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Thread: Cyre Blue (IC)

  1. - Top - End - #181
    Titan in the Playground
    Amnestic's Avatar

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    Castle Sparrowcellar

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)

    The bridge seems to be the sole major crossing point within sightrange, and, at least from what Druager can see, there isn't any immediate alternates where it's not frothing up. Much of it is obscured by overhanging trees however, so viewing it from above is difficult, and viewing it from below proves just as contentious since there are twists, turns, and obstructions generally getting in the way.

    When the plantlife touches the river's fumes it slowly and then swiftly begins to shrivel up and decay, as if being eaten at by noxious magic. The small size of the test subject does seem to have contributed to how quickly it decayed, and you can judge it will likely affect people slower - though still affect you all the same.
    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  2. - Top - End - #182
    Titan in the Playground

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    May 2011

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)

    Druager Voss, ‘human’ ranger

    Druager glanced at RITAC before he flew off, frowning ... or scowling. "Snide remarks? Sorry, I thought we were blossoming friendships."

    When the guide returned from his scouting, he landed near the others and nodded in the direction he flew. I can't see the river from the air very well, but it seems just as wild as far as I could see. Two things - I can fly over it, and while it will kill anyone who gets caught in the waters, it doesn't spout past the trees in most places.

    Do I ferry you all across, scout further ahead, or wait for the waters to calm?"

    OOC - Just passing stuff along ...

    Effects: 10x goodberries (24 hours); Fly 20'; darkvision 60', all morphs are active; Passive Perception: 19 (24 vs sight)

    Spoiler: Details
    AC: HP: 30/49 Init +3 Move 30' land / 20' air Prof +3 Passive Per 19 (24 vs sight) Spell DC 14 Spell attack +6
    Saves: Str +8 Dex +4 Con +3 Int +1 Wis +3 Cha -1
    Skills: Athletics +11, Stealth +4, Nature +4, Medicine +6, Survival +6, Perception +9, Intimidation +3
    Tools: Gaming (Dice), Land Nav (Carts), Cartography
    Spoiler: Spells
    • Poison Spray, Thornwhip, Control Fire, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights
    • Ensnaring Strike, Goodberry, Wild Cunning, Speak with Animals, Hex (2/4); Hex (0/1), Tasha's Hideous Laughter (1/1), Charm Person (1/1)
    • Pass w/o trace, Misty Step (2/2); Misty Step (0/1 per long rest)
    • Suggestion (1/1 per long rest)
    • Confusion (1/1 per long rest)

    Magic Items: Belt of Giant Strength (Hill - 21); goggles of night (60' darkvision)
    Weapons: Longbow (+4 / 1d8+1 P), Handaxe (+8 / 1d6+5 S), Mace (+8 / 1d6+5 B), Lion Claws (+8 / 1d6+5 S)
    Morphs: Eagle eyes (Face: adv on Perception checks based on sight, gain Wis mod to initiative); Tentacles (grapple w/adv, hand weapon/grapple and hand morphs have 10' reach); Fox Tail (cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Charm Person, Suggestion, and Confusion spells 1/long rest; can cast Control Fire, Create Bonfire and Dancing Lights cantrips); Cat's feet (stealth w/adv, footsteps make no noise, no damage from falls 20' or less); Lion's claws (1d6S, 1/turn, can strike with each hand with the attack action)
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y

  3. - Top - End - #183
    Troll in the Playground
    Gorgon_Heap's Avatar

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    Christmas City, USA

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)

    Hallina Dell

    Sniffing the acrid burning of the mist from a distance, Hallina frowned and looked about in hope of some surprise means of a more terrestrial passage. The idea of hanging onto another person in the air, carried like a hawk's fresh field mouse, was frightening and nauseating. It would at least be speedy. She was prepared, or as prepared mentally as she could be, but military habits die hard, and she couldn't bring herself to volunteer to go first. "Glad we're getting along. A scout should be the first across, someone with keep senses who can search the terrain."

