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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    The Ashenwood—a broad mantle of dense forest draped across jumbled terrain, extending far into the west when seen from the pass of Kirin Nalag in the heights of the Ülgurül Hills.

    Once it was far greater, in earlier ages when the kingdoms of men and dwarves had not yet risen, when fey and fell things held sway over vast shadowed reaches of the ancient wood. In this age of the world it is diminished—yet there are still hidden vales cloaked in forgotten tatters of night, dark-shrouded dells where unseen nightmares spin their snares, slow-winding streams leading to unknown deeps from which none return.

    Through the Ashenwood your path now leads. You are not alone; yet you and your companions do not travel in numbers enough to be free of apprehension—much less the constant unease of being watched, of feral eyes studying your bearing and gait, assessing your soft spots and your weaknesses.

    As you travel in the chill heavy air beneath the shadowed canopy, stray whispers reach your ears, hints of phantoms glimpsed just beyond the edge of sight. When you camp at night, bright eyes are kindled in the darkness, yet vanish when you approach.

    A long road still lies ahead—yet with each day a thin, nameless dread grows stronger within you, and you cannot help but wonder if you will ever see bright fields and the open sky again.

    Spoiler: Big 16
    1. What game system are you running?

    Pathfinder 1E.

    2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be? What is the setting for the game?

    Homebrew setting, going for a mix of traditional high fantasy, local intrigue and gritty wilderness survival.

    3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many?

    Ideally 3-4 players with 1-2 alternates.

    4. What's the gaming medium?

    Play-by-post, right here in the Playground.

    5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)?

    PCs will start at 1st level.

    6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?

    PCs will roll starting gold per their class description.

    7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?

    No homebrew classes or other homebrew material.

    All classes from the CRB and APG are allowed, with the exception of cavalier and summoner. Other allowed classes include hunter, investigator, magus, mesmerist, psychic, slayer, and swashbuckler.

    No gunpowder or psionics. No 3PP and no homebrew.

    8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?

    All Core races are allowed, with the exception of gnomes, which don’t exist in this setting.

    From the Featured races of the ARG, aasimars, changelings, fetchlings, ifrits, oreads, ratfolk and sylphs are allowed, though rare and unusual in the setting. Hobgoblins are possible but would be viewed with alarm and suspicion by many.

    From the Uncommon races, samsarans, vanaras and vishkanyas are allowed, though the latter two would be considered quite unusual for the specific region of the campaign. If there are other races from first-party Pathfinder sources that you’re interested in, let me know and I’ll take a look.

    9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?

    20-point buy for ability scores. Full hit points at first level.

    10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?

    First and foremost, no evil characters. Also, no characters working at cross-purposes to the group simply for the thrill of it.

    Beyond that, PCs may draw from the full spectrum of nonevil alignments.

    11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?

    Multi-classing is allowed, subject to DM approval, once we get to that point.

    12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?

    Players will roll for all the usual rolls (attacks, saves, CL checks, etc.) using the Playground dice roller.

    13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules.

    TBD, check this space for updates.

    14. Is a character background required? If so, how long? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)?

    I'd like to see at least a couple solid paragraphs with as much of your character’s history and personality you feel is important. You’re welcome to write more if the inspiration occurs.

    Your characters will have been traveling together for a while prior to the start of the adventure, but feel free to work up whatever backstory suits your concept and we can go from there.

    15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?

    There will be a mix of exploration, combat and wilderness survival, a strong element of intrigue and local politics, and perhaps a dash of dungeoneering, with opportunities for RP throughout.

    16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters?

    Material is allowed from the CRB, APG, Advanced Race Guide, the Ultimates (Magic/Combat/Intrigue/Wilderness) and Occult Adventures. Other official Pathfinder sources should be okay, but check with me first.

    No psionics, no gunpowder, no 3PP.
    Last edited by Palanan; 2024-04-22 at 07:33 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Jun 2005

    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Catfolk okay? Forget I asked that; I have a seed of an idea for a half orc, unless you start screaming "YES! GIMME A CATFOLK!" or something unexpected.

