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  1. - Top - End - #151
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    "aaah!" A quiet gasp slips from Seira's gritted teeth as the demon dogs' fire washes over her. Stepping back, Seira raises a hand, and a badger appears behind the two-headed dog.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Seira steps back so that she is 25 feet from the two-headed dog, then uses her Summon Monster SLA to summon a badger behind it.
    Avatar by smutmulch!

  2. - Top - End - #152
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    Leonius Caela Telum
    Aasimar Cleric
    AC: 17 HP: 9/23
    touch: 10, ff: 18, CMD: 14
    Conditions: Blessing of Vigilance (Lesser Age Resistance, 23h)

    Leonius wasn't was caught unaware, but the pain of the first breath made him duck behind his shield to prevent any further damage. Unable to leave his position to aid them, Leonius pushes the urge to sprint towards the injured down. A battle-ready chapter needed a conscious healer, and the half-orc seemed tough enough. Vile beast, take this. he shouts as he obviously takes wide side swings to make the creature dodge more than trying injure it.

    Aid another vs AC 10 plus Bless and flanking (1d20+6)[17]

  3. - Top - End - #153
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    Mong growl as the flames overcame him, he feels his entire body roil in pain for a second, he pops a goodberry as a move action (restoring 1 hp and not losing a round of Rage song), then attacks swinging with both hands on to a hound


    Start Bloodrage (3 now used 10), everyone accepts it get +2 morale Str/Con, -1 AC, +1 Will;
    Status: Bless (+1 hit), Flanking (+2 hit), Fast Heal 8 (while singing)
    AC: 15 (-0 song) HP: 28/35 (+4 Con, +12 hp)
    touch: 12, ff: 13, CMD: 19
    Saves: +9/+3/+3
    Amplified Bloodrage +8 Str/+4 Con, -0 AC

    Damage: (1d8+10)[14]

  4. - Top - End - #154
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    frown Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    Even as the dogs coat the heroes in fire their end is nigh. Mong flanks out to the side, blade lashing out as he guts the nearest one before Gashur, his flank protected by Leonius swings the lucerne hammer with savage force that eviscerates the double headed dog near tearing it in two! The street grows silent momentarily, before once more distant screams and crackling flames once more take hold.

    Horgus looks around, a pause before the fat merchant barks out a demand, "Right, if you want your pay you'll abandon finding defenders, this city is ruins and lost. Get me to my manor and we can gather supplies and retreat. The Queen will be mounting a counterattack I'm sure." As he speaks Aneiva scowls from atop the steed summoned by Tali. "No. My wife is somewhere out there and the vile Cults are out there. We need clues as to how that demon was able to best the Wardstones in case they all fall and the whole of the country is engulfed in a demonic plauge." Even blind Arivishnal nods, "I agree Miss Aneiva. Both that your noble Lady wife would never abandon the city and that we must know how the Wardstones were defeated. The library where my people are, and sadly one that is mentioned in that note may be able to help."

    For the party the smoke fills the streets and the sky is blotted out by low clouds that hang dark and filled with ash casting a pall over the city. From where you sit in the south of city all routes must lead north by necessity. But you know that the Blackwing library is probably the closest, only a half dozen blocks north nestled against the inner wall. Horgus's manor lies slightly further NE in the outer city across the no burning St Augustine Park where once carefully manicured lawns and sculptured flower beds offered peace in the city.
    Thanks to Emperor Ing for the nice Avatar

  5. - Top - End - #155
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    Leonius Caela Telum
    Aasimar Cleric
    AC: 17 HP: 18/23
    touch: 10, ff: 18, CMD: 14
    Conditions: Blessing of Vigilance (Lesser Age Resistance, 23h)

    For the second time today, Leonius invokes the light of Sarenrae once he has made sure the demons don't move anymore. Gather 'round. he requests before invoking the Inheritor's Light.

    As Horgus starts his rant, Leonius shoots him a vile look. As he does not stop, the aasimar approaches the noble man uncomfortably close. We are fighting for your and our lives out here. If you have any concerns with our route, you are welcome to leave and try to get to your mansion on your own, Master Gwerm.

    Pausing he steps away a foot or two and turns to the group. If no one objects we could check the Blackwing Library. If we are to pick up a few scholars along the way, who might offer us intelligence, something rarely needed in times like this. It's not like stumbling blindly through a burning city is a smart thing to do. he adds meaning Horgus's approach.

