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Thread: Altogether [IC]

  1. - Top - End - #181
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    - The sergeant knows his drill, - the mage sighed after reading the note and closed his eyes for a couple of moments to catalogue the arcane formulae his memory was holding and translate them into simple words. - A couple of short range transportation spells, let's say, the limitation would be around 750 feet, and I can confidently bring three more people with me, but if I'm to teleport blindly, the space should be scouted first. Arriving inside a solid object would be unpleasant to say the least. I can make someone airborne for roughly 10 minutes, maybe a bit less, and I still have capacity for opening a locked door instantly or conjuring some fairly simple illusion. Other than that, I don't have many useful spells inflitration-wise left that aren't already covered by Hackford's well-timed gifts. Naturally, there's a fireball up my sleeve in case we require a flashy and, forgive the pun, destructive distration.
    Last edited by Ilerien; 2024-03-24 at 05:02 AM.
    My homebrew. Feel free to use!

  2. - Top - End - #182
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Time is of the essence. I'm moving in. I'll trust you for support. If you can sit outside the spot I found for infiltration.

    Cervena checks her items, her health restored by the potions. She looks at the other agents, all silent and wordless.

    Maybe bring some of them with your teleport. I'm gone.

    And she moves stealthily back to the edge of the camp.

  3. - Top - End - #183
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    With some suspicion towards the sergeant's "gift", Tommasia reluctantly pocketed one of each, a potion of Alter Self, Cure Moderate Wounds, and Invisibility. She eyed one of the vials carefully and glanced over to Evindal. "Are these what the sergeant claims they are then?"

    (1d20+14)[19] Spellcraft check.

  4. - Top - End - #184
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    - Amrynn, dear, please, follow our friend and don't make yourself known. I need to you to return and desribe the suitable location Cervena hopefully finds in detail, - Evindal said to the apparently empty space above his shoulder.

    The mage took the vial from Tommasia and shook it gently looking into the patterns formed by the liquid inside. - See these vaguely hexagonal formations? Looks genuine to me. Testing all other vials would be a waste of time.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Spellcraft check: (1d20+21)[25]
    Last edited by Ilerien; 2024-04-03 at 03:37 AM.
    My homebrew. Feel free to use!

  5. - Top - End - #185
    Titan in the Playground
    BelGareth's Avatar

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Weather: Cloudy
    Time: Afternoon-Evening

    The day becomes overcast as you make your plans, and with it, the biting cold of a autumnul country wind comes cutting through everyone.

    Cervena, you make it back to the same spot without any issues, you are close by the wooden palisade wall where the hole was before, it's the negative space where the knot of the wood fell out, not much to work with.

    Cervena vanishes, and then heads off, much as Amrynn does.

    What do you do?

    Bel's Compendium
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    Sir cowabunga of clubs

    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  6. - Top - End - #186
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Cur finally takes a seat and gazes at the equipment dropped off to them. It might be wisest for me to travel hidden in our travel gear. I can take on the shape of a small animal to stay out of eyesight. I can tail you within the walls and be ready to revert to my fighting form when needed.

  7. - Top - End - #187
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    The potions were genuine. So why did Tommasia still feel that the sergeant was fishy? That they were being set up to intentionally fail? But, with no concrete evidence (yet), all she could do was focus on the mission.

    With that, she had to place her Watch Lamp into her Haversack for the time being. A hobgoblin walking around with one of those would look awfully suspicious.

  8. - Top - End - #188
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Cur's eyes follow Tommasia's hands as she put away her lamp.

    If you have room in there for a small snake, that could be my way in. And when you need me, I'll be ready.

  9. - Top - End - #189
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Weather: Cloudy
    Time: Late evening

    Cervena slips silently into the camp, this time she just moves through the closest gate, invisible and silent as a ghost.

    Past the ground guards, Cervena noticed two soldiers engrossed in a name game, their laughter echoing through the night. Ignoring their duties, they huddled together, each attempting to outwit the other with increasingly absurd monikers. "Horgul the Horrendous!" one exclaimed, struggling to contain his amusement. "No, no, how about Snargle the Slothful?" countered the other, their banter punctuated by bouts of raucous laughter. Unaware of the looming threat, they continued their frivolous game, oblivious to the danger lurking just beyond their laughter.

