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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground
    Just to Browse's Avatar

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    Default (closed) Turn Up the Heat - Submission Thread (5e subclass contest)

    Welcome to the 5e Subclass Contest 41!

    Congratulations to the winner of Something Borrowed, Warrenthehro with the Extradimensionalism Wizard!

    Our voted theme for this next contest is...

    Turn Up the Heat: All about fire, and things that get hot. Smithing, dragons, firebenders are all up for grabs.

    Spoiler: Contest Rules

    • The subclass you homebrew should fit the theme. You can interpret the theme as broadly as you like without risk of disqualification, but doing so may reduce your chances of earning votes during the voting period.
    • You may only create one subclass. If you create more than one subclass then you must choose which one to enter and remove all the others from this thread and the contest (making them invalid). If you do not specify which one you favor by the time voting begins, all of your content is invalid.
    • When you submit your subclass you must create a post on this thread which either has the content or holds a link to it. You may also optionally create one other individual thread for your class on the homebrew design sub-forum. If it is found that you have revealed your class on another site or on another thread than one on the homebrew design sub-forum, your entry will be considered invalid. If you do make a specific thread for your class, please mention its involvement to the competition in that thread. If you use external formatting resources such as Homebrewery, or GMBinder it is recommended that you also create a PDF of the content and share it here.
    • You may use other homebrew content (such as feats, spells, magical items, monsters, and base class) or even features to supplement your subclass, provided you have permission from the original creator and provide links to the source. Failure to receive permission from the original creation will disqualify you from entry in the current contest.
    • Your subclass must have fully completed mechanics and descriptions for it to be valid. Entries are due by 11:59 PM Central Time on the deadline. Any submissions after this point are invalid. No changes can be made to your class while voting is taking place. Failure to comply with the previous rule will result in disqualification.
    • Any content which has been declared invalid by the rules above cannot be voted for, but you may decide to remove it from the contest and create another subclass instead. If you are disqualified then you are not allowed to enter any more homebrew for this competition, though you may still vote and later enter the next competition.
    • Please note that misunderstandings occur, if you break a rule which results in disqualification it might be excused if you can convince the group that it was a result of confusion over the rules.
    • As a brewer, you may include non-homebrew content alongside your submission, like design rationales or the math you used to determine certain features. However, please keep this extraneous content separate from the main content, such as in a spoiler or a separate post. Reviewers aren't obligated to read these notes before voting.

    Contests stay up for 6 weeks unless an extension is requested by participants. Voting threads then go up for 2 weeks before the next contest begins.

    Subclass Contest Discussion Thread

    Deadline: April 7th will be the deadline for this contest. The voting thread will open the following day and stay open for 2 weeks.
    Last edited by Just to Browse; 2024-05-05 at 04:42 PM.
    All work I do is CC-BY-SA. Copy it wherever you want as long as you credit me.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    In a dead magic zone

    Default Re: Turn Up the Heat - Submission Thread (5e subclass contest)

    Here's my entry:

    Pyromaniac wizard

    Obsessed with flame, the form of a man appeared through the flames, feeding them, almost controlling them...

    Pyromania is the main driving force behind these wizards. Only becoming a wizard for the sole purpose of burning things, that is what they do. And that's what they do best.

    Level two:


    When you are hit by a spell or effect that does fire damage, you can deal an amount of extra damage equal to half your Wizard level, rounded down, next time you do fire damage with a spell.

    Used to flame
    You have resistance to Fire damage.

    You can make a Wisdom (Survival) check to find raw materials, equal to the foraging DC of the terrain you are in, which you can use to make a small fire, enough for a campfire or a torch. You can also use an open flame, that you can carry, such as a match or a torch, as a spellcasting focus.

    Level 6:

    Enhanced flame
    Whenever you roll for fire damage, and a die comes up as a 6, you can reroll that die and add that much damage.

    Level 10:

    One with flame
    You have immunity to fire damage

    Level 14:

    True Flame
    If a spell or effect that you use does fire damage, you can choose to treat resistance as no resistance and immunity as resistance, for the sake of damage taken by the target.

    So, is it any better now?
    Last edited by TheHalfAasimar; 2024-03-26 at 08:29 AM. Reason: fix something again

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Turn Up the Heat - Submission Thread (5e subclass contest)

    Hmm. I could try one again... I guess placeholder for an Oath of Purification Paladin... purge it with fire.

