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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2023

    Default Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Welcome to Tomorrowville!

    In this bright and shining city, superheroes reign! From world favorite crime-fighting team The Apex Avengers and their leader Plasma Angel to Faces in Space, a team battling cosmic supervillains to Saturday Street Warriors, a team of citizen soldiers who protect their city between jobs and families, they are all here! Superheroes are an everyday sight and everyone looks up to them. This is furthered by the unique gift given to mankind, The Shining - a blessing in which everyone who pursues their divine purpose, overcomes challenges and fully realizes themselves can become a superhero too! Here, the light Shines brighter than anywhere else; truly a shining City on a Hill, a true paradise funded and run by The Great Visionary, Tomorrowville stands as a shining example of what can be done when superheroes and 'common' people alike work together.

    But evil always reveals its ugly face, and no more so than the supervillains that infest Tomorrowville's side streets, sewers and, more insidiously, within politics and high society. Coordinated by The Nemesis of Mankind, villains of every type, from common thugs to world-dominating supervillains have risen as one force (where their evil impulses don't turn them against each other) in order to challenge even The Apex Avengers and Plasma Angel himself! The Manipulator in the Shadows, meanwhile, plies her trade within the most elegant halls, turning good hearts rogue with honeyed words and a sharp tongue. The Dragon Khan has called for the militarization of Tomorrowville, citing outside and inside threats alike - but everyone knows that he wants to rule harshly, by the sword. And countless 'small' time supervillains lie in wait, for the next opportunity to arise...

    So where do our intrepid heroes go from here? There are many roads, and many conflicts. Tomorrowville will not know peace anytime soon, and evil can only be held back by the light, not destroyed forever. There will always be a need for heroes, super and 'common' alike. A great Calling has been rung by The Great Visionary, calling for the Chosen to arise; all have had a similar experience of a great awakening, their Shining emerging, and the deep and utter knowing that there's one cause to fight for - a better future where supervillains are put away, redeemed and if necessary killed now and forever, a future where all take to the stars in glorious colonization and exploration and where all the aliens who visit their world are met in equal and eternal brotherhood. A war where The Nemesis of Mankind, in all his many forms, is defeated constantly and forever, and an eternal reign of good arises and Shines in all its majesty, here and now.

    So, are you one of the Heroes that has answered the Call? If so, apply below -
    and let's let our journey begin!

    Spoiler: The Big 16

    1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS, etc.), and if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc.)?

    A custom game system called Adventures in Tomorrowland, a custom system with the goal of creating easy-to-make and play characters that can represent anything.

    2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period, published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world, etc.)?

    This will be a classic four-color superhero game, heavily based in the Modern Age and the Bronze Age of Comics. True evil and lethal damage exists, but will be very rare. Heroes, likewise, are held to a higher standard. But 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' does not apply; if you run across a Joker-style villain, BY ALL MEANS, gun. them. down.

    3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many?


    4. What's the gaming medium (OOTS, chat, e-mail etc.)?

    OOTS; additionally, for on-the-spot scenes, we will be using Discord.

    5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)?

    Characters begin with 100 points.

    6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?

    Characters begin with average wealth, although more can be bought.

    7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?

    Just be a hero. And anti-'heroes' need NOT apply!

    8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?

    Any race is good.

    9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?

    Doesn't apply; ability scores can be brought as part of Abilities here.

    10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?

    Just be good.

    11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?

    Any multiclass with hero is fine by me.

    12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?

    We'll be rolling dice in an OOC and Discord thread.

    13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules.

    Doesn't apply.

    14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)?

    Yes. I'm not looking for anything big, although I don't mind at all; all I want to know is why you became a hero, who you were before and what you want to do.

    15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?

    A combination of the above.

    16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters?

    Just the custom game system.

    Spoiler: Adventures in Tomorrowland: Custom Game System

    Adventures in Tomorrowland is a system with the goal of making a simple, modular and flexible system that allows for creating any character perfectly and telling stories through them. Adventures in Tomorrowland comes in four simple parts: Rankings, Abilities, Modifications and Complications. Here is how it works:

    You may purchase rankings, broad but not all-emcompassing attributes that represent how well you can do something. Rankings go up from zero; every point is a doubling from the human baseline, or whatever the baseline is for this game.