    Scuttling across, she finds a small alleyway between tents near the gate, sounds of snoring, silent sleepers abound, a few night activities in a tent every so often, but nothing Cervena couldn't stifle, pause and wait until an opportune moment.

    The camp smelled....much better than she thought it would, most of the foot soldiers were just normal non-evil hobgoblins, of course the actual smell was much worse, it was rank, and they could have been utilizing the nearby river this whole time...

    Moving on, she slides between bigger tents, these seemed to belong to more important people, as if the outer tents near the walls were the smallest, meaning...yes, the largest tents were in the center....surrounding the log building.

    As Cervena stealthily passed a larger tent adorned with intricate banners, she noticed several alcoves illuminated by flickering torchlight. From within emanated the sounds of revelry and merriment, hinting at a gathering of significance. Laughter mingled with the clinking of goblets and the melody of a lute, painting a picture of opulence and indulgence. The air was thick with the scent of exotic spices and rich wines, enticing her senses even from a distance.

    Intrigued, Cervena caught glimpses of scantily clad figures moving gracefully between the alcoves, their silhouettes dancing in the warm glow of the torches. Servants bustled about, bearing trays laden with sumptuous delicacies, while musicians filled the air with melodies that stirred the soul.

    Despite the festive atmosphere, an undercurrent of tension lingered, palpable beneath the veneer of celebration. The occasional hushed conversation and furtive glances betrayed an air of secrecy, hinting at hidden agendas and clandestine alliances.

    Venturing closer to the main building, an overwhelming sense of malevolence enveloped her like a suffocating shroud. It was as if a river of darkness flowed through the very air, tainting everything it touched with its sinister presence. The sensation caused her to falter for a moment, her instincts recoiling at the oppressive aura that surrounded her.

    Each subsequent tent she passed emitted a similar foul odor, hinting at the pervasive corruption that permeated the entire camp. The stench grew stronger with each step, seeping into her senses and filling her with a sense of dread.

    However, as she approached the imposing structure that served as the heart of the camp, the intensity of the malevolence reached a crescendo. The building loomed before her like a fortress of darkness, its very walls seeming to pulse with an unholy energy. The air around it crackled with an aura of malignancy, causing Cervena to draw back instinctively.

    Gathering her resolve, she steeled herself against the overwhelming evil that emanated from the building, her determination unwavering in the face of such darkness. With each breath, she pushed forward, her resolve unyielding as she braced herself for whatever awaited within.

    Cervena surveyed the entrances to the foreboding building, she noticed two distinct pathways leading inside, each flanked by an alcove where guards or attendants might wait.

    To her left, a narrow passage wound its way into the darkness, the entrance partially obscured by the shadows cast by the surrounding tents. The alcove adjacent to it appeared deserted, its dimly lit interior giving no indication of any occupants.

    On the right, another entrance beckoned, its doorway adorned with sinister symbols etched into the stone. The alcove beside it was similarly vacant, though a faint flicker of torchlight danced at its entrance, hinting at the presence of a guard stationed nearby.

    Weighing her options, Cervena considered the risks and benefits of each route. The left passage offered a more concealed approach, with less chance of immediate detection. However, its darkness also presented the possibility of unseen obstacles or hidden threats lurking within.

    On the other hand, the right entrance appeared more heavily guarded, but its proximity to the torchlight suggested a potential distraction or opportunity for subterfuge. Despite the increased risk of detection, it offered a more direct route into the heart of the building.
    Last edited by BelGareth; 2024-04-08 at 04:02 PM.

    Bel's Compendium
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    Epic items of interest
    Sir cowabunga of clubs

    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  10. - Top - End - #190
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    The goal is information
    Cervena had to remind herself to prevent her from just lunging to the darkness of the left entrance. She had gathered enough and she had also seen this placed reeked of evil, but the Hobgoblins were mere pawns of something bigger.

    She scanned around for a safe location for teleporting the others and then sent a telepathic message to her Psicrystal relating the intelligence gathered for her psicrystal to telepathically communicate it to the wizard.

    She then hid.
    Last edited by Auranghzeb; 2024-04-09 at 12:53 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #191
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    They waited for Cervena's signal, her crystal sitting nearby, presumably, receiving some input from her.

