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  1. - Top - End - #181
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Novalis is offered his own personal sympathetic smile as Ringel slides closer to Tanna so that she can squeeze her shoulder (was that her wounded shoulder? Hopefully not her wounded shoulder) gently. And it's not like you have to watch either. There's a lot of us, we'll cover your shifts and all that. If you want us to. she says, as though she had a say in it. Well, she might, but if she really snores as bad as they say, someone will eventually kick her awake early anyhow.

  2. - Top - End - #182
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Thankfully Jorr was able to find a cabin to give them all some shelter from the downpour which may or may not summon more hydras.

    Telrayel asked Jorr if a fire may attract hydras or other unpleasant things in this forest too and if the woodsman deemed it safe, Telrayel made one to dry his and the clothes of others.

    I'll take the second part of the watch then, I don't need as much rest as the rest of you.

    Telrayel was a bit anxious in the hut, he would have preferred a dry place outside but finding one in this rain may prove more difficult than besting the hydra from before. He settled in a corner, made himself as small as possible, his belongings at his side and sleeps.

    If it's his time to take over watch Telrayel keeps the fire going and try's to find anything unusual that may threaten the hut.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Taking the second watch. Rolls for that.
    Listen: (1d20+12)[17]
    Spot: (1d20+12)[16]
    Search: (1d20+11)[22]
    Survival: (1d20+10)[22]
    Quote Originally Posted by Ridai View Post
    No no no, not speaking while fighting. Speaking with the fighting!

    That rabite monk dive-blobbing you in the face, followed by hooking teeth into your belt and suplexing you is a woefully poorly understood way of remarking on how nice the weather is.

  3. - Top - End - #183
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    DAY 2
    Weather: Sunny
    Time: Early morning

    Blackwater Causeway - Hunters lodge

    As night falls and the party settles into the old ranger's hut, the relentless rain gradually gives way to a gentle drizzle. The dense canopy and persistent cloud cover have obscured much of the sky throughout the evening, but as the night deepens, a brief break in the clouds offers a rare glimpse of the starry sky.

    Suddenly, one of you notices a particularly bright star moving swiftly across the sky—it's not just any shooting star; it's exceptionally bright, trailing vibrant red and gold. Known locally as the "Hunter's Star," such celestial phenomena are often viewed as omens signifying the presence of significant and dangerous creatures in the region—a harbinger of formidable challenges ahead.

    Jorr, stepping outside with you, notices your interest in the phenomenon. "Ah, the Hunter's Star," he remarks gruffly, his eyes following the fiery trail across the sky. "Folk around here say it's a bad omen, heralding the awakening of powerful beasts. Makes sense with what's been going on."

    As you all watch the star pass through a rare constellation known as the Manticore's Crown, Jorr shares a piece of local folklore. "That constellation there, the Manticore's Crown, is said to appear when a creature of great ferocity is on the prowl. It’s an old tale, but who's to say there isn't truth to it? Especially on a night like this."

    The sight of the Hunter's Star crossing through the Manticore's Crown instills a sense of foreboding, and Jorr suggests, "Best keep a sharp watch tonight. Tales or not, we don’t want to be caught off guard. We'll need to be ready for anything at Vraath Keep."

    As the break in the clouds closes and the heavens are once again veiled by the night, the group feels a renewed sense of caution and readiness. Jorr advises preparing for the possibility of encountering something formidable, given the ominous signs.

    "We’ll discuss our approach to Vraath Keep at first light," Jorr concludes, turning back towards the shelter of the hut. "For tonight, rest up but stay alert. Tomorrow, we might need all the strength and cunning you can muster."

    The rest of the night passes with an air of heightened vigilance, the tale of the Manticore's Crown echoing in your minds as you contemplate the challenges that lie ahead.


    Order of march, select spells and other things.
    Anything special, or just as Jorr how to get there?
    Last edited by BelGareth; 2024-04-22 at 03:32 PM.

    Bel's Compendium
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    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  4. - Top - End - #184
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Telrayel also took a look at the star phenomenom. He was pretty impressed with Jorr that he wasn't only a capable hunter and tamer of beasts but could also see the future in the stars. Telrayel wasn't acquainted with that way to see into the future. Some knowledgeable elves could see the future in the way the wind blew or how certain animals reacted, he did took the prophecy with all the gravitas it entailed.