    Channel Positive Energy to heal for 9.

    Last edited by Spore; 2021-11-10 at 10:07 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #156
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    Tali's lips tighten as she recognises an impending argument, interceding herself between Leonius and Horgus with placating motions.

    "I agree the city looks like a lost cause," she's quick to agree with Horgus to sooth his temper, "but the others also make good points! The crusade will need your resources, but a crusade can't flight on funds alone if it has no soldiers! Even worse than that, if we can't work out how they circumvented the wardstone then all is lost no matter what else we do!"

    "Blackwing Library is on the way to your manor. We need find out what happened and then we'll be in a better position to know what to do. I know you have the will to see these things must be done, Lord Gwerm. Please, forebear us a little longer. We'll make sure your supplies get to where they're needed."


    Diplomacy for persuasion! Anyone else feel free to aid. (1d20+13)[31]
    Last edited by RCgothic; 2021-11-11 at 07:19 AM.

  7. - Top - End - #157
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    "Look Anevia, your wife can handle herself, relax, we have more important things to deal with. I'm sure she is fine, she will hold out till we get there."
    Mong said to Anevia.
    "While information is good, Arivishnal, I feel like the manor will be better guarded so we can rest for the night. If nothing else, I want to guide Horgus to his home. Guess we put it to a vote. Majority rules. No complaining.

    I vote manor than library"

    Mong decided they can vote.


    diplomacy - (1d20+7)[11]

  8. - Top - End - #158
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    Horgus puffs up, angry as he is thwarted, the blind elf mage and Aneiva also bristling and as Mong and Leonius weigh in it seems arguments are inevitable even as the city burns around you. It’s Tali who calms things, her soft tones soothing tempers and easing egos.

    Horgus eases and finally nods. ”A delay at the library would be permitted I suppose.” He acknowledges, “But then see me safe to my manor”.

    As the party move through the smashed and broken streets the city is dying around you. Several blocks to the north you hear screams, a swirl in the smoke drifting shows you all a pair Silver Templars dragging a young girl from her horrified parents. The taller of the soldiers weeping as he explains “To escape we must make a sacrifice…” the intent clear as he hefts a dented blade

    The parents and 3-4 other shocked looking city folk look on in horror, numb or scared it’s hard to say
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  9. - Top - End - #159
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    Leonius Caela Telum
    Aasimar Cleric
    AC: 17 HP: 18/23
    touch: 10, ff: 18, CMD: 14
    Conditions: Blessing of Vigilance (Lesser Age Resistance, 23h)

    Seeing a helpless civilian being being mishandled, Leonius cannot help but sprint into an inevitable trap or conflict. Perusing a lighter armor, he is faster than he fears. Unhand this woman at once or I'll cut of the arm myself. he shouts.

  10. - Top - End - #160
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    The terrified and panicked soliders look around as Leonius steps forward bellowing at them. "Oh, who are you? You ain't from the garrison or the Defenders Heart..." he looks around. Hand still wrapped around the young woman, a look of terror and panic on his face. "Its pointless you see, the city has fallen, our faith was worthless and Terenderlev has fallen."

    He motions at the girl, "Whats the point now? Blood is on the only, feed the Gods blood and we may survive to fight on another day." . The two soldiers glare at you expectantly, awaiting your objection or shouts or support?


    Your choice to try social skills or cut them down for turning their back on their faith

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  11. - Top - End - #161
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    "Step away from her immediately!" Tali commands, fearlessly rushing forwards protect the girl. "Enough Kenabres blood had been spilled already today without adding to it ourselves! You're supposed to be protecting the people! Pull yourselves together!"


    Diplomacy to persuade (1d20+13)[16]
    Last edited by RCgothic; 2021-11-24 at 04:32 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #162
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    The two soldiers pause, a look of confusion on their faces, mixed with terror at the state of the city in collapse around them. "Who are you?" the nearest demands roughly, "How have you survived the fall? Are you one of them?" the last demanded with a glance at the heavily armed and greenish skinned Mong and Gashur behind her.