    Examples of rankings include the traditional stats in Dungeons and Dragons (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma), broad skillsets and/or innate qualities (Fitness, Attractiveness, Social Skills, Science, Technology, Crafting, etc.) and more narrow iterations on these. Each ranking costs one point to purchase; more specific rankings can be brought for cheaper, such as Lifting Strength or Logical Intelligence for one half, or Upward Lifting Strength or Mathematical Intelligence for one quarter, and so on.

    Rankings have two main purposes:
    1) For assisting on a roll vs. the DC for a task. This is your ranking + 1d6 vs. the task's DC. Difficulties are as follows:

    A task that any ordinary human can perform has a DC of 0.
    A task that very advanced humans can perform has a DC of 3.
    A task that a low-level superhuman can perform has a DC of 6.
    A task that a moderate-level superhuman can perform has a DC of 9.
    A task that a high-level superhuman can perform has a DC of 12.
    A task that a god-like superhuman can perform has a DC of 15.

    You gain one success for exceeding the DC and one further for each three points you succeed by.

    2) For contesting a roll vs. another ranking. This is a flat your ranking roll + 1d6 vs. 3 + their ranking. For each 3 points, another success is given.

    Successes on Rankings:

    When you succeed on a Ranking check, count up the number of successes. You may then spend them on one of three things:

    * Intensify the results of a success: For example, with a successful Intelligence roll, one success gives you general information, two successes specific information, three successes specialized information, and so on. In general, one success gives a small impact, two successes a moderate impact and three successes a major impact.

    * Broaden the results of a success: For example, with a successful intelligence roll, you may learn related information while seeking information, gain inspiration into a villain's motives during an investigation or set a tank on fire in just the right place while calculating a sniper shot. Multiple successes allow you to make more broad checks, with each one a link to the next.

    * Redefine the results of success in some way: For example, with a successful Intelligence roll, you may 'branch out' into getting insight into someone's motivation, apply the result of Intelligence to another ranking in some way (for example, knowing precisely how to lift a car for maximum effect) or come up with a new hypothesis off of an existing theory.

    In most cases, opposed rolls can be solved by directly comparing the Ranking and the opposed modifier. For example, with an average lifting weight of 50 lbs., it would take Strength 27 to successfully move The Golden Gate bridge every time. Where either this or the Difficulties system are applicable, a player may use either, depending on which is more advantageous to them.

    When opposing an opponent with Rankings in combat, each success allows you to inflict a condition of your choosing on them; one success allows for minor conditions (such as being deafened, being made rigid in one arm or being influenced in a particular direction), two successes allows for moderate conditions (such as being deafened and blinded, being paralyzed in one extremity or being compelled to do something) and three successes allows for severe conditions (such as being crippled, fully paralyzed, being fully controlled or knocked unconscious). Furthermore, if they are striking to kill, conditions count as one higher, with the fourth degree being the immediate death of that character. Finally, conditions stack with each other; two one degree conditions become a second degree condition, a first and second degree condition a third one, and so on.

    When you fail on a Ranking check, one of three things may happen: in cases where there are no major consequences, nothing may happen. Secondly, the opposed party may use them against you as if they got an equal number of successes on the Ranking check. Finally, the GM may use them to set up obstacles against you directly!

    Abilities are similar to Rankings in many ways, but are less about sheer strength in one area and are more about having options. In other words, Rankings supplies raw power, while Abilities add flexibility to your character. Abilities can include a variety of things, from an HQ with features to security clearance to influence and wealth to even outright superpowers! Abilities go up from 1, doubling on each iteration; examples are:

    1 Point - Something ordinary and useful.
    Examples - A fit body, good looks, a modest pool of wealth, moderate status in an organization (such as being a boss in a conveniance store), a rare and valuable device (such as a smartphone in a poor country or a high-quality computer in a rich one), etc.

    2 Points - Something extraordinary and powerful.
    Examples - An Olympian body, model-level looks, a large pool of wealth, high status in an organization (such as a management position over multiple stores), a very rare and valuable device (such as a supercomputer), etc.

    4 Points - Something superhuman on a small to moderate level, and the mortal abilities that match them.
    Examples - A superhumanly strong body, able to lift several tons; reliable ESP; the ability to generate flames that can reach over a thousand degrees; the ability to fly; most superpowers without any extra conditions (positive or negative). Millionaire wealth; C-suite status; most futuristic technology, such as a supercomputer that can accurately predict the future or can fit on a laptop, controllable and useful nanomachines or a suit of powered armor.

