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  1. - Top - End - #271
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Morevek's silence is unusually deep, even for the reticent tiefling, as the day's labors are concluded and the companions shepherd the workmen back to the comparative safety of Defender's Heart. The somber silence of his contribution (mostly in the form of magical cleansing and collection of detritus and debris) under the weight of Iomedae's watchful presence gives way to a pensive introspection, the impenetrable stare of his inky-black eyes shadowed beneath furrowed brows. His face turns, almost imperceptibly, to follow Filburn's conversation with Waylan and Elrembriel; no other sign is evident that he occupies the same grim reality as his companions on the return to the keep.

    Morevek's contribution to the impromptu conference is to nod his head in solidarity with the others' desire for action. "While I do not know precisely how, we must press whatever momentary advantage we have earned in the retaking of the garrison. At day's first light, we should discuss with Master Orlun how best to pursue that goal. In the meanwhile..." the slender swordsman gives a graceful (if brief) bow to his companions before abruptly taking his leave.

    After several minutes practicing the forms of his bladed discipline, the tiefling returns to his chambers to begin the work of embedding the magical energies yet-unspent in the day's labors into intricate whorls of what appear to be a burst of tiny stars in the skin of his left calf.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  2. - Top - End - #272
    Titan in the Playground
    Farmerbink's Avatar

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    As the day wanes, the heroes find an odd peace settling over the repurposed inn that now houses many of Kenabres' refugees. Much of the stress and unease that has seemed to loom for the last week seems to evaporate as word of their success and progress reclaiming the garrison spreads throughout the keep. An almost discomfiting amount of smiles and cheers follow them as they pass through the various common spaces. Even Elrembriel's usually off-putting presence garners pleasant nods of acknowledgement. The usually stoic quartermaster actually laughs good-naturedly at the brief moment of embarrassment flitting across Irabeth's face at the steep praise received from a few of her subordinates.

    The night brings with it pleasant songs from the refugees gathered in what was once the inn's common room. Throughout the concourse and sprawling stony hallways around it, echoes of laughter and joy seem to suffuse the entire building itself. For the first time in weeks, rest comes fairly easily.

    ...for a time. Late in the night, you wake, startled by an apparition. Out of the blackness surrounding you, a scarred but beautiful woman appears, bearing glimmering plate and a a burnished shield. A gleaming blade is sheathed at her hip, startling reminiscent of the sword Irabeth now carries. Without words, she nods, and you understand an expression of thanks and frustration. The woman undoubtedly possesses great strength, but seems to be bound in a way she is unable to express. You stand, frozen by the vagaries of sleep, as she approaches. Leaning down, she places a kiss on your forehead, and fire lances through your vision. The graves of Lord Huron and the other fallen flashes before your eyes. The now-restored shrine dances in the corners of your vision. The fallen demons, no longer desecrating her cathedral melt away, replaced by two helms that glisten in the torchlight just outside the innermost sanctum of the Gray Garrison...

    For the second time you awake, this time to the familiar room you've slept in several nights before. Through nearby windows, you can see the sun beginning its pre-dawn illumination of the sky. Defender's Heart is quiet, but for the singing of a few blackbirds and wrens, which warble their gentle call to greet the new day- a sound conspicuously absent even the morning prior.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Each of you discover, as soon as someone shares their vision, that it was shared among you all.

    In addition, you gain the following permanent boons: (please note the bonuses for future calculations)
    +2 to any skill
    +5 HP
    One feat (for which you must qualify as usual)
    +2 to any one ability score.

    Finally, Ding! you are now level 6!

  3. - Top - End - #273
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Gwynfrid's Avatar

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    As morning comes, a weary Elrembriel wakes. The night has been short, what with all her studying and working on her spells late into the night, and the strange dream. Soon, however, the sounds and sight of a more hopeful morning - one with sunlight, and even, yes, birds announcing the coming of dawn - lift her spirit and energy. She remembers the cheers of the people of Kenabres greeting her last night, the same people who had cast such eyes of mistrust on her when she had first stepped foot in their city, a young, helpless fugitive of horrors beyond belief. She even thinks she recognized one or two of them, who had been among the heckling crowd taking her to their jail and their inquisitors. That memory doesn't go away, but in these very same men she had seen such genuine relief and gratefulness towards her... She finds her grudge lighter to bear this day.