    Also, is there a collective reason the party is traveling through the Ashenwood, like we work as caravan guards or something? Or do we each have our own reasons for it?

    And are any archetypes of the allowed classes banned, like Bladebound magus, or as long as it's paizo, it goes?
    Last edited by tonberryking; 2024-04-09 at 10:01 PM.
    <BananaPhone> Stop sniveling worm! You think something as petty as "oh boo hoo my house is collapsing!" should stop you from posting in an online fantasy game where people pretend to be werewolves?

    "Let me get this straight. Some guy dressed up as Batman to fight the guys dressing up as clowns scaring people. Maybe this planet aint so bad after all."

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
    Greenflame133's Avatar

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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    I potentially interested. I'm thinking magic-less mounted bloodrager, if bloodrager is allowed? Not sure about the race, I love changeling but they mey not fit the setting.
    Last edited by Greenflame133; 2024-04-10 at 07:38 AM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Jan 2024

    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    I aim to play an inquisitor. Would that work with the setting? What sort of god would I be serving?
    For every battle lost, there is a battle won.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    The gods gotta be homebrew, unless use The Eldest from the First World book

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Originally Posted by tonberryking
    Also, is there a collective reason the party is traveling through the Ashenwood, like we work as caravan guards or something? Or do we each have our own reasons for it?

    There is indeed a reason you’re all traveling together, but each of you will have your individual histories and motivations for being out in the world, which is what I’d like you to focus on in your backgrounds. Once you have those sketched out, I’ll have a better sense of how you all came together.

    Originally Posted by tonberryking
    And are any archetypes of the allowed classes banned, like Bladebound magus, or as long as it's paizo, it goes?
    Most should be okay, but something like bladebound would need a bit of thought. For now, go with what fits your concept, and if something raises concerns we can see about an alternative.

    Originally Posted by greenflame133
    I'm thinking magic-less mounted bloodrager, if bloodrager is allowed? Not sure about the race, I love changeling but they mey not fit the setting.
    For reasons particular to this setup, I’d prefer to avoid mounted PCs.

    As for changelings, it depends which version. The Pathfinder changeling is fine, but the 3.5 changeling wouldn’t fit here.

    Originally Posted by ProgressPaladin
    I aim to play an inquisitor. Would that work with the setting? What sort of god would I be serving?
    What kind of divine power would you like to serve? We can come up with something that fits your concept.

    I’m still sketching out the setting, so everyone can feel free to be as creative as they like with their backstories. I can’t guarantee I’ll use everything, but it’s an opportunity to help me fill in aspects of the setting.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    I'm interested. Given that you've allowed the psychic and mesmerist, would you allow occultist? Assuming that's off the table, thinking an alchemist.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Quote Originally Posted by Palanan View Post
    What kind of divine power would you like to serve? We can come up with something that fits your concept.
    I was thinking a lawful good deity, maybe with law domain?
    For every battle lost, there is a battle won.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Originally Posted by Qazgir
    Given that you've allowed the psychic and mesmerist, would you allow occultist? Assuming that's off the table, thinking an alchemist.
    The mesmerist and psychic are the only occult classes that will work in the setting. Alchemist is perfect.

    Originally Posted by ProgressPaladin
    I was thinking a lawful good deity, maybe with law domain?
    This will work very well. Feel free to develop your notion of the deity and we’ll see if we can fit it to the setting.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    No worries. I have more character ideas when I know what to do. One thing I been dying to play is a Sorcerer that doubles down on Rakshasas Bloodline, Arcana. With ablity to disguise one spell as another. Stuff like fooling enemies into believing a summon is just an illusion or non-lethal sleep spell was a deadly fireball. However, I always fear that such would be a unless gimmick in camping full of mindless beast and foes otherwise ignoring appearances

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Elephant in the room: yay or nay?