    An old beast was awakened, it also was on the hunt. Telrayel knew how to survive but the lore of beasts had eluded him due to his inner restlessness. He hoped that Jorr would stay with them when they encountered this old beast, surely he would know what to do.

    When they awakened, Telrayel asked Jorr what would the best approach towards the keep be, how much he thinks it could be scouted out and how much of it would be reclaimed by nature.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Instead of his irrate scouting pattern, Telrayel would just circle the group when they're going towards the keep.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ridai View Post
    No no no, not speaking while fighting. Speaking with the fighting!

    That rabite monk dive-blobbing you in the face, followed by hooking teeth into your belt and suplexing you is a woefully poorly understood way of remarking on how nice the weather is.

  5. - Top - End - #185
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Before she allowed herself to fall into uneasy sleep, Tanna-Mai used the last charge of her healing belt. True, her bedroll could help heal the rest of her injuries with a good night's rest, but the mage was already paranoid and on high alert what with Jorr's eerie talk of bad omens in the stars.

    [roll]2d8[/roll] Last charge is for...

    In the morning...

    "I can -- I can assist with scouting. If, like, ya want." Tanna-Mai nervously piped up. "I mean, I'm good at bein' stealthy too and I can pick up with my mind if there's intelligent threats ahead of us. 'Bout fifty feet ahead. OH! And, like, I can talk in your heads without actually opening my mouth! 'Bout a hundred feet there...."
    Last edited by Cygnia; 2024-04-25 at 06:04 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #186
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    I'm told I'm also very stealthy! Ringel raises a proud index finger. …for an Ogre. Which… Might mean I'm not very stealthy. she deflates somewhat. I think I'll be here with Jorr as yesterday. she points at the ground besides the grumpy ranger. Speak into my mind if you need me to hit something. Or a lift. Or anything. I'm kinda very curious how that works now. she admits. Could that mean that Tanna hears her thoughts? That would be wild.

  7. - Top - End - #187
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Novalis washes his face with the water accumulated in the tiles of the shelter. He feels fresh and rested, even if his ribs are sore and there's a nasty wound on his left shoulder where the Hydra bit him hard and right through the bones. What he didn't feel anymore, was elated.

    Talking inside my head? Novalis looks playfully at Tanna Mae You'll find quite the company right there.

    My eyes are sharper than my sword, but anyone with soft steps can sneak on me with ease. Let's move as a group, and when we see the fortress, circle if from a distance. I have the means to see from above while the more skillful scout the perimeter. We should stay close, in any case. Tanna Mae could be the intermediate link. Jorr, can we trust your dogs to be silent?

    Having said that. He rose and called on his shadow armor. The voices were quiet this morning. That was ominous.

  8. - Top - End - #188
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    DAY 2
    Weather: Cloudy
    Time: Late Morning

    As dawn breaks, the air is cool and misty, with tendrils of fog still clinging to the lower branches of the dense forest trees. The weather remains overcast, casting a somber gray hue over the landscape, which seems to mirror Jorr's increasingly grim mood.

    "You lot ready then?" Jorr grumbles as he checks his gear one final time. His tone suggests impatience, perhaps sensing the looming troubles ahead. With a curt nod, he gestures for you all to follow and leads the way out of the ranger's hut and back onto the forested path that will take you towards Vraath Keep.

    As you trudge through the underbrush, the path becomes muddier and more obscured. Jorr sets a brisk pace, clearly eager to cover ground but also visibly on edge. "Keep your eyes peeled and your weapons ready," he warns without looking back. "This ain't no stroll through the park. We're heading into the belly of the beast, and those hobgoblin bastards are not known for their hospitality."

    The atmosphere is tense, and the dense woods around you seem to close in, the silence punctuated only by the distant call of a raven or the rustle of leaves. After several hours of marching, Jorr's irritation begins to show more openly.

    "Dammit, keep up! And keep it down," he snaps when a branch snaps loudly under someone's foot. "You want to announce our arrival to every cursed scout in these woods? Because that's how you do it."

    Approaching a small forest ford—Jorr's mood darkens further. He scans the area, his eyes narrowing. "This is a known patrol area. We could have hobgoblin scouts around any bend. Stay sharp."

    Crossing the ford proves challenging; the water is colder than expected, and the crossing is slippery. Once on the other side, Jorr doesn't pause for long. "No time to dry off. We need to keep moving." He pauses for just a moment, muttering under his breath, touching each one of you as you leave.