  4. - Top - End - #184
    Titan in the Playground
    Amnestic's Avatar

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    Castle Sparrowcellar

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)

    The time you spend waiting for the 'river' to settle is difficult to track, but it seems likely it's no less than 30 and no more than 60 minutes in total. Enough for a breather, and enough time to identify some of the magic items you've received - or lack thereof.

    The pearl, so traded for, reveals itself to be entirely mundane without a lick of magical essence to it. It's pretty, and with the correct talk-up may even sell for a pretty gold piece or many, but ultimately it's a bauble and little more. The shield, and the boots you took from the airship, prove more beneficial.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Short rest again, if needs be.

    Boots of the Hare
    Wondrous Item (Boots), Common

    While wearing these supple leather boots, you gain the ability to double jump. You can jump a second time at any point during a jump that you make - even in mid air - potentially changing direction. Your second jump always counts as having a running start for the purpose of distance.
    Sentinel Shield
    Armor (shield), uncommon

    While holding this shield, you have advantage on initiative rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks. The shield is emblazoned with the symbol of an eye.
    Advanced Armblade
    Warforged Component (Hand), Uncommon

    The serrated blade that this component is primarily made of completely covers the hand and forearm. It serves as a +1 longsword while attached, and it cannot be disarmed.
    Spoiler: Warforged Components

    Warforged components are special magical items that are only useable by Warforged, integrating them into their body in the same way they would armour. A component may or may not require attunement, but each one takes an hour to integrate into or remove from the body - this can be done as part of a short or long rest.

    An integratedd component occupies the same 'slot' as a magic item would. For example, a warforged with an integrated Behemoth Belt could not also wear a Belt of Giant Strength. If a component occupies the hand, it typically prevents the hand from being used for anything other than the component. For instance the Elemental Axe hand can only be used to make attacks - it cannot be used to manipulate fine objects, grab things, or perform somatic components.

    Similar to dragonmarked focus items, warforged components may be slightly higher on the power scale for their rarity due to their racial specificity.

    Eventually the river's energies seem to settle, and the noxious fumes give way to settle as it was before the pair of medusae entered it. Though the gap in the bridge is significant, it's not insurmountable and Druager is able to ferry everyone across one by one, allowing you to continue on your way.

    The ripe and lively trees steadily give way to a more dessicated, dried, and dead forest of bare trees and barer earth. As if to herald your arrival in a new place in the Mournland you hear a cacophonous roar in the sky above, and looking to the sky you see a massive dragon soaring above, out of reach and out of range and yet still somehow a little too close for comfort. Thankfully the green-scaled beast seems to take little notice of your party far below it, and merely continues on its way.
    Spoiler: Passive Perception 17+
    The scales are not green due to natural colouring - they appear to be sickly and rotten, with gaps in the scales revealing bone and putrescent organs beneath.

    In a small clearing up ahead you spot an odd existence - a corpse holding a longsword that appears to be floating in midair. The corpse hovers forward and around, following a circular path in the clearing as if still following a patrol route it had in life. Slung across its shoulder is a longbow along with a full quiver, though any colours or heraldry seems to have been lost to time.

    Spoiler: Perception DC20

    The corpse is not floating, it is contained within a remarkably and unnaturally transparent gelatinous cube that seems to retain its visual cloak even while moving.
    Last edited by Amnestic; 2022-12-22 at 06:41 AM.
    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  5. - Top - End - #185
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)

    Druager Voss, ‘human’ ranger

    Druager sighed when the decision was made to wait, moving to take a position that he could monitor the river, just in case anything else decided to emerge. After the waters settled, he moved to help anyone across that needed it, silent the whole time as he worked. Once the others were safely across, Druager moved forward to help scout a bit, eyes scanning the dried area across the river. The sudden roar erupted his efforts, and he raised one fist then swiftly brought it down as he opened his hand, fingers splayed wide. He dropped down behind cover, presuming the others would do the same. He looked up as the dragon flew overhead, a mighty beast of green scales. However, the closer he peered, the more he realized. Under his breath, he murmured to the others, "Something's wrong with it ... best stay out of sight."

