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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default As You Command OOC

    Welcome everyone. This is set up for some of the strategizing and all of the OOC discussion, clarifying questions and the like. I've reposted the links to your character sheets here and am going to set up a rudimentary notes page of your realm and army size, as well as your relationships with other powers once such a thing becomes relevant. If you have any ideas for formatting that go right ahead and make suggestions.

    Dark Lord : Lamorak, once called son of Marcellian, now son of Mala'kharn..
    Spymaster, Archivist and Commandant: Cypher
    Faithful Servant: Maiabel
    Manservant and Squire: Sharkan Kajeem Tyger

    I think a lot of the backstory relationships between characters but to deepen that just a little bit I'd like it if one everyone could state what their character's opinion of at least one of the other character's here is. Whether a rival for power, one of the few people you can make your black heart trust, an easily manipulated tool or something else entirely.

    This is going to become the database, but ignore most of these for now. This isn't going to turn into a game of resource management or anything, but even dark lord's need to get their forces from somewhere. If there's anything else you'd like me to track, feel free to suggest it.


    2 Marcelian Style Human Infantry Units
    1 Marcelian Style Light Cavalry Unit

    Captured Equipment for 3 Marcelian Style Infantry units
    Captured Catapults for 1 Artillery Unit

    Captured Marcelian Flagship, The Virtuous, Manned by Pirates. No Marine Complement
    Captured Beastclan Greatship, Waverider
    Eight Caravels, Skirmishing Fleet


    Crumbling Castle
    -Basements Partially Searched, Excavation Needed to Continue
    Barren Island
    -Saltpetre Deposits Identified
    -Samphire and Shellfish sufficient to support 2 Units indefinetly


    King Marcellian the Younger, Kingdom Ravaged, Shipyards Undergoing Repair, Prestigious Reputation as Holy Warrior, Military Weakened but Intact

    Lore Document

    Now I want to open the IC in Media Res rather than starting with a drawn out council meeting, but I don't have a starting mission in particular picked out and I do want this to be largely player driven. I do have some general ideas though. If you tell me what your top priority is IC I'll start you on a mission to achieve that end. Drk Lord gets final say but all comments are welcome.

    Link to the IC.
    Last edited by JbeJ275; 2022-06-20 at 10:44 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    I guess I'll go first.

    Sharkan often looks to others in the way of, what they can do for him, if you are of use, he will take a further shine to you. Maiabel is a servant like himself, not competition, more of a complimentary skill set, someone to work along beside to make his own skill set shine brighter. She is worth keeping around.

    Cypher though.... as a magical artist, like himself although through study and not natural as himself, he is competition. Healthy or.... otherwise, is yet to be seen.
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2014

    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Maiabel, as mentioned, is absolutely loyal to her master. This is mostly because she feels she has no other purpose in life, however. That may change.

    For the rest of the group... she probably looks up to Rakshan in a weird way, as he's a more effective manservant than her and she wants to learn from him. Cypher... I'm not sure what she'd think. He seems to be in the same boat as her, someone who lost what was valuable to them thanks to a purge, and she may see him as a kindred spirit - and as a fellow assassin.

    Meanwhile, still debating swapping out my Moonstone Mask (which gives me +5 to Spot and Listen as well as Darkvision 30 feet). I'd probably replace it with a Periapt of Wisdom, along with an extra enhancement bonus on her main weapon and armor, and maybe something else that's cheap. Thoughts on that?
    Last edited by Dusk Raven; 2022-02-08 at 09:11 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post
    Honestly, most players would get super excited about Zenob the god of crabs because it's eccentric. I know I would.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    But a friendly reminder that, by RAW, this game is unplayable

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Lamorak - who is presently trying out titles to go with the new throne, but is presently flirting with "Lord Protector Lamorak Mala'kharn" - has undergone something of a personality shift in the year and change since the disasterous attack on the capital of the Empire. A life of sociopathic self involvement received a blow so fierce it has started to turn inside out, and for the first time he is capable of considering the allies around him as real people with depth and meaning and inner lives of their own. This is an ironic turn around, because it was the devil Mala'kharn's advice to consider others tools and obstacles that has led to this new outlook. Inside the Lord Protector's cracked and welded together psyche, it makes sense to treat people as tools with personalities - since he has forsaken the name of his father and taken up the name of the devil he knew as a literal tool with personality. So this inner circle might be noticing a new intensity in how he looks at people around him. Those with a high sense motive might even be able to discern this is not Stalinist purge-o-vision looking for people to execute, but a genuine inflammation of twisted wisdom. He has selected Maiabel, Cypher and Rakshan because of...