    The path to Vraath Keep grows increasingly perilous, and Jorr's curses become more frequent and colorful. "If you lot don't start moving with some purpose, I swear to the gods—"

    Suddenly, he stops, holds up a hand for silence, and crouches low. "Patrol ahead," he whispers harshly. "Get down, and for the love of—stay quiet!"

    Peering through the brush, you can see a pair of hobgoblin scouts mounted on worgs moving parallel to your path, about a hundred yards away. Their presence confirms Jorr's warnings: you are now in enemy territory, and every step forward is fraught with danger.

    "Let 'em pass," Jorr instructs, his voice barely audible. "If we're lucky, they won't circle back this way for a while."

    As the hobgoblin patrol moves out of sight, Jorr leads you forward, his irritation now mixed with a grudging respect for the seriousness of your mission. "Alright, we're close now. Vraath Keep is just beyond that ridge. Get ready for anything. And I mean anything."

    The final approach to Vraath Keep is cloaked in tension, the group moving silently under Jorr's terse guidance, every sense alert for the next challenge.
    Last edited by BelGareth; 2024-04-30 at 12:16 PM.

    Bel's Compendium
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    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  9. - Top - End - #189
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Ringel keeps nodding vigorously at Jorr's back as they are drilled even more vigorously by the old man along the road. Apologetically, too. She's supposed to be faster, as in much faster than him; but sneaking speed hardly lets that shine through much. When, naturally, that stupid bough still ends up snapping loud as a hit from a catapult (which is to say, loud as she imagines a hit from a catapult would be; Ringel has about as clear a notion what that sounds as anyone from the Gap: not really), she even mouths a Sorry. at their irate guide, her offending foot hanging high in the air. She really needs to stop barging about like she owned the place, even if she does kinda own the place. Maybe. Or a nearby place anyhow.

    Jorr's little spellwork comes as a much needed reprieve accordingly. She could have done that herself, actually. She's an Eneko! She should have done that, really. It's too bad she's very not made for sneaking. TANNA! she tries to think at Tanna-Mai hard. CAN - YOU - HEAR - ME -THINK? IF WE'LL HAVE TO KEEP DOING THIS IN SO MUCH SILENCE, MY HEAD WILL EXPLODE! she complains, quite possibly to her own addled mind. But one can hope, right?
    Last edited by Metastachydium; 2024-04-30 at 01:39 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #190
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Ringel...looked weird. Like she was constipated and Nothing Was Coming Out. Actually, worse than that. Like that one turd that just balanced itself perfectly out of your butthole and wouldn't go any further no matter how hard you bounced around in the privvy.

    "Are you all right?" Tanna-Mai whispered to Ringel in concern (and blissfully ignorant of the fact that she forgot to mention that she was the one who had to initiate the telepathy).

  11. - Top - End - #191
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Novalis let the others lead the way in the morning. Jorr and Telrayel were much better equipped to deal with whatever lied in the forests.

    The brief distraction of Ringel and Tanna Mae hilarious interaction drew a smile, but the danger ahead was nothing to be ignored lightly.

    After the hobgoblin patrol missed them and their scent, Novalis was grateful that Jorr's dogs were disciplined and the. Once they were close to the keep. Novalis stopped.

    We need eyes ahead, let me see if I can find anything interesting.

    Spoiler: Bend Perspective
    When we are close to the keep, I'll use Bend Perspective to have a bird's view (a low flying bird) 40' up for 6 minutes, as we approach, switching between my perspective and the bird's Spot (1d20+14)[29]

  12. - Top - End - #192
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Cygnia View Post
    "Are you all right?" Tanna-Mai whispered to Ringel in concern (and blissfully ignorant of the fact that she forgot to mention that she was the one who had to initiate the telepathy).
    Ringel lets her shoulders droop and makes a very sad face; but nods and bodily, she looks a lot less bothered by… Whatever it was that bothered her.

    Unlike Knight Novalis's weird… Ventriloquist mumblings(? Ringel was never quite sure how he's producing those little snippest of almost-sounds), all her internal wails of anguish remain woefully internal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Auranghzeb View Post
    We need eyes ahead, let me see if I can find anything interesting.
    At the prospect of getting a clearer idea of, well, mostly anything they are to face once their approach is all but complete, the Ogre's nods become more enthusiastic. Still, as Knight Novalis begins to just stare, the doubting doubt creeps in there. Unable to keep her mouth closed any longer, Ringel leans really close to Tanna-Mai's closest ear. Do we, um… Do we know what he's doing there?