    The oath of purification seeks to not just fight evil, but to absolutely destroy it and reduce it to ash. Using fire and wrath they purge the land of witchcraft and other maleficars, uproot cults and fiend worship and put their ediffices to the torch.

    Tenets of Purifiation
    Extirpate the wicked: Evil is never truely gone unless every trace of it is removed. No vestige of evil is too smal to be left unpurged.
    Tear down the idols: Desruction of evildooers is not enough. THe faithful must tear down everything they have constructed, leaving only the ruins as a lesson to others.
    Sow with Salt: Once evil is cleansed it must never rise again. Ensure that the circumstances that let evil rise are chanced, so it will not return.

    Oath Spells. You gain the following spells as Paladin Spells at the levels listed
    Level Spells
    3rd Burning Hands, Purify Food and Drink
    5th Gust of Wind, Heat Metal
    9th Ashardalon's Stride, Dispel Magic
    13th Banishment, Fire Shield
    17th Hallow, Immolation

    Spoiler: Reasoning
    These spells are not intended to be that strong - what might be good for a main caster is less good for a paladin (though heat metal is doubtless strong). This just leaves a bit more of a power budget for more powerful other abilities. Some choices are a bit odd. Most are clearly about fire or purification. Gust of Wind is there to give an answer to thins like stinking cloud or cloud-kill (it looks odd on the list, but I figure in play if you whip that out to remove a stench you will feel like you are filling the class fantasy).

    Channel Divinity

    When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

    Immolating Strike. As a reaction, when you hit an enemy with a melee weapon attack you may expend a use of your channel divinity. If you do the target takes a number of d4 fire damage equal to your proficiency bonus and is set on fire. A creature set on fire this way repeats the damage at the end of their turn unless they take an action to extinguish the flames

    Ignite the Flame. You inspire those around you with an inner, and outer fire to fight evil. As an action you may expend a use of your chanel divinity to have every ally within 30ft deal an additional amount of fire damage on each of their attacks equal to your charisma bonus. This abiliy lasts untill the end of your next turn.

    Spoiler: Reasoning
    An agressive pair of abilities, but likely to be useful under different circumsances. In a large party or a party with a lot of summons or martial focus will get a serious damage boost. Scaling off charisma is to help bolster the class fantasy of a paladin leading a crusade... even if only for a round. Immolating strike is a reaction which makes it quite flexible though the additional damage is modest unless they fail to extinguish the fire. Good vs high danger single enemies.

    Aura of Holy Flame

    Beginning at 7th level, your presence is always heralded by a scent of ash and fire. You and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you gain resistance to fire damage.
    At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

    Incandescent Armament
    In addition, at level 7, you may chose for the damage type of any of your spells or abilities that deals fire damage, to deal radiant damage instead and you may increase that damage by d6.

    Spoiler: Reasoning
    So fighitng archetypal evil - things like demons and devils, it would kind of suck if your abilities to themaically fight evil didn't work due to damage or immunity. Allowing a swap lets your spells to fight evil generally do well agains enemies traditionally vulnerable to evil fighting spells (like burning shadows or vampires). Including resistance to fire damage brings the power level up a little but also acts as a stepping stone to the later immunity.

    This is a decent boost to searing smite and elemental weapon - though I kind of figured 'why not' as they don't seem at al ahead of the curve in spell power

    Harbinger of Flame

    Starting at 15th level, you gain immunity to fire damage.

    Spoiler: Reasoning
    15th level Paladin abilities are weak. Going from resistance to immunity is even weaker than most but it should stand out when its used. In a party that loves to meteor swarm the frontline though, it obviously shines a bit more.

    Titan of the Torch

    At 20th level, you can assume the form of a titan of purification, you blaze with smoke and flame scorching those close to you with divine fire.
    Using your action, you undergo a transformation. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

    • Any hostile creature that begins its turn within 10ft of you must make a constitution save. On a failure the creature takes 4d10 fire damage and is blinded until the end of their next turn.

    • Whenever a creaure hits you with a melee weapon attack it takes d10 fire damage.

    • Whenever you are in an area of fire or heat hot enough to deal damage you have advantage on death saves and on a succesful death save you recover 1 hitpoint..

    Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

    Spoiler: Reasoning
    After a weaker level 15 ability this one is a stronger one. These abilities are usually very stong as well so its intended to be a powerful capstone. The first ability is the main one - the ability to incapacitate is a powerful one even if it is on what is typically a strong save. Its not as strong as it might first look as it doesn't trigger on enemies entering the area and so will see a bit less use than it might. The second bullet is probably rarely significant d10 (+d6) damage at level 20 is mostly for that salamander flavour. That third bullet point is intended to evoke a phoenix type ability and might see some use is some fights... but is still probably niche

    Last edited by MrStabby; 2024-03-20 at 06:50 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Psyche's Avatar

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    Default Re: (open!) Turn Up the Heat - Submission Thread (5e subclass contest)

    Sorcerer of the Flame

    In the magical multiverse known as the Talos, there exists a being called Baron, one of the Talos Family for whom the world is named. Baron is powerful in his own right, being able to fly, turn invisible, speak to birds, and perform magic that even the most powerful sorcerers would struggle to replicate. This is to be expected of a Talos, all of whom are massively powerful, each in their own way. However, the thing that sets Baron apart from the rest of his family is his usage of The Flame.

    The Flame is a magical device, a powerful weapon only Baron can control. Stored in a lighter, Baron releases it whenever he feels he is outmatched otherwise, and it often turns fights for him that would otherwise be guaranteed losses. This interworld traveler, upon reaching the world of Faerun, found that the magic of the Weave was very similar to that exhibited by the Flame, and he blessed children whom he believed would follow in the ideals he held: Freedom, meekness, and friendship to the sky.

    In the magical multiverse known as the Talos, there exists a being called Baron, one of the Talos Family for whom the world is named. Baron is powerful in his own right, being able to fly, turn invisible, speak to birds, and perform magic that even the most powerful sorcerers would struggle to replicate. This is to be expected of a Talos, all of whom are massively powerful, each in their own way. However, the thing that sets Baron apart from the rest of his family is his usage of The Flame.

    The Flame is a magical device, a powerful weapon only Baron can control. Stored in a lighter, Baron releases it whenever he feels he is outmatched otherwise, and it often turns fights for him that would otherwise be guaranteed losses. This interworld traveler, upon reaching the world of Faerun, found that the magic of the Weave was very similar to that exhibited by the Flame, and he blessed children whom he believed would follow in the ideals he held: Freedom, meekness, and friendship to the sky.

    Flaming Magic

    You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class. Each spell counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know. These spells can’t be replaced when you gain a level in this class.

    Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an evocation or conjuration spell from the sorcerer.

    Fiery Spells

    Sorcerer Level, Spells,

    1st, Burning Hands, Shield, Fire Bolt

    3rd, Misty Step, Scorching Ray

    5th, Fireball, Fly

    7th, Fire Shield, Wall of Fire

    9th, Immolation, Far Step

    Herald of the Flame

    Starting at 1st level, your connection to the Flame allows you to summon your own miniature flame. As a bonus action, you can summon your own Tiny flame.
    You learn the advance command and 1 other command of your choice from the list below at this level. You learn additional commands at lv 6 and 14.

    Advance: As an action, you may command your flame to advance, attacking all creatures in it’s path The Flame moves up to 30 feet in a straight line and can move through the spaces of creatures. Any creature whose space the Flame moves through must succeed on a dexterity saving throw, taking 1d4+ your charisma modifier damage on a failed save. For each creature that fails it’s saving throw, you gain one charge of Empowered flame, up to twice your charisma modifier. This ability increases in strength at later levels: At lv 6, it deals 2d4+cha damage, and at lv 14 deals 4d4+cha damage and the maximum charges of Empowered Flame you can have is now 5 x your charisma modifier.

    Shield: As a reaction, if your Flame is within 30 feet of you, You gain bonus AC equal to your charisma modifier until the end of your next turn, during which time you may not command your flame. You have an amount of uses of this per day equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all uses upon finishing a long rest.

    Cauterize: Your flame has a pool of healing dice, d4s, equal to your level. As an action while your flame is active, you may expend as many of those dice as you would like to roll them, add your charisma modifier to them, and then move your flame 30 feet in a straight line. All creatures in this line are healed by an amount equal to the amount you rolled divided equally among those creatures.