    The first thing she does, however, is a grim duty. She seeks out Aurora's mother, a widow now bereft of her child as well, left alone in the world. Aurora never mentioned any siblings.

    She knocks at the door reluctantly, but firmly. "Ma'am. My name is Elrembriel, I am one of your daughter's companions." She wonders, for an instant, if the older woman would remember her from her husband's wake, but decides against bringing the subject up, considering she's about to talk of another death.

    "You surely have heard, by now. I am sorry that I didn't come to you yesterday. I wanted to say... She fell a hero, swallowed by forces beyond mortal understanding. In doing so she struck a great blow against the Abyss. She was a model and mentor... A model of Iomedae's courage.

    I will never forget Aurora, and I will try to follow in her steps, any which way I can."
    However much she rehearsed these words, the emotion swells in her heart, and her eyes fill with tears.
    Last edited by Gwynfrid; 2018-06-12 at 01:50 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #274
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Waylan wakes leisurely after a sound night's sleep, slumbering until the almost unheard-of hour of 7 or 8am. He rises to begin his morning routine, and he is halfway through his customary prayers to Erastil before he remembers - the vision. Iomedae - it had to be her, didn't it? - looking grateful for their efforts, but also scarred and somehow... restrained. Uneasy doubts begin to creep into his mind as he clutches his holy symbol tighter. His glance falls to the quiver of arrows left propped by the doorway. Cruel, cold-iron forged tips adorn what used to be simply sharpened wood; instruments designed only for war instead of protection and hunting. What is happening to me? he wonders, a part of him afraid to know the answer. What am I becoming?

    As he finishes his prayers and completes his morning preparations, his thoughts stray back to Aurora and the blade Radiance, and tears well in his eyes. He is sure that his strong, fearless ally would have some words of encouragement - her inviolable faith in The Inheritor was equaled only by her distaste for sluggishness and self-pity. She would know what to do... he thinks sadly, opening the door.

    Almost without conscious thought, his feet begin carrying him to his only other ally with any semblance of religious authority, the paladin Irabeth. He finds himself knocking at her door and then beginning to gush about his fears and misgivings, relieved to finally be speaking them aloud. "...and so, though I pray to Erastil every morning, it is Iomedae who answers me in the night! What do you think, commander? Have I done something wrong, to make Erastil displeased with me? Has my faith led me astray? And..." he looks down at his bow and for a moment a look of disgust flashes across his face, "how much more killing can there be, before a soul is irreconcilably tainted?"
    Spoiler: Active characters
    Waylan, Kestros and Auspice (Wrath of the Righteous)

    Lydia (Age of Worms - loot tracking)

  5. - Top - End - #275
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
    The Dream
    Waking in a cold sweat, Filburn looks around the dark room, seeing the still sleeping forms of the others who share it with him. Sitting up, he shivers as he wraps his blanket around himself, staring blankly into the darkness as he reviews the dream. "Was that just another dream, or something more?" he mutters to himself as he compares it to the nightmares he has had already this evening. "It wasn't Aurora, but the sword looked like her sword. She seemed pleased with our efforts today, I guess. So why do I still feel so unsettled?"

    With a frown he glances down to where his blade rests in its sheath. "A fat lot of good you are! For a disembodied voice in my head or an inanimate object you sure are jealous of Radiance. What gives? It's not like we haven't been trying to save the world or anything...I suppose. But some of us have to sleep, so you will have to wait for more heroics until tomorrow...Crazy sword..." he mumbles as he rolls back over on his cot and tries to go back to sleep.

    Plagued by more nightmares - and none of the beauty of the presumed-goddess - Filburn sleeps poorly the rest of the night, waking bleary eyed and fog-brained. "Coffee...I need coffee..." he growls as he splashes water on his face from a washbasin. Staggering out the door as he ties on his belt and scabbard he stumbles towards the kitchen, hoping to find something to jump-start his brain. "Maybe I can find a better conversationalist than a pushy sword too..."

  6. - Top - End - #276
    Titan in the Playground
    Farmerbink's Avatar

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!


