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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    Usagi has swallowed her tears.
    If Kimiko took it bad,Usagi took it terribly.
    She messed up her hair, to hide her eyes.

    Usagi cried and trained all night, pushing and punishinf herself, until she collapsed few hours before dawn, to a very disturbed sleep.
    "I will defeat you one day Kazuo! Not even your stupid karma will make me helpless ever again!" She cried into the space of the forest.

    The pale eyed shinobi of the leaf has visited her dream. He tore apart everyone she knew, and didn't forgotten enough that they hage existed at all.
    She tried to fight him, but he touched her hands, and numbed them.
    Usagi tried to summon Yojimbo, but no one came.
    The dream ended up with the pale eyed shinobi piercing her forehead with his bare finger.
    It wasn't the pain. It wasn't the death which horrified.
    It was the fact she was so damn helpless.
    Ishikawa Manor

    Nozojo looked exausted, holding an empty cup with dusty remains of coffee dark as his secrets, which he went out with,and has forgotten he held it.
    It was akward to go back, just to put a small cup back, so he just walked around with it, with an aura of confidence.
    He knocked.
    It's time to build Jirou's respect by the important members of the village.
    His mom should be a good start.
    --------- to Usagi*
    Odayama's refrence.

    Usagi arrive relativly in time. But she looks a mess.
    Even dirtier then after the battle, her pony tails replaced with messy hair, which sort of cover her eyes.
    Her usual lively rebeling energy is now more... bitter.
    "Eh? I never seen you around the academy! Who the hell are you?' She point at Senko rather rudely.

    With a small late, Odayama arrive.
    He has lazy chill attitude, wearing today his chunnin vest over his hermit like* clothes.
    "Yo, girls. Mubona seemed quite smug this morning. Are you alright?" He ask, and then handing over three small packages of candies.
    Usagi look away groaning.
    "Uh. That bad?' He sigh.
    He blink.
    "Oh. Good morning little Miss.' He say to Senko.
    He look between the new girl and the scroll.
    "....The Ottokage really think be can push me around...' he strech and yawn.
    "Well, he is correct." He bow his head a little.
    "Good morning Senko-san.' He say calmly.
    "Let's hang out and have fun, shall we?"

    Senko probably know that Odyama is the husband of the Anbu commander, who with her own determination started new Kekkei Genkai, and Odayama's two daughters both have it.

    Odayama himself known as the "Slayer Sloth", known for his patience combined with long term determination.
    Rumors say, that as teen during the indepdence war, he has slain a Konoha Junin.

    *like Orichamaru and the sound four, rather the more militarstic style.
    Thanks for the OOTSkage of OOTS art, Lord Raziere.

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    Bazzilion legions of thanks to his highness Emperor Ing for the awesome avatar!

    Who want to join some freeform Naruto Rp?

  2. - Top - End - #242
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    She will answer the door opening it and going
    "Otokage-Sama. What brings you to my clan's abode? We usually do not have the honor of being graced with your presence."
    She will beckon him on in and sit them down to be a gracious host, as per custom.

    He wanted to be there to introduce Senko, to the group, but it seems like his meeting with Kikenna can't wait, meeting up with her at a tea cafe, a less popular one that is out of the way, known as Shade Tea Cafe. A perfect place for meetings like this.
    Jirou sits down. So does Kikenna, both regarding each other, Jirou as quietly and still as ever and Kikenna lounging about seductively with a grin on her face.
    "So you have you called me here, handsome."
    Kikenna begins
    "Your letter was quite interesting. A marriage proposal, but not out of love. Said you had something else to offer me, something which I desire above all. Tell me: what is it, luv?"
    "I am chosen to be the next Otokage. While you would not be receiving the position, you'll have the ear of the one who will. Your influence over my decisions, over what I hold important to change will be unparalleled.
    It will not be absolute- I will make sure that I screen all your ideas past my own reasoning and the reality of the situation- but you will be in a position to hold me towards implementing changes that others might not want. It will be the closest thing to becoming Otokage you'll have yourself."

    "Interesting, and why pick little ol' me over someone who isn't called....crazy was it? Inelegant? Unrefined? Controversial? To use the polite terms?"
    "Because your views on the shinobi world are unusual if not unique. I daresay they might even ahead of their time. If was to marry someone more normal or safe, all they would care for is upholding the same things that were always upheld, consciously or not. So tell me...what do you think of this world, Kikenna?"
    "Hahahaha! I think that the shinobi system is bull. I think that people should be allowed to marry whomever they want regardless of that stupid old man says, I think the clans only uphold the system that leads to war, that the Sage of the Six Paths was a one-eyed man in the land of the blind and so was Hashirama! I think we should stop teaching children to kill each other, I think the whole pseudo-feudal collectivist-militarist ideology that this world runs on should die in a fire! I think that if we don't do something soon, war is inevitable and we need to take active steps to prevent it, not just sit around waiting for some stupid genin we call something stupid like "The Hope Generation" to do it! I think we should no longer be ruled by feudal lords, I think we should make love not war, I think people should be taught to think for themselves, to be free, to be individuals, I think all humans are created equal, that village, clan and so on divisions are all bull, I think that we should stop lying, stop keeping secrets, start talking to each other, I think that we need better psychiatrists, and I think we need to get some freaking ninshuu up in here to get some understanding on. And I'm willing to kill, lie cheat and steal to make that happen, like ninja would, even burn anything in my way for this. I believe in being the last monster the world will ever need so no one else becomes one.

    That, beautiful, is what I believe."

    "Perfect. Thats exactly what I'm looking for. I need someone radical like you to remind what direction I should be going, even if I have to moderate your crazier ideas. Where shall we begin?"

    Spoiler: Kimiko's Dream

    There is blackness. She sees Jirou looking at her and turning away. The brother who had kept her company all her life when all others were cold. Snow fills the world. She runs after Jirou trying to get at him through the snow only for him to disappear when he is touch, replaced by Kazuo punching her in the face and that nausea, pain, the disorientation to come over her again and black to take her, to feel herself falling down, down down deep within herself until she reaches a place with stars as she feels angry over her defeat. Why did that happen, Why....then she hears a voice. A dark, infinite voice sounding out:

    Then she bolts awake, panting. That dream was so vivid. Dream was right. That was a fluke, but she needed to be better prepared, better trained, better everything. Fight smarter, be stronger. She needs more Jutsu. More.