  13. - Top - End - #193
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    DAY 2
    Weather: Cloudy
    Time: Late Morning

    As you channel the magic of Bend Perspective, your vision ascends away from your body, soaring upwards and transforming into the keen-eyed perception of a low-flying bird. The dense forest of the Witchwood opens beneath you, revealing the stoic, crumbling stones of Vraath Keep set against the backdrop of the rolling Wyrmsmoke Mountains. The late afternoon sun bathes the ancient fortress in a golden light, accentuating its quiet desolation.

    From your new vantage point, 40 feet in the air, you gain a clear overview of the Keep's structure. The main gate is battered and the heavy doors are splintered, remains hanging on their hinges, clearly showing signs of past conflicts. The walls, while sturdy, bear scars of battles long finished. No signs of current habitation are visible, lazy smoke rises from a few chimneys, and an eerie silence envelops the area.

    As you continue your silent, circular patrol above, a particularly chilling sight catches your eye: two giant skeletons sprawled near the broken remnants of the keep's northern wall. These massive bones, remnants of creatures long dead, lay tangled in the overgrowth, their origins and the tales of their demise lost to time.

    Your bird's-eye view also reveals a hidden path, overgrown and shadowed, winding towards a less guarded side entrance of the keep. This path offers a stealthy approach, away from the main thoroughfares and out of direct sight.

    Your vision gently returns to your own eyes as the magical perspective ends, leaving behind the vivid details of Vraath Keep's layout and the mysterious, unmoving skeletons.
    Last edited by BelGareth; 2024-05-02 at 10:59 AM.

    Bel's Compendium
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    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  14. - Top - End - #194
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    OH Time! the beautifier of the dead,
    Adorner of the ruin, comforter

    And only healer when the heart hath bled—

    Even giants died, and their bones whitened under sun and shade.

    The only sign of ocupation is the smoke from the chimneys, but the ruins of the walls are not manned and the barbican hosts only the massive bones of past battles.

    He looks at Ringel.

    My friend, it seems others of your kind once fought within these walls.

    Then he indicates the way towards the hidden path.

    Telrayel, I think it is your time, there's a hidden entrance, but my eyes from above are not as reliable as your elven senses and wit

  15. - Top - End - #195
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Telrayel was not a stranger to walking in the woods, but even the elf made some mistakes that Jorr called out, it was understandable, Telrayel was not the warden of these woods as Jorr clearly was and he probably knew every tree, every stone and every bone in this forest.

    When the patrol passed them Telrayel stood there, unmoving like a rock, it was good that they could avoid a battle for once.

    Ringel seemed to be in particular pain, probably because she couldn't or wasn't allowed to communicate, the elf squeezed her shoulder reassuringly, but couldn't do much more. And it was nice to have a bit of calm.

    When Novalis did... Something and told about a secret passage the elf just nodded silently and followed the knights commands, trying to find the hidden path the somber knight was talking about.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Search: I guess I can take ten for 21 or (1d20+11)[24] if not.
    Spot: I guess I can take ten for 22 or (1d20+12)[22] if not.
    Move silently: If I can take ten 25 or (1d20+15)[18] if not.
    Also Survival: (1d20+10)[28] for tracks, +2 if they are orcs.
    Last edited by Alhallor; 2024-05-02 at 03:15 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ridai View Post
    No no no, not speaking while fighting. Speaking with the fighting!

    That rabite monk dive-blobbing you in the face, followed by hooking teeth into your belt and suplexing you is a woefully poorly understood way of remarking on how nice the weather is.

  16. - Top - End - #196
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    DAY 2
    Weather: Cloudy
    Time: Morning

    You move like a hunting cat through the underbrush, making your way swiftly to the spot, it was as Novalis had described, a small trail led to the southern wall of the keep, barely there. It was impressive he had even seen this trail, but from his perspective, it must have been more obvious, for this was unused, and had been for a long time.