    Step: As a bonus action, you may command your flame to Step a willing creature, teleporting them a number of feet equal to 5 times your proficiency bonus. You may do this a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.

    As a bonus action, you may consume all charges of Empowered Flame to Empower your next command.

    Advance: Deal 2 extra damage on a failed save per charge, increasing to 3 additional at lv 6 and 5 additional at lv 14

    Cauterize: Restore 1 extra health to the first creature per charge, increasing to 3 at lv 6 and 4 at lv 14

    Shield: If you have more than 5 charges, gain 1 extra AC. At lv 6 you can target another creature with this

    Step: The until the end of the creature teleported's next turn, they gain speed equal to 5 times the amount of charges expended

    You may summon your flame for a maximum amount of minutes equal to twice your level, taken in one minute increments, after which you must finish a long rest to regain all minutes. You may spend 1 sorcery point to regain 2 minutes of using this feature

    Master of the Flame

    At 6th level, while your flame is present, you may take charges off of your flame in order to pay for your metamagic. When you spend sorcery points for a form of metamagic you know, you may substitute paying in sorcery points for paying in charges of Empowered Flame, paying twice the amount of Empowered Flame charges as sorcery points you would typically need to pay. You can use this to pay for a total amount of sorcery points equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses upon taking a long rest.

    Ultimate Commands

    At 14th level, As an action, you may use an Ultimate Command, powerful commands that use up the energy stored in your flame for huge one time effects, you gain the following Ultimate commands, which you can use as an action. Ultimate commands end the current usage of the flame and take an additional 9 minutes off of your Flame usage (for a total of 10 minutes of time off of the limit.) If you don’t have 10 minutes left, you must pay 4 sorcery points to use an Ultimate command. You may only use one ultimate command per day, recharging on a long rest.
    You learn 1 ultimate command of your choice from the list below:

    Ressurect: Ressurect a dead person within 30 feet of your flame, no matter how long they've been dead. They come back in the same location you died or the nearest unoccupied space. They come back with full hit points, all of their equipment, and no memory of their past life. A Heal spell or stronger healing magic can bring back parts of their memories, at your Dm's discretion, but nothing short of a Wish can bring back their full memories.

    Devour: You may command your flame to Devour a target within 60 feet of it, completely engulfing them in Flame. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 of fire damage per level you have in the sorcerer class on a failed save, and half that damage on a success. Using Devour uses up all of your Empowered Flame charges, dealing 5 additional damage per charge on a failed save, or 3 additional damage on a successful save.

    Absorb: As a reaction when you take, you may command your flame to absorb incoming energy. Reduce that damage by 1d4 times your level, and you regain sorcery points equal to one tenth of the damage absorbed (rounded down).

    Flight: You may command your flame to bolster you to new heights. You gain a flying speed of 30 feet, plus an additional 10 feet for every 5 charges of Empowered Flame (rounded down). This effect lasts for 6 hours or until you take your next long rest

    Lord of the Flames

    You may summon two flames with the same bonus action, both grant you charges of Empowered Flame, and empowering your Flames empowers both of them. The time you have the second flame active is not deducted from the time you may have The Flame summoned, and when one flame disappears, the other does as well. You may command them to take any Non-Ultimate action at the same time, both taking the same action or different ones(Note the AC boost from Shield doesn’t stack, nor does Shielding with one flame prevent the usage of the other).

    Finally, you gain the strongest of Ultimate Commands, Pheonix, which uses all remaining time left in the limit of your flame. As a bonus action, you may assume the form of the Pheonix, which lasts for 1 minute or until you become incapacitated, giving you the following benefits:

    A flying speed of 90 feet, as fiery wings sprout from your back.

    Temporary sorcery points equal to half of the Empowered Flame stacks you had. These temporary sorcery points can only be used for metamagic.

    Your fire damage spells instead deal Radiant damage to creatures that are resistant or immune to fire damage.

    Your AC increases by your charisma modifier.

    As a bonus action, you may cast the Fireball spell at 5th level. Doing this ignores the one spell per-turn restriction.

