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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Laura's Avatar

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    Jun 2020
    USA Texas

    Default Empire 6: Into the Mountains - Y46

    The tavern of Rauri's Rest stood three stories high, made of pine timbers with steep thatched roofs and a foundation of stacked stones. A large accompanying stable had been constructed across the muddy courtyard a a number of outhouses and storage cellars completed the complex. Behind the tavern rose the steep imperious slopes of the mountains, still crowned in ice and snow, even in the middle of summer, and before the inn lay the open valley of Serpent’s Pass. Serpent’s Pass, the one and only known pass between Wider Tarandi and The Elven Coast of the west, a lifeline connecting east to west. The rest of the town seems small and quiet compared to the massive complex of the tavern. Cottage homes and a meager market place stood around roads of hewn cobbles and packed mud crisscross their way through town. Around them, Watchtowers with shingled sides and battlement of pure white ivory scales of massive side were constructed at main the highway and at the town gates.

    Summer was a busy season, with a lot of trade traffic and pilgrims passing through while the weather was good. The smell of horses and the bark and bickering of dogs filled the air and Rauri's Rest was full to bursting. Mouthwatering aromas of sizzling meat wafted off a board roasting on an open spit over the largest of the fires in the main hall and a half dozen side halls spilled over with voices and music. Bone dice clattered on wooden tables, laughter and curses rose in bursts and shouts over the common hubbub of noise and sunlight and torches flittered from narrow windows and high sconces through the smoke and deep shadows of the rafters.

    The owner of the Tavern, Acindi of the Dreamspeaks, was seated up on a interior balcony overlooking the first floor a few other Dreamspeakers and some trusted friends were gathered there as well, betting emeralds on dice at a small table. Acindi herself was leaning back in her chair, facing out toward the open hall, with her feet kicked up on the balcony rail. Her nimble fingers strummed softly over a small lute made by the finest of Sangar artisans, but it was impossible to hear her light cords over the noises rising from below. As she sat and watched a little smiled spread crooked over her wide lips.

    “Sandvi,” she said, addressing one of the younger Dreamspeakers at the table, “Go ask Lekahni’Cai to send up more cranberry wine an’ an extra bowl of figs. I’ve has a vision o’ stories to come.”

    “Stories to come Siah?” asked the young speaker slightly confused. Acindi’s meaning and intentions were always difficult to fathom, a curse of being both a shaní and a Speaker he assumed.”

    “Stories to come, o mayhap soon t’ be made,” she said dismissively, still strumming at her lute, “It starts here, I kin, though here is not where it shall end. Narry…” she stared over the inn for a moment, “I sense destiny stirring , preparing the way fer great kaí in near and distant places.”


    “I am only an observer, Sandvi an’ observer an’ a teller of tales. But hush’ye now Sandvi an’ fetch the food an’ drink. Fate stirs in visions an’ dreams and I shall harken there.”

    The young speaker stared at the elf as bewildered as ever, but then left to do as she’d ordered.

    Behind the large wooden bar in the hall below Lekahni’Aki’Letuah - New-Song-Chasing-New-Horizons – pushed her curling brown hair from her brow and directed the cooks to begin carving and serving the roast boar to the patrons. Acindi and her Dreamspeaker ilk may have owned the inn, but everyone knew it was truly Lekahni who ran it. Throwing a clean rag over one shoulder she moved to the front of the bar to greet new travelers and help the two barmaids in making and serving drinks. She smiled and laughed, greeting regulars by name and newcomers with a warm smile. Her green eyes continually scanned the hall, taking in the faces and the many exchanges and her shan ears listened, picking out certain words and voices. She was always on the watch for news, for tiding from a far, no matter how busy things become, Lekahni never stopped waiting.
    Last edited by Laura; 2021-01-03 at 12:52 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Empire 6: Into the Mountains - Y46

    Two Dannu-Gao women entered the tavern, their unremarkable but unmistakably fine leather longcoats only slightly dust-matted from the road, fur-lined conical hats with accompanying headdress marking them both as Magi, and painted wooden masks featuring the illusion of an owl's stare marking them as of the Strix's Quill in particular. The older of the pair listened with faint exasperation, hands folded behind her, as the younger objected to whatever it was she last said.

    "-ll have to find a partial slope to begin our climb, I can't just tunnel through a mountain."
    "I understand that, Beko, but I'd prefer not to use the roads here any more than we have to. The earthquake disturbed the peace, and times of chaos are times of vulnerability for marauders and brigands. They do their best but marauders will always be bolder and more plentiful in times like this."
    "This is why we hired bodyguards, Nila."
    "It's not the danger I'm concerned about, precisely. It's hard to explai-"

    She paused, and turned once more to her companion.

    "We can finish this conversation later. Care for a drink?"

    For her part, the younger woman simply huffed in response, casting her eyes on the other clientele of the tavern and taking a glance back at the door. The elder washed effortlessly through the crowd like a trickling stream to approach the bar and removed one of her heavy gloves to briefly reveal a delicate-looking hand that bore a bulky silver band shaped to resemble a bird and ornamented with a garnet - one of the nine Rings of the Phoenix, surely! Just as quickly the priceless relic disappeared from sight once more as she reached into her robe to fish for a purse.