    Edit: also, I’m playing a bloodrager and I want a hammer. A big hammer. But because I don’t think it’s actually in the books would you allow the 3.5 maul for this game?

    It’s literally a hammer version of the bastard sword: d10/x3 damage, needs the EWP feat to be used 1 handed but is martial as a 2h?
    Last edited by tonberryking; 2024-04-10 at 11:28 AM.
    <BananaPhone> Stop sniveling worm! You think something as petty as "oh boo hoo my house is collapsing!" should stop you from posting in an online fantasy game where people pretend to be werewolves?

    "Let me get this straight. Some guy dressed up as Batman to fight the guys dressing up as clowns scaring people. Maybe this planet aint so bad after all."

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Quote Originally Posted by tonberryking View Post
    Elephant in the room: yay or nay?

    Thinking either toxicant or preservationist alchemist, assuming archetypes from other books are on the table. Otherwise I may pivot to investigator.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Quote Originally Posted by tonberryking View Post
    Edit: also, I’m playing a bloodrager and I want a hammer. A big hammer. But because I don’t think it’s actually in the books would you allow the 3.5 maul for this game?

    It’s literally a hammer version of the bastard sword: d10/x3 damage, needs the EWP feat to be used 1 handed but is martial as a 2h?
    Earthbreaker (Martial, 2-handed, 2d6 damage, x3) is in Ultimate Equipment. That sounds like it would fit also?

    Posting interest also. I'd like to ask if we can use Unchained classes (Rogue, Barbarian, Monk) over the core versions?

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Kiiiiiinda? I KNEW I was forgetting one of the actual giant hammer weapons from the wiki, thanks, but I was somewhat trying to go for the maul b/c of the versatility of being able to one or two hand it.

    If I’m going to have to get an EWP for a hammer based weapon it would either be the maul or a sphinx hammer because of how (relatively) easy it is to make a Mjolnir out of one.
    Last edited by tonberryking; 2024-04-10 at 03:03 PM.
    <BananaPhone> Stop sniveling worm! You think something as petty as "oh boo hoo my house is collapsing!" should stop you from posting in an online fantasy game where people pretend to be werewolves?

    "Let me get this straight. Some guy dressed up as Batman to fight the guys dressing up as clowns scaring people. Maybe this planet aint so bad after all."

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Originally Posted by tonberryking
    Elephant in the room: yay or nay?
    I usually don’t, but given this is for first level I might make an exception here. I’ll take another look at the Elephant approach and will let you know. Do you have an easy link that summarizes it?

    Originally Posted by tonberryking
    …I’m playing a bloodrager….
    I’m on the fence about bloodrager. It wasn’t on the list of approved classes in the Big 16, but I’ll give it another look and let you know.

    Originally Posted by Qazgir
    Thinking either toxicant or preservationist alchemist, assuming archetypes from other books are on the table.
    Should be fine.

    Originally Posted by Kallimakus
    I'd like to ask if we can use Unchained classes (Rogue, Barbarian, Monk) over the core versions?
    Unchained classes are a resounding yes.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    The easiest summation I can find of it.

    And this: Was the bloodline for 'rager that I was after, if it helps any?

    Bloodrager and barbarian have the same starting gold, but I'm not what else to pursue if BR's not allowed as the character is rather attached to the class for her concept.

    May as well roll, though: (3d6)[10]x10
    <BananaPhone> Stop sniveling worm! You think something as petty as "oh boo hoo my house is collapsing!" should stop you from posting in an online fantasy game where people pretend to be werewolves?

    "Let me get this straight. Some guy dressed up as Batman to fight the guys dressing up as clowns scaring people. Maybe this planet aint so bad after all."

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    From my experience, EitR achieves the goal of reducing feat taxes quite well. I think my favorite of its change is consolidating the Improved Maneuver feats into two different feats, so it doesn't feel horrid to have a character who want to, say, bull rush and trip, while not playing a class with buckets of bonus feats. So if it counts, I'm all for using it.