    8 Points - Something superhuman on a moderate to large level, and the mortal abilities that match them.
    Examples - Healing that can affect many at a time, whole-suite psychic and/or magic abilities, the ability to lift over a hundred tons, long-range teleportation; most superpowers with positive conditions (such as flame generation that is precise on an atomic level, explosions that don't hurt oneself and their allies, healing that can resurrect the dead); Billionaire wealth; CEO status and/or majority shares in a large company; high futuristic technology, such as a starship, a humngeous mecha or a bulk teleporter.

    16 Points - Something superhuman on a large to massive level, and the mortal abilities that match them.
    Examples - Reality warping, massive 'aura' abilities (such as granting immortality, regeneration, healing, etc. in a mile-wide radius), interplanetary teleportation; most superpowers with multiple positive conditions (such as phoenix flames that are precise and can heal the living, explosions that don't hurt oneself and their allies and disintegrate anything they come in contact to, healing that can resurrect the dead and can work on nothing); Trillionaire wealth, being the president of a large and powerful country; incredibly futuristic technology, such as a huge and advanced starship, a humngeous mecha with superpowers, part of a Dyson Swarm.

    32 points - Anything greater; godlike abilities and power.

    x0.125 - Something that is a large to massive setback or loss to something.
    Examples - One good-looking feature on an otherwise average body, a pool of wealth that can only be applied towards one thing with other conditions attached, magical abilities that bring you to the brink of death.

    x0.25 - Something that is a moderate to large setback or loss to something.
    Examples - A good looking body but an ugly face, or vice versa; a pool of wealth that can only be applied towards one thing; magical abilities that require significant sacrifice.

    x0.5 - Something that is a small to moderate setback or loss to something.
    Examples - A good looking body but an average face, or vice versa; a pool of wealth that can only be applied towards certain things; magical abilities that require components and focus.

    x1 - Something that's an equal balance from one side to the other.
    Examples - Healing that works on objects instead of people, a slightly less strong body for a strong and flexible one, average looks with a striking personality.

    x1.25 - Something that is a small to moderate boon or addition to something.
    Examples - A good-looking body with one extraordinary feature, a magician specialized in one school of magic who is still good at all others, a starship with an extraordinarily powerful weapon.

    x1.5 - Something that is a moderate to large boon or addition to something.
    Examples - A beautiful face but a good-looking body, or vice versa; a magician with immense skill and power in one school of magic who is still good at all others; a starship with two extraordinarily powerful features.

    x2 - Something that is a large to massive boon or addition to something.
    Examples - An extraordinary face and body; a magician with immense skill and power in all schools of magic; an extraordinary starship in every way.

    x4 - Anything greater; godlike ability and power within this arena.

    Abilities multiply and divide additively and subtractively; for example, two x2 modifiers to an 8 point ability would cost 24, not 32. Abilities give you the ability to use your Rankings (or lack thereof) more often in a variety of ways; additionally, whenever they would apply, you may add the unmodified or the modified (whichever is larger) number as a bonus on your roll.

    Complications are anything that makes your character's life harder, in exchange for more power elsewhere. In exchange for taking these on, characters get more points to spend on their Rankings, Abilities and Modifications. Complications can range from a nuisance (such as having a bad morning every Monday to a minor task a few times a week) to the challenging (such as a demanding schedule or a rigorous job) and even the overtly harmful (such as a threat to your family or losing power when touched by a certain material).

    Complications have two categories - Frequency and Severity. Frequency is how often and how relevant a Complication is, while Severity is how harsh and impactful it is. These multiply with each other, giving a total amount of points gained for your character. The modifiers are -

    x1 - Very rare to rare frequency.
    Examples - A werewolf who transforms on the full moon, a person who is unknown or kept safe and out of sight, a vow that has little demands or is upheld rarely.
    x2 - Rare to uncommon frequency.
    Examples - A fire conjurer who loses all power in the rain, a witch reliant on incantations and gestures for her powers, a fae who is wounded by cold iron.
    x4 - Uncommon to common frequency.
    Examples - A mage who loses all power when touched by any sort of iron, a vampire who must regularly drink blood, a druid who loses power when not around nature.
    x8 - Common to everyday frequency.
    Examples - A conjurer who is depowered by the color yellow, a witch who melts when exposed to water, being blind without any compensating superpowers.