    "Good day! My companion and I are travelers headed to the south on business; we will require four beds for one night, no more than two to a room, and a night's accommodation in the stable for four horses." She pulled out a single, fingertip-sized yellow tourmaline, thought a moment, and produced a second before putting both on the counter with her still-gloved hand. "Can this be arranged?"
    Last edited by BladeofObliviom; 2020-12-30 at 11:25 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Laura's Avatar

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    Default Re: Empire 6: Into the Mountains - Y46

    Lekahni swept the gemstones into her hand, not even bothering to inspect them. She recognized the hero of Dannu Gaon well enough and it was curiosity more than business on her mind now. This was a Dreamspeaker tavern after all.

    "Fer Nila-Sen who bares the Phoenix o' Dannu?" she asked with a smile, "I'll have the best rooms a'made ready an' fresh. But tell me, Siah, what bring ye an' yer companions westward? The steps o' a Phoenix over the lands o' Tarandi are always worth a'marking. Give me the honor o' hearing yer story over the dinner o' roast boar an' honey carrots even now being prepared, an' I will return ye one o' these gems forth-hence."

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Empire 6: Into the Mountains - Y46

    If she were surprised or displeased at being recognized, she didn't show it, only returning her purse to its hidden pocket and replacing her glove in silence. Yet, a playful glint graced her eye. She turned to look behind her and nodded at her companion, who nodded back and left out the door, then turned her gaze back to Lekahni. Despite a countenance hidden behind a painted mask, the way the skin folded up just under her eyes betrayed her grin.

    "Sharp eye - I should have used my left hand. Alas. Now you know that we're thieves fleeing with a priceless treasure."

    She didn't even try to make a real ruse of it. Anyone who knew much of the Rings of the Phoenix would know that stealing one would have dire consequences across all Tarandi, consequences that the Dream Speakers here would surely know all about.

    "Very well. I'll happily accept your invitation to dinner; the road ahead is yet long and I tire of trail-meat. In the meantime, I fear you have me at a disadvantage, Lady..?"
    Last edited by BladeofObliviom; 2020-12-31 at 09:36 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Laura's Avatar

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    Default Re: Empire 6: Into the Mountains - Y46

    The shaná gave a bow to Nila, fist to forehead, "I am Lekahni’Aki’Letuah - New-Song-Chasing-New-Horizons. Long days an' warn nights to ye Siah. I've managed this inn since it was first built, a'fore even the Dreamspeakers took it over." A smile and the softness of fond memories long gone by passed over her elven features, then she handed one of the tourmaline back to the human. "I can'a set ye up a table in one o' the back rooms, if that suit yeh. There's a bit more o' a draft back there, but it's less noisy an' easier fer the tell'n o stories."
    Last edited by Laura; 2021-01-01 at 04:46 AM.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Empire 6: Into the Mountains - Y46

    Nila-Sen closes her eyes a moment as she takes back the semiprecious stone.

    "That sounds delightful. A little cold never bothered me, but the crowds do."

    As if by clockwork, the younger Magi chose this moment to return through the front door, along with an additional pair: A short, squat man - most likely a dwarf, actually - clad in heavy furs and a helmet of unusual metal, like copper but more yellow, and a perfectly contrasting tall and lanky Dannu-Gao fellow clad in only common clothes and leather wristguards, with an unstrung bow tied to his pack.

    "Ah, there they are.", the Magi stated simply. "Come and get us when you're ready?"

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    USA Texas

    Default Re: Empire 6: Into the Mountains - Y46

    “Swanny,” replied Lekahni with a nod and then turned to address one of the other barmaid’s who’d been waiting to ask a quest.

    A short time later Nila and her companions were approached by one of the Tavern staff, who led them up a few steps and around a bend in a hall to a back room. A few tables near the fire were occupied, though the patrons here seemed to make an effort to keep their voices lower and preserve a sense of peace and quite that was a tangible relief compared to the hubbub of the main hall. The few windows if the room faced the high cliffs of the mountains and let in precious little light. Smoky dimness pressed in as the fire was smaller and the sconces less numerous than in the main hall. A lone Dreamspeaker minstrel was playing a harp and telling a story in hushed but intense tones, but did not seem to take in offense to the fact that no one seemed to be truly paying any attention as they leaned over their own tables and quiet conversations.

    Lekahni had set up a large table in the back of the room, with some space between it and the fire where the rest of the tables where arranged. She was lighting a few candles set in the center, meter attempts to push back the gloom and plates of roast Boare and carrots had already been set before the places by.

    “I hope this shall do,” she said, “I can bring yeh what drink yeh wish, as well as a bowl o’ sugared nuts an’ figs if it would please yeh. But please, make yourselves comfortable an’ welcome all.”

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Empire 6: Into the Mountains - Y46

    The group was a little out of sorts in the back room of the Tavern. Only the younger Dannu-Gao man with the bow - he was quick to introduce himself as Sarin, with no clan name - looked completely comfortable, as he was quite happy to take advantage of the offered food and drink and ogle staff and patrons alike under the guise of keeping an eye out. The Dwarf seated next to him seemed much more genuinely alert, and though no less happy to enjoy a drink took more care not to wet her beard. She seemed to have a lot of trouble seeing properly in the firelight, blinking and squinting a lot, and grunted rather than properly introducing herself. Beko-Mak had removed her mask to partake lightly of the meal, though seemed bothered by something only she could see. She was quiet, overall.

    Nila-Sen for her part put on a good face but her body language betrayed her, sitting as far as possible from the fire and frowning just a little every time it flared up and the air in the room grew more dry. "Well, I certainly cannot say you don't put on a good meal. This smells much better than Sarin's road meals." "Hey!" "Not now, Sarin." She chuckled to herself. "Thank you for your hospitality, Lady Lekahni. As for the story...well, where do you think I should start? The beginning, the word, or the border?"

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