    Behind the wooden door, the young arcanist finds a woman far too familiar with loss. It's hard to say what the hardened woman might be feeling, but she nods at your greeting. She recognizes you, as her expression makes clear. The woman looks old- deceptively so, considering Aurora's relative youth. Still, the last few days must weigh at least as heavily as the four decades prior. Wrinkles frame hard green eyes, either spent of tears or numb to the pain. A forced smile spreads her lips at your praises, words she has surely heard or considered much in the hours since Aurora's death. "She was... strong," the last surviving Pelleas recalls, quietly. "Nor will I," she adds, losing her focus in the walls of the room.


    The hallways between Filburn's room and the kitchen offer no solace from his blade's incessant prattling. Worse, because neither of the two women he passes can hear it, they offer only worried glances as he mutters apparently to himself. Pushing through the doors to the common room, he finds some relief in the bustle of morning. Already plenty of refugees are about, making ready for the day, or just allowing the time to pass while they occupy a bench or corner of the wide room. More than a couple of crusaders sit at a nearby table, a few enjoying their breakfast before duty while others take a meal before retiring after a night on watch. "Oy there, swordsman!" comes the cry from one of the early risers. "Bring your drink and sit with us. We've all got questions about the garrison. Ain't that right?" His colleagues offer expressions ranging from embarrassment to eager anticipation, both giving credence to his words and an odd insight to how they must view the events of the past few days...

  7. - Top - End - #277
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Morevek wakens, though the only visible motion is his ivory eyelids parting to reveal the featureless depth of his black eyes. Still seated in his cross-legged position with his chin supported by his two arms, the slender swordsman stretches lithely and languidly before a quick kick of his legs throws his body into a backward roll, and in the space of a heartbeat he is on his feet. Stooping downward to retrieve his spellbook and inking supplies, he steps briskly, almost dancingly, down the hallway in search of the mess hall. Amidst the bustle of utensils against cookware, crackling of stove-fires and bubbling of waters, the sounds of boisterous conversation reach his ears...

    Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
    "Oy there, swordsman! Bring your drink and sit with us. We've all got questions about the garrison. Ain't that right?"
    Head inclined toward the call, Morevek notes his bleary-eyed companion (friend?) suffering the sudden assault on his solitude. Morning sustenance momentarily forgotten, the slender tiefling glides in curiosity toward Filbert and the crusaders seeking the latter's attention. Smoothing the worst of yesterday's wrinkles and dust from his loose garb, he makes his way to a seat near the outskirts of the group without comment.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  8. - Top - End - #278
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    With a start Filburn looks to the men gathered at the table, his expression a mixture of exhaustion and confusion. Standing still for a moment as he tries to get his brain and mouth to work he sees Morevek join them at the table and rubs his eyes sleepily. "Aaaauugh!" he yawns, loudly as he stretches and knuckles his back. "You have questions? Well, I think I need more coffee to make much sense, but I can try..."

    Carefully making his way through the crowded room he takes a seat across from the tiefling and rests his elbows on the table in front of him. As a mug of the blessed, bitter, black bean-drink appears he drinks in sips for several more seconds before seeming to remember what he was doing. "...Questions...right! You had questions. Well, go ahead - I think I will be here for some time nursing this wonderful mug. What do you want to know? If I don't know how to answer, it is likely our companion here can help," he says, gesturing with his free hand at Morevek as he takes another drink.

  9. - Top - End - #279
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Elrembriel wipes her tears from her eyes to try and regain a semblance of composure. She looks at the wan-looking woman in front of her. She feels the urge to give her a hug, a thought that sends a cold shiver throughout her body. Mother... Her mother, the only person she remembers ever giving her a hug, in all the years of her growing up in solitude. The scar on her cheek burns sharply, without a warning. Or was that just in her mind? The sensation vanishes instantly, but she can't find in herself the strength to reach out further.

    The young elf girl bows silently to the bereft widow, feeling incapable of sharing any words of hope, knowing how hollow they would sound.

    It takes her a few moments to get her wits together after touching the depths of sadness and loss. But, eventually, she remembers the dream of the night. Surely, this is a sign, one she needs to discuss with... who? She decides the paladin of Iomedae is the one most likely to have insight on the matter.

    Now more acquainted with the layout of the refuge, Elrembriel walks to Irabeth's door, knocks, and enters. "Irabeth... Oh, and Waylan, good morning. So... You had that dream too? Of the woman warrior? The sword she had... That was Radiance, wasn't it? So I think this was her... Yaniel is the name we read, is that right? What do you think she was trying to tell us?"