    x1 - Very low to low severity.
    Examples - A threat to someone you don't know and without any major consequences, a slight disability (such as losing a small part of your vision), a small requirement (such as speaking a single word or gesturing with your pinkie finger).
    x2 - Low to moderate severity.
    Examples - A threat to an acquantance, a moderate disability (such as being seriously vision-impaired), a moderate requirement (such as speaking an incantation or waving your hand).
    x4 - Moderate to high severity.
    Examples - A threat to a friend or family member, a severe disability (such as being blind), a serious requirement (such as performing a ritual or paying with your lifeforce).
    x8 - High to critical severity.
    Examples - A threat to a romantic interest, a direct threat to your life, the permanent or long-lasting loss of all your power, wealth, status, etc.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Do you have any examples of a character made with your system?

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2024

    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Accidentally posted twice, sorry.
    Last edited by ProgressPaladin; 2024-05-16 at 11:39 AM.
    For every battle lost, there is a battle won.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Jan 2024

    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    I am very interested, but can’t use Discord. Is there a way I could play without? If there isn’t, no worries.
    For every battle lost, there is a battle won.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    I’m interested I’ll think on concepts

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2024

    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Interested if I'm reading it right and most of this is done by post. (I have some Discord limitations due to my schedule.)

    I also have a few general concepts I'm turning around in my head.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Colossus in the Playground
    JNAProductions's Avatar

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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    I also would like to see some sample PCs.

    But, I'll take a stab at something...

    Asylum has a base.
    However, I've spent 20 points and regained 8, for a net of 12 spent. 100 points is a LOT.
    I have a LOT of Homebrew!

    Spoiler: Former Avatars
    Spoiler: Avatar (Not In Use) By Linkele

    Spoiler: Individual Avatar Pics

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Jan 2024

    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
    I also would like to see some sample PCs.

    But, I'll take a stab at something...

    Asylum has a base.
    However, I've spent 20 points and regained 8, for a net of 12 spent. 100 points is a LOT.
    I think the OP may be trying to go for god-like power. He designed the system, so I would think he would know the power level.
    For every battle lost, there is a battle won.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Troll in the Playground

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    Mar 2012

    mad Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Well... I fell in love with a character I built for a Game that got rejected.

    I think One Ear, liberated wizard's familiar, might be adapted to this setting.
    GNU Terry Pratchett
    Survived Total War: Mandate of Heaven as The Witch-Doctors
    Thrived in Empire! 7 as the Sakura-Jin

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    I would also like to verify my understanding.

    A Mage who has to use Incantations or Gestures (always one of them) (frequency x2, full incantation or arm motion for severity x2) wanting a precise enough Telekinesis to basically have godlike control over everything around them would be: 32 points... but the complication is x2 + x2. And while the cost of Abilities is additive (2 x2s add up to x3), the complications multiply for x4...

    Does that mean I'd have to spend 8 points for that 32 point power (8 points x4 for complications) or that it would cost 32 points, but I'd have 400 points to spend, or that if I spent 50 points on Rankings, that my remaining 50 would get an x4 for 200 points on Abilities?

    EDIT: I think I misread, and read the option below... or would that Witch with Gestures and Incantations x2 x2 have 104 points instead of the base 100, of which that telekinesis would cost the standard 32, leaving 72 points unspent instead of the base 68 it would be without that complication?
    Last edited by Naysmith; 2024-05-17 at 10:01 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Troll in the Playground

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    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    I am One Ear, The Master made me to be a Good Girl.

    When he found me, I was dead. The Master gave me new life. I do not know what else he did, part of me does not wish to learn. He gave me the blood of a troll, the lungs of a dragon, fur like asbestos, claws like steel.

    When he gave me a soul and a mind, he taught me magic, because I was too scatterbrained to learn science. I wish only his studies had helped others as they helped me.

    All he asked was my loyalty. But, when the Apex Avengers came for him, I knew I could not fight them. I rolled on my back and mewed like a kitten, and they showed mercy.

    Perhaps The Master will forgive me, one day.

    Now I serve Humanity, as I choose to believe The Master wants. He is not a well man, and I hope he learns from his time in prison.

    Spoiler: One Ear synopsis

    A talking, magical Frankenstein's monster of a housecat, One Ear has an unhealthy willingness to believe in the inner goodness of the unrepentant mad scientist who created her, but is otherwise a charming and right-thinking person.