    If you drop to 0 hit points while in this form, you die, activating the following features:

    Death Throes: Each creature of your choice within 90 feet of your corpse must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, taking 30d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage as a success. If you had any Empowered Flame charges when you assumed Pheonix form, this effect deals an additional 1d6 damage per charge on a failure, or half as much on a successful save.

    Pheonix Tears: One creature of your choice is healed to full Hit Points. (This includes dead creatures at your DM’s discretion)

    Revival: You cannot be brought back to life by any means short of a Wish spell cast on the ashes that your corpse has become. You come back to life 1d100 years later, in the same location you died or the nearest unoccupied space. You come back with full hit points, all of your equipment, and no memory of your past life.
    Last edited by Psyche; 2024-03-28 at 07:28 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: (open!) Turn Up the Heat - Submission Thread (5e subclass contest)

    Fighter Archetype: Fire Marshal

    Even setting aside red dragons, demons, and other supernatural sources of flame, fire is a danger not to be taken lightly. In the civilized world, fighting fires can be a specialty unto itself. The Fire Marshal is just such a specialist. Preternaturally prepared, they help their allies deal with fires as well as other elemental hazards.

    Upon choosing this subclass at level 3, gain the following features:

    Fire Prevention

    As an action, you use your training to designate a cube up to [10 feet * Proficiency] wide as a protected zone. You must occupy a space within the protected zone when you create it. The protected zone lasts as long as you are within the space, conscious, and have a movement speed. Objects within a protected zone have resistance to fire damage. If an effect that would cause something to catch fire (such as the Fire Bolt cantrip) occurs, you may roll a d20. If you roll 11 or higher, the fire is prevented. Additionally, moving through difficult terrain in your protected zone does not cost you extra movement. The zone is fixed (it is not an aura), but new zones can be created.

    First Responder Training
    Gain Proficiency in Medicine and learn the Defense Fighting Style (choose another proficiency and/or fighting style if you already had these competencies). You do not need to carry a shield to use the Defense style. While in a protected zone, you may use the Defense style's reaction to impose disadvantage on any attack made within the zone.

    Fire Fighting
    You may make an attack roll in place of a saving throw made to prevent fire damage, negating all damage on a success, even if a success would normally only prevent half of the damage. This attack uses your proficiency bonus and best ability score bonus, but does not benefit from any bonuses provided by weapons or other gear. If an ally is within your protected zone, you may use a reaction to make this attack as an alternative to their saving throw, negating all damage on a success. You must use your reaction before the result of your ally's save is known.

    At Level 7, you gain additional features.
    Turnout Gear
    You may modify clothing or armor to have resistance to any elemental damage type. This takes two hours and 100 gp in materials.
    You also learn how to make a specialized rescue helm that grants blindsight to 30 feet and allows the wearer to breath clean air from a reservoir for 30 minutes, allowing short expeditions underwater or through toxic vapors. Crafting a rescue helm takes eight hours and 500gp of materials.

    At Level 10, you gain additional features.
    When you are within a protected zone and use your Action Surge feature, you may treat the Dash, Help, and Use an Object actions as if they were attacks (they may be used with the Extra Attack feature). You may not use these actions in this way outside of a protected zone.

    At Level 15, you gain additional features.
    Prevention Instincts
    By level 15, establishing a protected zone is second nature to you, and only requires a bonus action.

    At Level 18, you gain additional features.
    The Towering Inferno
    While in the presence of open flames, you are invigorated, in spite of (or perhaps because of) the danger. If you (at any time) or an ally in a protected zone are subject to fire damage (regardless of resistances or immunities), gain an additional reaction use, up to a maximum of 2 additional reactions per turn. These reactions expire at the end of your next turn.
    Last edited by Notafish; 2024-04-07 at 07:06 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ogre in the Playground
    Just to Browse's Avatar

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    Nov 2011

    Default Re: (open!) Turn Up the Heat - Submission Thread (5e subclass contest)

    Path of the Phoenix
    Borne out of the raw energy of the plane of fire, a phoenix is an elder elemental of immense power. Uncontrollable and unkillable, it is a force of nature unto itself. Those who walk the path of the phoenix seek to channel a measure of its destructive power to their will, taking on its mastery of fire, its radiant wings, and even a share of its immortality.

    Some may take the mantle of the phoenix to serve as protectors of the great elementals, while others do so through a mad lust for power. Others find the mantle of the phoenix flung upon them, perhaps through a strange dalliance, a curse, or a ritual gone wrong.