    - Maiabel's manifest devotion that preceded his great embarrassment during the Breadriot Rebellion and endured through it; and because after promising once to serve him utterly, she has conformed herself admirably to be a keen and vital instrument. It is possible there are other reasons for his selection of the woman - perhaps even genuine affection - but such sentiments are small, parasite feelings on the goliath host of his primary ambition: the need for power over the world around him, and to validate himself by carving his name on the surface of the world.
    - Cypher's exceptional intellect was proven out in his dismantling of the arcane ambush forces during the Dark Miracle, but he also represents a toehold in a realm Lamorak personal has little power over - the realm of academics, and accumulated knowledge, and the power that comes not from strength and speed but from fulcrums, and hypotheses, and compounded, obscure facts. If he is going to forge a braintrust loyal to himself, it will have to issue forth from Cypher. The scholar is a two-edged blade, to him: an indispensable asset who has, however, demonstrated a willingness to betray one king already.
    - Rakshan is at once the most enigmatic and predictable of the three. The monk of the tiger-devil-god is a sorcerer with alien powers and an unarmored, arcane fighting style wildly divergent from his own - but he is bound to a code of submission to his tyrant god that transposes remarkably well on the code Lamorak learned from Mala'kharn. But aside from being an exceptionally competant sorcerer and physical opponent, having a trained cook he can trust provides Lamorak with just enough of the ghost of priveledge he grew up with as to make his fall from imperial opulence that much more bearable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dusk Raven View Post
    Meanwhile, still debating swapping out my Moonstone Mask (which gives me +5 to Spot and Listen as well as Darkvision 30 feet). I'd probably replace it with a Periapt of Wisdom, along with an extra enhancement bonus on her main weapon and armor, and maybe something else that's cheap. Thoughts on that?
    I think the Moonstone Mask would be the hardest to find "in the wild". Considering we're going to be cut off from conventional magical markets for a while, I think it'll be easier to beat up some travelling adventurers and take their armor and weapons than to find one with that specific item. But do what most pleases you! And all other things will conspire to support your choice.

    As for things to do, early objectives, I've a few ideas. Off the top of my head:

    - We have an "inner court" of PCs, but we're going to need an "outer court" of NPCs who are valuable but not quite as trusted. So whatever we gain or expand on, we should consider trying to attract an NPC to dedicate over it, if it's not specifically our respective jams.

    - Our naval assets (Pirate mercenaries and captured enemy flagship) are present, but the pirates won't stick around unpaid for long. We probably need to develop a revenue source for them (maybe fortifying a cove to act as a Tortuga-esque pirate haven for them to live under the protection of the castle. Maybe an Outer Court "Master of the Navy" who is a pirate lord/lady with one foot in legitimate sailorship. Like Barbossa when he's working with the English. Are we not King's men?

    - Our biggest asset is the castle, but it's in bad repair and the effort to repair it more fully is going to take years. I've always liked the Lyre of Building magic item, which basically turns a bard into a one man construction team - maybe we need an Master Engineer, and then get a Lyre of Building for him so he can personally crank out several hundred Man-Days of work each week, plus organizing a labor force to do the more technical work.

    - We have a little land, and we have an army. We need serfs to work that land and feed that army. We can expect a trickle of dissidents fleeing from the Empire; but if there's a neighbouring kingdom going through turmoil we can poach some refugees out of, all the better. Heck, if we can find a tribe of orcs or something who are willing to take parcels of land, and don't mind an authoritarian boot grinding down on the back of their necks while they do it, we might have to make them an offer. Maybe even one they can't refuse.