  10. - Top - End - #280
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Waylan starts and clears his throat as Elrembriel approaches, signifying an abrupt end to his discussion of faith with Irabeth. "Ah, Elrembriel, yes, we were just speaking of it - it seems that we all had the same dream! I don't quite know what to make of it, however. I sensed... gratitude, I think it was, for the work in restoring her Garrison. But also... frustration, inhibition - as though she wanted to act in some way but was restrained from doing do." Waylan pauses and shudders at his next words, "I hardly dare to think what could give pause to the Inheritor... But come! Tell of us your morning..."

    When the three of them are done conversing Waylan suggests making their way to the mess hall to eat and plan their next moves. Spying Filburn at the center of a crowd of curious defenders and Morevek looking on from the outskirts, he takes his tray and leads Irabeth and Elrembriel over to reunite the group.

    Spoiler: OOC: Next steps?
    I'm a little fuzzy on exactly what our in-character next steps ought to be - does anyone have a clearer idea? We've taken care of the Garrison and the logical next step might be to suggest striking back at the demons, but that's all I've got!
    Spoiler: Active characters
    Waylan, Kestros and Auspice (Wrath of the Righteous)

    Lydia (Age of Worms - loot tracking)

  11. - Top - End - #281
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Seeing more of the party approaching, Filburn mutters, "Thank the good gods," and rises, waving them over. From his expression it seems he is struggling to be as comfortable in a crowd as he used to be. Speaking loud enough to be heard he says, "Ah, good! I didn't sleep well and was hoping to find out how everyone else was doing. These good folks were wanting to hear more about how things happened, and I couldn't decide what to say..."

  12. - Top - End - #282
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Filburn and Morevek

    With every step the unlikely pair takes closer to the table of warriors in various states of fatigue, the table's occupants look more and more like a dog who's caught a courier and is now unsure precisely what to do with him. For several seconds the whole company of them seems unable to process the appearance of the two heroes- much less their willingness to break their fast with such as them. The group's clear leader, only momentarily prior so eager to call out for the swordsman's attention blinks a few times before his brain catches up and he manages to grunt out a simple "questions, right!"

    It's still another few breaths before he stammers, "Is- is it true Lord Hulrun was there? I heard he played the turncoat and sold us out to those bastard invaders! And- and is the wardstone-" his voice drops to a conspiratorial whisper, such that Morevek has to strain slightly to hear the final word- "gone?"


    The widow now bereft of child as well shares your simple bow. No doubt she's keenly aware of the sentiments, but likewise shares the opinion that words would fail to do it justice.


    As Elrembriel and Waylan find themselves in the common room, and joining their companions, the relatively small company begins to evolve into a true crowd. Though almost everyone in Defender's Heart has at least heard of the party's names, this is the first time many have had a chance to see them, and any have had a chance to really interact. In the relative lull of the days following the wardstone's destruction, it seems almost everyone is willing to take a brief hiatus from their duties to offer their thanks and impressed congratulations. Though most of the questions bear the unmistakable taint of hearsay, it's undeniable that word has been going around the keep of the party's exploits.

    Spoiler: OOC
    So we are officially in the space between book #1 and book #2. I will have a fairly substantial post coming in the next days to introduce book #2 and the action therein. I may use Shades' help (through Irabeth, as she is written as an NPC for much of the AP) to introduce it, I may not. It will depend on how easily we're able to coordinate.

    It might just be easiest to have Master Qednys Orlun step into Irabeth's role as commander and have him be the new source of this kind of info and story hook. As it stands, please feel free to continue any RP you've got in mind, whether between the party or other NPCs. I'd also like to take this opportunity to remind you that each campaign trait comes with its own character hook. These are thinks your character would want to spend time researching or asking people about (though the latter may be difficult, depending on the complexity of the experiences).

  13. - Top - End - #283
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Elrembriel joins the others in the common room, and is immediately peppered with questions. She blushes a bright shade of red, so unaccustomed as she is to be such a center of attention, and even more embarrassed at the difficulty to hide her scar behind a lock of hair as she customarily does when the attention comes from only a narrow angle. In the brouhaha, she hears the question about Lord Hulrun, and immediately reflects that the truth needs to be told, lest the man's memory be unjustly tainted. The truth... Can we find out? She seeks out Aravashnial, finds him sitting near a corner, trying to enjoy the gathering even as he can't fully participate in it.