    Another question, mostly for the DM but also for potential party members. How do you feel about summoning characters? Since the preservationist is the kind of summoner that summons a bunch of things, I'd like to make sure people don't feel that that's problematic for their enjoyment of the game before I make my decision.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    If that's an archetype of the summoner class, it's still not allowed since Summoner and Cavalier are excluded from playable classes. No Erics for us!
    <BananaPhone> Stop sniveling worm! You think something as petty as "oh boo hoo my house is collapsing!" should stop you from posting in an online fantasy game where people pretend to be werewolves?

    "Let me get this straight. Some guy dressed up as Batman to fight the guys dressing up as clowns scaring people. Maybe this planet aint so bad after all."

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Nah, its choosing between preservationist and toxicant alchemist.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Originally Posted by tonberryking
    Bloodrager is a go. Arcane bloodline is also good.

    Originally Posted by Qazgir
    In general summoning should be fine, but I’ll need to read the preservationist again.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Hey, Palanan can I get a comment on this. It's suitable for the game?
    Quote Originally Posted by Greenflame133 View Post
    No worries. I have more character ideas when I know what to do. One thing I been dying to play is a Sorcerer that doubles down on Rakshasas Bloodline, Arcana. With ablity to disguise one spell as another. Stuff like fooling enemies into believing a summon is just an illusion or non-lethal sleep spell was a deadly fireball. However, I always fear that such would be a unless gimmick in camping full of mindless beast and foes otherwise ignoring appearances

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Here's Punk the bloodrager. I never got confirmation about the maul, so she's just got a plain ole warhammer for now. A half orc from a VERY sorcerous (and possibly very notorious) bloodline, she's looking for a legendary city at the other end of the woods where she would be far more welcome. And despite her name, she is interested in the unusual goal of ultimately opening a rowdy tavern/inn where she can cook, eat and fight people all day.

    Do we get background skills?
    Last edited by tonberryking; 2024-04-11 at 09:03 AM.
    <BananaPhone> Stop sniveling worm! You think something as petty as "oh boo hoo my house is collapsing!" should stop you from posting in an online fantasy game where people pretend to be werewolves?

    "Let me get this straight. Some guy dressed up as Batman to fight the guys dressing up as clowns scaring people. Maybe this planet aint so bad after all."

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Seems apt to ask here.

    You didn't put oracles on the list of acceptable classes. I have something of a screwball build idea- originally a Gnome, but she could work as a Changeling- for a heavens oracle that dabbles in fey speaker druid. At the end of the day, she's primarily a crazy old lady (not necessarily mechanically, but it might be fun to go that way). She sees omens EVERYWHERE, and some of them might even be valid.

    In particular, I can see her struggling (in a way that amuses me) with the pervasive canopy overhead, and the inability to actually see the stars at night. I don't think it will quash her ineffable optimism, but I can see it drawing out even more crazy as she goes along.

    Of course, if oracle remains off the board, I'll consider something else.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Originally Posted by Greenflame133
    One thing I been dying to play is a Sorcerer that doubles down on Rakshasas Bloodline….
    Sorcerer with the Rakshasa bloodline would be fine.

    Originally Posted by tonberryking
    Do we get background skills?
    Holding off on background skills for now.

    Originally Posted by Farmerbink
    You didn't put oracles on the list of acceptable classes.
    Oracles are included in the allowed classes from the APG, as noted in question 7 of the Big 16. I may need to highlight that some other way. Your concept sounds fine, you’d just need to decide if you were starting as oracle or druid.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    For a god, may I propose this as an idea:

    Patroclus, Father of the Archons
    Lawful Good, and determined to uphold the spirit of the law, Patroclus created the Archons to oppose all who would depose of it. While being good, Patroclus isn’t afraid to be unsubtle in his approach to evil. Favored weapon: Longsword
    (I stole the name from Greek Mythology)

    I also finished my character, Aunist Dawnflower.