    But no one could train her today. she has to have this mission. No matter. Its all an opportunity to prove herself.
    To grow stronger, better, faster. She stands in front of Senko, crossing her arms as Yuyuyu says
    "Hi Senko! Glad to see you again. Hey, you remember her from yesterday right, Kimiko?"
    "....Yes she has given things for me to think about. As long as she doesn't slow us down, I'm fine with it. Your theories are interesting regardless and I'd be interested in talking about them as soon as possible after the mission. That thief will not escape me, Kimiko Ishikawa."
    She seems more focused today. More...motivated to succeed. Less boastful, her loss still fresh in her mind.
    "Is this about your loss yester-"
    "Yes, shut up. I don't need your pity."
    "...Okay then."
    Looks she is going to be a little short with her today. Kimiko accepts the candy silently and then says "thanks" tersely. While Yuyuyu thanks Odayama warmly. Yuyuyu turns to Senko
    "Anyways Senko, these two are still stung from losing a fight from yesterday? I'd appreciate your patience and we should probably make sure they don't trip over each other trying to catch the thief out of competitiveness or something."
    Kimiko only grunts at this.
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".

  3. - Top - End - #243
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    Senko: Do The Thing

    ...she's being made to do missions. She only has one response for that.

    "Damn it!" followed by a few moments of hateful muttering about how important her research is.

    For a brief second, it looks like Senko's eyes are black where they should be white.

    Then she raises a hand, takes a deep breath, and breathes out. "Sorry. If w are going to do this... I suppose a formal introduction:"

    "My name is Senko. My Clan does not have a surname... I am an orphan, I have been on my own for four years... I have got cousins out there somewhere but I have never met them, we are not the 'live in a singular compound' type of clan."

    "I am originally from a small village on the border with fire-country called Dobuita due to the prominent drainage ditch... Lots of rain, flooded easily... It is not there anymore, I do not like talking about it."

    They may or may not know that the village in question was destroyed four years ago with only a handful of survivors. One of them mentioned a rampaging Oni.

    "I did not attend the academy... I am a genin the same way that a Special Jonin is a Jonin, basically: I do not meet the strict qualifications but I have been determined to be able to handle the responsibility so I get promoted for legal reasons. I am mostly a researcher actually, studying the interaction between our genes and biology and chakra: Imagine a world where every Sound Ninja has superhuman hearing, feline traits, paper release, and Dead Bone Pulse. That is what I would be trying to do if the Clans were not such bastards about hoarding knowledge... No offense intended, but seriously, everyone knows that designer genes are a better fit. Mostly I assist the other researchers in whatever they are working on that may benefit from my area of expertise. I am not at liberty to disclose what that is, however."

    "I do not really have any hobbies. When I am not researching professionally I am researching and theorizing for my own benefit."

    "My favorite foods are teriyaki ramen and wild deer. I hate plain white rice."

    "I also hate shoes. They are uncomfortable and make it so that I can not feel the ground beneath my feet. Did you know that the synthetic caps at the end of the laces of civilian shoes are called aglets? Their true purpose is most sinister."

    "My dream for the future is... A far off pipe-dream. I will settle for getting my chakra control to the pint that I can learn my clan's Sage Mode."

    she adds as an afterthought. "I can also rearrange my body's cells into whatever shape I can imagine thanks to my clan's 'kekkei genkai.' "

    She airquotes kekkei genkai.

    "I have already met Kimiko-san and Yuyuyu-san, but I have not been properly introduced to you," she finishes by offering a hand to Usagi.
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

    Read my fanfiction here. Homebrew Material Here Rater Reads the Hobbit and Dracula
    Awesome Avatar by Emperor Ing
    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
    Falling star
    You soar your
    Way down the air
    To the floor
    Where my other

  4. - Top - End - #244
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    The Second Ottokage

    Nozojo bow his head slightly, and say 'Yo.' casually.
    He wasn't of noble born, and anyway, his easy going'ness' was most of charm.

    'Good morning, Mitsuko-san. Scary and beautiful as always.'
    With another bow he take a seat.
    'Well, did Jirou-kun has informed you about his new duty?' Nozojo has asked, and placed the akward damn cup on the table.
    with enough luck, he can forget it here.

    Team 3

    Odayama nod, and smile.
    'Well, welcome to the team! I wasn't raised like you, but it seems our techniques have a similar premise, Senko-chan. But I am sure, that in few years you will surpass me with ease!' he say encouragingly.
    'I see myself more of a guide, then of a Captain. I am simply more exprienced. I am a bit clumsy, and my wife and daughters are terrifiyng monsters, and I love them the way they are.'
    after a pause.
    'But laundary with fur is the worst thing. I wouldn't even wish this for Konoha.' he laugh a bit.

    Usagi is a bit more grim.
    'I am Usagi!' she say, trying to return to her usual energy.
    'I don't remember my family, and I don't care! I was trained in the Rabbit Kingdom, and I will never let myself to be helpless again!' she make a fist.
    'my hobby is to train and win!'
    Thanks for the OOTSkage of OOTS art, Lord Raziere.

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    Bazzilion legions of thanks to his highness Emperor Ing for the awesome avatar!

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  5. - Top - End - #245
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    "It is nice to meet you, Usagi-san... Rabbit Kingdom, you say? Is there a... Rabbit Sage?" Senko asks with a raised eyebrow.
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

    Read my fanfiction here. Homebrew Material Here Rater Reads the Hobbit and Dracula
    Awesome Avatar by Emperor Ing
    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
    Falling star
    You soar your
    Way down the air
    To the floor
    Where my other

  6. - Top - End - #246
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    "It is nice to meet you, Usagi-san... Rabbit Kingdom, you say? Is there a... Rabbit Sage?" Senko asks with a raised eyebrow.
    "Sage?" Usagi pause.
    "Well. There is the queen. She can slay enemies from within their own memories. She gave me hope, and took away my useless memories.' Usagi explain.
    "But I am not sure what you mean by Sage...' she rub the back of her head.
    "I wasn't paying attention at theoritic stuff.'
    Thanks for the OOTSkage of OOTS art, Lord Raziere.

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    Bazzilion legions of thanks to his highness Emperor Ing for the awesome avatar!

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  7. - Top - End - #247
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    Senko blinks. She is not going to say that the Rabbit Queen sounds terrifying and that Usagi's admittance to not remember her family and not care about it coupled with the Rabbit Queen taking away her memories sounds like she's being exploited, but she is certainly thinking it.