    "Master Aravashnial, may I ask you a question? We fought and killed two demons, bearing the skins of Lord Hulrun, and of another notable person... Kandro Nyserian, is the name I heard. Now I heard they stand accused of betraying the city. I'm wondering... Might they have been possessed, instead? This shape they had was bloated, horribly... And when they died, some ooze leaked out of them until they were but empty shells... What do you think?"

    Spoiler: Knowledge
    She's seeking Aravashanial's help with the matter.
    If necessary (I hope it's not...): Diplomacy (1d20)[10]
    Knowledge(Planes) (1d20+14)[21]

    Spoiler: Other things
    One loose thread here is this dream. Was it Yaniel we saw? An opinion from Irabeth would be nice at this point.

  14. - Top - End - #284
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Filburn, looking relieved to have more people around to talk with the gathered crowd, settles back to listen and add details as questions are asked and their story is slowly drawn out. As Elrembriel seeks out Aravashnial he looks like he is about to follow the young woman, but shakes his head and decides not to follow. "I have taken enough of his time and he has no more answers for me," he says to himself quietly as he turns back to the crowd. Then, he raises his voice to the gathered refugees and asks, "Good people, I have a question for you - do any of you know much of the Riftwardens? There is much I wish to learn of them, but I do not wish to tire our good friend over there," he gestures to the old elf as he speaks to Elrembriel, "with unending questions. Are any of you familiar with the great mages?"

  15. - Top - End - #285
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    As Elrembriel approaches, the sash that covers Aravashnial's ruined eyes scrunches with the motion of his brow beneath. A wry smirk plays upon his lips as he patiently listens to your questions. For a moment after, he is silent, and when he speaks his words aren't what you expect. "My dear, you have a very distinctive gait." He chuckles quietly at the near-silent gasp of perhaps surprise or confusion before going on to explain. "Our ears are more sensitive than the rest of your companions, as I'm sure you know. Mine have... well, they're getting a lot of practice as of late. Anyway, describe the ooze to me, if you would. Was it clear? Greenish? Were you able to test its viscosity in any way?" As you answer to the best of your ability, he nods slowly. "Why, I would suspect you know the answer as well as any, but it seems what you're describing is a Vermlek- a demon known for a.. eh... unique and gruesome manner of possession, if you will. The demon itself if more like a worm than a demon. They're certainly not bipedal. At any rate, they subsist on the innards of their most recent kills, animating them even while they drain the body of whatever vitals it once had. If Hulrun was the victim of one of these, he was certainly dead long before you found him. Who knows what acts of depravity the demon may have committed while wearing our late regent like some kind of obscene body suit?" As he tilts his head towards you, you get the impression he's curious how well his thoughts mimic your own.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Your check was probably sufficient on its own, but I felt like it would be fun to RP the wizard a bit.

    Filburns question falls upon eager but perhaps ill prepared ears. Almost immediately, a host of voices answer his call. More than a few times, the names of Aravashnial and Quednys manage to sift through the cacophony, along with the name Beltran Ravenken. When prompted (and the others hushed), the speaker manages a bit of useful information. "He's the fella always spoke for the Riftwardens. Wouldn't let anybody know who they were, before all this, but I guess that's behind us now," he finishes lamely with a gesture towards Aravashnial, who has since made his associations public. "Odd fellow, Beltran. He was real good at answering questions in a way that you didn't know what he said, but felt dumb for asking him to clarify. Still, I guess if the wizards trusted him we aughta also, right?"

    About this time, a sudden commotion makes its way (audibly) to the common room, from the main entrance to Defender's Heart. Frederick (the grizzled man who still insists on leading the watches personally as often as he is able) calls loud enough to be heard several halls away, "Look, I don't care if ye can produce a signet for each and every queen, regent, king, and duke for the last 80 years, Yer not gettin' in here 'til you straighten up and say what yer after!" Whoever he's yelling at offers his response in perhaps more suitable volumes that go unheard in the common room.

    More than a few heads turn, and a pair of armed guardsmen dash forward to see what the fuss is all about.