    - Speaking of the crappy land, a good way to get that land productive quickly would be getting a circle of druids on our side - maybe the kind who are indifferent to mortal suffering in favor of the environmental big-picture. Maybe we can find a grove of druids who are being hunted or hated, and offer them sanctuary?

    - Monetizing our ability to give the mad and bad of the world sanctuary is one of our key potentials here. We might want to start paying moles in other kingdoms to disseminate the information that the Unbowed Isle is offering protection for all manner of enterprising ne'erdowells.

    Do you guys have personal character projects you'd like to deliniate?
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2022-02-09 at 02:04 AM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2021

    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Lamorak - A diminished but by no means spent force. He is still the only hope Cypher has of getting revenge on his enemies and tearing down their institutions. Losing Mala'kharn might even be an advantage, fiends wish all mortals to suffer after all, even those in their thrall.

    Maiabel - He feels some strong sympathy with her, knowing well the pain of having one's family destroyed by fools serving Marcellian II. However, he must not let that cloud his judgement. The time is long past for her to be a planted agent of the Emperor, but something is not what it seems. She is neither unintelligent nor unwise but yet she follows all orders without the slightest hesitation or question. She may simply be another traumatised victim of Marcellian Ii's regime, but a calculated attempt to ingratiate herself with Lamorak is just as likely. To what purpose, he will wait and see...

    Sharkan - A lycanthrope spy from the Gift of the Moon seems highly unlikely, what could they possibly want on the opposite side of the continent? Cypher still doesn't trust him in the slightest though. Sharkan's arcane abilities could plausibly have made him an outcast from The Gift, but he hasn't completely ruled him out as a spy from the Magocracy of Thassalonia or Odrana. He is certainly too charismatic by half and must be watched in case he uses Lamorak's currentlg reduced might to seize control of our remaining forces and carve out his own territory.

    Cypher is very happy with the infiltration/assassination abilities of all three subordinates, and hopefully between us we can smuggle the boss in if stealth is vital to any missions we do. In combat Lamorak will be a great centre for the more glass cannon members to fight around.

    Cypher would want to move cautiously, strengthening our position and undermining the Empire before acting directly against them and risking restarting the civil war. Inside the Empire he would like to try and drive a wedge between Marcellian Ii and the College of wizardry. Assassinations might need to wait until there is enough of a distraction going on that we can get in and out more easily or avoid an instant reprisal.

    Outside the Empire, Ordana seems most ripe for a neighbouring nation to cause strife in, or at the very least recruit peasants from. A false flag attack provoking conflict between the Marcellian Empire and Ordana or [unspellable celtic nation] also seems possible, but starting an all out war might just prompt a neighbour to take over the Empire and deny us the opportunity.

    We are in a very unstable position and an alliance with the Coral Corsairs might ensure we have good supply lines and prevent other seafaring nations from moving in. There is currently very little the pirates could want to take from us, which hopefully would make us relatively safe from them betraying us in the short term. We should avoid the Magocracy like the plague. The giant nation and artillery nuts don't seem easy to manipulate to our benefit in any way.

    I love the master engineer idea. Cypher's knowledge skills might be quite helpful if we want to roam the lands trying to track down powerful magic items or people to help us. Making a haven for outcasts and starting a recruitment drive sounds fun but might work better once we can make the island a more attractive proposition.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by MrAbdiel View Post
    - Our naval assets (Pirate mercenaries and captured enemy flagship) are present, but the pirates won't stick around unpaid for long. We probably need to develop a revenue source for them (maybe fortifying a cove to act as a Tortuga-esque pirate haven for them to live under the protection of the castle. Maybe an Outer Court "Master of the Navy" who is a pirate lord/lady with one foot in legitimate sailorship. Like Barbossa when he's working with the English. Are we not King's men?

    - Our biggest asset is the castle, but it's in bad repair and the effort to repair it more fully is going to take years. I've always liked the Lyre of Building magic item, which basically turns a bard into a one man construction team - maybe we need an Master Engineer, and then get a Lyre of Building for him so he can personally crank out several hundred Man-Days of work each week, plus organizing a labor force to do the more technical work.