    Nestled beside the crumbling silhouette of a once-imposing tower at the southern end of Vraath Keep, a significant breach in the ancient stone walls presents a silent testament to the structure’s storied past. This gap, large enough for several people to pass through side by side, appears as though it could have been caused by some violent force, perhaps a siege engine or natural decay accelerated by the elements.

    The breach itself is bordered by jagged edges of stone, with the remnants of the wall showing layers of erosion and mossy overgrowth that speaks to years of neglect. Bits of fallen masonry litter the ground near the opening, interspersed with creeping vines and weeds that have taken root in the moist, dark earth created by the shadow of the tower.

    The tower itself, standing ominously near the breach, shows signs of structural failure; its upper sections are partially collapsed, creating a jagged profile against the sky. Despite its dilapidated state, the tower’s lower portions remain daunting, with dark, empty window sockets and an aura of desolate abandonment. The roof has a large hole, as if a boulder had smashed through it, evenstill, something seems to be moving, a flickering light shimmers inside, but in the sunlit morning it is hard to tell.

    Bel's Compendium
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    Sir cowabunga of clubs

    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  17. - Top - End - #197
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    The elf lurked towards the breach in the walls, wide enough to let the party through, he nods to himself, gives the tower a bit of a longer look and then leaves the ruinous breach behind for now.

    Appearing at Novalis side Telrayel tells the others the following: I have found the breach and a good way towards it, I'm sure we can all get through. The elf thinks for a moment. The breach is besides a tower, I think someone has taken refuge in there. What about we all go towards the breach and... Telrayel eyes the group and his gaze lands on Tanna-Mai. Tanna-Mai and me go up there, try to find what's shuffling around and you others take care should an alarm be raised? I'm sure we can both get out if they is more in there than we can handle.

    Telrayel wasn't experienced in warfare but he was a hunter, bringing down a leader before others could avoid further battles if necessary.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ridai View Post
    No no no, not speaking while fighting. Speaking with the fighting!

    That rabite monk dive-blobbing you in the face, followed by hooking teeth into your belt and suplexing you is a woefully poorly understood way of remarking on how nice the weather is.

  18. - Top - End - #198
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Hearing her name, Tanna-Mai immediately perked up. Here was a chance to earn her spot in the party -- to prove she could be useful at her job.

    "On it!" She piped up eagerly, then looked over at Ringel. Suddenly, in the ogre-kin's head, Ringel could hear Tanna-Mai's echo-y voice ~*I'll be back in no time -- promise!*~

    Spoiler: Statblock

    F LN Human Beguiler5/Mindbender1//Warmage 3, Level 6//3, Init 2, HP 48/48, Speed 30
    AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15, Fort 6, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus 2
    Hand crossbow +1 (300) +5 (1d4+1, 19-20/x2)
    Silvered MW dagger +2 (1d4-1, 19-20/×2)
    Short Sword +1 +2 (1d6, 19-20/×2)
    Least Crystal of Adaptation Mithral Shirt +1 (+5 Armor, +2 Dex)
    Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16
    Condition Endure Elements (from Least Crystal of Adaptation)

    Reliable Courier (Message Delivery): Your character's reputation as a reliable messenger is well-known in Drellin's Ferry and beyond. You have advantage on Charisma checks when dealing with individuals who are aware of your courier services. This reputation opens doors to valuable information and opportunities in your adventures.

    Treasure Seeker (Vault of Vraath Keep): Having stumbled upon the old map hinting at the hidden vault in Vraath Keep, your character has a keen eye for deciphering cryptic clues and an insatiable thirst for treasure. Once per day you can cast detect secret doors as a spell like ability.

    Mindsight: A creature that has this feat can detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless ( 50ft range intelligent mobs only) within range of its telepathy. This works much like blindsense--the creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being, and the being still has total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means. The creature also perceives several observable characteristics about each being detected with mindsight, including the being's type and Intelligence score. The creature need not take any additional or special actions to gain this information; it is as obvious to mindsight as the being's race and clothing would be to eyesight.

