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  1. - Top - End - #1471
    Ogre in the Playground
    remetagross's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Re: City of Sinister Delights IC 3

    Alarmed, Sharkun keeps close to the High Priestess as he does not want a single word of what she is saying to be missed.
    "Your Highness, what are you trying to say? How come you can not help yourself? Cannot I? And what did happen the night before I arrived-"

    It is then that Sharkun quickly seizes the falling woman. A servant comes in, and leaves? Not coming for help?

    Sharkun cannot refrain a cry of horror at her liege's agony. He presses her hands into his and pours magical healing through them.
    "Wee Jas, help your humble Priestess!! Your Highness, what have they done to you?"
    Sharkun raises to his feet and shouts for help as loudly as he can - not leaving Na'wa's side.
    The dwarf scans his surroundings intently - now is not the time to leave the room himself and leave Na'wa unprotected - all the while squeezing her hand and keeping to whisper to her:
    "Your Highness, hold on! Hold on for Wee Jas'sake !"

    Spoiler: OOC

    Convert a 3rd level spell into Cure Serious Wounds.
    Use Detect Evil all around the room.
    VC XV, The horsemen are drawing nearer: The Alien and the Omen (part 1 and part 2).
    VC XVI, Burn baby burn:Nero
    VC XVIII, This is Heresy! Torquemada
    VC XX, Elder Evil: Henry Bowyer

    And a repository of deliciously absurd sentences produced by maddened optimisers in my extended signature

  2. - Top - End - #1472
    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Lima, Peru

    Default Re: City of Sinister Delights IC 3

    @Travis: Raikou might compare the fine art of scroll scribing to watching paint dry...

    But as your quill finishes its job and you close the brand new Boccobite Book, you can rest easy, knowing that what the halfling may refer to as Hellish boredom, will very much mean your salvation from Hell itself.

    You shake hands with your old mentor, once again uncertain of how you will end up back here, if ever at all. Rusty and the others plan to take the fight to Alexia... again.

    And given your latest attempt to murder them under her control, who knows if you can guarantee success this time for Team Travis and the Concerned Citizens Brigade, but someone has to put that monster down, since nobody here either knows or wants to take action.

    And who can blame them? Brightest Mind in Halmathan, after all. Super genius kinder who not only got most of your friends killed, but those that weren't, turned into abominable monsters...

    And that includes you.

    So a tad refreshing it is to not only meet up with Rusty again, but to know that you won't be heading to her domain again. Oh, no...

    You're leaving the City and heading to Karyllyn's Mine, across The Badlands...

    How bad can that be, right?

    @Sharkun: What have they done to Na'wa!?

    There is no wound on her, but that she in pain is very clear to you, as you help the High priestess of Wee Jas onto the couch and watch her collapse in your arms, unable to speak and seemingly in a high fever.

    A servant has noticed this...and done nothing, as you channel your own power by calling out for help and immediately the sound of heavy metal boots can be heard down the hallway as Connor's Royal Guards walk in with the servant in tow.

    "The Jasidian Priestess will be better attended in her alcove. Take her away.""

    These guys just muscle in, shoving you aside as one carries her as delicately as a woman of her status ought to be carried while another looks at the servant.

    "Make sure she gets soup and a nice cup of tea. As for you, Sharkun son of Thrazir..""

    The Royal Guard squints his eyes as the servant bows and retreats while your mistress is carried away.

    ".. you have a duty to uphold to His Holiness. Best get moving. And a reminder that Magic is prohibited to the likes of you and her. Yes, even in the Royal Palace Grounds. Let this be your first and only warning, dwarf."

    @Rusty: Piss poor wizards.

    So none of them are willing to help? Fine! There has yet to be something that cannot be fixed without a good conversation and your Hammer has been silent for a few days already.

    And just to calm everyone down, you get Raikou and Travis back to the Den, but notice no Elizabeth or Sharkun around, as you mention your plans to Corwin.

    "Karyllyn's Mine? I must say, that's... that's a long trip. I have read the documents regarding the mine, but I know as much as you. For now.

    I have a feeling you and the others will be finding out a lot more once you get there. I have never ventured to The Badlands before, so I guess this is a first... for everyone.

    Be safe out there, okay? Don't act careless. As always, exercise extreme caution... and keep me posted of what you're doing.""

    Sasha gives you a hug and a kiss as she strokes your fiery beard.

    "You give whatever's out there hell, you hear me? Don't go dying on us. Not again.""

    Corwin looks at Ross' room and shakes his head while William keeps stuffing his mouth with whatever gruel he carries.

    "He's doing some Communing of his own. Making sure to somehow help in your trip. If he learns anything, I will let you know. As for Sharkun?

    Probably with his Priestess. he is a bodyguard, after all.

    And Elizabeth left with you, but she has not returned. Don't tell me you left her alone in the City, Hannibal...""

    @Elizabeth: No wonder they offered a transport fee at an extra cost...

    Cornelius Rust, the mule you can trust, is positively petrified, as you find yourself lost in a maze of names and lines as you try and make heads and toes of the City map. Locked for fifteen years below ground... of course they were going to build all over the place. Your job back then was to be a caretaker for the Ashfords, not a driver. Definitely not an animal handler, either.

    The clamoring of the urban crowd doesn't help. You may be singing a tune, but there's is vitriolic, even life threatening before the Eye in the Sky looms above you all and the mob grows silent as you look up at the metal whale chugging black smoke and mention your intent of moving... if only Rust here would move!

    And of course, it doesn't take long for a couple of City Guards to move like sharks around the crammed vehicles and approach your cart.

    "Say... what do we have here? Looks like someone's disrupting the peace, isn't she?""

    The other guard takes out a baton and taps Cornelius' rump.

    "And herding wild beasts in the streets, too! These are uhh... feral, right? Yeah, them feral donkeys they mentioned the other day. Dangerous indeed... vicious.""

    The other guard strokes his beard and smiles greedily.

    "Oh yeah! Can't have a monster like that prowling the streets. I think we are going to have to charge the uhh... Feral Entity Obedience Tax? You know, for your safety...and that of the good people here. So, let's go around back and we can get your papers in order and...""

    It's a deeper voice that causes both guards to stand at attention as a large half orc walks around the corner, towering over everyone:

    "That's a mule, you jackassess. Don't you have better things to do?"

    "C...C..Captain Wulfur! We thought you were...""

    "In retirement? Scram..."

    Now this guy makes Rusty look like you on a bad day. A towering hulk that sends both crooks away with a mere glance as he pets the mule and gives you a wink.

    "Don't mind walking a bit? Mules scare easily out here. It's the cars... and the sky. Now let's get your mule in here and...""

    Cornelius gulps as Captain Wulfur puts the mule on top of the cart and then raises this one over his head, casting both a shadow as Cornelius Rust looks from above and is paraded around Halmathan like a new King, taking to the alleys and shortcuts as the immense half orc walks with you as far as he can towards your point of destination and lowers the cart at the entrance to the check points, with Rust slightly dizzy from the ride.

    "This is as far as I go, madam. I don't know if they are letting carts and mules in, but sadly, this is the most I can do. Have a nice day...and take care of your mule.""

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