  16. - Top - End - #286
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Frederick's shouting draws Waylan's attention abruptly away from the disorganized replies to Filburn's query, and he stands up as the guardsmen exit the room. Making eye contact with Morevek he quickly follows the guardsmen towards the source of the noise.
    Last edited by MuffinMan; 2018-07-08 at 08:37 PM.
    Spoiler: Active characters
    Waylan, Kestros and Auspice (Wrath of the Righteous)

    Lydia (Age of Worms - loot tracking)

  17. - Top - End - #287
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Spoiler: Actions
    Knowledge (not sure which, Arcana and Planes seem most applicable and are +9?): (1d20)[13] to gauge if Lord Hulrun (spelling?) was a turncoat or merely animated by the demon-worm-thing.

    Morevek gives Waylan an all-but-imperceptible nod, and the slender swordsman deftly glides through the growing crowd toward the source of the tumult, seemingly unhindered by the press of bodies as he virtually dances past.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  18. - Top - End - #288
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Gwynfrid's Avatar

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    "It is as I suspected, then... Thank you for your advice, Master Aravashnial. I may have read a lot of books in my life, but I wouldn't presume knowing as much as you do. I need to speak to Irabeth, and... What's going on?" The commotion at Defender's Heart entrance interrupts the conversation. Elrembriel turns her head towards the source of the disturbance, but doesn't leave the blind wizard's side.

    Elrembriel may have a high Knowledge(Planes) score but she isn't very self-assured, hence seeking support from the elder scholar.

  19. - Top - End - #289
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    As the commotion is heard Filburn shakes his head, obviously frustrated that his question's answer is being interrupted. Much like his allies and the more militant members of the refugees he rises and approaches the scene, ready to commit violence to protect the safety of those present.

  20. - Top - End - #290
    Titan in the Playground
    Farmerbink's Avatar

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    As you arrive at the broad, barricaded hall and doorway that serve as Defender's Heart's only available entrance, you come across an unusual scene. Frederick stands, arms crossed, in front of what appear to be a half dozen well-armed crusaders. All six are clearly a hair on the unkept side, their tabards and gear clearly showing signs of recent wear and hard travel. Frederick offers no immediate acknowledgement of your arrival, though the apparent leader of the crusaders notes your appearance and gestures eagerly. "Here! Perhaps you can talk some sense into this old codger!" He begins, demonstrating his irritation. He lifts an insignia that most of you immediately recognizes as that of Queen Galfrey, the ruler of Mendev and leader of The Crusade. "I come bearing news from Queen Galfrey, and insist on speaking to the leader-"

    "NOBODY" interrupts Frederick, "is allowed to enter armed, except under order of my commander!" Clearly, the situation is strained, at best. Even as you consider whether or not to intervene, hushed whispers of "the Queen's here?" and other dubiously accurate comments begin filling the hallways behind you, winding into the keep as only rumors can do.

  21. - Top - End - #291
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Filburn looks at Frederick and then gestures back into the safe-house. "The Commander is inside - why don't you talk to her? Someone else can keep our guests safely off the street but away from the other refugees," he says in the guard's ear, trying not to embarrass the man. Then, turning to the gathered crowd he raises his voice and says, "Back away from the door! Everything will be alright - when the Commander has heard the news we will share it! Now, cut out the rumor mill and let's go about the business of the day. There's plenty of work to be done! Stop crowding..." As he speaks he encourages the crowd to break up, gently pushing back against the throng and trying to make room for the newcomers.

  22. - Top - End - #292
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Waylan lets Filburn speaks his piece and then then adds on, "We have the Commander's ear - I give you my word that your message will reach. Now, no doubt you have ridden far and must be weary. Tell us the nature of your message, and we will see that you are fed and your horses cared for." He makes a few gestures to the bystanders, encouraging them to go carry out his suggestions.

    Spoiler: Diplomacy
    (1d20+5)[18] to smooth over tensions
    Spoiler: Active characters
    Waylan, Kestros and Auspice (Wrath of the Righteous)

    Lydia (Age of Worms - loot tracking)

  23. - Top - End - #293
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    For a moment, the worn scout's eyes flicker with the same sheen you've seen before on Aurora and Irabeth's faces. He nods to Waylan, an odd expression on his face. Through his weathered expression, framed by several-day-old salt and pepper stubble, he grunts. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, son, but I'm on strict orders from the Queen personally. I'm not to speak my message to any other than the current leader of the Eagle Watch, and only then after confirming his righteousness." After a few heartbeats, he shakes his head to the negative, despite a glance that suggests he was considering the offer. "Can't do it," he reiterates.