    Still working on the backstory.
    Last edited by ProgressPaladin; 2024-04-11 at 08:31 PM.
    For every battle lost, there is a battle won.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    I'm potentially interested, but I'm probably going to trip up over the rules every once in a while if that's something you're willing to deal with. I've exclusively played 5e D&D for a number of years now, but in the past I both played and ran 3.5. I've started Pathfinder characters a few times, but I don't think we ever got to even a third session in person or a second week of pbp on any of those occasions, so I basically haven't played PF before.

    While I admittedly prefer 5e in most ways now, I have fond memories of 3.5 and miss certain aspects of the d20 system. Starting at 1st level should make it pretty painless to slide into the PF ruleset.

    I'm thinking of going with a ranger, but that's little more than a notion at this point.
    My 5e Monster Repository (a modest collection)
    Spoiler: 5e Quick, ad-hoc numbers
    Task DCs — Simple: 8 | Normal: 13 | Challenging: 18 | Formidable: 23
    Monsters (1 v. 1) — AC: 12 + level/2 | HP: 10 × level | To-Hit: 2 + level/2 | DPR: 4 × level
    Solos (v. 4 PCs) — +2 to AC & To-Hit | HP: 5 × level | DPR: 10 × level
    Monster treasure — CR2 × tier gp

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    I'd like to play a Human Chronicler of Worlds Bard. I'll post that sheet shortly!

    This is basically an intelligence-based bard.

    I have two questions:

    1) What are some useful bonus languages I can select?
    2) Do we get 3 traits and a drawback?
    Last edited by Zhentarim; 2024-04-12 at 04:51 PM.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Here's my sheet, I've got (3d6*10)[80] GP to buy equipment.

    Working a bit on the backstory, but I think I'll wait to know who's playing before committing to anything backstorywise.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    Alright then, rolling for gold (2d6)[6]

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [PF1] Perils of the Ashenwood

    I got the sheet mostly ready. I not entirely sure what I will do with the gold. If nothing else, slik rope and other adventuring gear is always a safe bet.

    Spoiler: backstory
    Born in an elven village, Mio had everything a child could want. Yet she found it unbearable. With a wood weaver for a mother, she was training to become a mage like her. She has even shown potential early on. However, she had little intrant in any of that. She would skip practice to play or even, getting into fights with other children. Fight, she often won, an account of growing up fast. Unfortunately, even that was not what she wanted to be doing. Her truth desire was to explore the lands. Go far and seek adventure. See the unthinkable? Perhaps even achieve great deeds and become a hero. Just like great mages and warriors, bards sang about. Of course, her family or community would not let her. For where she saw wonder, they saw danger.

    At age 87, she finally gathers courage. Stole something, and left with nothing but things she could fit into a backpack. Adventuring proven to be more tiresome than expected. There was no glamour in the sleeping tent and eating dry rations, but every now and again there was something wonderful. Thing such as Dread Blossoms. A deadly flower that had her running for her life, but it was worth just see the brilliant red of their petrels and sun reflecting in morning dew.

    While advantaging, her magic grew much quicker than from any practice. No longer looking at arcane scrolls, but summoning the magic in her heart, she found freed in magic, and magic in freedom. This even proven somewhat useful. Especially prestidigitation, with its many favours and ability to clean most anything. That substituted with flipping some junk was enough to survive,
    and even enjoy life a little. However, as the saying goes. Best thing come for free. Like the cat she found. Ashley, a cute little thing. Perhaps they independence of a feline companion she something she found rentable, or perhaps it was simply the party tricks she enabled.

    One unfortunate consequence of travelling far from her hometown was that some people would identify her, not as elf, but as changeling. Word, she did not know, but quickly learning it was bad news for her. This was an as intriguing as a deadly beauty of venomous pseudo-dragons. It even caused to desire learning and actually read a book. Eventually, leading Ashenwood

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