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  1. - Top - End - #91
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    "Mmm." Vala sounds skeptical, taking a moment to down a cup of juice, with an appreciative 'ahhhh' afterwards. "If the Fists had any real idea of how to fix the bandits wouldn't they have done it already? Bunch of clankers running around the forest, even if they can spare them, probably give you - sorry, us - away before we get anywhere." She gives a non-committal shrug. "But I'll follow your lead. You've been doing this longer than me."
    Last edited by Amnestic; 2020-12-02 at 03:43 PM.
    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
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  2. - Top - End - #92
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Caelyn Syol'arael
    Wood Elf Druid
    AC: 15 HP: 39/39
    PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating on:

    Caelee chews her food for a few seconds, considering this information. Swallowing, she takes a drink of water and then speaks up. Bringing the Fist in seems like a good idea. Sam is right- even with our magics reaching new peaks we may have issue taking down that many bandits, let alone their brutish leader. I also agree with your tactics, Sam. We should go in first to cause mayhem and smack the bee's nest, then have them come in to match their numbers against the bandits while we take on any elements of particularly strong resistance. The trick will be actually getting them to coordinate with us without inhibiting our strengths. I don't know about you all, but I don't want to take orders from soldiers used to fighting man to man in hand to hand combat. She takes another bite and finishes it before continuing. I think I will have far more luck then they will at finding the camp. We may be able to leverage that in our negotiations.
    The Bear is Back.

  3. - Top - End - #93
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Human Arcana Cleric
    AC: 18 HP: 33/33
    PP: 17 PIv: 12 PIs: 17
    Conditions: -
    Concentration: -

    Other than the Flaming Fist, we do have a lead and a bit of an internal power struggle to play off of. Senna says barely breathing through her teeth as she tasted some poppers for the first time. She tries to alleviate the pain and quickly remembers only diary or other fatty foods can quench her burning throat. She takes a large cheese wedge and plainly bites into it.

    I propose the following. she says with a full mouth. We ask the Fist to follow us into the bandit areas, with an hour or two of delay. We stir up the situation and try to make prisoners rather than create bodies. When we are done, they swoop in and take them into custody. If we fail, at least someone knows were we are and they may try to free us.
    Last edited by Spore; 2020-12-02 at 11:29 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #94
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Melian Galanodel
    Eladrin Bladesinger
    AC: 13 HP: 34/34
    PP: 14 PIv: 17 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    "We'll likely encounter a patrol or two enroute, we can try enlisting their help that way," Melian says before taking a sip of wine to wash down some cheese and bread. "We might consider asking Aintas for a letter of introduction. Something stating that we helped clear the Mines and apprehend an informant. If we have the official 'seal of approval' from the guard we might be taken more seriously."

  5. - Top - End - #95
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Vala concedes her barely-argued position with a pleasant smile. If Flaming Fist help is the decision, then she supports it - though mostly in the form of moral support, she doesn't have any special connections or knowledge that can help. It takes a bit of time to polish off breakfast, with Vala eating a significant portion for her figure ("Well we're going to be hiking aren't we?"). She cleans up after you, grabbing the now emptied plates and trays and evacuating them to the kitchen while you grab your gear and finish any final preparations needed before you head out.

    The cloudy morning is still drizzling, but only ever so slightly, and in the distance you can see shafts of sun beaming through the cloud cover splitting the heavens open. A lukewarm wind filled with cool raindrops promises clear weather before long. Your walk over to the guardpost goes smoothly, with no one bothering you save for a few very early setup stalls hawking their wares - meats, cloths, carved wooden trinket and toys mostly. The guardpost itself is missing the crucial component you were seeking in Aintas. Two familiar faces, for better or worse, are there instead. "Already buggered off south ain't he?" One of the two less-than-brilliant guards offers by way of explanation for his absence. "Escortin' that exile of his, came in right and proper and how do you do with his big success story, 'I've cracked the case!'" The second mocks. "Cracked his case right into a 3 day cross country trip guarding a ruddy messenger, as if that's a good way to spend our time." "Got important guardin' work to be doing don't we?" Their words are betrayed, somewhat, by the two of them sat at a table playing cards. They do, however, produce an unsealed envelope - not opened, it looks like it never had a seal applied at all - and hand it over. "Captain did say to give you this if you showed up, would have our hides if we messed that up. Aintas had her sort it out for ya."