    Spoiler: Build, Work in Progress

    Rankings- 90

    "Strong as a moderate superhuman while still a cat" 12

    "Agility of a moderate super-human" 6

    "Hardiness of a troll" 15

    "Human intellect compared, to being a cat" 12

    "Shadowsense" 12

    "Can talk like a human, but is a cat" 12

    "Extreme luck 12"

    "Is kitteh!" 12

    "Technological literacy" 6

    Powers- 64

    Noctumancy- 32

    Kleptomancy- 8

    Dungeonpunk Frankenstein (dragon bits)-8

    Dungeonpunk Frankenstein-
    (Troll bits) -8

    Dungeonpunk Frankenstein (cyberware)-8


    Is a cat (8 severity, 8 frequency)

    Devotion to The Master (severity 1, frequency 1)
    Last edited by Feathersnow; 2024-05-17 at 04:49 PM.
    GNU Terry Pratchett
    Survived Total War: Mandate of Heaven as The Witch-Doctors
    Thrived in Empire! 7 as the Sakura-Jin

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    I'll put my foot in the door here, but I need a bit more time to decide on my... well, "yes."

    It's a bit easier for me to do this stuff on a weekend, but I didn't want to miss the chance to express interest in this banger of an idea.
    There are 1d20 types of people in the world: people that always roll natural 1 when it matters.

    I don't know why, but I think more people have studied linguistics than I have.
    ...yes, the above sentence is in fact meaningless. But you did a double-take, didn't you?

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Also getting a foot in. Would also be intrested in seeing an example villain from the dm to be honest to get a feel for just how bonkers he expects 100 point characters to be.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Mar 2024

    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Quote Originally Posted by Feathersnow View Post
    In the spirit of making characters to demonstrate commitment to playing:

    Okay, I think I figured out the true mechanic of the complications.

    Spoiler: Nyx basis

    Nyx is a young and prodigal ritual mage with some quick-and-dirty cantrips that can be done faster. She's generally polite and reserved, though she can ditch that if someone is truly infuriating. She is a powerful sorceress, seeking to escape her dark urges and her demonic heritage. (Why yes, she's meant to be Raven from DC with a few bonuses).

    Spoiler: point buy

    Points: 124/124 (complications 24)

    Rankings: (33)
    Strength: 5 (usually functionally low-level superhuman)
    Dexterity: 5 (usually functionally low-level superhuman)
    Constitution: 5 (usually functionally low-level superhuman)
    Intelligence: 10 (can usually do high-level superhuman stuff)
    Wisdom: 6 (can usually do advanced human things)
    Charisma: 2 (can usually do advanced human things)
    Limited Rankings: none

    Abilities: (91)
    1: Good Looks
    2 x2: Access to a Significant Library for Research, Rare and powerful book of magic
    4 x4: Flight, Force Fields, Immortality, Short-Range Teleportation (functionally x0.5 to long-range)
    6: Shadow Magic (not bound to rituals) with Moderate Boon (x1.5) shadows are tangible
    8: Interplanetary Teleportation with Moderate (x0.5) modification: Rituals only (can't use in combat without it being a whole thing)
    12 x2: Magic suite of powers with Moderate (x0.5) modification: Rituals only (can't use in combat without it being a whole thing), and Immense Skill in All Magic (x2). 8 base, -4 Rituals Only, +8 immense skill, Psychic suite of powers with modification x1.5 (Immense Power: can force someone to confront their inner evils until they come to peace with who they are and want to be. Can be used to reveal if someone is irredeemably evil or if there's sufficient good in them)
    16 x2: Inter-dimensional Teleportation, Telekinesis with Godlike Power (x4 modifier)

    Complications: (24)
    Backlash (4): (Rare-uncommon x2 frequency, Low-moderate severity x2: damaged when using non-Ritual magic)
    Enemies (4): (Very Rare x1 (enemies don't often show up), Severity x4 (Any Friends))
    Repressed Fury (4): (Very Rare x1 (when using psychic powers and sensing powerful anger), Severity x4 (nearly berserk))
    Spellcraft (4): Reliant on Incantations (Rare-uncommon x2 frequency, Low-moderate severity x2 full Incantation and not just a word)
    Uncanny (8): Disconcerting anyone around me who doesn't know her (Everyday x8, low severity x1)
    Last edited by Naysmith; 2024-05-18 at 01:58 AM.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Troll in the Playground