    Flamewrought Magic
    At 3rd level, when you gain this subclass, you gain a measure of power over fire. As an action, you can touch a flammable object that isn't being worn or carried by anyone else and set it on fire. Additionally, you learn the cantrip control flames. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

    Phoenix Mantle
    At 3rd level, you radiate the power of a phoenix as you rage. You shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. At the end of your turn, if you are raging, you deal fire damage equal to 1 plus your Proficiency Bonus to each creature within 10 feet of you that isn’t behind total cover.

    Radiant Flames
    At 6th level, whenever you would deal fire damage with a feature from this subclass, you may choose to deal radiant damage instead.

    Fire in the Skies
    At 6th level, you gain the flight of a phoenix. While raging, you have a flying equal to your walking speed, as long as you're not wearing heavy armor. If you already have a flying speed your race, increase that speed by 10 feet instead.

    You can use your flying movement to move through the space of hostile creatures while raging. When you enter a creature’s space this way, it must make a dexterity save with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier, taking fire damage equal to 1d6 plus your Proficiency Bonus on a failed save. Once a creature rolls a saving throw against this feature, it can’t be affected by this feature until the start of your next turn.

    At 14th level, this damage increases to 2d6 plus your Proficiency Bonus.

    Flame Guard
    At 10th level, you have resistance to fire damage.

    Additionally, when you rage, the power of the phoenix protects you from harm. When you would be hit with an attack roll while raging, you may use your reaction to add your Proficiency Bonus to your Armor Class for that attack, possibly causing it to miss. After the attack resolves, even if it misses, the attacker takes fire damage equal to 1 plus your Proficiency Bonus.

    Fiery Rebirth
    At 14th level, you are protected from death. When you would fall to 0 HP, you instead explode. Each creature in a 60-foot-radius sphere centered on you must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier, taking 6d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.

    The explosion destroys your body and leaves behind a magical cinder in the shape of an egg, weighing 5 pounds. Your equipment melds into this egg. The cinder is immune to all damage and deals 6d6 fire damage to any creature that touches it, though no more than once per round. Magic that would affect your soul fails while this cinder exists, such as the spell revivify and the soul-eating powers of blackrazor. After 1 round, you emerge from the cinder alive with your equipment at half of your maximum HP.

    Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can do so again.
    Last edited by Just to Browse; 2024-03-29 at 12:49 PM.
    All work I do is CC-BY-SA. Copy it wherever you want as long as you credit me.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Feb 2024

    Default Re: (open!) Turn Up the Heat - Submission Thread (5e subclass contest)

    My submission: the Blood War Scion Sorcerous Origin! Many of its features and spells revolve around dealing additional fire damage, but adds some melee capability and a pseudo-rage for magic.

    Blood War Scion
    Your bloodline is infused with the power of the lower planes, designed for one purpose: to fight in the endless Blood War. One of your ancestors may have made a pact with a devil, you might have been conscripted by a demon, or you might have stolen the power from a hapless infernal grunt. Your infernal magic steels you for eternal war.

    Infernal Spells
    When you choose this archetype at 1st level, your hellish power enhances your spellcasting in profound ways. You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Blood War Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.

    Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an evocation or an abjuration spell from the warlock, or wizard spell list.

    Blood War Spells
    | Sorcerer Level | Spells |
    | 1st | hellish rebuke, searing smite |
    | 3rd | branding smite, darkness |
    | 5th | bestow curse, fear |
    | 7th | stoneskin, wall of fire |
    | 9th | contagion, insect plague |

    Bonus Proficiencies
    At 1st level, you gain proficiency with light armor, simple weapons, and martial weapons. You can use a melee martial or simple weapon as a spellcasting implement for your sorcerer spells.

    Infernal Wrath
    Starting at 1st level, you can draw on the fury inherent in your nature to empower your spellcasting. As a bonus action, you can enter a state of infernal rage. For 1 minute, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier at the start of each of your turns, and whenever a creature hits you with a melee attack, that creature takes fire damage equal to your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier.

    You have two uses of this feature at 1st level. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. The number of times you can use this feature between rests increases at higher levels: 3 uses at 6th level, 4 uses at 14th level, and 5 uses at 18th level.