  19. - Top - End - #199
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    The idea of the place being decoreated with dead Giants helps the whole ownership business make an ever so slightly more sense; what it doesn't help with is Ringel's general mood. The sudden onset of fully functional head-to-head communication, however, is quick to remedy that bit as well. Oh! I THOUGHT IT WASN'T WORKING BECAUSE I KEPT TRYING TO TALK INTO YOUR HEAD AND YOU NEVER ANSWERED AND I'M SO GLAD IT WAS JUST ME DOING IT WRONG; BUT YOU SHOULD DOUBLE-CHECK IF I'M WRONG BECAUSE THIS IS AWESOME AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY WE WEREN'T USING THIS EARLIER AND… she begins to flood the unsuspecting mage's mind with still rather overloud ramblings; even Ringel is fairly quick to realize, nevertheless, that telepathy might make no sound as such, but takes just about as much time as actually speaking. Be safe, you two. she meely pulls both members of the scouting team into a big hug just on this side of the crushing sort. We'll be right behind you. Or, I mean, at any rate, close by.

  20. - Top - End - #200
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Novalis nodded

    Yes, Ringel, we'll cover the rearguard. We are not the subtle ones.

    He unsheathed his rusty sword and followed the elf with his crooked strides, eyes observant, voices muttering and humming.

  21. - Top - End - #201
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    DAY 2
    Weather: Cloudy
    Time: Morning

    As you silently approach the southern portion of Vraath Keep, your keen eyes and honed senses guide you through the dense underbrush. You move with the fluidity and grace characteristic of your elven heritage, ensuring each step is placed with precision to avoid any noise.

    The haunted tower looms ahead, partially in ruins with sections of stonework collapsed. Ivy clings to the remnants of the structure, and the air around it feels noticeably cooler. To the left of the tower, you spot the breach in the keep's wall—a gaping hole where the stone has been violently displaced, creating an entry point into the courtyard.

    The breach is large, with jagged edges of stone that tell of some past destruction. Moss and vines have begun to reclaim the rubble, making the breach appear as if the forest itself is slowly pulling the keep back into its grasp. The ground leading up to the breach is uneven and cluttered with debris, forcing you to pick your way carefully.

    As you reach the breach, you crouch low, blending seamlessly into the shadows. You peer through the gap, your eyes adjusting to the dimmer light inside the courtyard. The courtyard of Vraath Keep is a stark contrast to the overgrown wilderness outside. It is a large, open space with patches of grass and weeds sprouting through cracks in the cobblestones.

    Directly ahead, you see the main structure of the keep, its stone walls towering above you. Several windows are visible, some dark and others faintly glowing with the light of torches or lanterns within. The courtyard itself is littered with remnants of old battles—broken weapons, shattered shields, and scorch marks on the stone.

    To your left, near the base of the haunted tower, you notice a cluster of barrels and crates, likely supplies for those currently inhabiting the keep. The area around them is well-trodden, indicating frequent use. To your right, a weathered stone well stands, its surface covered in creeping moss.

    The entire scene is eerily silent, save for the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind. There is no immediate sign of movement, but the signs of recent activity are unmistakable. The air feels charged with an unspoken tension, and you sense that you are not alone.

    Carefully, you take in every detail, committing the layout and notable features of the courtyard to memory. This breach provides a clear, if precarious, entry point into Vraath Keep, and the information you gather here could prove invaluable for the group's next steps.


    Last edited by BelGareth; 2024-05-23 at 01:13 PM.

    Bel's Compendium
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    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  22. - Top - End - #202
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Praying that her thundering heartbeat could only be heard in the echoes of her own skull, Tanna-Mai gamely followed after Telrayel. But, when they got closer to their skulking towards the keep, she stiffened when she realized they weren't alone. Once more, she was able to pick up sentient minds nearby.

    ~*Tel, I'm sensing other folks near us -- one to our right, one in that tower to the left and about five more a bit further beyond the tower. Should I go warn the others?*~

    Spoiler: OOC

    I don't know how far the rest of the party is from us in terms of Tanna's telepathy -- I didn't want to assume.

  23. - Top - End - #203
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Telrayel skulked towards the breach and towards the tower, his goal. When he hears Tanna-Mai's voice in his mind he jerks up and then realizes that she's there with him. He nods and try's to think at her too.

    Yes, you should. I think it would be best for both of us to claim the tower. We are both snipers after all. Get the one inside as fast as possible, tell the others to come and as soon as the other occupants realize they are there, attack them from inside the tower. More chaos makes for easier prey.

    As jumpy as the elf may seem otherwise he seems coldly collected and focused now, his thougs being less words and more descriptions of what he images should happen.

    The elf waits for Tanna-Mai to relay the message and then try's to sneak into the tower with her to get the jump on anyone inside.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Move Silently: (1d20+15)[27]
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ridai View Post
    No no no, not speaking while fighting. Speaking with the fighting!