    "...A sage is someone who can use Senjutsu. There is a surplus of naturally occurring energy in the atmosphere, and some people have learned to take this energy into themselves and use it to supplement their chakra. Technically, I could be considered a Sage becuase my 'kekkei genkai,'" she air quotes it again, "works in part by taking in this energy but for the most part, only someone who has achieved 'Sage Mode,' a state where one has so much accumulated 'sage chakra' that they entered a higher state of being that enhance their physical attributes and sensory abilities several times over."

    "My clan, due to our unique physiology and genetic traits, can achieve it, with some effort, without guidance and the Senju Clan seem to likewise have some means of learning it without outside help, but otherwise in order to become a Sage, a human needs to train with one of the nature spirits or extra-dimensional beings collectively known as a summoned animal. However, not every group of summoned animals has a Sage who can teach outsiders."

    "I was simply inquiring if the Rabbit Kingdom had such a being. From my research into senjutsu, they are usually either the leader of the clan of summoned animals or else a greatly respected elder. Sometimes both."

    "...Oh, it is also highly risky and not everyone can do it and if you don't have my "kekkei genkai" then you are at risk of permanently mutating into an animal and/or turning to stone if you screw it up."
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

    Read my fanfiction here. Homebrew Material Here Rater Reads the Hobbit and Dracula
    Awesome Avatar by Emperor Ing
    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
    Falling star
    You soar your
    Way down the air
    To the floor
    Where my other

  8. - Top - End - #248
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    She blinks and raises an eyebrow
    "No, he has not. What, is there some project I should know about? I don't see how thats any of my concern, that foolish boy seems to work better without my guidance, nor is it worth my time to guide him."
    She says a little dismissively. How could she ever teach a child the jutsu that this family relies upon when he didn't have the kekkei genkai for it? Better that he learn on his own, and that she spend her time focusing on Kimiko.

    Jirou asks
    "First, lets start small: the Ishikawa Clan. How would you go about changing it?"
    "Same thing I'd do with every cla handsomen, throw away all the old traditions, allow them to marry whomever they want, share their secrets to the world so that we freely figure out how they work."
    "That is all very dangerous. Releasing the secrets of their jutsu will allow others to figure out how to counter it. allowing them to marry too carelessly will thin the bloodline into uselessness and Paper Release would be lost, thus taking away from Sound's military power. You'd be dooming the clan to death. You see why I can't allow this?"
    "Your working on your strange little science experiments in that research facility right? Why can't you simply figure out a way to artificially produce the bloodline so people don't have to worry about who they marry?"
    "Its a possibility, but our technology isn't quite to the level of mapping the full human genome. It would be ideal to figure it out so that one could optimize the child before they are born so the clans can maintain military power without sacrificing love, but its not quite there yet. If we could do such a thing, the clans would be all over a method to more reliably produce clan prodigies, my mother would be one of the people who'd want it the most. A lot of research would have to be done. That and it turns out producing human beings is more like cooking than building a house. A lot of environmental factors and stages to it. A more realistic goal would be to start a gene donor bank, where clans can volunteer to donate their genes to make the process smoother and cut out the unnecessary marriage part. Perhaps provide economic incentive for doing so.

    While we can research such things, its also more realistic to allow all members of clans to take on a single concubine for the purposes of romance and love and one official spouse for the purposes of bloodline reproduction with the children of such a concubine having a defined legal status. Probably couple it with the gene donor bank to provide options..."

    She says
    "An interesting topic to be sure. Your actually both quite lucky to have your abilities so early in life. Between you two, I wouldn't be surprised if Usagi did get a Sage mode. Sure the physical benefits would be lesser due to the lack of legs, but it provides so many other benefits that its still worth it. While having a summoning pact at all while not rare, is indeed something that not every ninja can say, and being able to call upon other beings to help is quite powerful in general. Usagi could probably be quite a powerful ninja by just expanding the amount and variety of rabbits you can summon and figuring out which rabbit to use for what situation. But you could do even better than that, rely on no one tool in the arsenal as they say. we should probably figure out Usagi's and Yuyuyu's elemental affinity at some point, get them started early on figuring that out. For some reason most people don't learn that until they're Chuunin. I myself as someone who will one day acquire all jutsu, have to figure out how to summon everything, when getting even one pact will be hard enough."
    She crosses her arms in thought.
    "Anyways, we have a mission to do I believe..."
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".

  9. - Top - End - #249
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
    "Your working on your strange little science experiments in that research facility right? Why can't you simply figure out a way to artificially produce the bloodline so people don't have to worry about who they marry?"
    Senko suddenly sneezes.

    "Excuse me."
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
    She says
    "An interesting topic to be sure. Your actually both quite lucky to have your abilities so early in life. Between you two, I wouldn't be surprised if Usagi did get a Sage mode. Sure the physical benefits would be lesser due to the lack of legs, but it provides so many other benefits that its still worth it. While having a summoning pact at all while not rare, is indeed something that not every ninja can say, and being able to call upon other beings to help is quite powerful in general. Usagi could probably be quite a powerful ninja by just expanding the amount and variety of rabbits you can summon and figuring out which rabbit to use for what situation. But you could do even better than that, rely on no one tool in the arsenal as they say. we should probably figure out Usagi's and Yuyuyu's elemental affinity at some point, get them started early on figuring that out. For some reason most people don't learn that until they're Chuunin. I myself as someone who will one day acquire all jutsu, have to figure out how to summon everything, when getting even one pact will be hard enough."
    She crosses her arms in thought.
    "Anyways, we have a mission to do I believe..."
    "Yes... Lucky... The primary reason why nature transformation is restricted to Chunin is becuase it is a highly advanced form of chakra control, using chkara to directly manipulate natural elements, transform them directly into the element, or even into energy that is purely that element with its metaphysical properties is difficult for most people."

    "Assuming that your Paper Release is a true hybrid element, then such things would come more naturally to you than to others due to naturally having two very strong affinities and an intuitive understanding of how to manipulate them into a combined form with unique properties, so what would be a basic skill for you is more difficult for someone who lacks your inherent advantages: For example, my 'kekkei Genkai' gives me a strong advantage in Taijutsu and in learning Senjutsu, but I can not use ordinary ninjutsu or genjutsu at all and even Sage techniques are... Ask Yuyuyu-san what my version of the Clone Jutsu looks like."