    Inside the envelope is a single piece of folded paper, revealing itself to be a letter of sorts. The penmanship is impeccable, with clear readability while still having an aesthetic style. At the bottom of the paper is a wax seal pressed onto the paper, the symbol contained therein being that of Beregost itself.

    Spoiler: Letter

    To whom it may concern,

    Know that the bearers of this document are the individuals who were crucial in the cleansing of the Nashkel Mines. Their prowess in
    combat has been recognised as an asset to Beregost, and to Baldur's Gate as a whole. Likewise they have shown skill with
    regards to information gathering and investigation, albeit not without missteps at times. Though rash in their approach it is my belief
    that their worth cannot be overlooked in these trying times. I attest to their abilities and put my name forward in granting them
    support should they require it. Those of fair standing and of a lawful inclination should offer support in kind, so that they might continue
    to aid us in when we are in need.

    In honour,
    Guard Captain Jessa Vai, Beregost Town Guard.

    A second, smaller piece of paper flutters out of the envelope, and on it are just written the words
    Had her fluff it up a bit. Hope it helps.


    Letter in hand you get a chance to share any parting words, pleasant or otherwise, with your favourite two guards before returning to the street. Your last business concluded in Beregost for now you head out, slipping out the town's north road. Vala seems in a good mood, alternating between quietly humming, whistling and singing under her breath so as not to be too distracting but also quite clearly incapable of containing the song in her heart despite (or possibly because of) the wet weather. There's more traffic on the roads than you saw between Beregost and Nashkel, though it may feel a bit anemic still, and those you do see give your eclectic group a wide berth. It's some time - almost up to the ideal 'break point' to leave the roads to head east - before you do finally spot a Flaming Fist patrol - three soldiers, all wearing full plate armour from the top of their helmets to the toes of their boots. All three are clutching polearms, with crossbows slung across their backs. You hear the wet, squishy clanking of the metal before they get close, as the ground is still a bit sodden. The sun has broken through the cloud cover though, and your clothes should start drying off before long. The Flaming Fists stop a short distance away - within crossbow range but outside of melee - and one calls out "Hold! I am a member of the Flaming Fist. I require you to identify yourselves." Identical wording to the Flaming Fist member you met on the road to Nashkel, but the voice might be slightly different. The faces of the soldiers are obscured beneath their helmet faceplates.
    Last edited by Amnestic; 2020-12-03 at 04:58 PM.
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  6. - Top - End - #96
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Caelyn Syol'arael
    Wood Elf Druid
    AC: 15 HP: 39/39
    PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating on:

    Finishing up Breakfast

    Swallowing the last of her sandwich, Caelee turns to Senna, attempting to keep her voice even. I will do my best to take down foes nonlethally, but I must admit that fire and lightning are not optimal for this task, and that is what I intend to bring to the fight. Other than that your plan seems sound. She pours herself a small glass of wine and begins nibbling at the cheese with Melian.

    On the Road

    Caelyn rides astride Rosc Roche as he drags the cart, affording her an excellent view of the surrounding countryside. She never was bothered by rain, so she periodically shook her head side to side to clear the droplets from her hair. She also never needed her hands to ride, so she was free to clap along to Vala's music, encouraging the song rather than suppressing it. The seed of regret was beginning to bloom into something warmer given time with the woman. She was just about to ask for another verse when they spotted the Flaming Fist patrol.

    Stepping down from her horse, Caelee approached the Fist with her hand up in a hail. Travelers, adventurers, and would-be-heroes, sir! I'm Caelyn and these are my companions! We've been working on twarting the Iron Crisis, and we have a new lead that we'd like to share with your organization in hopes of taking down a major threat! She advanced on the soldiers with her hands clearly visible, the Beregost's town guard letter in her hand, ready to present it.

    Last edited by purepolarpanzer; 2020-12-03 at 06:12 PM.
    The Bear is Back.