    Meanwhile, Frederick eyes Filburn oddly. "Already sent a runner. Just waiting on his report, and the fellows here got all uppity and impatient on me." With a nod of his head to indicate the clearly fatigued scouts, Frederick crosses his arms once more.

    The more-militant of those gathered around the entrance offer dubious glances to the swordsman while nonetheless heeding his words. As the moments pass, the congestion in the nearest hallways eases as those with something better to do attend to it. Several of the refugees are more tenacious, or perhaps just less willing to follow orders, and hang around for the moment. Still, the whispering ceases under Filburn's commanding eye...

  24. - Top - End - #294
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Filburn glares at the scouts for a moment. "You need to confirm our righteousness? Are you a holy man, able to read a person's soul? If so, then peer into mine - you will find it wounded but honest. If that won't do, then you will have to wait until our commander is here. If that is not fast enough for you, then what exactly do you want from us?" he says, just loudly enough for those nearby to hear, his expression grim and intense.

  25. - Top - End - #295
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    "There seems to be a heated discussion out there... I wonder... Allow me to leave you for a moment, Master Riftwarden." On a hunch, Elrembriel quickly retreats to the next room and out of earshot.

    "Si le doute me ronge
    Il me faut explorer
    Au-delà des mensonges
    De chacun les pensées..."

    Casting Detect Thoughts. Lasts for 6 min, Will DC17 to resist surface thought reading.

    She is only absent for an instant, and when she comes back, she takes advantage of her lithe frame to get through the crowd and nearer the entrance. She says nothing, but focuses on the many minds present in the area.

  26. - Top - End - #296
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    As Elrembriel returns, she focuses her spell on the main sources of discussion. As her gaze shifts from one speaker to another, a subtle voice seems to resonate in her brain.
    Spoiler: Elrembriel's spell

    Crusader in the hallway: "Can't see! Who's Frederick harassing now?
    Another: "Good thing we've got reliable guards!
    Filburn: No detectable thoughts (he passed the save)

    Frederick: "If these jokers think some parlor trick is gonna get 'em past me, they've got another thing comin', they do! <in an irritated tone> Is that runner comin' back? <worried> I hope Mistress Tirablade's alright!"

    Scout leader: "Blasted old fool. If he'd just get out of the damned way, we'd be free to leave the message and get some actual rest, maybe!"

    Worn soldier in leathers behind scout leader: "So bloody tired..." He yawns.

  27. - Top - End - #297
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkOne7141981 View Post
    "You need to confirm our righteousness? Are you a holy man, able to read a person's soul? If so, then peer into mine - you will find it wounded but honest. If that won't do, then you will have to wait until our commander is here. If that is not fast enough for you, then what exactly do you want from us?"
    Morevek sidles from his position just around the corner from the hallway junction, and in a manner reminiscent of a teacher reading text from a tome of learning intones, "If I gauge the crusader correctly, he and those of his order can with some effort and to some degree peer into the souls of those whom they encounter." The tiefling continues his uncannily graceful movements, nimbly dodging the dispersing members of the impromptu crowd to reach near the front of the group. "As a result, I don't doubt that he will see past the... more questionable of my features in determining whether I am friend or foe." As the tiefling speaks, his clawed tail snakes upward to comb through the pale-skinned magus's ebony hair, the innocent-seeming gesture making more evident the small horns that are usually concealed therein.

    "Likewise," he continues, "the mere fact that he can gauge such intentions in this manner suggests that we can expect no ill intent. I suggest that patience, and Irabeth's impending arrival should resolve any continuing misunderstanding." The tiefling falls silent, his gaze resting expectantly on the leader of the new arrivals.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  28. - Top - End - #298
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
    "I appreciate what you're trying to do, son, but I'm on strict orders from the Queen personally. I'm not to speak my message to any other than the current leader of the Eagle Watch, and only then after confirming his righteousness." After a few heartbeats, he shakes his head to the negative, despite a glance that suggests he was considering the offer. "Can't do it," he reiterates.

    Meanwhile, Frederick eyes Filburn oddly. "Already sent a runner. Just waiting on his report, and the fellows here got all uppity and impatient on me." With a nod of his head to indicate the clearly fatigued scouts, Frederick crosses his arms once more.
    "Of course, I understand," Waylan says, placatingly. "Captain, the commander is on her way. When she arrives we will hear what you have to say together. In the meantime, - you there! Bring these men food and drink from the kitchens!" He sends a few of the onlookers back on an errand to the kitchen and then begins to conjure water to refill the soldier's waterskins. "We can at least slake your thirst while you wait - I'm certain it won't be long, now."