    The other man, lowes the weapon looking at the other terrified refugees. "We were trying to save them, a sacrifice was the only way."
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  13. - Top - End - #163
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    "We are some of us. And if you haven't practiced human sacrifices before, today is not a good time to start. All sort of things could go wrong. You could appease a wrong kind of god, a pair of half-orcs could kill you incredibly pailfully, or something unpleasant could happen. Unless you want to die, we are commandeering you for this one escape. And we take those people with us." Gashur wonders if he has made himself clear enough or if this will require some clarifications.

  14. - Top - End - #164
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    "No god worth worshipping would accept the blood of an innocent as a tribute. Listen to the half-orc." Seira says in a neutral tone, trying not to scare the soldiers more than they already are.
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  15. - Top - End - #165
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    Leonius Caela Telum
    Aasimar Cleric
    AC: 17 HP: 18/23
    touch: 10, ff: 18, CMD: 14
    Conditions: Blessing of Vigilance (Lesser Age Resistance, 23h)

    The Inheritor is my shield and my blade! Leonius repeats a common sermon. I do not question the circumstances why we survived, I just thank Iomedae for it. But you bring up a valid point.

    Repeat after me, fellow crusaders:
    My strength is not in my sword, but in my heart.
    If I lose my sword, I have lost a tool.
    If I betray my heart, I have died.

    There is no turning back once you commit to this. We outnumber you, are better prepared, and would love to see you to safety.
    With his last words, he shoots Gwerm a nasty look to keep quiet.

    (1d20+5)[25] I assume to help Tali. But by my logic, reciting a part of Iomedae's paladin code should count as lowering the DC.

  16. - Top - End - #166
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    Mong thought for a bit after everyone's speech.
    "You see this blade is the sword of Yaniel? This blade is a relic of days past. This legendary blade is a tribute that the tides are turning, that we can win versus this great adversity." Mong says as he casts spells to make his blade shine and glow like the sun.

    Mong steps a inch forward looking at the men sternly.
    "I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but I would hope it is not this day.

    Surely there never was a fight better worth making than the one in which we are in.

    It little matters what befalls any one of us who for the time being stands in the forefront of the battle. I hope we shall win, and I believe that if we can wake the people to what the fight really means, we shall win. But, win or lose, we shall not falter.

    Whatever fate may at the moment overtake any of us, the movement itself will not stop.

    Our cause is based on the eternal principles of righteousness; even though we who now lead may for the time fail, in the end the cause itself shall triumph.

    Now to you men, who, in your turn, have come together to spend and be spent in the endless crusade against wrong, to you who face the future resolute and confident, to you who strive in a spirit of brotherhood for the betterment of our nation, to you who gird yourselves for this great new fight in the never-ending warfare for the Good of Humankind, I say in closing what it is: we stand at Armageddon, and we battle for the Lord."

    Mong pauses and points his blade toward the men.
    "Now let the lady go!"


    I cribbed a few words mixing Lord of the Rings and Theodore Roosevelt. Worked out really well.

    Diplomacy - (1d20+7)[13]

  17. - Top - End - #167
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    The two men pause, and then wilt both dropping to their knees, swords clattering to the ground beside them. "My thanks. Thank you for reminding us who we are..." he pauses, fighting back tears. Staring at the sword of Yaniel, Mong, Leonius and Tali. "I swear on the Inheritor I shall not allow weakness and fear to take me once more..." Slowly rising he still casts his eyes about the ruined city and helps the young girl rise, a look of shame on his face as she darts back to her terrified parents

    The two men look at you. "Please, you have saved us as surely as you saved her. What can we do to help.."

    Before anyone else can speak Aneiva calls, still cradling her shattered leg. " I commend you for staying men. But have you heard of other survivors, or if the Lady Irabeth survived?" One of the men shakes his head, "I do not know miss. I know there were survivors, we heard tale of the Defender's Heart being a rallying point but I do not know who may be there...." You can all nod as it makes sense, in the outer city (but close to the inner wall), the Defender's Heart is one of the largest Inns in Kenabares but built like a small fortress with even its own well in the walled stableyard. The owner, a one armed ex-crusader named Kimroth Oatai, always boasted he could withstand a siege better in his inn than these "youngsters" could defend the city walls, even with only his sword arm left...