    He waited several heartbeats before he stood and continued to move. After an uneventful spell, he raised a hand for caution as they approached a small clearing. Peering into it, the group noticed a dead body floating, moving about in a circle as if performing its last patrol, over and over again. But after a few moments of observation, Druager realized the creature was too wooden, things weren't moving appropriately. Squinting, he caught he shimmer of something around the body and realized what it was.

    "The body is stuck in a translucent square. Be careful touching it."

    OOC - Glad to be back in it!

    Effects: 10x goodberries (24 hours); Fly 20'; darkvision 60', all morphs are active; Passive Perception: 19 (24 vs sight)

    Spoiler: Details
    AC: HP: 30/49 Init +3 Move 30' land / 20' air Prof +3 Passive Per 19 (24 vs sight) Spell DC 14 Spell attack +6
    Saves: Str +8 Dex +4 Con +3 Int +1 Wis +3 Cha -1
    Skills: Athletics +11, Stealth +4, Nature +4, Medicine +6, Survival +6, Perception +9, Intimidation +3
    Tools: Gaming (Dice), Land Nav (Carts), Cartography
    Spoiler: Spells
    • Poison Spray, Thornwhip, Control Fire, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights
    • Ensnaring Strike, Goodberry, Wild Cunning, Speak with Animals, Hex (2/4); Hex (0/1), Tasha's Hideous Laughter (1/1), Charm Person (1/1)
    • Pass w/o trace, Misty Step (2/2); Misty Step (0/1 per long rest)
    • Suggestion (1/1 per long rest)
    • Confusion (1/1 per long rest)

    Magic Items: Belt of Giant Strength (Hill - 21); goggles of night (60' darkvision)
    Weapons: Longbow (+4 / 1d8+1 P), Handaxe (+8 / 1d6+5 S), Mace (+8 / 1d6+5 B), Lion Claws (+8 / 1d6+5 S)
    Morphs: Eagle eyes (Face: adv on Perception checks based on sight, gain Wis mod to initiative); Tentacles (grapple w/adv, hand weapon/grapple and hand morphs have 10' reach); Fox Tail (cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Charm Person, Suggestion, and Confusion spells 1/long rest; can cast Control Fire, Create Bonfire and Dancing Lights cantrips); Cat's feet (stealth w/adv, footsteps make no noise, no damage from falls 20' or less); Lion's claws (1d6S, 1/turn, can strike with each hand with the attack action)
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y

  6. - Top - End - #186
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2021

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)


    RITAC ducks for cover at the sight of the horrifying dragon. Only when it is safely well away from the group does he whisper.

    Corrupted by Mabar or disease, that creature is not right.

    Shaking their head they follow on until the group reaches the clearing..

    Should we take a long way around then or hope to kill it at a distance? I can the group stay quiet and hidden, if we need to.

  7. - Top - End - #187
    Troll in the Playground
    Gorgon_Heap's Avatar

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    Christmas City, USA

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)

    Hallina Dell

    Lying behind a withered shrub, the sergeant frowns. "I'm all for not fighting a dragon. But can either of you be more specific? So it's insane, as is everything else in the Mournland. Is there any way to learn more before we take a risk?"

  8. - Top - End - #188
    Titan in the Playground

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    May 2011

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)

    Druager Voss, ‘human’ ranger

    Druager shook his head at the discussion. "Insane, sick or both, hunting dragons can wait. So can this thing, but it's probably easier to take out now. Anyone know anything about moving jelly?"