    Spoiler: Diplomacy
    Maybe I'll have to invest more in this skill now that we lack any Charisma-focused PCs
    Spoiler: Active characters
    Waylan, Kestros and Auspice (Wrath of the Righteous)

    Lydia (Age of Worms - loot tracking)

  29. - Top - End - #299
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    Scanning the room quickly, Elrembriel is able to reassure herself that nothing untoward is taking place - this seems to be a disagreement between testy, but honorable people. She raises her sibilant voice over the din of the crowd.

    "Gentlemen, my friend Waylan here is right. We have nothing here but men and women who are trying their best to do their duty. In these testing times, let's keep the unity of all decent folk, and not have needless disputes among ourselves, shall we?"

    Blushing, self-consciously trying to hide her scar behind a lock of hair, she looks anxiously around for any sight of Irabeth.

    Prescience (1d20)[11], and if 10 or better, use instead of the roll for Diplomacy below.
    Diplomacy (1d20)[4] to aid Waylan (DC10 for a +2 to his check).
    Last edited by Gwynfrid; 2018-07-19 at 10:32 PM.

  30. - Top - End - #300
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bink's WotR part 2: The Gray Garrison and beyond!

    When Morevek steps forward, the leading scout glares in surprise. He makes no immediate movement, instead opting to listen to the magus' words. His eyes narrow, laying bare his suspicion, as once more they take on the familiar sheen of a paladin detecting evil. The tension seems to stop building, but doesn't much lessen as a result of the glance. Almost under his breath, the man mutters "There are... limitations." His gaze doesn't leave Morevek for long, despite his discussion with Waylan.

    The priest and Elrembriel, however, despite their relative inexperience at social navigation, manage to hit on an interesting tact. The two directed onlookers, giddy at having caught the eye of one of their apparent saviors, are quick to dash to the kitchen and carry out Waylan's orders as best they are able. In only a few moments they return with four bowls- one for each of the weary travelers. Waylan's ministrations in the meantime are met with quiet nods of thanks and noisy gulps. One is forced to wonder when the last time was they had cool, fresh water.

    Finally, Elrembriel's words seem to have their most noteworthy impact on Frederick. He maintains his grim posture, but his expression softens somewhat. Where it looked like he may have barred the two refugees from carrying bowls to the newcomers, he begrudgingly steps aside. "'Spose they know the risks," he mutters as they pass. The four men manage graciousness despite the unorthodox situation, and while the leader remains uneasy, he gives leave to the three in his charge to lay their gear down and eat. For himself, he politely declines, saying simply "I would prefer to wait."

    Perhaps fortunately, he does not have to wait long. While his three companions are still eating, Irabeth arrives from the back of the crowd, dressed the part of the regent, but not girded for combat in any meaningful way. Despite this, Radiance hangs at her hip, glowing faintly in the dim hallway. "What in the Inheritor's name is going on here?" she demands. "This hallway is to be kept clear precisely in case of situations like this!" Still, the words are good natured, if hard. Under her not unkind but stern gaze, the crowds disperse quickly, leaving only the crusaders on duty with Frederick, the scouts, and the party (specifically requested to stay by Irabeth) standing amidst the doorway to Defender's Heart.

    Irabeth steps out, clapping Frederick on the shoulder. "You did well, Frederick. For now, I think you and your men have earned a brief reprieve..." The two meet eyes meaningfully, and Frederick knows a polite order when he hears one. "You heard her, boys. Take twenty in the common room." The echoing peals of steel on stone mark their departure. Only then does Irabeth turn to the scout. She reaches out a hand. "May I see the insignia, good sir?" As the man offers the item, Irabeth inspects it carefully.

    She seems to find what she's looking for, as she suddenly kneels, bowing her head also in abject submission to the man's authority. "I apologize most profusely for my man's behavior. I hope you will understand our caution; many things have not been as they seem of late, and the safety of my charges is of the utmost import." She falls silent, head still lowered.

    Spoiler: OOC
    This pause in character will be brief, but I need to sleep and thought I would give you the opportunity to read and post brief reactions, if you so chose.

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