    - We have a little land, and we have an army. We need serfs to work that land and feed that army. We can expect a trickle of dissidents fleeing from the Empire; but if there's a neighbouring kingdom going through turmoil we can poach some refugees out of, all the better. Heck, if we can find a tribe of orcs or something who are willing to take parcels of land, and don't mind an authoritarian boot grinding down on the back of their necks while they do it, we might have to make them an offer. Maybe even one they can't refuse.

    - Speaking of the crappy land, a good way to get that land productive quickly would be getting a circle of druids on our side - maybe the kind who are indifferent to mortal suffering in favor of the environmental big-picture. Maybe we can find a grove of druids who are being hunted or hated, and offer them sanctuary?

    - Monetizing our ability to give the mad and bad of the world sanctuary is one of our key potentials here. We might want to start paying moles in other kingdoms to disseminate the information that the Unbowed Isle is offering protection for all manner of enterprising ne'erdowells.

    Do you guys have personal character projects you'd like to deliniate?
    Regarding the plan to forge a Tortuga esque pirate base, doing that would almost certainly require forging a good relationship with the Coral Corsairs, or else making an effort to grow the very small number of pirates who have been marked as unacceptable by the corsair courts and survived to tell the tale. The corsairs don't currently have a refuge in the same sea you're currently serving in, but would be unlikely to accept too many limitations on their activity, and the established blocks in those courts might come to see you as a rival.

    Reagarding places to Steal Magic items, the vast majority of those currently in use are relics from the Old Empire, the majority of those being found in the old Imperial vaults beneath what is now Ordana and Thassalonia, but both of these places guard them jealousy and have the power to back it up. More plausibly, the old Imperial capital was known to once sit on the Marcellian coast, but sunk beneath the waves, with ships attempting to evacuate valuables being struck and brought down in the swell.

    The traditional way for an ambitious and talented lord to gain the population for a new fief in this world has been freeing the Landsmen of Odrana. Though their golems are formidable they are poorly managed enough that most can set the ground prior to fighting one, and they're not intelligent combatants, and while the grounds of their empire are warded they’re not unified enough to respond to quick incursions and not motivated to spend elven lives chasing down stolen chattel. The mostly human landsmen on the other hand are hardy folk, and willing to labour gratefully for new lords as long as they retain basic rights and freedoms. There are other more monstrous groups, closest to hand being the mountain goblins, hobgoblins and orcs found in the south east of the continent, but you know little of their conditions.

    Regarding druids, most local ones are part of Creadurynasllawerofnadwy or the Beastclans as everyone else in the world calls them. The beastclans aren't really united as a single nation, instead divided into clans that bicker between themselves. You can find druids of most alignments there, though in particular the Dyfnderoedd underclans that inhabit the island to your south have a reputation for brutal practises, poor relations with outsiders and strange religious practises.

    As for recruiting general outlaws, it has potential. But despite the miracle ensuring your brother lacks the naval strength to bring the fight to you at the current moment you'll have to prove your strength and resilience before they really start coming in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Waistcoatwill View Post
    Lamorak - A diminished but by no means spent force. He is still the only hope Cypher has of getting revenge on his enemies and tearing down their institutions. Losing Mala'kharn might even be an advantage, fiends wish all mortals to suffer after all, even those in their thrall.

    Maiabel - He feels some strong sympathy with her, knowing well the pain of having one's family destroyed by fools serving Marcellian II. However, he must not let that cloud his judgement. The time is long past for her to be a planted agent of the Emperor, but something is not what it seems. She is neither unintelligent nor unwise but yet she follows all orders without the slightest hesitation or question. She may simply be another traumatised victim of Marcellian Ii's regime, but a calculated attempt to ingratiate herself with Lamorak is just as likely. To what purpose, he will wait and see...

    Sharkan - A lycanthrope spy from the Gift of the Moon seems highly unlikely, what could they possibly want on the opposite side of the continent? Cypher still doesn't trust him in the slightest though. Sharkan's arcane abilities could plausibly have made him an outcast from The Gift, but he hasn't completely ruled him out as a spy from the Magocracy of Thassalonia or Odrana. He is certainly too charismatic by half and must be watched in case he uses Lamorak's currently reduced might to seize control of our remaining forces and carve out his own territory.