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    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    I'm not at all sure I did mine right, tbh. The idea I had for abilities was "she can manipulate shadows, steal/mimic other powers, and has the abilities of a troll, dragon, and cyber-samurai" but only the basics, because she's an apprentice who was built that way. Also my setting rankings based on cat-typical and then taking "is a cat" as a disadvantage probably cost more points than working from human standards and figuring every disadvantage that comes with being a talking cat, so I went with that. It was also simpler

    Furthermore, her powers all in some way augment her natural catness. Her shadow magic is powerful, but she can only control it to do things like "be lucky in areas of insufficient light" or "the shadows make the targets I pounce at unable to flee" and "Kleptomancy" let's her steal or Torment things she already pinned.
    Last edited by Feathersnow; 2024-05-18 at 07:42 AM.
    GNU Terry Pratchett
    Survived Total War: Mandate of Heaven as The Witch-Doctors
    Thrived in Empire! 7 as the Sakura-Jin

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Spoiler: Kilshamaiseidi'urakheiszor "Star-talons"

    (keel-Shah-my-Say-dee-Oo-rah-KHAYS-zor; translation "Talons of starlight pierce the sky")

    A primordial, or spirit of nature and the elements, tasked from inception with protecting the world and all within it, Kilshamaiseidi'urakheiszor (known as "Star-talons" to those who'd rather not attempt pronouncing his real name) resembles a gargantuan bird made of something that resembles a starry night sky in his true form. As this is often an inconvenience when attempting to hang around mortals and those who are not used to bodies of primordial energy the size of several buildings, he also has a far more convenient physical body that is what most people see. Even so, this astral body, present in the parallel spirit world, can always be felt by others nearby, giving an unnerving air to his presence. His powers are a duality of light and void — the radiance that powers all life and the nothingness that is its inevitable destination.
    Having a dual domain is rare even among primordials, and Star-talons has powers that are broad in scope, intuitive in nature, and devastating in intensity. Light allows healing, energy projection, and flight via electromagnetic field; void allows matter deconstruction and disintegration, heat dissipation, and gravity manipulation. Blasts of power, the eponymous talon-shaped appendages of raw primordial energy, and gravity waves are his favored attack forms. Besides flight and extreme resilience and regeneration, the physiology of a primordial grants exceptional perception, the ability to see in darkness and through illusions as well as into the spirit/astral world, and vast reserves of energy to fuel these world-shaking abilities.
    Being tasked with worldly protection means frequent trips out of his way to ensure a defiler or two is put in their place or to protect some natural preserve or the like, and these can often be dangerous quests. In addition to his unnerving presence, Star-talons is also rather uncomfortable in cities, which can make the hero business somewhat awkward. He frequently must rely on his clever intuition to work around these complications, and his speed and power are tools he can use to overcome the challenges presented to him by those who might take that which is not theirs from the world that is their only home.

    Rankings (52):

    Strong 5 (Strength)
    Swift 14 (Dexterity/Speed)
    Spirited 15 (Charisma/Spirit)
    Clever 9 (Intelligence)
    Quick 4 (Wisdom)
    Tough 5 (Constitution)

    Abilities (80):

    Primordial Domain (Dual) [Void|Light] (64)
    Primordial Physiology [Avian-Form] (16)

    Complications (32):
    Bound to Serve [Worldly/Nature] (16: Severity 4, Frequency 4)
    Agoraphobia (8: Severity 1, Frequency 8)
    Unnerving (8: Severity 1, Frequency 8)

    ...geez, my conlang results in ridiculously long names, c'est la vie I guess. Or rather, szath bakirin al'atem-han kur...1
    1: "That's just exactly what happens when you're a person," basically "that's called being alive"

    God I'm such a nerd
    Last edited by Aleph Null; 2024-05-26 at 10:16 AM.
    There are 1d20 types of people in the world: people that always roll natural 1 when it matters.

    I don't know why, but I think more people have studied linguistics than I have.
    ...yes, the above sentence is in fact meaningless. But you did a double-take, didn't you?

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    I hate to burst bubbles, but Killerkat has started three recruitment and disappeared for months right after creating them. Unless someone wants to take up the mantle and make the game happen with the rules provided, assume that the game isn't going to happen.