    OOC - Druagar isn't hyped for hunting a big drago right now, while the corpse seems like an easier deal. Besides, Operation Dragon Hunt can be a future task

    Effects: 10x goodberries (24 hours); Fly 20'; darkvision 60', all morphs are active; Passive Perception: 19 (24 vs sight)

    Spoiler: Details
    AC: HP: 30/49 Init +3 Move 30' land / 20' air Prof +3 Passive Per 19 (24 vs sight) Spell DC 14 Spell attack +6
    Saves: Str +8 Dex +4 Con +3 Int +1 Wis +3 Cha -1
    Skills: Athletics +11, Stealth +4, Nature +4, Medicine +6, Survival +6, Perception +9, Intimidation +3
    Tools: Gaming (Dice), Land Nav (Carts), Cartography
    Spoiler: Spells
    • Poison Spray, Thornwhip, Control Fire, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights
    • Ensnaring Strike, Goodberry, Wild Cunning, Speak with Animals, Hex (2/4); Hex (0/1), Tasha's Hideous Laughter (1/1), Charm Person (1/1)
    • Pass w/o trace, Misty Step (2/2); Misty Step (0/1 per long rest)
    • Suggestion (1/1 per long rest)
    • Confusion (1/1 per long rest)

    Magic Items: Belt of Giant Strength (Hill - 21); goggles of night (60' darkvision)
    Weapons: Longbow (+4 / 1d8+1 P), Handaxe (+8 / 1d6+5 S), Mace (+8 / 1d6+5 B), Lion Claws (+8 / 1d6+5 S)
    Morphs: Eagle eyes (Face: adv on Perception checks based on sight, gain Wis mod to initiative); Tentacles (grapple w/adv, hand weapon/grapple and hand morphs have 10' reach); Fox Tail (cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Charm Person, Suggestion, and Confusion spells 1/long rest; can cast Control Fire, Create Bonfire and Dancing Lights cantrips); Cat's feet (stealth w/adv, footsteps make no noise, no damage from falls 20' or less); Lion's claws (1d6S, 1/turn, can strike with each hand with the attack action)
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y

  9. - Top - End - #189
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2021

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)


    I am afraid I do not. This banner may be helpful if we wish to engage at range.

    The warforged prepares to unfurl his banner whilst inwardly consulting Perceptor for any knowledge it may possess on encounters with similar creatures.

    Spoiler: Roll
    History (1d20+7)[14]

  10. - Top - End - #190
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)

    Druager Voss, ‘human’ ranger

    Druager nodded, glancing around for any additional comments. When none were forthcoming, he pointed and said, "I'll hover and attack from there. " Flying up, he approached the creature, at a height of 20'. Once he was close enough, he looked around for any additional threats, then checked to see if the creature could reach him. If not, he called upon his abilities to create a fire beneath the blob.

    OOC - Druagar while fly over and hover 20' high. Casting create bonfires. Dex save vs DC 13 or take fire damage - (2d8)[3]

    Effects: 10x goodberries (24 hours); Fly 20'; darkvision 60', all morphs are active; Passive Perception: 19 (24 vs sight)

    Spoiler: Details
    AC: HP: 30/49 Init +3 Move 30' land / 20' air Prof +3 Passive Per 19 (24 vs sight) Spell DC 14 Spell attack +6
    Saves: Str +8 Dex +4 Con +3 Int +1 Wis +3 Cha -1
    Skills: Athletics +11, Stealth +4, Nature +4, Medicine +6, Survival +6, Perception +9, Intimidation +3
    Tools: Gaming (Dice), Land Nav (Carts), Cartography
    Spoiler: Spells
    • Poison Spray, Thornwhip, Control Fire, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights
    • Ensnaring Strike, Goodberry, Wild Cunning, Speak with Animals, Hex (2/4); Hex (0/1), Tasha's Hideous Laughter (1/1), Charm Person (1/1)
    • Pass w/o trace, Misty Step (2/2); Misty Step (0/1 per long rest)
    • Suggestion (1/1 per long rest)
    • Confusion (1/1 per long rest)