    Cypher is very happy with the infiltration/assassination abilities of all three subordinates, and hopefully between us we can smuggle the boss in if stealth is vital to any missions we do. In combat Lamorak will be a great centre for the more glass cannon members to fight around.

    Cypher would want to move cautiously, strengthening our position and undermining the Empire before acting directly against them and risking restarting the civil war. Inside the Empire he would like to try and drive a wedge between Marcellian Ii and the College of wizardry. Assassinations might need to wait until there is enough of a distraction going on that we can get in and out more easily or avoid an instant reprisal.

    Outside the Empire, Ordana seems most ripe for a neighbouring nation to cause strife in, or at the very least recruit peasants from. A false flag attack provoking conflict between the Marcellian Empire and Ordana or [unspellable celtic nation] also seems possible, but starting an all out war might just prompt a neighbour to take over the Empire and deny us the opportunity.

    We are in a very unstable position and an alliance with the Coral Corsairs might ensure we have good supply lines and prevent other seafaring nations from moving in. There is currently very little the pirates could want to take from us, which hopefully would make us relatively safe from them betraying us in the short term. We should avoid the Magocracy like the plague. The giant nation and artillery nuts don't seem easy to manipulate to our benefit in any way.

    I love the master engineer idea. Cypher's knowledge skills might be quite helpful if we want to roam the lands trying to track down powerful magic items or people to help us. Making a haven for outcasts and starting a recruitment drive sounds fun but might work better once we can make the island a more attractive proposition.
    Regarding false flag attacks, the issue with Odrana is that you'd have to actually strike at the city, or one of the few conclaves of elves to get any sort of emotional reaction from the city's powerbrokers, and those are well defended indeed. You might be able to tempt an attack from them out somehow but the desires of the powerful in that city are difficult things to keep track of.

    As for the beastclans you might have better luck there. While they're disunited and many have good relations with the Kingdom others frequently engaged in raids until Marcellian the First used Statesmanship to make that untenable and then blunted any remaining raiders militarily. They've since settled, and some have even converted to the Kingdom's faiths but could potentially be roused again.
    Last edited by JbeJ275; 2022-02-10 at 09:55 AM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2021

    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Stealing some Lamdsmen from Ordana sounds like a fairly safe bet then. How do folk feel about investigating the orcs and goblins as well to see what they can offer? Might be a source of fighters rather than farmers I suppose.

    Cypher can help a bit with any marine salvage venture with Arcane Dilettante. He can throw out a 4 hour per person water breathing, Locate Object, and summon monster 2 for 1d3 celestial porpoises for echolocation searching or a quick ride to the surface. We'd still be sitting ducks if anything attached us underwater.

    The Beastclans sounds like they'd be good to talk to, even if it's just to suss out the nearby island. From the lore document the former pirate captain might be persuaded to continue to disrupt shipping. Actually attacking a clan could be a fall back option to provoke a fight with tbe Marcellians could be a fakl back option if we can identify a clan that would retaliate.

    Another thing to consider for the kingdom would be infiltrating and burning shipyards to give us more time before their navy is back to strength. That or kill/abduct their best shipwrights.
    Last edited by Waistcoatwill; 2022-02-10 at 08:32 AM.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    May 2014

    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Unfortunately, I don't have a gift for the nitty-gritty of nation-building, much though I enjoy hearing people talk about it. As such I don't really have much to add to what's already been discussed. I would like to think that Maiabel might have a bit of pull with the pirates, if for no other reason than that she's fought beside them (well, flanked the enemy with them) and they've seen what she can do in battle. I hope they respect her at least a little, because otherwise Maiabel's not the charismatic type and she has no skill in Diplomacy, only a synergy bonus from Bluff.

