing a gift of an elegantly carved darkwood box with a silver inlay depicting a tree large tree with an expansive canopy. Inside the box are several vials of ink, along with some fine feathers for writing.

    News and Rumors
    • With Devan Chalun disappearing without a trace in the borders of the Gwitna Coalition while investigating Crabbin Fever, rumors have that Varia was livid with rage, seeing this as an act of war. Though her advisers managed to talk her down, the is some concern with what happened to Devan and his team of Mistwalkers and how it bodes for relations between the two regions.
    • Yondarian Hunters have been seen traveling to `Ridi`r, drawn by the thrill of hunting monsterous game, pitting themselves in competition with the local Ridx, the flufftails matching the native's strength with their ingenuity and teamwork.
    • Though there is no direct blood relation between Rhune and Yondar, they share a type of kinship in both region and religion. With the news of Margrave's safe return Yondar sent a ship with fine gifts of shadow linen and silver as a gift to welcome her back.

    Spoiler: Stats and Mechanics

    Spoiler: Trade Posts
    Trade Posts
    • Darkwood 1, Region 98
    • Féth Leaves 1, Region 35
    • Rhune Stones 2, Region 96
    • Silver 2, Region 27
    • Shadow Flax 2, Region 42

    Spoiler: Tech and Projects
    Tech and Projects
    • Diplomatic Expedition (Exploration, Colonization, and Diplomacy Claim) [Precious Metals [Silver] + Pack Animals or Ship Tech]

    • Thalos-Dor Harbor refit for Shipbuilding and Trade

    Spoiler: Stat Increases
    Stat Increases
    Diplomacy: 2 + 2
    Military: 5
    Economic: 8
    Faith: 2
    Intrigue: 7
    Last edited by SquirrelWizard; 2018-05-18 at 08:25 PM.

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