    Evindal similarly listened to Amrynn's own emotions, as their newly established link allowed. They weren't immediately translateable, though after some time the wizard has managed to pinpoint cusiosity, confusion and excitement, or at least he thought he had.

    He tensed momentarily as thoughts not belonging to him started appearing in his mind. The camp, its streets and denizens, the central abode, the approaches, the overwhelming foul odor of something rotten. How does she even live with it? If I smelled this every time someone evil wandered into proximity...

    - It's time. Please, huddle around me, place one of your hands on my shoulder and drink your invisibility potions. I trust it everyone used the time to think up some hobgoblin of roughly the same proportions to turn into with the help of one of these alteration potions. A small snake works as well, - he said with a small smile. - Let's go on the, ahem, adventure and hope our friend hasn't misjudjed the distance, or we're in for some... turbulence.

    As everyone prepared themselves, the elf scooped Cervena's psicrystal up, stowed it into his haversask and invoked a familiar arcane formula, himself disappearing from sight.

    - Brace for translocation, - said the invisible wizard with somewhat strained voice and recited a complex incantation with different undertones.

    Spoiler: OOC
    See invisibility and invisibility on himself, then dimension door targeting everyone around to some point with enough space close to the building Cervena described. If she's sureveyed the area enough to point out some convenient location where us bumping into someone is unlikely, Evindal will try to follow the description closely.
    Last edited by Ilerien; 2024-04-22 at 11:54 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #192
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Cur-as-snake safely in her haversack? Check.

    Hand on Evindal? Check.

    Invisibility potion drunk? Check.

    Alter Self potion ready on top for quaffing when needed? Check.

    Jinx dismissed for the time being? Reluctant check...

  13. - Top - End - #193
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Seeing that the party was once again stalling. Cervena urged the recently teleported crew.

    Silently she gestured to the different buildings and lowering herself to a stalking crouch, she moved swiftly towards the building where she had stopped her scouting.

  14. - Top - End - #194
    Titan in the Playground
    BelGareth's Avatar

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Weather: Cloudy
    Time: Late evening

    As Cervena waits, she knows it's moments before the rest of her team appears to move forward with the mission, finally, you would be near your mark, and hopefully get in and get out, though, without an egress plan, getting out may be a bit trickier than it sounds.

    With an audible *pop* of your ears, the rest of the team appears around you, or at least you hope.

    The lights under the door are constant, and you do not hear any voices coming from within.

    Bel's Compendium
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    Epic items of interest
    Sir cowabunga of clubs

    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  15. - Top - End - #195
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    In the Trash

    You were literally thrown out in the trash.

    But that was the plan.

    At least, that's what it was.

    But it seemingly is going well, you have cased the joint for a while, having come from the West you avoided the majority of encounters and issues traveling through the already conquered country side. It hadn't been hard at all, the guards, while alert and vigilant...were just guards at the end of the day, anything beyond looking out from their posts was just not in their vocabulary, it wasn't even allowed. So learning the patterns, timings, counting the troops was easy, this you expected.

    But getting inside?

    That was another matter altogether, the Empire had a pretty solid standing army, and they did one thing very very well, build camps. But you managed it, somehow, you were in the trash heap looking directly at the main buildings door. It taken the better part of a week to get there, but you had managed it, slowly moving from trash pile to trash pile, your innate skill and understanding of metal allowing you to move unseen in the camp. Now was the time you set on your chronometer, waking up, you eye a strange sight.

    A single small female human had appeared out of nowhere, but your discerning eyes tell you it's who you were sent to meet. Cracking the wafer you were given to communicate with your fellow Petals, the only method given to you of finding them, your consciousness opens up wide connecting to the other agents in a surprise meet and greet.

    You can discern 4 individual minds in the link.

    Pilgrim has activated a wafer of Telepathy, you all gain Telepathy with the group for the next 10 minutes
    @Rypta, Petals are agents in the field who get activated, you have been activated and tasked to join up with these agents. Typcially, Petals will identify themselves with a petal motif or something similar, but it was a time crunch, and this was all the good Sergeant Hackford could scrap together. you get the impression he is spread too thin. Things back home must not be going so well.