    The mission requires them to be at the Cafe at 10: 30. If they leave now and proceed at a moderate pace they will arrive roughly half an hour early.
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

    Read my fanfiction here. Homebrew Material Here Rater Reads the Hobbit and Dracula
    Awesome Avatar by Emperor Ing
    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
    Falling star
    You soar your
    Way down the air
    To the floor
    Where my other

  10. - Top - End - #250
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    The Second Ottokage

    Nozojo laugh. "Haha. Is he THAT unlikable?" He looks at the cup of coffee, with an impossible for it to fill itself.
    Well, summoning hot water is possible, coffee beans would be a challenge- he blinked when he has realized he was lost in his thoughts.
    "Right. I have chosen him to be my assistant." Nozojo finally said.
    "I have big hopes for this one. But I'll need your help, if you agree of course. I have taken his trainings as my duty, but your support can make my life much much easier.' He say
    Usagi seemed to ponder about it.
    "Maybe? Usually in the battles against the wolves at the borders, if she arrived... Queen Nagaishi just played her harp, and who ever enemies we couldn't deal with just... stopped... functioning.' Usagi said.
    "Yojimbo-San, told me her claws can cut steel stone as easily as paper, but I never has seen her needing to do that."
    Usagi try to follow the conversation she wasn't really a book smart

    Odayama laugh.
    "Wow. Senko, you are pulling the nerd out of Kimiko -chan. I am impressed."

    *(reposting for rater, it's Usagi's past from six years ago. Rater seemed intrested in the background of stuff...
    I posted it, when Usagi used her final technique on Kimiko)
    Spoiler: The Tale Of The Rabbit Warrior With No Legs.

    Teen Yojimbo sighed, once again. The lump of his forehead still hurt. This crazy legless girl, surely knew how to throw pebbles.
    They were in a cozy room, simple but spacey and warm. The paper walls depicted Queen Nagaishi fend off a primodoral monstorsities and predatotr kings.
    Lanterns with the kanji for a rabbit.
    The girl stared without any expriession at the lanterns. She hasn't ate nor slept for days. Maybe she seen over and over the blood and flash rain in which she apeared in this realm.
    Yojimbo himself were shaken.
    He didn't knew what to do. This girl was a broken doll, with a sentient entity inside.
    Yojimbo KNEW this. When he reached for her, even as she bled to death she growled and fought like a beast. This rage and pain, could come only from a broken sentient mind.
    Yojimbo was helpless. Ever since he cleaned the little girl, and put her in this room she stopped moving and reacting to anything.
    He didn't knew the girl. She was from the alien specie, that sometimes, summoned his kind, but he felt obliged to be by her side. Yojimbo felt strange sense of respect to this legless girl.
    But she looked paler and paler, and she will probably waste away soon enough.
    And then he heard humming, getting nearer and nearer.
    Yojimbo already bowed deeply.
    In white mist a beautiful woman has entered the room.
    "Your highness... Nagaishi-Dono...' The young rabbit Samurai mumbled with awe.
    "Rise up, Yojimbo-Chan.' The queen said with a sweet voice of honey collected under the moonshine.
    "Your Master say, that you are negleting your trainings for a 3 days. It's because of this human. Isn't it?' She has asked, her left paw opened up, exposing set of tiny claws. Fools wouldn't think much of it. But Yojimbo knew, those claws tore rock and metal as easilly as it tore paper. He was worried.

    "Yes. She is very hurt. I barely have stopped the bleeding. She hasn't moved. I can't just... leave her like this.' Yojimbo said with folded ears.
    'Do you think we are a monastic order? That charity is one of our sacred duties?' Nagaishi has asked, and hopped silent as blank dreams toward the broken shell of the girl, almost floating.
    Yojimbo felt his heart sink down.
    "We aren't anything more then tools for the humans. There is no reason for us, to treat them diffrently. And this tool is broken and wasting your time.' She explained as if, answering to his rebelliouse thoughts.
    Nagaishi, raised her paw to slash the girl, who didn't seemed to even notice her.

    "NO!' Yojimbo jumped and drawn his sword in defensive stance between his queen and the alien child.
    Nagaishu stopped, tilting her head, with a dangerouse smile.
    "No? How... intresting.' She placed her paw over his heart. "You still fear and respect me, and yet resist me. What give you such a courage?'
    Yojimbo shook. "...I just feel this isn't fair. She IS a fighter. She lived through hell. She can be a great warrior!"
    Nagaishu smiled. "How curiouse. Let's see.' She summoned from the mist a harp. "I'll heal her mind."

    "I thought you.. aren't doing chairty.' Yojimbo panted.
    "I am not. This is an investment. It will be up to her, if to succumb to numbness, or to live and fight."
    [Little Girl's mindscape]
    Little girl sat and sobbed. Rain of blood kept raining, and she was all soaked in blood. This blood was her father, mother, siblings and herself.
    And she was the cause of this rain.
    Blood. Flash. This is what remained of everyone.
    And then.... she has heard this beautiful music. And a pretty bunny in blue robes has appeared.
    The rain stopped all of the sudden.
    The little girl has raised her eyes. "Ah. Well, you haven't lost ALL of your sanity. Good." The pretty bunny said with a smile, which the girl interperted as friendly.
    The girl didn't answered staring.
    "Well... here are your options.' A black hole apeared behind the girl.
    It was an endless pit, but seemed... comftroable. Clean. The girl was so tired.
    "You can let go. This is the pit bliss. You won't be you, anymore. You already have thrown to there so much of yourself, you should stop tear yourself and simply jump into there. You will forget everything, and won't be you. No more blood rain. What do you say?'

    The girl looked back. It seems, that there, her family were happy. They even called her name happily, all while the lullaby in the background clearing this hellish mindscape.
    The girl, started crawling there, sending hand to the reaching hands of her loved ones.
    She stopped all of the sudden. "What the other option?'
    The pretty bunny smiled, and gestured toward a battle scene. Unending battle scene, with bloody weapons everyhwere. "To remain torn, and go for unending battle. You will probably will never be at peace. And you will serve ME."
    It seemed so hard and impossible. There were no compassion. Only unending struggle. Behind her family offered an unending comfort with them. They called again and again her old name with love and care.
    She started to turn back
    But for a moment took a look into the pretty bunny's white eyes.
    They were mocking her. She could read them. "Come on, little girl. Dissapear."
    And as she thought that, the pale eyed man apeared in the zone of the unending struggle. "You already half dead. You are ugly. Die already." He said softly.