    EVen as the situation defuses Arivishnal from the back of the magical mount listens, and asks, "What of the Tower of Estrod or the Blackwing LIbrary", a pained look on his face as he asks about both. The other man shakes his head (something the elf cannot obviously see) before speaking. "I think both have fallen, we heard screaming and saw flames in the Blackwing and there were plenty of those cultsits of the Bull and the Locust demon (Baphomet and Deskari) near the tower."
    Arivinshnal looks crestfallen, and reaches out for the nearest person, "Please, we must make haste to the Blackwing, my brothers may be in danger and there is knowledge that cannot fall into the wrong hands within"

    Gwern snorts, "Fools the lot of you. Come now, Tali, you said we would make haste, leave these peseants here, let us make haste to this pile of burning books so the mage can hear them crackling then you can deliver me to my manse as you promised". At his words both the scared templars and the few terrified tcity folk looks scared, one of them, a balding man clutching a heavy piece of broken timber (as if that will help him) looks at Leonius, "You would abandon us here Cleric?.... What of your vows?"
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  18. - Top - End - #168
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    Leonius Caela Telum
    Aasimar Cleric
    AC: 17 HP: 18/23
    touch: 10, ff: 18, CMD: 14
    Conditions: Blessing of Vigilance (Lesser Age Resistance, 23h)

    Leonius takes a deep breath as he closes his eyes in order not to lash out at Horgus. It is true we promised Lord Gwerm to see him safely to his mansion. But seeing the city in ruins, with magical secrets exposed and a need to shepherd survivors to a last beacon of hope...

    Leonius pauses and walks towards Gwerm. With due respect, your return home is both foolish and of ill judgment on our part. We can see you home, but not today. Not when we still can save some lives, when we can salvage these people's hope. So you either comply, or find your own luck in these demon-infested streets.

    He turns to the archmage. The tower might be invaded, but in case it was already destroyed, we would just endanger civilians and reduce our chances at survival. I will make a note to visit them shortly after we found Defender's Heart intact, but first tell me. How could the your order failed in maintaining the wards surrounding this city. Has something been off?

  19. - Top - End - #169
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    "We shouldn't abandon anybody!" Tali protests hotly. "Nor should we forsake our promises!" she reprimands Leonius.

    "Arivishnial is right. We need to stop things getting worse. That means going to the Blackwing Library and seeing if we can find out why the wardstone failed. All is lost if the other wardstones fall! We need to make sure the knowledge there doesn't fall into the hands of the demons, or at least that there's nothing left for them to find."

    "Lord Gwerm is also right! The manse isn't far from the Library, and the crusade will need his resources. Along the way we can rally everyone we can find to the Defender's Heart and regroup with them there."

    "You two!" she commands the soldiers. "You want to help? Take these people to the Defender's Heart and anyone else you can find along the way. I can summon you a horse so you can move quickly. We'll regroup with you there as soon as we can."
    Last edited by RCgothic; 2021-12-02 at 02:48 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #170
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    "Resources are useless if there's no one alive to make use of them. And the riches of a noble--" Seira glares at Horgus as she says this-- "are worth far less than the lives of mortals."
    Seira turns to face Leonius. "I propose we send these civilians and soldiers to the Defender's Heart, then make our way to the library. Information as to why the city's wards failed would more likely be found there than in the minds of soldiers we meet on the street. We can then fall back to the Defender's Heart and decide on further courses of action."
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  21. - Top - End - #171
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    "But..., " Mong says, " We made a promise. If we aren't people of our word, then what are? Look, we get Horgus to his manor then we have on less person to defend. And look, if we survive today, having a wealthy friend will be good.
    If we don't survive, then saving library would be useless anyway.
    Can't read if we are dead.

    I support the measure to send men to reinforce Defender's Heart, Tali, smart thinking. But yeah, we take a quick walk to the manor, give our goodbyes to Horgus, then we run to the Library.

    If there are hordes of demons at the tower, we should finish the other two first rest then go. I'm sure the Defender's Heart can hold out with the extra man power we sending..
    My body is willing, but it does have limits.

    Is there anything important at the tower, Arivishnial?

  22. - Top - End - #172
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    Leonius Caela Telum
    Aasimar Cleric
    AC: 17 HP: 18/23
    touch: 10, ff: 18, CMD: 14
    Conditions: Blessing of Vigilance (Lesser Age Resistance, 23h)

    Leonius paused for a second, then came to his senses again. Much calmer, he responds. I intended we see you off to your mansion after we have made sure the injured and those worthy to save are secured. Horgus, you might have tons of gold, but unless we can magically turn this gold into weapons or soldiers, it is worthless in the short run. Granted, a few higher ranking priests could make sure we have celestial support for a steep price, I am afraid, we don't have many high ranking clerics left. He narrows his eyes. But I suspect there is something else at your manor worth more than gold, Gwerm. You would not push lightly into enemy territory for the mere want of gold, milord. You might be full of yourself, but you are not stupid.