  7. - Top - End - #97
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Melian Galanodel
    Eladrin Bladesinger
    AC: 13 HP: 34/34
    PP: 14 PIv: 17 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Melian alternates riding in the cart and walking to stretch her legs; she's quiet throughout the trip, keeping most of her attention on her familiar. Fëanáro flits among the trees by the road, both scouting and chasing small wildlife.

    She offers the Fist a noncommittal wave when approached.

  8. - Top - End - #98
    Titan in the Playground
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    The plate-clad Fist takes hold of the paper, giving it a readthrough - or so it looks, at least. Face and body hidden behind metal it's difficult to tell their reaction. After a few moments he folds it and hands it back to Caelyn. "Says they're the ones who cleared Nashkel up, seal looks real enough too and they're not far off the reports." He remarks offhand to his fellow metal military, before turning back to the group. There's a definite street-twang to his voice now that he's speaking more naturally. It was hidden when he gave his command, perhaps masked by the practice he'd had to give it, but more casually his tone is one expected of kids growing up in street gangs (not that you have much experience with them in Candlekeep). "If it's a forgery it's better than one I can spot. I'm Corporal King. Make any jokes you want now, because this is the only time you get to."

    Vala, who had grown quiet to let you take the lead, interjects immediately. "What's Corporal King's favourite drink? Royal-tea!" It's hard to gauge his reaction, but the two guards in the background give small snickers at the joke. King continues after any other puns or jabs are made, with a mix of amusement and resigned weariness in his voice.

    "This is Private Tuna," he points his thumb over his right shoulder, "and Corporal Early." King jerks his head to the other one, with both soldiers giving casual salutes of greeting. "What's the lead?"
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  9. - Top - End - #99
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Cheerful Sam
    Half-Dragon Warlock | Imp Familiar
    AC: 12 HP: 39/39 | AC: 13 HP: 10/10
    PP: 10|14 PIv: 15|10 PIs: 11|13
    Conditions: --- | --

    Sam spends much of the trip lounging - or perhaps brooding - in the wagon and shuffling his cards idly. When they encounter a Fist patrol, Sam tucks away his cards and slides out the back. It's his plan, after all, so he should probably take some responsibility for it. Grepha remains behind, perched on the wagon.

    Strolling up after Caelyn gives them the letter, he waves to each of them. "They call me Cheerful Sam - and if it makes you feel better, you can pretend Cheerful is my first name," he jokes with a wink. "We were able to track down one of the messengers for the bandits plaguing the roads, and he revealed their hideout. Mostly at least. They move around often in the same area. Buuut," he shrugs, "There are too many for us to handle alone, you see. Some of us might be able to infiltrate and sabotage the camp's defenses, but we're gonna need help with actually taking it down."

  10. - Top - End - #100
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Human Arcana Cleric
    AC: 18 HP: 33/33
    PP: 17 PIv: 12 PIs: 17
    Conditions: -
    Concentration: -

    On the trek
    Say, Vala. I kind of did not want to bother you, but for a lady this strong you are pretty unassuming. Senna smiles a sheepish smile and she blushes. I do not want to impose anything on you, but if you derive your strength from a magic item, we should know. There are enough weird things we have seen at Talantyr's and peculiar stuff we carry around ourselves. But you have about my figure, and I am not holding my pack as easily as you do. Even though Rosc Roche does the majority of the heavy lifting.

    In front of the Fist.
    Senna bows to the Captain and approaches. Greetings Corporal. she says, omiting the pun inducing name to stop her from insulting a friendly face. To add to my friend's plan here, we are planning on investigating the bandit's involvement in the hostage situation at the Nashkel Mines. We have written proof that the leader's of two major bandit clans are linked to the head of the Mines desaster, led by a Cyric priest named Mulahey. She waves the letters in the air where Corporal King can see them. Our plan is to infiltrate and disperse the bandit group, with the Flaming Fist picking up any fleeing stragglers and bringing more order, and less dead bandits, to justice.