    Wrathful Surge
    At 6th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with infernal energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 fire damage. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

    In addition, you have advantage on attack rolls for your sorcerer cantrips and spells while your Infernal Wrath feature is active.

    Infernal Sight
    At 14th level, you gain the ability to detect magical deception. As an action, you sense the presence within 30 feet of you of illusions, shapechanger creatures not in their true form, and other magic designed to deceive the senses. Though you determine that an effect is attempting to trick you, you gain no special insight into what is hidden or its true nature.

    Fiendish Protection
    At 18th level, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered. At the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal to 5 + your Charisma modifier if you have no more than half of your hit points remaining. You don’t gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points.

    In addition, while your Infernal Wrath feature is active, the number of temporary hit points you gain increases to your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier.
    Last edited by Gondolin01; 2024-03-26 at 08:45 PM.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Halfling in the Playground

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    May 2023

    Default Re: (open!) Turn Up the Heat - Submission Thread (5e subclass contest)

    Circle of Hell

    The insidious corruption of the Hells always finds a way to worm it’s way into mortal affairs, and Druid circles are no exception. First began by diabolical agents in the distant past, modern Circles of Hell seek power and status. They are apex predators with no room for sympathy or mercy. To them the Hells are the ultimate example of harsh conditions weeding out the weak and unfit. What is strong will thrive, and what is weak shall burn.

    -Circle Spells: When you join this circle at 2nd level, you gain access to forbidden knowledge etched into the very infrastructure of Hell itself. Your delving into infernal lore grants you access to certain spells as you advance in level.

    Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.

    Circle of Hell Spells
    Druid Level Spells
    2nd Hellish Rebuke, Burning Hands
    3rd Flock of Familiars*, Scorching Ray
    5th Summon Lesser Demons, Melf’s Minute Meteors
    7th Summon Greater Demon, Wall of Fire
    9th Infernal Calling, Immolation
    *Summons additional Imps.

    -Fiendish Totem: Starting at 2nd level, you gain a carved wooden totem small enough to be comfortably carried across your back. This totem grants you the Summon Familiar ritual spell. This counts as a Druid spell for you, and does not count against the number of spells you have prepared. When you cast Find Familiar the totem transforms into an Imp. If you dismiss the familiar, or it dies, it returns to totem form. If you lose your totem, you can perform a 1-hour ritual to carve and imbue a replacement. This ritual can be performed during a short or long rest, and destroys the previous totem. While your Imp is summoned you gain the following benefits:
    -You can read and write in Infernal.
    -You gain the FireBolt cantrip. This counts as a Druid cantrip for you, and does not count against the number of cantrips you know.

    -Infernal Form: Also starting at 2nd level, you can expend one use of your Wildshape ability to assume your Infernal form as an action. The appearance of this form is up to the preferences of the player, but is usually a devilish mockery of your true form. This form lasts for 10 minutes, or until you use your Wildshape ability again. You can revert back to your original form as a bonus action. You revert to your original form if you are knocked unconscious or die. While in Infernal Form you gain the following traits:
    -You gain an aura of hellish heat around you. You gain fire resistance, and all adjacent creatures that successfully damage you take fire damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
    -All cantrips and spells you cast while in this form, that deals damage, also deals an additional 1d6 fire damage. This damage increases at 6th level (1d8), 10th level (1d10), and 14th level (1d12).

    -Infernal Oculus: At 6th level, one or both of your eyes take on the reflective red sheen of Hell’s top predators. You gain the following effects:
    -You can see in normal and magical darkness up to 120ft.
    -You are treated as being constantly under the effects of the See Invisibility spell.
    -You may cast Detect Thoughts a number of times per day equal to your proficiency modifier. This does not count against the number of spells that you have prepared. You regain all expended uses of this ability upon completing a long rest.
    -This visual acuity comes at a price. You gain the Sunlight Sensitivity trait.

    -Terror Above: When you reach 10th level, you sprout broad bat-like wings from your back. You gain a flight speed equal your base movement speed, and you can hover.