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Quote Originally Posted by Feirgon View Post
    I hate to burst bubbles, but Killerkat has started three recruitment and disappeared for months right after creating them. Unless someone wants to take up the mantle and make the game happen with the rules provided, assume that the game isn't going to happen.
    I wasn't unaware, I just like building characters. That said, if Killerkat stays missing, how would people feel about me picking this up with One Ear as a GMPC?
    GNU Terry Pratchett
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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Quote Originally Posted by Feathersnow View Post
    I wasn't unaware, I just like building characters. That said, if Killerkat stays missing, how would people feel about me picking this up with One Ear as a GMPC?
    I'd be chill with that. :)
    I have a LOT of Homebrew!

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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
    I'd be chill with that. :)
    I second the motion.
    There are 1d20 types of people in the world: people that always roll natural 1 when it matters.

    I don't know why, but I think more people have studied linguistics than I have.
    ...yes, the above sentence is in fact meaningless. But you did a double-take, didn't you?

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    This happening after all would be great I was about to put something together.

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    I am very busy this week. If Killerkat does not resurface by a week from Monday, (That is, June 3rd), I will take the reigns on the following day, assuming I am not sequestered in Jury Duty.

    If they do, I hope they forgive my presumptuous nature.
    GNU Terry Pratchett
    Survived Total War: Mandate of Heaven as The Witch-Doctors
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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    If it's still forum-based, then I'm still in but I'd just want to amend my sheet for some issues I didn't realize at first.

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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Added a new ability to Asylum, and upped basic stats.
    I have a LOT of Homebrew!

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    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Got a little flying brick type somewhat together.

    Spoiler: Shooting Star, the Girl Who Fell to Earth

    The child of two worlds Shooting Star was born in the distant Dracon Star Empire to a human mother. Raised in a militant empire Star joined the military at a young age and became a warframe pilot, until a losing battle cost her the love of her life and sent her hurtling out of the sky. Half draconian she has always possessed abilities well beyond the ordinary residents of Earth, but as she was about to burn up upon re-entry her powers manifest stronger then ever before. Having lost all taste for killing and war Star abandoned the empire and fled to earth.

    RANKINGS [55]
    15 Power
    15 Resilience
    10 Adeptness
    05 Intelligence
    05 Awareness
    00 Charisma

    Limited [5]
    -- 02 Intimidation [½]
    -- 02 Muscian [½]
    -- 06 Advanced Physics [¼]
    -- 06 Military Strategy [¼]

    ABILITIES [73]
    32 Utter Invincibility
    16 Titanic Strength
    08 Perfect Flight
    04 Heat Generation
    04 Telepathy

    08 Draconi Warframe [32/4: -½ Long Recharge + -¼ In Storage]
    01 Remote Island Hideout

    08 Love Interest (1 Fr, 8 Sv)
    08 Resident Alien (4 Fr, 2 Sv)
    08 World of Cardboard (4 Fr, 2 Sv)
    04 Veteran of Very Foreign Wars (2 Fr, 2 Sv)
    Last edited by Soras Teva Gee; 2024-05-27 at 04:58 PM.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    It's interesting, but 100 point feels like a lot, like 8 points is a starship, give it x2 to make it extraordinary in every way, and it already feels like power of a character. Heck, 32 points in magic would seem to desribe something like lv 20 DnD/PF wizard.

    Then there is a case of rankings. Seems very broad. Think of how WotD has 9 base ability scores, while D&D has 6. With some clever wording you might squash it it even more. Imagine something like "Might", sounds a lot like Strength & Constitution, and on top of that, you might justify applying it rolls on fierpower of your ship.

    Another was to think just how crazy 100 points is, looking at D&D with it 6 rankings, get them all to 14 (84 points total) and DC 15(task that a god-like superhuman can perform) is you on a bad day

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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Quote Originally Posted by Greenflame133 View Post
    It's interesting, but 100 point feels like a lot, like 8 points is a starship, give it x2 to make it extraordinary in every way, and it already feels like power of a character. Heck, 32 points in magic would seem to desribe something like lv 20 DnD/PF wizard.

    Then there is a case of rankings. Seems very broad. Think of how WotD has 9 base ability scores, while D&D has 6. With some clever wording you might squash it it even more. Imagine something like "Might", sounds a lot like Strength & Constitution, and on top of that, you might justify applying it rolls on fierpower of your ship.

    Another was to think just how crazy 100 points is, looking at D&D with it 6 rankings, get them all to 14 (84 points total) and DC 15(task that a god-like superhuman can perform) is you on a bad day
    Tbf I think the high scale is the point, but also I wonder if the numeric stuff for ratings was misaligned
    There are 1d20 types of people in the world: people that always roll natural 1 when it matters.