    She looks at the expressionless 'faces' of the helmets, her face becomes grim. Even if you prefer them dead, we simply lack the strength to put several dozen bandits down. We are better agents than soldiers for the lack of a better word. Well, aside from Vala over there.

  11. - Top - End - #101
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    On the trek

    Vala doesn't seem at all perturbed by the question, instead poking at the equipment stowed on her back. "Spear's magic, shield's magic, but that's it. Not got anything to boost my strength up, it's all 'me'." She gives a little hop on the last word, her pack jangling with pots and pans tied to the outside of it, almost to emphasise the weight she was carrying. "I know I don't look it, but it's just always felt very easy. Natural gifts and all that. I imagine if I trained my muscles properly I'd become the strongest woman in the world. Or nothing at all would change and I'd be exactly the same. One of those two. Maybe we'll find out on this trip. Gotta be more exercise than singing songs in taverns."

    Flaming Fist Patrol

    You can't see their faces, but when Corporal King speaks next it's hard to miss the air of skepticism in his voice. "That seems...pretty vague. Not like we could deploy on to a large area when we're stretched thin just patrolling the roads. If there's as many as you say it's going to take more than just me and these charmers, so you're probably after a deployment order from the higher ups. If you want to sell this as an 'operation' to the officers they'll need concrete details, as much as possible. What exactly do you know?"
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  12. - Top - End - #102
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Cheerful Sam
    Half-Dragon Warlock | Imp Familiar
    AC: 12 HP: 39/39 | AC: 13 HP: 10/10
    PP: 10|14 PIv: 15|10 PIs: 11|13
    Conditions: --- | --

    "There are two bandit groups working together," Sam begins explaining to the Fist, "The Blacktalons are your typical bandits, and they've been recruiting like crazy. The other group is the Chill, who are mostly 'monsters' like orcs and ogres. They don't get along too well, so the camp is likely split into two sections. They move from place to place in the Forest of Sharp Teeth, so the camp has to be something they can pack up and move, probably not any permanent fortifications like a fort."

  13. - Top - End - #103
    Titan in the Playground
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    Corporal King exhales through a loud, doubtful whistle. "That's...something at least, but no way do they sign off of on going to the Sharp Teeth if we don't know exactly where the camp is. Nevermind the manpower required, chances are we'd lose half of 'em trying to find the camp we're after. Not exactly a sneaky bunch our lot." Muttering from Tuna and Early behind him seem to back up the assertion. "Not to mention it'd take time to prep that many of us in the first place. If you can find where it is exactly and get word or lead us to it, then I can probably sell that, maybe start working the officers now to get some guys ready for the hike, but they won't sign off on a fact finding expedition in those woods, no matter what letters you've got. Confirmed location only sorta deal for sure." He glances over at Grepha, on the wagon. "Messenger bird would let you keep an eye on the camp and let you tell us where it's at."

    Vala says nothing in the background, though if you were to try to disentangle her expression it perhaps be 'disappointed, but not surprised'.
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  14. - Top - End - #104
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Cheerful Sam
    Half-Dragon Warlock | Imp Familiar
    AC: 12 HP: 39/39 | AC: 13 HP: 10/10
    PP: 10|14 PIv: 15|10 PIs: 11|13
    Conditions: --- | --

    "Sure, we should be able to scout the camp's location ourselves," Sam agrees hopefully, not as dissuaded or skeptical as the others might be. "If you can smooth things over with the bosses, we'll get you the info you need."

  15. - Top - End - #105
    Titan in the Playground
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    "It's settled then. When you have the information send it to the Friendly Arm Inn - if I'm not there, those in the area will pick it up in my place, I'll let them know ahead of time. A sizeable squad it'll take at least two, maybe four days before we can get to you inside the woods, so you'll need to stay hidden until then. Of course if you want to clear it up without us..." he shrugs, "I wouldn't mind missing the action personally." Early knocks on the back of King's armour and whisper's something in his ear. "Yes, we're heading north now." King replies, to which his two companion's deflate, mumbling objections about "night in Beregost" and "Lady Heels".