    "#$%# please don't!" Her mother begged.
    A spear has apeared in the girl's hand, and she flew forward, letting her past succumb into obivlion.
    She stabbed the pale man, and blood again showered her. But now, it felt good.
    "You are just little helpless girl! You can't do that!" The pale eyed man said with a statisfying horror.
    "I can do anything! I never helpless!" And the little girl murdered him over and over with new weapon each time.

    The pretty bunny has tilted her head with an amused grin. "So, Yojimbo-Chan's instincts were right." She wishpered. "With such spirit your body is just a minor detail."

    Yojimbo barely held himself awake. Of course, he knew, that if the Queen would have wished him asleep he would have been.
    The girl eyes closed. Forever? Yojimbo wondered with a worry and dissapointment.
    The girl's eyes suddenly have opened. Focused. Fierce. Her eyes teared, and she smiled. Her belly rumbled with hunger.
    Nagaishu, petted her forehead. 'What is your name little one?'
    The girl looked confused for a moment. Name?
    It mattered so little. She looked again at the lamp carrying the kanji.
    "Usagi." She said.

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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    "...Was that intended as a compliment, Odayama-sensei? Maybe we should just get going?"

    Early is better than nothing.

    Assuming that there are no objections, you get going to the destination.

    "Kimiko-san?" Senko asks on the way. "May I trouble you and ask exactly why it is that you want to learn all Jutsu?"
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    You are a meteor
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    She considers the Otokage's question and begins noblewoman laughing
    "Oooohohohoho! Otokage, you can't be serious. Him? Your assistant and therefore grooming him to be your successor? Is this one of his little ploys to grab at our attention by spiting us?"
    She leans back
    "Trust me Otokage that child despite his seeming obedience, wants nothing more than to make it all about him and his problems. Thinks he knows whats best for everyone around him and is obsessed with protecting his little sister to an unhealthy degree. You could do better than choose him."

    Jirou and Kikenna:
    "Will I get to teach Kimiko?"
    "Of course, I assume you want to fill her head with your own radical ideas? I'm okay with that. She needs someone to help break her out of the noble clan mindset she's been living in all this time."
    "That get her to think for herself in general. And genjutsu? fire jutsu? poisons?"
    "Yes, yes but probably wait until she gets Earth and Water down first, maybe she seems only interested in actual- chakra based jutsu."
    "....Seduction te-"
    "Why, handsome? She is a kunoichi and already cute, she is probably going to be a beauty when she is older and kunoichi got to use our...natural... advantage to help win. Its apart of how we've operated for centuries."
    "Again. No. First of all, you are not turning my sister into a seductive infiltrator. Second of all she would be bad at it. She is a nerd, and have you seen Kirigakure kunoichi try that sort of thing with their shark teeth? Makes the more intelligent and valuable marks evade them for fear of what may happen if they....bite down."
    "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! aaaaaaah, thats hilarious."
    "Feel free to teach genjutsu and seduction to Yuyuyu though, she'd probably make it work."

    "You can't even do the clone jutsu right, makes sense given that your a chakraless won-"
    Yuyuyu gives her a slight slap on the shoulder as if to say "no!" and she stops
    She thinks about Senko's question as she walks
    "Why? Well its like....chakra is there, right? and we don't know everything about it. And there is so much potential to it. So its like, I'm filled with this insatiable curiosity to figure out everything that can be done with it. What if I did this? What if I did that?"
    Her eyes begin to shine with this manic glee, while a wide shark grin spread across her face
    "How does it all work? What are the limits? The applications? Could I use genjutsu to communicate with a deaf person? what is the true power of space-time jutsu? How much of the legends are true? Is Ninshuu something real and if found what can it be used for? Are there similarities across various techniques that can be used to figure out something greater or deeper? could I invent goggles to replicate chakra-seeing of dojutsu? can I make a ninja kite then put wind seals on it to make it fly? What is the true power of Yin-yang release? What can I create? How can I tinker with all this? What can be modified? How far can I take this, and can I take it even further? Just think of the applications! Think of what could be explored! It doesn't matter who calls me mad, or who wants to deny secrets to me...

    I want to know, and every jutsu I learn builds a picture of all chakra. A mosaic if you will, that will add up to a view of all chakra, of all jutsu and all it can do, a framework that takes it all into that when I look upon it, I will know what can be done.....and perhaps maybe after that? figure out what I should do with such a picture. Though admittedly its nice just to play around with new techniques and jutsu in general, experiment for the sake of experimenting, learn for the sake of learning, even if I haven't had enough time to do it lately with all thats been going on. Between that duel, Futlity-san and the clan at home....well nevermind. Point is, I want to see what there is to see, Senko. I want to collect every jutsu to see how they work with my own eyes, I want to shout "eureka!" and go "huh thats funny" when I see something strange, I want to know what can be done, I want to examine and analyze! I want to invent and innovate! I want to collect, compare, contrast, I want to rip off the veils of ignorance and see the truth of chakra!


    Also maybe some low key desires for godhood, but that is all scientists, right?
    "Kimiko why are you noblewoman laughing?"
    She stops
    "....whaa? I thought everyone laughed like this..."
    "...No one laughs that way, why would you think that?"
    "Because mother keeps laughing like that...."
    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2020-04-27 at 07:46 PM.
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    Well, that would be a red flag.

    "...If your mother ever says or does something that makes you feel unsafe in your own home, you are welcome to hide from her in my apartment. I only have the one futon but it's a king-size. My only rules are that you do not read any journals you find laying around without permission, that you do not interrupt me when I am attending to the maintenance of my feet, and that if I tell you to drop everything and run for your life, you do not stop or ask questions, you just run. I can not possibly stress the importance of the last one enough."

    Senko doesn't expect Kimiko to ever take her up on that but makes plans to buy proper pajamas just in case.

    "...That said: I understand you completely. After hearing that, my true dream, my far off pipe dream, seems a little less silly. I have... Theories. Theories about the true nature of the Sage of the Six Paths. Theories about what happens if someone manages to achieve perfect mastery of nature transformation, to the point of being able to reflexively produce pure elemental chakra of all five basic elements. And one theory..."

    "Every form of Sage Mode is different. My clan's form is different from the Senju's which is different from the Toads which is different from the Snake's which is different from the Slug's which is different from the monkey's which is different from the Sharks and those are the only ones I know of. There are differences, sometimes subtle and sometimes extreme, between the effects and every style of Senjutsu has subtle and extreme differences in how it's applied."