    Bel's Compendium
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    Epic items of interest
    Sir cowabunga of clubs

    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  16. - Top - End - #196
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    A rounded metal object slowly rises from the surface of a refuse pile not far from the small human woman. Whether or not she notices it moving is one thing; whether or not she recognizes it as the head of a warforged is another -- for the head of this warforged is nearly featureless, possessing only those most basic elements which are necessary to approximate the form of a humanoid face. A heartbeat's span later, Cervena and the others feel a foreign mind brush against their own.

    <"Greetings, agents of the Rose. Sergeant Hackford told me to await your arrival here, and so I have."> Even in this mindspace, there is an odd artificial quality to this new and unfamiliar consciousness. <"I am called Pilgrim, and I am to aid you in your mission.">

    Two metal-plated limbs emerge then from the garbage pile. One steel hand reaches out to take hold of a section of nearby piping. The other grips the handle of large black metal warhammer, which it presses downward into the earth. Very slowly, the body of a truly enormous warforged emerges from the pile of garbage, seeming to unfold itself from a position which could only be maintained by a creature which lacks internal organs. Stained with oil and other unpleasant fluids that evidence hours if not days spent hiding in filth, the metal of its body is worn with age and mismatched in places. An equally dirty brown cloak is draped over its broad shoulders, only partially obscuring a number of rune-engraved metal sheets which hang at its waist. Once the living construct has stepped out of the garbage, it crouches low to avoid notice by any patrolling guards.

    <"Are you anticipating violence?">
    Last edited by rypt; 2024-04-25 at 01:56 AM.

  17. - Top - End - #197
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Cervena looks at the newcomer, a curious object. She didn't think as Tomassia that Sergeant Hackford was a traitor, but he surely was careless and disorganized. But well, any allies were welcomed in dire straits.

    Cervena motioned to the new agent and answered, mentally.

    Welcome Pilgrim, yes, we expect violence. Get ready, we will have more time to make formal introductions later.

    She moved along the closest wall, alert, and manifested a psionic power.

    There will be violence

    Spoiler: Powers and actions
    Manifesting an augmented Vigor (6pp extra for 7pp total and 35 temp hp for 9 minutes, so clock is ticking) then concentration check to recover psionic focus (1d20+14)[34] vs dc 20.

  18. - Top - End - #198
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Pilgrim motions his head up and down. It is a nod, but one so unusually slow it is as though he is repeating a gesture which had only ever been described to him but never demonstrated. <"Understood. I will prepare.">

    There is a subtle pulse of magic then from the warforged's left hand which blankets the surrounding area in an all-encompassing silence. One might expect the absence of sound to prevent the casting of spells, but those with a particularly keen sense for magic will notice that Pilgrim invokes two spells without the need for either incantation or hand movement. Instead, with each spell, a rune vanishes from one of the metal plates at his waist.

    As sound returns to normal, the warforged relays telepathically, <"My preparations are complete.">

    Spoiler: OOC
    Pilgrim will activate his Ring of Silent Spells to cast shield (8 minute duration) and greater mighty wallop (8 hour duration). He will then dismiss the silence, lest a guard pass through its area.
    Last edited by rypt; 2024-04-30 at 04:01 AM.

  19. - Top - End - #199
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    With preparation's made, the lot of you manage to figure out who is going to be opening the door after it is searched. You find nothing on the door, and the latch is a simple lever, they obviously haven't been able to bring any skilled carpenters with them yet. The door opens with a muffled creak, slowly revealing the insides of the building, you see a hallway spreading to either side, no sound comes from within.

    No sound at all.

    Bel's Compendium
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    Sir cowabunga of clubs

    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  20. - Top - End - #200
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Another non-subtle ally sent by Hackford, but they certainly weren't in a position for Tommasia to audibly express her concerns about this right now. Not with this eerie silence in this environment. And as far as she knew, none of their party were responsible for it.

    <Can anyone determine if this silence in the hall is natural or magical at all before we go too far down?>

  21. - Top - End - #201
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    <A silent hall?> Cur's mind reaches out of the bag of holding, <I can find out how far it goes if you take me out and throw me. It would also be nice to stretch my coils.>
    Last edited by LairdMaon; 2024-04-30 at 05:00 PM.