    The talk of using our skills to go dungeon-delving does remind me - Chameleon gives me access to spellcasting. I've only got 2nd-level spells at the moment, but if we need some minor divine casting, Maiabel's your girl. I can also cast arcane spells, but I need a spellbook to do that... so that depends on Cypher being willing to lend me his.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrAbdiel View Post
    Do you guys have personal character projects you'd like to deliniate?
    Maiabel, by and large, is attempting to reforge her character into one with no will of her own. However, there is still one thing she wants for herself - revenge. I may have alluded to a betrayal in her backstory, by another noble house that was supposed to be her family's ally. If there's one thing Maiabel wants for herself, it's to see that house ruined for what they've done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post
    Honestly, most players would get super excited about Zenob the god of crabs because it's eccentric. I know I would.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    But a friendly reminder that, by RAW, this game is unplayable

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by Dusk Raven View Post

    Maiabel, by and large, is attempting to reforge her character into one with no will of her own. However, there is still one thing she wants for herself - revenge. I may have alluded to a betrayal in her backstory, by another noble house that was supposed to be her family's ally. If there's one thing Maiabel wants for herself, it's to see that house ruined for what they've done.
    Do you want to voice any ideas and suggestions you have on the origins and nature of the betraying noble family? I could share some ideas if you have nothing in particular in mind for them but this seems like a good oppurtunity to define them a little bit more.

    Also, the plan is to try and get the IC up tomorrow so I'll wait on our dark lord to announce his diabolical intentions to get that set up.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Jul 2021

    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by Dusk Raven View Post
    Chameleon gives me access to spellcasting. I've only got 2nd-level spells at the moment, but if we need some minor divine casting, Maiabel's your girl. I can also cast arcane spells, but I need a spellbook to do that... so that depends on Cypher being willing to lend me his.
    Even low level divine spellcasting is a great asset, since that's all we've got. It'll make using any divine scrolls or wands we encounter so much easier too. Cypher will let you borrow his spellbook but he'll watch you the whole time like the paranoid librarian he is. I'm planning to write all of my scrolls into my spellbook when time and gold allow it so you should have more options eventually.

    Also, I'm considering dropping Celerity as my 4th level transmutation pick for bite of the werewolf as it is a bit less cheesy. Would that be okay?
    Last edited by Waistcoatwill; 2022-02-10 at 04:00 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Mar 2017

    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by Waistcoatwill View Post
    Even low level divine spellcasting is a great asset, since that's all we've got. It'll make using any divine scrolls or wands we encounter so much easier too. Cypher will let you borrow his spellbook but he'll watch you the whole time like the paranoid librarian he is. I'm planning to write all of my scrolls into my spellbook when time and gold allow it so you should have more options eventually.

    Also, I'm considering dropping Celerity as my 4th level transmutation pick for bite of the werewolf as it is a bit less cheesy. Would that be okay?
    That's fine with me.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Jul 2021

    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Fab, thank you!

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    May 2014

    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by JbeJ275 View Post
    Do you want to voice any ideas and suggestions you have on the origins and nature of the betraying noble family? I could share some ideas if you have nothing in particular in mind for them but this seems like a good oppurtunity to define them a little bit more.
    My muse is not being cooperative on this subject, unfortunately, so I'd appreciate any input you could give!
    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post
    Honestly, most players would get super excited about Zenob the god of crabs because it's eccentric. I know I would.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    But a friendly reminder that, by RAW, this game is unplayable

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by JbeJ275 View Post
    Do you want to voice any ideas and suggestions you have on the origins and nature of the betraying noble family? I could share some ideas if you have nothing in particular in mind for them but this seems like a good oppurtunity to define them a little bit more.

    Also, the plan is to try and get the IC up tomorrow so I'll wait on our dark lord to announce his diabolical intentions to get that set up.
    Do you want me to declare a target IC after you set up a scene, or tell you presently what I’m thinking so you can build a scene around that?

    I’m thinking we need a quick win and financial hit; so maybe we go make friends with our pirates and use our insider knowledge of the Empire to immediately raid the shipping lanes they have to be using to get supplies to the wounded capital. It could make for a fun nautical clash and a chance for us to flex the new characters in a combat, and for you, noble JBE, to stresstest us in gestalt.