    "I believe that each form of Senjutsu is merely a fraction or reflection of the True Senjutsu. My dream is to achieve perfect mastery of all forms of Sage Mode and combine them into a single state of being. If my theory is correct, then I'll have achieved a state where I am simultaneously harmoniously one with nature but also its master, free to walk among breasts without being harassed by predators or dance atop a mountain during a thunderstorm without fear of being struck by lightning... To swim the oceans during a hurricane. Able to commune with all things, connected to the Cosmos itself. There would be nothing I could not do and I would achieve an enlightened state where I could learn the Secrets of All Things."

    Senko smiles serenely.

    "And if I am wrong I would still be the single greatest Sage who ever lived, excepting perhaps the Six Paths..."

    "...But that is still a pipe dream. If I can mend the imbalance that hampers my chakra control, I will be able to learn my own Clan's Sage Mode and, if I am fortunate, that of a single summoned animal clan... And perhaps the Senju, should I marry into the clan. Senjutsu is not something that can simply be stolen by spiriting away some scroll. excepting the form granted by my 'kekkei genkai' all Sage Modes require specialized training and ovesight."
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    The Second Ottokage

    Nozojo smile with a sigh
    Oi, oi. Is my fame as a troll that great? It won't help me, from beyond the grave. I won't troll you over who is going to be my succesor' he sigh.

    'Can I? Like who? Ameoku Nekazuko?' he shake his head.
    Before he will defend his choice... he wanted to hear what his mother had to say. He is pausing.


    Odayama nod.
    'Yes. It was.' he said, walking behind, whistling idly.

    Usagi seemed hyped.
    'Senjutsu? Sage?' her smile widen.
    'I bet I will master it before any of you!; she said daringly.
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    Senko grimaces.

    "Usagi-san, no... Bad things can come from rushing into learning Senjutsu. For most people, it is a Jonin level skill."
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    Senko grimaces.

    "Usagi-san, no... Bad things can come from rushing into learning Senjutsu. For most people, it is a Jonin level skill."
    'Bah! What the worse that could happen? I have two spare limbs!' Usagi say like a brat.

    Odayama decide, not to intervern yet.
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    Quote Originally Posted by igordragonian View Post
    'Bah! What the worse that could happen? I have two spare limbs!' Usagi say like a brat.

    Odayama decide, not to intervern yet.
    "You would die," Senko says bluntly. "No loss of limbs, no injury, you would just die. At least, I would hope you would die. The alternative is that you are alive and awake while your body turns to stone, petrified in place for all eternity."

    "Should you manage to avoid that fate, you could still permanently transform, slowly into a small and harmless animal. You seem to have adjusted very well to your physical dismemberment but how well could a quadripedal rabbit cope without its hind legs?"
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    Quote Originally Posted by igordragonian View Post
    The Second Ottokage

    Nozojo smile with a sigh
    Oi, oi. Is my fame as a troll that great? It won't help me, from beyond the grave. I won't troll you over who is going to be my succesor' he sigh.

    'Can I? Like who? Ameoku Nekazuko?' he shake his head.
    Before he will defend his choice... he wanted to hear what his mother had to say. He is pausing.
    I mean you have these Three Thunders who are more experienced are they not? Or perhaps other people in this village who have better knowledge of leadership? What makes you think a foolish child who has tried to undermine my efforts for years knows anything of the sacrifices I make much less the sacrifices you make? He wants to do nothing but influence Kimiko to his path rather than anyone elses. All to take away my clans hope of greatness."
    She keeps saying.

    "And what about your mother?"
    "What about her?"
    "She is going to be a problem, is she not?"
    "Rest assured, by this day's end, she won't be anyone's concern but my own."
    "Bold statement, but if I'm going to be your wife for this, she is going to be my problem as well."
    "By the time it happens, she will be in control no longer. You have my word."
    "...You sure you can take on a shinobi sixteen years older than you and experienced more war?"
    "I've taken on ninja twice my age before. In much worse circumstances. I am prepared."
    The day he left Kirigakure was quite the learning experience. One he did not wish to repeat.

    "She is right, Usagi. Sage Arts aren't something you play around with. They're rare for a reason. They're a jutsu that affects your entire body and those can mess you up if misused. My family sometimes tell horror stories about Hozuki that screwed up their Hydrification Jutsu. Turning your entire body to water and back to normal again is hiden and high rank for a reason."
    She says chidingly.
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    "The only reason that I myself am discussing this is that 1: I possess what is, somewhat unscientifically, known as a 'complete body transformation kekkei genkai.' One of your classmates at the Academy would have been a Kaguya, yes? Just as their bodies are built from the ground up to use their bones as weapons with several other, minor abilities to compensate for the biological flaws of such a thing, my body is built up from the chemical level to mold senjutsu chakra and weaponize its effects on human biology and 2: That my bloodline comes with a rather concerning... downside that, while manageable, requires me to master Sage Mode to be fully free of."

    There's just enough time for one or two more replies before you arrive at the cafe.
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    Usagi blew her cheeks angerly.
    "I am not playing around! But fine! I will be the most careful a ninja can be.'

    Odayama joined the conversation.
    "If you are willing to share with me this downside, I might help. I am... on the middle road to become a sage. Sort of. Too lazy to do the actual work, but there are cheats. If the situation is very dire.'


    (Amekou supposed to be one of the three Thunders. She was trained hy the first Ottokage)
    "A seed need to rot before it blossom.' Nozojo said and felt wise.
    "Skills aren't a big deal. What I see in him.. is dedication and loyalty to himself. Yes. He might be a gloomy teen, but he is able to wish the world for someone else. With time, he will learn to wish the world for the whole village. He just didn't had much chance to see the village beyond his narrow induvdial place. And more then anything..."

    Nozojo smile. "He is reminding me of myself.'
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    "...Let us just say that you all should be getting hazard pay just being around me and that if you are not you should lodge a formal complaint. I will back you up. It is not really something that can be helped with and, to be honest, it would probably already be something I had under control if my chakra nature was not unusually unbalanced."

    Odayama should probably take the hint that this has something to do with those "Berserker Rages" that were mentioned in the scroll. The ones the scroll said he's not to disclose.
    Udon Cafe, run by one Udon Urameshi, is a Cafe... It isn't... techncially a maid cafe becuase there are both men and women serving and they run a proper business rather than catering to fetishes, but the uniforms of the servers due tend to resemble(proper, conservative) maid uniforms for the women and a butler's ensemble for the men.