  22. - Top - End - #202
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Pilgrim raises one hand near to the side of his head and touches the metal tips of his thumb and forefinger together just hard enough that he would expect to produce a faintly perceptible sound.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Just a simple test to check for a silence effect.

  23. - Top - End - #203
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    You make a small metallic *clink* sound.

    Bel's Compendium
    Homebrew sig
    Epic items of interest
    Sir cowabunga of clubs

    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  24. - Top - End - #204
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    <One snake, coming out...> The good thing about the Haversack was Tommasia could easily have Cur-as-Snake on the top to pull out. Lifted by an invisible hand, she carefully tossed the serpent down the hall... <Be careful.>

  25. - Top - End - #205
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Cur slithers silently through the doorway, gliding across the polished wooden floor of the main building. The air is heavy with the scent of leather and metal, mingled with the faint tang of sweat from the soldiers who frequent the space.

    The bottom floor of the building is spacious, with high ceilings supported by sturdy wooden beams. Tapestries adorn the walls, depicting scenes of battle and conquest, while suits of armor stand sentinel in the corners, their polished lacquered surfaces gleaming in the muted light filtering in through narrow windows.

    Along one wall, racks of weapons are neatly organized, ranging from gleaming swords and axes to sturdy bows and quivers of arrows. Shields emblazoned with the emblem of the warlord hang nearby, ready to be snatched up at a moment's notice.

    In the center of the room, a large table dominates the space, littered with maps, scrolls, and parchments detailing the movements of troops and strategies for the ongoing war. A pair of oil lamps cast flickering shadows across the tabletop, their warm glow providing the only source of illumination in the otherwise dimly lit room. Stair lead upwards behind the table.

    Despite the ominous silence that hangs heavy in the air, the bottom floor of the building appears to be deserted.

    Bel's Compendium
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    Epic items of interest
    Sir cowabunga of clubs

    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  26. - Top - End - #206
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Cur stops at the base of the stairs and attempts to protect his thoughts to the other petals. He describes, in detail, the layout of the area while noting the convenience of the oil lamps as a possible method of sowing confusion. He finishes his report, saying, <so with this floor being empty, I'm going upstairs. You may want to come further in to secure the building.>

  27. - Top - End - #207
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    <On it...> Tommasia mentally responded, then turned the telepathy towards the others. <We shouldn't let him get too far ahead in case he comes across something upstairs.>

  28. - Top - End - #208
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Aug 2013

    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Evindal almost jumped at the sight of the unfamiliar construct rising from the scrap heap. He had almost formulated an adequate response when he felt the subtle touch of mental communication attempt.

    <So you're the agent sergeant Hackford told us to seek inside Blackwood? We're quite fortunate then. Maitre Evindal Cairen, at your service.> - he relayed over the connection and then turned his mental voice, soft and subtle, towards Cervena:
    <Sincerely, it was outstanding work - I mean, scouting the premises and directing me here. Your crystal is stashed safely in my haversack. Notify me when you want it brought out. It will be visible, though.>

    Spoiler: OOC
    I imagine the above happens moments after their arrival. Sorry for the late post. :)

    <Agreed. Let's advance in a marching order not to get in each other's way. Let's say Cervena, Tommasia, Pilgrim, myself? Any objections? Also, we have a spare invisibility potion so you don't stand out in the otherwise empty hallway.>
    Last edited by Ilerien; 2024-05-02 at 01:38 PM.
    My homebrew. Feel free to use!

  29. - Top - End - #209
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Pilgrim observes the sentient snake slithering down the hallway. <"I do not object. But nor do I know your names. I will place myself in the third position."> The warforged waits for the others to order themselves before taking his place between Tommasia and Evindal. He will then turn to face the invisible elf behind him. <"I will accept your spare potion. Thank you."> He extends his metal hand as though he can see Evindal clearly.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Pilgrim will expend 2 charges from his Scout's Headband to gain the benefit of see invisibility for the next 10 minutes. Assuming Evindal hands him a potion, he will drink it.

  30. - Top - End - #210
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Spoiler: OOC
    Yep, he does hand Pilgrim the potion.
    I recorded the rest of Hackford's timely gift in Evindal's inventory so we don't lose count of what remains. In case anyone else took some more, do tell me please. :)
    My homebrew. Feel free to use!

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