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  1. - Top - End - #151
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    The vegetable hell

    Default Re: Age of Ashes In-Game Group A


    "Well, being able to see in the dark would definitely be useful," Tristiel replies, "but I'm not sure what the weapons are for. I'd assume for fighting. We should probably hang on to those, who knows what they'll be useful for." She looks at the other items. "That scroll could definitely come in handy."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Tristiel should be able to use the magic missile scroll if I've read it correctly, magic missile is both an arcane and an occult spell. And since Tristiel is an occult spellcaster that should work. We should probably split the darkvision elixirs between the people who can use them. And everyone should probably take at least one weapon they're proficient with. For Tristiel that's either the morningstar or the mace.
    Characters in play:

  2. - Top - End - #152
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Default Re: Age of Ashes In-Game Group A

    "I agree, I'll take these and you all can have at the rest..."

    Once the loot is decided upon, Aketes stands up and goes to Arktos, attempting to heal his furry companion once more while allowing Pyran to access his healer's kit to rebandage Vlox's wounds

    Spoiler: ooc
    Medicine(Treat Wounds): 1d20+5 13 2d8 11 (Can't seem to succeed at a heal check. Ugh!)

    Here's my thought
    Aketes: L. Hammer, dv potion, cheetah's potion, figurine
    Vlox: flail, dv potion, crystal(assuming Sanguine comes back. If not, Aketes 'can' use it to potentially do some serious damage in one hit. Once it's affixed.)
    Tristiel: choice of simple weapon, dv potion, scroll
    Pyran: unclaimed weapon, dv potion
    Last edited by gargoyleking; 2020-08-23 at 02:39 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #153
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    The vegetable hell

    Default Re: Age of Ashes In-Game Group A


    Tristiel looks at the others. "I guess we're done here now, right? What do you say we head to the uh... " She glances at her crudely drawn map. "The Lictor's office?"
    Characters in play:

  4. - Top - End - #154
    Bugbear in the Playground
    rogue_alchemist's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Default Re: Age of Ashes In-Game Group A

    Pyran borrows the healer's kit again and patches up Vlox some more, healing another 10 HP. The group then gathers the loot, distributing as needed and heads back south. They turn east in the Law Repository and go to the Lictor's Office. This grim administrative office’s heavy wooden desk, armchairs, and filing cabinets are still largely intact, though most of the furniture drawers have been pulled out and ransacked. Though immediately you notice a large white wolfish creature in the corner of the office. Unfortunately it notices you as well, and it smiles saying "Look what delicious dinner has decided to present itself for me."

    Spoiler: warg

    Spoiler: map

    Spoiler: actions
    Neither side gets a surprise round, as the wolf Warg wasn't expecting yall and yall weren't expecting it, so both sides waste their surprise round getting ready. I assume the group would have stopped in the doorway when they saw the warg and not just proceeded in, but if your character would rush the warg, then feel free to. There was no explicit marching order or anything, I just piled you all up outside the door, assuming Vlox was leading and Aketes/Tristiel were pulling up second, with Arktos/Pyran in the rear, but again feel free to rearrange yourselves. Wargs are well-known enough that as soon as a wolfish creature started talking to you, you knew what it was, so no need to identify it.
    Last edited by rogue_alchemist; 2020-08-31 at 12:12 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #155
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Default Re: Age of Ashes In-Game Group A

    "Ohoh! So is this a real warg in the flesh? I mean, I've read all about them, but a real sentient wolf-spawn? Absolutely amazing! Er. Watch out Vlox, apparently they like to swallow us small-folk whole, and still-kicking at that."

    Aketes seems too excuted for words, but he marks the warg in his mind, studying his motions. Deciding that the creature means to attack, the halfling fires off a pre-emptive sling stone.

    Spoiler: ooc
    1: Recall knowledge(in ooc)
    2: Hunt Prey (the warg)
    3: Strike(Sling Staff+Precision): 1d20+7 19 1d10+1 3 1d8 7

  6. - Top - End - #156
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    The vegetable hell

    Default Re: Age of Ashes In-Game Group A


    "Agh! A talking wolf!" Hearing Aketes' words, Tristiel decides to begin singing her bolstering tune while loading up a sling bullet and hurling it at the creature.

    Spoiler: ooc
    I suppose I should roll initiative first, right?
    Initiative (Perception): (1d20+5)[16]
    • Action 1: Inspire courage, everyone gets +1 attack and damage and +1 on saves vs fear this round.
    • Action 2: Load bullet into sling
    • Action 3: Attack the warg
      Attack: (1d20+7)[10]
      Damage: (1d6+1)[3]

    Spoiler: Character details
    HP: 10/17, AC: 18
    Fort: 6, Ref: 6, Will: 5, Perception: 5
    Speed: 25
    Characters in play:

  7. - Top - End - #157
    Bugbear in the Playground
    rogue_alchemist's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Default Re: Age of Ashes In-Game Group A

    Spoiler: OODM
    The other group is coming up behind you, but haven't revealed themselves yet. I am not sure if they will just wait until you finish your fight, or if they will join you and help, but either way we can continue on, just ignore the extra PCs at the back of the room for now.

    Vlox immediately pulls out his bastard sword and charges the wolf, swinging with all he has in him. He strikes a mighty blow, hewing the creature in half with a single strike. Vlox looks a little frightening as he finishes his stroke and everyone else is a little taken aback by how strong his strike was.

    Spoiler: what happened
    I used Vlox's power attack which doubles the damage die. He then got a critical hit, which doubled the damage. This means he did (2d12+4)x2=50 damage. It was impressive.

    Spoiler: map

    Spoiler: actions
    Well that went much differently than I expected. Sorry for the sudden end, but sometimes the dice roll well. I guess it is time to combine the threads. Feel free to look around and try to notice the other group. I will direct you to their thread for all future posts. In game will be here and OOC will be here. Let me know if I need to port any info over. I will summarize XP once the groups have met and gotten settled.

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