    That rabite monk dive-blobbing you in the face, followed by hooking teeth into your belt and suplexing you is a woefully poorly understood way of remarking on how nice the weather is.

  24. - Top - End - #204
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Nodding, Tanna-Mai skulks back just far enough to tip off the rest of their group.

    ~*Start approaching the keep towards us -- I'm sensing seven minds up ahead. One's towards the right, one's up in the tower to the left and five are a bit further beyond the tower*~ A bit nervously, she added ~*Telrayel and me are gonna, like, try to claim the tower as a vantage point. I hope...*~

  25. - Top - End - #205
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    Novalis nodded to Ringel as the telepathic message came and moving swiftly he stuck to the walls as closely as possible, bent strides and his sword drawn low.

  26. - Top - End - #206
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    With a rapid burst of nodding back at Novalis, Ringel attempts to shout an encouraging YOU'LL DO GREAT, WE'RE COMING! into Tanna-Mai's head and follows along with the man, easily keeping his pace (and making at least as much noise in the process), being content with keeping her ranseur at an angle which makes it unlikely she'll accidentally impale anyone, especially Novalis, should he grind to a halt all too suddenly. But not just him, really: some part of her still mildly hopes these Dragon sect people might be reasonable about this.

  27. - Top - End - #207
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Telrayel sulked walked around the perimeter of the tower on the outside first to see if there was a secret entrance but his elven senses didn't detect anything. When he got inside a door was visible, he quickly though towards Tanna-Mai.

    Tanna-Mai opens the door with magic, unsure thought.

    When she reacted he could get in there more easier, if not, both would need to get towards the door, open it by hand and then slink in, quietly closing the door too. Battle-ready to quickly dispatch anything that would lurk in the tower.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ridai View Post
    No no no, not speaking while fighting. Speaking with the fighting!

    That rabite monk dive-blobbing you in the face, followed by hooking teeth into your belt and suplexing you is a woefully poorly understood way of remarking on how nice the weather is.

  28. - Top - End - #208
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Spoiler: OOC
    High is misery: (1d100)[31]
    Quote Originally Posted by Ridai View Post
    No no no, not speaking while fighting. Speaking with the fighting!

    That rabite monk dive-blobbing you in the face, followed by hooking teeth into your belt and suplexing you is a woefully poorly understood way of remarking on how nice the weather is.

  29. - Top - End - #209
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    DAY 2
    Weather: Cloudy
    Time: Morning

    Telrayel moves with silent grace through the courtyard of Vraath Keep, his elven senses keenly attuned to his surroundings. His footsteps make little sound against the cobblestones as she scans the area for any signs of danger or opportunity.

    As he approaches a sturdy wooden door set into the side of the keep, he slows her pace, his ears pricked for any sounds emanating from within. Pressing his ear against the rough-hewn wood, he listens intently, his breath held in anticipation.

    From beyond the door, he hears the low murmur of voices—a pair of hobgoblins engaged in conversation. Their voices are rough and guttural, punctuated by bursts of harsh laughter. Despite the language barrier, Telrayel can discern the crude nature of their banter, filled with jests and insults directed at one another.

    One voice is gruffer, with a tone that suggests authority, while the other is higher-pitched and carries a hint of nervousness. They speak in their own tongue, but the tone and cadence of their speech convey a sense of camaraderie mixed with boredom.

    As he listens, Telrayel can’t help but feel a pang of unease. These hobgoblins may be awake and alert, but they seem more focused on passing the time than maintaining a vigilant watch.


    Last edited by BelGareth; 2024-05-28 at 02:20 PM.

    Bel's Compendium
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    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  30. - Top - End - #210
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Bel's RHoD: Chapter 1 [IC]

    Tanna-Mai shot a wary look towards the giant skeletons littering across the ruined courtyard. Skeletons were mindless, so if these were undead, she'd have no warning if they suddenly started moving...

    ...okay, skeletons usually weren't stealthy (and they were giant), so maybe there'd be a little warning. Regardless, Tanna-Mai remained wary as she crept after Telrayel. *~I'm here...~* Tanna-Mai mentally told the elf. She checked for any new sentient minds nearby now that she was closer. *~What's the threat level? Do you need me to check for traps or locks on the door?*~

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