    Doesn’t have to be ship to ship combat - but hell, I’m sure the pirates know good places to raid and wouldn’t mind some more firepower from our stolen Flagship.
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2022-02-10 at 08:40 PM.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Mar 2017

    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by MrAbdiel View Post
    Do you want me to declare a target IC after you set up a scene, or tell you presently what I’m thinking so you can build a scene around that?

    I’m thinking we need a quick win and financial hit; so maybe we go make friends with our pirates and use our insider knowledge of the Empire to immediately raid the shipping lanes they have to be using to get supplies to the wounded capital. It could make for a fun nautical clash and a chance for us to flex the new characters in a combat, and for you, noble JBE, to stresstest us in gestalt.

    Doesn’t have to be ship to ship combat - but hell, I’m sure the pirates know good places to raid and wouldn’t mind some more firepower from our stolen Flagship.
    The intention was for you to tell me what you’re thinking so I can build up our starting scene around that. But this works and potentially ties in with that idea as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    IC is up with a dashing naval raid. Link in the OP.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    d6 Re: As You Command OOC

    Edit: Ninja'd by not finishing my post before the baby class!

    Got my nautical assault spell choices sorted. Slapping a Bands of Steel into A Quiet Word the night before.

    Would Cypher have been able to use Clairvoyance the previous day to assess the strength of the forces on Lady Aeronwyn's flag ship? If not he'll try to do that now.
    Last edited by Waistcoatwill; 2022-02-11 at 09:05 AM.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    You wouldn’t have been in range the previous day but can do so now. Looking over the flagship, which is marked as ‘The Wave Rider’ you see that it’s a little smaller than your own flagship and has fewer marines on board, though it’s likely to receive reinforcements from other ships in any prolonged boarding action. The sailors are un armoured though some carry long knives, small axes or other simple weapons, more useful on ropes than foes. The marines are wearing only light armour, and carry longbows and a variety of light weapons. The exception to this rule is the leader of the marines who wears heavier armour and carries a large boarding axe. It’s difficult to get an exact count on the marines or sailors as many are likely yet to wake, or below decks for other reasons but you’re confident your pirates outnumber those on this ship alone.

    There is also an older man in worn robes with a wooden carving hanging from a string around his neck. Likely a court Druid who serve similar roles to court mages for the beast clans. You do not catch any sign of Lady Aeronwyn herself, not any other pegasi that would likely travel with her. While she’s sent gifts by this route it seems she has not traveled it herself.

    The deck itself is clear of most abnormal obstacles. Wherever the Pegasi knights stable their mounts must be elsewhere in the fleet.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    I've switched Maiabel to Divine Focus and put her spells on her sheet. Now, there's apparently some cheese you can get up to with Chameleon where, since you can grab spells from any spell list, you grab spells from lists where they're a lower level than normal. But I'm not sure what good spells to take, so I'm keeping things simple and PHB (mostly). A buff for our Dark Lord, a buff for our entire force (Seriously, Bless affects all allies within 50 feet, that's made for mass battles!), and a bunch of healing spells since I don't actually know how much healing we'll need and I'm preparing for the worst.

    I'll use the buffs right as we close within boarding range.
    Quote Originally Posted by Potato_Priest View Post
    Honestly, most players would get super excited about Zenob the god of crabs because it's eccentric. I know I would.
    Quote Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
    But a friendly reminder that, by RAW, this game is unplayable

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Im not seeing it, what sort of distance are the Pegasus at? are they in formation?
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Right now, the Pegasi are directly above the enemy ships which are still about half a mile away (though you’re closing quickly). They’re in a large diamond formation to cover the whole of the Clan fleet, as you draw closer you’d expect them to peel off from the enemy ships and harass yours. However we’ve started in the last few minutes before they confirm your status as raiders and move to engage you.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Alright, this Morning I would have meditated to gain Ravanna's fangs/claws/empower spell.

    This morning He would have cast Mage armor ((Duration 8 Hours)), This would manifest as a single Stripped Orange tabby sitting on his shoulder, ready to smack any attack away ((+4 Armor bonus))
    Festival of Heroes:
    Umbear: 14 ft tall Ogre, Odd assortment of Clothing and Armor. Greenish/Grey Skin. Tusks.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Looks like I misremembered how many targets I can include in dimension door and haste. Everybody gets some speed now!