    -Master Diabolist: When you reach 14th level, you gain the ability to infuse yourself with infernal vigor. You can now assume your Infernal Form as a bonus action. When you do this, you merge with your totem or Imp familiar to gain the following additional benefits:
    -You become immune to fire damage, and fire damage that you deal ignores resistance.
    -You can not be frightened, charmed, magically commanded, or made to sleep.
    -If you are killed while in this form, your soul enters the totem left behind. If the totem is destroyed you die as well. If the totem is not destroyed, your body reforms in 1d4 days and you return to life at full health. This ability can only be used once every 7 days. When you reform you must obtain your old equipment or procure new equipment.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jul 2013

    Default Re: (open!) Turn Up the Heat - Submission Thread (5e subclass contest)

    Serial Arsonist Roguish Archetype

    Quote Originally Posted by Fiona, "Untitled"
    There is a certain beauty in setting the world on fire and watching it burn from the center of the flames.
    Bonus Proficiencies
    Beginning at 3rd level when you choose this archetype, you gain proficiency with alchemist's supplies. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan's tools of your choice.

    Playing with Fire
    Beginning at 3rd level, whenever you finish a short or long rest, you can magically produce a number of flasks of Alchemist's Fire equal to your level plus your proficiency modifier, except the damage die is a d6 instead of a d4. Creating Alchemists' Fire requires you to have alchemist's supplies on your person, and any flask you create with this feature lasts until it used, or until the end of your next long rest. These flasks are not of a quality that can be sold, and when used by allies act as the normal item.

    You can draw and throw a flask of alchemist's fire either as part of an attack action or as a bonus action - the flasks of alchemist's fire are considered a simple ranged weapon with a range of 30 for the purposes of sneak attack, and the thrown range can be enhanced using a sling. When you successfully make a sneak attack with a flask of Alchemist's Fire, the sneak attack dice deal fire damage.

    The DCs for all features in this subclass, as well as purchased or crafted flasks of Alchemist's fire become equal to 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.

    You can also target the ground with this feature. In that case, you use an action and expend a flask of alchemist's fire to cast Create Bonfire on a location within 60 ft. Using this flask in this way isn't considered a spell, and cannot be countered. It also has no concentration, and its duration changes to 1 minute.

    Hot as Hell
    Beginning at 9th level, you gain resistance to fire damage and you can use your Wisdom in place of Charisma for Persuasion, Intimidation and Deception checks.

    In addition, the damage dice when you use alchemists' fire (including sneak attacks) is increased to a d8. When you make a damage roll that deals fire damage, it ignores resistance to fire damage.

    Add Fuel to the Fire
    Beginning at 13th level, you gain new ways to use your flasks. You can use an action and expend a flask of Alchemist's Fire to cast grease in a location within 60 ft. In addition, that area becomes flammable. When this feature is used, it gains the following:
    • When this feature is used and a square within the area or directly next to that area is ablaze due to Alchemist's Fire, a Bonfire or a creature that is on fire, the entire area and all creatures within also catch fire as though struck with Alchemist's fire.
    • Those who enter the area who were not ablaze but fail the Dexterity Saving throw and become prone are also set ablaze.
    • Creatures within the 10 ft square have disadvantage on attempts to extinguish the flames on themselves
    • When a creature who is immune to fire damage is set ablaze, that immunity is reduced to resistance.

    Fahrenheit 451
    At 17th level, your fire grows in power. When a creature is ablaze because of your fire effects from this subclass, it becomes as though they were effected by heat metal - except with no restriction to metal, and a duration that does not include concentration. The damage of being set ablaze is increased to 2d8 each turn.

    When you set a creature ablaze, roll a d6. On a 1-4, the items in their hands are set ablaze and on a 5-6, the body of creature is set ablaze. If a creature is holding or wearing an object and takes the damage from it, the creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the upgraded Alchemist's Fire DC or drop the object, if it can. If it doesn't drop the object, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn. If the items set ablaze in the hand slot by the creature are a spellbook or scroll, those items will burst into flame and are reduced to ash if they are dropped.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Bradbury
    Forget them. Burn all, burn everything. Fire is bright and fire is clean
    Last edited by Vogie; 2024-03-27 at 08:23 AM.
    Always looking for critique of my 5E homebrew!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bjarkmundur View Post
    ... does this stuff just come naturally to you? Do you even have to try anymore xD
    Quote Originally Posted by Man_Over_Game View Post
    Vogie is the sh**. I don't really have anything to contribute to the topic, just wanted to point that out.

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