    But I agree with the others. The swifter we walk, the swifter we reach our goals. So let us start with the manor.

  23. - Top - End - #173
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    Gwern eyes Leonious through narrowed eyes before the soldiers, eyes bright with new found pride and purpose swear to the inheritor that they will see the civilians to the Defender's Heart. As they leave, scurrying in the shadows and creeping through smoke and debris filled alleys you all hope that they will make it. Gwern is the first to speak, "should have kept the men with us and cut the rest loose..." but says little more.

    Arivishnal looks to the sound of Mong's deep voice. "THe tower was mentioned in the letter you spoke of you as a hideout for the Ivory Templars. But it used to be the reisdence of the chief mage of the city. The library is more important though. It has the history and the books on the Wardstones that must be protected or destroyed, with Desna's luck we could reclaim the books and find how they managed to weaken the wardstones so much."" ...

    Its another 30 minutes of careful scouting and clambering through ruined buildings to avoid the patrols and roaming bands of demons and cultists that prowl the city before you reach the street opposite small market square some 50ft wide. The square is filled with rubble and a half dozen bodies le across the cobbles, burnt blackened husks marking them as dying in some sort of demonic fire.

    The Librarium of the Broken Black Wing—called “Blackwing” to the locals—has a reputation for containing the most complete record of research on demon hunting in the country. Unfortunately, Blackwing now lies in ruins—all that remains standing is the Librarium’s facade and its reinforced great hall on the far side oft he square. The wings of the of the library are piles of still smoking rubble but from within the great hall, that lies past the impressive double doors that are closed in the marble facade opposite you its possible to hear the terrified shouts of terror from people on the inside.
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  24. - Top - End - #174
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    Gashur runs straight towards those double doors and checks if they would open without too much force. If they do, he intends to peek inside to be more aware of what's going on.

  25. - Top - End - #175
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    Leonius Caela Telum
    Aasimar Cleric
    AC: 17 HP: 18/23
    touch: 10, ff: 18, CMD: 14
    Conditions: Blessing of Vigilance (Lesser Age Resistance, 23h)

    I shall follow you as your rearguard, followed by the civilians. Leonius shouts after the eager troglodyte. He would have advised a more careful approach but he has seen what the wild orc was capable of, and figured strategy would just hinder him tearing apart even demons.

    As such the cleric follows suit, hopefully assisted by at least Mong and Seira.

  26. - Top - End - #176
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    Gashur reaches the broken doors, each one some 15ft tall of iron wood emblazoned with heraldry of angels and dragons battling demons. The left hand one is ajar, hanging off shattered hinges and allownig a view of the library hall within. Its a scene of a chaos. Dozens of book shelves have been tipped and smashed into kindling and piled in a great heap in the middle of the chamber, the vaulted chamber cracked and broken in places, a great rift allowing daylight to creep in through the smoke rising as an armoured hulk and a trio of tieflings throw more books onto the pile.

    Within the pyre Gashur can see 5 of what must be librarians buried in the sheaves of paper and scrolls, each bound by the hands to a large piece of wood, a look of terror on heir face as the man sprinkles oil liberally atop everything. He looks at one of the captives, an elderly woman, her gray hair stained with fresh blood and smoke. "So Feanna, they said I was not good enough. Well, who can see who is laughing now. You can rise to your damned inheiritor on a pillar of her own holy texts.."

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  27. - Top - End - #177
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    Default Re: DrK Wrath Righteous Reboot IC

    Mong follows the others.
    He whispers, "I say we take down the big guy, maybe it will make the others flee. At least that was what my pa always said."

  28. - Top - End - #178
    Ogre in the Playground
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    "Agreed. We also need to be fast enough in order to stop the librarians from being burned." Seira whispers back.
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  29. - Top - End - #179
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Gashur nods. "Get ready and open the door someone." he whispers preparing to charge.
    Last edited by u-b; 2021-12-12 at 01:22 AM.

  30. - Top - End - #180
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    Seira nods and prepares to open the door, on Gashur's signal.
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