    It is a rather high-class establishment, though reasonably priced, and does its best to present itself as such. (The proprietor is in fact rather protective of his staff. You all may or may not know that there was an incident a few weeks ago where the proprietor damn near killed a patron who was... Confused by the uniforms and made an extremely inappropriate comment to a young waitress near the end of her shift.)

    Udon-san is himself an accomplished cook: While the cafe typically serves what you would expect of a cafe most of the time, during the Lunch and Dinner rushes they open up to a wider menu. During this time, Udon-san serves his signature variation of Kitsune Udon to those who order it. Whatever secret recipe or ingredients he uses that makes it different is a closely guarded secret, but it remains a popular dish.

    The proprietor is standing outside as you arrive, smoking a cigarette though... Considering how green in the face he looks, he's probably not a habitual smoker.

    "If you're here to patronize, head right in and someone will be with you shortly... But if you're the you-know-who for the you-know-what, honorable ninjas, head around the back."

    He is, of course, presumably only asking this becuase you're early.
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    Odayama nodded at Senko.
    "Yeah. Then I might be able to help you with my exprience with such things. Not something fancy... but I am still alive, and more or less sane."
    Odayama say. 'Yo. Yeah, usually I am late. I probably have forgotten to do something important at home... but this is what it is. We are team 3, my name is Odayama.' He present himself with a slight bow.
    Usagi looked around and drolled a bit.
    She didn't ate dinner...
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    ((OOC: She knows full well that one of the Three thunders is in the village. This does not change her point in her mind.))

    She is silent as she processes what the Otokage says to her, her eye twitches then she bursts out laughing. Its....not a happy laugh, but a broken one.
    "OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO.........Hoooooo......Wh at a cruel jest of the kami! We each picked what the other discarded!"
    She spreads her arms out dramatically
    "What you say however of Jirou holds no weight in his own clan. We have lived with him our entire lives! You cannot reintroduce him. In this house, we earn our victories! If he wants my support for his leadership as Otokage, he can come and earn it with his own skill! Rather than hiding behind another. If he truly is worthy of it, his convictions will drive him to defeat me, to prove that he can and thus hold power over me! Let him come! I'll be waiting. I would expect no less of Kimiko after all."
    For all authority stems from the power to kill, and thus no one can said to be an authority over you if they cannot cause your death and get away with it. She will cross her arms and sniffs.
    "Convince other such clans of his worthiness if you must, I don't care. There are more substantial things in this world than pretty words to me. We are done here. Have a good day, Otokage-sama. This conversation has been....enlightening."

    Kimiko silently takes wonders upon the downside. She connects the dots without ever needing to be told directly. Hearing her talk about it made Kimiko a little.....sad? for some reason? Senko just showed up and was interested in so much of the same things and apparently was a danger to all those around her? This wasn't like Kimiko to feel sadness over other peoples....situation? So she decides to mask it
    "Ha! I'm sure such a downside is nothing that I, Kimiko Ishikawa, Heiress of the Ishikawa Clan, cannot handle."
    Yuyuyu on the other hand goes
    "I hope things get better for you Senko. I really do."

    Yuyuyu introduces herself
    "Greetings! You can just call me Yuyuyu, everyone does because its short for my real name."
    "and I am Kimiko Ishikawa, Heiress of clan Ishikawa! The you-know-what shall be taken care of."
    They then head around back.
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    Senko doesn't visibly respond to either the offer of sympathy nor to Kimiko's bravado.


    "I am Senko."

    Shortly after you head around back, Udon comes around himself, drops his cigarette, crushes it out under his open-toed boot, and mutters about wishing he'd come up with a better excuse to be out front.

    He pulls out his keys and unlocks the back door of the building and herds you in through into the kitchen.

    "So, about two weeks ago Ichichiraku-san notices a discrepancy in the till. Bit of accounting and he realizes that the bowl of Sweet and Spicy three meat and fish Ramen he'd served to a young woman was never paid for and that he didn't recall what the young woman looked like."

    "Last week, he's chatting with Osoba-san—yeah, I know, you'd expect them to be rivals but let's be honest, there's more than enough business to go around and there's no reason for us not to be friendly with each other—and Osoba-san has the same story: Realizing that her profits were a bit too thin that day, crunching the numbers, and realizing that one of her higher quality dishes, soba with some kind of secret dashi-based sauce she makes served to a young woman who she for the life of herself couldn't recall the face of, wasn't paid for, but this time there was a ninja patron, a chunin with a talent for that... Mind messing up stuff you guys do sometimes, who left a note about having sensed some weird juju during the lunch rush."

    "So with a week to the day between then, they realize that there's a pattern and come to me to warn me about the dine and dasher and we came up with this plan: Some of the part-timers who come on for the Lunch rush all 'unfortunately decided to go late-night-skinny dipping together' at a lake outside the village and 'came down with a bug' from the unclean water, so none of them can work today. In truth, they've all gotten the day off, but with such short notice I wasn't able to bring in enough replacements and had to hire a team of genin to fill in."

    "That's where you all come in: You're going to work the room, you know, take orders, bring out food, that kind of thing, during the lunch rush, which usually starts at 11 and ends at 1... And don't worry, we've made sure that the wages I'd normally pay for that are included in the pay you're getting for this. You're basically working two jobs today, I'm not gonna stiff you."

    Udon-san has a reputation for honesty and making sure that his staff gets paid what they earned.

    "And while you're doing that, you're gonna be keeping an eye out for anything... Unusual. Based on Irichiraku-san and Osoba-san's recollections, the dine-and-dasher is a young woman about...Well, your age," he gestures to the girls. "We think she's either a student at the academy or a drop out based on the mind-whammy report from the mind whammy expert and if the pattern holds then she's probably going to order my special Kitsune Udon."

    "Should you see such a woman or sense anything... Odd from anyone, keep an eye on them and, should they try to sneak out: Grab them. Neither Ichichiraku-san or Osoba-san are interested in pressing charges and I'm more than willing to be lenient: For all we know this is just some kid who can't afford food or something getting a warm meal the only way they know how, but it's still annoying. If you can end this by scarring the kid straight, that's ideal, but..."

    "If you have any questions, ask them now, otherwise I've got some uniforms and... Oh."

    He looks at Usagi as though he is just now noticing that she's missing her legs.