    "Anything else before we go?"
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  16. - Top - End - #106
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Melian Galanodel
    Eladrin Bladesinger
    AC: 13 HP: 34/34
    PP: 14 PIv: 17 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    "Sounds like an easy enough plan for now," Melian adds somewhat quietly. "Better get going if we're to get much further."

  17. - Top - End - #107
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Human Arcana Cleric
    AC: 18 HP: 33/33
    PP: 17 PIv: 12 PIs: 17
    Conditions: -
    Concentration: -

    Once we are out of the worst combat, I could plead my Lord Deneir to grant me the ability to instantly communicate with you. Just don't be alarmed when my voice echoes in your head, corporal. Senna smiles innocently. You two. she adresses Tuna and Early. if this works, you all might may be promoted. I cannot speak for your commanders, but vastly reducing the numbers of bandits in the area is a very nice thing, that would vastly improve Lord Eltan's standing, and with that, yours. So keep a stiff upper lip.

  18. - Top - End - #108
    Titan in the Playground
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    Senna's words do little to assuage the grumbling from Tuna and Early - a future benefit is distant, whereas Lady Heels was close, and now no longer is. They do follow King though, despite their grumblings. With your business concluded, the Fists turn on their heels and head north, while you split off east. The vast woods, partially obscured by small hillocks, quickly come into view and span as far left and right as you can see. Peaking out from above the treetops to the far south you can make out what seems to be a tower, likely Durlag's from your map, at least a day or two out of your way to the south (though you lack any cause to visit it currently).

    Reaching the forest edge, it's hard to consider it as anything other than natural. The trees themselves are thick - mostly oaks and birches, with a few others mixed in for good measure - and blocking sightlines beyond maybe thirty or forty feet at most at a time. The close-knit trees make following the animal trail that Caelyn spots (your only indication of any sort of path or track) difficult at the best of times, with Rosc Roche's wagon frequently requiring either a roundabout route or unjamming from an errant branch or tree that's stuck in the wheel spokes. This slows your progress significantly through the forest, and given your lack of specific aim to begin with it makes it difficult to feel like any real progress is being made. Vala, for her part, seems to grin and bear it. Or at least bear it, after the third time she has to unjam the wagon's wheel her good mood is diminished somewhat.

    The wildlife seems to give you a wide birth, though you occasionally catch glimpses of rabbits, foxes and birds, and distant animal calls are a common backing soundtrack to your trek. Maybe two or three miles into your journey, the trail suddenly breaks into a wide clearing of trees. The sun's still high in the sky, with hours left before it reaches the horizon yet. Thick, but not overgrown, grass and bushes are spread across the area but more notably are the thick stone slabs laid around the clearing edges. They're roughly hewn, if they were carved at all and not simply the byproduct of natural rockfall or splitting. Some are stood tall, some laid longwise, almost as if they're benches alongside fallen tree trunks, and a few of them are arranged atop one another in what could be called an altar. Standing in the centre of the clearing, by the altar, is a man with his back to you. He's dressed in hides or leathers, with a staff decorated in leaves and feathers clutched in one hand. A mop of bright ginger hair, easily reaching past his shoulders, falls against his hunched back. As he's over 50' away from the treeline where you're currently stood, any words he might be speaking are lost on the winds.

    Vala clutches her spear quietly, but doesn't make any sort of move. "What's the plan then? Make nice and hope they do the same?"

    Spoiler: History on Durlag's Tower

    Spoiler: DC8

    It's a big tower or castle or something like that. I guess a guy called Durlag owned it at some point?

    Spoiler: DC13

    A local landmark previously constructed and owned by Durlag Trollkiller, a famed hero who amassed a great fortune during his life, and constructed the tower to safeguard himself, his family, and his wealth.

    Spoiler: DC18

    To say his fortune was 'great' is perhaps selling it short - entire rooms of his tower were filled with bulging sacks of gold, gems and other precious objects. Years as an adventurer hunting dragons, slaying drow and destroying troll clans had given Durlag wealth beyond measure, and at one point he may have been the richest man in all the world - a claim he would sometimes state, and those of 'old money' would vehemently dispute.