    Magic Items: Belt of Giant Strength (Hill - 21); goggles of night (60' darkvision)
    Weapons: Longbow (+4 / 1d8+1 P), Handaxe (+8 / 1d6+5 S), Mace (+8 / 1d6+5 B), Lion Claws (+8 / 1d6+5 S)
    Morphs: Eagle eyes (Face: adv on Perception checks based on sight, gain Wis mod to initiative); Tentacles (grapple w/adv, hand weapon/grapple and hand morphs have 10' reach); Fox Tail (cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Charm Person, Suggestion, and Confusion spells 1/long rest; can cast Control Fire, Create Bonfire and Dancing Lights cantrips); Cat's feet (stealth w/adv, footsteps make no noise, no damage from falls 20' or less); Lion's claws (1d6S, 1/turn, can strike with each hand with the attack action)
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y

  11. - Top - End - #191
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2021

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)


    The warforged unfurls his banner and turns towards his allies.

    Be ready to fire if the creature can hurt Druager. I will attempt to slow it down should it come towards us.

    Spoiler: Actions
    They make sure the banner's aura is in effect and ready an action to summon a beast of earth in front of the cube if it starts to head towards the party on the ground.

  12. - Top - End - #192
    Troll in the Playground
    Gorgon_Heap's Avatar

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    Christmas City, USA

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)

    Hallina Dell

    Hallina briefly wonders what better options there are with two strange enemies lurking about, but waiting for one or both to pass without being revealed themselves might prove impossible anyway. She raised her crossbow and aimed for the blob, waiting to see the results of Drauger's magic. Though the thing didn't appear much affected by his first blast of fire, he presumably has plenty more...

    Spoiler: Action
    She takes a knee and readies her attack for the moment the blob moves in their direction.

    Crossbow attack
    (1d20+4)[5] for (1d8+2)[3]

  13. - Top - End - #193
    Titan in the Playground
    Amnestic's Avatar

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    Castle Sparrowcellar

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)

    As Druager flies up and over, the skeleton held within the cube (which doesn't seem to be aware of you especially) reacts, shaking itself from within the ooze-y confines. Bones moved back the dark magics of the Mournland rather than flesh or tendon release their grip on the blade - which floats aloft in the gelatinous viscosity - and reaches instead for its longbow.

    Spoiler: Map

    3Sec messaged me and bowed out, so Xael is going to be absent. Fell off a cliff or something of the like. RIP :(

    With a lack of response from Postmodernist and Uninspired of late, I'm not super confident that more than half the group will continue. I hope to be positively surprised.

    You can't ready attacks outside of initiative (that's what initiative is for :P)

    Vradurz, Druager, and Howell are up.

    Vradurz: (1d20+4)[23]
    Druager: (1d20+3)[23]
    Howell: (1d20)[16]

    Enemies: (1d20)[13]

    Hallina: (1d20)[11]
    RITAC: (1d20)[6]

    Iron Crisis IC | OOC
    Cyre Red IC | OOC

    OotA IC | OOC

    Master Homebrew Index (5e)

  14. - Top - End - #194
    Ogre in the Playground
    Postmodernist's Avatar

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    Brooklyn, NY

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)

    Vrardurz has been quiet, sullen, even, since Wedge's execution. He understood that decisive action often needed to be taken to save lives, but Xael's unilateral decision seemed... egregious. Hallina, R.I.T.A.C., and Howell seemed to share in the warmage's concerns, even if they went unspoken. Druager appeared largely unperturbed.

    Then there was the matter of the captain's logbook. Something in it shook him, more than just the reminders of The War and what so many on all sides lost. The final entry was on the Day of Mourning, but the entries for nearly the entire week preceding it had been removed. What did they see? Secretive transporting of materiel was to be expected, but there was something unnerving in several of the entries: " just to conceal a book," the desire to quit, the secretive rush jobs and extra pay. It wasn't that he felt that this Skygrasper had transported something that caused the Mourning, but he suspected that it could have been involved. Dropping off a crew of unsavory passengers from Xen'drik on the very day the Mourning happened? Vrardurz was a hobgoblin of reason, not prone to speculation or conspiratorial thinking, but something in this didn't add up.