    I don't know why, but I think more people have studied linguistics than I have.
    ...yes, the above sentence is in fact meaningless. But you did a double-take, didn't you?

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Quote Originally Posted by Aleph Null View Post
    Tbf I think the high scale is the point, but also I wonder if the numeric stuff for ratings was misaligned
    Honestly, yes. This is clearly a four-color, golden age comics set up where our enemies are either doomed or actual gods. That said, I feel these numbers could be lower or the disadvantage system could be capped.
    GNU Terry Pratchett
    Survived Total War: Mandate of Heaven as The Witch-Doctors
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  29. - Top - End - #29
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Joining the chorus on the 100 points being intentionally big, this is for building Big 7 Justice Leaguers or close to it not 'got-my-powers-last-week' newest X-men/MHA character.

    Thing is however you do your abilities you have... as written they technically don't do anything. Like Star technically would roll 1d6+15 whether I spent 16 points on super strength or none. To me this lends itself to handling powers very narratively and at the table. That is to say whatever you want to do roll dice to decide. Like high super strength, sure Star can chuck tanks around as long as they are mooks but the villainous Tankmaster has Tank Piloting 15, rolls better and manages to make that baby dance just out of Shooting Star's grip before she hurls it into space. Other example could be sure you can lift that but can you lift that school bus but can you do that and then safely set it down without hurting the passengers in 1 turn? Roll and find out.

    Of course powers like magic or telekinesis can do "anything" but I think a simple way to handle that is... do one thing at a time. Let's say your magic is busy holding open the portal to Earth well you can't summon magical defenses to protect you while doing that. Gotta buy a separate Magic Forcefield for that.

    Aside from these interpretations I might suggest we consider bigger dice with an expand DC range.

    Like I've dealt FATE before and my main gripe is that once you cut through all the English class practical exercise in creative writing and character development... rolling dice is very nearly pointless because the effective range is -1 to 1 is so you will not get lucky on anything you aren't good at.

    1d6 isn't as bad maybe but I think we might have more variation and fun with a little more chance in the mix, like maybe 1d10 with DCs going to 20 or 1d20 up to 30.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guardians of Tomorrowville (Superhero game, custom system)

    Quote Originally Posted by Soras Teva Gee View Post
    Joining the chorus on the 100 points being intentionally big, this is for building Big 7 Justice Leaguers or close to it not 'got-my-powers-last-week' newest X-men/MHA character.

    Thing is however you do your abilities you have... as written they technically don't do anything. Like Star technically would roll 1d6+15 whether I spent 16 points on super strength or none. To me this lends itself to handling powers very narratively and at the table. That is to say whatever you want to do roll dice to decide. Like high super strength, sure Star can chuck tanks around as long as they are mooks but the villainous Tankmaster has Tank Piloting 15, rolls better and manages to make that baby dance just out of Shooting Star's grip before she hurls it into space. Other example could be sure you can lift that but can you lift that school bus but can you do that and then safely set it down without hurting the passengers in 1 turn? Roll and find out.

    Of course powers like magic or telekinesis can do "anything" but I think a simple way to handle that is... do one thing at a time. Let's say your magic is busy holding open the portal to Earth well you can't summon magical defenses to protect you while doing that. Gotta buy a separate Magic Forcefield for that.

    Aside from these interpretations I might suggest we consider bigger dice with an expand DC range.

    Like I've dealt FATE before and my main gripe is that once you cut through all the English class practical exercise in creative writing and character development... rolling dice is very nearly pointless because the effective range is -1 to 1 is so you will not get lucky on anything you aren't good at.

    1d6 isn't as bad maybe but I think we might have more variation and fun with a little more chance in the mix, like maybe 1d10 with DCs going to 20 or 1d20 up to 30.
    This is a good point. My first Instinct is to increase all DC's by 2/3 and then use a d8.

    As for powers- my powers have few if any modifications. This, I am interpreting to mean I have only the weakest, most literal versions. Like- if Amazo tries to copy Johnny Storm, he ends up burning himself. I have godlike shadow magic- only useful for things cats can already do.

    Modifications are things like "cast spells with magic" or "steal the best power instead of the flashiest."
    GNU Terry Pratchett
    Survived Total War: Mandate of Heaven as The Witch-Doctors
    Thrived in Empire! 7 as the Sakura-Jin

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