    The tower itself is, or at least, was, protected by a vast array of traps mechanical or magical or both, and it has not been inhabited by 'civilised' creatures - of Durlag's clan or otherwise - for hundreds of years, despite its relative proximity to Baldur's Gate and Beregost. Though some have attempted to pierce its depths in search of wealth, they often run afoul of traps or monsters that have taken up residence in its absence.

    Spoiler: DC23

    Rumours abound that the tower is now home to devilish fiends once vanquished by Durlag, or the haunting ghosts of the Durlag's family who was slain by the fiends, or both. How and why Durlag died is still a mystery left to the lower floors beneath the surface. The most common theory is that Durlag's wealth turned him mad, and when trolls came to to claim revenge for their slain brethren he and his family were in no position to retaliate properly, leaving them all to be massacred. The trolls then fell to the magical traps - traps which reset themselves.

    None who have penetrated so deep have lived to discover the truth leaving it up to little more than speculation by scholars, and few in modern times wish to sincerely attempt the expedition. What is known is that a number of basilisks have recently 'claimed' the upper floors, and the few people who tried to take it back ended up as little more than ghoulish statues, putting even the most brave of treasure hunters on edge.

    Spoiler: Nature/Arcane check on stones - DC10

    While this is too small and lacks proper coverings to be a druid grove itself, the arrangements of the stones and the altar especially indicate this was a spot used by druids to conduct rituals, meetings or other business.
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  19. - Top - End - #109
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Cheerful Sam
    Half-Dragon Warlock | Imp Familiar
    AC: 12 HP: 39/39 | AC: 13 HP: 10/10
    PP: 10|14 PIv: 15|10 PIs: 11|13
    Conditions: --- | --

    As Sam begins to absentmindedly wander into the clearing, Grepha snaps at the side of his head with her beak to get his attention. "Back." At her pecking and telepathic warning, he scoots back into cover with the others.

    "Sorry," he whispers, even though the mystery figure is still far away. Looking around at the clearing's 'decorations' he hums a bit to himself. "I think this is some kind of druid site. Caelyn, maybe you should take the lead here?"

  20. - Top - End - #110
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Caelyn Syol'arael
    Wood Elf Druid
    AC: 15 HP: 39/39
    PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating on:

    Caelyn looks at Sam and swallows, nodding. She felt a twist in the pit of her stomach as she stood straight, removed her story staff from it's strap on her backpack, and strode into the grove on unsteady legs, trying her best to seem serious, serene, and wise. That's how druids were supposed to act, right?

    Hail! She spoke in common first, then cleared her throat and spoke in Druidic, hoping she didn't have some sort of accent.

    Spoiler: Druidic
    Hello! I come with my friend and family to find an enemy that hides in this forest. An enemy that takes from nature, leaves death in it's wake, and has drawn the ire of the lords of men. My name is Caelyn Syol'arael. May I come closer and speak with you further?

    Last edited by purepolarpanzer; 2020-12-07 at 06:58 PM.
    The Bear is Back.

  21. - Top - End - #111
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Melian Galanodel
    Eladrin Bladesinger
    AC: 13 HP: 34/34
    PP: 14 PIv: 17 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    Melian perks up noticeably when the fortified tower comes into view. "That must be Durlag's Tower! I've read accounts of it in Candlekeep; Durlag Trollkiller's castle and homestead, where he and his family lived after he amassed a fortune adventuring. It is a shame that he and his kin are no more. Still, it must be a wonderful sight!" she then thinks a moment before continuing. "Although, accounts of fiends and devilish traps abound. And basilisks. Thalantyr has spells to protect from the latter; not sure about the former."

    As the group comes across the clearing, Melian looks upon the stones with interest but hangs back, allowing Caelyn to represent the group.

  22. - Top - End - #112
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Cheerful Sam
    Half-Dragon Warlock | Imp Familiar
    AC: 12 HP: 39/39 | AC: 13 HP: 10/10
    PP: 10|14 PIv: 15|10 PIs: 11|13
    Conditions: --- | --

    "Say Vala, what is your opinion of planar Outsiders?" Grepha asks offhandedly as Caelyn ventures out.