    He was pleased that the encounter with the medusae had gone without bloodshed, or anyone being turned to stone. But being unceremoniously carried over the river had left the evoker irritated, and when the strange sight of a skeleton within a gelatinous cube materialized, Vrardurz was grateful for the opportunity to engage in some action.

    We could, of course, simply skirt around these strange creatures, but I for one don't mind removing another horror from The Mournlands." Seeing his companions square up to fire upon the thing, the banner unfurled and flapping gently in the unnatural breeze. The Dar spat on the ground, squinted his eye, and took aim. A ray of heat emerged from his outstretched hand and coursed towards the monsters.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Cast Fire Bolt at the Gelatinous Cube. No movement or bonus action at this stage.
    (2d10)[8] fire damage.

  15. - Top - End - #195
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: Cyre Blue (IC)

    Druager Voss, ‘human’ ranger

    As Druager approached, he frowned as the gel substance seperated from the skeleton while the apparently sentient creature reached for a bow. Pausing his flight about 10' away from the undead thing, Druagar flicked his arm out, his tentacle elongating in a fleshy extension of his arm. The pseudopod grasped at the bow, attempting to pull it free and away from the skeleton.

    Round 1 - Druagar will pause 10' away (20' high) and use thorn whip to target the bow and pull it away from the skellie, if possible.

    attack - (1d20+5)[24]. If he can't target the bow, Dam - (2d6)[9] piercing damage

    Effects: 10x goodberries (24 hours); Fly 20'; darkvision 60', all morphs are active; Passive Perception: 19 (24 vs sight)

    Spoiler: Details
    AC: HP: 30/49 Init +3 Move 30' land / 20' air Prof +3 Passive Per 19 (24 vs sight) Spell DC 14 Spell attack +6
    Saves: Str +8 Dex +4 Con +3 Int +1 Wis +3 Cha -1
    Skills: Athletics +11, Stealth +4, Nature +4, Medicine +6, Survival +6, Perception +9, Intimidation +3
    Tools: Gaming (Dice), Land Nav (Carts), Cartography
    Spoiler: Spells
    • Poison Spray, Thornwhip, Control Fire, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights
    • Ensnaring Strike, Goodberry, Wild Cunning, Speak with Animals, Hex (2/4); Hex (0/1), Tasha's Hideous Laughter (1/1), Charm Person (1/1)
    • Pass w/o trace, Misty Step (2/2); Misty Step (0/1 per long rest)
    • Suggestion (1/1 per long rest)
    • Confusion (1/1 per long rest)

    Magic Items: Belt of Giant Strength (Hill - 21); goggles of night (60' darkvision)
    Weapons: Longbow (+4 / 1d8+1 P), Handaxe (+8 / 1d6+5 S), Mace (+8 / 1d6+5 B), Lion Claws (+8 / 1d6+5 S)
    Morphs: Eagle eyes (Face: adv on Perception checks based on sight, gain Wis mod to initiative); Tentacles (grapple w/adv, hand weapon/grapple and hand morphs have 10' reach); Fox Tail (cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Charm Person, Suggestion, and Confusion spells 1/long rest; can cast Control Fire, Create Bonfire and Dancing Lights cantrips); Cat's feet (stealth w/adv, footsteps make no noise, no damage from falls 20' or less); Lion's claws (1d6S, 1/turn, can strike with each hand with the attack action)
    Life is ... life. As always bot/cut as necessary.
    DM: "Why do you have so many characters?"
    Me: "Because I never embraced the strategic value of running away."

    Fare thee well, N_R ... you will missed!y

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