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    I am big keen, gang. I have a fleet of posts to do tonight, and Lamorak’s is high on the list; so I’ll pull the trigger this evening!

    Edit: Ready to roll. JBE, I was alarmed to discover that Curse Spewing went from +1 in the Book of Vile Darkness to +3 in the MIC, so I choked, and exchanged it for Charging on the lance, which is +1. Hope that's fine.
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2022-02-12 at 10:54 AM.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Awesome! Being paranoid, Cypher will probably save one fly spell for himself. Maiabel and Sharkan, which of you do you think would benefit from it most? It'll last for 7 minutes.

    Cypher is pretty naff at range but will either fly up to fight or use tanglefoot bags thrown via a sling if that's allowed JBE? Also, can I cast heroics on him twice for two different feats? I'm indecisive between Improved trip and disarm so might go with both if possible.

    Against a druid he has no specific anti caster spells prepped apart from dispel magic (learning point for him and me), but Bands of Steel from his weapon might lock it down if he can't become a large creature. He's totally happy to smack the druid around and can take the hit for a non-lethal attack with little bother I imagine.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by MrAbdiel View Post
    I am big keen, gang. I have a fleet of posts to do tonight, and Lamorak’s is high on the list; so I’ll pull the trigger this evening!

    Edit: Ready to roll. JBE, I was alarmed to discover that Curse Spewing went from +1 in the Book of Vile Darkness to +3 in the MIC, so I choked, and exchanged it for Charging on the lance, which is +1. Hope that's fine.
    Yeah that's fine. Thanks for your honesty in that as I do think it's a fairer reflection of the power of curse spewing items.

    Quote Originally Posted by Waistcoatwill View Post
    Awesome! Being paranoid, Cypher will probably save one fly spell for himself. Maiabel and Sharkan, which of you do you think would benefit from it most? It'll last for 7 minutes.

    Cypher is pretty naff at range but will either fly up to fight or use tanglefoot bags thrown via a sling if that's allowed JBE? Also, can I cast heroics on him twice for two different feats? I'm indecisive between Improved trip and disarm so might go with both if possible.

    Against a druid he has no specific anti caster spells prepped apart from dispel magic (learning point for him and me), but Bands of Steel from his weapon might lock it down if he can't become a large creature. He's totally happy to smack the druid around and can take the hit for a non-lethal attack with little bother I imagine.
    A tanglefoot bag weighs like eight times as much as a sling bullet, so I don't think that combo could really be justified. I'm fine with Heroics stacking though.
    Last edited by JbeJ275; 2022-02-12 at 04:31 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by Darius Vibrtrar View Post
    Alright, this Morning I would have meditated to gain Ravanna's fangs/claws/empower spell.

    This morning He would have cast Mage armor ((Duration 8 Hours)), This would manifest as a single Stripped Orange tabby sitting on his shoulder, ready to smack any attack away ((+4 Armor bonus))
    Just to clarify. Was that you readying an action to cast fireball in the IC or not and if so can you roll damage and declare if you're using any particular abilities with it?
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    I hadn't even thought to check the weight, whoops, yup totally silly! Thanks for the confirmation about heroics too.

    If we have a while before they engage us I'll wait a bit before casting heroics and fly, if its only a couple of rounds I'll do an IC post detailing a round by round buff attempt before they get to us.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    Well Pegasi at top speed move 480 ft a turn. So while you have some time before they take off towards you, once they’re headed over you don’t have all that much. I’ll start the initiative with them being hit by the fireball at 720 ft.

    Also since you have sight of each other before you engage, and they’re taking the time to get in formation they’ll all be on the same initiative which is nice.
    Quote Originally Posted by RadarMonkey1 View Post
    I suddenly feel that my character is not as optimized as it could be...

    Oh well, it should still be fun.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: As You Command OOC

    There was a chance for a python reference, couldn't help myself. I tried to be a bit imprecise about the time, hope that's okay. Let me know if it went too far. Cypher isn't using any extra resources with those castings.

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