  23. - Top - End - #113
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Vala doesn't even look at Grepha, her eyes are set on the (potential) druid in the centre of the grove. Her expression softens just a touch around the edges of her eyes, but the grip on her spear stays tight. "You're cute and all Grepha, but if you're asking me out on a date I'm going to have to turn you down. I just don't think it'd work between us." She doesn't smile when she speaks, but the quiet amusement in her voice says she's not taking the conversation that seriously, even if the grove is taking most of her attention.

    Out in the open the man turns to Caelyn's voice and you get a look at his face for the first time. Haggard, with deep black bags underneath his eyes. Dried tearstreaks mar his sallow cheeks. His beard (or what's becoming his beard) is as unkempt as his hair, with tufts that seem to have either been pulled or simply fallen out of it, leaving it uneven and patchwork. Shivering sable eyes lock on Caelyn as she speaks, though how much he actually takes in is another matter entirely. When he does speak his voice is panicked, broken, escalating between high and low octaves with every word, every syllable, as if he isn't used to speaking in the first place. Hot spittle flies from his mouth when he opens to reply. The words are loud enough that they carry into the treeline, with the rest of the party able to hear it clearly, half-shriek, half-shout. "M...MONSTER! You slaughter my brothers, poison my mind, and then mock me by speaking our sacred tongue!?"

    He turns away, muttering to himself inaudible words, head jittering this way and that, before spinning back round to face Caelyn, staff brandished directly at her. "I will avenge them, avenge them all!"
    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  24. - Top - End - #114
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Human Arcana Cleric
    AC: 18 HP: 33/33
    PP: 17 PIv: 12 PIs: 17
    Conditions: -
    Concentration: -

    We mean no harm and have a druid on our own. As far as I know druidic teachings center around a cosmic balance, so I don't think an archdruid is an extremist. Or at least I hope they are not. Senna says as she waves to the old man and approaches. Halfway there, she summons Glyph into her arms and whispers into the cat's ears. The familiar bridges the rest of the distance between the cleric and the old hermit, pawing at the legs of the old man and starting to purr.

  25. - Top - End - #115
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Cheerful Sam
    Half-Dragon Warlock | Imp Familiar
    AC: 12 HP: 39/39 | AC: 13 HP: 10/10
    PP: 10|14 PIv: 15|10 PIs: 11|13
    Conditions: --- | --

    Grepha snickers at Vala's comment. "No, just wondering how long I have to-" she's cut off as the old man in the circle of stones starts yelling. Sam stands and steps out of hiding, holding up his hands placatingly.

    "Whoa, hey, easy there. We're not whoever you think we are, dude. We just got here!"

    Spoiler: Rolls
    Diplomacy (Treat Senna as Help?)

  26. - Top - End - #116
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Caelyn Syol'arael
    Wood Elf Druid
    AC: 15 HP: 39/39
    PP: 17 PIv: 10 PIs: 17
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating on:

    Caelyn raises both hands, eyes going wide with surprise. I swear to you on my connection to nature that it was not us that did these things. As my dragonborn friend said, we have just arrived here. She takes a deep breath and begins speaking in Druidic again, though hesitantly.

    Spoiler: Druidic
    Peace, friend. We come to fight monsters, not become them. Please, calm yourself and tell me of your troubles. Perhaps we can help.

    The Bear is Back.

  27. - Top - End - #117
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Melian Galanodel
    Eladrin Bladesinger
    AC: 13 HP: 34/34
    PP: 14 PIv: 17 PIs: 11
    Conditions: --
    Concentrating: --

    As the man's maddened voice breaks the stillness, Melian instinctively begins scanning the clearing and the treeline opposite their position, fearful of a possible ambush. He left hand lightly grasps her blade's scabbard and, pushing a thumb against the guard, loosens it so it is ready to draw.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Perception: (1d20+4)[18]

  28. - Top - End - #118
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    The vagabond druid plants his hands on his ears, staff still in hand. "No no no! You're lying, you're all liars. I know what you are, what all of you are! Let the wrath of Malar destroy you and your faithless companions!" He kicks out at Glyph, who evades the foot before ramming his staff into the ground. Vala immediately breaks the tree cover and rushes to the forefront but - and you - are too slow to stop the spell from taking effect. Thick roots burst forth from the staff's base in four directions as the altar glows with a sickly green light. The fast plantgrowth immediately begins to take form into that of misshapen animals, recognisable despite being made up of little more than vines, mud and grass, yet clearly 'wrong'. A bear, an eagle, a wolf, and a boar. Tusks and teeth and claws seem to be formed from stone pulled straight from the ground.