    "That might be a problem."
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

    Read my fanfiction here. Homebrew Material Here Rater Reads the Hobbit and Dracula
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    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
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  25. - Top - End - #265
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    Second Ottokage

    The Ottokage sigh. 'Heh. So authoritative. You are completely my type. But just as Ameoku so narrow minded.' He get up.
    Of course, his visit wasn't a complete waste of time.
    At the entrance he sticked a tiny chip to overhear what is going on here.
    'Just one last thing about Jirou-kun... as Odokuro-Sama told me... 'Power and skills... can easily be gained with hard work. But the right heart within a ninja- is what I trust.'
    with a final bow
    'Good day.'


    Odayama nod.
    'Well, it sound like my home life. I know my way in the kitchen, and if there are no monster woman here, to bash my head against the wall, this will be even better.'

    Usagi frown her small mushy eyebrows.
    'There would be no problem here. I can handle anything, and if it about looks, I can look like I have stupid legs. I DID passed the Academy finals, you baka!'

    Odayama scold her. 'Usagi! You won't speak like that to a respectable citizens of the village!'

    'I am just tired, of all the 'OOo' no legs?' Yes. I get it. I can do anything just fine, and if the customers, are so squashy to see the real me, I can hide it. Everyone are bakas!'
    Thanks for the OOTSkage of OOTS art, Lord Raziere.

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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    Udon backs up and holds out his hands.

    "I didn't mean anything like that, Miss. If you can carry a tray and walk on crutches at the same time then there's no problem."
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

    Read my fanfiction here. Homebrew Material Here Rater Reads the Hobbit and Dracula
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    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    Jirou and Kikenna:
    "And what of the Otokage himself?"
    "He is a good person, what about him?"
    "He is a good person, but also an outdated one. I disagree with him over what peace looks like and how to achieve it."
    "too many words, not enough action, I'm guessing?"
    "Pretty much, handsome. Just remember that second question from yesterday and you'll know what his real priorities are."
    "Thats quite a cynical assumption about him."
    "Just remember that if he was in charge of that, he wouldn't care for Kimiko's feelings or choice and allow that sort of injustice on the logic that she'd get used to it, and that we should all do the same like bitches. Screw him, I fight for my happiness."
    "and yet you make this deal with me?"
    "We both know love is not involved in this. We agree to it therefore I am not forced into it, furthermore I do not mind being a hypocrite so that someday others do not have to."
    "Neither do I."

    "She can fight me to a tie, and I was the top of my class. I'd be disappointed if she couldn't rise to a little challenge like this."
    Kimiko says haughtily.
    "That and couldn't she like just.....operate from some counter position where she'd just stand still and take orders while people come to her in a line even if she couldn't carry a tray...?" Yuyuyu adds uncertainly. Like operating a cash register or something?
    Last edited by Lord Raziere; 2020-05-03 at 12:04 AM.
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".

  28. - Top - End - #268
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    Not far from Jirou and Kikena's date, a shilouette have overheard them.
    The Commander of the Anbu wasn't happy.
    Also, her husband has forgotten today to make her a bento.

    Should she expose herself and intimidate the little boy a bit?
    Maybe.. not yet. Maybe she will catch him alone.

    "I have teeth and shoulders. And I can lean my elbows on the crotches." Usagi groaned.
    "Fine" Odayama said. "But only after you get a breakfast."

    "I am not weak!" Usagi growled.
    "No. You are cranky and unkind. And you are tired and starving. My treat, my command. Senko, Kimiko, Yuyuyu are you hungry?" He ask with an authorative tone.
    "This is going to be a long day, and I need you all in your best."
    Thanks for the OOTSkage of OOTS art, Lord Raziere.

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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    "Usagi-san, with all due respect, an obsession with proving that your lack of legs is not a weakness is itself a weakness: Think, if this was a battle with an enemy ninja intent on killing you, they could simply insist that you must be a pathetic cripple and count on your anger and outrage to make you sloppy. You would have an outburst of anger and possibly make a mistake that in the heat of battle might cost you our life... Or the mission. I understand that 'real' ninjas consider the mission more important than their lives."

    It seems that Senko doesn't consider herself a "real" Ninja.

    "I have experience in the skills needed to control one's temper. If you would like, I can teach you some exercises once the mission is completed. For example, instead of getting angry, imagine a harem of strapping lads and comely lasses praising and worshiping your perfect, godlike body." Senko finishes with a small smile.

    "...Oh-kay..." Udon says slowly. "I'd uh... Prefer that you not handle food with your teeth, but if you say it's not a problem I'll take your word for it. Sorry, sorry... Yeah, there should be enough time for you to eat something. We're still getting the kitchens ready for the Lunch rush and we don't really serve breakfast but I can get you some tea and cakes."

    Senko has already eaten, but Udon will provide something for anyone who wants a quick bite. He says that he and Odayama-sensei and discuss the payment later.
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

    Read my fanfiction here. Homebrew Material Here Rater Reads the Hobbit and Dracula
    Awesome Avatar by Emperor Ing
    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
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    Default Re: Naruto SoundITP IC 1: A Melancholy Song of Hope To Come

    Jirou and Kikenna:
    "Anyways, what about the rest of your family, is your mother just an exceptional bitch or something?"
    "Look I'm not going to lie the rest of the clan isn't in a healthy place either: Uncle Musumu was pretty much the last surviving jonin level ninja we had, but at some point all the deaths and trauma took their toll and now he is half-crazy and plays with fuinjutsu like playing cards to the point of only having Chuunin skill now, Aunt Naoko is obsessed with revenge against Kirigakure that mother has to reign her in, My nephew Sokaku he alternates being drunk at parties to forget what we did when we were six and failing to pick up girls, some of us just like to use one specific piece of origami art for some reason, the adults are generally traumatized, the teens are caught between two worlds, and the kids don't know whats going on and think their life is normal. clans a shadow of its former self."
    "So....clan drama in general, with added "we were better in the paaaaast!" whining?"
    "If you want to reduce complex social issues as a result of generations of cultural conditioning and strange circumstances ramming up against each other in the most stupid and insulting manner possible, yes."

    Kimiko and Yuyuyu:
    Yuyuyu says
    "I'll gladly take tea and cakes, thank you."
    While Kimiko is temporarily unsure about when Senko speaks of "real" ninja then is lost in her own fantasies when she starts imagining comely lasses praising her godlike body with a goofy open shark grin on her face.
    I'm also on discord as "raziere".

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