    The plant-beasts summoned, the mad druid tugs his staff back into his hands and brandishes it once more.

    Spoiler: Map

    Dim light while under the trees, but otherwise bright light abounds. 1/2 cover if you're at least two squares 'in' to a tree cover.

    Couldn't find decent tokens for "plantbeasts" so they're just normal tokens, sorry about that. They are decidedly plants though, and not normal beasts. Imagine shambling mounds (or Tanglea from pokémon if that's more your thing) except formed into animal shapes.

    Difficult terrain trying to climb over rocks or the altar. That's about it I think.

    No sign of an ambush or anything for Melian.

    Initiative wise the druid rolled low, so everyone gets a turn first. I'll be taking Vala just for this fight to get some narration about her abilities, then let others pilot (if so desired) for future fights.

    Spoiler: Malar Religion Check

    Spoiler: DC10

    Malar is a lesser deity, evil, and usually associated with lycanthropes.

    Spoiler: DC15

    His titles include the Beastlord and the Blackblooded One. He finds worshippers among druids and barbarians, who often receive blessings or curses similar to or associated with lycanthropy. His dogma involves the spreading of the lycan curse, and a general contempt for civilisation. He is often depicted as a monkey-wolf hybrid, with a head covered in blood-red fur and his symbol is a lcyanthrope's claw dripping with blood.

    Spoiler: DC20

    Malar was originally one of the Deities of Fury and lead by Talos. He often sided with Lolth, the spider goddess of the Drow. He was defeated during the Time of Troubles by Nobanion the King of Beasts, an exarch of Silvanus, but as with most/all gods they're never truly gone.

    Notably Malarites are forbidden from slaying young or pregnant, in apparent recognition that they are not worthy targets of the Hunt.

    High Hunts are their primary form of celebration, occurring 4 times a year on Midwinter, Greengrass, Midsummer and the Feast of the Moon. They involve a sporting event in which a predetermined 'mark' (usually a humanoid male) is equipped with non-magical equipment and set loose in a vast area with a guarded boundary, often woodlands. Participants in the hunt must find and kill the mark before sunrise to earn glory and prestige with their good. Should the mark survive until sunrise, they are allowed their freedom and immunity from all future hunts, along with a boon from the Huntmaster/Huntmistress.

    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  29. - Top - End - #119
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Cheerful Sam
    Half-Dragon Warlock | Imp Familiar
    AC: 12 HP: 39/39 | AC: 13 HP: 10/10
    PP: 10|14 PIv: 15|10 PIs: 11|13
    Conditions: --- | --

    Sam steps up behind Vala and places a hand upon her back. "Stand fast," his voice resonates, granting her magical protection. He steps back into tree cover, to avoid being bunched up. He's seen all the widespread magic Caelyn can use.

    Taking of from her perch, Grepha vanishes from view, keeping an eye out for anything she needs to do.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Move 1 SE.
    Cast Heroism on Vala.
    Move 1 S, 1 SW.

    Action to go invisible.
    Take flight and move 3 spaces above where Senna currently is.

  30. - Top - End - #120
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Iron Crisis Part 2 (IC)

    Human Arcana Cleric
    AC: 18 HP: 33/33
    PP: 17 PIv: 12 PIs: 17
    Conditions: -
    Concentration: -

    If you cannot see reason, we will make you see it. Senna says as her holy symbol is already encapsulated in a mandala of magical circles. Deneir, shackle these creatures so arcane and natural retribution can hit them.

    A pale light bluish hue shackles the creature's hooves, claws and paws to the ground.

    Bear (1d4)[4]
    Eagle (1d4)[3]
    Wolf (1d4)[4]
    Boar (1d4)[4]

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